The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 14, 1864, Image 3

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Condersport, WesdayEveziag. Dec. 14, 1861.
Local and General.
xpel.See New Advertisemeits
le PERSON - AL.—The sister of John D.
Earl of C0..0, 53 Pa. Vols., will please call
or send to the Pest Office in Condersmt for
a watch belonging to her brother. '
• gra Oer friend, Collins Smith, has jiist
received anew and ctenive i s Stock of Goods
at his Store on I the east s l ide of the
Give him's call. 1 !
re,. Sherman is within a few miles of
Biwa nna h. , His progress thus far has met
with very little opposition.—There has been
some cannonading at Grant's front, but no
general engagement. —Gen.' Thomas has
gained a, battle from Hood atrrankfort, Ky.,
the Rebels lost heavily including four Brig,a
dier'Generals.—The St.. i &lban's raiders have
beeri released . ,131 the Cziiiaclitin courts.—We
wiltpublish in q.ur next the President's Hes
-tage.—Coltrilvertising goei, out this week,
when We witt,be enabled to give our usual
'amount•Of readingfinatter:
le.. The following is published for the
benefit of all concerned. [Let its requirements
be immediately complied with, as far as re
lates to the appointing _of Committees and
procuring proof, for use when the officers
visit this County. • Let eVeryf one read tbe,
order, obey it, and "forever rifler hold their
,Nr:e have 'something more to say
abont this next week.
Omen or A." 1.-1.. M.
Dec. 10, 1864:
'Virctilar No. 152: As soon as the present
Draft shall have been completed; the Com
missioner and Surgeon of each Board of En
rollment are directed to proeedd to the coun
ty, seat of the counties compOsing their Dis
!, Wets and there bold La i one or more days as
xna . y be necessary, examinations. fur the pur
pose-of correcting EuroOment Lists - . Ample
notice must be previously, given of the bolding
of these ExannoationS, and all citizens will
be called upon to aid the ofikers in the dis
-charge of their duty by giving all imformation
bearing' upon this important subject. Let it
be 'distinctly understood,Oy thepeople that their
only surety of a fair proportion of the burdens
of the draft, lies in the proper correction of
these lists. Every name imkoperlz.- left upon
the list swells disproportionately the quota.,
It is the duty therefore of every good citizen
to bring before tne Board, every man \‘-'ho by
reason of over age,'permanent physical disa
bility, or two years service, shall b entitled I
to have his name stricken from the HA, and
-also to furnish to the Board satisfactory exi
-destee in case of death, remottak Sc., as also
the 'greater number of naniqs of competent
men on these lists the less likelihood there is
of any particular one being drafted. Every
citizen owes it to hinisclf to see that the
names of every man In !his 'distriCt who is
properly liable to draft be on the list.
l4ecommerd to the - different sub-districts the
propriety of appointing Committees to exam
ine into all cases requiring action, and bring
the parties concerned or the evidence of their
death or removal before the Boa'rd. An op
portunity is now offered to ail sub-districts
of correcting completely their Enrollment ,
lists. it must be done mow; and let it bit
distinctly understood that should another
dtaft be subsequently ordered. no notice
whatever will be taken of complaints of Com
mittees that their enrollment lists are erro.
neotis, nor will "any suspension of draft or al
teration of quotas be granted on that plea.l
Wis the duty of-the Board to adibto Cle lists
the names of all men who 'nice arrived at the
legal nee, or who may 11,:tve 'moved into the
pistrict, and to strike therefrom the names
of all not properly enrolled Lai account of
Ist, Alienate; •
2nd, Non-Residence;
'3rd, Ovaragei
4th, PerManent PhyFiC:ll Dlsabiiity. ofeuch
aidegree as to render the pto-son not a proper
sdbject for enroliment - undcr the Laws and
Regulations; •• •
-tith,; Having served in the Military or Naval
service two years daring the present wa'r,
aMtlbeen honorably dischard.
Cate,mnst be taken thit the requirements
of Sec. i 5 of the Revised Regulations for the
Provost Marshal General's Bureau are fulfilled
and extended to enrolled men who furnished
-subititutest previous to draft in order to pre
:vent the 'names of men who are ex
empt- from - draft front being put into the
wheel. Th 4: person claiming to have his
name sticken from the lists on any of 'the
above grounds mustpresent himself in per
son mrgive. such. legal evidence of his dis
qualification and inability; to attend in person
as shall -satisfy the Board. The evidence of
death, of being now in tHelt4ilitary or-naval
service of the United States; or of remocal
from the district, can be furnished by third
parts. The 'Board must be satisfied that
the removal is permanent and in good faith,
but need not wait certificate of Enlollment
elsewhere. RICHARD I. DODGE,
- Maj, & P. M. G. Penna.
To Wnr. H. BLAIR,.
Capt. &"Pra. Mar. 16th Dist., Pa.
At the house 'of Mrs. Cheesbro. in Homer,
Dec. 3, by R. T. Clafflin Esq., .BE'NJAMIN
BOOTH, of Sylvania, to 7 11.1AEY GREEN, of
Hebron. •
DI D,.
TA.t. ;Base Corps Hospital, 18th Army Corps,
near Point of Rocks, Va. l November 1.41h,1864,
after a 'short •but severe illness, JAMES K.
•BROOP, 'of Company D; 207th Reg't Pa,
Vols., youngest son of Matilda and Calvin
Brcloks, of Hector, Potter County Pa., aged
20'Yenrs, 10 months, and 5 days.
The deceased was a brave soldier, a true
friptd, and a' warm hearted patriot, and
leaves behind him a largee. circle of friends to
mourn his death: _ JAMES V. LEACH,
Orderly Sergeant C 0.., D, 201 th P. V.
iRE becoming. the most popular Medicine
lY in circulation for the cure of
, SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS 'of the
4e. t is also' gainin- , b a great reputation in the
Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa.
M. By an order from the State Depart
ment the appeal of E.rolled men (Liccording
to the folloiving notice) will be on, the first
of March instead of the 27th of December.
To the Enrolled militia of
Potter County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Board.of
Examination as authorized by Sec. 8, of a
supplement to an Act, "Providing for the
Organization„ Discipline and Regulation of
the Miitia of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania" passed the 22d day of Aug. A D. 1864
will meet at the Court House in Coudersport
on TUESI?AT the 27th day of December, 1664
where any person claiming rxemption under
said Act of Assembly , or its suppltment can
attend for examination. '
C. P. KILBOURN; Commissioners.
IL L. NICHOLS, -r. .
There will be en adjourned meeting of
Eulalia Lodge, No. 34:2, on St. John's ,Day,
Dec. 27, 1864, at 2 o'elock P. for thepur
pose of Installing . officers and other bhsiness.
There will also be a) Supper at Glassmire's
Hotel, at 7 O'cloeb. P. lir., and a CcitillonParty
in the evening. All members of the / Lodge
are invited to attend.
By order of Conzmillee.
Dec: 5, 1864. ..
ipz Order to secnra tite assisstance and
operation of the people in the endeavor to
keep the Enrollment lists Continually correct,
the Enrolling Boards have been directed to
have copies of said flits kept open to the ex
amination of the public -at all proper times,
and shall give public notice that any person
may appear before the Board • and 'I have : any
name stricken otr the list, if be;.ean show, to
the satisfaction of the BoaH, tlki - the person
named is not properly- enrolled, tn. account
of— - ,
Ist, 'Aliennge;
21. Non-residence;
:id, 'Over age;
4tli, Permanent physical ',Usability, of such
a degree as to render the per Son not a proper
subject for enrollumPt °under the law and
sth, Having serve t l in the military or naval
service two years during the present war, and
been honorably discharged.
Especially civil officers, clergymen and all
prominent citizens are invited to appear at
all times before the Board to point out errors
in lists, and give such info•m'ation in their
pesFession as may aid in the correction and
revision thereof.
They. should understand that it is plainly
, for the interest of each sub-district to have
I stricken from the lists all mutes improperly
enrolled, .because an excess of names increas
es the squbta called for 6om -such sub-diS
tri4tts ; and that it is equally for the interest
of each person enrolled in a given sub-diStrict
to place upon the lists all persons in the sub
district liable to 41) military duty, because the
greater number 'to be
: drawn from, the less
chance tliat any particular individurl will be
drawn. it is the personal interest, of every
enrolled man that the quota in which he is
concerned, shall not be made too large, sand
that his own chances for draft shall not be
unjustly increased; both these objects will be
attained it all parties will aid in Strikitig out
the wrong names and putting in the right
Especially is this the interest of those
drafted men wiro, by putting in substitutes
• themselves liable to draft, have secured-'ex
emption which, by the ternmof the law, holds
, good only until the present enrollment 18
hausted in their sub-districts. Men who are
over 45 years of age, and in consequence ex
cused by law from the nerformance of duty
in the field, owe it to the cause and the coun
try to take a zealous and active part in the
correction of the lenrollment lists; a militaty
duty of the first imporlance." The law re
quires that the qubtas shall be assigned in
proportion to the enrollment, and the fairness
and justice of this tnode of determining the
amount-of military service due from each and
every s6ction of tile country,calanol he doubt
ed if the enrollment is made as nearly perfect
:is it is pr . acticable to make it.. The amount
of service doe to the nation front every town
or county, is thus laid fairly nod plainly,be
fore the citizens, and it is expected that a
higher motive than a selfish interest will
prompt all to do their share in perfecting' the
t-nroliment,, and seeing a just and efiCcient
execiition ofthelaiws forraising, trOops.,ivlien
ever it. becomes necessary to apply them.
By order of Mej. RICHARD 1. I?,ODGE,
A. A. P. M. Gen.
Wu. li, BLAIR,
Capt. & Pro. Mar._lSth Dist. P 4
Editor of Journal :—With your :permission
I wish to say to the readers of your paper that
I will seml,ity return mail, to all who wish it
(free), a Recipe, with full directions for mak
ing and using n. simple Vegetable Balm, that
will effectually remove, in ten days; Pimples,
Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of
the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth
and beautiful.
I will also mail (free to those "taking Bald
Heads, or Bare Fades., simple directions and
information that will enable' them to start' a
full.gro^th of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a
Moustache, in less than thirty days;
All applications answet•ed by -retuin ihail
w'thout charge. Respectfully yours,
THOS F CHAPMAN,. Chemist, •
831 Broadway, New York.
Published for the benefit and as a cantina
to young men and others who suffer. from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Man
hood, supplying at the_ same time the
means of self-cpre. By one who has cured
himself after Undergoing considerable quack
ery: .By enclosing a postpaid addressed en
velope, single copies may be had of the author
.Brooklyn, KiOgs Co., N. Y., "
THE subscriber having located in Lewis
1. vine is prepared to do all kinds.of work
in his line, on short notice and in the beSt
Making and Repairing
of all kinds. I am , - enabled by the aid of ma
chinery to do work in the wagon-line better
and cheater than any other establishment in
th.e county. I am also prepared to make
Dlysses,,Penif!a . , Dec. 1, 1864 - . ,
Court Proclamation.
NitHERE.S the Hon. Robert G. White,
V President Judge, and thd- - Hons. C. S.
Jones and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judgea of
the Courts of Oyer & Terininer and General
Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas
for the county of Potter, have issued their;
precept, bearing date the twenty-fifth . day I
of 'Sept, in the year of 'our Lord one thou
sand eight htindred and sixty-four, - mad to me
directed, for holding a court of Oyer & Termi
ner and General Jail Delivery - , Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace, Orphan's court, and court
of pumnabn Pleas in the:Borough of Couders
port, on MONDAY, the ,19t1r day of ;Dec'r,
next rind to continue one week:
ls!Dtice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oners, Justices of the,_ Peace and Constables
within the county, tha they be then and there
itt their propel-'persons, at 10 o'Clidck, A.M. of
.day, with their- rolls, records, inquisi
tions,' examinations, and dther remembrances,'
to do'those things which to their offices ap
peln to be thine: And those who are bound
by th it rccognizances -td prosecute against
the kisoners tbdt are Ot shall 'be in the jail of
said county of Potter, are tote then and there
td prosecbte against them- as will be just.
Dated - at Coudersport, Nov. :4, 1861, and
the 86th year of the Independence of thd United
StatOs of America,
. Trial LiSt, Dec. Term, .1864.
1 l i Jones, use of Smith vs Reynolds
2 'Shafer. vs May and' Smith" - - •
3 Dickson vs • Abram and Lewis Jones
4 Dickson vs Burleson •
5 1 :Wood -vs W Chandler • .
6' Colwell 4 -Lyman vs C Chandler
7 Price use of Bowman vs Hurlbert
8 Burdic vs Fay", Bradley S: Wright.
9 Warth vs Radde
10 East Wood vs Lyman • ,
11 Keltz vs Daggett
12 Goodrich vs Monroe •
13 Leo vs Kenyon
H. J. OLMSTED, Proth'f.
Protley's Office, Nov'r 14, '64
To Road Contractors.
ESPCNS.II3LE parties able and desirous
of undertaking the building of the 'en
tire or:a, part of a dug, Toad, (16i feet wide,)
of from 1,?, to 15 miles in thb South-Eastern
part of Potter County., Ppna., -pply for
particulars to CHAS. I,ILINE, Esq., ,nurveyor,
Germania, Potter Co., Pa. .
June 8,.18G4.71:f.
The Rochester Straw-Cutter.
4LiiISTED , k KELLY, Coudersport have
the exclusive agency for this celebrated
machine, in this county. It is covenient, du;-
table, and CHEAP. Dec.l, 1866.-12
State Medical Board.
Headquarters Pennsylvania Militia,
Hospital Department,
Harrisburg, Nov'r 10, 1864. .
11118 State Medical Board of Pennsylvania
IL is now in session in this city, and will
continue until further notice, to examine can
didates for
.the post of Medical Officers in
Pennsylvania Regiments. •
The appointment of a number of Assistant
Surgeons will be required immediately to fill
vacannies'noti,- existing, •as well as for others
constantly occurring. '
Physicians of Pennsylvania, in good health,
furnishing proper testimonials as to moral
character, be admitted to the exam
By order of the Governor:
• Surgeon General of Pennsylvania
TO Hunters and Trappers in Southern Al
legany and NOrthern Pennsylvania be it
knovin,:that from this till farther notice, the
subscribers will pay FIVE DOLLARS EACH
in greehbaclss, for all healthy living Mink,
delivered to them in Wellsville. . These Mink
are now worthless for fur, and will remain
comparatively so for three or four months,
their skins not being . prime, till about the
middle of December: Whole litters of Mink
now prevail on the tributaries of the Genesee
and Allegany; and can be taken in box traps.
Persons catching them have only to keep
them -confined - in.a box Well ventilated and
kept in a cool.Phice,,with a dish of good pure
water at all tinieS'in the box,and half a dozen
if caught can be brought to market at once.
Mirk can be caught: ranch more readily now
than when the season becomes advanced and
cold, and will bring just as good price by
selling to the subseriberC, the along
then, singly or by the dozen, and the money
is ready. WILLIAM. W. COLE,
Wellsrille, July 19, 1894.-4 m..
Register's Notice,
To all creditors, Legatees, and other prisons ins
NOTICE is hereby given that the following
-named persons did on the dates aliiited
to their names, file the accounts of their ad
ministration,to the. estates .of ,fifose persons
deceased, lc., whose names are undermen
tioned, in the office of the Register for the
probiiite, of Wills and granting Letters of Ad
minisfratioia in and for the county of Potter,
and that the same will be presented to tr.e
Orphan's Court of said county for
tion n d allowinee . on the 19th day of Dec'r
neit at 0 o'clock, a. in , t.t, the Court Mese
in said doufity:
Final account of J. ZP. Bird r administrator
of the estate of Benj. T. Howie, late of Sweden '
toWnsliip, deceased: .
DAN . BAKER, Register.
Nov. 23, 1864.
French Burr Mill Stones,
Manufactory Liberty St. near the Cotton Factory
rycE undersigned announces to the trade
. IL that he continues to manufacture and
import direct from the moat celebrated quar
ries in France, the best qualities of
French Burr Mill Stones,
which he offers at reasonable tittes and guar
antees satisfaction to the ptircbaser: Also,
every number in use, of the celebrated
Orders . by mail promptly attended to, and
goods forwarded by railroad, - canal, or express
if desired. WM. 11. KEPNER,
3m23. No. 10: West State ;RI? Harrisburg.
F. . Spencer's Ready-Pay Store is
• the only strictly Cash Store in Couder
sport: If you wish to buy 'Goods for CASII,
call at Spericee's •
liffErNT'S BLOult OF ROSES,—for the La
pA. STEBBINS Sr. Co. are closing up an
. old Ledger. All persons indebted to
them will please call and mile; before the,
accounts are left with. the proper officer for
Collection. -4 18,'63_
U 2
Ca •
wish all persons having open accounts
with me to call and settle immediately.
will sell
. Cheap for Cash .
All my stock of Merchandise
Consisting' of
BOOTS, and
TOOLS, &c., &c.,
1 Good Horse and Harness.'; ,
• 3 Wagons,
1 Sleigh, 1 Cutter, l'Sulhey,
The privilege of a good Ashery in corn
, pick working, order.
15 Cents paid for good ASHES.
Brookland, Pa., Sept.i, 1864.
to &:liclien gtisie
524 Broadway.
Haying on hand the largest stock of Foreign
Music in New York,?vrhich ho imports from
Europe expressly to' meet the taste and re
quirements of the Ameriettn lovers of Music,
respectfully calls attention tothe fact, that he
is now supplying Music Of Every Style at
Reduction of 6 - verity-five to fifty per cent, less
than any other house in the United. States.
- _
Private Families can be supplied (post free)
by forwarding the cash to the above address.
Should the amount of cash forwarded exceed
the cost of the Music, the balanie will be
promptly returned in postage currency.
Dealers and Professors should not neglect
this opportunity; they will be liberally dealt
N. B."--Any and very piece of liusic(vocal
or instrumental) ptibli.khed in Europe or A
merica, will be supplied to order, if accom
panied 13y the cash:
Foreign and American Music Ware-tbuse,
' 824 Broadway, New York. 23°8
HOW LOST 1 How nEsTontill
Just published, a new edition of Hr.
CuliverwelPs Celebrated Essay
on the radical cure (without medicine) of
SrsamAronanoxs, or Seminal Weakness, In
vciluittary Seminal losseS, IMITOTENCY, Mental'
and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar.
tinge, tte. also, CONLUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and
FITS, induced by self-indulgence or sexual
extravagaiac6. ' •
Aer, Price, in a scaled enveloye, only 6 ceps.
The celebrated ituthdi in this admira'ble
essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
years successful practice, that the alarming
consequences of self-abuse may be radically
cued without the dangerous, use of internal
medicine or the applicntiot of the knife—
pointing out a mode of cure; at once simple,
certain and effecutal, by means of which ev
ery sufferer, no matter what his condition
may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
Lectnre should be in the bands
of every youth and . every man in the land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any
address, post paid, on receipt of sit cents, or
two post stamps. Address the publishers - .
127 l3owry, Now rork,Post offidr. box 458 b
. •
GERMANIA, Potter Co., Ps., Aug. 1, 1863
NTOTICE is hereby given that Charles Ba
ll slier, now or late of this county, holding
the following described property, has not yet
paid any consideration whatever fcr the same,
and all, persons are hereby Warned not to per"-
chase any of said property of the said Bushor
before the decision of the Count is git'en in
this case and .C. Busher, has paid to me the
consideration money therefor.
The following-is the property:
Ist. A certain tract of land near the Geiz
mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott township,
Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.—
Also 25 acres in warrant 507 S and adjoining
lbe above. •
2nd. — A cerfrin tract of land, with Mill and
improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek,'in
Warrant '5819, in StesiartsOtt township, Potter
county, Pa., 'containing about 204 acres.
C. Bushor holds also in trulioyarrant no.
2501, in Gaines township,"Tio,ga'counfv; Pei.,
an the , road leading from Germania to Gaines,
containing, 650 adres. • • •
' ;
tf WM. RADDE: •
.ryt.A NUMBER of years have elapsed since
thd.introduCtion:ror AOSTETTER'S CELE
BRATED EITTE`ftS to the public. The prej
udice existing in the minds of many persons
against what are denominated patent medi
cines at first greatly retarded its sale, but, as
its. virtues and merits became:known,
barrier of prejudice was overthrown, and the
denianil iadrthtsetl so rapidly that in a few
year scarcely a village existed in the United
States in which the ritilidted had not experi
enced the benefits,arising froth the use of the
"Bitters," and at the present day thdre are to
voucherS for the grgat merits of-the article.
No greater cure * for Dyspepsia can be found.
See Advertisement.
Poi sale by Druggists and dealera ganerakv
On-the Online Again.
100 Men and SG Teaths Warded.
T ° go onto a. Lumber fob, two miles above
Benezette,Elk county, Penn'a. .Distance
from here, 58 ttiles. None but GOOD Chop
pers and Woodammgood Teams and Wagons,
are wanted. Ready for men the first of Octo
ber; for teadis, the 15tn. Steady work until
Springs Pay for men : from s3o'to $4O per
month and found. For good horse-team.and
man, $3 per' day and found. For good ca.;
team 1'32 per day and found. The best route
to :the Job - is down the First Fork of the Sin
neinahOning creek and up Bennett's Branch.
Enquire when there for thy Forerrian, tichael
Courtney. The Job is a good one to *ork
teams on. Forty Dollars per ton *ill be Maid
for all HAY brought in. Bring in a toad 1
Coudersport. Penn's, ,Sent. 14,1864,
SOAP Question Settledd Inquire at
Musicst - Punic GiSEB.AtLY.
F. 'A.. Wundeitriann,
Remember the Address,
Nos. 1 &
ers: I retutm my thanks to you foil the
liberal patronage Illesto*ed upon me for the
past ten years,rand my btfsiness havirig so
much increased, fdlind it necessary to eaab
lish my headquarferS on the railroad,lhave
selected Wellscille,and hereafter may be found
at the
Empire Store
.. I '
. ,
at the tip* end of The tillage, where I l shall
be pleased to see all my old customers ;and
as many new ones as may feel dikposOd to
favor me with a call. We are now opening a
large stock of
DRY 'GOODB, • , ,
kc. had shall over try to give all:euttoiners
good bargains. To my friends and customers
at Whitesville, I sincerely return you my
thanks for your liberal patronage there, and
should you visit me at Wellsville, I shall try
to repay you for it.
Good Shirtings and Sheeting's foi 30 t 6 iSO
cent's, Worth 60 to 75. '
Best grades of Prints from 31 to 35 cants,
worth 45.
Good Delains 25 to 37 tents, Worth 35 to X45.G00d Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30 cents, larorth
50 to 75 - .
Extra Plain Alpaccss 40 to 63 cents, AVorth
63 td 88. --
all-wool Delains 87i to . 50 cents, ;Worth .
50 to 75. • ;
Fine Mozambiques . 22 to 25 cents, worth. 38
to 46.
Fine all-wool Merinos 69 to SO cents, worth
$1 to $1,50.
A large stock of Cassimers, Bt. Jeads,.Ba!ti:
netts, Broadcloths, and other goods equally
as low. a
CL 0 ritirLlro.'o.
This branch of our trade We call your atien
i on to in particular, as we can and will save
you 25 to 50 per cent. Fine suits from $l2 ,
to $l5, Worth $2O to $25. ,Good black pants
for $3,75, worth $4,50. Eixtra Doeskin $4150.
of the Best and Latest F,ashloris, very low
Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Brochs. Stella,
and most other
Boots 4* Shoes.
A laige aNsortmett . Very low.
Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,26
worth $1,75.
Men's Fine Calf Boots $1,75 to $4,75, worth
$5 to $6.
Hats and Caps fat-
Ladies and Gents, very loth:
Crockery and riardware-1,
aultrt. gOtitrit.s, 4,r'4
at prices far below the present market Prictift.
Flour, PO*, Fislc , bra27is
,Tea, Sugar, bore 4
. Pepper, Spice, ttc.;
as le* to ban be bolight in the Sham,
C• 1 1. SIMMONS}
• ig; Y., October, 1864
Fall and Winter
P. A. STUMM & Cdfi
Hate last received firom New York, stmt,
stock of seasonable .Gloods wbish they yid
sell Wow as soy hotoli Id the Comity; sesr
firg Gott;
iu all *aristies th i
DirkSt trooD4
dbPICA ) Is
Bid c~ saLsi
strAfv f tiN i
stpr.k tof Nikki*
111A,TS 4* CAPS,
&C.i ACC.
GROC.F i ItrE 8,
Atwail - s ow IGiAtik
Tea iVoitt 45 eta. to Et pat pereihd
Cohn* Main sad Seeimiklinevei:
Ceadersport, Sept. , 21, Isl 4,
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ITM? Li 8,