MI 12 HOSTEIaTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH - s,; ITToms. Apure - and powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterfitive of wonderful efficacy in diti lase of the Stomach, Liver 'and -Bowels.—r- Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits Constipation, • Colic, Intermittent Fe vers, Spirits, and Spasms and all Complaints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness . :whether inherent in the system of produced by special causes. . • • Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in its notate enters into the com position of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral, of xny kind, no 'deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; but it is a combination of the *xtracts of rare balsamic herbs amid plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants, It is well to be forearmed against disease, and so far as - the human system can he pro tected by laumaa means against maladies en geudered by an unwholesome. atmosphere. impure water, and other exterual causesMos letter's Bitters may be relied On as a safeguard. . In districts infesied with Fever and Ague. it has been found infallible. as a preventive And Irrisistible as a remedy, and thousands who resortlo it under apprehension of an at tack, eseapy the teourge : and thousands - who - neglect to °avail themselves of its protective ;qualities in advancq, are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly satu rated with that dangerous alkaloid. are riot unfrequently restored to health within a few dais by the use Of Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is •rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable 'Tonic, and hence it wonts wonders in cases of Dispepsin and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless epperieut, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation superin lined by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit liable to Nervous ; Attacks, Lowness of Spirits and Fits of - Lan-1 ;gnor, find prompt and permanent relief from: the Bitters. The testimony on this poiut is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Billions Colic is immediately -assuaged by a single dose of the stinuleat, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return -of the complaint may be preveiited.: As a General Tonic, Hostetter's Bitters pro-; duce effects-which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully apprecia-; fed. In cases of Constitut opal Weakness, Pretuatnre -Decay and Debility and Deerepid tude arising from 'Old Age„-it exercises thej electric influence. lu the eonvaleseent stages i of all diseaSes it operates 85 a de:ighifal inr vigoraut. When the powers of satire are re= lased. it operates to-re-enforce aad re-estab s ' Bah them. Last, but not least, it is the cal; safe Sam', pleat, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid elements present more or lets-in all; the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. The immense increase in the sale of lit stet teir's Bitters, both at home:and abroad, during qe past year proves that the world, while it obevs the Scriptural injunction to "try All thin l i4." only -Holds fw.t to that which is good." Spurious preparations, like poisonous fungi, are continually springing up, but their character 'is soon discovered, and they are like worthies; weeds away" On the -other hand;a great antidote that performs all It promises, nn•l even more than its proprie fiors claimed for it on its introduction, "is not for a day, hot for all time." laruify medicine has been so universally it may be. truly added, deservedly popa lar with the intelligent portibn of the commu nity, as fliyitetter's Bitters. Prepared by liopvma z S. I, Pitts- P:r. Sold Eli• all Druggists, ocers 4and ..‘'toreLeepers everywhere. „el kg ' 7 :/' 1.) : / a- / • e 4 / . ofidigna i • 4101. The Buffalo Keroantile College CORNER OF MAIN AND SENECA STREETS. 'ls an important link in the INTERNATIOI)AL , CHAIN ocCollege, located hi NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA . BBOoKLYN, ALBANY, ' TROY CLEVELAND, DETQOIT, !rnicAoo, TORONTO. PUPT;.,AND Al .S , :thol.trAtip i. , stletl from the littilltio legs, entitle.: the Itoitler to attentt either oral, tits .legei for an unlimited dine. Clic Design of [nese part to young men end ladies. a thurongh t , practical huAness education, _ _ THEORETIC A.l, DEPAiII'IIENT In thiA department stildeitts receive thorn instruction in the rudiments or renmanitim. 11.30k-Keeping, M.a.theinaties, and Cutninei:cial PRACTIC AL DEPARTMENT Here the student buys and sells Merchan 'Aiise, Stocks. Real Estate, &.c., as iu actual 'broiness. Two Banks have been established in this department, which enables the strident to deposit his cash. get his paper discounted, and transact...all business incidental to a gen *rat trade. TELEGTIAPITING Students may bee, m; good operators here in a short time. PENMANSHIP The Spencerian System of Penmanship, is taught - by competent and experienced teachers Scholarship, payable in advance, $4O. College open day and evening : no %mention. Resident Prinidpal nt Buffalo, J. C. BICYANT For further information, please call 'at the College roonis,*.Or send for Catalogue and Cir solar enclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT Sl' STRATTON, Buffalo, N. Y, ME IVIEAT 3.YIARICET ! MITE subscriber is now ready'to furnish all kinds of Meat at the very lowest rates. Xhosa wanting winter meat, and intending to boy it by the quarter, can be assured that he will sell it at' the same prices as sold by the Farmer & "Beat Market is needed in the plare4et . itibe so patronized as to insure its contindance. Lumbermen wanting large quantities of. Beef ren he nrenmmorla red ni it low rums. .1041 , 1/ H SHAFFER: Geldmperk ltev. 2; 1858.—ammo: • `GENUINE PREPARATIONS. CONFOUND FLUID EXTRACT Boum a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the Blad der,Kidneys, Gra,rel, and Drepsigal Swelljnes. This medicine increases the, power ,of Dikes don, and excite the Absorbents into-healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerous: depositions, and all unnatural enlardenients are reduced, as well as; Pain and Inflamation. For Weakness arising from Excesses,gabits of Dissipation, early, indiscretion of abuse. attended with the following symptoms 'lndisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Coss of 31emory;DiffiCulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of,Disease, Wake:. fulness, Dimness of vision. Pain in the back, Universal Lassitude of the Ainscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing ,of the Body,. Dryness of the skin, Eruptions ou the Face,. Palid Countenance. _ . These, symptoms, if allowed to go en,Which this medicine invariably removes, soon lead to Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, anyone of which the Patient may expire:" 'Who can say that they are noti unfrequently followed by . those Direful Diseases, "Insanity and Consumption.' 1 . Many are aware .41the cause of their Suf fering, but none will confess the records of the insane asylums i ind melancholy deaths by Consumption bear, ample witness to the truth of the assertioni The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system. which ilembold's Extract Buehu invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. In many AtTections'peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in ChloruSis. or Retention, Irregt,- larity, Painfulness. oil Suppression of Custom ary Evacuations, Uicirated o. Sehirrous state of the Uterus, LenchOrrcett or Whites, Steril ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising fromi Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in th 4 Decline or Change of Life. Take no more Balsa!m, Mercury, or unpleas ant tnedieines for unpleasant and dangerous dis..ases. Hembold's Extract' Bucha and Improved Rose Wash cures Stcret Dilteast.t. in all their Stages, at little Expense. Little or no change in diet. No inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a freqnent desire and gives strength to Urinate,, thereby removing Ob strnctious. Preventing and. curing Strictures Of the Urethra. allaying Pain and Inflamation, go frequent in this Class of disc . azes, and ex pelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn out matter. • Tz.ousands upon 'I is who have been the victims of qtroiks. and who baye paid heavy ft-es to bi- ctried ai a short time, have found they dvvi-ired and that the "Poi son" , has. by the ~! ..Powerful astrin gents," been iii d np in the sy,tern. to break wit in aggiaval44 hJrio. and perhaps after marriage. Use lletebold's Extract' Ituchn for all affec tions and di,easrs of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in !Male or Female. front whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standirg, 1 Diseases of these organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. limbold's Extract 'Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain•to have the de sired effect in all diseases for which it is re colnmended. Evidence of the most reliable and respon sible character will accompany the medicine. Price $l.OO per Boble, or aix for 55,00 ,Delivero to any address, securely packed frOm observation. Describe Symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed I Advice gratis! Address letters for information to H. 11. HEMBOLD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth-st., bel. Chestnut, Phil'a. Helmbold's Medical Depot llelmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 554 Broadway, h ew York. Beware of Counterfeits aud unprincipled Dealers who endeavor to dispose of their own other articles on the reputat l on attained by Delmbold's Genninei preparations. Extract Machu. 'Sarsaparilla; Imprled Rose Wash. Sold by nil Druggists every 'lmre. Aak tor Ilelmhold'S. Take rio ether.) Cut out the AdvertiseMent and send for i , and avoid ex posure. • _ EXCELSIOR IIAY PRESS. jr kRDER'S VATFNT. The i subscriber has LI the right of Manufacturing and Selling for Potter county Harder's Pittent Excelsior [ray Press, PatentedlBo, and which took the di`st oremium at the last State Fair. One of these Presses will be in Coudersport, from the 10th to the 20th. of December. Any person wishing to buy the Right fo'r a township in the county, can have the Press. There will hi. one manufactured by W. q. Gordnier. For] further particulars inquire at 'the Journal" office. C. W»inwright. Coudersport..Pa.. Nov. 24. 180 pd PRoVII)ENCE. SAINT LOUIS For Rats. 'Mice, Roaches, Ants,j [ Bed Bugs. Moths in Fnrs, Woolens, &c. Insects onPlants, Fowls, Animals, &c. - Put up in 25c. 50c. and $1.60 Boxes. Bottles, and - Plasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, &c.. ••Rats come out of their holes to die." * * *Sold Wholes'ale, in all large cities. * * *Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every • . %chem. *,* !! I Bevrai.e ! !! o al' . worthless imitations * that “COSTAR'S" name is on each Boa, . ' Bottle and Fla:=1::. hefore you boy. ",il - Address Hi 'fienry R. Costar, 4- i:. 4 pri v ei li al flppot 482 Broadway, N. Y. r. .( STEBBINS & Co., V 01,4 I- iz It, - I .....- rime. Cond,-rsport. Pa WAR mnkr•s high prices; Saponifier helps to reduce them. It makes SOAP for FOUR cis. a pound by using your kitchetrgrease: tWir CAUTION! r As spurious Lees are of fered also. be careful and nnly:_ buy the PATENTED article put np in Iron cans, all others being MIINTERITITS. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING PIITLADELPHIA—No. I2T Walnut,Streg.: PIT rssußG—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way HEMIJOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRI7.- FEMA LES-FEMALES-FEMALES Only infallible remedies known." "Free front Pciisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." SA P 0j'1 . 4 :TIE 4, Or Concelitrated Lire k Family soap Maker. ~*fs.w. „ -, : 4 ; 04-11,0. -ft4,'TS• 10-40 ;BONDS. NOTICE is heribi given that fetters of Ad ministration on the estateof deeirgeln - -, graham, tate of the township Of Efebityit itithe coonty of - Potter, deceased;lavi tie.eirgriinted These Bonds Bonds are issued under the stet of to - Norman Dwight of said township,' and A: Con B. GOodsell-of the'Borough of COndersphrt.— provides All persons therefore having _Clainis or de gress of March Bth , 1864 , we l ch that lilt bonds issued nn z „igg:thnt - /tct Shall be, mends against, the estate of - gild - dieedent,' EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or order any are reqlsosted to make:the same known to . , sa id Norman wlght and A. B. Goodsell with state or municipal authority. Subscriptions out delay. _. _. , NORMAN , Xt'FIGHT; •A. B. GOODSELL, -Admrs. to these Bonds are rereired in United States .. . April 19, 1864.-6 t. • . notes or notes of' Nattorml Banks, They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure 1k any period not less than ten nor more than fort-- of the Government, nj and until- their rede. INTEREST WILL BE! of not over one hundi all other Bpnds - ieni. is payable on the tember in each year Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Roads, n they way prefer. Reg istered. Bonds are recorded -on the—Woks of the U. S. Treasurer. an on the the owner's ki; payable to bearer, for commercial uses Subscribers to thi of having their- Bo d March Ist, by' coin—(or in United of National Bunks, premium,) or recei from the date of s As these Bonds are Exempt from KunicipnLor State. Taxation. their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate -of tax levies in various parts of the country. At the present rate of pTemiurapn gold they Pay Eight Per. Cent. Interest, in surrency, and are of equal convenience sit a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lendars as the various desons of US. bonds: In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private , parties or stock companies or separate com munities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the truitcd States the whole property of the country is holden to secure the payment of botk principal and interest in EOM These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from $5O up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and'are•tbus made equally avallablb. to the smallest lender and th" largest.capitalist They can be conve merit, and the hol the interest. It may be useful, that the total Fu States on which i on the 3d day of 000 The interest on this debt for the:com ing fiscal year will be $4.1,937426; while the .1 customs revenue in geld for the current fiscal. year. ending Junel4oth, BEA. has been so. far at the rate of over b 100,000,000 per annum.. It v ill be seen that even the present gold revenues of tit) Government are largely in ex cess of the wants of the Treasury for the pay, meat of gold int crease of the tari , m customs on the same nual receipts fro amount of import annum Instructions to e not issued from the U. S. Treasury until Mimi] 26, but in the first three weeks of 441 :the -SubseFiliilons averaged more than TEN .\l11,1:115NS A *ESL' as loan agents Nye, Subsi.riptions Fill br received by the : . ...First National Bank of l'hiladelphta.,f ) a. Spdood National Itatk of Philadelphm, -- ya. Third National Bank of Philadelphia Pa. AND BY A4L NATIONAL BANKS which are deposituriesot Public money floc all respectable Bkinkti and Bankers throughout the country, (act i ng as agents of the National Depository Banks,) will furnish further infor mation on appliclttion and afford every facility to . subscribers. (Mai 11, 1864.-2 m. - Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the following 1.11 named per Sons did, on the dates affixed to their names, -file the accounts of their 'ad ministration to the - estatet Of:these • persons, dec'd, whose names are undermentioned, in the office of the (Register of probate of wills and griniing,lettersor administration•in and for the eonnty or . ,Potter, and- - thatt the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said county, for confirmation and-allowanee, on the 20th day pf May,at 10 a. m. at the Court House in said county: Dec: 22,• 1864.- The seeount of Lewis B. Morley fr. Nancy Morley, - Administrators of the Estate of Hastings 'Morley late of Allegany Township, deceased. „ • April 6, ' 1864: tie - count' ofd: P.Tag gart 6; Polly Ann Taggart, Administrators of the Estate of A. C Taggart, late of the Boro' of Coudersport, deceased. April 22, 1864. The account of Clarissa Worden - and Barton'LewtiiAdibiurstrators of the Estate of Charles VordenZiate'of Bing ham Township, deceased. May 8, 1864.. The account of A. G, Preshn and Rhoda . A; Darling; Adthinistrators of mi. Estate of T. S. Darling. late of Allegany Toa n ship, decea9id.;- - - 1 01211.0.1kKER,:liagliter. • May 9, 1964. IV year.; from their (Into, ption FIVE PER CENT, PAID IN COIN,on Bonds red dollars annually and Hannunlly. The !merest of Morel' and Sep- can be transferred only der. CoUpon Bonds ore. ad are more convenient loan will have the option ds draw' interest 'from the dec'fued interest in tates notes t nr the notes dding fifty per cent. for e them drawing interest r bscription and deposit.— ted into money at any Tao- er will hove the b'enent of to state in this connection nded Debt of the United terest is payable in gold, arch, 1864, was $768,965,- rent,. while the recent in- will doubtless raise the an tions; to $150,000,000 per be National Barks acting SEEM .Adi'llitifr4tOi 4 ti 'Notice. PUTNAM_ Clothes Wringer Will wring anything from ti single Thread to a lied-Quilt:, rtucEs : $5.50, $6 00, and $B.OO P. Ap Stebbins & Co., Agent ,. for Potter county.Jac 25. 1863 • AT • • 1-1 J. ol,msTElys' STORE Can Always be fouod the best o Cooking, 'Box and Parlor. • S:TOVES.• . Also. TIN and SHEET I RON' WA RE. POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH -BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS,' and CAULD RONS. Also, • Agricultural Implements. • such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS. CORN-SHELLERS HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any palt of the Courity—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldoiu refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1. 1853. 7 -50 COD ;-4 Just in and to be sold just as cheap as the "times" will Allow. An assortment of almost everything needed by anybody, Such as EMI SUGAP. SCHOOL BOOKS BOOTS A: SHOES J.AYNES And other Medicines. • In. exchange I want HOUSE ASHES • F-4 m a GREENBACKS 67 . DRIED BERRIES, COUNTY ORDERS, ULYSSES ORDERS. Most all kinds of GRAIN. . • LUCIEN BIRD. Brookland, Pa., Now'r, 1863 DRY GOODS MANHOOD -110 W LOST ! HOW RESTORED 1. Ju,t, published in a sealed envelope, price 6 cts A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Rad ical cure of Spermatorhcea or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness, and Invol untary Emission, including Impotency Cen .sumption and Mental and Physical Debility, Br BOR!T J. ,CULVERIVELL, M. D. The important fact that the awful consequen ces of Self-Abtise may be effectually removed without. internal medicines or the dangerous application of caustiLs i im4ruments,rnedicated .bougie.:, and other impirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adopted by therelebra ted author,fullyexplained.bymeans of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly. and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thou samis and thousands.' *„*Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, nn the receipt ash cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York,'PostOfFice Box. 4685. , rsV . ' , . . c, .7.t... ~.. , , 1 / ..A. , , .L.,,,,,,. 3 ;I(\\< ‘ i t : -, •,\''7l' ' .: ' v ." .. f . " ~.... /.„ 4 „4„......„....„ 4 WATCHMAKER. 'O. FI. WARRINER Continues to repair CLOCKS, IVA.TOFIES and JEWELRY in, Coudersport, acid keeps con stantly on hand and for sale a geod assort ment of Clocks, Watches, and JewOry Or the very best quality, Also, PLATED WABE; VIOLIN STRINGSIREYOLVERS, ,ke Also, a ftill'sopply of . Fishing. Tatklo --= which is selling at the lowest prices for cash. Every-article sold warranted to be as represented. Shop on Main Street, two doors north, of P. A. Stebbins & Co's Store, ^t the sign of the• 'Big Watch." Notice. ALL RONFST persons indebted to me ave re quested to. pay within one month, what they, owe to me,-to Esquire Cushing and take his receipt. Cheats may leave their,names standing on the list in Esquire Cushings hands its an undeniable proof of their dishonesty, and worthiness to fignre . in the 46 rogues-. gallery.” , ' E JOEII6, M. D. , . • ..Coudersport, Jan.:12,1863 P. A. Stebbins 41. Co. A RE AGENTS for the sale of WHF.ELER -& -WILSON'S SEWING 11.A.HINES for Potter County Yl. Nov'r 18, 'SS OMNI -'• ode; • ---• ' 01.N.STED ' S. - v Ollll. atttention is incited to the large and attractive - stock -just received,.'and for safe asilOw as the Game qualities can be bought anywhere in the cuunty. • • - • We:hara on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, co - ..prising,. BROWN SR E ETI N GS, and • • ISHIRTINGS, • - BLEACHED MVSLINS i DENIMS, • , STRIPES • -• CH F.CKS. TICthGS, and • • • • COTTON FLANNELS, on-which we cannot be undersold. Weitureliese oar goods for Cash and offer th!-ni ata very small advance -• • . l• — From Cost. • FLANNELS: F con want to purchase I , RED, • • ,GRAY, BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call • At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; DELA INES. PRINTS HOODS, SONTAQS, NUBLAS, " BALIfOIIAL cLoTlis: and CASSIMERES, 1' a full Enpply CLOTHIN G. DO'T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment At Jilnisted's • P I 4)OTS.& SHOE 171 4 OR Men. Women St Claildren, in great va ii'ety and, cheap At Olmsted"s For Molasses. syrup, Sug,ar. Tea and Coffee in rant everything in the Grocery SYRUP A full ascgrtment of almost tier . % hi ng at 14 cents kepOn a country- store on hanct We iroel d to keep Goods that will give sittisrietion sell good articles at the lowest livia7 pro.fit 1 AT OLMSTED'S, H, . c gaittrlE, ' . Grain of all kinds, - - Butter, Wool s -' Sheep Pelts, Furs, Deer Skins. Also, County. Township and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid 1 . Al 0111191Ed 9 .9 Condersport, Pa,Nov'r 18. l:9131 lAdministrator's Notice. 1 - 17 lIEREAS, letters of administration.. on YV,` the astute of David D. Smith, late of OsWayo township, deed. have been granted to the Subscribers, all persons indebted to said estate_ are requested to make immediate pay merit and those having elaimS against the samb,will present them duly authentitet.ed for settlement td MAR'i . B. SMITH. and I • ' • WILLIAM DEXTER, oSwayo tp., Apr. 13. '64-61. Admsrs. ESTABLISHED 1760. I PETER, LORILLARD, • Snuff & Tobacco vaqrinfacturer, 1t and 18 Chambers St., (Formerly 42 Ch'ath'am Street, New Yon'.•,) Would Call the attention of sealers to the articles,ofhis manufacture, viz. ; • BROWN SNUFF: • . Macaboy, Demigros, • Fine Rappee; Pure - Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Natchitotes, Anierican gentleman, . Copenhagen YELLOW MET. Scotch, • Ilformy Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scott!' Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch,_' or Lundvfoot; • ' . , . . *, * *Attention is called to' the large reduc tion in pricespf Fine• Cut Chewing and. Smok ing',Tobaccos; which will be fotind of a Salle: riot. quality. . " ' , SMOKING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING Long, . P. A. L., or plain. , SJ. No. 1•,. • Cavendish, or Sweer Spanish NM 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canister Nos. 1 & 2 mixed rTurkish: =I Granulated N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application.—ApBly RFSERVE Your .Beauty, Symmetry id P Form, your fietiltli rand 'Mental Polverti. by;itsing that safe, „pleasant; popular,, and speoifie_remedy knPvirn as ElelmbOld'd ExtMc: 'l3aehti; l Read the advertisement in another eolnmn, and profit by andlyrnip -toms enuMerated. Cut it out and preserve if Von may' not require it, but . may at some future day. qigives hialth and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek:' It sages long suffering and exposure Beware counterfeits—cares guaranteed.. FigK. Spence!!,:f_ Bokuly-Pay Stori• • tlleoulytiietly Gish Store in.C,ind'c pOrt. If you wish to buy Goods fof cs'= , • D A. STEBBVS & Co. are closing. op) , i IL- a' , personsjit debted ti them•-will Wasti call' and settle; before th, accounts are left with the proper-officet collection.—Notor 18,'63 13 - 110CIIE, And • WOOLEN'. SHAW'S, Ell At Olmsted's. AT OLMSTED'S TOBACCO Tin Foil Cavendish *,,_ •%. ; " . 41.'3. 1 4 ' VI "J: • ;I. Was the eiclamation orthe Astri6iiifw whol first diScovered thht the world moved by its! orbit,;, not less joyous has , been the exgawa. ion of those who lace found tin . :F.L.14,311t wherb GOODS e:in be p:irebase'd FIPTERN or TWENTT PER CENT: below; the market price, and yet find them Is represenie4 Tw•o things are to he eonsi red in' porch sing Goads i the Quiditynna the Priiie ;' MM chasers stadylng both; can be beget. satisied with °Or stock tio.n any other K 'ills or ad- joining counties. Think twice btifd - e. hriyinie I - - 4 . DEAR TRASH.' . Now ks-your4ime . 'o pro:- cure a GOOD ARTICLE. "Delas-arft"tlitn" gerous and sometimes faital." DOW! wet f",' another enormous advance in Go`ds, The follciwing :is but a'partlif list of on I:trge assortment: Merinos. l The attention of the TAHies is 01101 to the stock of 3101noes,Black;Brown, glue. Maroon. Drab and White. Sotne of these ere tionght previous to the rise .. , p(11 will tp• sold nearly a• low as present wholesale prices it JON i i Ladies Cloth Grei, and Fancy. Colors at. JONES' • Boy's - Wean .." Cassimeres', Striped:, Checked. hnd Plaids Tweeds. K4!Tituvky Jeans, and COttonades- ot i the very best quality - at JONES Mourning • GoOcis IBlack SilkT. Alpte:,s. Empress Ciptlz. licanbx Defames, Rep Cloths ! , and, Black an I. Purple Goads uf.rarious kinds at; JONCS' - Domestic's Henry .Sh cetinttzt, three-quarter. ihn;t-quttrier; five-quarter, line unbleached; 391'1.4 ;Cuse' and :Sheeting 3fuslin, Shirtiag,!Veu-qintrtee bleached for .Iheets at ; JUN ES' White Goods BA•Ted 4 )111.1111 Plain 4acLut.t. - .Canibrie for Lint:ll. Swks Namle•stA .Iptzlitt, :x,(l MAP LtIV us at JONES' Embroideries ~ ratd , ,s, Ladies Collars, Undersleeret wi!liout c4;llars at JUNES' 'VVoc).l.erit Goods • hoods. mill tab, or li,ints. /61' !WlHits! mint , Children. Slis,e-s and L.alios i Nubia's.:Under , sle-eve , :. n4 C:tp.f , ::t , J9NE..'s! Print s For Cliibifen . , Shirting; Prints, plain Wiwi - , white and attek,blue and white, and all kinds of Fanty, at JONES' Cloths Gent-.' Mack Brood Cloth, excell'ent quality bourdit before :he rise. Cassimeies black silk mixed. 'flack and fancy Doeskin t itripvl, plain. and Plaid in faneyieulors, and Cloth. 114 whole suits ac JONES' Hosiey Women's Wool ribbvd,' cotton ribbed. cot...a: c o ig, re a and white, plain or fleeced. Girls: white. brown, mixed, wool or' cotter, and wool Balmoral stockings.• :dens! home and eity-made. Boys', ail sizes, white or mixed, at JONES' Qves For Ladies. Gauntlet find Band Gloves, Kid,. Linen. Cotton. Plain and Fleeced Silk_ Gents' fine Driving Gloves,Cassimeres, at JONES' • Shawls For Ladies ; Shepherd's Plaid, Br c oche, Long and Square, Woolen Plaid ; a - grdat variety of elegant colors at Delaines Of domestic and for•ign manufMc ttire. Wr can assure bur patrons that we iteliere our stock ibis spring to be more attrae r tive in etas line.than foyer before. : JONES' Balmoral Skirts With only. two breadths, making-it necessary to have hilt two seams in a full skirt, in a great variety at 30NES'- Groceries Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrop, Gond Rio C6ltivt, West Indic and Dandelion Coffee; Bice, Coro 'Starch, Farina, Cocoa, &c., at 1, JONES'. _ . • Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Bat, •Pitint, and-Artist Brushes at' -JONES'. Drugs and Fancy Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye StufTs„Wliite Lead in Tin Can: 4 4, Alcohol, Camplaene, Kerostne,Limip and Lath', Fixtures. GlaSs. P r atent Medicines, Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Pertutnery,Fsncy Soap and Toilet articles, Gum. Hair,.lrory :Intl Wooden Combs, Plitundes rind Colgives, and a fine assortment or Flavoring Extracts, Pens, Ink and Paper, and • Linseed• and boiled, , . .• JONES', Clod:ing Rocs' and Men'eat Boots and Shpes Of every description - and the, beat'quality. it stortishing row - priees, at JONtSI' Wall Paper Ceiling Paper. ransom P.dp,r. Window Cur• .ains, Borders, Tassels and Fixtires," at Xs.. lARDWARE; WOODEN-WARE, WILLOW ARE; -NaILS, IRON, PLOWS, WINDOW ASH. FLOUR,. PORK. and FEED, in tact, veryihiag that the peohleneed can be bad at JONES'. tii of whic s lywill be sold at the .lowest Mei COUNTRY: PRODUCE TAKEN IN - • EXCHANGE.;.'- Cetiderspert.,' Ps., June, ltd Mil 1111.1 JONES' JONES'