The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 11, 1863, Image 2

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Cou4sport. Pa.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1863
:191. W. MciLARNEY, Enron.
''Beneath thy !skies, Xovenlber I
Thy skies o;will and rein,
rratroutd their lazing camp -fires
_ The People t !peak again 1"
STATE.—Log , fall, by
—promise: of sustaining the Government
41plost -, the Rebels, H. Seymour was
elected Governor of New York by 10,000
, His course before and during the
Alapperbead riot, proved'him a hypocrite.
- This fall; there were three sorts of Dem.
emits united on one ticket. Ist. Those
ivho claimed it as a War Ticket. 2d.
Those who claimed it as a Peace ticket.
Bd. These who claimed it as a "Demo..
!ratio Ticket?! The Unionie, a had a
State ticket pledged to President Lincoln
end his measures, which is elected by!
sOgo majority, and the Leaislature is 2
l. Union. - All hail New York—a gain
-450,000 on the right side!
:MASSACHUSETTS reelects Gov. An.:
aria! (Rep.) by a 2 to 1 vote, and State
"enate 'unanimously of his views, while
there are but ,15 or 20 Assemblymen op-•
posed to the "despot Lincoln." God the "Cradle of Liberty !"
Nirtscot•isiN gave us but a Landful of
a ioajority last Fall, but now elects a Re
feblican :State Ticket by 12,000 to 15,•
000 majority. Republican as •far as
'beard from. The new Governor, Cold
Stephen Miller, was a Methodist local
'preacher in Perry Co., Pa., afterwards
- temperance lecturer and editor of the Tell Harrisburg..
• kurtots.—Returns from 28 counties ,
in ',linos show, at the unimportant coun:
ty and town elections held on the 3d inst.;
la Union gain of more than 15,0 4 10. There
'are about 100 counties in the State, and
.if the-vote is in the above ratio, it will
41, 0 %, Union pain .f from finfififi t;.l
41(1000. ven in "Easnt" there is' a
gleam . of light a Cairo dispatch says thei
I.laienists have carried that Ileaven-aban l
doped corner of the State. Such news
is too good to be true. ;
KANSAS.—Republican as far as known'.
.M.rasounr do do
NARYLAND.--Nci opposition - to the
Unconditional Union and Emancipation
Ticket in Baltimore. The unconditional
Unionists Maryland have elected four
of the fife Congressmen certainly, and
the fifth is yet in doubt. John A. Cress
well is chosen in the Ist District by over'
1,000 majority; in the Ifd, lIId andl
IVtlt_Distriets, Edwin H. Webster, HeMd
ry'Wiuter Davis and Francis Thomas are .
elected - almost without cpposition. Op
„State ticket, the candidate of the EiD2P,-
43ipation - party for Controller, Gen. Golda
borough; has a majority of not less thaii
25.000, and among the successful candi
dates for the, _A.ssetubly an overwhelming
majority is in favor of calling a Conven
tion for the special purpose of ridding thel
,sttife, as sown as Possible, of Slavery.
.Diz W. E BUY is slowly gr.9.vitating to
mad the right side. The elect:on on the
3d instant was only for a part of the Leg.
islature'and for county officers; yet the
Unionists giin one Senator (only eight
were elected), and elect 20 members to
the Assembly to 39. Democrats, and one t
Set (lonian]. Last year the House was r
15 Union .to 45 Copperheads. We gain,
therefore, five or six representatives; and
wo„gaip argely in the popular vote:
DEI;AWARE has a member of Congress
to.eleet, and that clesn the elections of t
1863. •
Teachers' lash - Liu-Ike.
COUDERSBOIIT, NOS. 2, 1863. oi ,
Believing that the Teachers' Institute) '
of this county is an. importarit auxibuy
to the cause of education, and that the
session held at Coudersport the past week
deserves more than a passing notice, I
send you this for publication.
The session was not as numerously
tended by the teachers of the county ps
it Should have been ; but those in attend
ance- appeared to be
,earnesr laborers in
their profession ; and' those who were ab
sent have, lost—what no teacher should
permit to be lost—a favorable opportunity
for improvement. ,
The exercises consisted of drills in the
various branches usually, taught in our
common schools,
discussions on , the - best
methods of teaching, school government,
, with evening lectures upon- pa
- viola topics. This is just what teachers
need.. They cannot be too familiar with
the necessary branches and the best
method of teaching them. I was some
what disappointed to find so few of the
dititeas of Coudersport in attendance;
Itbe'press--the almost inevitable press—
nal not represented except perhaps indi
reedy by your hun.,ble servant, the scribe.
Rev. Mr. Roberts acd wife, and a J.
Olmsted, Esq., were the only visitors
from the Borough. Was it indifference
to the cause of education, or what was
the reason that :no others came to cheer
and encourage with their presence and
participation ,those who are laboring in
the most laudable of all causes—the ed.'
nation of the youth of our land ! lam
not.willing to believe that either indiffer
ence, or want of a proper appreciation of
the:importance of the object, kept them
tway. I chronicle the fact and leave it
there: 'olibeleotures I only beard the
doing one Rev. H. H. Lyman ' on
Astronoiny, at the Metbodiat Church, on
Friday evening, at which many of the
citize.s were Present. Those who fol
lowe• him in his aerial flight among the
plane s, piloted and propelled by a comet,
exam ning the position and peculiarities
of ba is as they passed, were well reward
edsfor their pains.
.T . 1 e lecture ,on Object Teaeling end
the u.e of apparatus in schools, by Rev.
R. T. Clafilin,our worthy Superintendent,
was -ell spoken s of by dose who had the
pleas re of listening to it, as well as the
one o• School ;Government, by Rev. D.
D. C•lcord. At the close of the after
noon exercises Professional Certificates
were publicly presented by the Superin.
tend int to three, of the teachers present:
Mesa Hackett, Miss Burtis ; and Mr Col
cord, Mr. Bates was expected, but was
Ei to attend, but those who did at
bad' I think a pleasant and profita-
The End Approaches,. :
iless all sins are delusive, the Re-
I n cannot ihold out much longer.
dearth of food at the capital, and in
11-over the' remaining territory, is ofl
la symptom of approaching dissolu- I
Think of a city of fifty thousand
itants, like I.lclitnotid, wherein a
teak is notprocurable on any terms !
such was the fact not long since in
ct, according. to •one of its Rebel
ad . And the outcry of Lynchburg
sal the prOpoSed sending of three
laar)d Union prisonera to that place,
ugly in pOint.. It is
. not possible
w ere coarse food should be abso-
I( wanting at thi's season ; but nobody
a to sell itifor the joke that passes
oney in Dixie ; and it is well under.
il that requisitions must be wade for
ng these prisoners, since no one sells
hirrg to the Rebel Government who
elp it. "Shoddy" at any price would
guodsend to that forlorn concern;
uhody has shoddy so flimsy that be
tffurd to exchange it fer Confederate
backs, even "cord for cord." Yet
has some Three Hundred Thousand
under atlas, and is dragging every
who can shon,der a wnsket into his
;red, famishing regiments so fast a s
bloodhounds can; run them down.
iung eon 1.11/S lasi r
4. , tur some days the "heart of Rebeldom
has been titillated by the hope of a defeat
and destruction of Burnside's army now
bol rug East Tennegiee., The plan was
to d spateb two corps from Isragg, s army.
wit a like force from Virginia, and rush
upo him so secretly and suddenly as to
ens4re his utter destruction. But both'
Gen. Grant and Gen. Burnside are long,
appiised of this clever plot, and have
dauntless taken steps to frustrate it. The
concentration of all the Westean cow
mar under Gen. Grant ought of itself
to p eclude the success of such a scheme.
If tto Rebels advance to Knoxville on
suel an errand, they will have Gens.
Gra t and Thomas on their flank and 1
rear and will ilittdly return in safety.—
Bu we receive no evidence from the
We tn that they' hard even made the at
tentk Their l main army in Georgia
l i
y need shoes, blankets, and almost
eve y essential ;of camp life. They can
liar ly hope tolwin these by placing Gen.
Graft in theirjrear.
1 ecently a yery good device for ap
pre iating theii• currency was tried—that
of_laving every 'Jokier fund it, so as to
1 ;
be ntitled to interest on the debt owing
hi by the Confederacy. Due proclatna•
tints were mat due appeals uttered by
!hleouncils ;
I but nobody funded ! They
pre erred paper whErof $l,OOO Was worth
—n i e, would ptirchase--'-something to that
ntrinsically as worthless, but which nothing at all.- So the Rebel
'urrency remains unconverted, and is
to chief nuisance among many great
)es. It is detestable to have and im-
IsSible to do ',without.
'e know how utter is the desperation
vie Rebel Chiefs—we know how coin
, ,
slew the masses are at their mercy.
1 former will, of course, hold out to
eivery last, but hunger will break thro'
one walls, and Twe cannot believe the
ies can be kept embodied while the
ie - r'Sfamilies are being starved. We
t: know that "sixty" or "ninety
;'s" will see the end of this foul Re
but we are confident that it draws
dli - ;atck from Knoxville to The
:12 . 2nah
Commercial says that a Rebel
wentcr ' sed the Little Tennessee
er on Illunr,. ? ay last, and werc.driven
~ by Col. Adams of the Ist Kentucky,
i a loss of 50 killed and drowned and
aptured, including, four officers.
Ili Il(
W id
driees frOm Arkansas represent that
Arkadelphia recently the headquarters of
the. Rebel Gen. Price, is now in posses
session of Gen. Steele. Recruiting for
the Unioa atiny continues very brisk.
over 700 volunteers from Yell County
alone having reported to Gen. Steele. •
I IN. dispatch from Chatanooga of:tbe 7th
states that all is qiiiet along the lines.
The Rebels : tossed a few shells to our
boys . on that day, but "nobody" was the
only person hurt. Boats are bringing
supplies freely, and are unobstructed.
pov. Bramlette has issued a proclania
,ln' seconding the President's call for
sop's. His appeal to Kentuckians to
ore forward and Gil up the ranks of
en. thin regiments in the field is elu
A Memphis cNspateh of the . 7th - states
tt Geo. El
J acob has _driven the 'Rebel
ca. Chalmers across the Tallahatchie,
ippiog hint severely. •
13.1 r. Geor r ./re Peabody has presented
le College with geological -:oabinet
.rth 5125,000.
Rebel dispatches from Charleston to
the lst inst. state that , the bombardment
of Fort Sumter is kept up with tremen
[ dons energy. " On the Lao niog,of tlict;lrt . •
1 ult. a portion - Of the wall fell in; burying
beneath the ruit4 some en believed to
be of the 12th %.orgia and 25th - :South
Carolham Thirteen were buried by the
falling in of the bat racks on the sea face
of the fort. On the 31st a fierce bom
bardment was kept up till day &am the
monitors and land battMies. Up to 3
o'clock no further casualties had occurred.
Over 1.200 shots were fired in 24 hatirs.
The bombardurnt of Sumter continued
fiercely without intermistton on the Ist;
the ibots averaged four p r minute. The
firing was from
,two monsters—two heavy
and two light rifled guna at Fort Gregg
—four lflinch mortars at the middle
battery, and four rifled tuns at Wagner.
The Rev. Mr. Bussey, et the Christian
Commission, was taken prisoner while
aiding the wounded in t e late battles in
Tennessee, and was delivered to Judge
Terry of the Rebel Army—the same Ter
ry who shot Senator Broderick. On re
ceiving the prisoner he exclaimed: "Here's
a d—d Abolition preacher. Boys,
hang him 1" Mr. Bussey's name does
not appear in the list ofPrisoners sent, by
Bragg to the Provost-Marshal, and it is
feared the Judge has c ried his brutal
threat into effect.
Richmond papers of the 2d inst. com
plain of the scarcity of fuod and high
prices. Beef sells at Slit° $1 50 per lb.;
coal $3O per ton. They say the Yankee
prisoners eat too much, and think it best
not to take any more of them. They
have news that 6,000 Yankee trocps
landed at Newport News on the Ist iest.
A Cincinnati dispatch says that we
have possession of Tuseumbla. Ala. "lhe
dispatch adds : "There has probably been
a severe fight in that quarter between
Gen. Sherwan's furce and the heavy
Rebel force sent Eberle to dispute his
The 14th Michigan Cavyry had a
fight with 400 Rebel cavalry, about the
2d inst., 5U ruiloa from UolLobia, Tone.
The Rebels were beaten, after four
charges, with a loss of
,eight killed, seven
wounded, and 24 prisoners. None killed
and but three wounded on our side.. •
We are told from Knoxville (4th inst.)
hat East Tennessee i 4 once tuore free of
Rebels, with the exee l ption of guerrillas.
The fight at Roan Springs resulted in
the rout of,the Rebels. We loit 17 kill
ed and 52 wounded.
We have news from Newbern, N. C..
to the 2d inst. The Congressional can
vass for the election Ol' members to the
Confederate Congress s prosecuted with
much earnestness . T ere are .28' candi
dates in the ten Dix riots. The Hon.
John A. Gilmer, the ndependent candi
date in the 'nth Dig riot, has the field
to hithself. In a recent speech he was
q u ite severe cn the Administration of,
Jeff. Davis, and highly indignant at the
treatment North Carolina has received at
his hands. "Davison" is out with anoth
er constitutional argument a g ainst "Se
cession" in The Rctleoh Standard. The
'Standard appeals to the "Conservatives"
to rally at the polls, and - unite against
the "Destructives," arid adds that there
is no chance for peace . until the original
Secessionists are hurled from power. In ,
alluding to the recent_deftat of the Dem
ocrats. in Ohio and , Peisylvania,, the
Standard says the last ray of hope for
the South from the, North has
parted—that the pros 'ects of peace are,
more distant than eve that the South
withthe, world
they had better
Providence or the
• war debt of North
ly extinguished by
l by blockade rtin-
regular trips into i
ern people stand alon
against them, and
with make peace either with
North very soon. Th.;
Carolina is being rapid
the proceeds received
ners, which are makin
One of or prisoner"
mond, says that soon
Chickamauga, 200 tlnt
wounded—were brougl
they were three days ou
the food allowed them'
four hard crackers .per
mond they lay in Libby
more with their wonr
not a mouthful of foodf
money offered $5, for d
the fiends who guarded
allow them to porelvil
way to stop this dread
not, omraged hiymanit
to fearful revenge.
NeWs frpm Gen. Grant's department
has collie hand through Southern
sources. An Atlanta, Ga., dispatch, dated
list Wodnesday, says that during
. the
preceding 48 hours th Yankees gained
important advantages, which, unless at
once •_ counteracted, ould put beyond
question. Gen. Grant's' ability to subsist
his entire army at Ohattanooga: Our
forces maintain possession of Racoon Val
ley, having been heavily re-enforced, and
our cavalry were making raids in 11adibon
and Huntsville Counties.
Atkansas adviees say that Marmadulte
attacked our forces aE Pine" Bluff on the
28th ult., and was rellulsed with consid
erable loss.
From accounts received we conclude
that Gen. Meade's army have gained
most substantial successes. Both wings
have crossed the Rappahannock, driving
the Rebels before them; capturing 1,800
prisoners, and a pontoon train, and killing
and wounding a large number.
IteL.The Pittsburg Gazette winds up
at, article on the '.Election and its; .Re =
suits," as fellows : ' - ,
But What Of Woodward?, One
Chief Justice has gone down in the per
ion of the lamented Lowrie, Who is now
past troubling us, at any "time bereafterl.
There is no ressurrection fur him and se
let him rest: But , Woodward -- -promised
successor of the defunct Chief 7 doesipur.
poie to hold the judicial sceptre for thiee
years longer, after such a verdict as this ?
We trust not. Still greater shame on
him if he does. The voice of ,the loyal
people of Pennsylvania , demands that he
should resign. In the vote just given
they have declared that they have 'no
further confidence in him. What right
has a convicted and rejected copperhead
to sit in judgment over honest people?
The time has' passed for tolerating men
of that stamp in the high 'places of the
100 ;l State of , Pennsylvania. Will, he I
resign ? I
m.Gov Andrew, of Massachusetts,
talks, right out on volunteering. , He
calls on the people of his State to devote
themselves •with all the glowing enthu
siasm and the fiery zeal of their patriotic
' hearts" to the extinction of the rebellion;
and to say to the country, if the thing is
not accomplished pretty soon, that Mas!
sachusetts go herself and put it
down." .
De6,.Tite Reading Press statesHAtia
Hon. Wm. Strong, one of the at4renta
Court Judges of this; State, voted. the
whole Union ticket at the late eleetioti.
If Judge Strong has ranged• hituselfon
the side of the party of the Union, it
will g ve us a majority of the Supre•ue
—The message which the President sent
to Gen Meade, deserves - to be recorded
as a 'part of the history of the campaign
now drawing to a close. Mr. Lincoln
told Gen... Meade that he must fight the
enemy at once; that if he won a victory,
he should have all the, glory; but if he
were defeated, he !limed( would, as Com, tiCtIUUJO the responsi
bility. •
• - •
GOOD As GoLD.:-11.1r. Cararelt, the
Canadian orator, who spoke in Cooper
Institute, New York city, on the evening.
of dm 29th ult., used these words
would sooner take Jej: Davis himself by
the hand than a sneak. -who, iti any; of
the loyal States, dare not speak frrthe
glorious - old Stars and Stripes." Let
such words be remembered . They !are
the golden warp that is weaving into a
glorious history.
loudl'AGAlN."—lt was all former 11
boast of the Democratic leaders in Pen?' 'a,
that "you can't beat us two years in
cession." But we did that thing F9TII,
YFARS, hand running—ln 1858, in'lB69,
in 1860, and •in 'lB6l. Defeated by a
handful of votes and our own neglect; in
1862, in 1863 we have laid them oat
"You can't ele,ct a Governor twol terms
in succession." But we have elected
Curtin—"two terms in succession' —lhe
61st time the thing has been done, in this
State, in twenty years.
We learn from a 'friend that when .x
-. Gov. Packer visited the polls at! Wpl•'
iiiMsport, to vote, he boastfully held pp
1 his ticket, exclaiming, "Here is m ticket
which is copper all over 1" •Itamedir Lai
behind Packer came a jolly Hibernian,
also in the act of voting, who cried out inl
a lusty voice, "BE JABERS , HERE 18. A
do not envy William F, Packer the feeling
while we despise the motive j which I
prompted him to his vote, and his] exo..
(nation. The honest Irishman is ; yhe
better man and the purer patriot !of ehe
two citizens. ! I
A dispatch from Washington, author
ized by the Secretary of State, announces
that the iron-clad vessels now buildinti at
Nantes and Bordeaux, it is presumed for
the Rebels have been promptly arrested by
the French Govern went,at the intercession
of Minister Dayton. Should this decis
ion of the Imperial Government be final
it destroys the last , lingering hove of She
Rebels of obtaining a ticet. Tutsne
by one their resources fail them, and the
complete suppression of the Rebellion
becomes more certainly only a question
of time.
just from Rich.
I fter the battle of
[ iv prisoners—all.
ht to Richmond ;'
o the road, and all
in that time was'
man. At Rich
t Prison two days
Ids - undressed and
I Some who had
loaf of bread, but
them would - not
Ise. It , there no
ful business? If
will liad a road
Our fiends, iu other parts of the State,
are sometimes at a loss to undersiad how
it comes that Gov. Curtin , , whd is id=
wittedto be personally popular at 'home,
was beaten in this bouiity 344 • Ivotes!at
the recent election; although he earned
it in 1860 by 341. The reason is ob l vi•
ous, and is at once creditable bothito Got..
Curtin and his friends. The toWashlps
which gave. majorities for him itt 1860,
have 1582 soldiers. under a - we, while
those which Went against him. have sent
but 463, although they poll .more than
half the Democratic vote of the ;coun i tv.
Our ranks are decimated ar l 'honte only
because, they aro so-full in the field, and
we point with pride and triumph to the
record. "We should, have blushed if
Cato's house had stood serene and ffonr-
Med in a civil war."—Bellefonte Press.
On'the ad Inst. a Rebel force made an
attack Upon the Memphis and Charleston
'Railway. They were repulsed after a
brief figfit,- and their . Brigadier-General
(Geary) and 13 etas Staff weie taken
prisontts. - ,
GOv. Curtin at Home.
Bounties t Toituntears, -
A circu!ar just issued ,by the Provost
Marshai-General Fry, enables us, to an
swer in an official way a' number of clue
rieafrom discharged soldiera and others
that have been snip time• accumu
lating oil our table. We,therefore, se
lect it from the miss 'of, news crowding
ociecoltunna, that it may, appear conspie
nonsly beforediesel for Whose notice it is
designed. The following is the circular,
and it is said to have the. approval of the
Secretary of War
District Agents ere to be appointed by
the Provost Msish . al-General to arrest
deserters and procire recruits.
Twenty-five dollaas premium will be
paid to the agents ;for each accepted ry
emit presented: by them, who has served'
in the army at, least nine_ months, and
been honorably discharged for other
cause than
Fifteen dollars preminn will be paid
to all other recruits. -
, The moneys received from drafted per
sons as an exemption from . service shall
constitute a substitute fund fOr the pay
ment of premiuMs and bounty to recruits.
"The total amount of bounty to b 3 paid
Ito each recruit, is four hundred and two
dollars, of which he will receive seventy
five dollars cash before kaving the gen
eral rendezvous. The balance will be
paid to him by installments according to
existing regulations.: ,
The monthly compensation of soldiers
enlisted under this order will be at the
following rates:--- .
If continued in. the service three years,.
Veteran Volurteerg, twenty-four dollars ;
other volunteers, riot veteran, twenty-one
dollars thirty cents.
If discharged at the end of two years
—Veterans, twenty-nine dollars seventy
cents;,other lolunteers, tiventy-five dol
lars fifty-cents, I
If honorably mustered out in less than
two years, the monthly rate of cohpen- l l
sation will be increased as the term of I
service is diminished. ,
• If the Governlent shall' rot require
these troops for the full term of three i t
years, and they sl all be honorably tous•
tered oat before late expiration of the
term of enlisttne t, they shall receive
the whole timouni of bounty remaining
unpaid the same ds if the full ten. had
been served Legal heirs of recruit I
whO die in the service, shall be entitled I
to the whole bona.) , remaining unpaid at
the time of the 'soldier's death.
Any person practicing or attempting
to practice fraud or imposition either on
the Government oi the rceruit shall be
summarily dealt with .by a military com
mission, .
Men enlisted under this order will be
assigned to old regiments.
The Verdict in Ohio,
Valandigham-was arrested under Burn
side's Order No. 38. He was tried by a
military Commission, eight members of
which were Democrats. It found him
guilty of aiding and comforting, the ene
my—treason. AI Judge of the U S.
District Court decided the commission
and trial lawfil. The President of the
United States sentenced him to be con
veyed beyond the lines of the United
Stares Army, and the !sentence was,exe-'
cuted. The Copperheads of Ohio ap
pealed to the Court of the people,
and the People of Ohio have confirmed
Order No. 38; the verdict of the Milita
ry Commission ; the decision of the U.S
Judge ; the sentence of the President—
and Vallaudigham ithperatively or
dered to remain in banishment until the
rebellion is crushed, and peace restored.
Most righteous vnrdiet.
GOVERNott.—Th • Louisville (Ky.) Jour=
?WI says:
"Gov. Bramletke has determined that
the guerrilla's AO be routed from the
State, and the general Order of Adju
tant. General Boyle, which we publish,
will bring every; lukewarm Kentuckian
to a vivid sense Of his duty. Unless at
least one companY is raised in each county
in the State by 24th of this month.
a draft will be immediately enforced." The
Governor says 'the State sholl be free
from its uzzirdtious foes, even though
every arm is reqUired to aid in their de
This shows cl4arly the effect of elect
ing a loyal man as Governor of Kentucky.
If that State 'had possessed such a Gov
ernorat the breaking out of the rebellion
her soil would never have been disgraced
by the tread of rebdl foes.
m o lllustration is frequently more of
than. argument, and an old Penn
sylvania Democrat, who voted for Curtin,
understood its force then he employed
the following simile : "To send my -son
to the war to kill rebels, and to stay at
home myself to vote against the Govern
ment, is like hitching a pike of oxen to
one end of a wagon and a team of horses
to the other, when the only result will be
the pulling of the wagon to pieces."
rs.if -tbo
been written by
wally Written
wbieh it is stet=
satiott with Judi
be found 'their
not leave the e
As to being a s
PresidencY, his'
after: the verdie
vania acid 'Ohio
, tter;purported to have
Gen.; McClellan was ac
by that gentlemen, in
.d that he hada mover
le Woodward ; and that
giviews agreed," he did
rtny a moment too soon.
itable candidate for the
friends can settle that
just gi% en by Petinsyl
'.gaitist copperheads.
_:EUREKA !' --'
!IrsPll/4 . . FOUND IT I' -
Was the exclamation of the 2 .kstronomsr who
first'iliecovered that the wtirld leaved is its
orbit; -riot less_ oyous has b‘en the exelaresh4
thin of tboie - v.rbo have fotin4 TILE PLACE
where GOODS cart be' puri'hased rIFTRIPS
or TWENTY PER CENT. below the market
price, and yet find theina'a*preientidi Ti,
filings are to_be considerea in
,Goods: the quality and the Price; &ndliar•
chasers studying both4an bo better sAltatliti
with our stock than any. othar in ibis 'or id-
joining counties. Think twice befo^e hAying,
" DEAR TRASH." Row is your time to pro.
cure a GOOD ARTICLE. I , Delaye are dAliin
gerous and sometimes fatal,l- 1,-- Don't wait fir
another enormous advance in Goods
The following is but- partial lilt of 'owe
arge assortment:
. •
Verinos •
The attention or the Ladies is called -to the,
stock of 31erinoes,Black,Brown, Blue, Iforoon„
Drab and • White. Some of these were bought
previous to the rise And will b'• sold nearly at
low as present wholesale prices at - JONES': _
Ladies Cloth
Blact, Grey, and Fancy Colors at JONES'
[ Boy's Wear
Cassitneres, Striped, Checked, and Plaids ;
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and Cottoned - es of
the very best quality at JONES'
Mourning Goods
Black Silks,' Alpacas, Empiesseloth, Bornba.
vine, Delairies, Rep Cloth,4, and Black aitii
Purple Goads of various kinds at JONES':
• Domestil •
- -
Heavy Sheetinge, tfiree-quarter, four-to/trier,
five'-quitrter, fine unbleached ; Pillow - Case
and Sheeting Muslin, Shi#ing, Ten-quartet
bleached for sheets at -JUNES'
White GOods
Barred lifuslin. Plain Jaccnet, Cambria fcir
Starts, Irish Linen, Swiss iMuslins, Nainsook
Muslin, plaid, striped. or Olain, and Bishop
Lawns at , JONES'
Embroideries • -
Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Undersleevas,
with or without collars at . JONES'
Woolen Goods
- - -
Hooda,ivith tabs or point's, for Infants ■nd
Children, Slisses and .t,acliels ; Nubia's, Under•
sleeves and Caps at 1 JONES'
: ,
. ,
• ' Print s- - . •
For Children, Shirting Prints, plain black,
white arid tijack,blue and white, and all kinds
of Fancy, a r t, • • ' ! - JONES' -
•1 • Cloths -
Gents' Block limed Cloth; excellent quality
bought before :he rise. Cassimetes ; black
silk mixed:-black and . fanCy Doeskin, striped,
plain. and Plaid•in fancy; colors, and Cloth
for whole suits . at JONES'
• Hosiery
Women's wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cotton
plain. colored and white, plain or fleeced.
Girls' white.' brown, mixed, wool or cottons
and wool baltuoral stockings.
31ens' home and city , maflor
Boys', all sizes, white or Mixed, at JONES'
For Ladies. Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, .ICid,
Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. Gents )
fine Driving Gloves, 'GasSimeres, at JONES'
For Ladies ; Brodie, Long
and Square, Woolen IPlaid ; a great variety of
elegant colors at JONES'•
Delad - ries
Of domestic and for-tii manufacture. Wo
can assure our patrons that we believe ont
stock this spring to be more attractive in tbis
line than ever before. • JOICES'
Balmoral Skirts
With only, two breadths, tnaltlng it necessary
to hate but two seams in a full skirt, in a great
variety at; 1 JONES'
Teas, Sugars,, Choice Sytjpp, Good Rio Coffoo t ,
Weit India and Dandeiion Cotke, Rice, Corn
Starch, Farina, Cocoa, &c., at JONES'
. -
Firush l es
Cloth, Tooth, Nail,, Paint, Varnith
and rtist Brushes at I JONES'.
Drugs and Fancy Artic - les,
Oils,: Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead
Tin Cans,Alcohol, Camphene, Keroseni,Lamir
and Lamp Pixtures.'Glass. Patent Medicinesi.
Chemicals, Botanical Barbs, Perftimery,Fancy:
Soap and Toilet articles, Gum, Hair, Ivory
and Wooden Combs, PoMules and Colognes,
and o.fine assortment of :Flavoring' Extracts,
Tens, Ink
.and Paper, and Linseed,
and boiled, at • JONES!'
Bora' and Men's at IONSF3'_
Boots and Shoes
'Of every description and; the best quality; at
astonishing low prices, at • JONES'
• Wall - Paper •
Ceiling rajOer. 'I ransom Paper, - Window Car.,
tains, Borders, Tassels and .Fistures, at J 4.5"
SASH, :FLOUR, PORK, and FEED,:inlait,T
everything that the,peopleneed can hnliadAt
All of ribich.will be sold it the lovreit Mere
' `-EXCHANGE. ' "
ICouderspert,.Pa., June, 1803.