lE= NM VOLUME XVI.- -NUMB VIE POTTER JOURgA" • .I.q.ipLISI-IZD BY , , 0. W. Illicliarney; Proprietor. $1.50 PR YE.Sii, , VVARIABLT 1 , 1 iDVAIICE. 4 * *Devoted to the cause of Republicanism, The interests of 4,griculture, the advancement of EduCation, and the best good of Potter county. Owning po guide , except that of Principle, it will endeavor to aid in the work . of more fully Freedomizing our Country. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the following rates, 'except where special bargains are made. 1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, - - $1 00 " 3 " -- - 200 • Each subsequent insertionless than 13, ,4 1 Square three months, u 7 - 1 " six. " -- - - - 700 1 " nine " 10.00 1 " one - - - -12 00 •1 .Column !six months, 30. 00 " " "17 00 " " "" - XlO 00 " • per year. - - - - -do Op " .1 " " -- - --- - - 50 00 Administrator's or Executor - s Notice, 1 3.00 IBusiitess Cards, 8 lines or less, per yea'r 0 00 :SpeCiaand lidit'arial Niytices, per line, 20 4* 11 transient advertisemeilts, must:be patid in advance, and no notice will be, taken of advertisements from a distance, unlesp they ere accompanie& by the money or satisfactory reference. **Blanks, and Job Work of all kinds, at tended to promptly and faithfuny. S 1 NESS CAR 'FrOe and 'Accepted Ancient York Alasons. EULALLI LODGE, NO. 342, F. A. M.' STATED Meetings on the 2nd and 4thWednes days'of each. month. Also Masonic gather; dpgs on - every Wednesday Eirening, for work ii.nd practice, at their Hall in Coudersport. D. C. LAMMED, W. 3.1.. . M. W. MeALAnNEY,ficey. JOHN: S. MANN, ATTORNEY .INIJ COUNSELLOR AT LAW, COrlerspoft,,Pa., will attend the several 'iittourts in Pottevand M'Reau Counties. All /business entrusted. in , his -care will receive •Trompt. attention. Office corner of West : - .and. Third. streets. ARTHUR CT. O.I,3ISTED • . 'ATTORNEY •S: COUNSELLOR Co.uiltwort,Xa., will attend to.all busines . •vutrusN4 - ... to his care, prC iliptueS :31 LI E.lt:ity.gPflice on Soth-west comer of liain d Fourth streets. ISAAC BE SON: ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa.; will .attedd 'to all business entrusted to. him, with 'care and promptness. Ofti4:on Second st., near the Alleuheurdiridge. )7. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT Coudersport, Pa., will regularly attend the Courts in Potter and the adjoining coutttras. • 0. T. ELLiSON, PRACTICING - P\LIY - SICIALY., Coudersport, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and vicinity that he will promply re spond to sa.talls for professional seryiees. Office on c , !:tin st.. in building . formerly Oc cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. - C. S. &E.A. J ONES w _ DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICLNES, PAINTS 'Oils, Faiity Articles, StatiOnSery, Dry - Good:, Gioceries, kc,, Mairst., COnderswort, Pa. 01,31 DEALER TiT D.RI7 GOODS i READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Grocerios; Sc_, Main st. Col/der:sport, Pa. COLLINS SMITH, DEALER 1n Dry-Goott s,Grocries, Provisions, Hardwaxe, Queensware..,entlery, and all Goods usually found in a .country :Store.— Conifers. or Nov. 27, ISG1: ' . con) ii t), U. , psPoRT HOTEL, D.. F. '1,.,-I.SSN't Iti , l, Proprietor. Cartier o= Main and Seto :Pa. d Streets, Coudersport, Pot . ter Co., ' • . A., Livery , table IS also kept in connect tion kith this Hgtel. ' . - , H. 3. OLMSTED , DEALER IN STOVES, TINS SHEET IRON WARS,• Main.st., nearly opposite the Cdurt Honse, Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on •short notice. , ' WM, 11. ..J. C. M'AiiitNEY.. - /MILLER Sc. 11 ATTORNEYS-AT-LA:W. -_. HARRISBURG, PA., ' GENTS for. the Collection -of Clait 1 - 1. against the United States and State GOT ernments, such as Pension, Bounty, Arreat3 of Pay &c. Addrese Bdx Narrisburg, Pa. Pension Bounty and 'War C AgencY: . • - 111111X,ICSI05. ; S procured for soldiers of the j ...I_•present , War who. are disabled by reaso wounds received or disease contractracted while in the service of the United States and' 'pensions, bdunty, and arrears of pay obtained for, widows or heirs of arose who have died or 'been killed While in service. All lettm of inquiry promtly answered, and On receipt by mail of a statement of the !ase of clainfanc will fortard the necessary' papers fore their signature. • "Fees in Pension cases as fixed by • REFERENCES.-11011. ISAAC BENSON, lion. A. G: OLusimn, J. S...LANN, Esq.. W. liNox, Esq. / DAN BAKER, • Claim Agent Couderliort Pa: • June 8, '64.-ly HOW/.RD ASSOCIATION, - - PHILADELPHIA, PA.' TOSEIASES of the Nervous, Seminal Min. rrand se.yual.s3 stems—rien• and reliable treatment—'in reports' of the HOWARD- AS7 SOGIATIO.N—seat by mail in sealed let er envelopes, free of charge. - Address, Dr, T. • SKILLIN 110IIOETON, Hofrard Asseciatioi , No. '2,Scloth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa; ,V 131864, ' • - MB MIL i • • . . u ..... it I --. 1 I . . . At G - • „ , 11- _ . ~ ------,,,,,......_ i 1 , , • , 0_ ._.,-,-,--- ~. 1 i i, . • . . . R 38. [Fhbfished tosl - request.] 1 ' THE ,BATTLE 01:11,F ILINGSTON' T T: A nn; " -- t n 1 1 ior . p v BY .......... Or Co .v. v 4 "101ST ...SGT., -. . t i I . -7 --- Oh, listen, while I tell l iyou boys, , . i'l • Of Kingston's blod fight, .. ; 1 The deaf uing pears-111 e cannon's noise, .Perhaps.you heard ttnd saw that sight. ;i'; • ' ' - Wle niebthe fde infor4tS deep, ' Of pine and swamp and thickets,f ; Our Union boys and:;Rebels-meet, ~. ' - ;And wia drive in their pickets. I 1 ; I 1 The morrt hq. dawned-the Sabbath day ) 4 lf bat God lias made 13.11 a. blest; / / For all his pelople 'WI th4ir way,/ " to that Ileavfoty ;land of rest. 1 • ; . -', / • ' • ti l title a sullen foe before ~. 5 wait , A coming term is near, And each one thinits oficoming• fate l c very ,Apprbaching le f ar. 1 • 1 . • 1 .. What's this coming downthe lane,' lairitio. such "a rattle 7 `Tis ourL'guns—you see the iron train, Coming into battle. 1 • And now they've passed our picket pos And planted. alltheir guns They've opened on: the rebel llost, Along our line itruns. • , , -, Bang, I bang! the Inigbty cannon roar, •In awful thunder drbad, ' I 1 And through the trees the missiles ,or The b r ranehes- o'er their heads. ' 1 1 • • . . ... And now our forces .marches down And deploys oli; Other side, They. now are on the battle ground Where many comrades died. They lieir our guns , they hear our shells, That passes o'er their heads, Oar ivheteabouts it surgy tells . For them to huid thCir lead. • - We met them in -a, swampy mire, Where they/ivele all concealed, To raise aad.pour a deadly fire And drike'us from the field, / • Oh, fearful 15 the rattle now anus otr ev'i : y side,' While blood is gos,hing from the brow, , And wounds are opened wide. At last the order'comes•to charge, The glittering steel is Set, - n. As heroes brave,'whose hearts are large ) Our; force and their's met. Charge oa, u/y• bnYs, ontL.poloriel's shunt, We'll surely make therri yield l 'And charging on they drOve them oat And von the battle field. The rout's complet - , the reh=ds run, „ The victory's tlO v complete, With here and the .e a rebel gun They left in Wei retreat, • II Irinick theb They're making T4y're trying to SS tefore tbe bridgi bt T. ?d4 reached the To stoii the burl Of Aar add 'pitch; al And g,unt :titrOni Th' e fire's lint out, but. some have deafning yell hunt grandeur f.Six hundred fix , f . i :WhOse litartsia Otir fallen rontra Like Abel'sblo Oh. cornrades, we Mlle lonely spot Th 4 host of trait° Vust vengeanCe 11 1 ..-ks l long as Ufe, p IThel g ravcs! m I The heroes dust t, Who fell the ..TLic 'following isuggestiems by an old J. skater belonging t i o a New York Skatin ,, . , Clu 3, will be found adapted to the season, I and we are sure Ca wouldr, be read with, profit i I I I I advise beginners, in selecting lates, to simmer= with ' siii. j ilttly grooved runnerS, .as the 'smooth kind /I 1 thobgh best'adap ed for proficient skaters,' are I someivhat dan ,, erous at first: They , 1 ' I,'" may Ibe readily janopted after tlik riidi- I moots ja:e acquiWd, and, any cutter will grind a pair of gr oved miners into flat ones for 15 cts.l il .t.. -stout boot; hould be worn, heed high on the ankle, and, furnished with a lied' capable of; admitting the hebl peg, if required. The sole of, the skate should be Of the same length as theshopjand all EM#.eilduous stra4ing should be avoided as it prevents , eiremlation,and the'benumb , Jed foUt May be ; lfrozen before the skaterj is aware. \ .K. light stick or pole held in I th l hand Will be I found'useful at first, bu?' .th sooner ii \ ca', ,be dispensed With, the 1 i be ter. j Chaos 'ice which has ' been j slightly roughen d by skaters, 'and begin fearfesslY but tie' in a hurry. Delibera• Goa jwili ensure ce, but speed 'must be , attained by pra6 ice: j Keep the feet near. I t togtheer; the an le' Of the right"foot firm, the knee bent; nil too body inclined ij slightly, throws g its ,ght on the for , jck ,ward j loot at st. . tibg. In Striking out, thb left foot silo ldart at an angle of 6ddgrees from the center of the riiht, af 1 which, in turn ; itai4st strike , oat from the . 1 E= - :i' k . ~, I Mi 1 I I U higetliey're passing o'er, or the town, ake the other shoili burns down. ruing bridgain tima ing train id turpentine, in the flame: , we flank them there, i tossed 4.he stream, 1: now rent the ait, 'to the scene. !II in our hands, e stepped in guilt es in the hands, A u was split. will ever mind, you fell, s soon will find meet them well. , let tne • I t•emeraber, ere you will find [1 Su.. urteenth of December— o Skat ers. Iffints COUDERSPORT, POTTER. COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY . 11, 1.865, left a; the same angle in an oppisitedirec tion. Each stroke should be slightly curved, and as log as, mossible, as the great aim in skating is, cdhile moving, to b2lande the body on one foot at a time.— Care inn'st be taken, to strike out evenly 'and equally with each foot, or a jerlt . ' , o' and awkward motion will be acquired. ,/The arms should not be swung, but gently. raised, alternately with the feet, and even then as imperceptibly as pos sible. Some of the best ')eters keep the 4 11, arms folded' in front of the dy. • We do not believe that any more direc tions 'are necessary; for after the feat of skating at all is aJcomplishe , the best instructors in the world areismoo loco' pair of good skates, and, the, attrctiodof gravitatiod. , // No exerciio can be more elightful, or, if sensibly. indulged in, m reihealthful thanekating, or better calcu atei to make young America broad-chesta and Strong leg”ed, and to turn to/teh-girf-phantom of the day into•graeeful,?ro y and, well developed womaZ It is t e abuse and not the use of2tlie 'art which has served to create a/prejudice agai st it in the minds of o. many parents a d guardians. Ist / Be careful net to ha e your skate s;rs too long, for they_ a e apt to. slip j d u mu will lneviabtly get under the ru ners, and tell the ice one of those„ secrets of which we were speaking./ . 2d. Dress warmly; Boys' clothes gen erally,- afford ample' protection from the cold"; but girls shou'ld never go upon the ice without wearing Turkish or gymnas ium trousers. ad. Never kneel lfor sit upon the ice, especially when warmed by exorcise, without useing a cushion or some , inter vening substance by way of protection. 4tb. Keep your mouth closed as much as possible while in motion; breathing through thtose only. . sth. Do n t sit down imnlediateyrafter skating without haying•an l extra garment tp throw about your shoulders. 6th. If you are'tO ride home,Aefore starting walk about for a few moments, after your skates are off. When the dis tance is not, too great, howevbr, Walking is alwayi preferable on such occasions to riding. • 7th: Dcrnot attempt to appear brave, at the expense of common sense; by ven turing upou . thin ice or near dangerous or suspictous•lookiair boles. I. • Bth, and lastly. cc nb not go skating at all whenever, by so doing; yon neglect any home or schdol duty ; for tliat is pen ny wise and pound foolish!! in the happi nese line; as you will one of these days find out to your heartis content. itaILL FOR 3'40t000 MEN A i TBOCLA_I ATIN Whereas, by the act approved July 4th 1861, en titleAn act further to regulate ) l and provide f or the enrolling and calling ' out the national forces, and for other pur- I poses," it is pl:ovideci tha the President of the United States may at his discretion 'at any time hereafter call for any number of men as r irlunteers for the respctiv terms of one,' two-or three years for mili tary service, and that , in case the quota or any part thereof, Of any town, township, ward, of a city, precinct or election dis trict, or of a county not so siibdivided f shall not be filled within the space of fif ty days after such call,:then the President shall imedietely order a draft for one year to fill such quotas or any part thereof which may pe unfilled ; and whereas, by the credits allowed in accordance with I the act of Congress on the' call for five handed thousand men, made July 18th 1864, the number of men to be obtained under that call was seduced to 280,000 ; and whereas, the opperatious of ;tic Cbollay in certain States have rendered it iinprac. finable to procure from theni their fUll: 'quotas of troortibinder the said call; and; whereas,'from tlh foregoing causes but'[ 250,000 men have Veen put ,eta the army, I navy, and marine corps, In er said` I of July,lBth 1864, leaVing deffeiency,l on that call Of - 200,000 ; now, tborefore, II Abraham Lincoln, President of ihe United' States of America, in order to supply the ' aforesaid deficiency, and to provide for casualitiei in the military and navy Soh vice of the United States, I do issue this, rw call, for, Three Hundred Thousand Volunteers to servnfor one, two or .three I years: The quotas of the States, districts and sub•district,4 under this call will be assigned by the War Department throul , h the !Donau of the Provost Marshal Gen eral of the United States, and ;in case the quota or any part, thereof, of any town, township, ward of a 'city, precinct or election district, or of a county, not so 'subdivided, shall not be filled before the ' 15th driy of Februaiy, 1865, then a.draft' shall be made will( such quota, or any part thereof, of any town, township,. ward of a city, precinct or election district, or of a - county not so subdivided, shall not" be 'filled before the 15th day of February, , 11865, then a draft shall be made to fill and/ quota, or any part , thereof under this call, which may be unfilled ;on 04 'Ztasby ha's a Difficulty 15th day of February, 1865. uy His Flock. and Leaves In testimony whereof I haVe lierewith ON2 TLin WING : Nov. 10. 1864.—The set my band and caused these of the d 9 is last All is ore I Ef Freed= United States to be'affixed. L. SO Done shreekt when Kosciusko fell, 'she must at the City of Washington(this 19th dhy have bquawkt last Toosday nice ez she of December in the- y9r of our, ord one beheld the innanymait corps uv the Dim thousand eight , .hundred and sixty four, ekratic party which, fell. crushing Little and of the Indep,nence of the United Mack, and the hopes uvsum hundred uv States Qf America the eighty ninth, good Dimekrats who spected- to be par- ABAAHAM LINCOLN. suaded by their friends in 2 aceeptin the various oasis under the Guvment. I am a lost and-ruined man.. My peple, arn uv the troo Dimekratic stripe. They, tiny faith in me. They =