The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 14, 1864, Image 2

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Coudersport. Pa.
Wedne'sday, Dec.l4, 1564.
Tho Richmond Examiner.admits
that Sherman will reach the Sea coast. I
FIFTY YEARS' Get: s.—ln Tuesdafe
paper we gave the vote of Penusylvanid
for Governor during the-War of 1814- 1
jaet a years ago. The following are the
aggregates; ekA
President-1864 572,697
Governor-1814 62,829
Gain in voters 509,868
- The vote for Governor in 1814 is a
litife under-the full vote, but allowing for
the' deficiency the increase'. is probably
half a thillion 1 Philadelphia polls niore
votes now" than Pennsylvania 'did then.
.1-Letc' lelittrg Chronicle.
Another Railway 'Completed
Tha Tgrone •Lock Haven .Railroad
is Vol* finiihedi , and tioonit Is intended
to-iiinlrailis regularly between Tyrone ori
tuti'Vhilidelphie Central R. R., and Lock
Haven on the Philad: & Erie. The road
is on a.natural and easy route, espcially.
411mift:it:it Bald Eagle creek. It brings
31ilesburg, Bellefonte, and the Farmers'
High Scheel, more easy of access. But
saost-of all, it will save titne and distance
to thousands, from the NOrth and East, i
traveling in the direction of-Pittsburg
lt - will`t,ut off unknown thousands from
the Harrisburg route—and yet all will
antic as much as they can do.—Cleronicle.,i
Ur Wednesday last, the several Elect T
era thilleges met to cast their State votes
l'cr President and Vice President.
Pennsylvania. Morton blllichael
was cho,eu President of the Electors, and
Hammersly, J. A. &null and IV:
Hayes, Clerks. Prayer by the Rest,.
J. V'.:Jackion. The twenty six votes
were duly recorded for Lincoln and
Johnson. Hiestand of Lancaster, Hale
of Bradford, and Shriner of Union, were
deputed to forward three separate returns
accerding to
.law.. The wages of the
Electors were donated to the 'Christian
Commission. The members were enter
tainedoin the afternoon at the home of
Gan. Cameron, and in the es i ening at the
Vor Dr. Dig Lewis's "Mona Institu.
to "for
,Ph isical Education," located in
Bostou,, Mass ., . incorporated in 1861, and
,several eminent Professors,.
witl,open its Wititer Term for 1865 on .
the,2,4 of January next. Already nearly
two hundred •graduates of this institution
are at work in the cities and towns of the'
tiorthein States. Of these about two.thirds
are ladies.
- Ladies and i gentlemen who would enter
the Nets Profession, and become teachers
'of the popular system'of Gym astics, can
*tend to. Dr. Die Lewis for a cir ular,
The old Knickerbocker says . Success
14 Dr. Lewis. . Gentlemen or ladies who
would do real good in this world, and
would learn a calling whose practitioners
are.every day in more request,, should
4 i wilily' themselves to bdcotue teachers at
t,te Noitnal institute." •
U. S. Attorney General.
The President of the United Statei has
zippo . inttd John James Speed,. of ken.
lucky,: Attorney General, to fill
i ihe
Naeaucy occasioned by the resignation of
Hon. Edward Bates, The Washington
itepnblican,referring to this appointment,
Mr. Speed is ooe of the most
lawyers iu Kentucky, is a man of the
highest integrity, and of great common
cease. Ha was upon the Union electoral
• icket.of Kentucky in the recent Poresi
dential canvass, and for many years! has
ben a leading ematicipationist thatil
IS alb:"
„The illaa.and:the Party.'
General McClellan has spent two of
the; best years of his life in pursuing the
phantom of an eleation to the Presiden
cp.!, la so doing he has injured Ins .
itary reputation,. lost the finest opportun-1
;ties -for greatness ever afforded to any ,
mat, and finally suffered a disastrous
feat•at the polls. Ho had made himself,
the focus of discontent, and omitted no
chance of artfully arraying his own inter
eits 'against those. of the national goVern
meat. What he will now do is a quition
which rises to the surface everywhere.—
It Was remarked by a veteran statesman,
now dead; that whenever a man eatched
shelPresidental itch he never gets rid of
it. -Lit 'it be so, it becomes a serious; con
sideration whether the country islikely
to be troubled for the next thirty Years
with General 'McClellan's schemes and
aspirations in this way. Foil our! part,
we are weary of the.bitterness of partisan
strife, and desire an end of it. If we
must ether abolish slavery or have the
t=ame contest over again every four Years,
most emphatically, let us make tid end
of the institution. We have al clear
Union majority' of two-thirds of both
nottserof.Congress, and we ehonlduse it
to:mend the Constitution so as to prohibit
slavery forever. it was the hope of re
storing the Union with slavery to serve
as abatis of a Dernocratio strength that
led to the stand taken by the coppeiheads
in the late election, and useless i atrife,
trusting that things will ultimately come
back to their old. condition,--4:orth ,
Irom the Jersey- City
. We haie to record the most extensive
and fatal casualty evertlinown in this
country: Yesterday morning at an.early
hour a very large train left Orange. N.J.,
en route for the White House, Washing
ton, D. C., under the ch'arge of chief en
gineer George B. McClellan. It was ex
pected to make the, trip through in twelve
hours. The train was very heavily laden
with mercligndise shipped by a New York
Jew house, Augustus Belmont agent.
All the copperheads in the country were
parsengers, besides a feW innocent people
who bad been deluded into taking an ex
cursion trip by the offer of dec.lhead
tickets. Moratio Seymour of New York
wail the conductor, assisted by Franklin
Pierce, C. L. Irallandigham and Joel
Parker. Ben. Wood was appointed to hold
all'the money received•for fares.and wore
a hat band marked conspicuously 4-11-4.4.•
For convenience-and comfort • the pas
sengers were classified in the cars; the
!fogies under' the charge! of Robert C.
'Winthrop and Millard Fillmore, the short
boys under John Van Buren and Capt.
Rynders, the mountebanks and minstrels
led by rack Rogers and, Marble, editor of
the World, and the few clergymen mar
shaled by the very Revs. , C;. Chauncey
Burr and H. J. Van. Dyke. There were
several cars that. were intended to be at
tached to the train thaedid not make the
connection—one from, Canada, with
George N. Saunders conductor, and a
roomy one from New York, filled with
Gqv. Seymour's "friends," were both de
tained by the unwarrantable interference
ofla man named Benjamin I?. Butler,who
came to New York last week to "stop a
spell." The :Cars were gorgeously deco
rated with such elegant mottoes as the
following: "Butter has riz," "Abe Lin-1
coin is a gorilla," "Little, Mike's the b'y
be jabers," "Niggers for slaves, Irishmen
for our masters," ',iWe are cowing, broth- I
Or; Jeff." "Let Us change our base,"
"Here's your, spaniels for you, Massa
'They moved out of the Orange depot
gaily to the tune of Dixie,_ though the
engineer hesitated, when the final mo
went of departure came, about stepping
on the platform, and was at last only got
on board by a little expedient of Fernan
dO Wood, who pulled him into the train,
backwards by his coat tail. Engineer
McClellan was.dressed in the full rig of
a Major General, for which his.uole
Sam paid. He was very nervous and
remarked that he should prefer a gunboat
to a ride on such a locomotive. • The en
gine was a new one,
built at Chicago last
4ugust, but on a plan ,designed by Ben
edict Arnold, and subsequently improved
Li l y Aaron Burr andjortn C. Calhoun.—
.I.t was built to the order of Jeff. Davis
and bore the nogagin,„c , name of "Cessa
Lion," which was adopted as a slight
Change from thn original designation
It occasioned a good, deal of remark!
that hardly any soldiers took passage on 1
the train. . There were some men named
grant, Sheridan, Sherman, looker and
pis around, whoj very ungenerously ex
pressed doubts ds to the safety of the
track and the ability of the engineer, and;
it is supposed this prejudiced the "blue
coat" boye., Besides this the conductor
of the train refused to have an American
flag on the engine, and the soldiers have
h stubborn feeling of prejudice on that
subject. Notwithstanding these slight
I ,fdrawbacks the train moved off; with the i
Ilgood wishes and cheers of all titer rebel
„soldiers in Lee's army, all the British
aristocrats, and the pirate Semmes and
'his friends. From all that can be learned
from the incoherent talk of the few sur
vivors of the sad catastrophe it appears
that there was trouble from the very start.
The engineer and his fireman Pendle
ton quarreled, all the trip, hbout the firing
up, and the conductors and the fare taker
were constantly giving contradictory or
ders to the brakemen, and pervous con,,
servative old gentlemen pulled frantically
at the-bell-rope, giving engineer McClel
lan no end of trouble. Just how the ac
cident happened no one can tell 'now, but
Icertain it is, that before the train i got half
way through, there was a shocking smash
up. : The locomotive exploded, the cars
were•all piled up in fragments, the track
torn up and such a multitude of passen
gers 'fstally injured that it is doubtful if
their names can be ascertained. Some
assert that an old Illinois joker, familiarly
called old Abe, caused the disaster by
putting a rail on the track; others that
the fireman Pendleton let too much wa
ter out of the peace tank upon the fire in
McClellan's boiler; others that Valise
digham ran the train off the track by drop
ping an "0. A. K." stick of timber under.
the wheel; still others that the engineer
was frightened by suddenly discoyeribg a
"nigger in his wood pile" on the tender,
and overturned the locomotive by at- I
tempting to "change his base„ too sud- '
. Whatever be the cause, there is no
dont% of the complete wreck of the whole.
train, and the sad fate of the excursion
ists. There are but slight fragments of
the more dittinguished persons that, are
recognizable. Ben Wood is missing al
together, except his 4.1144 badge.—
Fernando was recognized by a copy of the
statute of limitations . in his /trousers
pocket; Horatio Seymour and Vallan.
,were found locked fast is each
other's arms and crushed under the weight
of certain "dry goods , boxes" that corl- 1
Weed bogus soldier's votes ; Governor
Parkc'r was badly bruised and lost his eye
sight,, so that he "can't see it" any more;
Pendleton was pitched headlong into a
nasty: ditch filled. with secession mud,
' Which Choked hius r anci as for the engin
eer, he was blown so much higher than
Gilroy's kite and was so minutely pul
verized that there is no ocular proof that
any such man ,ever existed. The funeral
of these excursionists wilt very soon be
attended in Richmond, Va., by Jeff Davis
and all his 'cabinet, and it is currently
reported that U. S. Grant may attend,
not, however, in the character of a mourn
er. There will be ; no more trains run on
thii road as the jeompany being tondo
bankrupt by this c.lamity will immedi
ately wind up its, affairs. The Union
line however is in good running order.
Whit the'South Is Fighting For
The 'follovion• clipped from the Rich.
mond Sentinel beiring date Oct. 18th,
may serve to give our democrat friends
an idea of what rebels are fihting for.—
If anY of our readers feel disposed to call
it an abolition lie, they can see the paper
by calling at the' office. It is the con
clusfon of a long editorial designed to Show,
the utter exhaustion of the North :
We do not forglt however, that there
is another' source to which the Yankees
look for reenforfiements, and on. which
they build large calculations. We mean
the negroes. Indeed, Mr. Lincoln open
ly admits that take away this help and
he hds no 'chance for success. , He and his
' echoes even affirM,that they have at this
time 200,000 song of Africa in his mili
tary servile.'' That is manifestly untrue.
Where are they ? Grant's and Sheridan's
and Sherman's armies' all united, would
not amount to two hundred thousand
men. But our enemies do not remertt :
bbr one thing. They do not remember
that, as President- Davis says we are
Got fighting for•sldvery, but fur independ
ence., We would sooner sacrifice slavery,
a thousand times than be ccooquered by,
the Yankees and then have it sacrificed' l
by them. If it become necesary we can
enlist the negro element on our side.—
We can make all the offers that the Yan-,
trees can, and 'some that they eanuot.-1
We are far more considerate for our do-
mestics than our inhuman enemies. We
have not desired to involyp them in our
wars. • Save for our tenderness for them
we could long,ago have used them to far
better purpose than the Yankees ever can.
If necessity should ever oblige us to lay
aside our scruples ' upon our enemies will
be all the blame before God and man.
The Path,-to the National Cap-
It-has always been the boast of the,
slaveholders that the Constitution of the I
United States nut only sanctioned and
recognized slavery, but that the pathi to
the national capital leers through slave
States,, and that the interests :of slavery
were thus joined to the safety of the cap.
ital'of the nationi and thererore one could
not, be impaired without endangering the
security of the other. Like all the other
arguments and positions to serve slavery,
this has been swept away,bythe billow of
war, and now for. the first time in the his
tory of the Republic, a path to the nation
al capital has been opened through free
territory. The emancipation policy adopt- i
ed in Maryland, breaks the dark bonds;
in which slavery, has invested freedom's l
capital. Had Slavery been content to en
joy;the privilege it possessed—had those
who,yved in lukury and base by the bar- I,
ter . in human flesh, been satisfied with
their social powers, and not aimed at
bending all interests to their institution
Maryland to-day would have still been a
slave State, and the path to the national
capital would have led, at least during
ithis century, if Rot for the great part of
the next, through slave territyry.
In addition to !the gratifying result in I
Maryland, by which a State has been
wrested from slivery, the fact that the
syratiathizeraWith the slaveliolder's cause
were defeated iW'Nevi York at the late
election, is equally important to all the
true friends of fteedom. New York and
Pennsylvania are
.in the hands of
loyal men: . Ina few weeks New Yoik
will have a loyallGoVernor, who acting, in
conjunction with s , Governor Curtin, of
Pennsylvania, will iimleed complete the
Security of the free . path to the National
• Capital. -This is another result of the
slavhholders' rebellion: " Had the Dem
ocratic leaders of the Empire State, been
true -to themselves and their country,
nothing could ii:ave defeated the re-clee
of Governor Seymour. But he . and his
friends adopted,:the cause in the interests
of slavery, and thus another mighty com
monwealth was "forced as it were, to de
lare for freedoM that there might be ne
mistake about her adhcrance to the Na
tional Government.' These are all com
pensatory results, for the sacrifice made
to crush the slaveholders' rebellion. A
free path to the National Capital, and free
States united f4r• the control of the sym
pathizers with freason.—llarrisbu, g ret
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.—The Senate
today confirmed • Salmon P. Chase as
Chief Justice of the Supreme Couriof
the United States. A great and good
wan, Chase is hailed as a fit successor of
Ellswortb,, Jay,. and Marshall.
Coughs, Colds; Pulmonary and Asthma.
tic Disorders, have proved their efficacy
by a test of many years,'and have receiv,
ed testitnobials• from eminent wen who
have used them.
John . S. Ewell, a relative of General
Ewell, of the Rebel army, is imprisoned
at Washington, on the charge of being a
Wm, M. Swain, Esq., for thirty years
publisher of the Philadelphia Ledger, has
sold it to Mr. Oeo. W. Chills, the well
.known publisher. *.
The California gold mines, were never
More productive than they are proving at
the present time.
A M'Clellan student in Williston Sem.
inary, Easthampton, Mass., bet his fond
ly cherished beard on the 'election--and
lost it.
Two magistrates in. Shropshire, Eng
land, recently sent two agricultural labor
ers to prison for seven days for refusing
to go to church .when ordered to do so by
their employers.
patiner town is in vermont. Lin.
dolt), (appropriately named,) in Addison
county, voted, Lincoln,2o9 ; McClellan, 0.
Well done fot Lincoln town.
The New-York Tribune says it has
made no money the last year, and has lost
thousands of dollars in its weekly edition.
So it revises . its . prices for 1865. The
Weekly is fixed at $2,50 per.aanutrt.
During the last fifteen months. over
five million dollars have been paid' ever to
the Treasurer of the United States by
Marshal Keys, of Massachusetts as the
procaetls of sales of captured blockade
runners whose eases have been adjudica
ted at Boston.
The Concord (N.H:)- .Monitor learnes
that in some of the towns in that county
snow drifted in piles of six and eight feet
deep on Sunday last. and that persons in
getting up their young cattle from outly
ing pastures last wednesday had to break
paths in some places to get through.
President Lincoln has declared by proc
lamation that the ports of Norfolk, Vir.
ginia, and Fernandina and Pensacola,
Florida, will he open to domestic and for
eign commerce on and after the Ist of
December proximo, oxcepting as relates
to such articles as aro contraband of war.
wir , to informatin that Southerners
and rebel sympathizers in certain West
ern towns are manufacturing clandestin
ely, and collecting at convenient points,
shot, shell and cannon, the Canadian Gov
ernment has issued a proclamation pro
hibiting the exportation or carrying,
coastwise or by inland navigation, of arms
or ammunition.
Telegraphing in India is attended with
peculiar difficulties. White ants eat the
bottoms of the posts away, elephants rub
against the posts and push them over,
and monkeys use the wires for gymnastic
exploits; and often wrench them from the
insulators, and hurricanes often prostrate
miles of wire at once.
The Union Executive Committee of
East Tennesiee, of which Farson 4rown
low is a member, have issued an address
to the loyal people of that State calling a
convention) to meet at Nashville on the
19th proximo, for the purpose of takicg
measures to reinstate their Common
wealth in her old and proper footing in
the Union, and secure to her the repre
mentation in Congress to which she is en
titled." .
The Navy Department is advised that
the Rebel schooner Badger, from St.
Mark's bound to Havana, was taken pos
session of by the Steamer Adelia,, on the
6th inst. off the middle entrance of St.
Geeige's Sound, Florida.• Twenty-five
packages of cotton were captured with
the vessel, the captain of which threw
his papers over board.
The Guerrillas of the Southern States
are not made up.of the riff raff of South
ern society. It is notorious, says a cor
respondent and their bands are made up
of citizens and plantets, the once rich, re
spected, chivalrous lords of the lash !
murderers now of defenceless old mien, of
helpless black women and children—the
shame'of our civilizatiou and our ago.
Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott is reported
to have presented a copy of his autobiog
raphy to Lieut. Gen. U. S Grant, with
the following inscription "From the
oldest to the ablest General in the world. "
Did Gen.Seott forget, or did he remember
that Fredrick the Great once sent a sword
to Washington, with the inscription :
"From the oldest General in the World
to the greatest ?"
The British North American newspapers
devote much space to the discussion of
the subject which is now uppermost in
the minds, of our provincial neighbors—
the proposed colonial confederation. One
•very important point which disturbs the
minds of these . editorial writers is, the
question whether the people will be al.
lowed to give expression to their feelings
in the matter. of the new form of govern
ment before it. is inaugurated.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman
in Grant's army to his wife in Bingham
tonr "Last week when I got the N. Y.
Herald giving the news'of Lincoln's elec.
tion, I took the paper and walked towards
the Rebel lines and beckoned to a Rebel
officer to come on neutral ground and
hear the news,.which I read to him. • The
Rebel officer shed tears like . a, Child, say
ing, "We bad hopes the last two months
if McClellan got the election there would
be something turn up, whereby we might
be saved, but now we must 'give it up,
there is no help for us."
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, having
nominated Gen. Butler for our next Pres.
ident, the Fall River News proposes the
pastor of Plymouth Church himself as
Vice President, on the ground of the oat
ural strength of a combination of the law
and thesaspel.
ack y VIRTUE of sundry writs of rendition
Exponas, Fieri Facing and Levari Facies
issued out of the Court of Common'Pleas of Pot=
terCounty, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I
shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court
House in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 19th
day of Dec., 1864, at 1 o'clock, p. sn., the fol
.lo:sing described tracts or parcels of land to wit:
All those six certain tracts, pines or par
cels of land situate in Pike and -Hector town
ships, being lottery warrants nos. 5122, 5123.
b 124, 5125, 5126, 5121, and conveyed by
Patents from the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania to John Nicholson, dated the 29th &
30th days of April, 1794, and named Darby
Goshen Saint Thomas Fairfax Concord & Rich
mond. and each tract containing 1099 Acres,
or 6594 acres in all, and being the same as
conveyed by John Nicholson and Hannah his
wife by deed tinted. the 18th day of March, A.
D. 1795, to John 'Ashley, and•recorded among
the land records of Potter county in Deed Book
B, page 147 &c., excepting one niece contain
ing 100 acres heretofore conveyed toE.S. Mor
ton, one piece contain:l;2g 30 and acres con
veyed to S. 11. Martin, and one piece contain
ing 72 and lths acres conveyed to Mc-
Upon which tract of . land are the following
improvements, viz. On, warrant No 5127 one
of about 5 - acres improved with 2 frame
houses, roue frame barta L ,'one blacksmith shop,
and one saw mill, now occupied by widow
Impson ; one lot of about 2 acres improved,
with one log house and one board shanty
thereon, now occupied by S. Darrow: one lot
of about 20 acres improved with one frame
house, one board shanty and sonic fruit trees
thereon, now occupied by Sam'l Decker; and
one lot, about 20 acres improved, with one
frame house, one frame barn, one saw mill,
one. blacksmith shop and . some fruit trees i
thereon, now occupied by 11. D. Frost.
On warrant No 5122, one lot about 20 acres
improved with oneframe brlrn and some fruit
trees thereon. one lot about 15 acres improv
ed, with two frame houses, one log house and
some fruit trees thereon; one lot about 4 acres
improved, with one frame house and one board
shanty thereon, now occupied by C. W. Ed.
rnonds one lot about 50 acres improved with
one frame house, one frame barn and some
fruit trees thereon, now occupied by Charles
Pritchard ; one lot. about 2 acres improved,
with one log house thereon, now occupied by I
Chester Ellsworth; one lot about 45 acres
improved, with two frame houses, one frame!
barn, one frame shed, one saw mill and some;
fruit trees thereon, now occupied by A. Kil
born ; and one lot about 35 acres improved.
with one frame, house, one frame barn and I
some fruit trees thereon, now occupied by
Curtis Eno:lm.
On warrant No 5123, one lot about twelve
acres improved, with one frame house thereon,
now occupied by John Razey ; one lot about
60 acres improved, with one frame house, one
log house, one frame barn, one corn house,
and "some fruit trees thereon, now occupied
by- John Sunderlin ; One lot about 12 acres
improved, occupied by Simeon Ellis; Otte lot
about 5 acres improved, with nue log house
end one log stable thereon, now occupied by
Ai Robbins, One lot about 12 acres improved,
with One frame house and some fruit trees
thereon, ; known as the Chas: Parker lot ; One
lot about 10 acres improved, with one frame
houSe, one log stable and some fruit trees
thereon, now occupied by Wm. T. Leach.
On warrant No 5124. One lot abort S acres
improved, with one frame house, one frame
bard and some fruit trees thereon, now occu
pied by Wm. T. Leach, Jr. : One lot about 5
acres improved with one frame house thereon;
and one lot about 1G acres improved, with one
frame house, two frame barns with cow shed
and corn bOuse attached and some fruit trees
thereon, now occupied by John Sccti.
lo be sold as the property of llunsicker
A certain tract of land in Homer tp, begin
ning at the north-east corner of lot No. 30,
surveyed to Nelson Black, thence north 87
and 5-10ths rods, thence west 133 rods,
thence south 173 rods, thence east 72 rods
to the south-west corner of lot No. 30, thence
north by west line of said lot 87 end 5-10ths
rods to a heMlock, thence 'east 00 rods to the
place of beginning, containing One Hundred
and Fifty acres more or less, being lot No. 31
of the allotment of Keating lands in Homer
tp., Potter county, Pa., and part of warrants
Nos. 2121, 2131 and 2136 ; about ten irres of
which are improved, with one frame house.
one frame barn, and a good tipple orchard
thereon. To be sold as . the property of Giles
ALSO—A. certain tract of land in Hector
tp. boanded on the north by B. L. Wilbur,
east by Benjamin Dickens, south by Albert
Wilbur, and west by C. P. Kilbourne, contain
ing Sixty •Five acres more or less, bout thir
tc-st•e acres of which are improved. with one
frame house, one frame barn and some fruit.
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of
Malcolm Tate.
ALSO--All that certain two story frame
building' situate in thevillage of Lewisville,
said building is octagon innhape, and 18 feet
across each of the said' sides, said building
being situate upon a certain lot of land in
said township fotmerly owned by Burton
Lewis, and bounded on the e!lst and north by
lands of Burton Lewis, on the west by villa g e
lots owned by Thomas Parker,!llichard Baker, '
and Larrabec 4: Lewis, and on the south by
the Highway And lands of Burton Lewis, con
about.three.aeres. -To be sold as the!
property of 0. A. Lewis, Dan Baker, Charles I
Monroe,&e., Trustees of the Ulysses Academy,
Joint Stock Company.
ALSO--Certain real estate in Genesee tp.,
village of Ellisburg, bounded on thmwest by
lands of A. C and Wm. Ellis and by the '
wayo road, north by lands of Harry Ellis,east
by lands of Bingham estate, and south by land
of Versel Dickenson;HastingsiMorley, Spencer
Preston and James Locke. Containing Forty
Acres, all of which is improved, with one
Tavern House and two frame barns thereon.
To be sold as the property of Allen Sheppard.
ALSO—Certain real estate in Wharton tp ,
bounded on the north by lands in possession
of Martin Bart. - on, east by lands in possession
of Bensleys', south by lot in possession of
Stephen Horton, and west by the Sinnema
honing Creek. Containing One Hundred and
ninety-eight acres, with the usual allowance,
of which about sixty acres ore improved, with
one frame house, one frame barn, one frame
shed, and some fruit trees thereon. To be
se Id as the property of James Bartron.
ALSO—Certain real, estate in Genesee tp.,
Beginning at a hemlock stump in the north
line of lot No. 38 surveyed to G. W. Rice and
the south-west corner of this lot, thence north
west 84 a post the north-west
corner of this lot, thence south 89° east along
the line of lot No. 40 108 perches to a post,
thence south 13,° east 84 perches to a post,
thence north 89° west 108 parches to the
place of beginning: containing Fifty-Three
and five-tenths acres, with the usual allow
ance of six per cent. for, roads 4:e., being lot
No. 39 and part of Warrant No. 1281.—ALSO
—Another lot situate as above being lot No.
40 of the allotment of lands of the Bingham
Estato in Genesee tp.. contracted to Isaac
Tanorman by It. B.RoSe. June 23rd 1864, con
Mining Pith-Two nud eight tenths acres
more or less,there being on 'the tire) alms e
described lot about Fifteen acres improved,
with one fritme house, 'one frame barn and
some fruit trees tuereon: To be sold as the
property of Chester Whittaker, 2d.
ALSO—Certain real estate in the county of
Potter, and Whieb on a certain map entitled
Map of a pa 4 of the town of Germania and
lands belonging to the Penn'a. _Land and
Farm Associatiort, according to survey mad e
by Gustave Ft. Winkle, in 1856, are laid dawn
numbered and described-as: follows: yip.—
Section 30 iniwarrant 5074 (fire thousand and
seventy four) which warrant .contains 47
sections and is surveyed by Gustave B. Win
kle from the douth-west corner of said warrant
east 215 andi 3.loths perches, thefeee north
75 perches to a post witnessed by 3 Beeches,
1 Maple aral 1 Hemlock. This post is the
place of beg tuning, thence east 59 and3=lotbs
perches to post Witnessed by 4 Beeches,
thence north 67 and 6-10 tbs perches to a post
witnessed by` 3 Beeches, thence west . s9 and
3-10 tbs per Ches to a post witnessed by Sy
Beeehes-and!ll Hemlock, thence south '67'and
/Oths perches back to the place of begiti
ning. This Isection No 30 (thirty) contains
Twenty-Five , Acres more or less.—ALSO,
Two lots in the town of Germadia, No 31 on
Monroe Avedue, and No. 32 on Madison Ave
nue, each osaid lots being fifty feet wide in
front and rear and one hundred feet in depth.
To be-sold ds the property of Derid Boyer.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the
Village of Lymansville. Eulefia tp., bounded
on the north by the Lyconing,,, and Pottef
Turnpike road, on the east, by the Highway
leading to Ayres Hill, on the south by lands
of Nathan IVoodcock, and oft the west by
lands of L. D. Spafrorcl, containing Is'ine\ and
Eighk-:'entlass Acres more orle l ss, all of which
is improved with one frame house, two frame
barns, ether', out houses and a: good bearing
appleorch4l and other fruit trees thereon.
To be sold Its the property of,Jonathan Glase.
D. 0. LARIIABEE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 22.
COO gbP, COlds, Whooping Cough, Bron
chitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth- •
ma, Lloar:eness! &ire Throat,
Crotip, and every Affection of
So gener4l has the use of; this remedy be
come, and so ‘ popular is it everywhere,thet it ie
unnecessarY for me `to recount its virtues. Its
works speal: for it. 'and find utterance in the
abundant and voluntary testimony of the
many who from long suffering and settled
diseaseha.,‘e been restored to pristine vigor
and health; We man present a mass of evi
dence in pi j pof of our assertion, that
Thellt.p.v. Jacob %Sechler,
Well known and iniiNiresPected among the
German population hi tlii3 country ; mattes the
following Statement for the benefit of the
afflicted :
HANovEn, Pa., Feb. 15, 1859.
Dear Sips realtied in my family
imporlantibenetits from the use of your valu
able premiration—WisrAn's ilAnsAit or Witt•
CnEURV—it, affords me pleasure to recommend
it to the public. Some eight years ago One
of my daughters seemed to be in a. decline'
and little lope.. of her recovery were enter
tained I,tlien .procured a' bottle of your ex.'
cellent DAV:IM, and before 'she bad taken the
whole of the contents of the bottle there was
great irnprovement in her health. I bare,
in my individual ens.e, made frequent ass of
your vnlnhblc medicine, and hare also been
beneattedi by it. • JACOB SECIILER.
Frcirn Jessie Smith, Esq . ,
President off' the Morris County Bank.,:3forrig
town, 3:ecv Jersey.
"naving, used Da. WiSNAR'S BALSAM -0!
WILD Cumtnv for about fifteen years, and
having Oalized its beneficial results in my
family, itailbrds me great pleasure in recom
mending it to the public as a valuable reme
dy in cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, ac.,
and a reMedv which I consider to be entirely
innocent) and may be taken with perfect
safety byi the most delicate in health." '
Froin &Um. John El Smith,
A di:;tinguisheil Lewyer in Westminster, 31 . 01.
I have;on several occasions used Da. Win-
BALSAS! or WILD C//IIFIIS for severe colds,
and always with decided' benefit. I know of
no prepUration that is more efficacious or
more descry ng of general use.
p it:slim - I)ns also been used with ex
cellent ellbet by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hair,
Cross Reiads, Md. .
Wistar's Benin of Wild • Cherry.
None •genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS,"
on the ‘t rapper•
J. P. D67.smonr, No. 491 13roadway, N. Tork,,
S. W.TowLErr..S.: Co., Proprietors, Boiton. •
And by all Druggists.
AdministratOr's Notice;
WIIF;ItEAS Letters of Administration to
tliu estate of WM. B. JENKINS; late of
Shippcnitownship,Carneron county,dec'd y tiire
been ganted to the subscriber, all . persons
indebted to estate :We requested to tanks
immediate.payment, and those liming claims
arrainse the same will prascnt them, duly- sm.
Senticatcd, for settlement to
Coudersport, Oct. 25,1864.,
if ' •
The DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double}
The most popular and flexible in use, at
J W. ALLEN, Principal,
Late of the Wellsboro Academy, assisted
by competent Teachers.
Thci Fall Term commences September sth,
and continues Eleven Weeks.
Tuition, to be paid at the middle of the
term; :$3 to $B. No scholar admitted for less
than Fall a term.
A Teachers' Class will be instructed free of.
By Order of the Trustees:
Cende'rsport., Aug. 8, 1864