U THE POTTER GO JNIEY- . 7 . JOURNAL Cinulangort, Wednesday Evening A= 29, MIL focal and General. • See New Advertisements. Wool Wanted-1-P. A Stebins k Co. Special Election Proclamatio. C. tai b ee. Splendid New Books--Carleton Pbblisher. Jar The drafted men from his bounty re port at Tioga Borough this week.. g ar The cause of our not receiving a mail on Monday evening'. was nwing tog collision on the N. Y. k E. R. IL, hear Neisr York city. itel„ The weather (with the exception of Monday and. Tuesday of this week) has for some time been intensely i warm. :Rain is eery pinch needed. mar The Atiqnticlhly, that ever wel come visitor, is on hand forinly., This mag agstine should betakeu by everybody. Tick nor & Fields Publishers, Boston. 'M.A. letter from Lebanon 'county, this State, under date of June 12, says that the Crops are looking very fine and third they are making hay. ler The funeral sermon of. Capt. DENNIS H. CEIEESBRO, killed at the' battle of Dallas, in Georgia, will be preached in the Hhmer School House on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, July '3, 1864 ger We see that our Boro Ugh fathers have 'determined 'to improve the sidewalks in the tillage. It is time: they arelin a' horrid cou dition. See ,to it that it is 'Well and speedily done. We are pleased to learn tloit our friend b. H. Simmons, is again on his feat and so far recovered from his late severe wound as to be able to till up his stare with NeWlGuods of his own selection. • .1 rbThere tciil be three election.i . this year; the first fur ur against . the. Conititutional Amendments on the lnd day of August ; the Geueia/ Election on the 2.nd Tuesdi2.,- of Oc tober: and the Presideutial election in No rember _,There be Teacher's Institute held in Coudersport nn SatUrday the 9th day of July. The - Teachers of, the surrounding ~ . districts are invited to attend. The County Superintendent will be preSent and assist in 1 - deliberations. . . , pa r We publish this week the SberiT's ProclamatiOn for a special eleCtiowto vote for or against the amendments to the Constitu tion. We• will print tickets for the amend wents we presume there will be none wanted against them. ,Let the friends of the soldiers tee to ft that they am not disfranchised. VAICABLE FUR THE SOLDIER.—BrOCM'S Bran llial Trciches will b'S , found invaluab'e to the Soldier in camp, exposed , to the sudden _ichanges,—affordingprompt relief in cases of coughs, colds, vtt. For o ' ffleers and- those hoover-tax the voice they are useful in re 9ering Irritated Throats, and will, render ar t, culation easy. As there arc Imitattons, be enre to obtain the genuine. AgrAny Widow, or Parent, or Orphan s or Brother, or Sister of eny Soldier,. tailor or Marine, killed, or whc has died in the service; Of the United States, who deiire NINETY-SIX i DOLLARS ($96) a year Pension, from ONE I HUNDRED TO ELEVEN HUNDRED AND` I 5 I'.;,', INETr-FIVE DOLLARS ;1195) •CASFI BOUNTY, and all the arrears of pay due him, should. cah at once or write to JOSEPH' E. f. - ) ; ti F VITT & COMPANY, - .No. 427 Walnut St., i it e Military & NaraA_Ageney, rhiladelphia. Also: State Pay,3,ounty, City,, Ward or zither Bounty, &c., if there is any due. Apply i .ei' her in person or by letter. • ; • • i -t pt. Dennis 11. Cheesbro, Co. G, 46 Reg. Pa. Vol. other face shut out from the Summer, Where the field with our Northern blood is red, ictl.ter brave heart stilled forever, Where :so many of Freedom's sou's lie dead! l e ha , ppy-hersted birds were singing Ia the sweet June woods, when the message eorue, [led, in the very hoar of tritnph;- -ought to heaven in the bauleiflnme!" e birds siag yet their wordless anthems n the wood ire knev sad loved so well, mountain home is bright as ever,— Hat nOt for she one wb.ofell 1. Si „1” , e clover crimson, down in the meadow, I he mountain air is calls and %sweet ; But what are birds or dainty blossoms., o those who lie at Freedtm's feet? "H faltered not in the storm o , f battle,— ; e was true to the end," his brave men said; K' trine that, through our pain sad sorrow, e can hear to say, "lie is dead r is ' pet Harpers, make no mournful music! ut breathe instead a triumph strain] For one who did not shrink from duty, !Lies. peaceful-with the holy slain I - Sad friends. =ld your loss and eriffsidg, This blessed comfort ;e can take; That one you loved was counted Worthy To die for Freedom's Basel Tun Itisrciar Or D. fIosrETTEBYS STOMACH Dirraas. The niost remarkable Medicine of the 'day; and the Many eines that hare been performed with it in cases of Liver Complaint, Dispepsia, Nerschis Debility, and other dis eases arising from a disordered stomach or liver, places it at once among the most aston ishing discoveries that ECas taken place in the. Medical world: The diseases to ;which bit ters ate applicable are so universal that there are but few of our friends who may not test their virtues in their own familiesior circle of acquaintances and prove to their, own satis faction that there is - at least one remedy 'oaring' the many adverti : sed• niedicines, de serving the public commendation., . For sale by Druggists land dialers every where. i•- , 7 , 4-..MilcItDE UPEilptEArEi _ tretit4ileiery'Wednesilay by P. A..sna. &SS 411000., RetatT-Dealers in Groceries . I ; and-Provisions, opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, , ic . .. Couldersport, ga. - . Apple, pry, 10 . 1 bsh., ' n $1 00 to i 25 d 6 , - dried, - " '-- I - 2-00 z5O Beasts, - " " .3 00 350 Beeswax, It lb., • `-'- - 30 35 Beef, . " 7 8 - Berries, dried,.? quart 10 _lB Buckwheat, 12 bash., 87 100 Buckwheat Flour,. 300 375 Butter, `f 104 25 ' 25 Cheese, " ' 12 14 Cloverseed 1 700 750 Corn, 70 bush., 1 - 25 150 Corn Meal, per cwt., 300 325 Eggs, iy doz., 18 Flour, extra, , 'p bbl, 825 925 do superfine " 700 800 ' 0. , Hams, 'fil lb., 14 16 Hay, v ton, • 1 - 12 00 14 00 Honey, per lb., ' 10 124 Lard, I ,g l I, 14 16 Maple Sugar, per lb.,' 1 ' 12 15 Oats, ' bush., ';,. 60 65 Onions, "- ._, 100 125 Pork, 11 btiL, . 25 06 27-00 • do 14 tb.; do in whole hog. Potatoes, per bush., Peaches, dried, 11 lb., Poultry, 13,1 b-, Rye, per bash.; • Salt, bbl, • • • .A, • do gl sack, Timothy red Trout, perk bbl., Wheat. "t 1 hush., White Fish, 11 bhl., lIM CansumpOre sufferers will receire a valua ble prescription for the cure of Consumption,. Asthma, Bronchitaa, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of chfirge.) by sending their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON., HOW LOST ! LHOW RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Ctliverwellls Celebrated Essay on the radzcal cure (without medicine) of SPRRMATOkIIIOEA, or SemirMl Weaknecs, In voluntary :Seminal losses. Ineorexcr, Mental and Physic:lJ Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc. : 1 ,ft150. CoNSLIIPTION. EPILSPSY, and FM; induced by self indulgence or sexual extravaganc:e Frice. inn sealed envelope, only Ceens The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from 4_ty years succe.ssful practice. that the ing ronsegnenqs of self-abuse may be radically cued withoilt the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing out a moue of cure, at once simple. certain andleiTecutal, by means of which ev ery sufferer,, no matter what his condition mac be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. `This:, Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address. post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. MIAS: J. C. KLINE - k CO., 127 Bowry, Now Tork,Post office box 4586. DR. TOBIAS' VENITIAN LINIMENT la AS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TIO'N during the fourteen rears it ha... , been introdUced into the United States.— After being; tried by millions, it has been orocla.tned the pain destroyer of the world. !Pain cannot be where this liniment is ap plied. If used as directed it cannot and net 'er has failedin a single instance. For colds. coughs and influenza. it can't be beat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the above. besides being- useful in every family for sadden acci dents, such; , as burns. cuts. scalds, insect sting's, ke. It is perfectly innocent to take internally, and c.tn be given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle.l Office, 56 Cortlandt Street New York. SOld by all druggists. Motile° to Drafted Men. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, 18TH DISTRICT PEEN . A. WILLIAMSPORT, June 7 '64. • Drafted men , are not allowed to enlist as volunteers after being drafted. The credits for drafted men *ill remain for the Sob-Dis tricts from which they are drafted. no mat ter whether Neal bounty has or has not been paid to such men. upon illegal enlistments. WM. 4. BLAIR, Capt. it Pro. Mar. 3t 18th Dist. Penn's. Please annoance in your paper that JOHN M. KILBOURNE is a candidate for the office of Hepresentatire br Potter County. K. Pike Mills, June 8. 1864. WHEREAS, my wife BRIDGET CALA- H ANhas left my bed and boat(' with out just cause or provocation. I hereby warn all persons against harboring or trusting her 43u my account aa I will pay no debts of her contracting. E PATRICK CAREY. RouLet, JuneA, 1864.-3 t. • Pension BOunty and War Claim Agency. 13ENSIONS Droeured ftir soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason of Wounds received or disease contractracted while in the service of the United States; and pensions, bounty, and arrears of pay obtained fur widows or heirs of those who have died or been. kired while in service. All letters of inquiry promtly answered, and on receipt by mail, at a statement of the ease of claimant I will forward the necessary papers fur their signature. Fees in Pension cases as fixed by law. REFERENCES.-7nall. ISAAC, BENSON , Hnn. A G. Otataren, .I.'S. ;ea, .Esq.. F. W. KNOX, Esq. - ' DAN BAKER, Claim Agent Ceaderport Pa. Jane 8, _ EMI Having secured the services of HENRY a COWBMW, BLACK.SMITH of twenty- years , : experience in - England and - America: lam prepared to tarnish farmers and travelers with the best of HbrSii and Ox Slidoehig? Shingle Mavis; glacier , mire - Nis . " Brookiand, Potter .Co., Pa. - forukerly called Cnshingsille 311 1 IY IOC! : • 12 14 8 .9 82 75 25 30 8 10 135 150 4 50 16 250 350 500 600 150 162 500 600 To Consumptives. Williamsburgh, Kings Co., New York I‘IA'NHOOD: ASSEMBLY NOTICE. .......-.0 - . e. _ , 0 PER CENT, SAVED ! AT REGULATORS Nos. 1 At 2, AT OSWAYO,PA., AND WiIITENYILLE, N. Y. FELLOW CITIZENS, Friends and Custom era I return my thanks to you for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me for the past ten years. lam now adding to my stock to select from • $20,000 Worth of New Goods, and have opened a branch store at WHITES VILLE, N. Y. where we shall keep -fit Large Stock of the best quality of Goods, and shall ever endeavor to giv i e our customers large bargains. We are now selling Good Sbirtings and Sheetings for 25 to 30 cents. worth 30 to 40. Good Prints from 18 3-4 to 20 cents, worth 25 to 28. Good Delains 25 to 31 cents, Worth 31 to 37i. Good Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30 - cents, worth 50 to 75.* Extra Plain Alpaccss 40 to' 63 cents, ;worth 63 to 88. Extra all-wool Delains 37i to 50 cents, worth 50 to 75. Fine Mozambiques 22 to 25 cents, worth 38 to 45. Fine all- wool Merinos 69 to SO cents, worth SI to 51.50. A large stock of Cassimers. K. Jeans, Sad neits, Broadcloths, and other goods equally as low. CL 0 This branch of oar trade we call your atten tion to in particular, as we can and wiltsare you 25 to 50 per cent_ Fine suits froth $l2 to $.15. worth $2O to $25. Good black oaths for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. SILKS,SHAWLSAC., of the Best and Latest Fashions, very low.— . Fine.Mcrinos, Thibet, Wobl, Brocha. Stella, ,and most other kinds. ' Boots 4' Shoes. A large assortment very low. / Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1.25 worth $1,75. en's Fine Calf Boots $3,75 to $4,75, worth $5 to $6. ' Hats and Cops for Ladies and Gents, very tow. C 'ockery and Hard are, gankse 4ntinits, fit., at prices far below the present rtiarket prices am/ Pork, Fiak. l .-1 Hams, Sugar,. &fee, Pepper, Spire, cte.,' as low ive can be bought in ,the State. Flour, ' ' 7ea, Not having time or space to note furtber,tve would say to those asking why we can afford to sell below Vier dealers, s this, we buy very large amounts and are in New York about one-fourth of the time, and are so well acquainted with Alia., market., that we buy many goods IoW and can afford to sell them , at home at less prices than many - merchants I buy in New 'York. Our Store at Whitesville is under the management of lir. E. J SHEP HARD, who has been with me at Oswayo for the past two years. well known to the people of this section, and will ever try to give them all bargains for their interest. Our store at °sway*, under the management of in broth. er, W3l STILIIONS, an experienced ;dealer, who will ever give all customers,tbe bepefit of all bargains. An early call, is teipectly solicited. Totals Tro* . c. H. BlnMelfSi 6 - yo Regal stra ator No. I:, • Whitestrille Regulator No. 2. , -119 , 35-1864. • ' . IN_ 4 .eiV Spring„Goods.,! P. A STEBBINS & . Co., Have just received from New York, a large stock of seasonable GOods which they w ill sell as low as any house in the County; con sisting of • • , gig Guals it all varieties viz : DRESS. GOODS. DELADTES, POPLLVS; ALP 4 s, PLAiD POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. CLOAKS, CLoAKardS, CASSIMERES, CLOMS, SZAWLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, &c Full stock of MEN'S FASHIONILE,LE - CLONINd I ALSO BOOTS & SHOES, HATS it CAPS, &c , &c., &c. CHOICE STOCK 014 GiocERIVS, AL' WAYS 01V iL4IVD Tea from . 75 &a to 82 Or pound . _ . • 3'l'krßlll:l4 4 3' & Co;, atifitO geicilitt Streets Conderepark Ml 7 ii, i844.4y ERE MEI t , cult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart,Chok ing or Suffocating sensations when in a ly bfgposture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Per spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of ( Heat, Burning in the. Flesh, Constant Imagi nings of Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. ' HOOFLAND'S GERMAN' BITTEBS ! - Are not a new and untried article, but'have stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public ; and their reputation and sale, are not rivaled by any similar preimra ton . The proprietors have thous nds of Letttrs from the most eminent • CLERGYMEN, . LAWYERS. YSICIANS, and. CITIZENS Testifying of th,ir own p.r:onal knowledze. to the brnegeial etlyets and medical virtues of these Bitters. • We call the attention °fail It tying r.-I.kirons or friends in the army tot he fact !hat "Ilct 3F LAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the iiiseases induced b. exposure& and privations incident to camp life,. In the lists. published almost daily in the newspapers on the arrival of the sick, it Will be noticedkliat a very large proportion are suffering frotir de bility. every case of that kind!can'be read ily cured by Hooffand's German Biitt!rs. Diseases resulting from disorder; (4' the diges tive organ are slieedily removed. We have no hesitation in,stating that , if these Bitters were freely used among or. soldi r,, hun dreds of lives might be saved tlMt other wise .will be lost. We call particular attention to the follow--; ing remarkable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "has been saved by the Bitters :" IFIOZANBI uEq, PHILADELPHIA ; Aug. 43, 1665. Msssas. Josts g,entlethen, your Hoofland German Bitters has saved' my life. There is no Mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my ,comrades, some of whose names'are appended, and who were fully eonizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of :, , Iterman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate com mand of Capt. R. B. 4yreS. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous duties,, was attacked in November last with indani ation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital: This was followed by great debility,, heightened by an 'attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steamer 'State of Maine," fram which landed on the 25th of June. Since that time I hare been about as low as any one could be; and still retain a spark of vitality. For a! week or more I was scarcely able to swallow; anything. and if I did force a morsel 'down,' it was immediately thrown up again. - I could not even .keep a glass of wateron my stomach i . • Life could not last Mader such circumstances ; and, accordingly the physi cians who had been working faithfully, tho' unsuccessfully to rescue me from the grarp of the dread Archer, frankly told me they ould ilo 'no more for Me, and advised me to see-a clergyman, and to make such disposi tion of my limited funds as best spited use An acquaintance who visited me at the hos. pitaL Mr. Frederick Steinbton, of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn . hope. to try your Bitters, ; and kindly, prod a bottle. From the timed . cdmmenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it. getting bet ter. Though J hayir taken but two bottles,,l have . gaised rem riontaii; and.,lfeel sanguine of :being : -ernkitted to rejoin my wife arid daughter, frotri.yrtium I have heard nothing for eighteen months f for. gentlemen. I am a fiom the vicinity of Front I Royal. .To yOur invaluable Bitters I owe the' -certainty II life which hits taken the place 'of 'ague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege or again clasping. to My! bosom-those who are dearest to the in life Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE We fully concur in the truth of the above statement. as. Nye had der:: airNi of seelut. our comrade. lir. - llnlone. re Cored In health. . John Clt•i;l l . , :b ,ck. York Battery.. 3ei - .ley. Co. C. :1111 %lin t - Lewi, 1124 New York. E. Siwnc(r. Ist Art'll,-r Fd.-eirell. "0. S. 2d Vf:1 = 1 , ,y.11. : Benr! B. Jerotzie.l:o 11, d o. Benly T.-Macdotitikt, Ce: C. 6th ll:titr2 John F. Ward, Co E, sth Maine. . Herman Knell. Co. H. 72.1 New York. Nathaniel B. Thomas. Co F, Pena. Andrew J. Kimball. 0". John Jenkins, Co B. 106 - ir ;. • BEWARE OF COUN7 ERFEITS See that the_signat*treuf'•C M JACKSON. is on the WR.I4-PPER of each bottle:: - - PRICES:. Large,Size (holding uearly double $l.OO per Bottle-ib.ilf noz $5:O Small Size-75 cis. pr Bottle i.O Should yOur nearest drtg,:tist . ocit Lice the article, do not be put WY luy o . et e in:•3x. icatingl preparations that rimy ht; otri:red rz it'," place, but send to us, and we will forward. securely packed, by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICt AND MANUFACTORY NO. 6;31 Rich Strek. Jtijs;P.S 4k, EVANS.. (giiccesiors to C. N. :JACKSON k Ca,) - EROPRIRTOIIS- FOR ink bytroggists and Dealers in ever) lily!, in tire "NW &atm •-0 4 'No; Alcoholic. A dIQNIY ViN6ENTRettIiD_VEGETABLE EXTRACT "A'1)1) Tdnic. ad ofl=4's Genii,.. B=it t ers, PREPARED BY: Di. C. 21 - . itaohison, Philada.Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CiiRY lavra Coknertvr, DYSPEPSIA; Chronic or Nerrinti Deldlitk, Diseases of the Kidneis, and all diseases arising from a diki-iiired Liver or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood tothe Head,Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for FoOd,Ful ness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking orFlottering at the PiCof the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and DUE- ATTENTION, ,SOLDIERS AND THE FRIENDS. (11 , SuLDIERS TO ROM CdittitAltchitt ESPONSIBLE parties able and des . iron* of undertaking the building of the en.: tire or a part of a clug.roadi (16i feet Ride, ) of from 12 to 15 runes in the South-Eastern part of Potter.Coquty, Penne:, .mar:apply for particulars to CHAS. MEINE, Esq., Surveyoil Germania, Potter Co., Pa. June 8, 1864.-tf. .... , Mercantile ,• • App enteilt. List of Dealers in Merchan se in.the conety of Potter, for the yeat 18 with claasifics4 lions, Ac. - .1 1 / 5 0.4. A iis' t T. Scot, :Allegany, 14 - .$7:00 F. T, Stibt, - Ulysses, ' 14' 7.00 Chappell Altfothers, , 'do 14 7.00 Mary 2f. Hackett, ,i do T - . 14 7.05' L. Bird. do 14 1.00 P. A. Stebbins, Couderset, 13 10 00 D. E. Olmsted , 1.,.. .,.. do 13 10.40 C: S. i f E. A. Jones„. do 13 10.00 C. Smith, ' I do 14 7.00 E. K. Sphencer, ~,„I ; do 14 ' 7.00 I. S. Mann, I , do 14 7.00 H. J. Olmsted, 1; do 14 too C. 11. Warriner, . . do 14 1.00 Glassmire A. '.7olwell ' I do 14 7.00 B. S. Colwell. , I Sharon 14 7.00 A. W. Humphrey, • ; do 14 'OO C. H. Simmons, ; Oswayd, •11 15 00 Wm. McDougell. - i do • 14 7.00 8.5.C0l la ell,Westort ABro. Roulet 14 7.0- Mason Nelson,-- , - : Halal's, 14 1.00 Henry Andresen, 'kettle Cr'k, 14 7.04 H. Thep,Germania, 14 7:0011 - uharles Meisner, do 14 ' 7.00 14 1 7.00 Jacob Kull, ! do ITAIINI)I0E, • • • Augusta Hepp, do "14 rim Frederick Ocb, do breciery 10 5:001 , J. Sch'warzenbach, do " 10 5,OQ\ Mrs. IL Goodman, Harrison, 14. 7.00 Wilcox . Wbitcouth, do 14 7.00 J. & W..Hartis, • •do 14 7.00 G. A. Barclay.- - Wharton 14 1.60 Z. J THOMPSON, Mercantile Aper: June 8,'1864. 1564.1864. 1011HiL;ADELPHI.-1 . 4t- ERIE ItAiLEOLIK—e : This great Jioe traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylsariia to the city of i Erie, on Luke Erie, It has peen leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, add nder 'their ,anspices•ia b. ins rapidly opened: throUghoat its entire „ 7 - , It is nowin use for Passenger and Freight buiiness from Harrisbur g ,•to S. Mary's (218 miles) kin .the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 ?miles) on the Westerg Divisidn. . kth . MEIOPHPISSENGER tiLINS AT ilITOli: -Leave gistward. • Expr•ss Train, 3 50 - Leave Westward. Accommodation Train; 1 - 30P. M. ihrouith wav between Philnde)pbia and Lock 13aved and between Baltimorij and Lock Haven. Elegant ,S.leeping bitii on xprets Trainer both ways ;between Williamsport and Balti more; and WilliatmspOrt and Philadelph4. For intormatko respecting Passenger. ness apply at the S. El Cor. 12th and Maikei Stieets: Arc for weight business of the Ccimpany's Agents: S. B. tingsto.n, t'.sr. 13th I 31Afief Sts., Philadeiphia. J. W.' Rezt olds Brie_ J. $l. Drill, Agent 11..Baltimoro: • GM'l Freight Av. Lstiszs t. HorPr . . ncket Agt. Jos. D. Porrs. . „ , , gana,ger, IVATCHMAKER4 WARRINEI4. . continues to repair CLOVES, WATCHES. and JEWELRk . in .CoydersOrt, and keeps c;cin stantly on liand er,d- for, iA!e a good azsert inent of . - Clocks, 1 Watcheir, 4.na jettrelry or the very vest quality. !Also, PLATED tVABE, SPECTACLES,- VIOLIN STRINGS, REVOLVERS, ke: Afso, a full snpplv of I Fishing Tackle whicl.l` he is sellidg at the lowest prices for cash., Every article sold warranted tOte as' represented., . :Shop on ltIo• in Street, two doors. norib of P. i. Stebhrns & Co's Store, of the sign °Lim • "Biz Watch." [ N Notice: ri4A.!: . , Potter . Co., Pb.. ' /SO. oncE is hereby given that Charier Bu -111 short now or late of this•connty. bolaing the following described prtepgity. ha; not yet paid Any consideration whatever fcr the same, Ind all persons are herebylwarned not to par. chase any of said propertyiof tbe said Bashof before the decision of thet Court is . gi . ify: iq this case and C. pushor yes paid to u e the emu ilerition money therefor. The following is the r.toterty: Ist. A certain tract of qtn3 near th'e her. mania Mill, in warrant 50i5. Abbott totitisbi ; i, Potter county,. Pa., containing 100• acres.— Also 25 acres in . tvarrant 5078 and sajoinin'z' the above., ti •tltt? . . 2nd. A certrin tract Of land, ulth YIN awl . iniprore:nenti: ~t!iereon. near Kettle Creek, it; trarr. , nt S 1 9 , Stewarts.on township, Potter iso. , :t3-, Pa._ contAning abOut 204 acres ., C. iltistior hold's also in trust.7t:srrant no. - !.301. in Gaines towns.biy : Tiot,a "i-oli:ni - r; Pa., ont.he road reading froth Gertliania. to C-sinen, containing - 856 acres. tf WM. RADDE. svm .ff Err. c. ATT9RNEY4zAT—LAW, HARRISBURG, GENT:i for the Collection of Claims -I:gaing she United StaCrs d Burn Gov. eraments, such as Peasion . .i Bour,y, rs of Fay ';tc. Addresv Box 9S, Hari:shard • CASH pztn? FOB RUTTER, bfr E. K. SrvatiOr s BLOult OF ao . .s-Es,-I.r I'zie Ls 11,66/4.—at. BTEBSZTS' • MU .7:4* . CCC 1 ••?Z•L,.\? 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers