p cm; THE POTTER COUNTY'JOURNAS condeseport, Wednesday 'Evening' :ems 8,1884. ' ; Local , and General. _ je,..See New Advertisements. A Substitute Wanted- - See our advertising s _ columns. • List of Letters—John S. Mann. Pension Bounty and War Claim Agency— Dan. Baker. giar Capt. White, late Provost Marshal,who was so 'summarily arrested and placed in prison several months, upon frivolous charges, has arrived at home, having been fully acquit ted of the allegations against hirn.;—Clinton Beintidiecutv• Ur &Tong the list of Potter boys, men tioned, in yoffor paper the name of my son ba.. hot appeared. there is not many from Potter in the 45th—all of them from Pike, Hector and West Branch. Every Potter boy in the • - old 45th is either killed or wounded but two. l At last.. accounts the •Donly boys were all right. My boy Elliott A., fought the Rebs under Burnside from the 6th to the 12th of May, on the 12th be lost his night leg, suffered - amputation above the knee. News from him last night says that his recovery is very doubt- Sul.—J. M. Kinsocass. jork List of articles contained in box sent !Ray loth 18G4, from the Coudersport Aid So ..ciety. To the U. S. Sanitary Commission 'Philadelphia Agency, 1307, Chestnut St.: 4 'Quilts. 8 Flannel Shirts, 9 Double Gowns, 1 !pair Sheets, -2 pair Pillow Cases, 7 pair Socks, 1 Lianen Towel, 13 Handkerchiefs, 9 pair 'Canton Flannel Drawers. 3 pair Sliprers, 1 roll of old Gotten, 2, Hop Pads, 21 lbs., Maple Sugar, 'lO/ ibs., dried Currants, 3. lbs., dried Raspberries, 3 pts., dried Blackberries, 2 bot tles Curr.int Wine, 1 can Apple Jelly, 1 can Preserved Plums, 1 can Blackberries, 2 cans Fruit, b Pin Balls. ADELAIDE SMITH, SEC. NOTICE. WHEREAS, Inc wife BRIDGET CALA HAN has left my bed and board with out just cause or provocation. I here by warn all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contractiog. • t'ATRICK CAREY. Roulet, June 8 : 18G4. 3t. To Road CDntractor6. Imo ESPUNSIBLE parties able and desirous _IL of undertaking the building of the en 'tire or a part of a dug road, (16 -feet wide,) of from 12 to 15 miles; in the South-Eastern part of Potter Colinty, 'F'enua., may s apply for particulittrs to CHAS. MEINE, Esq., Surveyor, Germania, Potter Co., Pa. June 8, 1864.-tf. :Pension Bounty and War Claim Agency. pENSIONS nrocured for soldiers of the present war who,are disabled by reason of wounds received or disease c'ontraciracted •while la the service of the llniteiKitates; al d ,pensicius, bounty, and arrears of, ay obtained for widows or heirs of those who hare died or beep kil'ed while in service. An letters of inquiry promtly answered, and on receipt by I mail of a statement of the ease or claimant I will fOrward the ne:essary papers for their .signature. Fees iu f'eusion cases a - Mixed b's • Err.n cis.—Hon. IsAic nr.ssos, Ii n.' A G. °LUSTED, J. S. 3lAss. Esc' F. W. liscx Esq. .11 DAN BAKER, Claim lit 4. zt.Coaderport Pa June 8, '64.-Iy. 31!tercantile Appraisement. Li=t of Dealers in Meichandise in the county of Potter, .for the cear 1.9(3, with classifica tions, &c. Place. Claes . Allegany, 14 Ulysses, "14 T. Scot, F. T. Solir, Chapped & Brothers, do 31ary,.U. llsckeu, do L. Bird. P. A. Stebbins, • da • 14 Couierhit., la D. E. (Amsted, 'C. S. 4- E. A. dunes, C. Smith; - do 14 7.0'2 .E. K. Spnenqr. do 14 7 J. S. :dean, do 14 H. J. Olmsted, 410 14 7.0 C. IL Warriner, do 11 7 00 'Glassmire - do 14 700 B. S. Colwell. Sharon 14 7.00 A. W. Humphrey, . do .14 700 H. Simmons, Oswayo, 11 15 00 'Wtr. McVoug.nll. .14 7,00 B.S.Coloell,Weston k Bro. Roulet 14 7.0- Mason Nelson, ' Eaklia, 14 700 Henry Andresen, Kettle Cr'k, 14 7.00 Theis, Germania,. 14 .7.00 'Oharles Meisner, do 14 7.00 Jacob Kull, do 14 7.00, Augusta Hepp, do 14 7.00 fredecicrk Och, do brewery 10 5.00 4. Schwarzenbach, do •• 10 5.00 Mrs. M, Goodman, Harrison, 14 7.00 Wilcox ,k Whitcomb, do 14 7.00 J. & W. Buriis 7 do 14 7.00 G. A. Barclay, • Wharton, 14 7.00 .Z. J THOMPSON, Mercantile App'r. June 8, 1864. • "North-west Portage Railroad. WHEREAS, Letters Patent were issued by the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 16th day of May last l to John Craig, William Churchill, Chauncey B. Woodworth, Aaron Encksoo, JacA Gould, George E. Mumford, Otis and J. Eaton, subscribers,to the I capital- Stock or the North-west Panne Ra . 'road Cbmpany, and to others who shill" subscribe, after- after -wards a meeting of said subscribers I -will be held at the Land Ofsce 'csf Sobieski Ross,- in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter County: Pa., at 10 o'clock A. M.. on the 16th day of Juoe, A. D. 1864, to, elect, by a major ity of the votes present, to be given in person or proxy, a Presiden• and four Directorb, who shall be owners of at least three shares in the stock of saii. Company, to manage the affairs ofeaid Company until the second Monday in January A. D. 1865, and. until . others are chosen, in accordance with the Acts of the General Assembly of the - Cornmonu-ealth of Pennsyl'ania in such cases made and pro tided. - AztCH F. JONES, JOSEPH MANN, SOBIESKI ROSS, CHARLES S. JONES, A. M. BENTON, F. H. ARNOLD, H. J. OLMSTED, • GEORGE R. MOORE, - • ANDREW ARCHIBALD, au. 1,1464-3 t 1 • Commiltioritn. COrticted:nirery.-Wednesilay , 14. P. As jBTEB BINS k CO., Retail Dealers idGroteries and Provisions; oppositeD. F. Glassmire's hotel, Coudersport, Pa: Apples ; green, iil bush., $lOO to 1 25 do dried "- ' 200 250 Beans; '4l 300 350 Beeswax, ip lb., . . 30 35 Beef, -,,7 8 Berries, dried, la quart 10 • 18 Buckwheat, it bush.,• 87 :1 00 Buckwheat Flour, - 300 13 75 Butter, ce lb., . ,25 25 Cheese, " 12' 14 Clorerseed 0 700 750 Corn, V bash,, 125 150 Corn Meal, per cttli . 300 325 Eggs, 1 dosti ' 18 Flour, eitriii . • Tf? bbbi 825 925 do shperfine " 700 800 Hams, 11 lb., 14 16 Hay, 'V ton, 12 00 14 00 Honeys per Ib4, . - 10 121 Lard, " - 14 16 MapleEugar, per lbzi 12 15 Oats. 761 bush., 60 65 Onions, '" 100 1, 25 Pork, j bbl., 25 00 21 00 do -- ta lb,, - ' 12 14 dO in whole bog, V lb., 8 9 Potatoes; per bush., 62 75 Peaches, dried, V lb. ; 25 30 Poultry, T E R lb., 8 10 Rye,: per bush.; 125 150 Salt; V bbl., ' 450 do ' sack, l6 Timothy eed 250 350 Trout, per it bbl., 500 600 Wheat, V bush., • 150 162 White Fish, V bbl., 500 600 Cansumptive sufferers will receive a valua ble prescriptiop for the cure of Consumption, 'Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge;) by sending their address to Rev. F. A. WILSON, Williamsburgb, Kings Co., New York. • 1861. PHILADELPHIA k ERIE RAILROAD.— This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has neen leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and s nder their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (21P miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western ITOSS OF PASSESGOR TRAIN'S AT ESIP0hIU11: Leave Eastward. Express Train, 3 50 P. M. • Leave Westward. Accammodation Train. 1 30 P. M. I Cars run thrimgh WITHOUT CHANGE both ways between Philadelphia and Lork Haven u,d between Baltimore and Lock Havt n. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both lways between Williamsport and Balti more: and Williamsport and Philadelphia. Fob intortiratit n respecting Passenger busi nese. rppl,y at the S. E Cor. 12th and Market Streets. An'jd for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S., B. Kingston, dr., Cur. 13th and Market Sts.,] Ph iladei ia, J. ,W. Reynolds Erie. J. M Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltithore. H. H. Honsvos, Gen'! Freight Age. Phita. LEWIS L. HOCPT, Gen'l Ticket Aye. Phita. Jos. D. Pores, G.n'l Manager, Williamsport Having secured the services of NENRY S. COWBURN, BLACKSMITH of itwenty years experience in England and America. lam prepared to furnish farmers :tad travelers with the best of Horse and Os Shoeing, 3241 e Knives, Butelrf-r Knives .kc., promptly i L. BIRD. Proprietor, -. 1 Brookiand, Potter Co.. Pa. 1 • fortherly called Cushiogville .Itaj 25. 18.34. do . 13 do 1.3 itrings many a change, therefore t have con cluded to ch-inge my system of doing business and 1;shall hereafter sell for CASH or PRODUCE. • BUTTER, LARD EGGS, RAGS, GRAIN, DRIED BERRIES, &c as TEA SUGIARS, MOLASSES, SALk.RATIJS, 'COFFEE. • Also, PREPARED 'COFFEE, MUSTARD, Ihave a good stock (bought so that I am enabled to sell at ptices current before the War) 'of DRUGS,: and PATENT 'MEDICINES, AIso,IKEROSENE OIL. YANKEE; NOTIONS. i FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTS, and ' F I PERFUMERY, are still kept. FLOpR, Pons. MEAL of all kind•. And many other things too olmerons to mention kept constantly on hind and.will be sold for LESS PROFIT than ever before offered in-this market. E., K. SPENCER. Jar4:3o., 1864 PRICE CURRENT. To CohkamptiVes. 64 my stock of Groceries I have a choice sortment of S.- -Gi BLACK, and JAPAN HONEY SYRUP spion, PEPPER, &c., &c va.l WILLLtIf 01M, No. 3, December Term '1863, Libel in Divorce, SUSAN OM. To SUSAN OLES, respondent, please tate notice that a subpoena and slims subpoena hating been issued and returned nihil ; you are hereby required to appeal on the first day of next Court, the 20th day of Jane next to answer to the complaints made in this ease. D. C. LMIRABSE, Sheriff. Shears Office,'May 10, 1864. - Vorce No LUCY ANGELINA CHARLES, by her next friend. JAMES CLARK HAWLEY ANDREW J: caARLEs. Andrew J. Charles, itspohdent, pleas take notice that subpcena'and alias subpoena having been is sued and returned nihil ; you Andrew J. Charles, respondent, are notified to appear at our next term of Court to answer the com plaints of your said wife, Lucy Angeline Charles, find show Cause whys divorce should not be granted. P. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, May 10, 1864. LIST of Causes for trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Potter county, Penn's. at the Juni Term: Keating et al vs. H. Mincing. D Lewis et al I'S Mclntyre and Mahon. James Shaffer vs H Vir May and Wm 11 Smith . T Ives et al vs Henry W Millen Fuller & Card vs Deretner.t Thompson Dickson vs Jones and Jones. Dickson vs Burleson Dickson vs Jones , Lewis Wood vs Willard Chandler Colwell &Lyman vs Chas Chandler Boyd Wilkinson k Co vs Lord Commonwealth for use . vs Ityam , Stewardson School District vs Potter county Oswayo School Distr ct vs Potter county Mills vs Bartlett Ives et al vs Cooper and,Heister , Harris vs Cooper and Heister . I B S Corey vs Samuel Hull - Werth vs Radde Hawley vs Rouen Kirby vs Glace Ingraham vs Ingraham Kelts vs Daggett Jones for use vs Hand. H. J. OLMSTED. Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office. May l 7, 1864. L POTTER COUNTY SS: 1564. The Commonwealth of Pennsylra• S. 11 . aia to the Sheriff of said county . GREETING: We command you that you 'attach G. D. Bla r achard by all and singular his goods and chattels moneys. rights, credits. lands and tenements in your 'bailiwick in whose hands or e ossession suerer the same may he fund, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Coudersport at a Court of Common Pleas to he held in and for said County 011 the 15th dayi of June next. there to answer Wm. A. Co; in an action of assump-it damages not •eding three hundred dollars, and have then and there tilts writ. , Witness the arable ' ROBERT G. WHITE, President andee .ur said Court at Coudersp:ar, this II th of,Mity. A. D. 1863. . I ct Rev. Stamp.) . . H. J OLMSTED, "Prothonotary. tee. 26, 1863. on motion of W. B. Graves, !ntiirs Attorney, the Court direct publics of the writ. in this case by six successive I• rtisements in the Parma JornnAt.. - the Court. H. J 01.M.STF,D, Pr.,th'y exc.! Hot of dry (50 Administrator's Sale. virtue of an ordet issued out of the Or phan's Court of Potter county. Penn'a, to us directed. we will expose tu public or outcry, at Court Rouse in the Duro' mdersport. on TUESDAY, /UNE 21, 1864, and sale of C, at 1 o'clock, P. 4,. the following real estate, des.ribed as follows, to wit: B gineng at the north-east corner of lot No. c 4 of the allotment of lands of it bent, in ector tp, in said county. being the lot owl-, veld to B. F. Wilber on the 18th day of Feb 185 thence east by line of lots No. 107 &25 160 rods to the east line of Potter -co., thence south by said line 106 rods to the north east corner of lot No. 36. thence west 160 rods to the south-east corner of the aforesaid lot No. 34, thence north 106 perches to the, place of beginning; containing One Hundred acres and allowance more or leSs, and being. lot No. 35 on the map of the lanais of H. H. Dent in Hector tp.. in said county and being part 6f Warrant:No 1367, about Seventy acres of which - are improved, with seventy-five to one hundred beari-g apple trees. one °small frame house and two frame barns thereon. The interest of Samuel Carlin.-dec'd. in the above descrihed real estate only to he sold. FRANCIS STRANG. Administrator of the estate of Samuel Carlin dec'd. Coudersport, Idly 10, 1864. 186 i Dr. A. FRENCH's , . CELEBRATED I TONIC BITTERS ARE becoming the most popular Medicine circulation for the cure of • LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, •JAUN DICE, DEBISITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, anal WEAKNESS of the STOEACH, and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It isl also gaining a great reputation in the , CURE of DIPTHERIA. Prinnipal Office, Coudersport, Po.ter Co., Pa PAW FUR BUTTER, t) by E.,IFL. Spencer. RE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE T lof an Invalid. Published for the benefit, and as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Manhood. ere-. supplying at the same time the means of self•euit. — By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injurythro' medicathumbugnnd quackery eitclosing a post-paid addressed envelope single copies mar be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq., .Bedford. Kings etii:nty. N. Y. PLOoll OF ROSES,--for the La II dies.—Lt STEBBINS' DR. TOBIAS' VENITIAN HORSE LINIMENT. 1; Pint bottles at fifty cents, cures lame-. I pass, cats, galls, cholic. &c. Read The follogring; Dr. Tt.BIAS: We have. used for the past year your Rorie Liniment fur lameness ; kicks, bruises, colic and cuts. and in ever instance found it the best article-1 ever tried in this circa's company. Please send six dozen bat ] i les, sit as the only liniment wy use ,now We hare 108 horses, some very valuable, and do not want to leave town without it HYATT FROST, Manager VanAmburg Sc Co's. Xenagelle, Sold by all druggists. • , Office, 56 Cortlemit Street, New York. A . SOAPAuestion Settled l Inquire nt . . .Diverce Notice. ce. No. 69, Dec. Terra 1863. Libel in Di vorce. To trial List. BOSTON. July 7. 1860 Weir" l IRENE Spring Goods ! ! P. A. STEBBINS Co., Have just received from New York 4 a large stock of seasonable Goods which 'they %ill sell as low as any bonze in the County I con sistiug of etaks in all varieties •is DRESS GOODS.- - DZLAINES ) POPLINS, ALPA CA'S, MOZANBI:GUES, PLAID POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. CLOAKS, CLOAKING'S', CASSL4!ERES, SLIAWLS, SUN 6 - 11BRELL4S, &c Full stock Mix's FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! ALSO BaoTs & mop, BATS 4 c4osl &c , &t. ottora srock OP GROC ERIE S, _ ALWAYS ON HAND Tea from 75 cts to $2 per pound 1, L S'rELIBINV & Corner Main and Second Streets CituAtrapxt, Kay:ll, 1864,•17:. Nod Veal - one: A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT A Pure Tonic; . Dr. Ho °nand's German. Bitters, Dr. O. M. Jackson, Philida.Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CUES LIVER. COMPLAINT, _ . DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all -diseases arising :from a disordered Liver or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness Or Blood to the Head,Acidity of the S toma ch, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,Ful- I. ma or weight in the 'Stomach, Sout.' I: Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at • the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming, of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart,Chok ing or Suffocating sensations when in a ly ing postdre, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Per spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. 4te., Sudden Flushes of Heat LBorning hi the Flesh. Constant Imagi nings of Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEBS Are not a new and untried article, but tiara stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American. public; and their reputation and sale, are not rivaled by any similar prepara don. - . The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent CLERGYIkIEN, LAWYERS. - , PHYSICIANS, and . CITIZE.NS. Testifying of their own personal , knowledge, to, the beneficial effects and - medical virtues of these Bitters. ATTENTION,. SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that 4EIOOE LAND'S German Bitter?' will cure nine tenths of the _diseases induced 131 „exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists. published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it'will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from de bility. Etery case of that kind can be read ily cured by Hoofiand's Germat Bitters.— Diseases resultino• from disorders of the diges tive organs are speedily removed. We hare no hesitation in stating that. if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiiirs, bun dreds of, lives might be saved that other wise will - be lost. We,call particular attention to the follow ing remaikable and well authenticated cure of one of t'ae nation's heroes, u-hose life, to use his own language, "has been saved by the Bitters FmtxDF..rtrlA, _ktg. 23, 1863. MESSRS. JC/NLS gentlemep, your Hoofland German Bitters has saved my lute. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names' are appended, and who were fully eonizant of all the circumstances of my case. I'am. and hare been for the last four years, a member of ShermaWs celebrated battery. And under. 'the immediate corn mand of Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous duties, I was attacked in November last with infiam anon of the lungs, and was for seventy-two I days in the hospital. This was followed, by Igreat debility, heightened by an attack' of! Be it resnived 1.7,1 the, &awed - rid-Hume of Rel.- !dysentery. I was then removed frOm the 1 l';'-'3entatirel of the Commonwealth of Perututra- White House, and sent to this' city On boardl"' in Gcnfra'. Assenadyinet, That the following the Steamer -State Of. Maine." fram which 1' amendments he proposed to the Constitution landed on the 28:h of J tine. fsin•:e that time' of the Coin4nwealtli, in accordance with tho I have been about as low as any one could be Foiisions o..the tenth article thereof: and still retain a spark of vi:alitv - , For a i There shall be an ,additional section to the - • ( week or more I was srarcel.r. able to s-.•::allow ; third article of the Constitution, to be-desig-, anything. and if I did furce"a Morsel (lowa. it ;noted as section four, as followS: was immediately thrown up again. I • -SEcrios 4. Whenever any of the qualified I could not even keep a glass of Water on electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any stomach; Life could not last under sued! actual military service, under a requisition circumstances ; and, accordingly the physi_ I frOm the President of the United States, or by clans who had been working faithfully, the' i the authority of this Commonwealth, inch unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp! electors may exercise the right•of suffrage in of the dread Archer, frankly told me they' elections by the citizens, under such regn could do no more for trre, and advised me to 'mimis as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, see a clergyman, and to make such dispose-as fully as if they were present at theik usual tion of my limited funds as best sailed. me I placeof election." Aw Rego:lir:Pince who visited me at the lios- I I &moos .2 . . There shall be two additional pital. Mr. Frederick Sic inbiont of sixth beloy,7l sections to the eleventh articirof the Corm' - Arch Street. advised mc, as a forlornho.y., ! ! tution ' to be designated as sections eight, and. . I•- to try your Bitters, .111 d Mealy procu'red a ; urns, e:-S' follows: , ' , bottle. From :be time I commenced taking! "6:lc:Nos S. No bill shall bepassed by the them the gloom Y-shadow of death reer e d e ,i s lLegislature, containing more than one suLjett. and lam no.y. thank God for P. getting bet-1 which shall be clearly expressed in the-title, ter. Though I :rare taken tint two bottles, f l except appropriation bills." hate gain. .1 ern pounds, and I feel sanguine r "Szcrios 9. No bill shall be passed by the of 'being. 7ermitted to rejoin. my wife aedl Legislature gra:l4n any powers, or privi daughter, from wh,m I have.jreard nothing! leges, in •any case, where the authority to for eiemeen months ; for. gentlemen. I, am a!grant such pOweri, or privileges. has been,or loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front (nay hereafter be t conferred upon the•cotals 11Lp:1. To your invaluable Bitters I owel the of tlaislComtuentrealth." certainty of life which-has taken the place of ~ HENRY C. ;MEMOS vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the :.Spealer of the House of BePruvitatiris. glorious privilege of again' ;clasping to my -JOHN P. PENNY. "bosom those who are dearest to -me in life. ! ' • L Speaker of the. Sprats. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. OFFICE - OF TS:a SECRETARY - Of. T11:1; We fully 'concur in the truth of the above' COMI.MONWEALTH, Statement, as we had des; air , (l,Bf seeing our HahrosscaciApril -25.1E64. .comrade, Mr. :Malone. restored to health. ( Pennsylvania, iss-: 1 Sohn- CudGlebrick, lit New Wric Battery. i 4 , e-A-. I do hereby certify that the forego •George A. Ackley. Co. C, llth Maine; l i . L S. ing is a full, true and cc , rrect4rci- ~ Lewis Chevalier. 92d New York 1 -..--) of the original Jiiint.'llesolutiWe of 1. E. Spencer, Ist Artillery, Battery F..! !the General Assembly, entitled "A JOitit sees- J. B. Fasewell, Co. B. 2d Vermont. !Motion proposing certain A i nseudruents . to tlla ; Iletal7 B. Jerome, Co B, do. ; Constitution," as the same ;remains on file in Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C. 6t -t Maine. this office. John F. Ward, Co. E. sth Ma;ae. . • Is Tzsynsosv whereof, I have hereunto - set my Herman Koch: Co. H. 724 New York. ! 1 hand and caused the eel I d the Secretary's . Nathaniel B. Thomas. Co. 'F,'sslh Penn. - ! Ake to be affixed, - the day and year above Andreve - J. Rimball, Co. 4. 3d Vermcdt, ' I written. , - ELI SLIFER. ' John Jenkins, Co. B. I.o' - e,:b 'Pen•-.„ . ' I Secreprry of the Uors.-aentreWi„ BEWARE OF IOUNTERFEITS l . The above Resolution haring been a;,Yreed to by a majority iof -the members of -each See that the signa•oire of i•C M JACKSON,' ! House, at too successive session., of tile Gen __ ii on the Wrierpra. of each bottle. eral AsseMblY of this Contmotin - ealth:thepro- I PRICES :• - posed e.m.enduient4 will be stibtois.tod . to the Large Size (11 , 41 ding nearly double quantity) I people.; for their,ad rr eptio or rejection, on the x. 1.00 per Bottle—balf doz. 5.5.00 I FIRST TUESDAY OF ;AUGCST i in Lie) year of oar Small Size-,---75 eta. pr Boitle—half dos.; $4 00 I Lord one thousand -eight liundred.and sixty- Shotil a your nearest druggist nat have the 0ur..i,4 accordance with'the :provisions of the tent": article of the Constitution. and the set article, do not be put off by any of tl e intax• icm.i.ng preparations that; may:be offered in iti i entitird "An Act !priscribing the time ire! ple,ce, but send to us, and we will forward, ' manner ,of submitting to the people, for their secttrely packed, by express. , approval and ratification or rejection, the pr O.- , . ;: • posed amendatentd to the Constitution," ap- PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND . MANUFACTORT proved!Ahe twenty-third day of April, one .. jilt). 631 Arch Street. : thousand eight hundred and sixty--for'. - ELI :.-.1,,i:rt.,8., ' JONE S '-&-. E VANS. • , •' ! Semiary of the Com.oarsealds. • (Successors to C. M. JACKSON & Co.) Mar14,1854.-te PROPRIETORS. -I -"' - FOR sale by Druggists arid Dealers, in every lows in the lifiiiind Stains. CLOTLIS, I , IMIMMiI 11=1 PRZPAUED BY .` ( Adtainistra * tau Noticitt ETTERS off administration on tbs - estate IA of Thomas Stritham, late of Harrison tp., deceased, hating been granted to the under. signed, notice is hereby given that all persona knowingrhemselves inpebted are ' requested to make immediate payment and those hiring claims to present them dtily authenticated for settlement. ANN iSTRATRAM, EDWIN STILLTHAIL Mliy 4 1864.2,6 t. Couri Proclamaticin. WHEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White, Presideit Judge, and the moons. C. S: Jones and G. GI Colvin, Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace; Orphans' Court and Coart of Common Plus for the county- of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the twenty-first day of Dee,r, in the year -of our Lora one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-three, sad to ms directed, fur holding a court of Oyer& Termi ner and General . Jail Delivery, Quarter Su stain of the Pealce, Orphan's court, and coast of Common Plmis in the Borough of Couders port, on ' MONDAY, the 2dth day . of June, next, end to continue one week: • r, - Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of. the. Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A.M. of said day, with their rolls, records, Inquisi tions, examinations, and other remembrances,, to do those things which to their offices ap pertain to be done. And those who ate bound by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter. are to be then Ind there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Coudersport, Slay 4, 1864, and. the Seth year of the Independence of the United States of America. D. C. LARRAIIER. To All Whm it May Concern. By information, this day received from the A. A. Provost Mitrsbal General of Pennsj•lva nia, it has been ascertained that a large num ber of Soldiers are credited to thelSth Mili tary District ,of .Pennsylvania, or counties therein, at large., Without a designation of particular localities. The number thus cred ited at large, will be distributed to the spec ial credits of Sub r Districts establishing claims to proportionate and additional credits. The representatives of the several Sub-Dis tricts in this District, are required to predate before . the Board of Enrollment, without de , satisfactory- evidence that their Sub-Dia tricsts are eutitled to credits in addition to thoSe already assigned. Evidence:- "Additional cilFdits to Sub-Districts waits assigned upon the evidence of original aid supplementary 3,l . ,Usicr-in Roll, or certificates of Cr; S. 31tisteritig Officers, or officers detailed on ree:uiting, :eri:ice for the Regular Army, on the different Ruards of Enrollment." • "Credits not assigned by Muster. ..in RoD, or by Supplementary Rt,lls, or by the exhilks ' furni.lied Provost Marshal Gen , eras of Pentisylvecnia to this office, to partic i uiar Sub-Districf or localities belonging to Sub-District, •-but to Districts, counties,-or cities at large, may be assigned to Sub-Disu tr.cts'trithin the respective districts, counties; or cities, provided, that sufficient evidence be given in each case, that the Sub- District chiming the credit has either paid a local bounty to the recruit for which the credit is !chtiteted, or is the , actual 'resilience of 51/ttl soldier wad that the recruit was not paid io&Li bounty from any other Sub , .District or cotriftv." This notice has; reference only to men a listed or re-entistedlsince the last limp. WM. H. FLAIR! Capt. & Pro. Marshal: R HAWLEY, Commissiooer. T. F. bUSCAN Scar,. of &lard,. May 4. 181:4.-2t.1 A Joint Resolution propt certain amendments to Constitution.' CIASEI PAID FOE EGGS. tiy E. B. Tin"tetra MO. WM NM