tHE, POTTER .COUNTY JOURNAL Coudersport, Wednesday Evening Apr. 00 , 18641. 1.36ca1. an -a . ,See New Advertisemen'ts. ' .Administrators Notice—Norman !Dwight .acd A. B. Goodsell. Proposals For Bridge-4. 31. ~iamil on. lir' WOOD! WOOD!! isa!,istel immedi ately at this office on subscripthin.l, Ea. The quotas' for a draft . in Yerarisylva nia have not yet been assigned. Ems' Henry D. Moore, of Philadelphia, has; been elected State Treasurer for the !current year. The Union State Convention met at Sarrisbnrg on Tuesday of this week. _ . e Tire National Union Convelition to meet at Baltimore on the 7th of June.' air A Sanitary Fair will be held as Pitts 'burg, :,.omrneteing, on the 25th day : of May next. We hope 'the citizens of thisWCounty will do everything in their power to aid in baring it represented in the:panitapr Fair, to be held Philadelphia, in Tune, next. Se - A man by the name of ;Simpsen, who 'Re noticed in our , last, as having got I,lurt on the Sinnernahoning, was taken throUgh this place, on Friday last, a corpse. ---,M.A. neglected cough, Cold, or sore throat 'a-Melt might be checked by a simple remedy, !like..i'Brown's Bronchial Troches," if allotted -to progress may terminate seriously. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, and Con sumptive Coughs, "the Troches" are used with advantage, giving oftentimes immediate !' 1 We are asks w regtiest i the several. enrollin4 officers in.the counties of Potter and Tiogi during the emollmeni wid draft of last yent'-,, to forward. to W. W. W4ite ; :at Lock 'Haver., nets oath, a s.t . Lte...!.nt of the . amounts received by them of: Mr. .7kNee in Payment of their' Seivices in Order that any who were not paid what was their due can now rec:i:e what honestly remain unpaid. Ltsr..—A. new stage .7ine to intersect Avitl/- the Z'. & E. - Railroad at Em porium, (Shippen) leaves this place every 3lonil:ty, Wednesday and Friday, owned by N.J. 31Risjr, oi - this place. Persca.s wishing to go to New i' - M, Baltimore or - Washing-tun, will End this the cheapest and best route, er those wisking to send express t packtges to the army r elsewhere Will find Cap. tilt man to send them with. I .! iiitmeet ing of the I:iiion voters or. Petterl county, at the Court House, in Ceuderst:ort. Thursday -eveniig, the '2lst inst... at 71 For the purpose of choosing one delegate to tik. State Conventioc to Lc hold in Harrisburg the nth inst., and three Ccagreszional Confe l rees to meet with ti.iferees from other, parts of the District to choose delegates to the National Convention to -he held in Baltimoreand to :select a C,:uutY Cerumitten for 1). C LARItA.I3EE, dbrm. tEr The Sing examination of Teacher belitl;.] folluifing places and times: Sunderli“ville April 2S, at 2. c:c1.04: P. M. narrison ':.iffier •• r•• j 14: Zliughmn C‘mter 2i, . 'Andreas : 4 ,t , ieme - nt " Shtrun Centrz irtbrun.,l;yo.utu Sli:•• 25 14 ',, ,, i,ler,port Bird School House " 27 , lioulette 23 • 41 Stephen Morton's " O .14 4i 'Pens and paper win be refulred. hlrec -•ors and friends of education are inslit £Daowxer.—ln Pike 4.owtship 14th ins: ,31.iss Jennie Wheaton, daughter of Lewis Wheato-, , , late of Allegany county, 'li. Y.— This young lady left her father's house in com ,pany with a sister for the ,;zrpoie Of 41 sick woman whose husband is in they army, while . on the road she crossed a foot bridge over West Branch to E. Crippin's hoOse for the purpose of getting a young lady the/ e to -,to with her. The creek was up' to rafting A , pitch and within a few inches' of the bridge. - n-Lea within some ten feet of; the shore, on her return, she fell off and' floated;! down about one half mile where her fa'ther found 'her against some flood-wood. Every, thing that could be done to.restore her was' aone, but de'ath had done its work. * C M, SAD CIATASTROPEZ AT Pcat' ALt r EGANT -SEVER-Al, LIVES LOST ET THE FALLINO OF A .BaIDGE.—A sad ald unusual accident oc curred at Port Allegany, 31 Kean county Pa-, by-the falling of a bridge over the Allegany flgver: There was a funeral. pro Cession pass irig over the bridge, (the dedeased being a child of George Moore of that, place) and as ihe hlft of .the procession came on to the bridge, it gave away, and alt :n•ent down to gether! in the water! The second etlild of George Moore, who accdmpanied its father, was also drowned. Three children wefe.lost by al brother of Moore's, and we understand there , were one or two more lives lost.; The river was very high, and it was impossi ble tq rescue the children as the current of the river was raging furiously.. This incident is a singular one, and is bereareateni. upon berea i rement to Ahem desolated parents l and friends, who were paying the last tribnte of strection'to a' departed sou/. The reurainider of the procession' . succeeded in; ! pining the shore,unharmed. One horse was also p . (irOwned. We do not know the condition of the bridge at that place, bat it does seen\ asif somebody needed censuring for neglecting to do their duty in keeping so heaty a bridge in repair. Tines. John C.. Rives, the publisher of the Congressional Globe, died at hisyesidenee in Waithington on iSanday, aftet-i protracted in tt,the'age of sixty-seven yeiFs. I PRICE CURRENT. : 2 I Corrected every Wednesday by P. A. STEB _ BINS & CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries 1 - - and Provisions '' ' ' 1 .opposlte D. F . GlaSsere ; /Hotel, ' • I Coudersport, Pa. Apples, green, -0 bush., $1 00 to 1 25 doi dried, " 200 - 2 50 Beaus, II ' 300 350 BeeSivax, `'il lb., 30 •35 Beer,! ~ 7 8 Berries, dried, /.2 quart 10, 18 Bucgwheat, 70 bush., 87 1100 Bucgwheat Flour; 300 375 Butt, 'V lb., 25 - 25 Chee e, " : 12 14 Cloverseed ° _ 700 - 7 50 Dorn; la bush., _ . 1 25 .1 50 Cornilleal, per cwt., .3 00 325 Ezgs i 11 doz., 18 Flour, extra, 11 bbl., 825 925 do' superfine _ " 700 800 Hams, it lb., 14 16 Hay,, V. ton, 12 00 14 00 Honey, per lb., - 10 1211 Lard; it l4 16 Maple Sugar, per lb., 12 15 Oats; V bush., 60 65 Onions, " 100 125 Pork, ! q? bbl., - - 25 00 '27 00 do ill M., 12 14 do 'pa whole hog, ?lb., S 9 Potatoes, per bush., 62 75 Peaches, dried, `il lb., 25 30 Poultry, %I lb., , 8 10 Rye, iker bush., 125 150 Salt„ r bbl., 450 do ry sack,l6 Timcithy eed 250 350 Trou4 per i bbl., . , : 500 600 Wheat,? bush., White Fish, 4 bbl., To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers wilt receive a valua ble prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitas, land all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge.) by sending their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Nfilliamsburglo, Kings Co., New York. DR_ T,OBIAS' VENITLAN HORSE LINIMENT. pint bottles at -fifty cents, cures lame -1 !less, cuts, galls,i cholic, Sc. Read the following:* Bosros, July i, 1860. Dr! TOBIAS: We have used for the past year lyour Horse Liniment fur lameness, kicks, brutes, cclic and cuts, and in every instance found it the best article I ever tried in this circus company. Please send six d;nen bot• Iles, las it is the only liniment we use now. We 'rive 108 horses, some very valuable, and do not want to leave town without it. HYATT FROST, .Manager Vanimburg t. Co's. Menagerie. Sold by alll druggists. pilice, Corthtndt Street, New York [Commitgicattd.] • lmonary Consumption a Curable Disease. 1 A CARD. To Consumptives. TIM undersigned baring been restored to health In a few weeks, by a very simple rem edi, !Idle,- Laving suffered several years with severe :ang affection. and that dread disease CunsiiimpLEon—is anxions to mike known to his ft•llua-sufferers the means of cure. Td all who desire he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the 'directions for preparing and using the same, which they wilt find a sure cure for Con-, suMptioa,Astlana_,Brunchitis, Coughs, Colds, &c.. Ti.e-ent.y object of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, :yze ,spread informazion which he conceives to be invaluable: and he hopes every sofrerer will try his remedy, as it will cost theuii no thing, and mar prove a blessing. Parties 4r:lshing the prescription will please athkess Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Waliamsburgh, Kings counts, New York. 40 ;m WATCHMAKER. ;,C. H. WARRINER Continues to repair CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY in Coudersport, and keeps con stantly on ha•a3 sad :for sale's good assort ment of Clocks, • Watches, and . • _ Jewelry Of the very best quality. Also, PLATED .W.ARE 4 SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS, REVOLVERS, &e. Also ? a full supply of Flshing Tackle which he As salling . at . the. lowest prices for cash. Ecery article mild warranted to be as represented. Shtql on Slain Street, two doors north of P. A. Stebbins in Co's Store, .t the sign of the "Big •Watc." Notice. LL HONEST persons indebted to me are re -11. quested to pay month, what they owe to me, to Esquire Cushing and take his receipt, -Cheats may leave their names standing on t hill:Ain Esquire Cushings bands as on undeniable proof of,their dishonesty, and! worthinesi to Eidre:in the " rogues gaillery.” • - • V. .ioEffG:a.t. D. Coudersport, Jan. 12, 1863 HOTEL TO BENT. . - T3IAN HOUSE, East corner Main Street, Ulysses, Potter. County, Pa. Can be rented for one year commencing 13th May 1864. Payment quarterly in advance; sealed proposals can be left with F. T. Taylor, Esq.; at Ulysses,"or with the undersigned` at Clere-! land, Ohio, until Ray Ist, 1864. er.C. LymAS., April 6, 1864. I ' : SOAP Question Settled ! Inquire at _ 1864 1864 Brings many a 'change, therefore I have con cluded to change my system of doing business and I shall hereafter sell for 1 CASH or PRODUCE, • .131.111. ER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS, GRAIN, DRIMIBERRIES, SG. . IN my stock of Groceries I have a choice assortment of GREEN, • BLACK, , C' and JAPAN. SUGARS, MOLASSES, HONEY SYRUP SALARATUS, COFFEE, - Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, SPICE, PEPPER, &c., &-c. Ihave a good stock (bought so that I am enabled to se'l at prices current before the War) of DRUGS, and , PATENT MEDICINES, Also; KEROSENE OIL. , YANKEE NOTIONS, EXTRACTS, and PERFUMERY, are still kept FLOUR, PORK, • MEAL of all kinds. And many other things too numerous to mention kept constantly on band and Will be sold for LESS PROFIT than ever before offered in this market. E. K. SPENCER. Jan. 20, 1864. I'so 162 SOD 600 • PUTNAAI • ;Clothes Wringer Will wring anything from a single Thread to a Bed• Quilt. rincEs : $5.50, $6.00; and $B.OO. P. A. Stebbins &• Co., • Agent , ' for Potter connty.—Jan 23. 1863 State Normal School, EDINBORO, ERIE ot)., PENN'A THE SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. CHEAP, THOROUGH, SYSTEMATIC SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES TEN INSTRUCTORS. GOOD LIBRARIES, APPARATUS, GYMNASIUM. . _ $32 pays for Board and -Tuition, 14 ti eeILS Spring Team opens March 15, 1864. Address, A First Class Farmer Magazine for Penn a. ISG4 THE PENNSYLVANIA ISG4 FARMER AND GaRDENER. - Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Agairs. Edited and Published by. Wm, S. Young & Co., 52, NORTH 6TH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Terms :. One Dollar a Year. The sixth volume commences with January number. ; Having obtained the services of eminent and practical Agriculturists, Horti culturists,- Stock Breeders and Bee-keepers, we confidently offer the current volume as one of the best ever issued, for originality,practi cal thought and reliable information. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. For the Fruit, Flower, and Eitchen Garden 1864 THE GARDNER'S MONTHLY: W. G. P. BUINCKLOE, Publisher, OFFICE t 23 NORTH 6TH ST.; PHILAD'A. Teri 9 : 51.50 a Year. EDITED 13Y THOMAS 3IEEHAN; The Monthly Contents are; Hints—Flower garden and Pleasure ground Fruit garden, vegetable garden,=Window Gar dening Communications—embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture, Agriculture; and Rural Affairs. _ Editorial—Giving the 'editor's views on the important Horticultural improvements. Scraps and - Querries—New Fruits—New, Plants—Domestic and Poreign Intelligence— Foreign Uorrespondents—HortiMiltural I.otices With each departmentment handsordeV il lustrated. These general-features will be retained;and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or expense shall us spared to render the suc ceeding issues of the Magazine every we', worthy of tb:e farm. with which his preriotis efforts hare been amply rewarded. SEMI FOR A SPECIMEN Theßural Annual for 1564. The Rural Annan' and Horticultdral Direc tory is .a little book published at the com mencement of each year by the Editor of the Genesee Farmer at Rochester' N. Y. It was started in 1856, and-a new volume has been issued each year. The volume for 1864 is now before us.- -Among its contents may be mentioned articles on the best means of En riching the Soil, on Swamp . Muck and the best methods of composting and applying it, on Manures, , En Protection to Orchards, on the Best Clim ate for Sheep, on Gathering Frat,• on the Culture of Hops, on the Culture of Flax, on Planting Trees, and a hundred other articles - interesting to the Farmer and Gar dener. Price only 25 cents. It will be sent prepaid by return mail on receipt of the price. Address JOSEPH HARRIS, Editor 6enesee Par tner, Rochester, N. Y. The Genesee Farmer for 1864. A ne4 tol- . ° time commences with the January thinber.- Now is, the t,lune to subscribe.:- Qnly 75 cents a year... All who subscribe before the January numberris issued, .will receire the December number free. Address , as above. FANCY SOAPS, A large Stock of. Plain Alpaccas, double width. for 25 cents per yard, superfine extra 44, worth double the money. Good Merinos for 5s 6d, worth 12s. A large stock of FURS, very low ; also, BUFFALO ROBES, good India tanned, from $4 50 to $9 50, worth $l2 at the present time in New:York. Also a large lot of Cassimeres, 6s to Bs, worth 10s to 143 ; Good Sheetings from 20 to 25 cents. . A good stock of LADIES' heavy, fine, all-11, - 001, double Brodie Shawl, for $8 worth $l5. . A large stock of CLOTHDTG : good Suits— Coat, Vest, Hat, Cravat,. Sc., for $lO worth $2O. Good, all-wool, Black Pants, for $3.25. BOOTS and SHOES .very low; Women's Calf Shoes as low as 88 cents. Good Teas for Bs, worth. 14s. And a full assortment of all kinds cf Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, caps, No tione,Crockery, Prcoirisions, &o. We mean, this Winter, to keep a much larger Stock than usual, and sell Cheaper for the times than ever; end all we ask of any one 's to examine our Goods and prices, and you will be satisfied that we perform according to our bills. Our Auction will not interfere with our Retail Trade, as it will be held in the famous block noted for Great.liargains. J. A. COOPER. ; A.ll Principal. PETER LORILLARD. Snuff 81. Tobacco l Manufacturer, 16 and 18 Chambers St., • (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York,) ' Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz. ; BROWN bit utE. Macaboy, Demigros, Fine Ra ' ppee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Happee Nate hitotes, American Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW SNUFF. • Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh Houey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. * * *Attention is called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine. Cut Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be found of a Supe rior quality: 1864 SMOKLIG. FINE CUT CHENFING. tstosnso Long, P. A. L., or plain. S. Jago No. 1, • Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canister Nos. 1 & 2 mixed. • Turkish Granulated. Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application.—ApBly PRFSERVE Your Beauty. Symmetry of Form, your Health and „Mental. Powers, by.using that safe, pleasaat, popular, •and specific remedy linown asHelmbold's Extract Buchu. Read the advetlisement-in another column, and profit by it—diseases and symp toms enumerated. Cut it out and preserve it. You may not now require it, but may at some future day. "It gives health and rigor to the frame, And blooM to the pallid cheek." • - It saves long suffering - and exposure Beware of counterfeits--cures guaranteed. . Dr. A. FRENCH'S CELEBRATED TONIC BITTER ARE becoming the. most popular Medicine AL in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DEBILITY OF .THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOEACH and DIGESTIVE L ORGAICS. ft is also gaining tr great reputation in the CURE of DIPTHERIA. , • Principal Office, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa. - - • . • . - -E - Spencer's Ready-Pay Store is • the only s , - tsdat.)y Cash Store in Couder t sport. If you wish to buy Goods for cam, call at Spencer's $2 I 901p0 WORTH OF fiEW GOODS 23 AT Siininotis' (ARAYO RtGULA.TOR Just Arriving ! The very best prints, Cochecn and other good grades, from 14 to 181 cents. worth 25 cents. Good Delaines, 16 to 25 cents, worth 25 to 35 cents. C. ,IIF. SIMMON.3. November 16th, 18. j ESTABLISHED 17606 TOBACCO Not licoholi A illfiH,LY CONCENTRATED VEGETALTF:EthiACTI • ' LP lire Tonic. Dr. Roofland's Gektnan Bitersi PREPARED BY ' Jackson,Thilailalla. iVILL EFFECTUALLY CIIRE LITEIti COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, ChronVe or .iVervents Debility, Diseases of the kidneys, and all diseases arising From a disordered Liver 'or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Pilts, Fulness orßloOd to the Head,Acidity of the Stomach, , Naus l ea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,Ful- I nes.4 or weight in the Stomach; Sour Eriictations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming Of the Head, .flurried and Difla- cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,Chok ing orlSaffocating sensations whemin a ly ing posture, Dimness suf Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight,; Fever and dull _Pain in;the Head. Deficiency of Ter spiratian, Yellouness•of the Skin and Eyes,Pain in the Side, Back, t, Chest, Limbs, ac., Sudden Flushes _of Heat, "PJPIHISI aad t-LeT5.Ol Burning in the Flesh, ConstanElmagi- , 'nuns fAsing . flings of Evil, atd great Depressions I t * ei ! -- 6, 2.1 . L ava — oc a • • P 1 0 001 9f spipits. . . , HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITtEBS Are not a new and: untried article, but bare stood the test of fifteen 3 -gars trial by the American public ; and their reputation..aad sal; are not rivaled by any similar prepara tion. • • • The proprietors hare thousands of Letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN, • LAWYERS. PHYSICIANS, and : . CITIZENS. Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the tiegefiCial elects and medical virtues of these Bitters. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! I . . . • ALN:D THE FRIENDS CIF SOLDIEES. ' ' We call the attention of all having relations • or frien s in the army to thefact that "HOOF LAND' German Bitters"._ l will cure nine tenths; 4 of the diseases induced lig exposures and 1 privatiofis incident to camp life. In the lists, publish4d almost daily in the newspapers, on 1 the.arrital of the . sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from de- - bility.- . !Every case of that kind can be read ily cured by Hoofiand's German.• Bitters.— Dis.ease.4 resulting from disorders,of the diges tive OighES are speedily removed. We have no iiesiiation in stating that ; if these Bitters were freely used among our • soldiurs, hun dreds of lives might be saved that other wise will be loSt. . . ~ , . We c 11 particular attention to the follow ing remitrkable,and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes. whose life, to use his language, "has been saved by the Eittirs 1 PHILADELPHIA ; Aug. 23, 1863..: • MVSES. JOS:A & Evass.—Well, gentlemen,' your HOofland German Bitters has ‘.:ared my! life. 'Acre is no mistake .in this. It is' vouched for by numbers of my comrades,. I some of}whose names are appended, and who were fully conizant of all the circumstances lof ray case. I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated • battery,i and under the immediate com-1 I :nand of Capt. R. B. Ayres., Through the exposure attendant..upon my arduous duties, • I was atiacked in November lastyrith infam ation of kite lnngs,_and was for seventy-two days in the hospitil. This was followed. by i great debility, heightened by an attack of I dysentery. I :1111S then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board! the Steamer "State of Maine," from which I landed Mt the 28th of June..', Since that time_ II have b l een about as low as any one coullbe and still retain a spark of vitality. 'For a , week or ',more I was scarcely able to swallow I anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it I was immediately thrown up again. - • . I could not even keep a glass ofwater on my stom l ach. Life could not last under such circumstances ; _and, accordingly the physi clans who had been working faithfully, tho' unsuccessfully, to rescue me from,the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told. me-they could do no more for me, and advised-me . to see a clergyman, and to =the such disposir tion of my limited' funds as best suited me. An acquEintance who visited me at the hos pital, Mr; Frederick Steiubron, of Sixth below Arch Stthet, advised me, as a. forlorn hope, rii i . to try S l ur Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. rom the time I commenced taking them th gloomy shadow of death receded, and I a now,lthank God for it, getting bet ; ter. Th ugh I have taken but two bottles, I have gaiaed ten pounds, and I feel sanguide, of being} permitted to rejoin my-.wife and' daughter, from whom I. have heard nothing. for eighteen months ; for, gentlemen, lam a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity o Front ; Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the' certainty' of life which has taken 'the place of I vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the' glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosom thine who are dearest tome in life. . Vervl truly yours, -ISAAC MALONE. We fuily concur in the truth of the above statement, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade,lfr. Malone. restored to health. si John C ddleback, Ist-New York Battery. Gorge A. 'Aekley,..Co. C, 11th Maize. Lewis hevalier, 92d New York. • ~ I. E. encer .Ist-Artillery. Battery 1 2 . J. B. p aewell, Co.. B. 2d Vermont. , Henry pt. Jerome, Co. B, do. Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C, 6th Maine. John F T Ward, Co. E, sth Maine. Herman Koch, Co. H, 72d New York. Nathaniel B. Thomas. Co. F, 95th Penn., Andrew} J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont, John,Jenkins; Co. B. 106th Pens. • - I BErARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that} tb e signature of Ye. IL JACKSON,"- is on the WIL&PPS.B of each bottle. PRICES : • •_ Large Si ,e (holding nearly double quantity) $l.OO per Bottle—half doz. , 85.00. Small Sia — r 7s cts. pr Bottle—half.doz. $4.00 Should yoar nearest druggist not bare the 1 article, d nos- ~, e put off by any of the intox icating p paratlons that maybe offered In ita place, send 'to ns, and we will forward, securely. acked, by express.. . U PRINCIPAL OF • ' PRFICE AND MANUFACTORY O. 631 Arch Street,. • JQI T ES & EV_ANS , (succ s rors to C. M. JACKSON' C 0.,) .. .PROPREpTORS. FOR eby Druggists and Dealers in every tows lit Sim United States. JAUNDICE, lunvineau -,Lxithtso • •• IM O II ,IO - 0 1 11113 / o gAi Pia I n of pue :pusq uo ipaqsaoa ldaq eq OTVZS JAI 3 1 1 N1 P"D Iqa lad 537.3 3 °) 5%-z3 20j. toopt Rams -SBA% 'sapid w.nia poo3 saaravti\oet 4 ",..= • - • .31.104 .6,441641 ‘P 4 aki ‘Pj 4 :4 uonuany ualtuaqunn . Notice. Gritsrs.cia, T'tter Co,, Pa. , tng. I, '64 _ OTICE is hereby given that Charles Mt- .1.11 • shor, now or late .of this county, holding the following derribed property, has not. yet paid any consideration whatever for.the same,. and all. persons are hereby warned not tospur -6hase any of said property-of the said. Busher before-the deciiion of the Court is given. n, this case,-and C. Bushor has paid:to me the consideration money therefore. The following is the property - Ist. A certain tract - of land near the Ger— . mania Mill. in warrant 5075,-Abbot townships= Potter -- .county, Pa.,. containing 144 acrea,.. Also 25 acres id warrant 5013 and adjoining the above. 2nd. A. certain :tract of land with Mill; sad improvements thereon, near Kettle :'reekt warrant 5319, stewardson township,. Potter county, Pa., containing about 204 .avres.. hushor hOds also in irug warrant 5101, in Gaines tawnship,:Ticiga county il:te.„ on :the road leading from Germania to G;ines, containing 650 a,cres. • S.‘ 0 I.3ISTE STORE can always be faced tbe best o Cooking. Bor. and Parlor • , ST, 'Co ES; • Also. TIN and SHEET -IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, • SPIDERS, • SCOTCH £OWL F.RTING-PANSi SAP-PANS, and CAULD* RONS.- • Also.. - • • - •• AYricultural - such -as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, ..CULTIVA-4., TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS,Ii - c. • - • - , HIS 'WORK ,• is.riellmade and the material good,. •Goof and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS .putuip any part or the Onunty—Terms easy- "Reitiffi Pay, of all kind?, including Cash, seldom refused. .'•,, rt Store on Main street opposite the Old Con' House, Coudersport. Aug, 1, 1,5C.1.- -60 I pg. 111.. UM ~. Just in and tO;;Qt. sal?: just as cheap asthe "times" will all9w: - •- • -I•t4 An assortment:ot almost eTerytbing aeedeil by anybody, 01,e1 as SUGAR • SCHOOL BOOKS DRY GOODS , 1 ' BOOTS iSIOSS - • 1 JAYNES And Other Atedicines, In e..chan,lel .ant HOUSE ASIIES GREENBACKS • ,• • •••••• , ;;; , ,-.I:S, DRIED BERRIE. 9. •-•COI7C TY ORDER.!, UL YSSES-ORD.EVS: Most'all kinds of GIIALN • . • '- .• :LUCIEN BIRD. Brookland, Pa., Norrr, 1863. MANHOOD HOW. LOST! EDW.RESTORP I . Justpublished in a sealed elyVerope, Kies Clts A Lecture on the N:gtuie, Treatmentand‘lir.d. ical cure of Spei - matorhcca or Semitnt! 17.-rute 'Jess, Sexual Debility, Nervousness. andlivel untar7 Emi.wion'e,' including Imp3tency.,4on sumption and *eiatal and Physical Debility, By BOB't CCLTSEWELL, The important fact that the awful consewes- Cea of Self-Atuse may be effectually rolasved without, internal medicines or the dasegAtorta application of caustics,instrtimentalme•lketed bcrugies' ' and other impirical devices, it het, - clearly demonstrated, - and the entirelf near - and higtilysoccessfal treatment as adopted theeelebrated u or,fully trireme - of tatich every one is enabled to Cuse.bituseT perfectly. and at the least possible cost. there:. .by--avoiding the advertised nostmeas of the - day. This lecturS will prove a bona, to them sands and thousands. *,,,*Sent under seal, to any :dr -ss. is a plain, sealed envelope, on the rev-gio of siw ceuta, or two postage stamps, by thblre-oing t Dr. CELLS. J. ELINii, 127 Bower,v, New_ York, PostDffice ilia, 4466. i s ' lt .18,1 isxioNnis *a IVM. RADDE AT ' TEA - • • - :,t - .. SYRUP at 14 eenti El EMI