IHEll= IitOSTETTE'S !•.:CELieWto. STONACK BITTgAS. Pure iindPovicrfuLTmile,, Corrective and '41.." Alterative of wonderful eflictiey , ?is- Waite orthe• Stontich,"Liver and Dowels:— Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, .tfe'nerarDebilitY, Nervousness, Depression of :115Pirits,,Constipaiion; Colic, Infermittent Pe •vers, Cramps and Spasms and;all Complaint's f:either Sex; arising from Weakness whether inherent: in the syst or produced by spscial causes.' Nothing that is not wholes me, genial and restorative hilts natuie enters into the com -06sition of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters. This 'popular preparation contains no mineral of • soy kind, no deadly botanical element; no tory excitant; but it is a combination of the .extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the-purest and mildest of all diffusive ".stimulaiste. •It is well to be forearmed against disease, stacl so ftir as the'hgman system can be' pro "sited butimu means against maladies en tindered by an unwholesome atmosphere, impure water, and other external causes,Bos. iitter's Sitters maybe relied on as a safeguard. Jet districts infested with Fever and Ague. itlias been found infallible as a preventive 'and irresistible as a remedy, and thousands - Who resort to it under apprehension of an at escnpwthe scourge.; and thousands who • neglect to avail themselves of its `protective •-qualitie S - in 'advance, are cured by a very ` brief coitrstrof this marvelous medicine. Fever '• and Agne patients, after being plied with •qiinine fur months in vain, until fairly satu -.sated with that dangerons alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to health within a few days by the ose otHostetter's 'Bitters. , The weak -atom eh is rapidly invigorated and the appetite stored by this agreeable :Tonic, and hence it. works wonders in cases pf Dispepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as "a gentle and painless pperient„ as well as upon the liver, it also invariably, relieve:s the Constipation superin duced by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit liable to Neivous , Attacks, Lowness of Spirits and Fits of Lan guor, find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The "testimony on this.poiut is miost conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Billions Colic is immediately by a single dose of the stimalent, .and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. As a General Tonic, Hostetter's. Bitters pro duce effects which inus be, experienced-or witnessed before they can be fully apprecia ted. In cases of Constitutional Weakness, Premature Decay and Debility and Decrepi tude arising from Old AO, it exercises the • electric influence. In the convalescent stages all diseases' it operates as a delightful in , tigorant. When the powers of nature are re.. lazed, it operates to re-enforce and reTeatab llsh them. . Last, but not least, it is the cnly safe Slim- Ileat, being mattufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid elements present more or lets in all the ordinary tellies and stornachics of the day. The immense increase in the sale of IL stet ter); Bitter's, both at home and abroad, daring the past year proves that the world. while , it ebeys the Scriptural injunction to •ktry all •things,'!•_. only "Bolds fast to that which is good." Spurious preparations; like poisonous : fungi, are continually springing up, bnt their • character is soon discovered, and they are : ,, flung like worthless 'weeds away." On the • .-other hand, a great antidote that performs all •it promises, and even more than its proprie tors claimed for it on its introduction, "is not • for a day, but for all time." • No family medicine has been so universally .and, it -nay be truly added; deservedly popu lar with the intelligent portion of the comma riity,,as Hostetter's Bitters. . .„ • rrepared Flosm - nt k SUM, Pitts -burg. Pa. Sold by all D , uggists; Grocers and Storekeepers everywhere. ro p o s i6a kazi 0 4 ertn o f 10 &a/dial/a 'The Buffalo Mercantile College CORNER OF MAIN AND SENECA STREETS, - Is tin•important link in the INTERNATIOTAL CHAIN of Colleges, Igented in NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, RROOKLYNi ALBANY, 'TROY, CLEVELAND, ' DETROIT, CRICAGO, ' TORONTO. PROVIDENCE, PORTLAND, SAINT LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from tlfe Buffalo'tni lege, entitles the hoider to at'end either or the CL.leges for nolimited time. The Design of these Institutions, is to im ,pttre to ;young tuna and ladies. a thorough, (practical imisiness TIISORETICAL DEPARTMENT. In this department students receive thorn' instruction in the rudiments of Pen anship. Rook-Keeping, Mathematics, ari'd:Com ernial _Law. PRICTIC J DEPARTMENT Here the *indent buys and sells 'Merchan dise, Stocks, Real Estate; &c., as in actual 'business. Two Batiks.have been established in this department which enables the•stndent to deposit his cash, get his paper discounted, and transact all business incidental to a gen ital trade. l l •• TELEGRAPNIX,G. Students may become good operators Acre in a 'bort time. PENUANSIIIP The . Spencerian System of Penmanship, is .taught by competent and experienced teacher's -Scholarship, payable in advance, sip. • College open day - and evening : no vacation. Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT. -TOT fortker information, please call at the College rooms, or send - for Catalogue and Clr aulor enclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT t STRATTON, Buffalo, N. Y. FIB] Administrators Notice. ETTERS of administration on the estate. pfThornas - Stratham,,lnte of Harrison tp.. deceased, hexing peen granted fn the under signed. notice is hereby giVen (lint all persons knowing themselves inpelw , d ere requested to make immedinte * .pornirot:cad tlinve having claims to present them ~ iitheniivntril for jettlemeut. ANN wrli IIFI AM. EDWI 6TRIT11101.; IGgrt,lBl4.-et • „ GENII. ,PAPAPAILA.TIONS. covpoIIND PLUM EXtßACT . Bucatt, a Positive! and SpecigolterneAyfor diseases of the Bladi der,Fidneys, Grace[, ardDropsieal Swellings. This medicine increases - the power of.Diges :tioni and excite the Absorbenti into healthy action, by which the Watery or Caleerons depositions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain end Intimation. REMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRU For Weakness:arising from E;.cesses,Habits of Dissipation, early indiscretion 'of abuse, 'aitended with the folloiciiig:symptoms i lndis.position to ,Essertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling , Horror . of Disease ,. Wake 'fulne'ss, Dimness of vision,.Pain in the' back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscultir System, Hot Hands, Flashing of the ,Body, Drypess of the skin, Eruptions on the Face, Pislid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on,which this medicine invariably removes, soon lead to Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in any one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not unfrequently followed by those Direful Diseases, '!lnsanity and Consumption." , Many are aware of the cause of their suf fering, but none will confess the records of the insane asylums And melancholy deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. -. " The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen, and invigorate the system, which Hembold's Eitract Buchn invariably does. A trial will convince the most skentical. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEM ALES. In many Affections peculiar to Females the Extract Buthu is unequalled by .any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregu larity, Painfulness, or Suppression of Custom ary Evacuations, Ulcerated of Schirroos state of the Uterus, Leuehorrcea or Whites, Steril ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change of ]life. , Take no more Balsam, .lercury, orunpleas ant medicines fur unpleasant and diingerous disaases. Elembold's Extract Buclil and Improved Rose Wash cures Secret Di. , ,ea.vis, in. all their stages, at little Expense. Little ousel:lunge in diet. No inehnvenience. and no'exposure. It causes a -frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby :reninring, Ob structions, Preventing and (iling Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflaniation, so frequent in this clues of diseases:nnd ex pelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn out matter. Ttmusands upon Thousands who bare been the victims of quavks,:zand who have paid heavy fees to be curecNin a short time, have found they were deceived, i and that the. "Poi son". has, by the use. of "rowerful nstrin gcnti," been dried up in theSystein, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use ilembold's Extract BuChu for all affec tions and discaSi s of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mule or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organsoquires the aid of a Diuretic. Hembold's Extract Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the de sired effect in all diseases for which it is re- Commended. Evidence of the most reliable rind respon- Sible character will accompany the medivile. JPrice $l,OO per Botde, orjaix fur $5,00 DelivNed to 'any address,!securcly packed Nom obskvation. Describe'Symptoms in all 'communications. Cures guaranteed 1 Advice gratis Address letters for information to H. B. NEMBCLD, Chemist, 104 South. Tenth-st., belsChestnut, Phil'a. Helmbold's Medical Depot • Ifelmbold's Drug and Cheinical Warehouse, I • 694 Broadway, New York: Beware of Counterfeits: pod unprincipled Dealer's who endeavor to dispose of their - own other articles on the reputation .attained hp lielmbold's cennine preparations. Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla. Improved Rose Wash. Sold by ail Drugists everywhere. Aak tor Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it, and avoid ex . 'insure. EXCELSIOR HAY PRESS. 9.111 - IEWS VATENT. Th% subscriber has IA the right of Manufacturing and Selling for Potter county Ilarder'S Patent Excelsior Hay Press, Patented 1863,1 and which took the first . rirernium at the lait State Fair. One of these Presses will be in Coudersport, from the 10th to the 20th of DeCeinher. Any •person wishing to buy the Right] for a township or the county, can have the Press. There will hr, one manufactured by W. B. Gordnier. For further particulars inquire! at the << Journal" ofrice. j C. Wainwright. Coudersport. Pa.. Nov. 24. 1883 pd Forllats. lice, Roaches, Ants. Bed Bugs. Moths in Flrs, Woolens, &c. Insects en . Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put Up in 25c. 50c. and 51.00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, ..$3! and Sri sizes for Hotels, Public institutions, &c. • 'Only infallible remedies k n o w n) , "Free front Poisons.l "Not dangerous to 44 , 11uman Family," "Rats cm»e out of their boles to die." * * *Sold Wholesale in all Laze cities. * * *Sold by all DrugglstS and Retailers,every where.. * * *!! I Beware! I ! worthies , : imitations * * *See that -COSTA)l . ..!name is on each Boa, • Bottle and Flash. brfnre von buy. * * * . address Elteor3 - V: Costar, * * *Principal Depot Broadway, N. Y. * * *Sold by P. A."STETIBINS & Co , Retail A , ,zints, eondrrsport, P,O,NVIE Or Concentrated Lye Family soap maiker. WAP. makes Walt ; Saponifier WOO to 'Tahoe them. It malt; SOAP for F 011.4 ct 4, a po-ind by ntiag yonriltitelten grouse. tgirC 'Et TIO) A's spnrioqs Ll:es are of fored br i•ori•ftil ant) pulp' 'buy the P.VfENTII) - nriit•le lipt tip in Iron cans, all others bein:2; 0 0ITXTRItPEITS. • PENN3YLV,ANI A sari! MANUFACTURING Co, P t. ADEL I' tit A:--No. n Waltaut;Street. FIT TSBURG—Pitt Street and Dwane Way ;r.t 1 SE2E En itib r;: f ) 10.40 BONDS.' These Bonds are issued under: the act o , .oongte f ss_of March Bth, 1864, which provides a that alTi!e;44 3 : - 1A4.4 , 01144! 04 3 Wt4WI'e EXEMPT FROM TAXATIONby or under any state or municipal authority. Subscriptions to these Bonds are received in United States • notes or notes of National Banks, They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, at any period not tee: than ten nor more than forty years from their date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN,on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually and all other Ronde semi-annually. The interest is iaYable on the - Ist days of Maratand Sep= tember in each year, Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon 13oAds, as they may prefer. .Zeg istered Bouts are recorded on the books. of the U. S. Treasurer, and can be tranferied : Onty on the the owners. order. Coupon' Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for commercial uses SubScribers to this lo4n will haNa the option of having their Bondi draw' interest from March Ist, by paying' tite...itertied interest in coin—(or in Uuited States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for premium,) or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit.— As these Bonds are . Exempt front Nimaidpal,orState Taxation. their value is increased from one tol three per, cent. per annum, according to,therate of tax levies in'variors parts of the country: At the present rate of pretniurn on gold they Cver Eight Per Cent. Interest, in currency, and are . of equal convenience as a permanent or tempora.r*vestment. - It 'is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as the various descriptions of U.S. Bonds.' In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or stock companioS or - separate com munities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the :whole property of the country is holden to secure the payment of both priucipal and interest in ME These Bonds may be subseribedlor in sums from $56 up to any . magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made egnally,available'to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be ° convested into money at any mo ment, and the holder t tyill have the berietii of the interest. It may be usefnl to state in this connection that total Funded Debt of tbe:llnited States on which interest - is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March. 16 , 64, was $768,965,- 000. The interest on this debt for the coin- ing fiscal year will ; be $45,937,126, while the customs revenue in wild for the current year, ending June 50th, 1884,has been so far at the rate of over $100,000,000 per annum. It will be seen that even the present gold revenues of the Gwernmcnt dreHLArgely in ex cess of the wants of the Treasury for the pay ment of'. gold interest, while .the recent in crease of the tariff will doubtlesasalse the an-. nual receipts :from customs on the same amount of imPortations, to $150,000,000 per aDIIIIIII Instructions to the National 'Banks acting 'l3 loan agents were not issued from the U. S. Treasury unti'. March 2G, but in the first three weeks of April . the subscription's, : averiiged more than'TEN :MILLIONS A WEtit. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa Second Notional,llitiA of Philadelphia, Pa Third Satitinal Bank of Philadelphia. Pa. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANES which are depositories of Public. money aria all respectable Banks and Blinkers throughout the country, (acting as agents of the National D2pository Banki,) will , furnish fdrther infor- !nation 'on application and afford every facility to subscrib'ers. [May 11, 1864.-2 m. Administrator's Notice. VAT HEREAS, letters of administration on V the estate of David D. Smith, late of Oswayo township, dee'd, have beon granted to the subscribers ; all persons indebted' to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those luiving claims against the same will present gisemAnly nitthentiettwd for settlement to . MARY B.,SMITH,.and WILLIAM DEXTER, Oswa,yo tp., Apr. 13 ; '64.-6t. Actmsrs. K. gpenee'Oli g . eady-Pay Store Is • the only 6:rictly Casit'Storein ()ender. sport. If you wish to buy Goods for 0454; call at Spencer's DA. STEBBINS St Co. are closing up en old Ledger, All persons indebted to them 'will please call and settle, before the accounts are left with the proper officer for Clolleation.=-;X9v,!r.:18, P. A. Stebbins &. Cq. AGENtB:for the sale WHEELERk WILSON'S . ) 5g TING MACHINES foriNidat Cottittr-,. r ^ . F,l2!* ' Adininistrator's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad -11 ministration on the estate of George Li ghaurliclifecor'thelciWnsbip of Hebron in the didaff 'Of Potter, deceased, - have-been granted to Norman Dwight of said township, and A. B. Goodsell of the Borough of Coudersport.— All persons therefore having claims or de rounds against the estate of, said decedent, are requested i to make the same • known to sald'Nornifir(Divigilt read'A. Goodsell with out' del4: , -.ICOIISIAN 'DWIGHT, A. B. GOODSELL, -karats. April 19, 1864.-6 t. PUTNAM Clothes Wringer - . Wi4 wring anything from a single Thread to I RIICES :! $5.50, $6.00, and $B.OO. P. A. Stebbins & Co, Agents for P`otter county.—. Tan 25, /1863 • 1113 11. J. 01:ANTED'S . 01'012E 'can alwitys be tound• the bosi•o 0 Cooking, Box and Parlor ES.STOV Also. Tll4 . and SITF.ET "arc WARE, PTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCIV BOWL'S, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Agricultural Implements. sacii• as PLOWS, SURAPERS, CULTIVA TORS. CORN-SHELLER :3, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, ,Sc. HISLWORK is well made and the material good. 61313 d and . substantial EAItS-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, inehtd.ing Cash, seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coderspcirt. Aug. 1, 18E3.- -50 ( • 4 ' Just in and to be sold just as:'chearrtts the "times" Willi allow, An assortment of almost everything needed by anybody, Such us TEA • SUGAR • SYRUP • SCHOOL BOOKS DRY GOODS ' • BOOTS St SHOES JAYNES . ' Anti other Medicines, • . In exeltangel mutt , HOUSE ASHES . . at 14 cents , , , Lam,, cc! 2 m H • . GREENBACKS L - d• P 74 C,-,- • - C... DRIED BERRIES, COUNTY ORDERS, i (IL i - ssEs Oren Ells: ' . • Mast all kinds ac GRAIN. . • LUCIEN BIRD. Brookinnd, Pn., Nor'r, ISO. j Joint Mesoiationt. proposing,'; certain ameaultuents to the - Cotrtitution. • Be it .;:esolued by thi Senate and flous,e, of Rep resentalii'es O . the Commohwealth Pt: . 71213711Va 'damn G 414 seal .15.ienztly mil,That the following anieridlimnts be . 111 . 0110Setrto tlio Constitution of the Conononwealt:i, in accordance with the'l prnrisicins of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to' the ' t article of the Cotstitution, to be desiw Elated as section Pone, ns f,llowst • ••tic4ioN 4. WheneYer any of the qualified eft ctors of this CWIIIIIOII Wetthil shall be in any,' actual- Military service, under a requisition; from the Pre:ident of the United States, or I.);H the autnority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exetei.t..e mho tight of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regu— , lations tts rue, or shall ,be, prescribed be as fully as if they' wer present at, their usually, plaeedi election." SNerioN 2. There shall be two additional l sections to the eleventh article of the Consti•l tutiemito be designated as sections eight, and! nine, as follows : "Scorros 8. No bills! all he passed by the' Legislature, containing more than one subject, which 'shall be clearly - expressed in the title, exceptAkropriation bills." "Set lios 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting_ any powers, or privi leges, any case, wiiere the authority to grant such powers, or privile,ges„has been, or may hereafter he, conferred upon the courts of this Connor 'wealth. , ' HENRY C. JOHNSON, ,k",,,e,blzet o f the JJ' o eie of llepresentativeB, JOHN -P. PENNY, . Speaker of the Senate. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, HAimisneau April 25, 1864: Pennsylvanla, I do hereby certify that the forego { L S. } ing is a full, true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the GiMeral ASsembiy, entitled "A. Joint Res plutio'n proposing certain . Arnehdments to the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this office. • Iv TESTINIONY whercof,.l have hereunto s,et my haud•and caused the seal of the Secretary's offt'ce to 'be affixed, the day and year above written: - ' • ELI SLIFER., Secretary of the Commontecait/t. The above Resolution havinf been agreed to by a majority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the Gen ' oral Assembly of this Commonwealth, the prci posed amendments will be submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST ' in the year of ohr Lord one thousand eight hundrOd and sixty. fJlr, in'occordance with th,e provisions of the t,enth nrtiel4t of the Constitution, and the net 'entitled “...n Act prescribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their 9•Pliroval and ratification or rejection, the pro, posed amendments to the Constitution," ap in-ov'ed tlic twenty- third day of April, ape 1112453p.t1 ei,;ht hundred and sixty-four. . • J • . ELI SLIFER, I Secretary of the:Commonwealth. 11‘y 4, 1.E64.-te. A SOAP Question Settled! Inquire nt STEBBINS' LE SEI PAID FOR EGGS, by Winter Vraitods- litrOHß atttention 3h invited to the large and 1, attractive stock just received, and fOr sale as low as the sane qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. We have on baud Va large and varied 4. s orirnent of Domestic Cottons, co-nprising 'BROWN SHEETDIOS, and . SHIRTINGS,I • BLEACHED MUSLIN% 1 STRIPES CHECKS, . , ;TICIKINGS, and ' i • COTTONILAIMELS r on iddchiVre cannot be undersold. - , - I • We purchase our goods for Cash' and oer theta at a very small advance Pram Cost. FLANNELS. IF you. want to purchase RED, GRAY, BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SEIIRTING FLANNEL, call At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; DELA INES, PRINTS, BROCHE, and WOOLEN SHAWS, HOODS, SON TA GS, NUBLAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES, a full supply •At Olmsted's. CLOTHING. TION'T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment A Zlmsted's • i BOOTS & SHOES 1?OR Men, Women & Children, in great Ira riety and. cheap For Molasses, b' y . Fup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, in`fact everything. in the Grocery line, Call AT OLMSTED'S. ' A full ascortmetit of almost, everything )t tlat is kept in a country store , on hand. We ',intend - to keep.Goods•that will gire satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest living 'profit. ! ... Grain of all kind; Butter, Wool,' Sheep Pelts, Furs, Deer Skips. , 1 .1 Also, County, Township and School Orders; for all of which thelighest prices will be paid At Olnisted's Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r IS, cm, IS - 641 , , 1 Brings many a change, therefore I ha - re con cluded to cha'uge my system of doing business and I shall 14,ieafter sell for ; CASH or PRODUCE, • i • . , BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAO 5, GRAIN, r , '-. ' DRIED BERRIES, &c.. I N" my stock of Groceries I have ' 4 choico assortment of TEAS,=-- 'GRF,EN, SUGARS, MGLASSES, HONEY SYRUP SALARATIIS, ' • .Also, PREPARED COFFEE; MUSTARD, . . : 4. SPICE, , . . PEPPER, &e., &c. Ihave a good stock (bought so that I am 1 enabled to soli at prices current before the War) of DRUGS, and PATENT MEDICINES, Also KEROSENE OIL. - YANKEE NOTIONS, ' • ' FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTO, - and - ' 1 • PERFCIiIERY, are still kept. . . FLOUR,. ' PORK - - MEAL of all kinds. And many other- things too numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will be'sold for,. PROfIT than ever before offered in this market. E. SPENCER. 36. lb, 1864. CELEBRATED TON/0 BITTERS A RE be - coming tbernaost popular Iletliciine AL in eiroulation.for the-- 11re of LIVER, COItIPI4ADIT., DYSPEPSIA; 'TAM DICE, PEBISITY OF' THE .NERYQUS 'SYSTEM, , c tind -WEAKNESS of , the S'IVEACK ana DIGEBTirrAiIGANS. It is also gaining a'great 'reputation hi - ttle ',CURKof'D.IPTHERIA: Principal Offica, Ocmidarsport, Potter - Co:, Pa. V,. K. Spencer. EEI ouvisitEDlse At Olmsled's '.kr OLMSTED'S, Putt BLACK, And c7'1.1)3N COFFEE, /01.. A.. FREIsTCH.'s EUREIia.tU ill HAVE FOUND rrii Was the exclamation of the AsticioofiksiiiitEi first discovered that the iterld moved titbit; not less joyens,hss heft the e3tia#o.7i tiOn'of those who base 'found i1t14.01.440; y.- . ivbere GOODS can be pAre hag rittEttf or TIM ITT PER, CENT. tido* , thil price, and Yet thinlietu as represented. Two things are to be considered in pnrclutsine Goods: the Quality ittd the !rice; au Est chasers studying both can be Vetter satisiett with our stock than any other in this or joiningconnUes. Think twice befom bujirie a DEAR TRASH." Nov 15 Tour time •.o pier care a GOOD ARTICLE. "Delays are prom and sometimes fatal." Don't watt fly another enormous advance in Goode. The following is but a partial list of elle large assortment: The attention of the Ladies is called to the stock of Merinoes,l3lack,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and White. Some of, these were bought previous to the rise and will be sold nearly as low as present wholesale prices at JONES':. Ladies cagth Black, Grey, and Fann-Tolora at JONEar • 13ey's Wear Cassimeres, .Striped, Checked, and Plaids Tweeds, Kefitacky Jeans, and -Cottenadesleft the very best. quality at JONES? •1 Mourning Goods Black Silks, Alpacas, EtnpressCloth,-Bonals-- zine, Delaines, Rep Cloths, and Black and Pnrple Goods of earicus kinds at JONE_BI-- Heavy Sheetin ,, s, three-quarter,tbitr-quarter, fire-quarter, fine unbleached; Pillow Case and Shettieg Muslin, Shirting, Ten-puller bleached for sheets at ' JONES' , "White Goods Barred Muslin. Plain Jacenet, Cambriel for Skirts, ; isli Linen, Swiss MU31111.9, Nainqooli Muslin, diaid, stripqa or plain, and. Bishop Lanus at . ' JONES' . • Embroideries Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Enderslen.," with or without collar% at • JONES' Woolen. Goods Floods,' with tnhs or points, for Infants an& .Children, 3fisses and Ladies ; Nubia's Tinder sleeves and Caps of J6NES' For Children, Shirting Prints, plain biting,. white tincOlack,blue and white, and all kinds of Fancy,lat JONES' Cloths. Gents' Black Broad Cloth, excellent quality bought before the. rise. Carsbneres, black silk mixed, black and fancy Doeskin, strjped, plain, and Plaid in fancy colors, and cloth• for whole suits at r JONES' Hosiery 1 ` Women's Wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, eott,n , plain, co ored and white, plaila or &eget]. Girls' wl ite,lbrown, mixed, wool or cottoc r and woo balmoral stockings„ Mens' home and city-made,- . Boys', al sizes, white or mixed, at JUNES' 1564 :or Ladies, Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, Kid,. Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. Gents' . fine Driving Gloves - , Cassimeres, at JONES' Foriaaies ; Shepherd's Plaid, Broche, Lour and Square, Woolen Plaid; a great variety et elegant 'colors at,. JONES 7 Delaines Of domestic And foreign mangfacture. can assure our patrons that we believe our stock this spring to be more attractive in this line than ever before. - JUNES' Balmoral Skirts With only two breadths, making it necessary to have but two seams in a full skirt, in a great variety at JONES' • 'Groeries Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, West IndbAnd Dandelion Coffee, IliCei Cora Starch, Farin'a, Cocoa, drc., at 101110" - a Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, Paint, Yarnishl and Artist Brushes at J 957E3 Drugs and Fancy Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White-Lead-in Tin Cans,Aleohol, Camphene, Keroserie,Lamp• and Lamp Fixtures, Glass, Patent :Medicines,. Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfnmesi,Fan Soap and Toilet articles, Gum, Bair, Ivory and Wooden I Combs;Pomades and Oologats,. and a fine assortment of Flavoring •Extracts, Pens, Ink and Taper,- and Linseed Oil--agar and boiled, at = -JO AS' • Clothing Boys' 71 Men's at • .Boots and 5.b.90..; Of every description and gift_ liestsinglity,„at astonishing low prices at " Wall P.appr i - Ceiling Paper, Transom Paper,,Wintkw Csr• tains, Borders; Tassels and,P.ixWesg.atr79l. EL&BDWARE, WOODEN-WARE; yglgalf- WARE, NAILS, IROS,TLOWS,z-V:pipOlT SASH, FLOUR, PORF, a. 1 4750431:t4e. 1 1 ea ev Lug 01E4 Ole POPO IIePAMS:I 444I -. eTONES',.' ' ' : I ' ' All o l which will la.e.so)d,g, tilt i lavest nts. ' • OTIN'iltY lIROPtCE- - : T Catplersport, l'a.,'Jnnei 10.. Merinos Domestics Prints Gloves Shawls iiIP./.T. 7 11 El BIE