The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 11, 1863, Image 3
H lIIIE THE, POTTER COUNTY J I lIRNAL anideTport,Vednesday Evening,Scrvil, 186 i Local and -G-eneiral. ;Gold is 45 cts.•piemitim in 7+ IA 131acksn3ith is wanted at : rookland • good and industrious workman 9an do well litirLucien Bird advertises a n (foods for sale cheap.' -1111rAndrew Sandberg & Bro.a l it .paying lb. highest Civil price for Hides. .111416iirs, Roberts opens a Selec School, i the basemetdof the Church, on Ifo day next vel.The District School opened last. D. D. Col - c i ord, - of Horner to th• Teicher. • ieutt is expected that the Re will preach in the- Presbyterian I Sabbath next, at 10:36„k. glirCanada seems to .e afraid ) • tion IR the United States.' , A poo girl might as well be afraid of bei to nicht, handsome and / worthy g 11101.0ov. Curtin has issued Pro la ambiance with those issued b idtmt for Volunteers and appointin Thanksgiving. .What is to be done about Patter coun ty's quota? There is quite a large number of yourig men in the county who a+ anxious to enlist, and a little effort might tinily reduce the draft. ,j Thieves have been 'prowlin_ about for some time past., stealing clothes • nd every ' thing nlse they can find exposed. C. re should be taken to have all movable prop-rty ander lock-find-key during the night. IThe weather for the past few been "t:old as witat.r.'t *Mr fall ha markably pleasant—orm and cler was a quite a. briik suoid storm in portions of the county on last Fridii lir The _nezt ,Legislatnro :of stand as follow's : Senate, 28 Unio Opposition ; Otiose, 80 Igniorthsts tQ Bitten ;11nion majority on joint latti l ieL.We want a cord of PINE Si tuedi4ely, for which Cash will be p several cords of "18 inch, hard subscription. There are Tate ano hive p4romlsed ui wood; well now, some of it. '3 _ sears qme evil-minded, copper tnred persons circulated a. story death of Gov Curtin, last week. so doubt they wish him dead, but Wel% fortunes we'd all be rit•ln" I.o.,Suelt is the earitHence. of , 112 the suppression of the Slavelll billion, that the S. rt.'.>.os are no tae rate °foyer Two Millions per dal who 'desire a good ievestment and Government, should buy quickly i sire it, for the amount is limited. te=President Lincoln 'has ord every citizen who has pant the $3Ol nication, shall receive the same. cre ll for as if he had furnished . substitu , exonerated from militia service fo for which he was drafted, to wit, years. cf Ohio ; fellow traito l loraligham, and like him a great stood at the polls on election day a lenged the soldiers votes. There is! la Copperhead hates so intensely as Wait till the Volunteers get hoipe I 1116,..The bombardment of Fort Su the 30th is reported by the rebel pap. Istaviebt that has yet taken place Wednesday ti-Il Thnrsday eveing. 1. aro said to have been thromn against le, The business of apithending from the army has Income quite extei profitable. The Government now fa dollars a bead for deserters, and "del are quite numerous. Fvery citizen i lied to apprehend deserters, and 't the same us received by regularly au agents. `Now that the time has arrive. , n'se of stoves and grates, too much ack be taken to guard against fire otovepipeshonld be carefully exami. where necessary, repaired, while p i • ears shodhl be taken that there is wink . to Contact with them. * Defeo . ' award also be examined and put in o care talon that the cindmi and ashe DOsited :a such a way as to prevent t bility of accident from this source. Z 121" A. friend lit Sharon sends us written b a soldier of the 85th N: date of Plymouth, N. C., Sept. 18, 19 Which we.take the following extract what . is the general feeling up there tcryttbout pnlitiCal matters,' the ad tion, the &aft, &c.? Are the people l i ing traitors to the Government an giving itkeir sympathies and aid to the conk. emu ? i i Are there men, citizens of free norther Sates, that would aftti , so much su ff ering nd loss Of life, rejoice in a final delhat of the Federal /atty and overthro 'W- of the Govern eat? I should judge so fromthe conduct of certain party_ called copperheads. I am almost ashamed of my native country. At th present time when' victory is chowning. oar rms at every poiliLl'is just the time when we eed the tledivide6r !rapport of every loyal Sta e in tht tfiqn. Itsluch trete the case I tell yeti we *maid soon bring this rebellion t terms. There mistake about it, but jos as long as there is a division in the North, jus so long will they struggle on expecting isistarite fats their Northern friends." DR:'RADWAY'S PlLLathe Pillslhat Cure. Inert:tare thousands„ef persons whet .fdtve for yearibeed-dosing -with sernie faforlfe-pills, and imagine that theypannot. live 'Without them. When we bear that :a man has been taking such and such “pills`for years," it is fair to presume be is taking a'worthless Fern edy.' Yet there are many who have been af flicted with Costiveness, Indigestion, Consti pation, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia ; dm., for years, and from habit have used some favorite pill that affords' mere temporary re lief, without thinking that the , pills they are taking increases the original complaint. Now we guarantee that if these misguided people will. take ltadway's Pills that from one to six boXes will cure them. Scald by all Druggists etv York w stock of rjIFIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE .1- of nn Invalid. Published for the benefit, arid as i.warning Ann . caution to young men who Offer from Nervous Debility. Prerpture Decay of Manhood, etc.. supplying nt the same time the meansof self-cure. By one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injurythro` tnedical humbug and quackery By enclosing a post-pa ithiddressed envelope single copies may be had of thenntimr, . NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq.. Bedford, Kings col.nty, N. Y. .n Monday wnship, is Mr. Irish hutch on (Corn In n icated.) Dukronaxy 'Consumpticm a fumble Disease. A •IJA RD. f annexa- land ugly g married ntleman To Consumptives. famations The undersigned hiving been restored to heUltb in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection. and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to make known to hiS fellow-sufferers the meatis of cure. the Pres a Day of ,To all-who desire it. lie will send a copy of the 'prescription used (free of charge), with the directions fen...pre-paring and using the some, which they will find a sure cure for Con suinfition, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ace. Theonly object of the advertistr s in send ing the Prescription is .o benefit the afflicted, and spread. information which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them no thing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON-, Williamsbargh, 404 m Kings counts, New York. ery mate- • days has is been re- Ir.:These different DR. TOI3I.AS' VENITIAN HORSE LINIMENT TN pint botttes at fifty cents, cures lame mess, cats, cholic. &c. Read- the .130s.roN July 7. 1860. 100 wilt ists' to 5 17 Oppo ot, 87. Dr. TOBIAS: We have 'lied for the - past year yotir Ilmse Liniment f r lameness, kicks, bruises, cent: and:cum, and in every Instance found it the best. article I ever tried in this circus company. Please send six dozen bot• Iles, as it is the only liniment w: , use now We have 108 horses, some very valuable, and di) , not want to leave town without it. 'OOD. fin id. Also, ooa," on Tiber who let us see HYATT FROST, Manager VanAmburg Sz Co's. Menagerie So 1 14,1111 druggists. Office, 56 Cortlamdt Street, New 'York. 1 MARRIAGE ead-tine , bout the We have 'if wishes Certificates ! the finest style for sale at the Journal Office, Ile world ders' sold nt • ! Those o aid the they de- Sept. 30, 1863 WAN TED Alrs - t4ate, steady, • BLACKSMITH immediately. L. BIRD, Brookland, Potter Co., PL Nor. 4, 1863. 'red, that i •commu . it there ., :ma is the time for th—ee of Val humbug, nd ehei nothing soldier. GID 10 4 ‘ . • • ;"rl4 Ce:ra) r e -Z . Just in and To r ii° sold just as cheap as the "times" will allow. • -An assortment of almost everything needed by anybody, Such as . TEA SUGAR SYRUP saibor, noun DRY GOODS BOOTS le SHOES JAYNES And other Medicines. In-exchange I want HOUSE ASHES at 14 cents • F. 4 ° 2 w ri) c i • . GREENBACKS a g gt. DRIED BERRIES, COUNTY ORDERS, • ULYSSES ORDERS. • I Most all kinds of GRAIN. LUCIEN BIRD. Broo)cland, Pa., Nciv'r, 1863. .pter on rs as the From 'l5 shots the fort. eserters . sive nod Is thirty ectives" author- 'e pay is thorized for tht IMIIMI Your ed and, nitutar o wood ve flues der,and are de ie COURT PROCLADIATIM WHEREAS the Robert G. White, President Judge, laid the. Hons. C. S. Jones and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer & Terininer and - General JailDeliv.:n-, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' COuei. and Court of Commoh pleas for the . County of Potter, havb issued their precept, bearing date the twenty-81st day of Sept., in the year of our Lord one-thou- Sand eight hundred and sixty-three,and to me' directed,for holding a Court of Oyer and Trm iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses- Sioll3 of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of COmmon Pleas, in the Boroughof Conders port, on MONDAY, the 23rd day of Dec'r next, and to continue one week : Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners,•Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their groper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their"lrolls, records, inquisi tions: examihatidni, alid other remembranCes, to to', those things which to their offices ap pertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizfmces to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at 9OUDEREPORT, 'Sept. 11, 1863, and the 84th year of the 'adept itdence of the United States of America. la letter, , under 3, from •'Well in Pot . inistrn- I :II tarn- 4.ableribo fer tb Zinnia Price 3 cents D. C. LAMI.BED, Sheriff. ' .gerThe _Fall Examinations of Teachers will be held-by the County Superintendsnt at the following times and places, -commencing at I F'. IL - - : - , . -- ' Lewisville, _ • ' - . 'iirov..lo • Sunderlinville. ' " 11 flarrison . Turntake, l " " 12= • Bingham Center, _ " 13 Genesee Forki, .- ' " 14 Andreas Settlement,. " 16 Oswego, - ' It 17 SlKtron Centre, . • - a 'lB Couder4ort, " 20 Bird School House; " 21 Philander Bean's " - 23 Israel Burt's, - . Columbus Rees's, " 26 Stephen Horton's, , c 4 27 Maj J. M. Kilbourn's, f , 30 Germania, Dec. !1 Writing materials will be needed. Direc tors and others and invited to attend. SELECT SCHOOL. r s E. Roberts will commence a School in the Lecture Room of the Methodist Clturch, on Monday, Nov. 16th, to continue tbifteen _Weeks. RATES OF TUITION : • • Primary Class.'. $2,50 Common English Branches, 3,50 Higher . I, n 4,50 Coudersport,-Nov: 2, 1863. - MEAT MARKET TAB subscriber is now ready to furnish all kinds of Meat at the very lowest rates. Those wanting winter meat, and intending to buy it by the quarter, can be assured that he will sell it at the same prices' as sold by the Farmers. A Meat. Market is needed in the place—let it be so patronized as to insure its continuance. Lumbermen wanting large' quantities of Beef can be accommodated at very low rates. JOSEFH SHAFFER; _ Coudersport, Nov. 2, 1863.—autos, 1563. Pill[LADEiLl'illA AND ERIE nAliAti)Ao. This great line iraVeisesd - the k. orehern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania a/road Company,•and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughotit its entire length. " It is now in use for Passeng-r and Freight - business from HARRISBURG to Emporium(Ship pen), (195 miles) on the - Eastern Division, and from Sheffield- to Erie, on the Western Division. (78 miles): TOM OF PASSENGER 'minis AT Estronictst. Leave Eastward • I Express train 3:60 P. M Arrive Westward Express train 12,40 •P. M. COTS run through WITHOUT CHANGE butte wars on these trains bOO% eea Philadelphia .Ind Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Blcgant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both ways between Williamsport, and Balti more and Wilßattalion and PhilitlelpcHa. For information respeeting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 11th and Market Streets, And for Freight business of the Company's Age= ; S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. lath and, Market Sts. Philadelphia. . . J. W. Reynoldj, Erie. . • J. M. Drill; Agent N. C. R R. Baltimore. H. H. Housrux, __.. Gen't Freight tigi. Phil' a. LEwis L. Honer, Gel.'l Ticket AO. Phira. Jos. D. POrrs, . . Gen't Manager, WiMame:part. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday by 'P. A.-STEB BINS iz CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, opposite D. F. Glasstuire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. Apple's, green, 70 bush., $374 to 75 - do dried, 4 ' 1 00 2 00 IBeans. -it • • 1 50 2 00 Beeswax, 9 Ib:, • 25 30 Beef. u• Berries, dried, 'il quoit t 6 121 Buckwheat, 1: 1 bush., '6O 75 Buckwheat Flour, * 2.75 3 00 Butter, V. lb., • - 14 Cheese, " . 10 'l2 Cloverseed ' 7 00 7 50 Corn, rtil bush., 88 1 00 Corn Meal, per cwt., . - 2 00 2 25' Eggs, '.'e doz , '• ' 12 Flour,•extrx ' . V bbl., 7 50 8 00 do superfin " - 6 50 7. 00 Flatus, "11 lb., 10 12 Hay, 'll ton, ' 6 00 7 00 Honey, per lb., 10 121 Lard, " . 10 12f Maple Sugar, per lb:, 10 . 12 Oats, 11 bush., - 60 65 Onions, " .' - 75 1 00 Pork, 14 bbl., . 17 00 18 00 do 14 lb.. 9 10 do in whole hog, ' lb.) • 5 2 Potatoes, per bush., - 371 44 Peaches, dried, 111 lb., 25 Poultry. I:1 lb., 5 • 7 Rye, per bush., 88 1 001 Salt, 1,1 bbl., 3 25 ' do - 'll sack,• - - • .16 Timothy eed .. - 2 50 3 50 Trout, per k bbl., 4 50 5 OD Wheat. "b 1 limb., 1 00 1 25 White Fish, V 1 bbl., . . 4 50 5 02 Etecutor's Notice A 7 OTICE is hereby given that letters execu £ tory on the last *ill and testament Of AMBROA COREY, Inti 3 of Uly.sses township. Potter county, dec'd. have this day been grant ed to the undersigned by the Register of said county. All persons indebted td said desce-, dent *ill pleate make pa} ment and those hav ing claims *it! pitsent them duty authentica ted for settlement: SUSAN COREY, Ulyises. Po.. Sept. 23, 1883 NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, Also, Garden-or Fruit Farms, Suitable lor Grapet, Peaches, Pears, Rasp berries, Strawberries, Blackberries, currants, kc., of I, 21, 5, 10, or acres eachy at the fo.lo*ing prices for the present, viz : 20 acres for $200,.10 acres for $llO, 5 acres- for Siity Dollars. 21 acres for Forty Dollars. 1 acre for Twenty Dollars. Payable by one dollar a week. Also. grind Cranhertj• lands, and village lots in CHET WOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at Ten Dollars each. paytle by one dollar a week. The above lan and tarms, are situated at Cbet wood, Wazihingtbn Township, Burlington Co., New Jersey. For further information. apply with a P. 0. Stamp, fora Circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 0 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. NEW tOODS at STEBBM CO'S. GOLD Deprecia i thlg ! EINII GOODS FALLING! SERVES THEM RIGHT I I TRRRit IS NO SCARCITr TO WARRANT, AND NO LAW,TO COMPEL, THE PEOPLE TO PAT THE RUINOUS PRICES NOW ASKED FOR THEM DT THIS COUNTRY ! TO AVOID THIS EXTORTION. AND GIVE THE PEOPLE' FAIR GOODS AT FAIR P. A. STEBBINS & co. HAVE IRATELY PItRCHAI , ED, IN NEW YORK, FOR CASH , THE FINEST 'AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO THE COUNTY, COITSIST- 1863. ING OF EVERY KLND AND QUALITY FOR • CHALIES, - DELAINS, REP GOODS, tAWNS,. MUSLINS, AND PRINTS, F OR MOURNING GOODS FINE tALIORAL SKIRTS,,! & ALL KINDS OF FANCY GOODS, F" SIiKETINGS, SEtIRTING§, j LINEN, DENIMS, FOR 'CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, LADIES'& GENTS' IiOOTS& 8130 ES STETAINS & CO'S. - ~OR IRON, iIARDWARE, WOODEN AND wiLLow-WAitE, QUEENS' AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF WARE GO. TO STE'EI3iNS & CO'S. F" ' - 0 TBA4I SUGARS, COFFEES OF ALL BINDS, FLOUR, porac, HAMS, SHOULD'. Executrix; ERS, FISH, AND SALT, STEBBINS 69 CO'S: F" DRUGS, CHEMICALS, .AND ALL KINDS OF MEDICINES STEBBINS & I CO'B. I==MB PRICES l" SILKS, GO TO STEBBINS & CO'S 'SHAWLS, LADIES' CLOTH, GO TO 'STEBBINS & CO'S. GO TO STEBBINS k CO'. CLOTHS, CASS' MERES, GO TO GO TO 'lab ;I'd '4iiiiii'ii , DOWtil ..:4..::',.;.,:..L.: - , :: PRICES R EDUtEba '_ • am mow supplied with a FULL STOCK GOODS at • Lower Figures._ I • y asiortAaeat is Good, • consiating l of my' al variety of i . ' RYVOODS; CLOTHING, 001' i tSi SHOES, GROCERIES„ ROVISIONS, , &c.,,and remember that I am not to undersold. • WUOL WANTED, D. 'E. OLMSTED, June 1, 1863. FOTRIJNE FOR. ALL! I EITHER MEN OR WOMEN I! i !NO HUMBUG, but an ENTIRELY nswihieg. Only three maths in this country!.fro clap trap orTration to gull the Toblio, '•bat a gen uine thing! Rend the Circular of iristMetion once onlly, and you vs',ill understand it per fectly. I A Lady has just written to 'the that she is making as high as TWENTY DOLLARS some days! giving instructions in this art. Thousttnds: of soldiers , are' making - money rpidlyl at it. No person has to bo urged to 'plarronize it : It is a thing that takes better than anything ever before offered.. You can Wake inoney with it at home or abroad—on I I • stearaboats.or railroad cars, and in the cotm 1. ' ty or Fay. You will be pleaSed in pursuing i ' a o not ni s, r n b l Y u t because asoi n i , t wi l ;3-iel d consequence handsomea or th ege ri i_ ral admiration which it elicits. It is pretty i, uch all profit. A mere trifle is necessary tb stark with. , There is scarcely one person out of then sandswho.ever pays any attention to adver tisements of this kind, thinkn,g they are hum -hugs. I Consequently those who, do send for instructions - will have a broad field fqr mak ing money. There is a class of per'sOns in this world who think that.beectuie they have Ileet, humbugged out -Of 'a dollar or, so, that eiverything that is advertised is a humbug. Consequently, they try no more. The person who sqcceeds is the one who keeps on try .l • , tog until he hits something that pays him.- This'art cost me one thousand dollars, and I expect to make money out of it—and all hi purchase the art of me will do .the same One Dollar sent to me will insure the prompt • return of a card of instructions in the art. ,he mo l eiey tall be returned to tho'se not satisfied. Address ' WALTER, T. TINSLEY( . 1 No. 1 Pttirk - Place, New York. , - , I—, 1 'Executor's • Notice. : ! - , IVOIIICE is hereby given that letter's execu- All tory on the last will and testament of MEN AI: . E, TUCKER, late Of Allegany T'p, Potter county,dec'd. have this day been grant- - 'el to the undersigned . by tile, Register of said county All persons indebted to said desce- dent tvill please make payment and those hity jug claims will preseht them duly authenti6a ted for settlement. . . A. F. RAYMOND, Execnt'r. - Ulysses. Sept. 4, 1863 I —7-- 1 Dr. A. FR E NCH'S ~... gELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS 4 I RE becothing the most popular Medicine . . hal circulation for the cure so'r . ~v 1.41.1 COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN- DiCt _DEBILIT Y.O F THE NERVOUS • SYSTEM,' and WEAKNESS, of 'the ' STOMACH and bIGESTIVE ORGANS. It Is also gainlng a great reputation - in the : . . CURE OF DIPTHERIA. 1. Princifinl Office. Conaersport. Potter Co., Pa I MI MMI Adverlisemen!.. lILYBSES A C A DE 31 Y, POTTER Co, PA The Winter Term of this' Institution will corn- Mence Dec.. 9; the Spring Term, -March 25. This In!stitution is under the 'direct supervi sion oflPruf. D. H. Pisnney, P. 13:. A. IS. The dumber and grade of students who attend this Academy. and the advantliges which it pre sents, entitle it to a fir t rank among the Lit erary Ihstitutions of the atintry StMlents ca , n pestle either an English. a Scientifie r - or • glassicsl.Dourse in this lnstitition. pteal fOr'Orliamentale, nnder the charge of giss T. D. Piscasy, P. LI. Preceptress: Prof. J.! S...M . sasa, Altisic Teacher. Prof. F.D.LEE'r. , issistant Teacher. For further particulars, wirite is the Principal for a circular. ' 0 R. BASSETT, Pres't E. 13. Secretary. MANHOOD HoW LOST! HOW RESTORED! i 'Just published in a sealed en 4 7elope, price 6 cts AlLectare on the Nature, Treatitient and Rad feel cure of Sperinatorhcea or Seminal Weak lie s. Shisal Debility, Nelrousness, and liivol u tart' Emission , including Imptency. Con an ptinn And Mental and PI ysical Debility,. T e imp i t y rt ß an c ffi T ic j i 6v tl u la t itre Wk awfu l li c . p on.s . equen ce of Self-Abuse may be effectually 'rernoVed wi hpni internal medicines : or the dangerous ap lication of cansti.,s,instruipents,rnedicated bo gies,and.otlier impiricill deviCes,• is here cl arty demonstrated, and the entirely new an higlily.iuccessful.treatment el:adopted by th eelebirated author,fully means of whicl♦ every otie is enabled to cure himself perfectly. and at theleait - Possilble cost, there by avgidingall theadvertised nostrums of the day. ' This lectutir will prove 'a boon to thou swims and thousands. *Sent under seal, to any aadress, in alain,- seared en4lope, nn the receipt of SIN i i. CO t., ' or two postage stamps, by addressing, ;1 . I Dc. CHAS. J. KLINE,. 47; Nei/ York', Past Office Abs. 4586 Ern ME, Lime., for sale at - • GLASSMIRE & COLWELL'S A . Questipa Settled I:. STEBBLSS' NEW GoanSit RA~~ 1863! Read ! .Read! Our New Prices:, Simmons' OSW*YO TLEGULATOg, in putt Alasti 1111 $154,000, WORTH TO SELECT FROM - • GOOD I iIERT3INCS, COCIIECOS PHILLIPS, A.LLENS, DUNN ELLS and other Good Priiits from 12-i to 16 - - cts., fur the best: GOOD SHEETING. 16 to 20 iortli 20 to 39 eta. • GOOD BLEACHED MUSLIN 123. ti 18 worth 18 to-30 cts. • •• GOOD DENIMS for -20 vta. worth U to 35 as'. GOOD TWEEDS for -25 to 44.wortin to 63 eta; GOO . D.tAtSIMERES very loin GOOD BLACK SILKS 75 to SIAS worth Si 25 to $1 .75 :. . GOOD COLORED SILKS for 500U:- worth 61 ALL WOOL DE LAINES for -35iitc worth 50 cts. GOOD 00.111310Z4 DE LAINESfoy to 25 worth '.25 to 30 cis.. ALL WOOL 'MERINOS for jo JO4 vt., worth $1 to 81.25 moots & Shoeft A LARGE ASSORTMENT,vnii if)* - - Good Calf Boots for $2.50 _- Good Women's Shoes for 75 cents • Good Gaiters. for 63 rents -' - And all other kinds of fine shoos low. .. i. ... Clothing . 1 , . ll.* this line of our trade we can safer you a. large per cent Good Son. 4 Black, Grey and albeit . : Cosi. Vest, Pants.lf i at.l'ocket Ilandkerchief,Crant, and Shirt for $lO to $l2 worth $2O. - f. Groceries We can also sa you Grieeries 'at a eayingit at least 25 to:50 per ct. 'good Tea of an es.: tra quality for $1 worth $1:50.. Other good. Teasfrom 501 to 75 cts Good o chewifig Tobacco from 35 to 56 dile Good Sugar for 12h cents Odi'connection with some of the besiji:olif.r bing houses in New York will always enable' us to sell mans goods very much below this' uthricet price.. . Dry Goods froni4son H Bookover, Metsrs. Clafflin, Mellon & Co., New York, also, Hail. land. Lindsley . it . Co , two of the beat kOlVidi in New Yoik.' Clothing i.Onti Messrs. Haldwin, Stott!, k Co., No. 12 'Courtland St.; also Messrs. Lokg street,Brildfot.d & ,Co., 348 Broadwdy.-- Yankee Notions' from J. henry tint k Pa}ne, 35 Coartland st. Hardware from 31organ, Quackettbiiiih Co., 20 Courtlaud A. Crockery froin Mr. akar' Cbtestliaii;l46 Duane street.' Groceries ffOat Messrs. Ahrens ellablikeni 255 Washiotton stl'eet. _ Hat and caps from Miller & Norssj, 3911 Broadway. Dry Goods from Wm. Gromnalt & Co., 85 Frankliti streetll. Y., who ever hate good bargains for sir that call 'upon them.. Fail not to, call upon us - .and examine one Goods. Get' ourprices before. parchasint elsewhere: Alt johbers i furnished the jraite Koji' York wholesale ffiges, rind leti it tg frbiatieti: tiered that we. are (lie cinty Pirixt 'thalami:o that has - a wholesale lieettse. =2l===l Yours Respectfully, C. If. Sinumins, Oswiyo; Atgust,26,'llo3 - tip. , -, I , =Ell ..~. ~,~ OM