The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 21, 1864, Image 2
~~. II 50 'PER 'CENT, SAVED I ! it. , ,REGutitots7 ,- 1 - Nos. 1 ez OSW AYO ,PA., AND WMTESVILLE, N.Y. FELLOW CITIZENS, Friends and Custom ors': Iseturn my thanks to you for the liberal patronage bestowed upon mo for the past ten years: I am now adding to my stuck to select from • $20,000 Worth of New Goods, and have opened a branch store at WUITES VILLE, N. Y. where we shall keep a Large Stock of the best quality of Goods, and shall ever _endeavor to give our customers large bargains.' We are now selling Good Shirting and Sheetings for 28 to [ 37 cents, worth 37 to 75. Best grades of Prints from 25 to 30 cents, worth 37. Good Delaius 25 to 37 cents, worth 35 to 45. Good Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30 cents, worth 50 to 76. Extra Plain Alpaccas 40 to 63 cents, worth 63 to 88. Extra all-wool Delains 371 to 50 cents, worth 50 to -75. Fine Mozambiques 22 to 25 cents, worth 38 to .45. Fine all• wool Merinos GO to 80 cents, worth $1 to $1,60. A large stock of Cessimers, Kt. Jeans, Sati netts, Broadcloths, and other goods equally as low. ' CL 0 This branch of our trade we call your atten tion to in particular, as we can and will save you 25 to 50 per cent. Fine suits from $l2 to $l5, worth $2O to $25. Good black pants for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. NILKS,SHAWLS,&C. , of the Best and Latest Fashions, very low.— Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Brodie. Stella, and most other kinds. Boots 4' Shoes. A forge assortment very low Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,25 worth $1,75.. , Men's Pine Calf Boots $3,75 to. $4,75, worth ,t 6 to $l3. Hats and Caps for Ladies and Gents, very low Crockery and Hardware, ganks 4qiillt,s, ati prlcei far below the present market prices . . ..e 2 tocci4e.i and egileout4eo2z. Flour, Fork, Fisk, Hams, lea,•• Sugar, • Coffee, Pepper, Spice, cf c., , as' lo‘i as 'can be bought in the State Nothaving time or space to note furthcrove would say to those asking why we can afford to soli below-..other dealers, is this, we r buy very large amounts and are in New lyork abdut one-fourth of the time, and are so well acquainted, With the market, that - we: buy many goods low and,can afford to sell them at home at less'priecs than many merchants buy in New York Our Store at Whitesville is under the itutnageraent of Mr. E. J. SIIEP HARD, whoa has been With me at Oswayo for the past two years, well known to the people of this section, and will ever try to give them all bargains for their interest. -Our store at PSwayo, under, the management of my broth er„Wlll. SIMMONS, an experienced dealer, who will ever give all customers thelenelit all bargains. An early call is respectfully solicited. - Yours Truly, ' C. mu timmoNs, Oswayo Regulator, - • Whitesville Regulator No. 3. um , 25,180. MIMI I • GENUINE PREPARATIO NS; COMPOUND FLUDIEXTBACT i 17C1311,,a Posttive and Specific Remedy fiir diseases of the Mad.; der,Bidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical This medicine increases the l power of Digesi, tion, and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or CalceronS depositions, and all unnatural enlargements are re dneed, as; well as Pain ,and Infiamatio7 HEMI3OLD'S DXTSAQT BUCH U. Tor Weakness arising fiontEihesSes,Habitii of Dissipation,' early indiscretion of abuse, n:ttended with the following'syceptoms , Indisposition to Exertion,; Lqss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty orßreathing,Weak Nerves,Vrembiing, Horror ot Disease, Wake'. fulness, , Didiness of vision; Pain in the back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the skin, Eruptions on the I Face, Palid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on,whicb this medicine invariably removes, soon lead to Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in any one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not unfreiinently followed by those Direful . Diseases ? 'lnsanity and Consumption." ' —•' Many, aro aware of the canse of their suf fering, bat none will confeis the records of the insane asylums. And melancholy deaths' by Consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakness requires the aid; of Medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, which Hembold's Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES—FEMALES-;--FEMALES. In many Affections peculiar to Females OM Extract Bimini is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in Chlorasis or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfidfiess, or Suppression of Custom"- ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leuchorreca or Whites ' Steril ity, and for ,all complaints incident to the seX, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits df Dissipation, or in tho -Decliee or Change cif Life. , Take rig more Balsam, Mereury i or unpleaS ant medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. • ' Ilembold's - Extract Buchn and Improved Rose Wash cuffs Secret Disease's, in all their stages, at little Expense. Little' or no change in diet. -No inconvenience, and no exposure. I ' , 1 - It causes a frequent desire and gives Urinate; thercbi removing Ob structions, Preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflamation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and eX pelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn edt I matter. I • Trionsandi upon Thousands who have beep the victims of -quacks, and who have paild heavy fees to be cured in a hbort time, haVe found they were deceived, and that the "Poi.- son" has, by the use of "PoWerful nstrin gept4," been dried up in the.systere, to break out in an ni,gravated form, and perhaps after marriage. - - Use liembold's Extract Dublin for all affec tions and diseases of the Urinary Orgabs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating ankno matter,: of how long standing. Diseases of these organs requires the ri.Vl of a Diuretic ; llembold's Extract ;.Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certaid to have the de sired effect in all diseases for Which it is re commended.: • Evidence of the most reliable I and respbn sible character will Accompany the mediciie. Price $l,OO per Bottle, or six for $5,00 3 Delivered to any address, 'securely packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in. all communications. Cures guaranteed! Advice gratis I Address letters for information to • ;,• • 11. B. lIEMBOLD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth-st., bel. Chestnut, Phil'a. Irelnibold's Medical Depot: llelmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, .504 Broadwayi'New York. Beware of Counterfeits .and unprincipled Dealers who endeavor to dispose of their own other articles on the reputation-attained by Ilelmbold's Genuine preparations. Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla. Improved Rose Wa.h. Sold by ail Druggists everywhere. Aalefor Ilelmbold's. Take no other. put out the Advertisement and scud for it, and avoid ex po Sure. I , • 1 EXCELSIOR HAT PRESS.; ~RPEU S VATENT. „The subscriber lias I.IL the right of llanufastking and Selling for Potter county Harder's Patent Excellior Hay Press, Patented 1803, ancrwhich toolrthe. first premium at the last State Fair. Outs of these Presses will be in Coudersport, frompe 10th to the 20th of. December. Any person wishing to buy the Right for s: township or the county, can have the Press. There Will he one manufactured by W. B. gordnier. For further particulars inquire at o the - "Journal" office. 1 0 Wainwright. Coudersport, Pa. : Nov: 24, 1893 pd For Bats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in Fars, Woolens, &c. Insects onPlants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up in 25:c. 50e. and $l.OO :Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Puplic Institutions, &c. ; "Only infallible remedies known." ) "Free from Poisons."; "Not dangerous to the human Family." "Bats come out of their holes to die.!' *,_*Sold Wholesale in all large cities. I * * *Sold by all Druggists auddlelailers every ' where. *.**! ! ! Beware ! f ! of all worthless imitations * - x See that "Clo.sTAn's" name is pn each Dos, Bottle and Flask, before 'von buy. * * *Address : Henry Et; poslar. *,,*Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. X. .*Sold by 1 1 ii ; P. A. STEBBINS_ & Co.,'. Wholesale & Retdit Agents" Coyerstiott; Pa. SAPoNn - u44 Or Concentrated • 1 Family Soap Mayer. WAR makes high prices •,1 Saponifier helps to redueo thMM ; It makes SOAP fdr POUR cts. a pound by using your kitchen grease. -CAUTION! As spurious Lyes are of fered also, be careful and only buy: the PATENTED 'articlaput.up_in Iron cans, all others buipiOQIINTEIIFEITB., PENNSYLVANIA SALT XANIIPACTIIRENG Co, PHILADELPHLA.—No.I27 Wa.lnut Stieet. PITTSBURG—Pitt Street and Diqueolei, Way Winter .Goodi lEEI OLMSTED'S. ATDUB, atttention is invited to the large and I attractive stock just received, mad for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywheie in the county. We hive on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons,' co-prising BROWN SHEETINGS, and SHIRTINGS, . . f ! BLEACHED I .MUST:DTS, • DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS TICELNUS, and COTTON FLANNELS, on which we cannot be undersold. We purchase onr goods for CaSh and offer them at;a very small advance -I Prom Cost. FLANNELS. yoi want to purchase RED, GRAY, BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At Olinsfed's. • DRESS GOODS; bELAINES, PRINTS, BROCITE, and WOOLEN SHAHS; ROODS, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES, full supply At Olmsted's. C_LOTHING. DON!T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment BOOTS & SHOES 'VCRlien, Women & Children, in great va ricity and cheap For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, lu fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT OLMSTED'S A full aszortment of almost everything that is kept in k country store on band. We intend to keepoods that will give satisfactiorLand sell good articles at the lowest living profit AT 91,11STED'S, VaiM Grain of all kinds, - Butter, Wool, Deer Skins Also, County,lTownship and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid • , i; At Olmsted's CoudOrsport, Pa ) Nor'r 18, ogi ~ 1864 ' ' 1864 ; Brings nlany a chahge, therefore I have con cluded to change my system of4eing business and I slall hereafter sell for CABLE or PRODUCE, I BUTTER, LARD, EGGS; I RAGS, GRAIN, DRIED BERRIES, &e. 114 my stock of Groceries I havo a choice assortment of PEAS, :GREEN, BLACK, SUGARS, 1' MOLASSES, !;- HONEY SYRUP SALATIATUS, COFFEE, Also ; PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, - I:. SPICE, - . - - PEPPER, &0., &c havOa good stock (bought so that I am enabled to sell at prices current before the War) Of: • DRUGS, and • PATENT MEDICINES, Also, KEROSENE OIL. YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTS, and are still kept FLOUR, f PORK, MEAL of all kinds. And many other things too numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold "for 1 LESS PROFIT than..ofer before offered in this market. 'SPENCER. Jan. 20, 1864. 1)r. A. FRENCH's CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS RE liedoming the most popular' Medicine A in circulation for-the cure of .LIVER 'OOiIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE;i DEBISITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, , WBAKINTESS of the.' STORACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is nisi) gaining . a, great reputation in the , CURE of DIPTHERIA. , Piincip"dl Office, Cowiersport, Potter. Cot, P. Was the exclamation of the Astronomsr first discoVered that the world moved in i orbit; not less loions has been the exclam tion of thoso Idict; have found - THE ma where GOODS can be purchased FIFTE or TiVENT.Y PER CENT. below the market price, and yet find them as represented. TNio things are to be considered .in purchasi Goods :the Quality and the Priee; and p chasers-studying both, can bo batter satisfi with our, stock than any other in this or ai joining counties. Think twice before buyi DEAR . T. 114811." Now is your time p cure a GOOD ARTICLE. "Delays are d gerous and sometimes fatal." Don't wait another enormous advance in Goods The following is but a partial list of Jur large assortment: [ IYlerinos . The attention of the Ladies is called to Iho ler stock of Aferinoes,Black,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and White. Some of these were bought previous to the rise And will be sold nearlylas low as present Wholesale prices at JONESf Ladies Cloth Maar, Grey, and Fancy Colors at JONES Cassimeres, Striped, Checked, and Pfaii Tweeds, Kentucky Jean's, 'and Cottonades the very best quality at At Olmsted's Mourning Goods Black Silks, Alpacas, Empress ClOth, Born zinc, Delaines, Rep Cloths, and Black Purple Goods of various kinds at JONE Heavy Sheetings,•three-quarterifour-quar er, five-quarter, fine unbleached ; Pillow Ca - se and Sheeting Muslin, Shirting, Ten-qua4ter bleached for sheets at . ' JONES' At Olmsted's White Goods Barred Muslin , Plain Jaconet, Cambric Ifor Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslins, Nainsilool Muslin, plaid, striped or plain, and Bishop Lawns at JONES' Embroideries Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, llnderslee+es with or without collars at JONES' Hoods, with tabs or points, for Infants and Children, Misses and ladies ; Nubia's, Under sleeves and Caps at JONES; For Children, Shirting Prints, 'plain black, white and black,bluo and white, and all kinds of Fancy, at JONES' Cloths Gents' Black Broad Cloth, excellent quality bought before the rise. Cassimetes, bliack silk mixed, black and fancy Doeskin, striped, plain, and Plaid ,in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole suits at JONES' Sheep Pelts, Furs, . ' Hosiery - 1 , Women's wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cotton plain, colored an,d white, plain orikeeed; Girls' white, brown, mixed, wool. or cotton, and wool balmoral stockings.' . 1 liens' home and eity-madt. Boys', all size§, 'white or mixed, at JONE! Gloves For Ladies, Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, P[ Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. Gent fine Driving Gloves, Cassimeres, at JONES' , Shawls . . 1 For Ladies ; Shepherd's Plaid, Broche, bin& and Square, Woolen Plaid; a great variety of elegant, colors at • , JONES' elaines 1 Of domestic and foreign manufacture. IWe can assure our patrons that we believe our stock this spring, to be more attractive inlthis line than ever before.. • JONES' Balmoral Skirts I. With only two breadths,' , makingit necessary to.liave but two seams in a full skirt, in a great variety at JONES' and JAPAN. Groceries Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good Rio CcTee, West India and Dandelion Coffee, Rice, Corn Starch, Farina, Cocoa, &c., at JONES' • Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair,, Hat, Paint, Varnish and rtist Brushes at JONES' Drubs and Fqncv 'Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs,' White Lead in Tin Cans,Alcoliol, Camphene, Kerosene,L4mp and Lamp •Fixtures, Glass,'Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfumery,Pancy Soap and Toilet articles, Gum, Haar, IVory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and'Colognes, and a fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts, Pens, Ink and Paper, arid Linseed Oilraw and boiled, at JONES' PERFUMERY, Clothing Boys' and Men's at JONES' Boots and.:Shoes Of eN 4 ery description and the best quality, at astonishing low prices r .a.t, JONES' • W 6 - 11 Paper , Ceiling Paper, Transom Paper, Window Cur tains, Borderq, Tasscl. a:nd Fix - hires, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, WILLOW WARE, NAILS,,IRON;f PLOWS, WINDOW SASH, .FLOUR:, , PORK, and FEED, in Fact, everything that the people need can be 14d at JONES.'L All of which will be'sbld at the lowest rites: 'COUNTRY PRODUCE I.AIEN D " EX HANGS: •• - 1- . Couslorsvii Pa., JurteA 1833. , A 'EUREKA!' HAVE::.,-FOUND - Boy's Wear Domestics Woolen GOods Prints ISO 4. TIM.LA DELPHI& it ERIE RAILROAD.- - This great line traverses the Northern and .Northivest counties of Pennsylvania lo the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and raider their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight busitiesi from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (218 miles) on the Eastern Division; and from Sheffield to 'Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Divisipn. TLME OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT.EMPORVIIi Leave Eastward Express Train, 3 50 P. M. Leave Westward Accommodation Train, 1 30 P. M. , Cars run through WITHOUT CHANGE both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and-Balti more, and WiTamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger busi ne,ss apply at, the S. E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents : - S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cm 13th and Market Philadelphia. J. - W. Reynolds Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. H. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l .Reight Agt. Phil' a. LEIVIS L. HOW; Gen'l Ticket ,t1.9 . t. Phil'a. Jos. D. POTTS • Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. Rare Chances ! I offer for sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time : ONE FARM 1-146 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM !-235 Acres-30 Cleared ONE FARM !-50 Acres-15 Cleared ONE FARM !-300 Acres-5 Cleared And lots of other Farms and Land Some money may be required down. Lucien Jinni. Brookland, Pa., July 2, '64 tf Having secured the services of HENRT S. COWBURN, - BLACKSMITH of twenty years experience' in England and America. lam prepared to furnish farmers and travelers with the best of - Horse and Ox Shoeing, Shingle Knives; butcher Knives &c., promptly L. BIRD, Proprietor, Brookland, Potter Co.; Pa. _ - formerly called„Cushingville. May 25, 1864. AT H. J. OLMSTED'S TORE can always be found the best o ij Cooking, Box and Parlor -STOVES.. Also. TIN and SHEET -IRON WARE, POTS, KETTIIES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYLNG-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS.. Also, . . Agricultural Implements, such. as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &e. • HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds; including Cash, seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Couderspoit. Aug. 1, 1803.--50 PUTNAM - Clothes Wringer Will wring anything,from a single Thread to a Bed-Quilt. rrircs : 65.50, Koo, and 68.00. P. A. Stebbins & Co., Agents . for Potter comity.—Jal 25, 1863 P. A. SI'EBBINS & Co., ARE Paying the highest price in CASH for WOOL! 50,600 ?GUN IjS.WANTED Coudersport, June 28, 1864. P. A..-Stebbins & Co. A RE AGENTS for the sale of WHEELER 5; .WILSON'S SEWLNG MACHHZES for Potter County .Wov'rqS, DR. TOI3IAS' VENITIAN LINIMENT Ur AS GIVEN UNIVEASA.L SATISFAC TION during - the fourteen years it has been introduced into 'the' United States.— After being tried by Millions, it has been proclaimed the pain destroyer of *he world. Pain cannot be where this, liniment is ap plied. If used as directed it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. For colds, coughs and influenza, it can't be beat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the above, besides being. useful in every'amily for sudden acci, dents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, ..,insect stings, &c. It •is perfectly innocent to; take internally, 'and can be ..given to the _oldr , st person or youngest child. Price 25 and'so cents a bottle. Office, 56 Cortlandt Street, New' York. ,Sold by all druggists. ' 'RUNT'S BLOOM OF RASES,—for the La Jpa aies r p 7 6,t. STEBBINS' POTTER COITEITY SS 1564. ,The Commonwealth ofPenneylva. { L. S. } nia to the Sheriff of said county • • Gamma: We - command you "that. you attacli'G. D. Blanchardlby all and singular his goods and chattels .Moneys, rights,-:credits,;.lands a n d tenements in your bailiwick in whose lands or possession soever the same may be found, so that he he and appear before our Judges at Couderaport at a Court of•COmmon Pleas to be heldin and for said County on the 15th day.of Judo next, there to answer. Wm. A, Cole in an, action of assumpsit damages not exceeding' three hundred dollars, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable looser G. WRITE, President Judge of our said Court at Coudersport, this 11th day of Alai, A. D. 1863. • [5O ct Refit Stamp.] H. J.. OLMTED, Prothonotary. Dec. 241863, on motion of Wt Graves, Plaintiffs Attorney, the Court direct publics.. tion of the writ in this case by six successive advertisements in the POTTER Jcirrnst. , _ _ By the:Ourt. - H. J. OLMSTED, Proth'y ;'MANHOOD : HOW TIOST I JUst pablished, a new edition' of Dr. Culverp-ell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATOfiRIiOES, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntarYi!Seminal losses, laMormscr, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar• riage, etc'; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induced-by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. fr2-Priee, in a sealed envelope, only G tens. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years sue l eessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cued without the dangerous use of internal, medicine'or the application of the knife , -.- pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effecutal, by 'means of which ev ery sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicolly. f&Tllis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth 1104 every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, ost-pcid, on receipt of six cents, or two post iStamps. • Address the publishers. rt -CHAS. J. C. KLINE S CO., 127 B;iiwry, Now York,Post office box 4588. HOSTETTER'S/ CELEBRATED'! BITTERS. 4 pure'and powerful Tonic, CorrectiTe and /a. Alterative of wonderful efficacy in dis ease of tile Stomach, Liver and Bowels.--' Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,Headache, General Debility-, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Fe vers, Cramps and Spasms and all Complaints of either, Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness whetherlnherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not 'wholesome, genial and restoralive in its nature enters into the COM , positionitif Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This popular; Preparation contains no mineral of any kind; no deadly botanical element; no fiery ex6tant; but it is a combination of tho extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the ;purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulant S. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and so far as the human system can be pro tected ,y; human means against maladies en , gendcreq ,by an unwholesome atmosphem impure Altter, and other external causes,nos tetter's Bitters may be relied on as a safeguard. In districts infesied with Fever add Ague, itlias been found infallible as at preventive and irresistible as a remedy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an at tack, escape the scourge ; and thousands whin neglectjto avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief course of-this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague - patients, after being plied with quinine for months . in vain, until fairly satu rated with that dange,rous alkaloid, are not 'infrequently restored to health within a few gays -by the use of Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it works wonders in cases of Dispeptia and in lest confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless:, pperiantk as well as Upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation superin duced by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. PersOns of feeble -habit liable to Nervous Attacks, Lowness of Spirits and Fits of Lan guor, find prompt and permanent relief from the Bqters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The, agOny of Billions Colic is immediately assuaged ,lby a single dose of the stimulent, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. As a General Tonic, Hostetter's Bitters pro duce effects which must be experienced or witnes - sedi before they can be fully apprecia ted. In oases of Constitutional Weakness, Premapre Decay and Debility and Decrepi tude arising from Old Age, it.exereiscs the electric influence. lei the convalescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful n vigorafat. When-the powers of nature are re laxed. it operates to re-enforce and re-estab lish- them: Last, but not least, it is the only safe Stim , ulent, , being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the-acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of thettay. The immense increase in the sale al:Lista.- ter's Bitters, both at home and abroad, durthgv the past year proves that the world, while obeys thc , Scriptural injunction to "try all things," only "Holds fast to' that which i* good." Spurious preparations, like poisonon* fungi, .are continually springing up, bnt thmr character; is soon discovered, and they arer "flurg like worthiest weeds away." On the other hand, a great antidote that performs all lit promises, and even more than its proprie tors clahned for it on its introduction, "is not for a day l l but for all time." . No L family medicine has been so universally and, it may he truly added, deserve y popu lar IN,ith the intelligent portion of tbe ommu nitv, las Hostetter's Bitters. • repared by HOSTETTER. & SEITI.II Pitts. burgj Pa Sold by all Druggists, Grocer and Storekeepers everywhere. 1 The Last Call. - NroTlct is' hereby given that it. is non' Fouil Years since P.A. Stebbins andthe undersigned closed their businesS, and as a part of the debts due them which"remain un paid nowbeloug to me: I will attcid:at the Store of d S. & E. A. Jones, in Coudersport, for the nest thirty days to receive the pay on them; from those indebted to said concern, after;which they will,bo left in the hands of an officer for collection. A word to the IVIES is suiliejerit. i C. 8.-JONES-. co l itsler4port July 1, 1564, 110 W RESTORED!