The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 08, 1864, Image 2

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Coudersport. Pa.
Wednedav, June, 8;1864.
186„."Potter county, with 'two-fifths as
many voters as Wayne, paid only S 5 for
licenses No taverns, or stores, or eating
bowel were licensed to sell intoxicating
drinks. Such is the ,law in Potter. A
brewer or disriller bad a license. It would
nos do to affirm that the absence of licenses
to sell was an exact measure of the abste
tniousness Of the people. Even in Maine,
Ilfider the Probibitoyy Law, much grog is
surreptitiously obtained and eagerly con
autood. No' doubt grog-drinking and
drunkard-Laskin is carried on in Potter.
But, after all, ° Potter is, in comparison
with. Mr:Lyn°, a model county, in respect
to temperance.
,Tbe above is from tie Honesdale Re
.744bli'e, and is one of the many high cow
'plkments paid to our noble little county
for the energy with : which she resists the
tide ,of intemperapce. overruning our
country daring' theSe perilous times. All
boner to those who have made her deserv
ing of this truthful remark.
WASHINOTON,JUne 2-12 : 25 p. m.
Major-Geo. Dix : A dispatch from
Gen: Grant's headquarters, dated pester.
day, June 1; at 10 a. m., has been re
ceived by this department. It states
that about 5 p. m. yesterday (May 31),
Gen. Sheridan, perceiving a force of Rebel
.cavalry at Cold Harbor, which proved to
be Fitz Lee's division, attacked and after
a. bard fight routed it, together with Clina
man's brigade of infantry, which came to
Lee's support. Sheridan remained in
:possession of the place. He reported at
;dark that be had a considerable number
of prisoners, and 'that there were many
Rebel dead. and ,wounved on the field.
He was ordered to hold the position, and
at 10 p. to. the 6th Corps set out to oc
cupy it. We have not yet heard from
Wright or Sheridan this morning, and do
not know whether the former got his
troops to their ddstination. Smith must
be close upon Wright's Column.
This morning the - enerny are also mov
ing a heavycoluinn in the same direction.
The order has just gone to Warren to fall
upon tbUir flank.
Wilson bad a fight list evening, near
Hanover Court House, with Young's'
brigade of cavalry. He routed Young. I
killing and Capturing many,' but there
has been a good deal of artillery firing in
that directioa this warning.
Warren reported last night that in his
fight of
,Monday afternoon, near Bethesda
Church; Col. Tyrrell 13th Virginia. and
Col. Williss, commanding Pegraties brig.
side, killed. Col. Christian, 49th Penn-I,
fylvatiia, was wounded and captured, sol
was - the Assistant Adjutant-General of
Ramsey's brigade, 'name ript reported;'
ten other commissioned officers were also
captured and seventy privates. Sixty
Rebels were buried on the field.
In our center, Burnside reports his ad
vanced line is being this morning (Ist)
within a mile of Mechanicsville
No other military intelligence has been
received by this Department since yes
terday. -
_ _
WASHINGTON. June 2, 9 :39 p. m.—
To Major-Gen. Dix: A dispatch from
Gen. Grant, dated this inorriit , , 'June 2.
at Bethesda Church, 7 o'clock tn. has
just been received. It states that : 'Yes
terday afternoon an attack was ordered to
be made on our left at Cold Harbor by
the 6th Corps, and the troops under
Smith, Warren, Burnside and Hancock
bold in readiness to advance in their re
epective fronts. The attack was made
with spirit about 5. o,clock p. in.. contin•
uing until after - drk, and resulting in
our carrying the enemy's woiks, on the
right of the 6th Corps, wile& we still
hold them, and also the first line in front
,of Smith. The latter, however, were,
Commanded in the rear, which ntade.
those carried untenable. The enemy
'made repeated assaults onj each of the
corps riot engaged in the main assault,
but were repulsed with heavy loss in
every instance. Several Iturolred prison
ere 'were taken, but I cannot say what
number, 'nor estimate either our or the
' enemy's zasualties. During the night .
the enemy made several assaults to re•
'gain what they had lost, but failed."
No despatches - from any other quartjr
.have reached the Department io•day.. ,
WASHINGTON, June 3-10 p. iii.
To Major-Gen. Dix : A dispatch dated
yesterday, at 7: 30 p tn., has this even
ing been received •frotn. Gen Sherman
He reports that On Wednesday. .Ivor 1.
McPherson moved up from Dallas
point in front of the enemy at New Hop
On Thursday, -Tune 2, Selluffdd anti
Hooker, having been shifted to the ex
treme left, pushed forward toward Mari
etta. At the.sante time. Stoneman's and
Garrand's'eavalry were sent to Allatoona
Press. which they reached and .held
session - of These movements, the dis
patch says. ; iave secured the Pass, which'
was-considered a formidable one. Move.:
me,nts are reported by the dispatch as in
progress which are. not p oper for publi
. Nothing has been heard from Gen.
Grant since his dispatch rated at 7 ti cluck
yesterday morning: Telegraphic ;cant
tnunieations has been delayed by a vio
lent storm on the Peninsula yesterday
evenine and last night, and cannot 'be re
established before suite time to turnow.
Secretary of War.
WASHINGTON, June 6-7 a. m.
'We have dispatehes from Gen. Grapes
headquarters down to 6 o'cloCk last even
ing, which stetes that there had been no
fighting during the day. . Ttie, enemy
made an. attack on i Saturday :night..upon
Hancock, Wright 'end Smith, but lire
everywhere) repulsed. Hancock's lines
are brought within; 40 yards ;of tbe Rebel
works. The Rebels were very busy on
Saturday constructing iutrenchments on
the west side of the Chickaltocuiny, at
Bottom's Bridged and toward evening
threw a party across the east. side.
-A dispatch from Gen. Sherman dated
yesteaday afterno4, June 5.3} o'clock,
at Altoona Creek, states thai "the enemy
discoVering us tuo!Olig round his right
flank abandoned Ills positiqn last night
and marched off. Gen. 31cPbensou is
moving to-day for Aekwortb Gen. Thom
as on the direct Marietta road, and Scho
field on his. right. 'lt has been raining
bard for three days and the roads are
heavy.l An examination of the enemy's
abandoned line of works - here show an
immense line of works which I have turn
ed with less loss' to
. purselves than we
have inflicted ! upon tbem." The army
supplies of forage 'and provisions are am
secretary of War.
r. Asu.isuToN, June 6, 1864.
The enemy made a night attack on the
2d orps last night, which was repulsed
wit 'great loss. All quiet this morning.
Sheridan took Bottom's Bridge lasi night.
There are no indications of a renewal of
the battle today. though ill may open at
any moment. The wounded are being
sea off. " •
- -
LATER.—The cannonade has opened
on our. right. There is no musketry yet,
but there will probably be gothe fighting
through the day. '
Va - • The fellowitia is a list 'l>f the men
drawn from this cuiTnty to fill its quota
ou the call of the President for 700,000
men :
Sharon owns pp.—No required 5.
Drawn S. Report puno 29 at Tiuga Bor.
Wm. Ward, Eleuzer Albee, A
Jackson Barnes, V. Frank Hitchcock,'
I Andrew Jacobs, Levi H Kinney, Martin
Vanliew, Orbut Sutherland.
I Genesee.—No requircdl2. Drawn 20.
' Report June 29 at Tio ,, a Borough. Gus•
tavus Jacobs, Jr., A - dulphus C. Ellis,
i Charles Leach, J. i*Bruce Robbins, Ww.
Ellis, James S. Haley, Abel Amidon,
John W. Moorehan, James O'Donnell,
Peter MeDermont:, George A. Ryan,
thony Corcoran, Iliraut Atherton, An
drew J. Swift, Chester Whittaker, Wm.
W. Arnold, Laban Robbins, Mathew
..Morehan, ErastuS Phillips, Isaac Byatn,
I Jr.
Bingham —NO required, 4. Drawn
G. Report June at Tioga Borough.
Egbert D. Wheaton, Ira Parker Grover,
Jared Calhoun, J9seph B Johnson, Hi
ram D. Ives, Wm. Spencer.
West Braxch ; ;—No required, 4.
Drawn 6. Report June 29 at Tioga
Borough. Lester Dingman , Got tlob
Traqbe, Jerome Burrows, Geo. F. Och,
Mathew Gross, Samuel friwes.
Summit.—\o required 2. Drawn 3.
Report June 29 at Tina, Borough.—
Illeury Reed, Orlando Cople, Franklin
Phe!ps. •
Ilarrison.iYo required, 13. Drawn,
20. Report , J:upe 29 at Tiara Borough.
Alonzo Ellis, Milton 13owinan, Joseph T
Williams, Robinson, Darius Coffin.
Russel L. 13uni;ide, GeoAtminan, Theo-
duru F. Holcomb, Wm. Fox, Geo G
Outman, Oatavus Steadman, Martin
Dodge, Ed. Jones, Jos Elmer, Geo. K
Smith, Geo. • Kermedy, Jas. Potter, Wool.
sey; Burtis, Morris Snyder, Thomas
Hector.—No required, 2. Drawn, 3.
Report June 29 at Tiwa.Borough. Geo.
Williams, Chas. Carp r; .Jos. Leonard.
Keuting.—No required, 2. Drawn 3.
Report June 29 at Tioga Borough, Earl
G. Crane, Geo. C. Lewis, Eleazer Dingee.
Sylvania.—No required 5. Drawn 8.
Report June 29 at Tioga' Borough.--
George Clinton Ira • Haskins, John Ha
ven, Joseph, M.iTuttle, Charles Haskins.
Benjftwin Booth, Chester Bur:loson, An•
drew Burleson.'
Wharton.—No required 3. Drawn 5.
Report June 29 at 'Tioga Borough.—
James Ram'On. Cliristepher Corwine,
Alien Jordan, Perry Duyall, Henry Tay
AMONG the rare Curiosities to b: es•
hibited at the great. Sanitary Fair at Phil
adelphia:willbe the dagger which Gari•
baldi, the eminent Italian Patriot and
ldii r. earritd with Ilia; in most of his
_rand campaigns.'
S E N.vroas :.Jolinson and IVil.un are
a l .ptonred deiogatr. from thi, di:-.trict to
he Balti•nore 10,nvel.tion, and Col. A.
Gregg and .1. ilati,flow, alt,rnateA.
AN L A Wright,
of ene,t'er 13,irntig.1), ha , furni,lied Mr
Abr. Perkit4. l fir presentation to the
tivntral Fair, , ttleop nt the Pennsylvania
(7itzette; ptinted and published in Philo
I)erijainin Franklin, Post
master. - The paper, now worn almost to
pulp, bears dae April 14, 1763, and is
mainly filled :itvtth advertisements from
Chester (rinwjl Delaware.) .lontgoinery.
Bucks, [ and adjoining counties in
Pentis'ilvaniand Delaware. .
A riot of females. demanding "bread
or blood," place in Savannah, Ga..
on the' 17th' . ult. The band appeared
armed in the streets, seizing all the mod
they could find. T
.e military was called
Out, suppressed the tumult, and the ring
leaders were consigned to prison.
na_Lrcur. COL. Gro F. MPARLAND,
of the,Regimerit Pannsylvania vol
unteer!, wh o lost a leg during the first
days' - fight 'at, Gettysburg, and who was
formerly Principal of the Brealisterville
Academy, Juniatta county, has been.ap
pointed statistical clerk 'in dia .- School
Department. •
We learn "tbat Mr. Worden; 'editor; of ,
the Lewisburg Chronicle had been ten
dered the above position , he declined
to accept it, preferring to have it filled
by one who hdd served his country in the
field of battle. Mr. W. deserves coin
imendatian for this noble act.—Harris
burg Telegraph.
It should be generally known, that by
a recent deoisicn of the War Department,
all soldiers discharged from the service
by reason of wounds received - in battle,
are entitled to a bounty of 5100, no mat•
ter how short their term of service.
Convention of Radicals, discontents, one
term, men and other opponents of the
Administration, which met at Cleveland,
Ohio, on the 31st of May, nominated
John C. Fremont for President, and John
Cochran of New York city, for Vice
President. Their = platform, in brief, is
for the Uaion, for the Constitution, for
the laws, for suppressing the Rebellion
without compromise, for free speech, free
press, and habeas corpus in all places not
under martial law, for amending the Con
stitution so as to forever prohibit Slavery
and secure equality before the law, for
integrity and economy in Executive offi
cers, for the- right of asylum except le
gaily refused, for the Monroe Doctrine
in full, for thanks to the Army and Navy,
for a one-term Presidency, for voting di
rectly for President, for leaving recon
struction exclusively to Congress, and for
confiscating Rebel' lands and dividing
them among our soldiers and sailors.
—The residence of Mr. D. BRAINARD
NELSON on William street, in this city
was burglariously entered on Thursday
night or very early Friday lamming, May
27, and 813.000 in greenbacks taken
from a pocket in Mr. NELSON'S panta
loons, wllich be had placed under his pil
low for safe keeping Mr. Nelson re
turned Thursday afternoon from }Mita
delphia, where he bad been engaged for
several weeks in disposing of a -large
amount of wool which he had collected
together, partly by purchase and partly
placed in his binds by farmers and deal
ers in this section tube said by him.—
Minim. Press.
I laud Convention was made up entirely
of Copperhead Democrats, who gave to
the spavined old political hacks assembled
as delegates all the encouragement they
received while in conclave. In Pennsyl
vania there is not a conrestent ,Republt-
can or Union journal id existence that
will endorse the proceedings of the Cleve
land-Convention or place.its nominee at
the head of its columns. The Copper
head organs will be compelled to blow hut
and cold—one day a warm blast for their
own favorite—the next a cool puff for the .
tools of the Cleveland Convention.
BANK ROBBERY.—The Tioga County
Bank was entered, and the safe broken
open on Wednesday night, 25th ult , and
rubbed of about $15,000 in 5-20 Bonds
and Bank Notes of the old issue, of s's,
`lo's, and 20's. An advertisement will
be found in to-day's pap3r, giving a de
scription of the Bonds 'and Notes taken
herefroin. The public are cautioned
against purchasing or taking thent../.lg
ila tor. : •
Coughs, Colds, Pulmonary and Asthoialie
Disorders, have proved their efficacy by
a test of many years, 'and have received
testimonials from eminent men who have
used them.
THE Hon. Joshua R. Giddings died
May 27th, at Montreal, Canada. Known
and loved as a friend of his fellow man,
an early and persistent champion in Con
gress of universal liberty, living down by
a pure record the bitter malignity that
long followed him, recognized by faithful
service as the "Father of the. House,"
idolized by a grateful constituency at
home, and, lastly, intrusted with import
nt diplomatic powers near her Majesty's
'Goverment, the zealous and loyal old
man passes away to final rest just as his
oyes began to see the dawning of :he glo
rious result for which he had labored
nearly a life-time.
Please announce in your paper that JOHN
M. KILBOURNE is a candidate for the office
of Representative 'or Potter County. K.
Pike Mills, June 8, 1864.
$500.00 ! !
wANTED a • substitute for a drafted man
to whom $500.00 cash will be paid.—
IHT OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
Li Office at Coudersport Pa., 'June 1, 1864.
Miss Mary Allen, Mr. Samuel Atkinson, E.
0. Austin, S. S. Clark, Esq., G. C. Colt,-Esq.,
James S. Goldsmith, E. Hart, E. 31, Heisler,
Klunhaus, Roswell Lord, E. Miles, Mrs. M.
L. Ostrander, Menry T. Reynolds, Mrs. John
Robberts, Henry . Stroud Esq., Sereno F.
aubitor's Notice
x - roTicr. is hereby given that the under-
II signed appointed by the Cnurt of Com
mon Pleas of Potter tout ty, an Auditor to
make report relative to the distribution of the
proceeds of the sale.of real estate in the Case
(4' R. G. White vs. G: W.' Renville of Feb.
Term 1861 No. 32, will attend to the duties
of his appointment at the office of the Pro
thonotary, in Coudersport, on the 20th day
of June next, at 5 o'clock P. M , at which
time persons interested will attend if they
think proper. H. J. OLMSTED, Auditor.
• May 25, 1864.-4 t.
riIELLOW CITIZENS, Friends and Custom
ers:ll2 I return my thanks to you for the
liberal patronage bestowed upon me for the
past ten years. lam now adding to my stock
to select from
.4324,000 Worth of New Goods,
and have opened a branch store at WHITES
VILLE, Y. where we shall keep a Large
Stock of he best quality of Goods, and shail
ever end -avor to give our customers large ,
bargains. We are now selling
,Shirtings and Sheetings for 25 to 30
cents, worth 30 to 40. '
Good Prints from 18 3-4 to 20 cents, worth
25 to 28.
Good Delains 25 to 31 cents, worth 31 to 37 , 1.
Good Plaid Alpaccas 28.t0 30 cents, worth
50 to 75.
Extra Plain Alpaccas 40 to 62 cents, worth
63 to 88.
Extra all-wool Delains 37i- to 50 cents, worth
50 to 75.
Fine Mozambicines 22 to 25 cents, worth 38
to 45.
`Fine all. wool Merinos 69 to 80 cents, worth
$1 to $1,50.
A large stock of Cassimers, Kt. Jeans, Sati
netts, Broadcloths, and other goods equally
as low.
CL 0
This branch of our trade we call your atten
tion to in particular, as we can and will save
you 25 to 50 per gent. Fine suits• from $l2
to $l5, worth $2O to $25. Good-black pants
for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50.
of the Best ani Latest Fashions, very
Fine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Brocha. Stella,
and most other kinds.
Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,25
worth $1,75.
Men's Fine Calf Boots $3,75 . t0.54,75, worth
$5 to $6.
Hats and Caps for •
Ladies and, Gents, very low
Nos. 1 &
Boots 4' Shoes.
A large assortment very low
Crockery and Hardware,
gantt gfatiinto,
at prices far below the present market prices
.-Wtoceice . alszei .giliestsectcon
Flour, ' Pork, Fish, Hams
lea, Sugar, Coffee,
Pepper, Spice, &c., •
as low as can be bought in the State.
Not having time or space to note further,we
would say to those asking why we can afford
to sell beloW other dealers, s this, we buy
very large amounts and are in New York
about one-fourth of the time, and are so well
acquainted with the market, that we buy
many goods low and can afford to. sell them
at home at less prices than many merchants
buy in New York. Our Store at Wltitesiille
is under the management of Mr. E. J. SHED-.
HARD, who has been with me at Oswayo for
the past two years, well known,to the people
of this . section, and will ever try to give them
all bargains for their interest. Our store at
Oswayo, under the management of ray, broth
er, WM. SIMMONS, an 'experienced dealer,
who will ever give all customers the benefit
of all bargains. An early call is respectfully
solicited. - Yours Truly,
Oswayo Regulator, No. 1, '
Whitesvilie Regulator No. 2
May 25; 1264.
Alt. ff. miuss:-•- .... J. c. IeALARNILT.
:-. ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW. -- , ;• , . 1
31. !:
1 1
Adi3NTS for the Colleition :of Claims
Igainst the United Stems and State
rnni Gov
ents, suctras:Pensien, Bounty, Arrears
.of Phdy kc. Addrisr Box 95; Harrisburg; Pa.
Ganstsats, Potter Co., ;Pa., Aug. I, 1863:
MICE is hereby given that CharleP
labor. now or late of this county, holding
the fallowing described property. has not yet
paid litny consideration whatever fa. the same,
and .l 1 persons are hereby warned not to pur
chase any of said property of the said Bushor
before the decisiOn of the Court is given in
this Case and C. IBushor has .paid to me the 1
consideration money therefori -
Tile following is - the property :
Ist. A certain tract of•land near Ger
mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott township,
Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.--
Also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining
Id. A certrih tract of land, with Mill and
lovements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in
'ant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter
ty, Pa., containing aliont 204 acres.
Bushor bolds. also m trust warrant no.
, in Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa.,
le road leading from Germania to Gaines,
pining 850 acres.
on t
• WILLLAYSYOUT, May 10, '64.
T. the encEthat all persons interested may
have notice, and the object in view, a
cum .lete and accurate revised enrollment, be
pro" oted, the following, ,in accordance with
eke. ,lar order No. 46, A. A. Provost Marshal
Gen - rays office, is hereby published.
L The different Boards of Enrollment,
We em Divisions Pa., are requested to im
med ately proceed to execute the said section
of e act of Congress, entitled " An act to
ame d an act for enrolling and calling out
the ational forces, and for other purposes,"
app oved February 25, 1864.
I - They will at once appoint the necessary
enrolling officers for their respective districts,
wit instructions. - -
1:t. To enroll all persons whose names
bat— been omitted by the proper enrolling
offi.ers, previous enrollment
d. Al persons who shall arrive at,the
age. of 20 years before the draft. '
3 . All aliens who shall have declared
thei intentions to become citizens.
4 It. All persons discharged from the mil
itar or naval service of the United States who
hay apt been in such for two years during
the present war. , •
sh. And all' persons exempted under the
pro isions of the secondsection of the enroll- 1
ing act, approved March 3d, 1863, but nal
exe pted under the provisions of the act ap-:
prd ed February 24.1664 1
I. The Board of enrollment will at
one proceed to strike from the enrollment,
upon satisfactory proof: ,
. I it. The names of all persons Who bive
arra,ved at the age of forty•five yeas.
2ld. The nathes of all persons manifestly,
, l
pliylsically or mentally unfit for the service.
3 . The names of such persons as are at
thi' time actually and legally in the military
or aval service of the United States.
h. The names of such persons as have
se ,' ed in the military or naval service two
yea or more, daring the present war, and
ha e been honorably discharged therefrom.
Wm. IL, Capt. d: Pro. Mar..
16th Dist. Penn'a.
, .
11 Notice of Appeals.
eenth tollection District, State of Penn
sylrnia c-i.mptising the counties of Centre,
Cli ton, ' Lvcoming, Potter and Tioga.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the pro
msll. ons of Section 15th of the Act approved
Jii y 1, 1862. that the lists of valuations and
en ,,
mentions of property subject to tax under
th Internal Rerenue Laws, taken by the sev•
en 1 Assistant Assessors - of this District, will
reri l ain open at their offices for the space of
fiftenn days prior to the date fixed to hear
Appeals. for the examination of all persons
interested. '
', will receive and determine appeals rela
tive to erroneous or excessive valuations or
en imerations : 1
rln Potter county, at Couderspott, on, Tues
day, May, 31. 1864.
lln Tioga , eonnty, at Wellsboro, on Thurs
difr, June 2.
n Lycoming county,, at Williamsport, on
S' urday, June 4.
n Clinton county, at Lock Haven, on Mon
de, , June 6. I
n Centre county, at Bellefonte, - on Wed
ne:day, JUne 8. •
11l appeals do the Assessor must ' bemade
•in writing, specifying the matter respecting
tw i ich a decision is requested, and stating the
gr. nod of inevality or error complained of.
IT. S. Assessor, 18th District Pa.
ssessor's Office, 1 • '
Bialaborg,M4.l3. '64. f
Y. VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vendition
Exponas, Fieri Facias and Levari Facias
isinted out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pot
tell County; Pennsylvania, and to me directed, 1
shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court
Epuse in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 20th
drip of June, 1864„ at 1 o'clock, p. m., the fol
lowing described tracts or parcels of lad to wit:
l All those six certain tracts, pieces or par
cels of land 'situate in Pike and Hector town
ships, being lottery warrants nos. 5122, 5123.
5124, 5125, - 5126, 5127, and conveyed by
Patents from the Commonwealth of Perin
' s.lvania to John Nicholson, dated the 29th Jr.
38th days of April, 1794, and named Darby
doshen Saint Thomas Fairfax Concord & Rich
nolond. and each tract containing 1099 Acres,
o 6594 acres in all, and being the same as
conveyed by. John Nicholson and Hannah his
wife by deed dated the 18th day of March; A.
4 1795, to John Ashley, and recorded among
the land records of Potter county in Deed Book
11 page 147 &c., excepting one niece contain
ing 100 acres heretofore conveyed to E.S. Mor
ton, one piece containing 30 and i acres con
veyed to S. EL Martin, and one piece contain
ing 72 and iths acres conveyed to Wm. Mc-
Dougall. [
.il Upon which tract of land are the following
improvements, viz. On warrant No 51.27 One
Irit of about 5 acres improved with 2 frame
houses, one frame barn, one blacksmith shop,
and one saw mill, now occupied by widow
Impson ; one ,lot4of about 2 acres improved,
with one log house and one board shanty
thereon, now occupied by S. Darrow: one lot
df about 20 acres improved, with one frame
house, one board shanty and some fruit trees
thereon, 12017 occupied by Saml Docker ; and
'ne lot, about 20 acres improved, with one
c ant
e house, l one frame barn, one,saw mill,
ne blacksmith shop and some fruit trees
thereon, now occupied by N. D. Frost.
On warrant No 5122, one lot about 20 acres
Improved with one frame barn snd some fruit
see therein'. one lot, about 15 acres , improv.
ed..with two frame houses, one log house and
some fruit trees thereon ; one lot about 4 acres
tr - nitoved, with one frame house and one board
alianty thereon, now occupied by C. W. Ed..
inonds ; one lot about 50 acres improved with
' oner frame house, one frame barn and some
fruit trees thereon, now occopied,by Charles
Pritchard ; one lot about 2 acres: improved,'
with• one log house thereon, now occupied by
Chester Ellsworth ; one lot abotit 45 acres
improved, with two frame housei, one frame
barn, one frame shed, one saw mill and some
fruit trees thereon, now A. Ell.
born ; and- one lot about 35 acres improved,
with one frame houge, one frame barn and
some fruit trees thereon, now occupied by
Curtis Mamoru.
ss On warrant No 5123, one lot isbout twelve
acres improved, with one frame hopee thereon,
now occupied by John Rdiey - i - Onelot about
60 acres improved; with onefrwaseshowees one
log house, ode frame barb, one corn house,
and some fruit trees thereon, now atccupied
ti 3 r John Sonderlin ; One lot 0614'12 acres
improved, occupied by Simeon s Ellis,; Ope lot
about 5 acres Sr proved, with - onh'fogs house
and one log stable thereon, noW occupied by
Ai Robbins , One lot about 12 acres improved,
with one frame house and some /fruit trees'
'thereon. known as the Chas Parker-lot; One
lot about 10 acres lmproved, with one frame
house, one log stable and somOinit trees
thereon, now occupied'by Wm. T. Leach:
. warrabt No 024. One lotationt 8 acres
;unproved, with one frame house,; one frame
barn and some fruit trees thereon, now occa- •
pied by Wm. T. Leach, Jr.: One lot about 5
acres improved with one frame hoose thereon;
and one lot abont 16 acres improved, with'one
frame house, two frame barns with fow•shed
and corn house attkhed and some fruit trees
'thereon, now occupied by John Sc..ts. •
To be sold l as tb'e property of Hunsicker &
Garlock. •
ALSO—A certaiji tract of land bounded on
the north by '
,lands of S. M. Fox,- dec'd, lands
of George Fox & S. Ross west part of lot No
146 of the allotment of lands of E; D. St. John
lin Ulysses Tp., Potter co , Pa., and lands of S.
ROSS, on the east by lauds of H.H. Dent, on
the south by lauds of S. Ross and G. Fox k
IS. Ross, and on the west by lands of S. Ross.
lands of the estate of S. 11. Fox. dec'd. and of
G. Fox & S. Ross, being lot No 118 of the al
of lands of E.D. St. John in' Allegany ,
tp, Potter co., Pa., and part of warrants Nos
1299 A: 1300, containtng Three Hundred and
Eleven and four-teriths acres, with the usual
allowance of six per cent for roads kc., One
Hundred acres of which are improved, with
one frame hr use, one frame balm and'some
fruit trees thereon. To be sold its the prop
erty of F. H. Smith. .1
ALSO-4. certain tract of land situate in
Wharton tp., Potter co, Pa.. bounded on the '
- by lands in possession of 'Martin Bar
tron, 'east by lands in possession - of Bensleys',
south by lot in possession of Stephen Horton,
and west by the Sinnemahoning creek, con
taining One Hundred and ninety-eight acres,
with the usual allowance, of which about
sixty acres are improved, with one frame
one frame barn, one frame shed and
some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of James Bartron.
ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in
the village of Lymansville, tp., bound
ea on the north by the Lycoming and Potter
Turnpike road, on the cast by the Highway
leading to Apes Hill, on the south by lends
of Nathan Woodcock, and ortl the' west by
lands of L.. D. Spaffurd, containing Nine and
eight-tenths acres more or, les', all of which
is improved, with one frame hope, two frame
barns, otber,out houses, a good apple orchard
and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of Jonathan Glace and A. A.
::'ALSO—A certain tract of lnpd bounded on
the north by lot No 195 of the allotment of
lands of Geo. Fox k S. Ross, .on the east by
lot late in possession of James Ardrey, on the
south by lot No 52 and land of . G. W. Joshlin,
and on the west by lots Nos 50 and 100, be
ing west part of lot No 49 of the allotment of
lands of S. Ross in Ulysses ip., containing
Eighty and four-tenths acres, !with the usual
allowance of six per cent for roads Sec.. about
fifteen acres of which are improved, with one
frame house, one board stable,and some fruit
trees thereon. To be sold asahe prcpert% of
Samuel Booth: -• I
ALSO—A certain tract ofland beginning
at a post the N. W. corner of tot No 98 of the
allotment of lands in Hebron tp., in east line
of lot No 115 now or late in possession of Jo
seph Stone, Jr.. thence by lines of said lot No
98 east 40 perches, soutli s six perches, east 20 -
and 4sloths perches and north- 32 perches to
the south line of lot No 113 in possession of
Jobhalatteson, thence by lines , of said lot west
6 perches and north 12 and 3-lOths perches
to a post, thenee west 54 and 4-10ths perches
toe resit, thence in part by east line of lot Ni'
1115 aforesaid south 38 and 3-10ths percnes to
the place of beginnipg, containing Fourteen
larid eiebt-tenths acres more or less, being part
of lot No 44 of the allotment of lands of the
estate of S. M. Fox, dec'd. in Hebron tp., con
veyed by Geo. Fox, administrator of said es
.tate to Wm. McDougall k. Mrinoah Martesen,
upon which is erected one red school house.
To be sold as the property of alanoah Matteson.
ALSO—A certain tract of land, beginning
at the S W corner of lot No $5, thence west
by north „line of lot No 24 191 and 5-lotbs
rods, thence north 80 rods, thence east 75
rods, thence south 23 rode, thence east 116
and 5-10tbs,rods thence south 57 rods to place
lof beginning, being lot No 25 of allotment of
Keating lands in Homer tp., Potter co., Pa.,
and part of warrant No 2135, containing
Seventy-nine acres, about five acres of which
are improved, with one saw mill thereon.' To
be sold as the property of Giles Gustin.
ALSO—Beginning at a a' post the north
east corner of land of Chris. Knowlton lot
numbered 57,. thence west 80 perches to
. a
post the northwest corner or said lot num
bered 57, thence north 60 petehes to a post
the northeast corner of land of John Barr lot
' numbered 58, thence east 80 perches to a post
the northwest corner of land• of Horace Leet
lot numbered 99, thence south 80 perches to
the place of beginning, containing 40 acres
strict measure be the same raore or less it be
ing lot number 66 of 'the allbtment of lands
of Keating & Co., in Roulet township and be
ing part of warrant 3921. To be sold as the
property of E. 3, Fobes.
ALSO—A certain tract of land beginning
at the N W corner No 9 surveyed to
Peter Yentzer, thence south 40 rods, thence
west 60 rods, thence north 1120 rods thence
east 60 rods; thence south 180 rods to place
of beginning, containing ,Forty-five acres
more or less, being lot No 10 of the allotment
lof Keating lands in Ronlet tp., Potter co.. Pee
and part of warrant No 2159. To be sold 58
the property of E. J. Fo , E.
ALSO-A /certain tract of land bounded
north by land of Sarah 'Smith, east by land of
Arnold W. Smith, south by lota Nos 84 & 86,
and west by land of S. FhX, being the west
part of lot No 83 on the map of lands of H. IL
Dent in Ulysses tp., containhsg about Twenty
two and 3-10ths acres, of which about ten
acres are improved, on which are one log
bons°, out buildings and fruit trees To be
sold as tue property .of Horace Chandler..
'Say 20,1116 k. I •,
- •
A -74