The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 24, 1864, Image 1
1 1 t E .XVL - -NUMBER 21. VOL THE ER JOURNAL POT PUBLISHED BY cAlarney, Proprietor. A.R, IN VARIABLY IN ;A/WAAGE. - P Y !d to the catme of lleimblicatism, Pf Agriculture, the advancement , and the hest . go,bd 'of Potter fling ,no guide except that of • ill =denser to aid in the work. Freadomizing our, Country. .* *Devot * the interests of gduention county. Owl Principle, it of more fully ENV; inserted i‘t. • the following where special bargains , are made. ' I lines) 12 insertion, --- • • 50 -•-• 3 " - - - , $1 50 ADVERTISE l ' rates, except k'Squaro Flo raelsabseqn 1 Sqaare titre 1 . " six nine " one .nt insertion less than 13, 25 months, 2 50 '4 00 5 50 6 00 20 00 10 00 7 00 - - - - - - 4000 year, _months, (t Column si U --- OEM MO qo " -- - - - 20 00 m's or Executor' Notice, 200 Lds, 8 lines oileis,per year 5 00 iditorial Notices; per lino, -10 insient advertisements must bo Ice, and no notito will be taken neuts from a dig fiance, unless they I dea by the money or satisfactory 41:1 * *Illankq, tended to pri .Administrat. Business Ca Special and * * *All tr paid in adva of advertise are accompa reference. 1, and. Job Work of all kinds, at unptly and faithfully. BUSINESS CARDS. 'Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons. EULALIA.LODGE, No. 342, F. A. M. STATED Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wedne sdays of each month. ' Also Masonic gather ings onevery Wednesday Evening, for work and practibe, at their Flail in Coudersport. C. H. WAREINER, W. M. A. SIDNEV LYMAN, Seey. OIIN ,S. MANN, ATTORNEYI-AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pe., Till attend, 'the several Courts in ilotlerand 31' Kean Counties. All business entrusted in his 'care will receive prompt attention. Office' corner of West and Third streets. , • ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, ,ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Condersp'ert, Pa., will attend to all business atrnsted to his care, with premptnes' and tielity. I Mee on Soth-west corner of Main and Four h streets. ISAAC BENSON. . • ATTORNIT AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to 11 business entrusted toitini, with care and p ruptneSs. 011iee l on Second st., near the Allegheny Bridge. F. W.. KNOX', ATTORNEY AT LAW, Colitlersport, Pa., will regularly attend the Coutts in Potter and the atljeining• Counties. 1. b. T. ELLISON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and Ilicinity that he will promply re spond to all calls for professional services. 'Office •on.ln st., in building formerly on by Ellis, Esq. & E. A. JONES, - DEALERS L -DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS Oils, Fanc„t t Articles, Stationery, Dry Good:, 'Groceries, Main st., Coudersport, Pa. E. OLMSTED, DEALI:R'IN DRY GOODS, READY-MADE °lathing,Giockery, Groceries, &c., Main st., Cottderspcqt, Pa. Cpl.:Al - ANS SMITH, DEALETL in Dry Goods,Groceries,Prmisions, Hardware,' Queensware, Cutlery, and all Goods vsuidly found in n country Store.-- GaudcrsiTo.t, Nov . . 27, 1861. COU I ERSPORT HOTEL, , O. GLASSMIRE, .Proprietor, Corner o- Main and Second Stree4, Coudersport, Pot ter Co., Pa, ery Stable is also kept in connect 1: Hotel. A IA tion with thi 3. oripasTED, . I.TOVES, TIN L SHEET IRON din st., nearly opposite the Court dersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet ade to order, in good style, on DEALMIN ;WARP, M I Rouse, CoI Iron Ware short notie; • J. C. II'ALARNEL R & DIcALARNEY, M. 11. 11:ILL pion6:l4 ATT HA IRNEYS-AT-LAW, RISbURG, PA., or tho Collection of Claims he United States and State Goc h as Pension, Bounty, Arrears ddress Box 95, Harrithurg, Pa, GENTS ntainst ernments, 1311 ofray &c. ounty and War Claim 'Agency. Pension . procured for soldiers of the ar who are disabled by reason of ived or disease contractracted service of the United States; and nty, and arrears of pay obtained '.r heirs of those who hare died d while in service. All letters of tly. answered, and on receipt by , ternent of the case of claiinant I the necessary- papers, for their Fees in Pension cases as fixed by ES.—lion. ISAAC Bcxsox ' Hon. A. J. S. MANN, F. 1 1 7. Knox, ' DAN BAKER,' Claim Agent Couderpori Pa: June 8, 'O4Y. INENSION' present wounds rer., while in the penslons, hol for widows or been inquiry pro mail . ofe, st will forrfar signature. /mw. REFEdEN. G. WWI E sq. 4SSOCIATION, HOW PAILADELPRIA, PA B' S of the Nervous, Seminal, Urina ry tine sexual sy stems—new and reliable treatment inreports of the HOWARD AS SOGIATIOIIsont by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN OUGHTON, Howard Association, Fo. 2 Sent Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ph. jy131864 - , , -- - •. i ' • -..; . - • . , . .. . . . .. ! .• . . -.- . , -._ . .. 1 " ... ";.4......._ _. ' ' ~' ~ . .: : : . : ~•.„.' . . , ~ , '. . = , OOlllaN 6 ~., ~, .. . . •• It • , . , . . . • .. , . . . . ' ' * / • A ' . .....i ..,- '' ::.: 1 ,, : . , ;.::: •- .. -, t ... , :• ~.4 ... ~ ...i ..•_-: : _ .., „.• „,. , . • ~., . • . ~ . . , ...._ ~ . , - 4. -- '-- -..- ••- i . . . . . . - A : if- ,:t ..r5..11.,...,. . ._ . .:,..?. r ~.........,,.... 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Sittig and weaving a golden dream— Miilding a life so worthy and trtio That; the sinless angels up in heaven Might sigh in envy of you l , I "00 of the wrecks of the past," you say, "Out of the gloom and chaos of night, Shall the future grew most grandly wrought Aid shining with purple light( And; day after day,"—your eyes grow dim • With. a grave, fflr-reaching lOok,-- _"Shail write some holier . p_rirpose reached, • On the page of that glorious book 1" So you sit by the little window again, • Dreaming out itj the starry night, Framing anew, of your gblden hopes, " A eastle wondrous bright I Alt no, this strange mirrage of Our life I In 4he moonlight's tender shine, The dreariest shallows around us grow Into forms of beauty divine I And in the light of your eyes, my life . Seems melting into a mist All throbbing with floating silver stars, And blossoms of amethyst I And around us the winds of summer drift, The odors of fir and pine, And e ver abovcus, the faithful stars, In the blue sky mistily shine; And,, up through the infinite calms of the night, Our dreams drift golden and fair, And Change, at the shining gates oiheaven, To;an earnest wistful prayer 1 ETA. SPEECH OF lion. A. G 4 OLMSTED, • R'F.",VEDIIII:rE BILL., bt the ir,TlOuse of 1 . -Zepresentatives, of the Legislature of .eennsglvania, on the 15th, of April, 1864: Mr. 'Chairman, I do not propose at this time to, enter into :anything like an ex tended, &scission: of the questions in volvedith() subject before the commit tee. I de not -profess to be learned in the difficult problems of taxation that, press themselves !upon the attention of the public at the present time. I have no hesitation in saying that I should favor the amendment Irbil has just been offered by the kontleman from Montgomery, were it not for ',the constitutional prohibition that seems to bo in the way. Aside from the constitutional restriction on the sub ject, the tirundment seems to be but fair and reasonable ; and the argument which that gentleman has made upon the sub ject is such an argument as the subject itself is capable of, and one which, inde pendently of the restraints of the Consti tution,.it would be very hard to answer. But, sir, if the Constitution, as the courts have decided, prevents taxation in the manner provided in the amendment, then it is utter folly and unbecoming in us as legislators to adopt the Amendment, and itAs a Waste of time to discuss it. The retharkS, therefore whichi shall make at this tint° will be directed to the bill be fore the committee and the amendment offered iby the gentleinan from Lebanon (MR. COLEMAN.) Now; sir, there is a general impression throughout the country• L-an impression that has been growing stronger for many years—that real estate is too beavily bur dened with taxation. This sir, is the be lief ameng the messes of the community; and althouzli it has become somewhat unfashtenable of late years, in these halls and in the halls oflegislation everywhere, to say Much about.the people or the rights of.the people, yet this House will excuse me for killuding to them in this connee- Lion. I.,say, sir, that it is the impression, it is the well grounded conviction, of the intelligent yeomanry of the country that the bur'dens of taxation are not equally imposed ; and I Ibeliove no intelligent man whatever hie; pursuits or interests in life map be, pretepds to deny:the correct ness of: this conclusion. The practical question now before us is, whether this state oflthings admits of a remedy. It is .easy to see, sir, how this state of things has come! to exist. When gov ernments' were' first organized, and sys tems of (taxation were first instituted, the attention of the world was turned almost exolusiVely to agriculture. It was nem• sarily the great source from which reve nues were derived. Commerce was in its . infancy ; aggregate capital in railroads, banks and'other corporations was unknown and undreamed of. Consequently , taxa lion 'Wag visited upon real estate, the only source fioni whichirevenues for the main tenanoe of governments could be . derived. But sir,ia different.stato of, things oxiiits/ now. Gradually We have reached a point when our own,State alone has Itwonty•six millions'of dollars of banking capital and one hundred and !sixty:two millions, as near necan be ascertained, in railroad cap: ital, besides, a vast amount of capital in vested in other corporate onterpriSes.— And as the Wealth of the country has in ereased,Ahere hatilbeen a corresponding increasOn the expenses of Government. Now, 'sir, notwithstanding the gigantic wealth of the corporations of this State at Qe,bote,o fo . 11)o ~ I "i•ilicif4e. 3 of lit,te: @chloehpi" qRD lip .isciltiri4 - ,lion of . IVoillify, Ir..ifehit'fri,.',..:4o lie*. 0?,1 TIIE COUDEB.SPQAT, POTTER_ COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1864. the present, time,l the great burden of taxation is.still borne by real estate. We have extended Somewhat the sources of taxation; but oar departure from the original state of things has been slow.— It takes a very long • time, • sir, in this country, and in alit countries, to inaugu rate :anything like reforms br radical changes;-and this question of taxation is onts c of the . meat difficult problems which a free government has to solve. .Butoir, as I before remarked, we have extended to some extent the subjects of taxation. Perhipirwe tax our banks to as greet an extent as it is 'Mi l ey to tax them: The revenue froni the banks to the State for the year just passed was three hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars. This equals thirteen and one-half mills to the dollar. j 1 • Now, sir, I disclaim, in this discussion, any disposition to tax one interest' of the State beyond , another, or to impose any undue taxation upon railroads, or any other interest of the Commonwerlth. know of no_reason why I should enter tain any such purpose. I have no feel ing of malice, or vindictiveness towards any of the railroad of the state. We are all interested in them. The groWth of the State, as has been stated hero this after noon, has depended much upon them. They have have added largely,to the wealth of the State. Our commerce is dependent upon them. Their interests are interwo ven with every other interest in the com monwealth. Butsir,can any, man here pre sent a reasonwby they sliduld not beqr a portion of the expenses of carrying on ft'. State goverment ? They are creatures of the State; and the 'State should govern them and not they govern the State. I have said, sir, that wo have already ar rived at a period when we tax banks as much perhaps as it is policy to tax them; and the time will come, I trust when we shall require the railroads to bear equally with all other interests the costs of mu tual protection. It will come, sir, unless the railroads are so' formidable and pow erful as to oxercis& an absolute controll ing influence over the legislation of the Commonwealth. Whether that time will over oomo or whether it is already hero, I cannot say. I have said that the impression is abroad in the country that real estate, at this time, considering the changed con dition of affairs, the enormous capital now directed to other Purposes, and the in ,crease of local taxation, is burdened far too heavily With , taxes. For several years. sir, the Legislature has been dis cussing projects looking towards equal ization ; and yet ive have no practical re sults. We have been told, Mr. Chairman, at this session--we were told at the late session--that a bill providing increased revenues would be passed. The neces sity for additional revenues In this State is admitted by all persons who examine the subject with anything like intelli gence. We muse have more revenue.-- The demand is ire Graeae. With all our increased individual wealth, and our as tonishing indivicl.d. prosperity, absolute tares us in the face. ay this matter; it is nal. To increase the ate we must increase plain; simple question .r we shall impose still real estate, already t is, or • whether we axes from the railroads o interests of the State entirely free from tax ession is, that every I . sties and fairness do . cssary increase of rev nod from taxation upon I. for this Legislature State bankruptcy It is folly to do worse; it is trim revenues of the S taxation ; and the upon us is, whetho greater taxes upo l overburdened as shall derive these and other corporal that now go almos; ation 7 My imp consideration of j mends that the ne! enue mnet be obta railrois; and it nab a coarse shall b 9 to Bay whother self, I aonfess that I For m pursued that wo shall bo able have no great fai We. were informed to accomplish' i repeatedly informed, 'e passed accomplishing A carefully and well here last winter that a bill would this desirable end ared by commissioners Governor for that es upun our files through .ion, unnoticed by the nt in these halls. It o other evening, when bill was under oonsid tifimaion for a general :, that a bill would be .ion that would provide , se' inorcased expenses railroads. ed thee, by the Chair• mitteo of Ways and digested bill, pre appointed by the peeial purpose, la . : out the entire see. party then detain , was urged here, t the appropriation oration, as a ju: increase of salaries passed at this sos money to pay tho by taxation upon Wo wore iufor man of the C, , ommitteo had already Moans that that ~ , tng tho gross earnings ,us two per cent. I took ':n .what I regret to say •d very muoh whether at this session, to pass we should realize any Imo of taxation from 1, sir, the Commitee of • ave reported, or rather on led to beliov.e that .vo -reported a bill for cli a bill is upon our . reported a bill to of these eorporati , oonsion to say th now, that I doubt , we should be able any law by which, considerable iner, this source: Wel Ways and Moans this House .bas 1) that committee h, that purpose. S files, and is now before this committee for consideration. It bears all the marks of a bill regr4rly reported by that com mittee. What do we see ; sir Y The bill is brought np for Consideration by the chairman of that distinguished commit tee, and we find to our utter astonishment that tho chairman is the only 'member of the whole committee of fifteen members that - thus far favors the po.ssage . of the bill upon this floor. ,There may be othCis that favor it; I do not propose 'to - speak for the whole committee ; but after hours= of discussion, bat one individual so lar favors the bill, or rather the section of bill that imposes taxation upon railroads. Now, sir, this is a little remarkable. It was stated here to-day that it was very common for committees to report bills in regard to which all the members of the committee were not agreed; that they report them . for the purpose of getting them before the House. _That is true enough ; we . all see that every day; but it is remarkable and unusual for com mittees to report bills with an affirmative recommendation, when all the members, save one, are hostile to the passage of them when reported.. It is not usual in legislation, and it is not fair towards this House. Vlion a bill emanates from so grave a committee as .this . one, and is placed upon our files, mon of less inform ation 'on these subjects have a right to suppOee that it has received the &maid. eration of the committee, selected as it is from 'the House with direct reference - to intelligence upon financial questions, and -the House has the right also to suppose that at least a majority of the committee favoi the passage of the bill. .- But we learn to our astonishment tha reporting committeethis bill the have •mply been tc "paltering with us in a don le sense, , keeping the word of promise to the car, and breakir , it to the hope." This bill is utterly male s, 'so far as the sanction of tho eommitt e is concerned. Sir, if they had "negatived" the bill, it would haven been fairer treatment towards the House. 1 , Well, sir, this bill proposes to impose a tax of two per cent. upon the gross re ceipes of railroad companies. But as soon as the bill is called up, we have an amend ment offered by a member of the core. mittee that reported, it. Now bear in mind, Mr. Chairman, that the attention Of tins country ie directed at this time to 'some' system cf itaxation upon railroads; —directly upon railroads ; that is the .1 persistent demand of those that sent us hero,' so far as I know anything of their wishes. We have a bill before us that proposes such taxation,' and , ,an amend ment is .offered which 'changes eutirely the character of the bill ; simply im poses taxation Upon tonnage and directi the railroad companies to collect it from additional charges *Upon freights. It is a cheat and a 'delusion. Sir, the gentleman from 'Lebanon, 1 (111r. Coleman,) who has (Adored this amendment, is thrusting al base born bastard into'the cradle of the lawf4l heir. The people have asked :'for bread, and he would give, them a stone. Sir, it is not an amendment to the bill, but it is the destruotion of it. The peo ple have said to usy, "We aro too heavily taxed already ;•'make up such -additional revenues as aro necessary from taxation upod,railroads and other corporations," and We have a bill' before us looking in that direction, and an amendment is of fered:, which simply puts additional bur dens upon the people and leaves the cor porations untouched. New, sir, the amendment may be better than the original bill ; it is undoubtedly so in 'tho present estimation of a majority of the Committee of Ways and Means; but I hope no 'man in. this House will attempt to deceive himself by even call ing it taxation upon railroads. Why should thisi amendthent be adopted, and why shmild nOt, the additional revenue which we must haVe bo derived from the proper source ? ' I have already 'remarked, Mr. Chair man, that the railroad capital is ono hun-, dred 'and sixty-two millions of dollars.—' This 'enormous capital paid in taxes, the Past year, all told, but tho sum of two hundred and nine thousand dollars— less than one mill and I a half upon the dollar. Twenty-sim millions of dollars in in banking capital ,payS three hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars in taxed into the State treasury, while ono hundred and sixty-two millions in rail., road ;capital pays but two hundred and nine, thousand dollars.' And how is it when we bring real and personal estate into the comparison ? Let us see. The entire assessed valuation of the State is six hundred millions of dollars; and from this assessed valuation for the past year at least fifteen millions of dollars iti taxes have, bean collected, including State and local' , taxation. Now, bear in mind, Mn: Chairman, that the one hundred and sixty-two millions of the aggregate amount just stated invested in railroads nays but two linn - dred and nine, thousauil, l loiLiii of' thi4 whole fifteen millions, and the gtoas inequality of our present assessment of takes iajtoo palpable to be the subject , for making these collections, and require of discussibn.: And does any man upon: them ;to give bonds, with sufficient sure this floor ;doubt but this is Wrong and : ties, for the faithful perforMance of their that it.ought to be remedied, and that; duties. speedily? IDy referecce to the rePorts - : Mr. C9LEmAN: The expenses of col• of the scvrisal railroad companies oil the lection is the very thing II "wanted to State, as =de up by "themselves; it Rill avoid.. I • wanted' . to colleet the tax as be seen that their receipts for the Past' cheaply as possible.. - year eiceed - their.e±ponses nearly twenty i Mr. OLNSTED. -Well, then, the amend millions of dollars, a sum equal to twelve {merit has so much merit and. no 'more. percent, Oleos profit upon the entire in- llt makes the railroad cempanies tbe 4l / 4 1 . 11- vestment. ; :Now, :sir, - thebanks "ofi the:l doses that 'carry Alio bag.", ..They l itte Commonwealth for the , past year have made' tam-ccillectors, 'without;:deinpiiiisti. declared.disidends ranging from seven to; tion, and without'. giving isoiids. : They 'eleven per', cent.: They•he7ve -paid intat-'do serve tho: State; that giies them-their ation thirteen and one-half mills to the; franchises and their power to that extent, dollar. 'While the net profits of . the and no farther under this amendment. , railroads have boon equal to twelve per I But it is bald, sir,lhat a Sax upon iross cent., they have paid in taxation one and earnings op6ates aneqUally and unjustly one half bills to the dollar I Can muy i upon the railroads themselVes. • The gen. man claitni that this is an equitable dietii- i demon frourThest or (Mr. Smith) entered bution of the burthen of taxation ? L into • a labored and elaborate argument But, site, when we take real estate into :this afternoon upon this point-an ,argn acaount, this inequality becomes still Moro meat utterly fallacious so far as applleii* glaring. In many counties of this Com., hie to railroads alone. It is: said that monv,Taltin real estate is taxed for State ; while the gross receipts of two roads may „ and local qmrposes to an amount fully •be equal. one May make money Ind the equal to three per cent. upon its asail?Fed osier lride hard work to avoid absolrite: valuation ;in some counties even ruore!baukro.ptcy. lint the same argumenti than that :; and the best iaformation that, can be applied with equal force to banks can be obtained upon this subject, shows and to every other taxable -interest in the that this; enormous taxation uponi reallCommomprealth. A and B. own adjoin.'T estate results in the absorption of at lost ; lag farms of equal value. 'While A makes sixteen per cent, of the entire agricultural i money from his farm, B runs behind, and products of the State in taxes—sixteen;yet the farms are taxed ecially. No in s , , ap s per cent, of produce, sir, while the tax ' nuity can avoid this state joy things: At upon the products of railro.adsis counted ; is idle to repine and split hairs upon„tho in mills; lass than a fifth Of one per cent I ; subject; it cannot be avoided. The man Thus the indispuMble fact is presented : wiad manages his affairs' properly and that iavehtments in real estate have to ' adrei:lY will make money, while' thoso bear much more than a just prosolttion ; who Monona improperly and \ carelessly, of the heathens of taxation. The monis:as - bother individuals or corporations, - will takable cfieet and tenancy of this ;state; not succeed.. The um:dim:inn does, net of things,lis to drive capital from 'divest- rasopose to change the\ otheral system of cant in seal estate to investments ci a, taxation in the Commonwealth be iso speculative character. Sir, it is ootorious this is se - . No universal system of t xa in 'many rural sections of the Sate, tit do n• can be :'opted that will not oper , - . . , r id man e a r , a ff or d to h a lo ree l e s t a te a nd ,unsostiy in particular cases. pay the taxes that are forcsd uponsio— I . Etat it is said that taxing gross receipts It is My ,opinion Ilfr. Chairmao, that. ,:s not the best. Method brtaking railroads. considering the Levy taxation now n o : I Perheps it is not; sir; but 'What system posed upon real and personal prs;;•.trty f.;..,er.n 1..?. devised that will got be open to county, tdwnship and sonoul purpose:, the; co,jcotiJa from some quarter? I knosi .revenues knecessary to support the 'State la P.C.111.0. Can any gantlets:Oa furnish es government should be Lb:lived- melon.. ,such a oyetoni ? Some One has said ) from ccrphrations ; and upon this point s: doringthis debate, that it is better to tax cosse t do b e tt er th an to nuo:',2 from the ' ralialad'SlOCl: j but how will su \ ch taxa report of the commissionma aopoiotesl by ; .itm operate'. Many of those companies the . Goveinor to revise the revcaue laws,' have no stock basis whatever. _One rail in pe.aaanoe of a joint it:solution of * the! read company may have a capital of "mil :Legislature at the session of ISO'.!, : ' I I:ous of dollars, and, the capital stock bo "COrpointions in this State"are very 2:1 helj b y shareholders. In such a ease t..he stock could be taxed without difficulty. nutuerousland very powerfuL They has:, i ,gut allot:11er, company of equal wealth not only drawn within their cootrol as and capital my go into operation under immense amount of capital, but they kayo-; system entirely.% Instead of drawn within their power the entire c01:11-: another memo of the. State. Almost, eve:ray:lino issuing stock to shareholders, it issues and instead of paying dividends is now made to contribute to the rove- - 1 ",heads, as, flues of those corporations. Yet c; laic, u; e ii to ch . ,it. pays interest upon bonds. ina to their intangibl charactes; it is ‘... aiy.; ;:itsatl of stock, it would halve nothing lent e yet be a prosperous, - diffieult te . adopt a general systrr , or! t v ... 1 . : . 1 Indebtcducss, and road. There is'no reason bl o ation applicae thereto. Te franahiscsi IXIC ' 3c Y ' flakin g of cerporaons:aro propc:ty and thelegit. j woy t!so roads conduct inssOthcir busineas l ti innate subject of taxation. In axing a I thus tillier s eatlY should not pay the same these ennser s isiny l .L anleunt ci tax upon the same amount of tax upon oorperations, Yet a s,Tstem of;taxation upon ' privileges ; their franchises, enstitute tic 1 L ias ' ness ' grelnds of the u n ,,,,,,.. wes s n in s I stoo:a. - - would tax the one - and allow the :first ether to eecape without taxation. Well, claim to eontribution, and la: that con-, in favor en aurae . tae also _proposes to tax dividends slats her fight to disormains:te eneeirniai ions I of rioiroacls ; and yet a company organized the nubile. The property ni • at:I:hoot stock declares no dividends in is within the reach of rho author - ,tv the legal .aeceptation of the ter, and the State. ; Now, in order m er to do inaiee i would avoid taxation altogether under ° cultural interests and the own to the agricultural 1 hod. era ,of real estate, the 1102.:11.10::'.7C2.111./ suan a met should leek to this kind of prooesty tut a: 1::Iall assail "inn its frland3 and ad "' large portion of the reVe one: no system carshe devised that llin r: ;;ask-:, uS f o:l t l ' S, lan argument cannot be made:tigainst State purposes." 1 lin enduavoriug to a4oid ".seylla," we fall NoW, Mr. Chairman, the first secoiou iota "Cfaorybois,"—are thrown back— • of the bill before us imposes 'taxation " f i f ' .. , .k I Clow 1.1 - bolo - ecn the trap, and aceorn& two per cent, upon the gross receipts of plish nothing. Meanwhile; the real end ,railroads.f The amendment (fendor th e e oon it -I I pe,..,0„ m 1 property of the Commonwealth tleman from Lebanon chooses t ail Igrzans under a bard= of taxation that an amendment) proposes to tax freialits.• mid , the vast capital ' as follows: Products of mines, two centsl is ny i e n s sl teTi P i rtab uth lc es ' e institutions pays Lb: . per ton ; products of the forest and agri-1 tribute to the State that solve, them ' cultural products, three cents per top;; • '0 and i eso i st h eiSee, .and still gives them Protection. and mefehandise five cents per ton ; opa l , oir. Chairman, that ti:e amend authorizeS the railroad compaulea to col- l ' lnent _nil. not be adopted, and that the lect this tonnage tax frOm those furnish -I priutod Hill will become a law. I Ithow, ing the heights, and- pay it - over to the: Mr. Chaiomsn that lam t-1-- tita State Treasurer. ' This 'proposition sir,lnenepui'n.;-s-iiie' n• n ef the wiestienn i d ui ; epus except so far as it relates to merchantltso. 1.,1.-s,_, far .?-3 the i moneyed - interests of the gm ply casts additional taxes upon real Joisuten ,. wealta are•concerned. but, sir, estate. To tax the products of real es tate is but another name for the same ''t'iia. toiling minions of the E' ''' te ' the tiers of the small farms, and the imputes thins.. It simply affords' a pso - tea t behind ' and under ,of I.le workshops have an interest in this I which we may take re _fuse, a qui:stion and tiles he represented. 'poor cover fight and Lill what we dare n em. - . rs'h ey a equal taxation, and not makeiopon and manful war v.oaiust- I . ' 's sic-for • Thc friends of this amendment sa3 - 'it will ' t " c ": P ra Y cr sh°sld be g r ''' nt . °l I put morolmoney in the treasury.than the , s ;,Too austere a philosophy makes lot printed bill. Very likely it will •, I can- ' • : wise men; too vigorous a gaVernment Pitv not say it will not. But, sir, it does •not I :Impose . . 000 d subjects; too harsh- a ' ieligion, ' f ' evi taxation where it ought to•be lm-{' devout souls; . incan that will contiuue se, nosed. t simply does indirectly what for nothing is durable that is not suitable' we might as well do directly, increase:l - t 0 nature. . • ,oar rcveilues by increased taxation -upon 1 real estate and leave the railroads :Anti If a Yong woman's dis-srontisTs i s I {untaxe ailroad It males the d. It'has thisco mPan merit, ies tax however gate,.''oss: 'gunpowder, the sparks should be kept r • 1 , I erers, instead of collecting taxes; .in the;awa - y . .. n . from bar. ordinary ;way, ,by collectors appointed by I S l- ;].Tiany avoid' otherfrbe i a.oi n m: the _ Y. i county o cmmissioers. I onl !wonder : a ss not and know ototmselvea that the ienqexn" an n from Lebanon :did not I s ..._,,,n0 he { incerporato . .l section in his amendniept tot THE MOST CUItiOUS iTI3INu l pay the railroad eompanies five per cent. 1 Mart who is not etirioits. - - DEE •i )5, - ,r c:6 -1-j,)...7) TEREI3,- - -$1,50 -PER , ANNUM'. El 13 Fll U I Li)T', 2E53 - A ,•u