The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 26, 1864, Image 3
'YEE - POTTER, CO f "Jali&Ai; lend=Polt, Wednesday v exing Oct. 26,1E61. IlAcal and G WR..See Sew Advertizeinefits M. CASH paid for Niroodat this office igiy`Mrs. Nelson,.Colesbur4, offers for sale span cf working horses and fattires.,-, .4EN„Scofield, Union, in the 19th district, has 1,302 majority for Congress. IS. - See the change of tim on the Philad. .-,rand Erie Railroad. Trains Tun throne' to • IM.Hon. A. G..olmsted rceived 21 votes 'more tbanlany other man on ?the Union ticket in Tiogo. That we call ,complimentary! . , im.We l publish on our Brat page a speech of Ales. H. Stepheus, vice-president of the 'rebel governmOnt. Read it carefully. igirDon't forget the ass iileeting, at Oon dersport, oa theifirst Thnrsdav is November. Some of the ablest'spealters of Pennsylvania , will be present. , - Mahe Union nasjority, On joint biillot,in the Pennsilcanio LFgislature next winter wil l be 331 Large eno4g4 for all practical pur-, Illere is C. letteit•frotal one of theSe heroes , ' who fougrit through • the battle of .4utietani,• also thci"t tCf Pielleticksburg; and h64.1.n faced the cannon's mouth under Hoels.4r l ut Chan , cellorsvith. - Henri:Ma, all re advoates of.a "cessation' of hostikties,? and ye grumblers at the hi l r4ll prides of matt! es. anti simol cot tan, and a i l others who talk now,• asdid the 1 1 , selfish Butcher, in the da3 - sof the IleVolation. who went !about er.",-ing, - "Beef, Bee 4" when I all loyal. people 'were doing_their u most to secure Indpendence . an;d . Freedom. But rea the letter, • i . • iT,S...IL .. drirx Pot -\r, "c - a., Oct. I'S," 1664. * * .." . 1 ~'..• "There is nothing of import ance to relitte litre aside from whe. you al ready knoW, [that is in regard tri war news] but as to Olitical news, I am he+ t l p inform you that there is a decided chting4 fur the better. TIM blind are regaining their sight, and the supporters of that rotteti froMdation, the Ohbees.e platform are all Beein"e" t!. erefrorn and taking their standocoti.Y tirnlerlfounda tion, by th, side of good O . .A.l.4 . allarn, the' man who will not sacrifice his oWn".and his country's honor tor the sake of es".#blishinv Peacewith`black.bearted iraitors.i • 1 1 Is there ljustGod is Heaven, 2D4 will Ee send the . edrses of bell upon us by!sdbjectinr* our ciOriods Country to the li..eepiig 'pad rule of a - President elect,d upon such tyylle thing as' the Chicago pialform, g6ticn - luii; by the 'very instigittors of th i s relefiloil i i si f ''PpOrted , by the bosom friends of our worst and most 1-1 traitorous foe? "No! no! God lie Merciful Don't fail to be present at the Mass and pre e'vi'l us - from such a lute.`. 1 Serf .Meeting at Coudersport. Cul; ros LLOYD, Esq., I I believe that there is ti" just 6o, r d,:antl that :31'1.1 . e,i , 0r ... th ere are I:undrjeds that .of Washington, an oltiddne bernocrat will .im- i t 11:recrie on oar 1t .C.e a l . i ii. . n men that Lave present and tell the people - what he thinks of: c01„er,....., formerly ect the• t... •an are. now ±staunch the, course a certain wing pf his old party' supporters,of the old "Ilail-spliter," and that ,have chosen to pursue. Ile is an eloquent' too without ally 'electioneering ez.c•pt from Come 1 theirown t r etisL..ences. M. W. DMinic. land able orator and will in all. - •• . li , out and hear him.. ! I . if ' ' ' --..- - -.41.- -- .... ,,-4 .4 ------ Solidiers? Aid Society; ' ,Give one ,m.ore ,day 'to your country!! . ' COUDERSPOAT, Oct 1-1,11EG4. Itis expected, that the .ftst, drand Mass Meet-' The . follo7 Ins is the amount of cl - ri1..1 fruit, r ing of the Loyal Citizens cli'Potter, will be an " Zvc., contributed by the Ladics c f t_ouersport -overwhelming demom-itiation. Preparations ' and vicinityto the ..r . Soldiers SoCl . .tny." are being made for such an:occasion as noble; Mrs- J. S. Mann, 6 lbs dried black:berries. A " ::". cis dried fro. s i,b er ri es , 4 tits curries dried tittle Potter has not =seen in many aklay. ;in sugar. 1 I i • splendid Torch-Light Procession WM Late 1 Mrs. P. •Ntetz,er, C Its dried b•rac'-:Lt"--ries. e n lace in the evening. Come prepared to slay' Mrs. Chet'sbro, 21 lbs dried bladberries. ~ lb dried raspberries; ' lbs batter.' I for the Evening Meeting. c , _ Miss Harris. 3 lbs dried raPT)berri es. • • •jr Hon. Win. H. Armitrong .nne o-: the 3 1 1 , 0 1 , 1 13 s :I i., Fr,c. ,l 113 Bird, 4: lbs dried blacll t; ,U< :r. most gifted'. of the Keystone orators will" Miss Belt"n Gridley.G rits dried dit . "..apelik to the people on Thursday, Xoyember " ries. -?..!, Pis 'F.naple, 3d. - Do not foil - fo -hear lilci. -Etz-Secater //rally Ley. - is, C Ire dried blstel:berrit Landon was 4.oinptiled. Pi. disappoint .his ' Lucia:la 41. and Mary .1. Gorani, l 6 ' blackberries. • friends in this-counrje at the October gather- ' .. ~ I l• • II thte Freeman, 2 lbs. bir.ckberries 1 ing owing to some home difficulties, but they' sugar. i having been successfully settled we. can con-' -Carrie B. PreeMan, 2 Ibis blickberril ' fulently.promise a speech Idomthits•War-herse, i• '''-ugar• •-- 1 .1 1 '4of 'true Democracy, 1 Mrs, Cool, 8 qts dried blackberries. . -Slazichter, S ". Ford, 2 " .U. " ' ' Sarah Wildman. 2 " ~ " " LucY, Wildman :2 " " 1 " Ball,:2 " " -o BUraii:k, 3 " poses An order from the War Department extends an furloughs of sick and wounded soldters, who are now at homei until the 12th of November. Let persons seeing this inform the soldiers in their mills;: ZEirA fine new stock of 'Fall and Winter 'Goods. at Olmsted's. Ed. has just returned from a visit to New York and has brought with him a k thotisand-and-pne things with -which to delight the eyes of the ladies. jar Do not be frightened by the stories that if Lincoln is elected tl34ra will be war in the North ! The party alio threatens this have tried one rebellion arid it is so nearly played out and its friends have fared so well that it is not likely they wiliatterapt another rpar There will be a klrand Union Meeting 411 Wellsville on Friday 'of 'tills week. Coll -Jaques, [the man - who latelAad an interview with Jeff. Davis], and CovJNohle of Wiscon ,,.sin, will speak. Let every an in Potter who can make it convenient, be Fresent, and bear these able champions of Freedom. ),;'Be careful ho:r Ton Tote? Alex. H, Stephens says the Cbicage; Plat form, is a "Help Liglat" to the Rebellion Reinember that the F.ebel soldiers cheered: "when theT beard that:lee:le 'McClellan was ' ." - nominated. ... Goclsen, 1. • I , 4- " . Dwight, 4ilbs dried curra..its. , . .. Do not, for your country's saKe, vote EO i te. .11,J1•01rostede- 7 bottles: his( that the rebels in arms can:cheer over it. 1 cor'diel. , ; . • • , Mrs. Car4er, 11 bottles blackberry q 1 ADELIME SMITE. Si ,if you read the Cfrpperhead papers you find there is no rejoicing in-them OTC. 7 the: , ; —-- -victory of Sheridan. Why is this ?Who ! 1 ALL XiIAIL, 3.1 21 - 2.l.:Luip I - ! can-tell ?1 The Ma l rylhnd toldibra hav,e' acitieild Succeii to the rebels' in arms is success to ` one,nl the :gradest victories of the )'var.----- Pendletolfs Party 1 and defeat to the rebels iThey have lifted "the despots beell' from in arms is defeat to Pendleton's Party 1 That's! the shore of their Maryland. Their vote the-abscsrer—and every thinking, man knows I has reciefted their -State ; Trom the! curse !of Slavett 3 . Land anchoted it last and for- - ?ever to the Union, whose cause, i l as the; _;per, We hear by way of Germania that; old Continr:ital con..7ress d.ecilare.d, l'is the. President Lincoln has called for half a million !cause of humanha Lure!' 'their ; ttietery 1 more men to be , drafted immediately. How '• shows that they, too, underitand the s ridiculous such lying is.' Men should be meaning of'this war. They nclablie'tha,,l "hissed out of a township that will thus at- iit is the arhied insurrection cif-th6 nriv-i -tempt to work upon the fears of ignorant 1 iletzed reg. against the Taboriti — miny.-1 -to those] They :konw, the -great slaveholder :is the! - .people. - These stories told `these unprincipled men think do not read i direct rival of the-free laborer who lives sufficient to know that they are lias, N o ca ll Iby his 'daily wages. They knows th'at , to while the system lasts permanent peace is ;•--for more teen has been made or is likely . ilia made. Read the account of Phil. Sheri, 1 ialPssib/eAs*iving learned in the bat '•;'ldan's victory and think if it is neeersarY. I tl9 field and the Sonthern that prison the ~.. , il t !tender mercies of slavery are.,..rtie, taey, they have, With one master_blow,.(l6Mo- 1 ished the root of the war, in tee A j oil of Maryland. It is-indeed "a glorions vic tory." God bless-the Maryland .. , citizens at the front and the Marylanifeitiftns -, at home? 1 . J it is So We warn our people against believing any of the lies and "last-cards" that will be Teirculated from now till electiort. Remember that `tboie lies do not change the Chicago :;Platform, do not cnange that platform's sym ' .pathy for treason into love for the Union, do :not :change Pendleton from the man who woold . nerer "Tote for ajcent Of money" with which to crash out treason into a•- loyal man, .and do not change the Geheral who retreated ,to-a gunboat-daring a battle into the General wh • .. o goes into the field and "takes the Matter in hind" and wins- glorious victory.: These lies do not and Can not change the real issue b'efore the peoitle, of "Country'qr no Coun&y.,' --„: ' - rif-'5 , .. 1 -.'l- 7 -.a tp-: , e beard last, areek r .by i-8,3uf,•,,Te- 1 1 tirkt iftl : inalf lika' lil y 1 dpw.ii);;;-.. - hip, ,that the.toiiiierlieSiii list Cril - " 1"' " 1- t; - .." 7- ..-•''' '' ''•• ."'; i • ried-t#istate by, fifteen thousa4d,, and badi I gained thirty - thousand Indlndlaila. - -It is , liblifiaiiiiK Faili)iii, HOUSE. ' 1 . ifthitt:'l.3 iiie,OfiFie• that tii i lat five in Harrison, Wedeesday evening Oct: 26 ' ' --- - -,+ 7 9 - , .) strange;._,_ Or, Poi!ZrEslii,.e l 4 li:iti . :°4.G' 6 iera . °T irid: - bthi' 9 l 'l t i . ntiSO;iViLtEi' ' §iiii? 'iO is Slate offtEers in Indiena,..ifeni * ',,, i-, ~;-, :Thursdays eveuiog;: Onto .547 ,, , ::': • , - - pushed 'fo l f,sina'etiiini . trith , ishielt 4 firop up - their: fast If-llin ,,- liarti '.i ' liten i libedriiiirt.t..6'.. - :•: -, ::: S P -D P :t .P . W S ,C .1 7 °ci k H° l3 sE) i r -- _ ~ ~ .i 4 i r cl;iy evening , October 28. ._..r' , . such, niaffuificent f.lLieb.oods, i'O, , tiiiren the _ --_' backbones of the ignorant of that party.'," i 1,, HtsoL fldtisE near moot o esta . . . ..6, , 4: - - ~_ .-' ',. - i: 7 : : 7, , ;,.ASatigilsy, evening Opt. 2J.-.- 1 How the Soldiers - -Feele So far 4. heard - from the Soldiers :from this county - hake voted A 3 follows For tilt Union, FT:Wthe, Copperheads, 2,ltljolty fot- If the p °pie who wear men's clothes; awl, au abut the streets whining ordr the bard- ships of scar, had any sense of ~ngnhood in them theyi would cease tuis whitefetither talk in the fact of men who bear thr , brdnt of all the hardships and dangers of the `ir.. 1 In addiiion to_ .their votiag an4lnst any! ,eompromisi3 with traitors, the herd boys at' the front who have found all the 4.Udgers thatl , w . .uf biingS, are, constantly writing hinse Most rarrin.g.apeals to their friends to, Crush the Copperhea l d tick-et. .": L.) IMI =I IME Pottr,, " " Bate.oauli'z. 31" •I•clirhile Abraham LinColn It t, as a all times, and under all di i cindstpees, ' exerted, his influence to procure fc4 . soldiers in the field:the - right .to:lvote, George l 3 McClellan declared in fairor of Judge Woodward, (CopperheadO of Pennsylvania, who decided clgatits i t ifte riylit of the soldieis ttr ijote Soidiemplcase wake a note of it; JOHN It:- ).14.NN,':- ESQ. ; will address meetings as follows,:., At &mock, HousE near mouth of the Honeyoye, Friday . evening,. October 28. Saturday evening, Oct. 29. 'i 10G , 1 1 MI PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every WedriesdaY by P: A. ST) R pINS z i . CO., Retail. Dealers in Grbc.eries - and PrOrisiorts, -• . . • opposite D. F. Glassinire's Hotel, Coudersport, Ra. Apples, areen, V bush., , S. 50 to 7 5 = 'do ' dried, " - I' 2092 50 . Beee r a, " n,s. cz 3' 00 350 . 13-e - esivax : V lb., ' 40- 60 n ^ , 10 12 Berries., dried, 1 , 1 quart ' ; 10 18, • Buckwheat, V bush., 1 ' 87 100 Buckwhdat Motif; - 300 3 75: Butter, V lb., 25 28 Cheese, " ; 20 25 Cloveri.--ee:l ~' 4.00 7 50, -•-•'" - Corn. = 3 13'2 - .14 1 50 2bo - 1 Corn Meal, pee:cwt., 450 4 7 1 5, 1 Eggs ; Y-1 doz., . 7 , Flour, extra, V bbl., :12 00 15 00 d do superfine ' " lO 09 12 00' I ' Hams, V lb., ' , 25 I hay, `sil ton,: . . 15 00 16 00 1 Honey, per lb., . 15 20 ' Lard, " , 2O 25 i Maple .Sugar, ptr lb., 20 . 25' .1 Oats, 1--1 bush., 75 Onions, . " lOO 125 ork,ll bbl., /35 00 40 00, ao. 11 lb.,- ; 20 25 do in whole hog. 'j lb., , 8 9 Potatoes, per bush., ' 63 88 Peaches, dried, V lb., . 25 . 30 Poultry, 'V lb., , 8 12 Rye, per bush., 1 50 1 88 Salt, 11 bbl., 600 G 25 , - ; - dui saes, - • ' 20, Timothy eed . 250 350 Trout, pz•.r e bbl.; :'. 800 0"00 Wheat. 7;•:P. bush.. , .1 75 :2 09 White Fish, V ?bbl., 5 .i., . 800 -9 09 :FOR SALE. re.CE Span I.3Vorking-Eorses end Wnzen be SAM Chban' Vii - the subscilbo. MRS. D. C. NILSON ' Colesburg, flee. 22, 1554. . MANHOOD : i HOW LOST ! • . HOW P.BSTORED! Just published, a new edition of Dr. ____ Y i COUJERSPORT ACAIWEIT• CillVervrell , s Celebrated Essay , ,• I on the radical cure (without medicine) of S. fit', "ALLEN, Ptincipal, 1 Sp:v.m.croaDdlozA, or Seminal Weakness, In- Late of the • Wellsboro keaderky, assiztqlll voluntary Seminal losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental I by competent Teachers;end Pit - I l rsical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar- I .— AM - LEE NOTIONS .I . r , The Fail Term commences September :. - itii,lringe, etc..; also, Coitsrma-rion, Eaunrsv, and _ ' and continues. Eleven Wee-ks. - I I _l Firs, induced by self-indulgenti or sexual ; • • . ,CC Elld shall ever try Co give all customers Tuition, to' be paid at the middle ,of the! extravagance term, $3 to $8: No scholar admitted for dess Zit7 7 ir Price, • 4, good bargains. To my friends and customers in a sealed envelope, only 8 cens. lat Whitesrille, I sincetely return you ;ray than half a term. . 1 The celebrated al.thor in this admirable I • thanks for your liberal patronage there,. and A Teachers' Class will be instructed flee of essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty , , ' / should you visit me at Wellsville, I shall try charge. I years successful practice, toat the ala.rming - -. 1 . to repay you for it. By oxdcr of, the. Trustees': - ' -I CODSenuences of self-abt.-e may be =mean_ -• •D. P. GLA.SSMIIM, ! I cued without the dan,ger a:s use of internal! " ...! • iGoOd SIC and Sheetings for II) to '5O mangs, and P. A. STEBBLNS, imedicine or the application of the knife—! ' S. ROSS, • Ipointing out a moue of cure, at once simple,;l cents, worth 50 to 73. 1 Cent certain Best grades of Print:, from :41 to 85 - pent.% Coudersport, Aug. 8, 7.304. 1 Truste-s- I certain and effecutal:by means of which ev- , worth 48. cry sufferer, no matter what his condition' ' Good Delains 25 to 37 cents, worth 3o; to fto: may be, may cure himself cheap, privately I ; Good Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30 cents; ivorthj and tad,cal., , ,. v: - --. •,, This Lecture should be in the bands ! 50 to 75. Extra Plain Alpacces 40 to 62 cent, - Worth / of every youth and every man in the land. 1 ,.. G 3 toss.. . . s4,ns, under seal, in a plain envelope, to nay Extra all-wool Delains 37,i to 50 cents, *orth address, pfie,:'-paid, Ott receipt of six cents, or; 130 so 75 ... I - i two post stamps. Address the publishers. ' I Fine Mozambi4sues 22 to 25 cents, Worth 38i CHAS. J. C. KLINE lz C 0.,• 1 to 45. ~ 127 Bottry:Now York,Post office Max 4556' Fine all-wool Merinos 69 to 80 cents, Worth i $1 to $1,50. 1 A. large stock..of Cassimers, Kt. Jearis, ! Safi- I netts, Broadcloths, =4l other goods etjuallyl is low. SPRING MILLS 10AtitlE3tt.! t•PF.I'NG MILLS, ALLEGANY Co,. N. Y. ELIAS llor.ros, Jr.., Principul Mrs. ADA WALI:1:1: ilouroNl Preceptress Sliss NZLLIE IVAmmn, Assi , tant A. L.:ATER, - Teacher of „nustc The Fail Term coMth - e-nces :lent-ember 72. The 'Winter Teem 'commences f)&cetn4r The Spring Term coimMences March Tu!Alai from Four to Eight Dolliirs. Daard...2o'd to $2.50 per week. The Principal ha: - ingreeently gradnat2l st one of the first CciMmercial Colleges n the State, is thoroughly, prepared to teach Single and Double Book-Keeping Banking., Commercial Law, :Fm., in as good a mannerj as it is t , tught tmy of the first Colleges jnf the, Countrr. MEM MEM ' cir'ed -ied Lir. s dried Furnished rooms for self-boarding at law For further information address the Primei pal or the undersigned, WM. COBB., 1 President Board of Trustees.l . Administrator's Notice. FBEIZEAS Letters of AdMinistrittion to Y the estate ofJAMES COTTON, late of Harrison township, Potter county, deed, ha:ve been granted to the "subscriber, all-persons indebted to said estate are requested to make inamedi3te payinent, and those hating, claims against the tame will present them, duly au-1 theaticated, for settlenetrt to ,„ I ordial er. LEROY D. GOFF, .Ad'r Cendersport, July 20, ISG4. • On the Courhe 100 Dien and 50 Teams Wanted. To g o onto a Lumber Job, two , mi±ez* - abbve Benezette,Elk county / yenn'a. Distance f-om here. 53 miles. - None but GOOD'Chop pers end Woodsmen,good Teams and Wagons, I are wanted. Beady for men the first, of Cloto- I bel- ; Poi teams, the tutu. ,Steady work tintil SN•ing.. Foy for men: from $0 to .sl6,per month tad fofintl. For g6oalion'e-team and , man, $3 per day and fonnd. For good 0..-', team 2 per day and found. The best route to the Job is down the First Fork of the Sin neinahonin., creek and up' Bennett's Brannb. Edquire when there for me Foreman, .3.llchaeli Courtntj. The JOb is a godd one to work tenms•ort. Forty Dollars per ton will be paid for all HAY brought in. Bring, in a load !I • WALTON DWIGHT: Coudersport. Penp'a, Sept. 14..1664, . • Spencer's Ready-Pay Store' is t. the only strictly Cash Store id Goode-- sport. If you srish to buy Goods for c.tsr, call at - Spencei-'s ' - • inA*l3 PAID FOR. EGGS, - . by t. Spencer fir:.A dELtBRATED TONIC BITTERS A RE becoming the most popular Medicine2l, - in Cireulatiod for the truce -of LIVER :COMPLAECT-, DYFTEFSTA i JAUN DICE, 'DEBISIT,Y OF THE NERVOUS' SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS. of the - - STOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is aiso,gaibini a &eat reputation in the ' ' .C I URE.of DIPTHERIA. .- • Principal Office, Condarsport, Polter 4:0.. iitTNT'S BLOu3I OF ROSES.—fn- , h' La ?STEBBINS' • & o z'3 . ' I wish 'All. persons having open a6coants 'with' me to ball and settle immediately. I will sell tiliop for Cash All my stock. of Xerchandise Consisting of CLOTEELNG-, BOOTS, and CROCKERY; ' GROCERIES,; TOOLS itc d:c 3 Good horses and _Harness. • " . • .3 Wagons, I Sleigh, I Cutter, " '1 Sulkey, The privilege of a good . .Ash ery in com , • plete . working order. IS cents ,paid fox' good ASUES, LUCIEN BIM l3rookland, Pa., Sept., 1864. • i TO PIIOFESSOD.S OF MUSIC; Air-ITEM; AND THE Mrs-loaf. PCBIC GT-'NEIIALLY. P. A. Wundermann, f ! & 524 Broadway. j Having on hand flie largest stock of Foreign IMnsic in Nei,. York,, which he imports from lEnrope expressly to meet the taste and re quirements of the American lovers of Music, ires-pectfully calls attention to the fact, that he! is now' suppiying, Music of tverfy Style at a Reduction of twenty-fa - a to fifty per cent, less than any other bouSe in the Hutted States. , P.ri•. - ate FaMilies can be supplied(post free) - by forwarding the cash to the above addri:ss. Should the amount of cash forwarded excesd the cost of the Music, the balance will he promptly returned in postage currency. Deakrs and Professors should not neglect this opportunity; they will be liberally dealt N. 8.--=Any and every piece of Mn§ic(rohni or instrumental) published in Eultipe ot• merica, will be supljlied to order, if fICCO t panied by the cash. f . Remember the Address, I P. A. WUNDE .R MANN, I Foreign and American Musk Clare-horse, 324 Broadway, New' York. 23'3 Notice. GET:MA.7;IA, Potter Co., Pa.. Art , *. 1, 1573. XTOTICE is hereby given the.t'Cliaries Bu 11V. shor, IiONV or late of this county, holding the following described property, has not yet paid any consideration whateverf cr the saute ; and all persons Are hereby warned cot to pur chase am- 'of `aid property. of the said Bushor before the decision or the .Couit is given in this case aid' C. 13ushoi has paid to me the consideration money therefor. The fbi!otrin,g is t?. property'. ht. A certain tract of land near the Ger mania Mill, in warrantso7.s. Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containing NO acres.— Also 25 acres it warrant 5076 and adjoining the above. . • . ' natl. A . t'lertrin tract of land, vith Mill and improvements thereon, near Settle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter Pa.,tcontaining about 204 acres. C. Bushor holds also in trust warrant no. 2501, in Games township, Tidga:Conrity, Pa., on the road leadir.gfrona Germania to Gaines, i'ontaining 850 acres. • tf ' V.IL ItADDE. . . Est - ray. ri AKE tb ti: . e-premises of the substriber in 1t..1 Ilarriscin township, Potter t °linty, Pa., about the . 3 0 .. , th of October, a two year old heifer, with a brawn and lirockied face. The owner wilt come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, er she will be ditvosed'pf according to law Harrison, Oct. 13. {3lv Statement, of accounts 6f ?ike School Districts, "lune Ist, 1864: Due from delinqnent firms- - 'urer's and 'Collectors $309 00 On unseated taxes 401'00 Dr. to outstanding ordoe 13alancb of assets overili4dlities $376 00 We certify the foregoiro. correct statattent of the accounts of Pike School Dis trict at the date above written.... _.l . 3WII....VSLEY, President. • „ S.ll. TreaSa.rer. M. Tonics Secretar . Y. 1 I - 111-€4 -1, - asgf Call - ~7OTiCE is hereby iiven that it is now if Four Years since P. 3.'Ste'bbins and the ntiCTi_islitted eloied their business, and as .1 part'of the debts due them. which Amain uri paid•now-belong,-to me. •I will attend at the Store of C. S. is E. A. Jones, in Coudersport, for the next thirty days : to receive - the pay on them from those_ indebted to said concern,' after which tbeY, left in the WAS of ,Officer foisolleciiou. A 4 x:4 6 4;ewise' issodicie.ut. - • JONES. • CouderspOrt: 3ury 1, 1864. 11111UNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES,—for the La • di c ; r _ a t, . • ,:STEItBINS' 02 : 0 rj2 ••.; SHOES, mLUGS, WELLSVILLE, N.Y. 1 1 VELLOW CITIZEYS, Friends and Cuitdit, I: erg : I return my thanits to, you for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me fdr the past teu years, and my business hating so much increased, found it neneSsary to!is-tab lish my headquarters on the railroad,',l3ak.e selected Wellsville,arid hereafter may b 4 fotilid at the- i J. . at the upper end of the village, vi,h ere II shall be pleased to see all my old customers and as many new ones as may feel i dispoi6d to favor me with a call. We are now ounimm a - 0 Large stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS; • I t! SHOES, READY-MADE CLGTHING, CLOTHLYG.ii. I- Thit branch of 04: trade We call row iitifen i on to in particular, as we can and Will Save you 25 to 50 per sent. Fine snits frnip $l2 to $l5, worth $26 to $25. Good black'pants for $3, 75, Worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50: SILKS,S 4WLS,&U., I of the Best and Latest Fashions, Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Brochi,. Stella, and most other kiud.s". k , Boots 4. IS'hf)4. JOHN" SMITE . ripb French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,25 , worth $1,75. - ' . • , Ifents Fine Calf Boots $3,75 to $4,75, worth $5 tO $6. 5710 00 Hais unil Caps for, , Ladies and Gen a., -VerYlote 334 00 Crockery hid tfardwarei gaithu 4gtimis ; &T, at prices far belott the present market Prices. , .& "I. i.tteefic;tt .01499tictiion. Floilr, - Pork Fish, Burns, Tea, Sugar, Cofee,:i Pepper,. Spice, &c., I • as low as can be bought in the Mate: • C. II.:S1,31111 - 0fiS4. Wellsville, N. Y., October, 186-1 ' 50 PER CENTi ir:ItEGULATOR Nos: 1 tfc OSWAYO PA., AND Empire Stoli A, large assortment very loyfr AV EDii Fait 'Winter Pi . Lilsrißßnoa, 4 . ..kil Have just atilt-id from New fork, i tiii t 4 stock of seasonable Goods willeb Sher will sell as low as isf . y liMiss In thsi Cellist* I*MP slating of • DI? . 'SS . GfpODS, DE L AiirES, PGPL 3, ,PLAID PoPILVS, = ck Hilit2W) AYEA WS Fun btemic of MEN'S FASMOMIBLE MOULIN BOOTS ctOgN, ATS 4 CAPS; 1 t'd &c.; &c. orroicE sTrlci OF GROCtßirg f - AL-Wdrg bNII4.Nh. Tea from :75 ets. 0132 per pound, P. A. STEBBINS' Corner Main and secasds.oto- Coudt:rsport, Sept. 21,1864 .:s BE ME Nevf =1 GOODge grff trumb in all varieties via i at e 4 ~, ~iozAT~i'l CI) (MICR; V.LONINGAt, tu-sdmfiks CLpTh i HOODS, iVt' . BL4 Sou ALso LI ] U Efil EL IP