The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 06, 1864, Image 2

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Coudervort. Pa.
Wednesday, July, 6,1E364.
3L W. IicALARNEY, Evrroa.
,AXlLemenr. LINCOLN,
We have intelligence pp tow late hour
yesterday indicating some changes in the'
line which the correspondents say its
would be inexpedient to publish. Cor
respondents do sometimes withhold from?
publication those things of which they'
are perfectly ignorant. Our Generals
wisely keep a few things from there on
that very account. . -
No general engagement; heavy skir-I
wishing along the entire line. On the'
night of the 23rd a brisk fire was kept up
in front of the 9th Corps, but as both'
parties fired from behindi breast works it
is supposed that very little harm or good
was done. The 13th N. Y. Battery had
lost four guns-which it is reported were
recaptured together with two more from
the enemy. Oar cavalry are at work on
the Welden N. C., railroad, tearing hp
the track and hoisting the rails.
Mr. Lincoln returned yesterday even ,
log from the front, where he visitsd the iilenage.
army and the monitor fleet. His recep- Any person claiming exemption on
, Stun was enthusiastic, wherever recognised account of alienage shall file before the
1/021P•When the Draft of June 3,1564;,
he wan greeted with hearty cheers. He Be an affidavi ~
ard t stating
'was made there were townships and Bor- li e eep e es eased as being well pleased with e st. That he is an alien and settin g
eughs in the county whose combined ex-1
what he saw while there. forth Government of which he claims to
'ceases, over their quotas for the 700,000 I
•cell, amounted to Twenty-seven; these •
The time when he came into the
'excesses were distributed [as a l oan ] pet , It might be proper teeeay that we expect 2.
United States and where he has resided,
portionally among the deficient townships:l . Mo much, and expect it too soon: That
Afterwards an order was received to draft the reason w h y we as a people are so , since that date-and • his age at time of
the full amount of the deficiency from 'the} often thrown into such deep despondency l his arrival io the United States.
'deficient townships; this sill - be done lot the, least unfavorable indication; we 3. That he has never declared his in
when the Draft is made for the deficiency:lt° sincerely and violently jubilant over tention to hecome a citizen of the U. S.
arising front exemptions for physical dieil victory'''. and equally gloomy over defeat.: and has not exercised the right of- eel
Ability, &e. 'Below, we give the namemgf
• I A little more of reasoq in both cases age by voting at any election in any •
the defitientltywnships with the num il'imliti be more becamiOg• ,We should I State or Territory 'of the U. S. •
'they had loaned to them: 1
• . strive to maintaio a more even tenone . 4. That be claims to be exempted from
Pleasant Valley 2, Clara 1, se eme 4 , lavoidine both the heights of exultation I military service on the ground that be is
`Oswayo 1, Genesee- 3, Bingham 3, w est land o:depths of despair.' Waiting with l the subject of a foreign court, and has
'Branch 1, Summit 1, Harrison 4, Hector the patience of Hope we l should not for'. ; net declared his intention to become a
-.3, limner 1, Sylvania 1, Wharton 8. lone instant lose courag & but should look I citizen of the U. S. tied has never voted
Two men had been credited at the Har-Iforward to the triumphwhich will, sooner' in any State. * •
tisburre, office to Eulalia township, ' who, {or later, surely come. But when 7 Ey- i This affidavit requires' a 5 ct. Revenue
- their original enlistment papers showed l erThodY wants to know that; and no one; Stamp.
-belonged to Sylvania, of course there willlcati tell. It may beweeks or even months, i This to be followed by affidavit of two
•be a, draft in Enialia, for the two thus im- twe should all likedo hear of one-favorite ! respectable citizens who will swear that
• 'perly credited; the names of the men! General in Richniond on his favorite - day ! they believed the statement of applicant.
I .
-the Fourth of July. 'But then it is a This to have two Roy. Staines of 5 cts.
were George N. Coopor (eince killed) and!
''George F. Younglove. Sylvania has re- i street work. If he does not get there nu n ' sack. The Prothonotary to certify ap
mewed credit for these two men. • !tit 'the fourth of September there will be, plicant has not clertared Lie ietentiens.
Eumunel 31. Stnkey, veteran, was cred. !no cause .`or complaint.' He will do wellt If applicant was under 21 years when
'ited on his Muster-in-Roll to Wharton; if he get* there by that time-but there lhe arrived' in the U. S. proof must be
nownehip, but Sylvania paid him the will he work his way in time. Failure, l made that his father never came, or never
.Bounty and by order of the Department with him, and his men is an impossibility.: was naturalized prior to the sens attain
, ;the credit has been chained to sp rin t,. i They may have to come down, times with- int: 21. ^ -
'thus leaving Wharton with with one morel out number, but they never well give up.; This is as given to me by the Commis-,
man to furnish. It is expected that the I CONGRESS. !goners of the Board of Enrolment, who'
Draft for :he deficiency will take pla
; This body is still in s --' 'th h -
melon, ong et •
i by the way is meen of gentle an.
this week. I its expected that it will adjourn during'
- . - i Pecretary Chase he= resigned L.' po
, - 411IP • 1 the next week. m• I 1; - -1.,
The omeia. eee r ateees which we pub- ninon at the head of the Treasur D
Y e
arTlie following is a synopsis of the', THE WEATHER. .
'beeitimts transacted at June Court : I . l fish this enornine tell teeir O r 1 ,. ..`,1" .
5 .-- par went and Se.aater Feeseendert hee been
. It ir intensely warm. The city is not ' Gen. Grant ceearer-e tee- eteeeeee of Gen. ''. - .
On us
Hon. Israc Pmnson 3.L . over cor , Crme , i as his successor. The fritune
1 'over c l ean . The number of cases in the , WiLeen's oval!: ext.-elide:l. b '
y nee :12-
Easarorth, Este, was admitted to practice% el -, • •
tus here is unusuallylarge. Much: no n ... m - r e t ::s ic --=;%=.: C -,- ' has the following: . f
in the several Court.; of Potter county. ",anxiety c*PI -
is felt concerning the health of were A . e :e
..e.seee, ea-a ehs s 'e tee revels tiILLIA.33 rill' r E - :ISENDIrS, u•arn i n
Dan Raker Was appointed Auditor to; the city; so ,-; -, me - ''' h. - -
possieie that :ou t cou ld no t rep in fertv kir es. were all toecawen, hie H, in 18hd settled , •• 4 .•
-distribute the proceeds of the sale of the' , -
- may next hear from me'en the move. . the materials at heel. If Wile-or. had lawyerinPortland in l -- le --
- -
9e . was efeeteh
'property c.f A. If. Butterworth, deed. : i Yours,' 3-1-Earr- lost half his ceem.arei. we _
=hereel esteem thence io the Leehhet - 11 .
....-... nre ot _ tune .n
Charles Meiiner, a native of Austria, t ' the price a cheap ~ ., : -..e ler such - a paczess. 1 1$31, and it ever since ranked among
was admitted to entire hip. --- ;
;,. ' As'
Cemth. vs Fdward Jorge Assault sad; Reduce Tour quotas. f. it as we have aet l: wits no M'-' , 7 e reish the foremt emu of that State. He =erre(
battery with intent to, kill. Deft plead; In making out the quotas of the differ4b3P than tee hes,-...n.ea et artillery repeatedly at intervals in the mere tea tn
' 'guilty of as sa ult and battery, but not Of,
ant Townships for future drafts--the en-- and waeme. tram.
. - , tut House, always with marked dieninc
eeteat t o nie. etenteneepest r einea -- gate rolment list of 1563 will be taken as the From Gen. Slefremen we nave the lion ; and in 1540 was elected to'Con...
•bail fur appearance at next Court. lbesis, after adding these enrolled in 1864„ ne''rs of an nner e ''''-e'c'eliY hlle.:d succs. grel and seired through his tem. de-
Nieli Christian e lenet e a na ti ve of Den- being only these previously omitted and: Marietta, on Ill'z . A . C.;ara ni`;'aa.) - - is cc- dining . a reelection. He was persuaded
mark, was admitted to eitlzerestaip. ! these who arrived at the age of 20, and Cu
pied, and Keneeny Le to tar p'::5E-`2.-=,..:01:1. to ran again fur Congr es s in 1850. and,
Cereth vs Supervisors of Abbott town- in some eases,cripples. This list may be it seems venni:ie.: whetl:e: tee enemy received a majority of the vot e= , hut the:
- e ,nip, r'',-g. n o t opening no d . \ - 0 : &I t y— reduced and the quota thus made smaller , mean to muse a s" - 'd at 'l n. 'h.:lb of the seat was awarded to his Democratic corn.'
'twenty for coves: by getting cat . , Chattehteethee ; and whetter they do or petitor by the canvaesers, and he declined
• .
Cotn'th Ts Lewis White. Larceny- l Let Thaee over 45. ' ant, their strenseest line has eireedy been to contest it. He as che=en U. S.I Sec
, e
„. . .
- plead geilty--eentence tmestponed. ' F. 2cd. Those under °O. 'de
„ ;need. Tee p..esitien which Sherman, a - ator in 1554, by a union of Whi.e3 and:
* 3rd: few dses slime vair.:y aesached ha s berm Free -Steil Democrats, and Las ever since
Cota'th vs Harry W. May. ..e...aeW oru• Alieum _
and battery. Cause continued and Deft 't .4 th- Manifwt m'iPPles- tureed, and there is reethine left t o the ailed a seat in that tende. He . t.s tor: hack o'r r jjo- -7 -:=VIEL'a• l';:--.''''':'= 7 -=` - ` 11: ' lll4- . : . -5 . :: .,,. : -
. enemy worth he!diree till he cernes to t e e same yews h ies t h eCheirman of its Fi- zlr or -- T . ' ll- "• •-•-• ; 4 lEte '"':': °l' c':'l77enif-z1- with
wave bail for his appearance at next term. f* To be dotre as fellows:
Heinrich Twalierm a. native of Germany:: Far the first three cimesme preeare each - river. The campaign preeteds apace.- nauce Committee, which is its fret peel- ~ e-- ' 3e l'r 'r ' t. ''''''''''",. 72 -_,"• T 'I _ter- 1 .J. - eh - e,'''''„ - ,. :"..:
"was admitted to eitizeaship. ' :, papers as are required in th e case a a Tribtatf, July 4-- , ; :ion in rank and impertar.ce. His dis- r . - ...r . -.1 le' r ' --
eareene T ao_ seetety. arc_ ne...:e.
• Coned: vs Orange W.Seroph. A ma mi, a drafted man el:eh:sloe exemption from ' 'charge of the duties of thee pest hes ran-,
'We...We copy -ee 4 ee'?ettenhi e f
and battery with intent to ceMeeit, a sane ear Forward' theen to the Mar- - e- "-- "-- • z,- items iron ? dare d him thoreughly familiar with every: ales from the OPeras
a letter of Lieut. 0.. J. Ree.s, dated Of
guilty.' The following sentence ,:', shalt Caft- Wm H. Blair, at WinTe"'''' ' qatiort relating to the National Fireer..h. , A is=- , z..z.N.-- , -- '.attle rfir=e c' Nozel,ettes.
cers Heitt...o. Nashviele. Tema. :, : ge... -- ; and there is probably no ether man . based. reem me :-.."-te: cett..-...-a:.ed. and fir-LatliAr
us paned upon Lim : "The sentence of: pert, and if they are correct the name wig • - •
Ear_r_ED: :Ainezica who cou ld step at once into GOT: C 'P e.73: - io rit-- ; tl'e.Pl'"f exits ';' - ' l-ja the ':
the C ourt e e thee y ou , ra y a fine of *le be taken from the - rise infant the draft. r e
37a lon &realer, Jane lohle. t.
: eimer chases shoe . end succeed him is a r a ' ab t e '''''''. of ar- ' iater ' th--- g ah ''` 24l.. '" l ” !
~,o ue costs o f p r y x . ; e oo tioo, that y ou eaeleref Thy maniftly physic unfit, such ZS ;re sta... Pr:es , - '6l.c.r,
WOUND ~=,:
-h o f ar ther p er enh ei ene ic k s.—rat. en d 'right eve Wiwi- hand, hoot or limb off; o"--' , his trina , m - and treiag labors with so lit-' •
m .. . -re - , .. ,-„ " , - i Wailme Haiheaback. 'knee eeverel : a -.- .n..: Th , Habits of Good Societe_
eslitary confinement at labor 'a the Smte:ertPp`e 4 r "1 may appear at TiagO. when, R e ,-„ ee, ,-„, ,„- e . ....- Y- e F..taden or neeseatvine. Mr- 1'e....
Petiterdiary for the Feetern District of: the Beard of Earobeent meet to examine!: lace.* n' - . c.---7 '' - g" arm ""e .
"Tmm-e‘i-' den is ate of the ablest lawyers in Amer- I - -e. r
, - A Efs..T.a-E-50... „.i....r: Led. as Ger.e...:naf
, Edward E. Eell - e. eh-or:der:severely ' • w ee -
Penns' yirania at PhiladeepleM ferned'dur-I, men to fill the dencieney still exiting in f
- Frani React. teener seeht
_ ..
ee - - I :m e nag -no se:penes 25 'I relay, fare-- airEz tens a....-e. ..-e,-do,tes etrz.-1-...„,,i- ,,, , s , -It:
f; - 1.. s 2 •
doe the period of five years to be com e this ementt --- Prnhahiee in Ann: three' - ime karate:. We expect to 'near soon, romee c.- Taste- g ood =2:zze: , :. sad etc act fa.*.
' l i m....A.- Buthr,*7l , _-22:Ter =light. I. threneh the Coppmeheed cr.-2ms, t i p: h e e-eeeee c. - relf a.,..-7?-e.. .I.l,Le_ Se, r -rziazz-d from'
e d e f rom this date an d stee d comm i t t e e! . ameaths--and get their names off the list.: ""-• ' " ama see
Wm. Meer, heed eeveze.. '
•is a thief and swindler: het up to tees .the 1.-- ;" : ; :lca .. e. 4. R10: ' - ', I.:'""" is "' 1e ..." " '""
till sentence be tamp led with." Shetiri The Delraty Marshall and enrolling o € Reee - . . =_ ,, xr; er...:,-%". •••,..‘rzarlz 7.4-e..s. c - :.t,. -.- -3, - ,e-,-. tete
Larrabee teak him deern Ism week - [fleets mei demblless give information as; -.-- - ,e- -- • ' hour, no • 1 / 21 baS erer tlaiolsed his - e -eerehee - e-- - ceen b -- , eh 'meeee .
azi Peeetere :lever am.cutate.i.- 'F
r Cherie:.' anet. reze lenheeeveze. 1 - - -
By erde - r of the Court the Cceort Crier's to the form of pa es required for the. e . . ...-e. - he - ze -- , tnteeraty
• ee..f.e. ,
f ....ezatsixi .....Nct , Le-.3,. ra - .)tiazers atrepe mina., '
lay wee iacimmid to 82 50. ins thre clemem.
SheriffLarrabeesek-eeeele.ened t a C ot:e el lam as home ifondojs and will a z w;lst.,x le _ r-t ; R . -.----------‘ 1-,--,-- 1-= ' ,.. 0,2fit,,,,,i to the R e m ee t e • „ - Germans:
ma c6 - pita:, ear eeeee we-he en th eeeeerte Err grin
h-e-• - :mem Lan:tee...sag :
the re:beim , deed*. : !,,thcee in my enrolmentDistrict, at - a inehi-' - . - - . win war, in ease she sheuld refuse to Me. By li
crhcere He Jays tee reeimeet -das in an
-22 and 3-Ichia ='.ine in liveee to H. crate charge, and Tin catty their thers . . eeneee, the feectier hue trop '_d by , Eon- -0-7 ; -I
- l - RaiLl., 1t,,,-; , =..7"..3. .3 ~,S . 4 .. 11. 4 7 , ,C. tg , . *.**
H. Dent fer $5O- Late th. ,g ` = to 'noes and see that theyare attended ta . e` . " - - e-' L ' - - --- ‘"-- " -- hh - lead., France, h.:m, however. "710 (1:- : s hte i hh"
e _- _
EleCtimal Ticket.
Morton IPMichael, Philadelphia,
Thomas Cunningham, Beaver County.
R. P. King, 13 E. W. Hall,
G. 11. Coates, 14 C. H. Shriner,
3. Henry Siam. 15 John Wister,
4 Wm. 11. Kern, 16 David M'Conaugby,
•• 5 Bartin H. Jenks. 17 David W. Woods,
'6 Charles 11. Runk, IS Isaac Benson,
Robert Parke, 19 John Patton, j
8 Aaron Mall, 20 Samuel B. Dick,
t JohnA. Hiestand,2l Everard Bierer, r
Is IL H. Coryetl, 22 John P. Penney,
11 Edward Holliday, 23 E. M'Junkin,
12 Charles F. Reed, 24 J. IS. Blanchard.
dent for .1,... - hit i e ._: -, ...... ; 4....,-, :.'• -
Bora4N , Chandkr- , Had t - his matter been kis undergos, " " -at " " -A ' . eteei to ciSoperate with England. Is the:.
Part of 1-at No.. 44 is Eii.‘btso to C. C.: /In" WI; (Fite 2 oeothee of nee alight: LzA part --, z el,-- Gc t r . D . 7_,G.,a„rce t r An_ Roe c C:f.°MCI-S3 !SI!. J. liar 2MTed 3:
MA Tert , f. r SW._ Late th e
.E .,, :eFrty et: hare been s.arett the =am No time - d , e ,„ ~..4 4 ,„,• , ,.._ tr. , _,,..,.._ ~,:i. =soon cena.crice. the Gorercrzect: for, r „., 4 „ . .., ~.1 . ...4 , I. . ~.. ‘,.„ c ,..- .
3lancah Matttsco. t sh°°3l now be Lo o t in g irlia i tete°4l°° to .-I ic.s. - wr C -.-- cjart ‘ re - ejz:o - f - ..:1: - awa - 'ls rtaViag 13 :Led '"--f°er's as the God C-sI2 ; r '' ll- : --4.1e7 'C ''' ';'----- " *l ' l r=-7e-4:3- ' :7- " trtz. 4 *
79 acres in Homer to John S. Mann - t.h. Pauer- King ~i- „t 0...• 7. ..-- th e Z i th...ri l - ir . . .4,—. g er ..,7,i_r
''' me Ina-- c..... E----1. ricria : bitt I'LL- Id* k^ow - 31S-. '" Intr. ' l 4 l- - 171 Il e -= -, . --,- ec=2e
. " - t - --.-- d----
for ~%"5. Late the propervol Gan Gas.' .All are intexftzed for if the geom. is tact I ~,,..t . , - ... - -- - ' tee, withast haring made rarrici=t Era..
.e . e._,E-Q4 tae Ler.... , ...'ca. eil;v*,s- A bm-k cver-r
t . •:-... =era as 10 c.---e , ,
dn. . , Flt tee high eil =Mat •of ewe e11Ei , 4 16 4, E '''''. t ' W l ' . '- 5i... . 4x.2 for the prmerratim a t h e h ea l th ,z_cati.... - *.g wh....x- , -,.5.___.... 5.....1 --
. 7 tear man eeztr-se• Ee .rte -•.:-: ,, ,r,Ease Ee
sus in Roulet to I C. Cerro* ef teettbdeg kat eettrebieet-the eezt ,,, d , : was ' 1 - pcmt, er - tim , ase K e irts wae ".... 7 .- of. s.'"AtE ticeps.- A pae:zi d ebat ee 7-rar---e- • Er:im 512". --
f at . vo L ate t h e Fope ' n . 3 . o f ra p i k es lien TM in the end be cempeael to Kul, -.. ,_ ._. . - - , - • . ar.d. es a division the mil - ad= aras bat
.1. ra. ~,A w?..t. a 5 , :-.:/-0. ta• a `--F.:iita . re ,bv a vote
of rem, =6; s ale, . 233.. _ 3T
45 aeres La Soolet to At S. Mura t for E the deSdezw:es. - %
et' all'roe.." We ar 7e:ld to it sezzettza
S 2. Late twee prepetty o f E. J . p c b es _i: , -...4.lwa,bestate that ye= -eereMer, crEcer Faefm _.„ a, er ,,,...,.. 2.=. ....,„
0 :1- majority a 7 fra the GoTer=e=t 4 .WBith t 11- .0. 4- 1
75 sera to Shama to _Asher W...iftstetth 3 a a Etta] . 14 of a" who were mpar•ed. A c lfrf••••• "•:__-;. ;;•-- . 3. , i;...73 . 1 . 1,....: oral received whit grad eh•'--• ,- 14 .ficm:.•• -
fer $ 452 - late the graperty el Thai= , izet Year and are my i s the eereiee any-f : -,- ,"`z, — . -- - -."-- -"---;-. - , tte7.lo , znaia/b..l, 6 .2r2.wszeMireici , :*& - .-sr-z.
, , trEere givins , hitz the ccepany
.13..,.. ura..... c-A. can A.-r ~.3 dlacl 03 a... , tae facet
merlotea. . : fro= the Oppcdtkts, who - regard t h Chet
, t... ,____ Icr tt. marts: -30 :.= sril. 2fi.
311 ar4 4:loths im , es it: Allega n y tiontent. There sill a-U0 be taken Air4-..._ - l' nix as a fiavmd &deal of the Govervintett.l. - GET
Genera Fos, ac... iAlt the itregem , e ethe eseratneet en his report, t _Letters r=irei ity the r , -nre.:;%-: Tie .:M. 'matzo', aftm- amenateL-g tit f t
F. H. Smith. 1 Doort aviaa any tine- stir ef. ..3.zr.l'enizr.,--e show that the - grea--seremiltrinot sasseaszs Ease beer. oh-.
So sec 4.100. lift.t.* is Clines to S ..V I 'l,, , tacEs" Bum ?' ..., ' 'h. , . Els.- - , d. .31:uld!eqtair.ed Br the Frragt, true pa in 'Mexico, ' A
r , Lc,. mne. t La L......, .t:ra a.,....
R ,, : , ft. - ftz t.:Z. 11.c.a , att pzeperty. of St Brocklara. July 2, ISM. .Su,tt rzemise 7 - e!.l. The hay; it ' r . dee-alsw o-11 the new Ear l 'lTlrr° l - I F
i • , the shame itzwoittoes :Se ti,..-e l t, ev.,,,ths: - yr" amer-T.l to a dad' cw.... , -e than I LIZ "10 ati• the fet-' =l , - . . ; "e. dell! =am-
-is 3u."3 - i.t... Strtmlorz. • i tt:l - s i ts a,- t ut -,,,,....ia . , i,==l- itry Ascot et:Pm:flailed." ,(
Washington Correspondence.
Wasunto•row, JIM. 26,1864.
Dims .lotrusAL: Your Correspondent
is going to begin to *rite. Considering
the universal favoritism lin which he is
held by Your readers, Of which he has so
many direct and pceitive proofs, he feels
that it would be out of place to say any
thing in the way of introduction.
Rebel Sympathizers In A Slave
A few days ago a Wan named Edward
Martin was convicted in Delaware of
giving "aid and comfort" to the eaemy,
by assisting a person named Hiram Ross
Merrick to eater the rebel service. In'
this legitimate copperhead work he was
aided by a Dr. Morrell - , whose case was
continued - until the nest term of the
court. Martin bad a fair trial-was de
fended by able copperhead counsel,
still a sworn jury of twelve men summon•
ed within the of a siave state,
and some of them slave-owners, convicted
him of the offence with which he was
charged. Judge Hall before pronounc
ing'sentence upon him said that, "should
the rebellion succeed in orerturning the
government, a matter of so much interest
to our own countrl as well as tdthe world,
it would be the greatest colamily that ever
betel our race." He was then sentenced
to pay a fine of $lOOO, to pay the costs
of prosecution, and to liberate all the
slaves he may possess, and further be
disfranchised and deprived from holding ,
any political office of honor or profit in
the State.
This is the was they deal with rebel
sympathizers in a slave state, but what
would our Potter copperheads say if one,
of their number had half this measures
of justice dealt out to him.
For ge Journal
Morning in New York._
Three and a-half o'clock. There is a
gray light born neither of sin; moon, !nor
gas lamp,. bat a blending
, of aIL The
streei lamps cast no shadow through !my
window, but the moon-light lies on 'the
floor In the back hall. The eastern hori•
zon is murky and red, presaging the com
ing heat. Westward a single star is vis
ible. Toward Broadway there is a roar
which, before I looked nut, I thought was
the wind heralding a iatny day. But I
perceive that it is ,the roar of the great
city, almost as ceal - itessas the surf on , the
ocean beach. Now it deepens, and a car
goes thundering dOwn Canal street. A
heavy measured tread under my window;
there is a policeman keeping his sleepless
vigil.. Preseritly a shuffling, unsteady
step, a man with a meerschaum at' his
mouth walks one way and then the othe,r,
seeming to have no business, or not to
knots+ what it is. Neat, a colored man,
with a ringing, elastic step, singing,—
"Rally round the flag," comes up and
turns into St. John's Lane.
.The. star is out; the glow in the east
grows more intense. Market carts loaded
with empty barrels rattle by going toward
I the river.
,They will come back by and
lby. Three empty "Rockland Lake" , ice
'carts seemingly on a race, are dashin o c ,
furiously by, toward the river too.
I Four and a-half. • A man with a pole
is putting out the Street lamps. There is
one that does not work well; finally he
;gives a poke that sends the glass out of
tone side; be surveys it a moment and
; passes On. Loaded ice carts are coming
in ; a man is leaving ice at the house op
posite. It will be a necessity to-clay'.
Five and a-half. The cars pus oftener;
grocer, butcher, milk and ice cuts are
more numerous on the street; the rattle
!and roar ar . . continuous. A dray with a
trunk stands befoFe the Institute. Mrs.
'Jones is going away this morning. We
will walk with her to the Chambers street
ferry. I have a 'may for walking 'that
way occasionally in the morning. Hud
son and Greenwich Streets and the Bross
streets between them
‘ are filed to crowd;
t ,
in with market wagons, bringing veget
ables fresh from the country. Grocers'
and hucksters' carts are taking their loads.
Women are filling their baskets frith let
tuce, oniobs, radishes and strawberri,,
which we shall see them selling throw4h
the streets an hour or two later. , No noise,
only once a mattered oath at some disa)
zreement in counting. A policeman
stands on the corner, for the first tithe in •
summer untform—broin linen vest, and
pantaloons, and broad brimmed Panama'
hat—the coat remains the same.
Home again. Seven o'clock'; break
fast bells are ringing; a woman is calling.
"straw-ber—ree-s" on the'street ; the bag
uets of the day is fairly began. ;
June 24,1864.
Just iisual 6,-
Psccuar--Epes Sargent's grea, Note!,
Concerning which there has been more talk
and speculation, perhaps,.than about any oth
er book for years. The thrilling and-extraor
dinary facts with which the author bas be
come acquainted hare been thrown into a plot,
and story so startinglY bold, and yet so truth.;
ful, so tender and so gentle, that every reader
who begins it must be fascinated with its un
flagging interest. It is selling like wild-fire,
Price $1.50. '
. .
Kimball's Works.
Kamm's Woass.—Embracing his capital
new novel, "Was he - Ouccessful," - one of the
best fictions of the season. Price $1.50.
Was he Successful, Saint Leger,
Undercurrents,ln the Tropics,
Student Life Abroad.
Renan's Life of Jesus. -.
RZNAN'S Erre or .Tast - s.-A translation of
M. Ernest Renan's remarkable work, just is
sued in Paris, where the excitement and sen
sation. are so great concerning its subject and
author, that already thousands" of ,copies of ,
the costly French edition hare been sold. It
has been extravagantly praised, and'extraca
gantly censured;' but its most severe 'critics
do not deny the wonderful power, beillancy, 1
and ability displayed upon' every page of the
book, Price $1.50.
Dr..Cumming!s Works.
De. Cux_nma's Woars.—Embracing his new
work "The Great Consummation,"
which is
attracting so. much attention in England.—
Price $1 00.
The great Tribulation, Thegieat preparation,
The great Cot:summation_
Light on Shadowed Paths.
By. T. S.Arthur. The pspnlarityand inter
est abou this delightful new perk, by Air.
Arthur, 4-e steadily increasing. It is one of
the lite antest of recent publicatioas; and
will findl
its way. into thousands- and thous
ands of t 'millers, p - here domestic stories of a
pare sad nnexceEitionable iathente are wet-
coined. Price
Wove by author "Rutledge."
icg the.splendid. new novel "FrTtak
which Is sellir.g so
Price .1:1
The Sat
lerisnels, 4 Louie.
v ictor Erugo —A. Life.
late mos: charmlog ent..^ar.elcg
Inat ha.. 9 ever ii:stre.d from tilt French
-eneh, dramatic', graphiz; 2.2.1
nds with the delightful inter -
lade lits? `56 wow:led - all:
INo reader of, that marvelous , To-.
0-e of
volume. ,
ly, is ribo
e.s.t rbst
ma.nee ca remain satistied v.-ithoct coß
pania~ f•.- - torr. of Vic:or Hit;i - jo's
Life '—
One tar. .ome Bvo., cloth bored. Price
ii r. 'Holmes Novels.
j . , .
in r.7. her charmfaz cit.» :-..yr't!"l:tritto
GrEF 2 ' , ch • is so popular tlorougcut. th e
coast- ?i. Ate :.,5 1.7.5.
_Gi7ey, .
=llamas of New York.
I.(ena, RI
I. -et Se:it-3 of' a Ter:: .in:erest:ng. and
~ x itz, by"Wa::er .p-f.:. Cit-ea:. Re
e :=O--:•:10.:e3. 1. 6: Eritrea:. are:y,
ke:ctles. prisate arld putlic geS-Elp
• gre.l-. =..-zre'za:::s el tier:
lof f eleTl:z;-.......nd ni:A .
,of an:Fa:F.:lg. T E 7 ., ... rO:rzir.e bad
, ( .31. , . sale ia.3-t 2-r.:4-, and the . 'Second
; O:IF e-.:t-zsnt el-3:h b-:,-,33i::
?r :mss
A. S.
Roe's Excellent . Novels.
',ram 71:1%.i: 7“,t - 1. --Lae
Pr - cf..--
~x~ 3^ems.
Tize.St2.7 3 Tne
Enw Col - el Ere. Mi . :,
To. Lore 2Era fie Loreri,
• r Like s, rztikr. a d Tide.
Art of Conversation:
Se:f-Cc% - re.
ae ir.e.a.:L=r, ttel bows'
• For. iComUt
Ft.r Pile- :Le E." Ci e
Fcr :11e,:ax-rz.bin Valley, ar. thit
izEd mwr.-..fitit,
• Fcc Gf craze rx. tbi
. Far :be cf :4 tat `b2C3
et-in CtiZala-te!=te.i tairezteip,
• Fcr Scalraa, *:
• Fcr 2.1.t 1 1,14=a•
• Azierlella Ta..mgart„ raL
tairr.:.F.l) Z,tegrazzsci. Ser
Nerr-a. eaLii 6bFko,.
Far :re; tazzabl? lkiass
cc-L.14E15i 1.7 r.kv:t.; ^.14
bna.. , 7'ss aze •.: 1 1 by sill E .rg..e .l **%o Tc a:rt.:m.4. upt4scib*,
-41-lEibe Rees', rzrar..4#- •
. 7 „Mr by Fo e.eL. scar- p siz *A:Aims&
1. • 2 0%.:2 i .
1/7.; CABLETON,PubIr F or • r .,. e ;car ,... 2 .!4 wev, F.:41„1414.,tits
szz,mciS.X.covasacit sassy -
- .ire. 413 Brrazdway F.' c
• - 1 -=a.
111 P Q . ZeStil &ale, rztrie bwar4a- af-Cfne4e:VerList:ttfri
SIZEKELOM' Gamut Haase ft still tcr4 - cgh.:
E: SPeliter.k.
D.. L1'4 2 ‘87
Erzz_s_ ef tae,
ezicia. mares erer
65 du-alai! 51.....trir .301, Go
ore teem
Verdant Green..
~.„‘„?..A. STEBBINS & Co,
Paying the highest price in
CASH Ire r
Coudersport, June 28c-1864.
Special. Election Proclama;llon.
WE .A Jnintrnesolution,prciposing
certain Amendments' io the Constitu
tion thereof which, are as.follostsi vitt
There shall be an additional section; to the
third article of the Constitutibn, tb b 0; dtsig
nated as section four; as follows: 1 .
"Sacriox 4. Whenever any df the qnalified
electors of, this Commonwealth shall beiict any
actual military, service, under a reqUisition
from the President of the United Staten, or by
the aanority of this Conn:tot:wealth; such
electois may exercise the right of suffrage - in
all elections by the citizens, under such regu
lations as are, or shall bepreseribed by
as fully as ,if they were present at their used
placeof election."
SEcnos 2. There shall be to tuiditiattal
sections to' the eleventh article 'of the Croniti
tution, to be designated as sections eight, and
nine, as
"Sserfoi 8. No bill shall be passecliby the
Legislature, containing more then one sib_ jest;
which shall be clearly expressed in the title ;
except appropriation bills."
"SEcrios 9. Ye bill shall be passed by the
Legislature granting;any powers, or privi
leges, in, any case, 'where the authority to
grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or
may hereafter be, conferred upon: the:c,o ur t e
of this C-ommcnwealth:'
E as been agreed to by a majority of tbi mem
bers elected to eachdfouse of the ....egis.lature,
at two successive sessions of the same
Now, therefore, in obedienee to a Warrant
from A. G. Curtin Governor of this Cu:beton
reenwealth to me directed and in pu4e.auce
of an Act of Gente-1 Assembly bf . the same
entitled' "An Act prescribing the time and
Manner of submitting to the people, for their
approval and ristineatiou ar rejection the pro
posed 'Amendments to the Constitution," ap
prdved tae 23,1 day of April, 2. 1). 1864: I,
D. C. Lambe:. Sderilf of the County of Pot
ter. Pennevivaadv, do hereby make known
and give:l.Ake to the electas of the e - Anity
afdresaid.tdiat a Speci.l E:ection will be bele
in said County on the first Tuesday (being
the pf_lugurt A. D. 1664 for the pur
pose of deeiding upon the approval and rati
fication or rejection of the said proposed
I also m Ike known and give notice; as in
and by the lath section of the afire,-aid act I
am directed, ttn: every p-t Arson excepti#,T,Jta
tines of the Peace, ho!ti any ogee or
appain:ment of proet ender th? Gor
ernmen: of the 1.::- . 1*.td fitat=a- or tbisi State;
or of any c:ffo..inceri,orate district,*hetber
a CO:Ll=iiiicuLyi onicer or ethezwilie, a,scbor
lnate Ofict.: a o -ent wh. is or sita:i - ot em
p:oyed ender the le-,,,rit:ative. judici.t.7, or ez
ez::ive der l artmtnts thLs fir..tte :heir:kited
:S..tates or of an: rtz cr
alifi that every rnemher of ebegreis and
of the. State, nod of the select and
common co7;nc:l of any or cemrais2ionel
of any incorr e ' crated diztrio-, «i by raw Incapa
:e Of hole:if:7, or emerci..incr, r 4 late same time
the e€ce Dector
or cit.rkof j e:ect'„on thf.sCommonis-ealth;
Eemestzl , .d,
Also. :Eat ;Le of :;:he Act
cfz ztit.:t-d -Aa
F.,.rpotet,' approved
Ap7E: - e-anczt-d. afore
a= to 4 . c.:rocg?-0
t - .Off-cer fro= st-rviz.:T. Cr
Clerk of a . 7 C. 7
4: Ls fqrtEtt Ert:',e C.:ot tht
retara j7,sifts tt:t
pOr: czak, I , ttzr.og., *hail hi
1;:t Aufgazt.
I= 2e G :va ;v. - a aotlre
cts Ll:ng - the , zforet4i4.
the itt - 41:e szd
tht cr:z.t c. 4 Poite* a- -
For t . ,:eth•a - r.....F,Lif..r A:i.:gzny., tl - :esthes.:,l
jticuz,e r,fsr, the :,:en
te: - drersi.
at tale - 3;-=l.--
1-a= ae:11-
Far the tci-7 - .7, - 1-.EI. e Cane at scithl:l
afdw-a - mhip-
For it. New
C.p=r: E Gey=2±«,2nroar
• Far the th.77n.F.2.ip cf .
Roe s ,co r i T , at f b trg ,
:tFC thz - raTiaii.. , Eirrion, a: th.ti Hocse
Ft:. Fie.!:Ter, the' sr...c" eel
N - z. Z., agah.....='s, 2 . t SILU,
Fcr f 2.4 ef at.--e §c=der.:
' 1
Fez F-0=:?2.7',,, selzod
the tr,-x - raiE-AF.?rd: Jackacc., s :Cie :tame
ce , ...:tree Lys 34-Cbsp-