The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 17, 1864, Image 4
lIIM=I I 3 50 OE MIMI ME 1111 AT REGUL , Nos./. OSWA =I AND WiIITESVIL, pELLOW CITIZENS, F ors: I return my am. liberal patronage bestow. , -past ten years. lam now to select from . 4f2,0,000,W0r,h rind hallo opened U. brain - VILLE, N. Y. where we Stock of the best quality ever endeavor to give o bargriips. We are now s; • Good, Siiirtinis and She :cents, wortii 37 to 75. Best grades of Prints fr ' worth 37. Good Delaio%2s to 37 cen, Good Plaid Elpaceas 28 • 50 to 75. Extra .Plain; Alpo:ens 40 63 to ?8. ' Extra all-wool DeWas 37 50 to 75. - Fine Mozambiquos 22 to to 45. Fine all. wool gerinos 69 $l. to $1,50. A large stock of Cassime netts, Broadcloths, and CLOT This branch• of our- trade' tion to in particular, ae w Sou 25 to 50 per cent. to $l5, worth $2O to $25 for $3,754. worth $4,50. NILKS,SRA of:the Best and Latest Eine Merinos;'. Thibet, and most other kinds. Boots A large assorto Trine. French Calf Lull / woith $1;75 - . Men's Fine Calf Boots $5 to $6. Haht' and Caps for. I . Ind, Gents, very /,pto. Ladies Crockery an tothu titots, Sct., at pteee far below th present market ;0 1 4.021 ft.ltttSt2is co! Pork, Flour, Tea, Sit • PeIIPPI', gar, Spice, &c., . . bought in the State. „ Not having time . or;pace to note furt.ber,we would say"totliose it king why trepan afford to sell below other dealers, s this, 'ire buy very. large amounts and are in New „York about one-fourth of t e titne,:aad are so well acquainted with market, that we buy :many goods low an can, etforci to sell, them at home at leskprice l e j than wag merchants m buy New York. ur . Store at ,Whitesville is'under -the managetnerit of Mr. E...J..,5.E1Eq- ITARD, *ha has been with me at oSwaye (Or Vie Past tsiO years, viell known to the peoPle of this' section, and wpll ever try to giVe them t all bargaitie for, the' interest. , Our, store'at Oswayo, under the anagement of my broth r yr, WM. SIMMONS, an experienced dealer, who will ever _ give. 11. customers , the benelit of all bargains:. `An early call is respectfully solicited: . '..- - 1 ours Truly, - i . SIMMONS, lator, No. 1, ..:. . ill! Regulator No. 2... : •'1 as lo* as can Orman) Raga • • Whiteavi /day 25, 1864. 21 k . 1 7- Pb . .4) I GEBTUIDTA.rikAa - avoNg. COMPOV.NDFLITID EXTRACT DUCHU, arosittve and 'Specific Remedy for diseases of the Blad der,Kidneys, Gravel, and DropsitalS i rellings. This Medicine increases the power f and excite the Absdrbents into; h6tlthy aq'tioP,.k which , the watery,or Galserous delios.)oo,usLitig #ll4tintiiit'49 are reduced, as well as Ain and rdidamttion- AVED, !I MEM TORS For Weakness arising from Excesses,Habits of Dissipation, early inaiscretion of abuse. attended with the following symptoms : • Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dift3cititY of Breathing,Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wake fulness, Dimness of vision,-Pain in the back; Universal.'Lassitude of the-Muscular Systeth, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the skin, Eruptions on the Face, Pend' Countenance. Ell NM These symptoms, if allowed to go on,whicli this medicine invariably[removes, soon lead to Impotency, Fatuity,pjl,eptiC. Fits, in any dna . ot ti , Nitict, tiity'Rf Oire.l. Who can say thatthey - iire not - iiiirequently ibilowed by • those Direful Disehses, "Insanity and ConSumption. r M4iy are aware of tiie cause of their suf . ! feting, but none will eonfesS the records of the insane asylums And melancholy deaths by Oodirimptioil bear rumple :witness to the truth •of the assertion: ; • once'afrected with Organic Viretkriesii requires the aid of Meiljeine to strengthen and Invigmitte the system, which lieMbold's Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will.convince the most skeptical. • ff'EMALES—FEWi'.LES—FEMALES. many Affections Peculiar to Females the Exttact Buch.o issllmequalied-'hy ,any other remedy, its, in46ll:ii!osis Bete;ptiOn, Irregu- , larify, Palifulnes`s, — or SuppieiSion of Custom ary Eviietilitions, Ulcerated cu Schirrous state of the 'UtetMs. Leuelhaireeil or Whites, Stern itydatiti for all eumplaiuts incident to the sex, scht!thor i.,n, latibits of Dissipation, or in th.q., Decline or (Mange of Life. =l l ' 1 • Take no more Balsam. Mercury, or unpleas• anti : medicines for unpleasant and ;dangerous tli”ases. liernhold's Extract 'Baal and; ImprOved Rose Wash cures Secret' Diseases. n all their stages, at little . Expe4e..:Lit change in diet. No inconvenience. and nq exposure. It causes a frequent desire hnd gives strength to Urinate,, therenv. removing Ob stroctionz, Preventing; add' emingl Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflamation, so frequent in_ this, elti‘4.s, of diseases, and ex: pelling all POisonbils Diseases and worn out matter. , Q,PA. E N Y !Wnds find Custom ks to- you ,tor:tlif. ,d upon ,me for the I adding to my stock New Goods, • store at WHITES haII . Itpep .a Large Goods, and shall r customers large ling tings for 28 to 37 m 25 to 30 cents Tr.oM;ands upon Tliousands who'have been 7;otqtinclis., and who have .paid heavy fees to be cured in a short :time, htive found.they were deceived, and that the "Poi; son" has, by the .ns.'m of ."Powertul astrinz gents," been dried nji in the syhetp..tobreat out in an aggravated !form, and Mlittps after marriage. Use Hembold'e affec -liorts and .diseast s of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Fetnale from WhitterCr cause-originating and no matter of how long standing. ts, worth 35 to 45. 0 30 cents, worth • to 63 cents, worth to 50 cents, worth 5 cents, worth )38 to 80 cents, worth Kt. Jeans, Sad- I.thef goods equally Diseases of these organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. lietnbOlTs Extract Bacilli is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the sired effect in all dis'eases for which it is re- RIZSEI commended. Evideiee of the most reliable iind respon sible character Neill riecornpany the Prike,.s,l.,llo per Bottle, or six .Or $5,00 th :Deiered any address, secu6ly packed from observation. Describe Syrol)toms in all communications. Ch t es guaranteed Advice gratis : 9'ddress letters for informationi to • H. B. HEMBOLW, Chemist, 104 South Tentlifst., bel. Chestnut, Phil'a. • Helmboldrs. hlediesil Depot • Helmbold's Drug ;nd ChemiCalVarehouse, 594 Broadway. New York. Beware of -Counterfeits and,Mnprincipled Dealers who endeavor to dispose of their own other articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine preparatiOns. Extract Bach it. Sarsaparilla.' Improved Rose Wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Aak tor Helmbold's. Take no other: Cut out ,he Advertisement and o.end for it, and avoid x posure. e•call your atten s can and will save :'no suits from $l2 Good black Dante stra Doeskin l $4,50. I ► LS,&C, shions, very . 001, Brocha. Stella, shoes. EXVELSIOR HAY PRESS. TT 4.REER'S 4.4 4 EN.7. ThO Bttliscribel j lias ILA the right of Manufacturing and Selling for Potter county Earder's Patent Excelsior Hay Press'i'•Patente'd 1863, and which took the first :wennium at the. last State Fair. One of these 'y'yes s se44ll) tie in 00011efiligrit:,.front the 101 . 11 — t , i 2611 i rit liti:c;4iber. • "Xiiy . peison wishing to buy the Right for a township 0f the county, can ha've the Press: There will ht. one manufactured by W. B. Gordnier. For, further particulars: ittqulre at the Journal" office. C. Wainwright. I I Coudersport. Pa. Nov. 24. 1888 pd ntwo,t7 low 3,75 to s4,7s,'s,i'Orth, Hardt in Furs, Wookuldi l .Sz.n. InseCtit MiFlants, Fowls,. Animals, /to. ; - ' Put up is 25c. 50c and Si 00 Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks, $3 arid $5 sizes for tiotels, Public Institutions, &c. 'Only infallible remediesicbown." Free from Poisons." ~ • _"Not dangerous to the (lumen Family.". "Rats come out of their . holes to die." * * *Sold Wholesale in all large 'cities. * * *Sold by all Dtmgglsts and Retailers every where. • * * *l H Beware 41,!o411 tv4art4less imitations * * *See that "Co§v.ial" tiatriels 'On 'eat'li'Boa, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. * * *Address Henri R. Costar, ' * * *PrincipaljDetmt-481 B.Cirad.way,',N. Y. ' * * *.SOlo ; l3,y 7 (I -'• • P. A. STEBBINS kCo , *tolesele & Rethil Ag nts, Citudersport. Pa. ' - SA Fish; Hcinzs, Coffee,.:: Or Concentrated I, e Farfly. sonp4ialcot% . WAR makes high prices; Saponifier helps to reduce them.. h makes SOAP for FOUR CIS. a po•ind by using your kitchen 'grease. trirpriA:krifiitiiint4 ll:ifs are of fered also." - he 4 eaihful a fi'd Irnly — buy the PATENTED article put up in Iron cans, all others being fIOUNTERFEITS. , '4;474OTh:llNa Co, PIIILADELPII.IA—No. 127. 13 1 41 tit §treet. , PIT rasllßCi••;Piii Streit mit Dtiquarae Way ' 4;4, - 44 X 615,7 4 44, k4t HEAIIiOLD'S EXT4ACT BIICHU, KM4 Mintor ,- , - -it:ids ME BM OLMSTED'S'. 'YOUR atttention is invited to the largetand :attradtiye•.stock just:received; land for sal e.a's low as the same:qhalities'ean be bought anywhere in the ,county. , • . L- We have on, hand .a .large and vaned as sontriera Of Doe,stfe '6ci Cottons, mpri.Sing BROWNr tn S H EETINGS, arid ' • , • `. • SIILEUTC , IGS . • 'BLEACHED brUSLDTS, ' "DENIMS; " ' • ' STkilt; • : . - . CHECKS, . ECKS, TICKINGS; and . _ COTTON FIANREhS, - . on which we cannot b'e,undersold.. -, We putthase r ant - Cash and offer *them at .a verrainall advance.: • Prom Cost— FLANNELS. IF Too want to purchase 1 RED, • GRAY, BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SigItIVG ; FLAN EL, call - - o,tantiteills. DRESS GOODS; -DELAINES, PRINTS, BROCIIE, and WOOLEN,SITAWS, MOODS SOi4TAGS, ' • ', NUBIAS; "BALIIOItAL SKIRTS • .CLOTEIS and CASSIIIERES, • .• , a full Only - • • Ai 6 lniiied-78. CLOTHING bON'T fail to call before : purcliasini and see the assortment , ' - GOTS & SH OE S F ptlireintn, dWomen & Ctilliree,in great va- For Molasses, syrup,. Sugar,. Tea and Coffee, in fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT OLXISTE.6'B. A full assortment of aluiosc everything that is kept. in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satiifactiOn and sell good articles at the lowest living profit. AT OPIS'I:Eb'S,O7 t~n~~~: Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Deer Skins Also, County, Township a.rid School Orders, for fill of which the highest prices will be paid • , 01141ste d l B Condersport, Pa,Nov'r 18, 081 1864 Brings many ,a change, therefore I hare con cluded to change my system of doing businass end I shall hereafter sell for CASH or PRODUCE, PUTTER, LARD EGGS. RAGS, GRAIN,- • DRIED BERRIES, &e N my stock of ,Groceries I 11: assortment of . - - .::GREEN;:c.f;j I .: 1 SUGARS, MOLASSES, I 'HONEY SYRUP SALARATUS.: COFFEE. Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARP," SPICE, gtiOd stock (bought co that inn' enabled to Cella pribes current before the War).of ..• , DRUGS, and , - -• • -PATENT.MEDICINES; Also; - KEROSENE OIL . YANKEE NOTIONS, EXTRACTS, and are still kept FLOUR, .: ' • • PORK,: 31E41 of all kinds. tilany other things too nunierons to mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold. for ,• • : : : ' , cuss PROFIT - • t ti beftire-ffen - tit in 'tits warkei: E. SPIANCER. Orrin W4l'4D, Tooko,-.BrITERS 14:E 13;n9lqing the most popular Nedipine afirealai%Rforthe cure of .IVER;OOfPLAINT-„DYSPEPSIA, JAUN „OIOE;.DEBISITY: OF..TLIR. NERVOUS and IWEAKNES or the. •,- S.TORAOEI and INGESTIVR ORGANS . 'is also gaining, !great 'rePotation in tbei CURE of DIPTHERIA: Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa, B=IIM:MEMI U==Elel ES At. Jimmied's 1111111 At Olmsted's She ep Pelts, Furs, 1864 Faso a choice I BLACK, and JAPAN hPRER, &11,1:0 FANCY. SOAPS, PERFUMERY, E!MM3MCM:MI! i.l - -.;-,-4— , - • - r:› .., 4 -e• , ... : , c. ,- ;: ,•; eL.f i.i.:l, , .. .I:, .2 • ••,' 1 .A . .„..... ,_ MOM :ikl -2 11AVEI.'-rOUND - - ,. 151g.:•i Well the exelaniation of tie AstiOncimiiiihi first discovered that the; moilil:riesifed:licitti brbii; not less jopona tiori of - 4bii ha • 1;li ere '6O I ODS . can • b oz. TWENTY PER C 'ioricej let, find th things are to be co dui ate -Price and _ . chasers stadyu4 bed, cart" better. satisfied' I Good's the Quality wititi our stock than 'any othei +bis or ad joining counties. Think; tivicatefore hoying 'bE&a TRASH ." .row is yintitiixic Pio cure,a:oooD iDelaia aro d'an ker4iitizia soiiietimep'fatal." Douit waif t - another enormous alliance in Goods . . . The following is but a partial list of on large assortment: 1 . . Me inos The attention of thei Ladies, is called toi the stock of blerinoes,Black,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and White. Some of these were bought precious to the rise And will be sold nearly as low as preient wholesale prices at JONES' ' - Ladie i s Cloth Grei, and Fancy Colois 'at jON,ZS' Boy's'Near Cassitnetei, Striped, Checked,' and Plaids Tweeds, Kentueky Jeans, and Cotionades o the very best quality at JONES' MOurning Goods t. Black Silks, AlpacaS, Einpressaoth, Brim,ba • zinc, De!nines, Itepl Cloths . and BlncliYttn4 Purple. Go,ds of various kinds at JONFS' • • . Do223ll3StieS Heavy Sheetinged ttiree-quarter, four-quaiter, five-quarter, fine, niableached; • Piliatv • Case and Sheeting Muslin, Shirting, Ten-quarter bleached for sheets at JONES' ; I .. • White Goods. Barred Muslin, Ellin Jaccnet, Cambric for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslins,,Nainsobt Muslin, plaid, strippd or plain, `-and Bishop Lawns at 1 JONES' • . . _tmb*.ciideries • Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, ,Undersleevez with or without collars at • JONES' I _ •Woolen Goods 1 Hoods, with tabs or points. for infants and Children, Misses aad Ladies; Niihia's. Under. sleeves and Caps ate JONES' 1 , • 17rints . i For Children, Silting Prints, plain black, white and black,bl e and white, and all kinds . of fancy, 'at , - - JONES' I - Qloths • Gents' Black Broad Cloth, excellent quality bought before 1119 .rise.. Cassimeles, black silk mixed. black and fancy Doeskin ; striped, plain, and Plaid in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole suits at I JONES' • H i p.l6ll7' " • Women's wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cott./n plain, colored and. White, plain or fleeced. Girls' white, brown, mixed, wool or cottor, and wool balmoral stockings. Moos' home and city-mad• ; Boys', all sizes, white or mixed, at JONES' q - loves For ladies. Gann yoet and Hand Gloves, Kit Linen, Cotton, Plain and.Ple , ced Silk. Gent fine Drhiing GloveS, Cassimeres, at JONES' S , hawls For Ladies; SheSterd's Plaid, Broche, Lang and - ,Square, Woolen Plaid; Lgreat variety of elegant colors at 1 ' ' JONES' Delaines Of domestic and Iforeign manufacture. We ;can assure our patrons .that we believe our stock this spring, t'clo be more attractive; line than ever before. JUNES' Balmoral Skirts . With only two bi-eadths, making it necessary to have but two seams in a full skirt, inn great variety at - JONES' Groceries. ' Teas,- Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, West Indi.c. and Dandelion Coffee,.Rice, Corn Start h,'Farina, Coboa, &c., at JONES' ' 13i.ushes , Cloth, Tooth, Nnil Hair,. Hat, Paint, Tarnish ind Artistßrushes at, - JONES' -D - - Drugs aryd. alloy Articles Oils, Paints,-and siutrs, Phite Lead in Tin CansAlconal„Cainpheile,. Irimsenatimp and Lamp Fixture - ' . Ol . ass:Patcnt Medicines, Chemicals, BOtakii al Herb; Pertuidery,Faney Soap find . Toflt Guth,. Hair, liory and Wooden Co'intis Pomades Colognes. and a fine assoilimlenP omadesi of flavoring 'Extracts. Pens, Ink and Paper, and Lizieeed ,011--rAW an 4 tNi!cil• tr9o.s'• C lloys' and Mett'i - '• • • Boots . land S.ooes Of every, desc4tiotyind the best quality, at astonishing to piles's; at 'JON'ES' . • '-- -" Wal) pa±4i • Veineg Papir. Trii)son PAper, yin da r C . u r- tlirs, Bcrders, Tassels and Fixtures, at .1 It - A'RDWitE,JPOODEN-*ARE, WILLOW. WARE, NAILR, PLOWS, WINDOW SASH, FLOUR; PORE: and FEED, in fact, e.verything , thatthefiteptde need On be had at bp, acithlrit, the.lcrireat raw COUNTRY :PRODIJCE TAKEN IN .EXCHANGE. ' Oenderarnit, Pa., Zane, ina, EIMEM 5321 ••• • • INWA. 7 ' • -- - 616*- IEIpHILADELPEaI k .* :; Eit* iatklLß(l4o - .. is-TIE great- lipte traverses the -hfotthern and 'Northwest conntlea of. gormlyania, to the city-of Erie, 4m.Lake _ -Ithas been leaaed by. the PerntaYivitula Bail Rotid.Compaby, and Ludo their auepioett lelog rapidly -, opened thronikhont ite entire ihngth.: ••-• . it is nOttin nse - Freight badness from Harrisburg to,St. -filary's,(2l, miles) on thw Pastern :Divipion, and .froni Sheffield to: Erie, (18: miles) on the Western TilLt Or rAsszatuts: TRAINS ISMORIVY : " hss been the eielari a . i',fOund 11±4 PtAog. Pirchasa ylkTiFls Eiprosi Train; 3 50. P. 1. , Leave Westwar l iL Accommodation :Train, 1 30 sP.: Care run through wiraotrr: CHANGI .both ways betWeeris khiladelphia 'paid Lock Bayou arid betuiitinilaltimbre and Lock Haven. NT. below the mitrke ta as fepresetiteil:—Tiro idefed 'in: lintchafitig • .• Elegant Sleeping Cars o# Express - Trains both-ways betweew Willianisport and Bald! , More,:and . .Willinmsport andi'Philadelphik ::.For infornintien respecting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E Cor.ll2th and Market Streets. And for Freight iminess•Of the Companyi Agents: , S. B. Kingston, .Tr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. ; J. W. Reynolds Erie. J. M Drill, Agent N. C. R. Baltimore. M. H. HOUSTON • f , • HOUSTON, Freight .Agt. LEWIS L.. HOUPT, • Gen't 21"cF:ez "fgt. ' Jos,D.;Porrs, = J Orel Mano:qer, Williamsport. •I offer fer sale on - reaionable terms and lib eral time : ONE FARM 1-146 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM 1-05 Acres-80 Cleared On FA:WV-40 Actea-15 Cleared .ONE FA`' 1--300 ACres-5 C.lared And lots of other Farms And Land Having secured the) services of HENRY S. cownumr, BLACKSMITH of twenty years experienee in England and America. lam prepared to furnish farmers and travelers ::with the best; of Horse and Oxi Shoeing, Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives &e., promptly L. BIRD`, Proprietor, Brookland, Potter , Co., Pa. formerly called Cushingville. lifay 26, 1864. ' • ATi J. 0 I,3IgTE D'S TORE can always he tfound the beat o Cooking, Bak and Pallor S T 0- V ES. Also. TIN and SHEET -IRON WARE, POTS; KETTLES, ,SPIDERS, SCOTCH HOWLS, FRYING-P.ANS; SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also,, Agricultural Invlements, such as PLOWS, .SCRAPERS,'. CULTIVA TORS, cORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, Ai% ;' HIS WORK . is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put rrp in any part of.the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused: - • 'Store on Main Street oppositelbe Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.- -5o .PUTNAI I II Clothes Wringer Will wring anything fro, a single Thread to a Bed-Qiiilt. • PRICES,: 55.50, $6;00, and $B.Oll P. Ai' Stebbins & Co, . , Agents. for Potter county.—Jan 25. 1863 P. A.:STEBBINS & Co: 3 ARE' Pitying tlie price . in CASS for, WOOL! 50,000 PO UN D§ WANTED ! doudersport, June 28, 1864.: P. A. ,Stebiains 8i; Co; • ICE AGENTS for thi. sale or- WIIULER e•WILSON'S SEWING gACHINES for Potter County , • ,NOT'f•itl, . TOBIAS'.... VENITIAN LINIMENT 'IRAS, GIVEN UNIVERSAL -SATISPAG. TION during the fourteen Years ithas l*en introduced into 'the United States. After being tried by millioritOtilias been procla.rned the pain destroyer of he World. Pain eaneot, be wbere! this liniment. is ap. If used as directed it cannot'and nev er has failed in a single instance. For cold; tousle - end influenza, it Can't"be.heat.' One 25 cent bottle will cure ell the above, besides being gieful in every family for.sedden-acti dents, such as burns; cuts, scalds, Irisiect Led: It is perfectly innocent to take Interne and can be given to the oldest person or,yonngeat child. Price"2s.and sfl cents A . bottle. Office; 56 Corilandt Street .hrew ork: Sold by all drUggisti. HJNT'B BLOOM . 0g ROSE3,,,fot diem—at ISTEBRIVW SERI Leave Eastwzril• c Rare Chances Somelnoney may be reqdired down. • Lucien Bird. Brookrapd, Pa.. July 2,' MON - iiii4OreWPiy alga is .1244- tha only strictl,7_oaahatars itteiStuier: 'Pc" 1C9.4 11 10 1 h -.!9" b4.*0.74*.f°14441ri call at apeacer's _ ,_„, ~ ;~: • _. " L - .. • - Tust itrind - to tie: soldjast'as cloraptgclhe "'times" vslll. .•. r) _ assortment of almost eyery,tbisteseded by:shybody, Such as ri TEA SUGAR - :.SCHOOL-BOOBS-.. DRY GOODS • s '.:BOOTS : 4y11110X9 • Arid•other Medicines, • . • • .•- In exe.bai!ge-r 7 7 ROUSE ASHES' ' c:catitsiitif •_:, : GREENBACK S• 124 • DRIED BERRIES, ; COtTNTY. :ORDERS,` . • . ULYSSES .0 RDEIM , • - Rost all kinds otGRAIR. • - LUCIEN' BUM Dravida:rid- Pa., Novrr 1863. • - HOW MST!, - HOW RESTORED f Just publi§hed;' a ne*,yedifichi Culverwelrs Celebrated, EStrairf the nidical cure (without Ofl SPcSMATO4MUOSA, or Seminal Weakn'evx,...ln-i voluthar,Y'Seiniaal losses, lifiwriNci,Menta?! and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to-Mar- I riage, etc. RISC, CONSUMPTION, FITS, induced by seltindulgence or' eexUali extravagaace.- I j3er Price, in - ri sealed envelope, only 6 *1.54 ..The celebrated author in this admirable! _ essay clearly demonstrates,' froth' a years successful practice, teat the alarm:di:qv onstquerices of. self-abuse may tie radically; cued without the dangerous use of internal ; Medicine or the application of the pointing out a moue of at Once - isimple,l. - certain etTecutal;:by means of which. : ev ery 'suiferCr,. no matter what his 'coedition' Maw be, may cure himself cheapt} r privately and Lecture should be in, the hatidc of every Youth and every man in the - land. - Svnt, ender seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post raid, on receipt .of six cents, or'. two post stamps. Address the pubhsbers ! ,'CHAS. J. C. ELTNE di GO., 127 Bthery, Now Yoitc;POst officehox.4sB64 HOSTET,TER'S CELEBRATED gromAcEt BITTERS. Apore'and powerfal Tonle, Corrective and Alterative of .wooderfal efficacy in dis; ease of ',the, Stomach, Liver and - Itowels.- 1 Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of' spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Fe verb, Cramps and Spasms and all Complaints of either Sex, arising, from 'Bodily Weakness whether inherent in the 'system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome; genial atilt restoralire its,natuie enters into the cora position'of Hostetler's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral cif' any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; but it is a combination of the. extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive' stimulants. It is Weil to he forearmed against diseast; _ aid so far as the human system can be pro tected by human means against maladies en gendered by an unwholesome • atmospheq r impure ,water, and other external eauses,floi- Letter's Bitters may be relied on as a safeguard. In districts infested with Fever and AgO r it has been found infallible as a preventiVe and irrisistible as a remedy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an at tack, escape the scourge ; and thousands whcr neglect to avail themselves• of its protective qualities in advance, .are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being lined with quinine for months in vain ; until fairly satn rated with that dangerous alkaloid,. are apt unfrequently restored to health within a few days by - Abe-use of Hostetter's Bitters. The Weak stomach is .rapidly invigorated and , the appetite restored .by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it works wonders in;caies of Dispepsia and in less con6rined forms of Indigestion- Acting as a gentle : and painless apperient, as- well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation superin duced by irregular action of the,digestivo and secretive organs. • Persons of feeble habit liable .to. Nervous Attacks, - Lowness of Spirits and Fits of. Lan gnu; find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on tbis point is moat conclusive, and-from both sexes. , The agony of Dillicrus Colic-is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulest, end by occasionally resorting, to it, the return 'of the complainLinny be prevented. As a General Tonic, Efostetter's Bitters pro duce effects which must be experienced: or - witnessed before they can be fally,approcia led. In cases of Constitutional Weakness - , rrematnre Decay and Debility,and•;Peorngi tide arising from Old Age, it exercises : the electric influence.. In thenonvalescent Owes of,-all diseases it pperntea as . a delightful in-. vigorant. When the,powers otttntarenre operates to re,enferce_sttpkreTinitab lish'illem. • - 'Last: but not least, it isthe'inly sari Stim- Cent, leing manufacturedram ishandLand innocuous materiels, .atid entifely'freairom the acid:elcients - .present moia oilele-iit all the ordinary tonics and stomaehica Of the day. The iminetrieliaciease in - th'aiale of BOstet ter's Bitters; both at borne aid abroadolnring the past yearproves.thar•lthe7.'worldoilille it obeys the Scriptural injunction- to! otry•all that swhiCh is good.l::SparioneTreparations, like pOisonous tengi,lare contlithally 'springing sir eharaeter is soon discovered, and theiri - ire 4 11ntili like - Worthless =weeds atiay." - On the other hand; a great antidote that perfortfik all it prornises,.and even more -than its proirie tors claimed ,for it oh its - introduction - r a ja not for a day, brit for. all time."' Ncrtamily.medichie.htis heoin-so :velvet - 1110/y and, it, may, be: truly added, - deieriedly *Piz lar stith theinteiligentPortiatrOf the totcfmp aity; as Hostetter's Bitters, • • : - .Prepared':byk HOSTITTSB: brirg,• - : . Pa... Sold .14 , all Driiggist#) Grocers sad Starekeepers•nverysihei4.:-: ' ei.eitiELVAlD:koll KGeTW, NJ by E. H. Spencer. 1 , ar2 , ":1 1 1 :1 - Z1 Vis