The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 21, 1864, Image 2

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    There have been added to the pension
tolls, during the year endirm the 30th,of
June last. the names of 15,770 invalid
solders, and of 271 disabled seamen, wek.
ivg the'presant number of army invalid
pensioners 22,767 ;and of navy invalid
pensioners 712. •Of widowS,, orphans,
and tuothers,s2,99B have been, placed on
the army pension rolls, and 243 of this
class on the navy rolls. The present
,nuniber of army pensioners of this 'class
21Y,433; and of navy pensioners 702.- 7
At the beginning of the year the number
-t3t-Revolutionary pensioners' was 1,430:
'of tliami" were' soldiers; of l
ferhomvseven-have.-sinee died... The re•
p:Tier...are those, who, .under the laws,
receive pensioas beeatise ofiClationship to
r t y ? olqy al7 aolders. -
- z,i.Puriu2 the year eoding • 3oth of June,
,92 hav e; paid 'te
E xiiyalorielp of 411elasses. . ,
,Pu,Fgao nistxrunotts.
LLP-tcheailully commend to your contin.
AtedliatrotiagE the benevolent institutions
ottheillititriet of Columbia, which brve
'hitherto - begs:l.:established or fostered ly
tlengress, acidyespeetfully refer, fur infer.
platten concerning them and in relation
to tho Washington aqueduct, the
.tel,and - other matters of local interest, -ti)
:the report of the Secretary.
•,!lho.igricultural Department, under
Abe seperviiiiin of its present ener,... etie
Aitid faithful head, is rapidly commending
; itself,to the great and vital interests it
ileac created te,advanee. It is peculiatly
the People,s Debartrueot, iu which they
;led morc directly concerned thanin any
.other.., I commend it for the fostering
-care. of Congress.
—itEstiurs OP TUE WAtt.
The war continues. Since the last an•
rtil - inessage, all the iuiportautliucs and
positions the occupied by our forces
have-peen ma ntained. and our arms tuive
_been' steadily advanced,
.thus liberating
the regions left in the rear; su that Miss
ouri, Keirtuelty, Tennessee and parts of
- Other States, have again produced reason
' ably fair craps: •
The dost, remarkable feature in the
ilitury" 'operations of the year is Peneral
Sherutun'satteutpitetl march of three !inn•
;died ntiies ' dircetly through the ittsurgent
- It tends to show a great ine.ea;ic
of oiir'rehitire strength that .our General-
`in . -Chief should feel able to c3nfront and
liold irrcheek every active force of the en
,' iqiy,and Yet' detach a well appointed large
- artuy to move on such an.expedit.on. The
result.' not yet being knows,,-conjecture in
'figard to it is not here indulged.' .
~; i titportant movements have aIS3
ed 'during the year to the effect of mould.:
log society for the durability of the Union.
Although short of complete, success, it is
Linn'eh'in the right direction', that twelve
thousand citizens in each of the Slates
Arkansas and Louisiana have organized,
local State Governmeata with free (lousti•
- tutions. and are earnestly struggling to
iilhlntaiu -.and atitniuister thew. The
movements in the Same direction more
.extensive, though lees definite, in Missou
ri, Kentucky, and Tennessee should not
.:be overlooked ; but Maryland Freents
the ctatuple of complete success- ,;lary
' land is secure to liberty and Unien for
all- the future. The Genius of ltebel.ion
ieill no More claim Maryland. Like an
other foal spirit, being driven out it may
:Peek to tear her, but it- will . woo her nu
At the last session of Congress'
Lvosed amendment, to the Constitution,
yebolishing slavery throughout the United
States, passed the Senate but faiW for
11414 of the requisite pvo•thirds rote in
the flothe of Representatives. Although
the Present. is, the same Congress and
• ..
nearly the same members, and without
questioning the wisdom or patriotism of
those who stood In -opposition; 1 venture
IQ°' reconsideration and pas.
tiage of the measure at the present 'session,
ofCotirse, . the abstract question is not
:changed, but c at' intervening
. eleetion
ehacre almoit.eertaiuly that the next Con.
gressiiill.pass the measure if this does
not. Ilune.e;there is only a question of
; Ons as to - whoo the proposed amendment,
will the States for their action, and,
skit is to go at all events, may we nut
'agredthat, the sooner the better? It
not eliiimed that the elietion has imposed
a duty on - members (opiing() their views
pr, tbeir cotes any fruitier than as , an ad'
Ational element to be, considered ; their
judgment may be effected by it lt is
the voice of the people, now for the first
,time heard, upon the question. In a great
national crisis,
.like ours) unanimity cl
Alien among those seeking a common
end is very desirable, almost itidispeosable
and yet no appearance to such unanimity
i+ attainable - unless some deference shall
be 'paid to the will of the Majority, simpl . l I
because it is the will of the majoolY:
cite, the common end is the
maintenance of the Union, and amon2
the meanes te'seenre that end, s ich
through the election is most clearly de
glared in favor of such .a constitutional
?tnendinent.. The moat reliable
'lions of public purpose in this country is
'der eed through our 'populai
t jruigiug try ia, recent canvass, and its
results, the . purpose of the people, within
the loyal states, to. maintain the integri
ty of the Union was never more firm tior
more nearly unanimous than now. The
leirtriordinl4.,oaininess anti good. order
As s which the Wilms of voters min"led
at dui pond gareitrimg asHirabee of this
tfot who supported the
Mimi ticket, go Balled,' knit a great •mr. l
joritir of tin b oppOsing party'also may be
airly eLticued 'to 'entertain hnd to' be actin.
ated by cite ,saute purpose.:. It is , as U-D.
answerable argument. to this' effect that
no candidate for any office, however high
or low, has ventured to seek tctes on the
nvowel that he was fir giving, up the
Union. 1
has been •muell' impugning Vf
otives, and, much heated controversy as
inthe propei - meanes and ibbst mode of
advancing the Union eauSe;i but on the
distinct issue- of Unigo or do union the
polttioians hare sholffl their j iustinetive
knowledge that there is no diversity
among the people. In affOrding to the
people the fair oppertunity bf showing
one to another, and to the *cup this tirtu,
ttess and, unanimity Apurpose; thevelee•
tioo bas been of vast value .to the nation.
al cause. • •
The eleetion r has exhibited another fact not
less Valuable*to be' ktiown—thOlict'that we
do not approach exhanstion in the . most im
portant branch of national rest:nines—that of
living men: White it is melancholy to reflect
that the war has made so .many graves and
carried. mourning to so mari, hearths, it is
souls relief to knOw that, coliipared with the
surviving, the fallen have beeti so fevi. While
corps, and divisions and brigitdes, and regi,
meats have been formed, and fought, !anti
dwindled, rtnd gone out of existonee, n greto
majority of the men Who composed them-use
still living. The sane is true of the naval
service.. . The election returns Prove this. So
many voters could not else be: found. The
States regularly holding election, both now
and four years ago, to nit; Califon:Oa, Con
necticut, Illinois, Indiana, !Owe, Kentucky,
Maine, Maryland, Massachns'etls, Michigan,
' Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey. New York.
' Ohio, Oregon, PennsylVattia,i Rhode Island,
Vermont, West Virginia. and !Wisconsin, cast
3,952,011 votes now, against, 8,810,222 cast
then, showing an aggregate new of 3,9d2,011
To this is to be added '43.762;ca5t now in the
new States that did not' vote in 1860, thus
swell:ng the aggregate to 4.015,6T3, and the
net increase during the three years and a
half of war to 115.541. A table is appended
show'fig particulars To this: L apin should be
added the number of soldiers in the - field from
Massachusetts, Ithntle Island, New Jersey,
Mel aware, Indiana, Illinois, and California,
who, by the laws of those States, could not
vote away from their homes, hand which num
ber cannot be less than 90,000. Nor yet is
this all. The number in the t.u;ganized Ter:
ritories is a trifle now to wild!: it was four
years ago,.whi!e thousands White and black,
join us as the national arms 'press back the
resurgent lines. i
h ' fri , , coy . d
SO much is shown affirmatively end nega
tively by the election. It is 'not material to ,
inquire how the increase has .been prOduced.
or to show that it would haVe r been greatm
but for the war, which is probably true. The
ineput taut filet remains deruodstrated that we
have more men now titan we had when the
war began, that we are not exhausted, nor in'
the process of exhaustion, that we are gaining
strength, and may, if need be,; maintain the
contest indefinitely. This, as toi'men. Mate
rial resources are now- more complete and
abundant than ever. ! ,
The national resources then are unexhaast•
ed, and, es we believe,' fiTexhaustible. The
public purpose to abd maintain t
ti authority i& unchanged, and, as we
believe, uncbangible.. The manner of con
tinuiag effort remains to choose. On
careful consideratiun of all the evidenco ac
cessible, it seems tq. me that nu atteinfit at
negotiation with the insurgent leader could
suit in any good. Ile would accept noth
ing short of a severance of the Union, pre
cisely what we will not and cannot give.—
Bis declarations to this elfect ar: explicit
and oft-repented. lie does not attempt to
deceive us. Ile allot ds us' no excuse tu de
ceive ourselves. lie cannot voluntarily re
accept the Union. We cannot voluntarily
yield it. 'Between him and us toe issue is
distinct, simile and indoxilde. It i s an is sue
which can only be tried by War and de•-ided
by victory. lf we yield we i ore beaten: II
the Southern people fhth hirir lie is heden.—
Either way it, would he
. the ictory and 'dc
fe•u following war: What is true, however,
of him w i lio heads the insurgent cause, is not
necesSarill true of those Who follow. Al
though he cannot re-accept' Lhe Union, they
can. Some of them, we khdw, already de
sire peace.aud lounion. The bomber of such
may increase. They can at any moment have
peace. simply by 1.13 it 4, dowtOheir arms end
siannittinz to the waiunnUaiubority under
the Constitution. After so touch the Gov,
eminent could not, if it would, maintain waif
against them. The loyal People would nut
sustain or allow it, if queSticos should re
mair, we would adjust theni by the peaceful
means of legislatiou, - conferences. comas, and
votes o7erating only in cOustitutional and
lawful channels. :Some certain and other
possible questions aro and Would be beyond,
the Executive power to adjust, as. fur instance,
the admission of members into Congress, and
whatever might require the appropriation of
money. The Executive power itself would be
greatly diminished by the cessation of actu'l'tt
war. Pardons and remission of furfedurA,
however, would still lie within the Execuiive
control. In what spirit and temper this con
trol would be exercised can he judged of by
the past. A year ago a general pardon and
amnesty, Upon specified terms, were offered
to all except certain designated claSses, and
it tins at the same time wade knoWii that the
excepted classes were Still within contempla
tion of special clemency. During the year
ninny availed themselves of the general pro
vision, and many more would. only that the
signs of bad faith in some led to such .pre
cautionary measures as rendered the practi
cal Process less casy,and certain. Durin,r, tlfe
same time. aim special pardons hire been
gran'ed to individuals of the eta-pted classes,
and no voluntarc applleali , ill has been denied.
Thus, practically, the door lias been for a fall
year open to all. except ouch as were not in .
condition to make free chnire—that is, Ellen ' •
as were in custody or tinder constraint. It is
still so open to all. Bid the time way come
when pubic duty shall dth . nand that it be
closed, and that in lieu tit* vigorous meas.
ures than hereto:lime shall he adoptid.
Ju picao, ! .th., l .: the I.b tndtmment of armed
resistance to too national inntlinrity on the
-part of the itistivreni.i as thC'only indispensa
ble condition to ending the; war nn the pert
of the Government, I retract nothing hereto•
fore Bail as to slavery. I ri;:"ieat the declar
ation made a year ng-1, that while I remain
in my present nos . tion I shall, not attempt te
retract or modify the Emancipation Procla
mation. nor shiallta•turn to, slavery any per
sun who is free bylthe Willis of that Focht-,
nation or by any Of the acts of Congress. If t
the people should, by whatever mode or
means, make it na - Ex-cotiv+ duty to re.en
slave such persons, another. and not I. 'most
be their ins:roment to pt rform it.. In stining i
a tingle condition of pearejlneon simply to !
site, war *illeoei - sa on the Emil, of the
: whenever it sh:111 have ceaaed ea
the part of thuse'Who began it.
DecemberC, 1864.1
Washington Correspondence.
WASILINGTON, D. C., Dec. 8,18G4
,The present Week has been marked by
the coutthencetntat of what vrotnis'es to
be a very ithportani session of Congress.
Atuong the measures looked fer are some
needed ":amendments to .the Internal
Revenueltaw, and 'an amtentituent to the
Constitution prohibiting human slavery
foieier in . tho,United States:.."
The appointment .ot.the ion..S.
Chase, to till the vacancy on the Supreme
Bette!), Caused . --by ;the 'deal' of Jw.tice
Taney, has been hailed' by the' radical,
reliable itten,wtth tinbotteded satisfaction:
flop. 'denies Speed, of Kentucky, has
been : notitioatetl . l/ the -Presiiient to
. fill
the acancy caused resTrnatien of
'Attorney GeneralT - 13ateS.' The Senate
had nut acted neon the name .up td the
tune of -adjournment over Monday.
but it issupposed the failure to aet;indi
elites ne(oppusition to that gentleman.
A- bill . to -prevent- then payment .of geld,
silver or:bullion for more thamiti current
value aslnsarked on the coin, and:to pre
vent the payment or acceptance' of the
lawful chrreney *of the United Sirs fur
less than its curtent value, wag-.on Tues
day offered by Mi. Sievers, and re,ferred
to its proper committee. Yesterday fir
Blaine (uf Malec) called up
-aid, "During the twenty -four -hour,'
-since this 'bill was intrJduced, much
mischief has been done, and every day I
amid hour the House stands co.ntizitted to
it, still greater mischief will result. , It
indicated three states of this Union. and .
;nude every man guilty of a tnisdeineanor,
and every clause attempted to commit the
House ti; impossibilities. Gold rose yes
terday P.i per cent. fur the very reason of
rite introduction of thi; extraordinary
b:ll,'' He moved a reconsideration of
the vote of reference with a view of
utoi:ing, to lay the bill on the table.
Mr. Cux (uf Ohio) said he did not
agree,with the gentleman that this bill
was the oneans of nutting up the price of
g old. Ile rat her plough t the President
had played the bull" -by his Message.l
Atter sttine further remarks the bill was
laid upon the table.
Toe particular part of that remarkable,
document, the President's Message, : ;
which I suppose to be 'particularly obi .
tioxiuus to the copperhead faction of
which this "gentleman front Ohio'' is a
-tepresentative man," is the last para,:.
grupli in Mr. Lin7c2ln's 'peace proclaina•
tiou." Nutwithstat.ding the larga popular
majorities iu favor carryina on the'
war, these gentlemen were looking, so it .. ,
seems, ',for some "ove:tures" froth the'
Executive. and here .they are. - I quote
from the Message : . .
=4, tttating it single condition of peace
I tucan to say that the war will cease on
the part of the Government whenever it
shall have ceased on the part of those
who began it."
That, is peace doctrine, so plain and
siurple 'ultat a child might understand it.
The meaning is clear. It means just
what the people of the "South will have
it meati. It may mean honorable :restor.
ation to former !tights under a free gov
ersupe.sit,-elearetT of the incubus of slavery
--peace, prospe, ity, and all their attend - -
and hies:slugs- 7 they so will it's or it
may mean subjtigation, and peace through
extsaustion. It means l'pericrl" at all
'events,. and lasting peace, but uut the'
peace these democratic gentlemen want.
l'eaceOvithout Slavery to quarrel about,
and without the Democratic patty in
power,: is the very •conditiou of all others
they stand in dread of. They would
prefer eternal war ; but they Cannot have
it. They can find u little fault. now and I
than, Oat, give the Administration much!
trouble if they Choose, and even give gold.
an occasional upward tendency, but thel
dual - result they cannot change. The
only good result likely to conic from their
Mel:clings is the hopeletis but ial of them
selves in the debris of tile fabric they
have reared, when it falls.
In the way of amusements we have the
Leutan "Opera at "Drovers," and Miss
3litchell's play of -Fanchurs" at i
-Fords." Congress having arrived the
-gay season" is faitly inaugurated:—
Theatrical managers and Dad keepers
are ''inaking ha) while_ the sun shines.'
Considerable amusement has also been
affutded by the sending of a delegation
reptcsenting the merchants of I'hiladel•
phia (who met recently at the Corn
Exchange) to urge the name of Cul
Forney us the candidate of Pennsylvania,
for a place in the Cabinet, rheuld Mr.
Usher. gu un the ben . ch or Mr. Welles
accept: the embassy to France. It was
the practiee some years ago, fur the
Preside', t to appoint his Cabinet subject
to the :confii mutton of the Senate. Tie
effort in favor of,Cul. Fut•ney is
to say ~ the least. MERIT.
[we . do not concur in the opinion of
our Cerresponticut in reference to Cot.
Forney: if LI biltty, influence, and serv
ices rendered, are considered, then we
know, ot'ne ono in Pennsylvania more
fully entitled to B position in the next
Penasvh:anta has 2.51'2 miles it rail
way, Which:enst. $143,471.710. The ea.
nals at:o 1.0-17 miles in length, costing
830.811.700. The real and personal es
tate 1860 amounted to 81,416.501,884
The State - debt Novetober: , .3o, 1863, was
639,486,506, showing a decrease from the
prPeolir g year of $41.5;617..
Victories from every pointotthe
pass-,- 7 -nothing:hut victoriCi:thisglorione
morning. Pr em Tenessee, front Georgia,
from .Mississipitii, firm Virginia '.-frpin all
quarters where the brave - soldiers of the
Unioti are defending'. the Flag - of the Tie;
public; laureled Victory sits , upon their
swords and smooth success is strewed be
fore their feet.l Thomas hai buten :Heed
-the besieged defeatini , the besieger;
Sherman has taken Fort ' - McAllister, and
brushed from ;his path the last obstacle
hetween and the sea';' Canby in
Missiisippi baS fallen on the cotnmnpica
tiods orthe'Rebel - tiring - that- threatened
Nashville, atones deStroyed.thein; Stone ;
map and Rurbridge in West Virginia
have struck-the Tear of Breckinridge„and
have cut off at once hiS line of supply and
his,licia of, retreat. Frous one end, oft he
line to the other, it is it .whirlwind
• .
,Fori. McAllister will be.remeiribered as
the : formidable ; earthwork that lat tear
defidd the efforts of the monitors. We.
hawken and Passaic.. 01;ginally bhile to
guard the, passage to Savannah froM the
'sea, it guaideti equally in_thtseuiergency
the approach Of Sher Man to the 'fleet,
which brought him reinforcements and
supplies. It was the One defence which
!protected Otisabaur SaUnd ; the point we
have indicated est' the
,probable end of
Sherinan's March ; end upon this prized
-alegnerd of savannah Sherman has full.
en with' the. sudclenesa and force of 'a
thunderbolt, and has' carried it by an it..
itsistible cooli de main. It is one of
tha,keys to Savannah, which -the genius
and courage of Sherman have made to
unlock—instead of closing 'the avenues
to-that stronghold .of the Rebels. - We
have meanwhile, a report by way of Ann.
apolis that Sa'vutinali itself is fallen ; but
whether . that 'be true or not it is at least
clear that Sherman has simultaneously in.
i . vested that city and cut its northern com
munications. The junction of Gen. flow.)
ark who commands the right wing of
Gen sherman's army, with Gen; Foster,
who has severed the Charleston and Sa
vannah Railroad at Pucotallgo, cum pietas
the insulation of the city of Savannah,
And'so clearly foreshadows the fate of this
commercial capital 'uf Georgia that it is
scarcely important to consider whether
, the Annapulis report of the capture be
true iu fact or he only an anticipation of
the fact. We, do at all events know that
Sherman is absolute waster of the,
situation in Georgia.
The Dispatches from Gen, Thomas at
-Nashville ate of the same joyous tenor as
those which from Gen. Sherman thrill
the country with anticipations of complete
!and final victoryorerthe'Rebelion. Abon
doniug the defensive, Gen.. Thomas has
-resorted at last to the strategy of -attack ;
penetrating at the right moment the fatal
. mistake of Rood hi converting a cam
paign, which was stategically offensive,
into a tactical defensive. The elaborate
earthworks of the Rebel commander,
which were meant to environ Nashville,
hare failed eVen to protect him against
the retributive onskught or the force he
supposed hiMsell to have shut up in a
garrhioned ciiy. The bast! of Thursday
was the vindication of Thomas's halting
and retreating conduct of the campaign
which he now Crowns with triumph un-_
der the walla of the city which he chose
to defend in accordance with. his well
known dews of prudent and secure' war
fare. The dispatches show thaaboinas,
havirig been reinforced and deeming him.
self strong enough to resume once mere
the offensive;assanlted on Thursday, the
intrencliments of Hood, carried them.
drove the Rebels eight miles toward
Franklin, and effectively and finally lais
ed what has been called the seige of Nash.
vile. Hood lost'veventeeti,guns and many
prisoners; lost the initiative of the cam
rain; lost his chance of success in Tenn.'
essee ;
lost even his security of retreat.
into Alabama ; and dependent upon
chance for a temporary and unsure retire
went on the line of his advance,
Add to all, this the occupation 11 the
forces of Canby of Jived's line of
supply anti base at Jackson, Miss., and
where vanishes the hopeof the Rebel lead
er ? Lle has none remaining but in itu•
mediate and precipitate flight, and not
much even iu that.
The same fatu falls on nrectinridge in
East Tennessee. lie shares the, ill luck
or his superjor, for his sole , railway line
into West. 'Virginia is gone and the very
ex:stencs of his army is put in peril. Su
from one end to the other of the military
Geld wane the fortunes of the Rebellion.
and was with unexpected rapidety of
increase the' fortunes of Republic.
Gen Sherman announces i tinder his own
sicmatnre, his arrival on the coast. The
capture of Fort McAllister, on the 13th,
completes ills communicatiun With the
fleet. PreViously to that he had destroy
ed all the railroads and invested the city
tuis march was "agreeable," the weather
fine, supplies abundant. It is remarka
ble,that we hear nothing of these astoun•
dine ravages which the Rebel Gen.
Wheeler has , all along been reported by
the Richmond papers tohavo made on
Sherman's forces. But Gen. Sherman
says he has *not been "at all molested
by guerrillas." Not a wagon lost on
the :rip. Be has trterly destroyed over
two hundred miles of railz.• And he: "re
gards Savannah as already _wined." Noth
tng could
. lie more perfect than.the whole
conduct tit this .expedition, as notbiaz
will be moreAlorious than ita final result.
From Gen. Thomas we• continue to
receive accounts of the enemy's defeat
and flight.i Our,foroes wore. eight miles
beyoud Franklin—:twenty six south • of
Nashville—on Saturday; continually cap.
,en ring prisoners, trophies, and gurti:- -
i3est of all, Gen. Thu - ill - as alicouoCe's
his purposeto keep on, and evidently,
means to clear Tennesseekof reebefs before
lie•stops. Head :has but two-linis of re
treat ; one to Tlerenee, Ala.; the other to
Cotinth, Miss. .
The death of Fort Pillory Ferrest is re
'. A more netiVe, resolute, and
bloodthirsty scoundrel did not exist in the
_ . i"
State Normal School. -•"
13ROOKIAND, Pa., Deo. 8, 1864
When the school system of our State
becomes, more fully,understood, it.
better apprmiatetl. ,
If a scholar goek:thiongh 'the course
prescribed in common or District. schools
and then through ther.cOurse pursued in
our Normal schools he is fitted for nearly .
I any station in , life, and., if he .desires to
follow any profession he is amply prepared
for the particular course of study required.
IVO hare DOW in our State three State
Normal Schools. These institutions,
where such buildings have been made
lby the citizens as have been pronounced
by the :Examining Oominittee, suitable,
as required by •the law on the subject,
and• to each of which, the Legislature has
appropriated $lO,OOO. .;
One is at 'AI iliersville,T.,ancaster eounty, l
under-the care of Professor Wiehershain
as 'Principal ; one is at Edinboro', Erie
county, of which J. A. Cooper is Princi
pal; and the third and youngest is at
Mansfield, l'ioga • county, and.• has been
fur one term and is now on .the 'Second,
to in charge' of Professor Fordyce A. I
Allen, assisted by Professoi Strait, late
of the Edinboro School, and others.—
Doubtless' allure supplied with able as
Atd what is a Normal School, and
what arc its - prospects ?
The leading idea of the Normal School
is to prepare teachers for the common
school's.- Any one, desiring to be a good
teacher should place himself- under an
instructor that really knows how to teach.
one who has had long experience, and
thus learnmore iu one or two -:eritis, of
the art of teaching, than might be learned
in yearsiof personal experience without
first receiving thorongh practicakraining.
It is often said , •The . beginner is the
best, he will try harder." IVould you
say The same if you wanted a young and ,
valuable colt trained? Would you not I
rather- give him in -charge of 'the mts
experienced manager of horses you could
find ? If you wanted to -learn the art of
horse taming and training, wuuid you, go'
to Esrey himself, or, to one of his imitat
ors who had just commenced its practice?
-Now would- you:he lees wise in refer.
ence to the 'educatues of your children ?
Would you not rather trust your child
to the care of one' who had been perfectly
drilled in the art of teaching, than to one
who was just about to commence the
business without such traiOing., and - rely
ing entirely upon experiment? • s
Again, when one has -leaked to control
mind, has learned to study and know
human nature. he iS prepared to occu?y
a position of influence in society, and is
capable of usefulness either iu business
pursuits or in thei-iprofessions. So that
whether one is intoding to teach or not,
a thorough Notunti course is extremely
With regard tmeommon school teach
' crs, so great is my • confidence in the
benefits of such , train : ng to .thein in their
profession that I Would pay 25 to 50 per
cent more wages (yes, more than that),
other things being' equal, to the one who
lead taken a thorough course in one of
our Normal Schods, than to one who had
nut. I believe a great effort should be
made—inducements sl)uld be held out
by an offer of Mi ,, her• wages, to induce
teachers to attend those schools.
lam not sure that it would not be
economy for a District to educate•one or
two proud:fling teachers at its own expense
upon condition that their services should
belong: to the District for several years.
Does any one ask which school tdat
teod ? I answer :' Attend the one most
convenient. Neither of these schools is
in our Normal School District, and the
choice is iu favor of the one most con
verient of access, and of best teachers
...L. Bird" committed an error some
months since in stating that Mansfield
was in our Normal Diwict.
In another article I will give a sketch
of a visit to the Mansfield sOool.
The same friend of youth and educa
tion. N. D.
I;,".The °Meal canvass of New York
State gives Lincoln 6,79 G niaj: oveer Mc-
Clellan, and Fenton 8,453 tnaj. over Sq.
mour., State Officers, Congress, and Leg
islature, Union, by a large maj.
tbs_ln Wayne township, Clinton Co..
Pa , were 'hien veteran voters for Lincoln
and Johnson—Joseph ,Montgomery, aged
93; Petri. Norman, 88; Win. L Mont
gomery, 86.
CERS, and SINGERS can use" Brown's
Bronchial Tiocnes," or Cough and Voice
Lozengers,.as freely as requisite,--con•
tainkao. c . nothing that can injure the sjs•
tem, They are invaluable for a(aying
the hoarseness and irritation incident 'to
to vocal exertion, clearing and strangth
ening the voice.
The draft for State troops, it is said,
has been temporarily aboudooed.
The Tyrone Herald has been suspend
for ;cot of adequate patronage.
. .
Corrected every :Wednesday by Pt A. STEB:'
.:- 'ELNIE' & CO.,- Retail Dealers in GtOceries 1
: : •,; and Provisions, . i
• - V-, okpoSite D. F. Glassmirpts lintel,
1 •:. , -- -; Coudersport, Pa.
Appleiygreen, ifl bush., $ Vito 1 00
• do. dried, , " 2-00 250
Beans,l ~1 - " ; . 1 3 00 '3 50
Beeswax, 10, lb., . : 40 60
. 1, ;1 . 0 " . • - -:, )8,1 9
Berries, dried, r quart • -,- i 5 20
Buckwheat,V bush., ' 37 100
Buckwheat Flour, 3 90 -3 75
Butter,r lb., - a 5 38
Cheese ", 20 -25
Cloverseid ; - 7007 50
Corp, r buth., ! 1 25 150
Corn „Neal, per cwt., . , ' _ 35,, 4 . 25
Eggs, r dot , - .; t , 18
Flour,;extra, r bbl., 12.,00,15 ; 110
do ;superfine " ' 10 00 12 00
Ilams,ll 1b . ., • 25
Hay,' 1 ton; : - - -- 20 0045 00
Honey; perlb.," -• , .15 20
Lard,' c - ' " - • • '•" -- - - f - , 257 .30
Maple Eager, per lb., - . 20. -,: 25
Oats, 'l bush., '75 1 80
Onions, ' " • - -
-Pork, .0 bbl.,' • •••.. • 35;90 40 00
• -do TO lb.; , -.- ;20, 2 5
, ,
do in whole hog, r lb., ;12 15
Potatoes, per bush., . 163 88
Peaches, dried, r lb., --_ .125 \- 30
, _
Poultry, rlib., „8 1 10
Rye, per bush., - - \ . 1!.5 - 0' ABs
Salt, 11 bbl., • 7100 725
do r sack, - : ; - .-25
Timothy eed --- , . 50 '3 50 i
Trout, per 1 bbl., - ' - - Et , . 00 9 - 00 . \
Wheat, 'i4 bush., , , 1/ 75 2.`00
white-Fish;. f-bbl-, ••) 8100 • 9 00
Cou4as, Colds, Whoopion..Coti ,, h, Brot-
chi Lis, Dithgolty of kreithini,
nla, lioarseeese, Sore Tilroat,
Craw, acne} every Affection of
1 •
So'general has•the use of this remedy be
eome, and so popular is it everywhere,that it is
unnecessary for me to recount itsivirtues. 'Re
works speak for it, and find • utterance in the
:thuneant And voluntary testimOny of tho
manyl who from long suffering and settled'
diseake have. been restored to pristine vigor
and health. We can present w mass-of
dence in proof of our assertion, that:
Theßev.,Jacob Sechter,
Well known and moth respected amortrther
Gerrnan population in this country, makes th•
fullowing statement for the benefit of ,the
! Ilexovga, Pa., Feb. 15, 1859.
.Nar Siri:—flaring realized in my familyr
important benefits from the use of your valu
able preparation—WistAtt's-Bst.sim or
Cnnairv—it affords me pleasure tOrecominend.
it to the pltblic. Some eight yiaii ago one•
of my daughters seemed to be in a decline°-•
and little hopes of her recovery ;were enter- •
tatn4d I then procured a bottle....',6'f yourex—
celleut Balsam, and before sholed taken the
whole of the contents of the bottle there.was
a gri:at improvement' in her liedlth. I hive,
in niy individual ca.e, made fietitient . Aso or
your valuable medicine, and hate also beano
benefitted by it. .- JACOB . SECHLEEL
From Jessie Smith, Esq.;
Prelident of the Morris County Bank, Iforrio
trn, ICew Jersey.
"Havink used Da. •Irts:iart'sl3Ats.tx or ,
WILD C/141111Y for abbut fifteen years, and:,
having realized its ;beneficial results in, my
family, it affords me:great pleasure in recotn-
mending it to the public as a valuable reme—
dy in cases of weak lungs, colds,' coughs, !cc.,
and a remedy which I consider to-be entirely
innocent,: and may be taken 'with perfect
afdty by the most delicate in health."
Prom non;Jolin E. Smith,
A 4i3ting,nislied Lewyer in Westminster, Md. -
I!have bn several occasions used Dn. WM- •
TR'S BALSSJI OF WILD CHERRY for serere colds,
nod always with decided benefit. I know of '
no preparation that is more efficacious or:
.more deserving of general use'.
The Balsam has also been used with,ex-•
cel lent effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant,
Cress Ro:ids, Md.
Wistafs Balsam of Wgd; C4eny.
None genuine unless signed BUTTS,':
onl the wrapper .
J. P. Drxmonn, No. 491 Broadivoy, N. York . ,
S. W. FO 1"1.17M. & Co., Prciiirietoo, Etistbn.
And by all Druggists
Administrator's Notice.' :s
VF-lIEREAS Letters ,of AdMinistratiorrto ,
T the estate of W3I. B. JESKINS, late of
hippen townsbip,Cameron county,deed,hays ,
been, granted to the subscriber, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to mak*
imCediate payment, and those; haying claims ,
against the same will preseht them, duly au—
thenticated, for settlement to
Coudersport, Oci. 25, 11354-. =•_- -
The DUPLEX, ELLIPTIC (or dotibre),
'l l , he meet popular and flexible in, usviir
J. W. ALLEN, Principal,
Late of the Wellsboro Ac.idemy, assisted!
by competent Teachers.
The Full Term commences September stb,
acd continues Eleven-Weeks. ;
Tuition, to be paid" at the! middle - of the -
term, $3 to $B. No scholar aidMitted
for ies.-
than half a term.
A Teachers' Class will be instructed fteefi
charge.. -
By order of the Trustees : . •
D. P. GLABSlift
• P. A. 5TE131314 , 15,
Coudersport, Aug. 8, 1864
D A. STEBBINS & Co. ate closing ripen, _lL • old Ledger. All person&lettebted to
them will please- tail and settle, befbre the
accounts are left with the proper officer for
OollectiOD.r—Nor l r 18,'63' ! • • -
Trustees ,