The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 12, 1864, Image 1

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ruvusueii BY
I. W. IlleAlarner, Proprietor.
SL.SO 1.11 rE117. 7 isr.te.RlßLy .I.LIV4ICZ.
* * *Devoted to the calve of Repnblicanicra.
he interests of Agrieu!tufo, the advancement
of Education, and the b,eit, good of Potter
zounty. Owning no guide except that tit*
principle, it will endearer to in the work
of more fully Freedomiziri,g our Country.
• ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the following,'
rites, except where special bargains are made.
II Square [lO lines) 1 insertion, -- - - 50
1 if Si 3it- :- - $1 50
Each subseque.ntinsertiewaes . sthan 13,25
I 1 Square three months, r,--! - - , - 2LO
1. " . six " , 400
/.1 ;l i ne .44 -••--- - .- :I 50
0 Jane . year, 6 00
Column six months,c 0 00
- , -
~ k g .:. , . ,1000
i. A,' At It • 1 i 700
il 4 : per year. r - '--' - - 40 00
It .tgi !
,- 1 1
' , 20 00
Administrator'sr or Executor's Notice, 200
Business Cards, 8 lines or less, per year 5 00
'l- I Bpecial and Editorial Notices.ipm• line. 10
- *tee in advance,
transrent advertisements mist be
- f 1
paid advance, - nnd no notice will be takcil
of -advertisements from a distonce. unless they
arenccompanied by the money or satisfactory
and Job Work of all kinds, at
tended to promptly and faithfully.
- Free 'and Accepted Antient York Masons.
51.1LALIA LODGE, No: 842, P. A. M.
STATED Meetings on the:2ntl and 4thWednes
'days of each lilonth. ;Also Masonic gather
. •
Inv on every Wetineitlay•Eve!ting. for au - urk
and practice; at'their ID .11 in ColltiOninr.
. A. SIDNEY T,Yll.t.'N, Sec LV.
JOFIN S. ;►Ll\:c,
I. Coudei - sport, Pa., Nvil attend the
Courts in PotZvi - and N:Kezin Counthz_t. All
business entrusted in his tare will retell - ,
prompt 'attention. ()Mee scorner c We,t
and Third streets. 1
Coudersport. Pd., will n.t.teud to all busine,-.3
thrusted to his care. lopt..;tes Office on Soth-west of Main
and Fourth streets.
,ATTORNEI - ...kT LAIC. Coader-pnrt, Pa., di,
attend. to all . tniines:: ent‘ra,ted to with
-care and prom i.trteis. tJ itc 014
near the lillewb-eftv
ATTOTt.:EY" AT LAW. Cotp).ersilr. , rt.rft.,
,regularly attend Olt. Condi in t - . 1
'the adjoining o.;untier,-.
VRACTICING Conlerzoort. P. 1..
respectfully inform , rite ei:tizens oF th , 111-
lage and Aidllltr WM proul: , !y 1'..-
spand to all e4:111s for profe , , , b_,:il
Office on Maitt in bnil fornr2:qy
cupied by C. W. F:11i,.4.
C. S. E. A. .TONI
Oils, Fancy Artieles.:Fittllen2ry. I rr
Groceries, ke., Main St., Colidelfcort. Pa.
D. L.. D,
Clothing; Crockery, Urt,celies,
.ODEALER Gboas.GroCerics,
flardware Q,ceensware, Cutlery, and 1 - Cri
Good's usually found in a , coaatre
CouderspOrt, .Nov. 27,
D. F. GLASSMIRE, Proprietor. Corner c--
Main and Sccond Streets, Coudersport. Pot
ter Co. '
A Lis - cry Stable is also kept in connect
Mon with: this HoteL
AV4-142, Main st., nearly opposite the Court
guuse, Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet
limn Were made to order,iin good style, on
short notice. I ",
. 1
/MILLERS itik.4.v.,..4P-sr.r,
AGENTS for the Collection of Clait
against the United States and State Go• -
ernmenta, such as Pension, Bounty. Arreat
of Pap Ice. Address. Box Harrisburg, Pa.
Pension Bounty and War Claim
pESSIONS procured for soldiers of the
present.war who are disabled by reason of
'Wounds received or diseaSe contractracted
while in the service of the Inited States ; and
pensions, bounty, and arrears. of pay obtained
for widows or heirs of thole who have•ciled
or. been killed; while in service. Ali lette ofj
inquiry promtly answered, andon receipt `:):7
mail of a statement of the case of .elaiman, I;
will forward the necessary papers for their;
signature. Fees in ren'sion cases as Lied by 1
law. •
.REFERENCES.—Efon. Isaac BENsoN Hon. A.
G. Champ; J. S. MANN, Eq.. F. \V. KNOX,
Claim Agent Couderport Pa.
June 8, '64.-Iy.
'DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urina
ry and sexual si stems-new and reliable
treatmentin reports of the HOWARD AS
SOCIATION—sent by, mail in sealed let Cr
envelopes-, free of charge.! -Address. Dr. T.
bIiTLLIN HOUGHTON, 'HO Associatio; ,
Po. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ps
• .
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All day lorg., befo9e the front,
They hied borne the skirthish brOnt—
Swift odvance and suddenirally;i
Through the Shenandoah
But, at last, the blessed calm
Of tine evening - fell, like b4ltn,
And they rested in the vast, on
Lines of rifles, swords, and caniOn.
with their bridles in their t clasp';
And tiieir sabres in their grdsp, - thus each greenwood,
. 4fie Shenandoah Vail%
• I 1
When, at once upon the breeze,
FrOm the woodlands end. the leas e
All' along the dusky, thickets,
a . yell from Rebel pidkets.
Then, !with bridles tightlyi clasped,
And with sabres firmly grfuspe4
Waited they, with hearts ,enlarkling,
For thit wild delight of charging.
And they listened, while that yell
Mug from Rebel glide amilde4;
But no bugle sounded sally, • ti
Through the Shenandoah
Eo thgy itiarflea, all that ight,i
Till they icarued. at morn ,g
Bow tiiuSl• liohel acclamittlons jI
Hailed Chicago Ncaituilticins!r:
. , I '•
Not for victory the:r Tauti;t.
liver Shertnan—over
NA for hoiluZeutliOpS Cr Etas'pn—
But for . strength througi Tanke.e treason
. . r ,
ilebel;hroats, loud
I:lfirrle I
( . 0u:1'., , 1e5 . ! Is Nver:u > our tally,
In the :: , henaeLicah Valley!
Li Camp, t; ait eit
"Very nice, Ben." ' 1
She drew, the fur glove abstractedly on
her hand, and looked at the rich, dark fur.!
-,- . "Why, Ben, what's this ?"
It was the eight buferti Christians. I Her finger had come in contact with ;
Mr. Almayee did not Observe the little i something in the little finger of the glove,'
blue-nosed buy,• e.r.ouching bY ! the bill-land she drew it out. Even by+ the dim
nattily illutuinated plat i glass window, 1 light of the lamp she saw the myriad'
as Le sprang out of his carriage and went !sparkling faSeets of a diamond ring.
into the thronged shop', Hew should! "The gentleman must have drawn it
he? But little lien Morrow's eves, ea. I off with his glove," she said, while little
zer with the t rickly light of extreme pow. Ben stood by, in surprise and.delight.
env, took in every detail of theirich man's i "Ben, this is very valuable. We ought
equipage, and his purple fingbrs ciasped 'to return it to the owner at once."
one another as he looked: "How can we; if we don't know who
i•Oh :"•he thought, "how wee it must he is ?" said Ben. •
he t., be rieli.-to have etsh:oOed carriag. i "It will be advertised, dear; every of
es, and: big rcil lira, and irainee pies every, fort will be made to recover so valuable
day : Oh : I wish I wets,' rieli :" la jewel. To-morrow morning you must
And lieu shrank elosdr into his eorneri borrow a newspaper, and we will look at
as the A , iuti fluitered his'thiti, wore cloth-I the advertisements."
lug, and II:led the Ellis, with freeziugi "Sister," said Ben, under his breath,
tol,ei, ;reel his lorellexd. 1 "i 5 it very valuable? Is it worth a hurt
, N - ir ',did' Mr. Alanype ohServe him I dyed dollars ?"
' when lie e.t.te'red Lis earilie, 'drawing on i "More than that, Ben. Why?"
' his expensve - fur o..Nes, add leaning; 'Oh I Clara," he sobbed, burying his
.ami,iig, the velvet euslii'uns s').itli a sigh i face in his laps a hundred dollars would
se..reely less eat - nest t: all little Ben's had the so nice! I wish it wasn'r, wrong to
been.ii i !keen it !"
Tire child's ideas of the "big red fire"; Clara did net answer. She only smooth
would have been ;cite ri"..,lized, if he could' ed down her little brother's tangled curls,
!:rive seen the . s.earlet slithe that ilia:nil:a- land he never knew how hard it was for
zed Mr. Alineyne's lolxtiriods drawing! her to keep back her own tears.
i.ioli,s that high:, Cie lili.t glo, ; wing suftly,i i Me. Alien3ne was .walking impatiently
ail gilded tables, a;abliiiiter 'vases, and] up and down his long, glittering suite of
wall: of rose and geld—rlille.ljust before! rooms in the Christmas brightness of the
. the gt.:1::::; flaine., the pale wi,iower sat, i next day's noon, when his portly footman
• I li , ..ueleully matching tliel fliekarit , ], presented liimself in the doorway.
• spires yf peen amethyst light; ar.d ver i "Well, Porter ?"
lonely in his splendid solitude': i "There's a young person and a little,
I wonder what aide we think efi boy stairs, sir, down stwrs, sir, about the advertise
lioine ja-r then," he murmured, idly tap.. went."
pin: his foot upon the':velvo rue. ~I I "Ask them to walk in, Porter."
worideri what alchemy conjured up the! Porter glanced duliously at the velvet'
`old house under the walnut trees, and the' chairs and Wilton carpet.
.broken, bridge, where the willow braneh '''
"They're very shabby and muddy,sir.",
swept the water—the bridge Where littlel "Never mind ; show them in." • .
Clara Willis Used to sit and study her Porter departed, by no means pleased,i
lessons, while I angled! - Vainly for the and in a moment or two threw open the,
' fishes that never would bite : ;How love- door and announced— . 1
ly she was, that golden-haired girl, with "The young persou and the little boy.";
her blue-veined forehead; and dark, down- "Be seated," said Mr. Almayne, tour-1
Cast eyes I I was very much in love with teously. "Can yon give me any inform.'
Clara Willis, in. those boy and girl days. den in regard to the ring I have lost ?".
i i I should like to know Ou what shore the Ben Morrow's sister was wr-2iped in a
waves of time have cast; her barque. It 1 a faded shawl, with a thick, green veil'
'is not often ,thet a persoU - one has known' over her face. She held out the furl
in lang syne vanishes so entirely and ut-lelove, and within it a little paper boy,!
~f,i r oin one's horizo"u.' Poor Clara :11com which biased the white fire of the
what glittertng,air pale* we built in the. lost ring.
future -howsolemnly we plighted' our' "My brother found it in this glove, last
childish troths I And when I'came back l night, sir," she :aid, in a low, timid voice.
with the fortune on whose .golden colon.l"The initials—M. A.—eorrespobd with
ades our fairy castle of happineSs upreared !Your advertisement, so we hrought it at;
its pionaeles.--she was gone. :And Mary l once to the street and number speatfied."
was a good wife to me,
an a,true one—i Mr. Almayue opened Ids pocket bOok.'
but she was not Clara IVillis.": i ' "I have promised a liberal reward," he I
. 1 taking out a fifty dollar bill. "Will;
As the thou.wht passed through hihis: said '
brain, .be instinctively glanced down at; this be sufficient, "
the flower upon the betrothal,, gift of hist
Clara Willis threw back
. "W
dead wife._ The ring Was gone she said. "but;
"Lest—it Can't be loit," himinrumredi to " her veil.
, e are very poor, sir,'
so poor as
take a reward for doing
our duty. - Thank you all the same. =Come„
to himself, trying to think when and;
where he last observed tt. "Can it have; hen."
:dropped from my finger without my ! Henry Almayne's cheek bad grown
knowleilwe? I Must notify t i c police at very white as he saw the golden braids
once,and have it advertised. Poor Mary's:and clear blue eyes of his sweet first love
ring ! 'I would not have lost it fur twice I beneath the faded black bonnet.
, .
'its value, and that wtitild . be. no mean; .'Clara!" he,exclairued. "Clara Willis!
. l i,
sum . 1 is it possible that you do not know me ?"
It was a narrow and murky little street,l, She turned at his wild exclamation,
with here and there a dim lamp flaring' and gazed fixedly at him with dawning
feebly through the white obsciiiity of the I recognition. •
driving snow ; bat - little Ben Morrow "Areyou—can it be that von are Henry
knew every one of its coveredflag-stones,Almayne ?'she faltered, - only Leif teriain
by heart, and ran whistling! down the iof the correctness of her-Conjectures.
Da 6lea Ihte Deilloc'elcil, 419 Disseirliil4/iort
TEES; iiilf.4llOND lIXG.
alley-way of alai], weather stained build.l _He took both her hands tenderly and
ine, undaunted by wind or tempest. reverently in ibis. If she bad been. a
"See, sis, what a jolly glove I've dalsess, the action could not have been
found !" he ejaculated, diving suddenly move fall of courtly respect.
into a narrow doorway, and coming upon - •dClara, do not go, yet," he said, plead
a small room; only half lighted by a keri ingly. "Let •me unravel tills strange
osene lamp, beside which sat a young! enigma of our two lives ! Oh ! Clara, if
woman, busily at work. "nano ! is the Ithis Christmas day has, indeed, brought
fire oat ?" • , itne the sunshine which Ir.eyer yet irradi•
"Wrap this old shawl 'around you,lated my life, I shall bless it to my dying
Ben," said the woman looklng up, with a I day 1"
smile that partook more of tears than The low sun flamed redly in the west
mirth, "and you won't mind the cold solbefore Mr. Almayne's carriage—Abe very
much. All the coal is gone, and I can't lone which Ben bad so ignorantly hdtnired
bily y any more until lam paid for these , the night before—svassunimoned to carry
Caps. Did you sell any more matches ?"IClara and her brother, for the last time,
"Only tivo boxes," sighed the boy. "I jto their squalid home. For, cm the New
was so cold, Clara, that I couldn't go Year dawned above the wintry earth,
round to the, houses." Clara was married to the man who had
"Well, never mind, Ben," she said, courted her under the green ,willows that
cheerfully. "Sit'clese to me, dear—we'll . overhung the wooden bridge, ten weary
keep each Other warm. Oh ! Ben, I "years ago. It was a very short engage
should like to have given you a nice ' ment—and yet it was a very long one I
svhole coat for Christmas." And We' Vet Morrow, basking in the
"Don't cry, sis," said the boy, leaning reflected sunshine or his half-sister's hap
!his head against her knee. "Didn't you piness, found out what it was to be rich
' give me your shawl for a comforter, only
lost it that windy day? You're just
as good and sweet as you can ,te, Clara,
and I Love you just as well as if you were
my whole sister.instead of only half a
1 one '"
She smiled through her tears.
"What was it about a glove, Ben ?"
He sprang suddenly up as if remem•
"Agemtleman dropped it in the street.
I ran, after the carriage, but it went tob
fast for tuo to catch up. Isn't it nice,
Prom a Prisoner in Charleston
o Compiomise - With Traitors
[Tha following letter was written by a
soldier in one of the rebel prisons in the
city of Charleston to the Washington
Cirwricle. Read it, Loyal Men
CIiAtILESTON, Sept. 15, 18:14.
Itaving established an "underground"!
I trust this, will reach you. It is the re• i
suit of careful observation,long experience, 1
and unrestrained intercourse with the of , l
fivers now prisoners of war in this city.
Use your own judgment in giving it pub-i
licity ; at all events correct the false state-ti
(Bents made by our enemies North and.
South, that re `e.Yipathize in the peace
movement tiOW on foot at the North, and!
condemn car Government in not accept -1
ine• such terms of exchanee as that father'
of lies, Robert Ould, sees fit to propose !
It may also serve as an indication of the!
sentiment of the military and naval power
of our people, for when w i e reflect that
there is note brigade in n4r army, not a
squadron cfour navy, and, Strange to say,
not a State, of the orieinal thirty-four but
what is here reprerea;ed, if is not e in my
judgment, assuming too Much to claim
that the opinions and language of these
officers may be accepted as the index of
the feelings, wishes and intentions of the
army and navy. Keeping in mind, also,
that this bedy of men is empsed of the
veterans of 18(11, pupils of Buell in the
West and McClellan in the East, and of
all subsequent levies, it Will surely be
granted that no collection of L nib with the
same degree of intelligence and experi
ence in the moclus operand and practical
results of this war can be found. In these
premises, I 'will'give you the prevailing.,
I may say, the unanimous; sentiment of
one thousand United States officers.
Walk with me through the prison ; you
mark the eager diseuesion going on in
little groups, while the Charleston eller
criell passes quickly from hand to hand:
that paper cost a - dollar; it eoutains the
Chicago platform.
Here is mgroup of Weston men—Flco
siers, wolverines, Euckeys., T..ogan's Egyp
tians, Ronsscau's Kentuckians, Carter's
Teaneseccans—men who, from Cairo to;
the Gulf, have redeemed the Father of,
have redeemed fire States, and'
whose brothers in arms are to-day driving
_Hood's shattered columns fr i ont out north
ern Georgia, occupying the "Gate City",
of the South: Listen to that big cavalry
who rode with Grierson. He is now
on the second resolution, Which says we!
have "failed in the experiment of tvar."—
"That zs a lie. It was an experiment-H
it is not now. Does not the conquest as
well as the reorgonization of the States!
we bare passed through, prove that the!
present policy towards the rebels must'
result in certain success? Hare we lost ;
one loot of acquired territory since ; the;
war began ? No, Gentlemen, the fellow;
that penned that resolution, and the men'
that voted for, it never felt the glorious;
flush of victory; never felt the gratitude,
of liberated .thousands, never knew the
reality of our triumphs." This man was
getting rather eloquent, when a Buckeye;
from Vallabdigham's district blurted calf;
"I don't care Tor your liberated thousands,!
but that resolutiou'is an insult to every
man - in the Western army, and I woule
like to "experiment" on every whipped
dog that voted for it."
These parties seem beli,gerent, and I'
would afivise the perpetrators of that reso
lution not to mingle much in Western
military circles.
There is another group—officers of the
Army• of the Potomac—one of whom
says tell you, gentlemen, the Chicago
platform bas rather got us on the 'exp.' eri
mem,' question. We have fooled ri:pund
Richdend three years and have not got
it yet ; bat I do think it is mean of Gen
eral McClellan to twit us with it; we
!four , ht for him, we loved and trusted him;
land now he has deserted us, utterly ob-
114iotts of the fact that be bad more to do'
- , i
with the unsuccessful 'expetnent' of war T o the Central Park 11l osiiital,
than any man on the American'Contitient. l
1 It was four o'clock before we , conlii get-
Now listen to that, Jack Tar. He helped 1 00 -;
a few minutes walk takes tis to the
to cut the chain at Fort Jackson, and has 1 Bo
wry where we wait for a Third Av. ,
caught torpedoes in every river of the: enue car. Jest as one comes 'along,
;Southwest. Confound thlt . 1 resolutiop ,
e ; a big wagon drives between isar and
how old Farragut will swear when he • t ds I it.
so the drives does not see pate el , -
the Chicago Convention calls hie ! hi p' ',mil. ' It is some consolation to sed,ollthels
pod ? No, sir, Jack knows bet= , .
We ',
die car has passed, that it is crowded to
always have whipped the rebs,' l°l ; ': in. I overflowing, even the platform. We do
tend to keep it up, although it is might./ I not 'wait long for another in whinh wo
hard to be legislated out of our grog.; ;soon find seats, as the passengers begin to
So much we have heard and - not yet ai dro _
p out. On and on betweets thp,arl'elt
dissenting voice ; and in this resolution, walls, with now and then a pleaiant'silest ,
Which, in onr judgment, contains :the! from the window up or down some .tree.
whole policy of the Chicago platform,; lined street, until we reach Sixty-elifth
there is, bat one sentiment among our: street, where we change cars. From hero
°Seers here. It is that of indignant eon -1 woe got a view of the open conntry ; the
tempt for the men :vim frankly own to an ; rocks crop out, lookittg, as though It Would
enemy, a' hundred times beates and chased:take immense work to level them. ay
np by us, that we are whipped, that,
W t 3
. and run streets through their place, 130
cannot succeed, that' five millions lave' that is probably what they must come tel
beaten twenty-three mans, We aSk!ourl as t h e city enlarges. "One Ilundred.ood
friends, those who regard our honor and' Sixth street," calls the conductor, and
our feelings, not to make.any such -1 -la - !trie en. stops. Just an hour from lines.
[ missions for us. We arc satisfied. Wlith :Six miles from 'City Hall where weestart
our Union, meting out to rebels thO tset i e n; we have rode over five-for siemence.
[ punishment of lial". . i: 1 I"That's the Hospital, where we sea the ._
We regard this same platform as amecior fie- °
waving," suggests Charley. ,oa f it
pla ifOT722 . Why ? Because all re e
06 :.ern 'is ; and we turn in through the ;little
have hailed it as such. Seethe CM-olloa wooden gate, and follow a narrow, heaters
has even claimed to be the birthplace of path, tlirough the •;4re-stile, under, au
, Oen. McClellan, in honor of his prinei Ile.s. ; a - rch of the Harlem railroad, through mos
1 W.e regard the movement as an igniemini- :eral very narrow !severity's, minus al gate,
loos endeavor on the part of the disloyel
.. ,
'over some stepping stones in the bed o
I f
of the old Democratic party to reomm, at [ a brook now eLy. and so on up tne: littlo
the hand . of rebels, the miserable pickings ; hill on which the building stands, dust
of former days., uninspired by one theo-sb 'befo're we reach, the 'entrance,-we hotline,
;of patriotism, by. one manly or gallant la step behind, and moving to one Ode ; '4
thought No, gentlemen of the Chicago
r soldier with brisk, elastic step, but with
Convention, one thousand United States !both.coat sleeves dangling from Lis s hoel
: oEcers, representatives of the atea who oe,„ passed us. One side of his face is
`this hour are preserving oar country, spit' „in stro k e ; there is no tuistakin - ;4. it is
;upon you and your resolution. fiino[back In, whose photersraens a cumradt. was
your false and taunting insult, laugh et selling the last time • .1 was at the Hose'''.
your hypocritical whine about sepring; nil, trying this to raise money to get him
prisoners. None of your 'sympathy' i-slen arm. Our party bought encer4l, :Ind
reqaested. We do not doubt- fur 4 1 rr'° - ' some are teattered around the peuutry to
meot vou would like to see Hood orLee swear, by eternal hatred to Slavery and
reinforced by 5,000 exchanged men!, and ; all that system of oppression that has
have it credited to Lumauity ; but we:brought such woe upon our cotintrsie 1 4 ::3
'rather prefer to wait till the new levies' stepped to deliver his pass to the senfita,s, ,
are in the field, till these 35.00 can be I and - his voice was as cheery as Ms step
I.eounterhalauced. We have light,
n e s suarede we; as Le told him in wklehiliemkeet
the . . ,
'can sof:or, -"-Then i r e 4 -keal it fer in - to find the paper.
' terest of our cattee. `--. i.: : The smaieel takes' co notice of tis,aed
The treatment in Charlesfon is , good: we pass in. I have not yet leartind the •
enough. Food is furnisbed,theeoh coarse;' way up stairs to Ward N, but after [ sorne
and a spirit of courtesy is manifested, that.! inquiry', a soldier offers to go along sad
exists nowhere else in the CorifederoeY• . show us the way ; "The Sergeant" he
The officers are confined in f ot o-build- : said "was at supper, - but would he up
ings, viz; the workhouse, jail, the Pie Per: soon." So we seated ourselves iu-ke
and Marine Hospitals. Those in; the ' well scoured benches, like the sets .hi
IlOper and Marine are paroled-for thh ad-! o ld time emostry school houes. YVe do ,
jaceta premiers. The buildings arej con-: not wait leng ; Sergeant Greenneanicpmes
tiguous, and:constant intercourse isl had. - is looking somewhat hatter than !lieu I
General Foster's complements -". - ,.e. shells) J ease him last. After talking awhlle, be
have but twice disturbed' us, a frog , Mem; proposes that we 'go in to sse Scott who
having struck the building. l',"e are the is back from his furfough. poote bay'
only things in the immediate Lkality, that! hardly eighteen, yet he has sufferpd dm
can be injured, and it is quite the general: nOirors of Libby orison-till almost dead,
wish that the General would elize2W his; and now Chronic Isiairhee. is slowlii sluin g ;,
shells more to the rioht, in the "eh:lit-I: its fatal work..: Last May E saw hin t s here;
of King street. ..1 .le should. never nv get' welllatoleee
. . . t he said i _ . -
_ .
He is not doing much actual da, ,, i.„a,ere; i t h e y l et him go home for tliirty dqs: 1, 1 ,,,
only keeps business dull and nxitos tare? seemed . to gain some-then ; says he is
elite from their; clegaot mansicus., ; Cut failing again now.. He seems pati4n; aud
off as we are, we hear but little 'Perrs-; resigned to what may happen.
Rebel lies and garbled extracts froUt the; Au hour has passed unheeded. We
Northern press, permit bet Meagre in -'shall he dark home. Good-byes, are said,
formation. Yet we are watching; with and we take the nearest way dotio stair.
anxious hearts the military and political' We stop at the gate to inquire of i,le sea.
struggle now going on. It is hard Some - - tinel the name of the armless' ittoldler.
times not to despond, but the zpitit of “Private 13eary' Remember !private
devotion that made these. .mensoldiers' Beery, ye who complain at kaser trlats.
sustains them through every Mai; and ', i" have seen him twice since. once 13:;:-
gives to them that fortitude wilt') iis the , nem's Museum; always With the at:mu
noblest courage. ' To our friends wee say,: brisk step,and bright;ezraest look.- W'hrti
da not, by word or deed, compromise our - we were out on the walk I remarked that.
honor or give to the world the impres.sicr. if we had come out the way we went. in,
chat we shrink from our duty. ' iI . meant to look is at Ward A. formerly
A THIRTEEN MONTHS PRISCtER. j the Convent Chapel. But Char.t4Y, who
7- • i knows what boys' eyes are made for, tank
good 'cot: as we passed gcli?g in, and
1 ;said he sa:.v dishes of blackkerries bein , r
A trite man avoids all occasions of be-'served out to the soldiers in bed. 1;
let!, angry. t seems to me a strange. - arreDgemerit thatA.
& wise man aims at nothing out•of his . fruit cannot be furnished at the common
reach. table here in New York, so near Sanilaty
A man's wisdom' is no where more seen ; youluiissions and Fairs, where frith, e:
than fa his marrying himself. :' ,be so-readily obtained., -•-
A contented mind is a continual Source ! ' The convenient cars are pas'zicza ride
ofjoy. ii Ito Grand street, good•bse.s, z.. 34 hva,k,
l': , ii
A prodigal con succeeds a covetous 1,-.-tgain- • .I; C.H. 'i,
ther. - ' `I IS6-1. I
August :-.. - • 1 , :-,
A wise man knows his own - 1 . , , -nolrance, I : . t - - [;
. „, ,
a fool thinks he knows everything' 1 . .g . The soldiers and sailors of the Re.
An ill blow, or an ill word, is allyou: public, dead and living, sound and WOl.lll.
get from a foot. • ' ' Ided, received mention in the DeMoeraltp
An ill child is better sink than well. State Convention,, which they till.y con-
A good wife by obeying •commaiads in.isider honorable to tit - els - bra:re:3y •nt x.t.,:.
her tnrn. ' 1 :to their brains. For if any of tbani, iili
A hearty nood-will never wants time !ship or shOre, being: especially dtilighted
to show itsclf. %- ' iby this compliment, should be ied. to Mil;
1 good reputation is a second, Or 'bail; the ether resolutions, Iheyiwili lentia - tha
an estate. ,
--' • !this Far, in which they are ens,,, , ,,g'ed 'as.
A wrong judgment of things is the• t ve.unteers is aninnjust and cruel wily. not
most mischievous thing in :he world.. ;,thi.t they are merely the instvra ; ri.t.4 of-,a
1 . An empty purse, and a new bonse fin- 1 tyrant and usurper—his. hirelor fs4
tshed makes a man wise, but, this: some-;withno motives higher_than of-kg
what to late. 1 =and bounty. If the army was I . l=ll of coa
-1 A thousand things are well forgotlor!soripts, shore Would be no Fug'ill imtvis 1
= peace and quietness sake. !insult in these reluctant -avid inrcr,:i2,"4
A man is valued as he makes`iimself f praises, but, as it is, they read like the
valuable. " • 1 bitterest irony.
TRIRVIS.- -$1..50 PER - ANNUM.
For the journal.