The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 07, 1863, Image 4
0 MIME A IBlection.iPs.oclamatlon. IDIIIPSUANT tO.att Act .of the General As - embly of the COmincifitiealtb of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An Act relating to the elec tions of this Commonwealth," approved the 240411 ttsy ofjtly,, - A. Drone thonsand'eight bpnitied and Oirty 7 nine.. I, D. C. tiARRA; INR, , ,Sheriffof the nonnty of Pottcr:iPennsyl±. yards, do hereby make known and-give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid. that a General Election will be held in the said coun ty, of Potter on'the.Seeond - Tuesday (Thir . • tenth) of:October, 1864, at which time State' and County Oficers, as follows are to be elec= _ led, to wit: One person - for Governor of Pennsylvania. One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. ~,Ti!ro persona-for Members of the House of IttpreientatiVes ,of the gederal Assembly of Pentilyliania, In - conjunction with the county • , 'flogs, to represent the counties' of 'flogs • and Potter. 9ne,person for Prothonotary and Clerk - of elititii:citthif county of Potter One person for Commissioner of the county -of Potter. One person for Register and Recorder of the county of Potter: One. ; person,for Auditor of the county of , • • One'pertion for' Coroner' of the county • I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, that every person excepting Jus- lices,.of,the Peace,. mho holds any office or :appointthent of-profit or trust under the Gov- .erntnent of the United States or this State. -or of any city or incorporated district,whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a sober ditlate'otheer.or agent, who is or shall be em ployed 'undertbe legislative, judiciary, or ex-, •ocutive departments of this State or the United .States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and -of the. State Legislature, and of the select and -common council of any city, or commissioner any incorporated district, is by law incapa ble Of holding or exercising at the same time tfle office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, -or clerk of an election in this Commonwegth, :and that no Inspector or Judge, or otheAp -cer„ofany _such election shall be eligible to hiioted.for, Also, that in the fourth section of the Act -of Assembly, , entitled "An Act relating to olections and for cther purposes," approved April l6th, 1860, it is enacted that the afore- laid-13th section shall not be' so construed as is"pregent any 'Military Officer or Borough offieerTrom serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk °fon.) , general or special election in this Commonwealth. gt,is farther directed that the meeting of the return Judges at the Court House in Couders port to make out the general returns, shall be . 1,1).3 first Friday succeeding the general eke. trots; which will be the 16th day of October. I also here make known and give notice that the places for holding the aforesaid gen -iral election in the several townships and boroughs within the county of Potter, are as follows,sto wit : -For the township of Abbott, at the Germa nia Hotel in'said township. For the township of Allegany, at the school :house near the place formerly owned by cles ler Andriws, in said township. For the township of Bingham, at the Bing ininiCentre scheol house near 'A. R. Lewis, in township. ' For the township of Clara, at the school house, near Sala-Stevens', in said township. Foi - the' township of Eulalia. at the New Court House in the borough of Coudersport. For the township of Genesee, at the house fo 4 rineily occupied by S. S. Rasco. in Ellisbnrg. For tile township of Harrison, at the house •zecently occupied by Ira Bartholomew,in - said toWiash -Forthe township of Hebron, nt the school, house No. 5 , near'Henry Ingraham's, in •said township._' , . Foe the township of Hector, at the Sunder-: lin school house, in said township. For the township of Homer, at the school] house near Jaccb Peet's, in said township. For the township of Jackson, at the house; formerly. occupied by B. Barse, now M. Chap-I pel e ia= said. township. For the township of Keating. at the house .o Pliny Harris; in said township. For the township of Oswayo, at the Centre school house in said township. For the township of Pike, at the house o Elijah Johnson, in said township. For the township of Pleasant Valley, at the school house No 2, in said township. For the township of Portage, at the Sizer school house in said township. 'For the township of Roulet, at the school Dottie near George Weimer' Fl in said township ' . For the townsl4,p of Sharon, at the Sharon Centre school honse, near John Voorhees', id said township. For the township of Sweden, at the house of Aseneth Taggart. in said township. For the township of Stewartson, at the Na Norway schoolhouse, in said township. For the township of Summit, at the house formerly occupied by Uel Cook,now ,fonathan Itedson, in said township.. For the *wash ip of Sylvania, at the school house near .1 M. Rees', in said township. -For the township of Ulysses, at the house otAtlas Bennett, in said township. Fo,r,the township of West Branch, at the lonia of Sli Conable, in said township. • For the township of Wharton, at the hone of Stephen Horton, in said township. For the borough _of Coudersport, at the court House in said borough. 65 . . Given under my hand, this 31st day c _Angus; A. D., 1863. , D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. .Coudersport. Aug. 31, 1863. . , MANHOOD: ' ROW LOST I HOW RESTORED I Instpublished in a sealed envelope, price 6 c s A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Raa- Ica cure of Spermatorlacea or Seminal Weak - ness, Sexual DebilitY, Nervousness, and Invol untary Emissions, including Impatency. Cori sateption "and Mental and Physical Debility' Dv Bon'T J. CIILVERWZ/d., M. D. The important fact that the awful consequen• cis of Self-Abuse may be effectually remold without internal medicines or the dangero s application of canstka,inqruments,medicated bottles ' and - other itupirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adopted by the belebra ted a u th or,fully expl sin means ttc which.everY one is enabled to cure himself perfectly. and at the least possible cost, the m - by avoiding all tbead vertised nostrums of the dp.y. This lecture will prove a boon to tho • kande and thousands. .*„*Sent under seal, to any address, n a;,ploio, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six .001110„, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. - yaws, - irtiefiery, New York, Post Office Box, 45:8 tairS33LOOM OF 110SES,,for 011 STEBIXM Quils6=z:um I STE Inquire at BBINS' Pifive:l6i far th. lonntal ERE musismimis,mmaL.,t YOUNG montroz. AHEAD 11 OLD A~SIOA BEau, GROgßatti: - , Alf 1 f t r . k- • _ GLASSMIRE &COLWELL , ,ll.A.ViNG"enterpd into a Co-Partrretabip are prepared to furnish all loads In -their !lab s i t ~ EM'fM=o Very They keep constantly on hand ,s Luxe and well selected assortatent•of • 'YOUNG HYSON, 1 OLD HYOON, BLACK, AND SUGARS: BROWN, LIGHT BROWN, AND WHITE. COFFEE: R,lO, JAVA, UNION, cfcc., & AUSPICE, PEPPER, CINNAMON, CRACKERS, 17' FISH, PORK, SHOULDERS, CLOVER, AND TIMOTHY SEED lII,QN 1 AND MOLASSES, SYRUP, PICKLES, C HEESE, ORANGES, Aim LEMONS, ALL KINDS. FLOUR, by the . Barrel, Half Barrel. and 'Sack Buckwheat Flour , by the Sack. Feed by the Hundred. . _ In fact, everything kept is a good ,Grouery 'Sum- PRODI7CiS taken •in eseheuge And .GASH riot refused. , _ All Goods Delivered uridin the :157th_ • FREE OF C2TaiitZ' Dereargreee, 4iTen M3== cx.i.t. a. s = .. This firm, haVtßgalhottAgti kno*tedgn of theßettsionzhctsines,s,:ankheittg familiar with: friablith Walt the'Depattinetitiof GOverti.. itent, beliecethetthey P#l l aPrd,greater fa 'ciiities to Pension,bounty ana - other - Claimants, for the prompt and succe.tsifillaccomilishment Of business entratted to them, than any other 'firm -in,ss.rashlngton. They esire to secure titich an amount of this business as will enable theinio exedufelhe linsinessloreach claimant very-Cheaply; and on 'the basis of. their _pay 'ccintingoAt. upon their success ,bi, it., k l - . Their..charges be Dollars, for Officers had,;Ffse Dogius 'for , "frisatti,,fOr each Penaion;B'oanty, or:tack 'NS ,- obtained, anti 'ten on amount Of Claims for Military Supplies, br'Claima for indemnity. - ' * * 4l .,SoldierS'enltstedaince the Int of March. 1861, in 'any kind of se'rvice. Military or gavel, who are:Aliableil".l4'digease:Or Wounds, are te.PettAcins. - ,.`41t soldiers, who serve fo - r3,w,0 ;tears, , or . during the 'War; shOuld 'it sooner Olcise;.Will be entitied'te;s'loo Bounty. WicloWa. of solditirs Who die Or are killed, are $lOO bounty. lf there be no widow then the..minor children then , the_fither, mo ther -siSiers ' • or brothers are entitled as above . Viashintiton,'D.',C. ? 1862. ' *,*Apply at our office, Or to .our Aiiociate at Oswayo, Potter county, Pa'.--JAMES H. GRAVES, Esq., who 'Las' justreturned from' Washington.,D. C., and is: supplied:_with all . the lateat blanks. 'issued undenthe late iastrue tions,lintlwill fili-them op' for all .who have been so' unfortunate as to require an applica tion.. Office in. 4, llegulator Store ", =NM ESE iliffl =EI !NE ME ESTABLISHED: 1760. _.......„------,.... PETEICLOELII.4.44IIIi Snuff & Tobacco. Manufacturer, 16 and:lB Chahibers St., (Formir/y . 42 Chatham Street, Yew York.) Would• call the attention of Dealers - to the articles of his manufacture, viz.; BROWN Mier. - • - Afacaboy, - Demigros, Fine Happee, - ,:Ture, Coarse Happee, T . Naehitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. , .. YELLOW BNITFF. Scetch,, Honey Dew Scotch, .." High Toast ScOtch, Fresh HoneiDeW Sc otch, -Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch; • or LundyfoOt., *' * *Attention, is .called to the large rednc lion in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be found of a Supe rior quality. And of the JAPAN TEAS. SHORING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING Long, P.A.L., or plain. S.Jago No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish No: 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster Nos. 1 & 2 mixed, , Turkish, Granulated • N. l3.•—A circular of prices will be sent on 6pplication.--4p Sly RAISINS, Forltatit, ?dice, Poaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in Puu.,Wooleus, &c. Insects onPlants, Fowls, Atitnia &c. , • Put up in 25c. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, &c. 'Only infallible remedies knowo." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." t r "Rats come out of their heles,to die." * * *Sold Wholesale. in all large cities. * * *Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every- HAMS, where. *** ! ! Beware!! !of all worthless imitations * * *See that "Coma's" name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask; before you buy. * * *Address Henry R. Costar', * * *Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. ***Sold by P. A. STEBBINS, & Co., Wholesale & Retail Agents, Coudersport, Fa: pantos' gip? THEundersigned ould respectfully inform . the surrounding community that he, has taken the rooms formerly, John S. Mann, where he is prepared to do •AU inds of Harness Work on the shortest notice. . • NAILS LONG STRAW OOLL &RS, als'o kept constantly on hand: • These collars are a superior article, and need' but a trial to insure their success. . 4epairing•done in good style. Surcipgles, Martingale-rings, Humes, and. Hame straps, &e., kept constai tly on band. The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. L CANDLES, • • S. P. 3111 CAR Coedereport .oct. 16th, 1860. KEROSENE, SOAP, FRUIT of Dlspolittionof:EtiArAgertivii. "partnership heretofore existing between the, undersigned under the firm name of OLMSTED .3- KELLY is this day . disselved by mutual;consent.. 'Persons who have unsettled accounts with the , late firm are requested to settle with. Ff. J. Olmsted to, WhoM all debb due the firm trill be paid: - • - • The business will. be . conducted. ;by H. J. OLMSTED, who has inichaserthe entire In terest Of .bitS . inte partner, and ivibtf . Stqicits a continuance of the public pationtige, - • -S. D. IVELLY, - - •B. J..OLMSTED. *•:CondertrPertiTe., , July, 7, loga _ . a: W::CGy. COSTAR'S VERMIN =TEM:NATO; at STEBBINS' 'ARlppyi3ntfra NKAAYANI.PLAIMS, Co, lAttornenßaffjpwsumyilpliclltors FOR -7A-TaidanK iwitirlyao clutuw, , ,m-shnuowistthitein, TOBACCO Tin Foil Cavendish 113000 Pounds of W ..I[4 Wantedlnune ately, AT' C. s:• Spr E. A. JONES: I trititTli* :XidiEfittrti"toLV: thmslov'marinvoit: .. t ~ . *, . AR Enti.TMIST E .17ickrcistlf4u.saii - Ganati.ii/aOhritt,. .. 42•Waflininros,1 1 .0:Ituip;l1,11tra, . ' • ~„,"c ' ttorcai—.Ther follOWini *ill ,fie - published his 4 , hand - bill tiotice, tii'nvery , Distric t Provoit Marehil;,With 'such tilteriitionarisliti may think particularly..suited tolls, distriet. The objectbeing to hasten and encourage en llstments in the Thielid GorPs. - - .', JAMES E. ENE, : Provost Marshal .Gen eral.:.. . itENYANTED FORTEIE INVALID CORPS: Only those faithfia soldiers who, s•frista 'wounds or,'the harashipi of war, are no long er tit tor field duty will be received in this Corps of Honor. Enlistments will -be - for three years unless `sooner discharged. Pay and allowances same as for officers and men ofthe United . States Infantry; except that rio prenniim or bounty for enlistment will be, allowed. ' This will not invalidate any pen sions or bounties which may be due for pre vious services. . The following uniform has` heed adopted for.officer's and men of the.lnvalid Corps : FOR OFFICERS : Frock coat :of sky blue cloth, with dark blue velvet collar 'and cuffs; in, all other respects, according to the present pattern for officers of infantry. Shoulder-straps—According to present mg : . ulations, but worked on dak blue velvet. -Pantaloons--Of sky. bin cloth, with doub le stripe of dark blue cloth down, the outer seam, each stripe one half inch wide, with space between of three-etghts Of an inch. Forage cap- : Present regulation. For ENLISTED MEN.—Jacket of sky blue kersey, with dark blue trimmings, cut like the cavalry jacket, to come well down on the abdomen. Trowsers—Present regulation, sky blue. Forage cap—Present regulation. Men who are still in service .and unable to perform effective field duty, tiny be transferr ed to this corps. Medical inspectors, Surgeons in charge of Hospitals, Military Commanders, and all oth ers having antnority to discharge, under ex isting laws and regulations, are bidden to grant discharges to any men under their con trol who may be fit for service in the Invalid Corps. For the convenience of service, the men will be selected for three differeat grades.of duty. Those who are most efficient and able bodied, and, capable of performing iluty etc . , etc., will be armed with muskets, and assign ed' to companies of the First Battallion.— Those of the next degree of efficiency, includ ing those who have lost a hand or unarm, and the least effective, hicluding those' whb have lost a foot or a leg, to the companies of the Second or Third Battallions; they will be armed with swords. The duties will be chieflylo - act as provost guards and garrisons for cities; guards for hospitals and other public buildings ; and as clerks, orderlies, etc. If found necessary they may be assigned lo forts etc. ' Acting Assistant Provost Marshals General are authorized to appoint Officers of the Reg ular Service,-or of the Invalid Corps, to ad minister the oath of enlistment to those men who have completely fulfilled the prescribed conditions of admission to the Invalid Corps, viz: 1. That the applicant is unfit for service in he field. • 2. That he is fit for the duties, or some of hem. indicated above. 3. That if not now in the service, he was honorably discharged ; 4. That he is meritorious and deserving. For enlistment or further information apt4y to the Board of Enrollment for the district so which the applicani is a resident, Capt. W. W. WHITE. — Provost Marshal, Oth , District, Pa. Pacovosr DiAnsur,L's OFFICE, Williamspo rt, Jpne 17. I 863._ M. W. McALAENEY, Provost Marshal for Potter Co. Coudersport, Pa., July 20, 1863 WATCHMAKER. • C. H;WARRINER Continnes . to repair CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY in Coudersport, and keeps con stantlyton hand and for sale a good assort ment of • - Ciob#l3, Watches, and Jewelry Of the very best quality:, Also, PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, VIOLLN STRINGS, REVOLVERS, &c. Also, a full supply of Fishing Tackle which;he is selling at the lowest prices for cash Every article sold warranted to be as represented. Shop on Main Street, two doors north of P.A. Stebbins & Co's Store, at the sign of the "Big Watch." • A T OLMSTED $ KELLY'S TORE can always .be found.the best o 1.7 Cooking, Box.and Parlor ; • ST O.VE S. Also, TIN and SHET-TR.ON WARE, POTS, KETTLES. SPIDERS, • SCOTCH BOWLS FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also • Agricultural= Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS;. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-BAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of th Coanty—Terms,easy. Ready Pay of all !kin including Cash, seldom refused. Store on lain Street opposite the Old Court House, Con. rsport. , Ang..l, 1859.-50 IstilitOrN-:Notice. WllliißEA*; letters of , administration on tile estate - of AD'A3f YORE, litte or Ab bott township, Potter county, deed, bare.been , grantect to-tbe undersigned,e II persons indebt ed to 'said estate are requested to-make imme diatepi ay,ment and tliose - hrividg claims against the sime= *ill present them dub! autbenicated _. • . NJ: MILLS, • - - .1 . i.ELIZABZ7II YORE , I dames. ; .Lb"tiettr, WWI IMIS DR SWEEIPS LMirdEN'T TEX GRIAT IiENEDT • `FOR RHEUMATISM. ,GOI7.T.,..NEHRALGIA LUMBAGO. STIFF-NECK. AND. JOINTS, SPAINS, BRUISES, WOUNDS 'AND • OUTS, RILES: ErEApAcgt, - , • AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND . • NERVOUS DISORDEftS: , For all of . which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails.. This Liniment .is prepared from jibe recipe of .Dr. Stephen: Sweet, of Connecticut; the famous bone set ter, and has b . en:used in his ,practice ,for more than twee y years with the most. aston ishing success. i . - , AS AN ALL #IATOR. OF :PAIN, it is un rivaled rivaled by anypreparation before the public, of which the thost skeptical may be"con vinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radi cally, AleumatieDlloniers of every kind, tind in thousands of cAses where it has been used it has.never beenlnowri to full. FOR NEURALGIA,i it wilt afford immedi ate relief in 'eve Ly case, hOwever distressing. It will , relieve the' Worst cases of HEAD ACHE in" three minutes and is Warranted to do it. i TOOTHACHE also it will cure instantly._ FOB . NERVOUS_ DEBILITY AND GEN ERAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this LinimeMt is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Aeting . directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and resto l res it to elasticity and vigor. 1 FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we' claim that it is be beSt known, and we chal lenge the world Ito prOduce an equal. Every victim. of this distreasing complaint should give it a trial, for . it Iwill not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases. will effect a rad'cat cure. 1 - QUINSY AND SORE THROAT ate some times extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to curt. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlargemert of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst cases may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS,! WOUNDS, SORES,, ULCERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield read- ily to the wonde i rful fleeting properties of DR. ' SWEET'S INFALLIBLE. LINIMENT, when used according to directions. Also, CHIL BLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS Dr. Stephen sweet, of Connecticut, the Great Natu,al Bone Setter. Dr. Stephenwed, of Connecticut, is known i , all over the Un'tled States.: 63 Dr. Stephen eet, of Connecticut, Is the au thor of "Dr . Sw 1 et's Infallible Liniment." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rime, matism and netier fails. . i I Dr. Sweet's *fallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for N euialgint Dr. Sweet's hi allible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds im ediately. Dr. Sweet's allible Liniment Is the best knOwn remedy or Sprains and Bruises, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Head ache' immediately antl t , rtis neverknown tpfail Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords imme diate relief for piles, tend seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Tooth ache in one minute. 1 Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds imniediately and leaves no scar. ' Dr. Sweet's nfallible Liniment Is the best remedy foz. l Sor s in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million • people, and all praise it. 1 .1 Dr. Sweet's tfallible Liniment Taken inter, nallicures'Colip,Choiera Mortals and Cholera. Dr. Sweet's infallible Liniment Is truly a "friend in meld," and every family- shoald have it at hiind. Dr. Sweet's reallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. • A Friend in Need. Try it DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external iremedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate !pain More speedily than any other preparation. -(For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disters it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains Bruises, &c., its soothing, healing anepow erful strengthning properties, excite. the just wonder 'and astonishment of all who have ever given it! a trial. Over one thousand certificates oflremaltable cures performed by it within the last tWoyears, attest the fact.. • To-gorse Owners I DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of Lameness arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is. magical and certain.l Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, izc., it will also cure speedily SPavin and Ringbone may be easily.prevented and cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of 1 4. minim. CURE. No case of the kind, howev‘, is 'so desperate or hopeless but it may, biy alleViated by this Liniment. and its faithful , apPlication will always re move the Lameness; and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease: Everr Horse Owner • - should have this remedy at hand,, for its timely use at; the .ffist. appearanca of tame ness will effectuallv prevent those i formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and, which render . so Marty otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. , Dr. SWECTIS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I IS THE SOLDIER'S FRIEND And thousands have found it truly, Frieini in Need i I CAUTION. I ---, To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness or Dr:" Stephen- Sweet on every label, & alto "Stephen Sweet's Infallible - Linimenir blown im. the. glass -of each bottle, without which none are genuine. MellArtiliSo.l4, it- CO. Sella Proprietors, I;lorwich, CL - MORGAN & • i.T.Tir> , GeneritlJoints,, I:6lCliff Street, . 40 3 4 1101 d by ell dealers everywhere. I EPME'. 4 I! I , +, . 1 4 - Voiir Wiatilibii4Wolluitirei f figi !Antelttfinettes follia .-Cosigitsegt -_. afte_ --..--,---., 'llll2 itettaulvettbrthe,Sensteilttakibmwso. JP- Representatives of the , 43onirno. :of Pettuayltiania in General Amsa4difrotat ;That the following aarealiiienti'he_i_provisott to, he Ooriatitutionlif tha - Piiiiitionwe• accordance withllia'prOVlSibtit' `die . :lei* article thereof ''l 1 " : ------ 77 . „,„ ; There shall any additionil :Oct:On t tAkett. third artkli ; Pf the' Colittittaloti: 14 Ai' dAkr:7-: nated as section' four,' as follotinr: ; - ',l — , ..,",- . I "SECTION '4, Whienarer atiY'Of dirt 4itallaa! electors of this. Commonwealth shall Vail any actual military :service; requw..-, tion frail: the. President of ' the, United °Stipp,. or - by the `authority,of this CcpinanWildtb.; such electors may exercise the - tight, di Att. frage in all elections-bythecitizeus,..linder' .such regulations as are or altallha riristlgetii by law as hilly and effectually as if di - 4,We* present at their usual 'phices,efeleitipa." There shall be two' the eleventh. article . of the Constitatitin,Wbe designated as sections eight and riltte„aa.V;• lcws : I "Secrrom S. No.bill shill be passidliititi_ Legislature col:Laird°more than oneaut e ct t which shall be - clearl expressed itt,the i 1 excypt appropriation ills; ~' -.- : ... ; -..' '., "Stoma 9 . No bill shall be passed , kriht Legislature gra.uting'anv powers or privliegellc in any ease where the authority to grant such powers or privileges has been or •marbaro... after be . conferred', upon the- , Courts of giill Commonwealth." ' JOHN.CESSNA, z! , ..z• Speaker of the Souse of Representatives. y -JOHN P. PENNY,., . - Speaker of the Senate., IS Office of the Secretary of the "Comm' wealth, Harrisburg, Julyl, 111133.. PENNSYLVANIA,.SS: • . _ I do hereby certify thatthe foregoing hand annexed is.a full,-true and - correCt of the? original Joint Resolution 'nf . the General -Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain A.mendtnetßif to the Constit.ition,'? as the same remains In this office.. ' In Testimoni Whereof I have 'berenntolet my hand, and vilified the sealof the Secreti. ry's office. to be affixed, the day •and yea/ above written. ; ELI SLIVER, ie"o/ 4, 0 we j . dad ational 644, ;:. 00 . / The Buffalo! Mercantile College CORNER OF MAIN AND SENECA STMETS. Is an itriportantilink in the INTERNATION. "AL CHAIN of, Colleges, located in NEW YORK CITY, TIIILADELPHIAi 'BROOKLYN, . A .BAN Y, TROY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, ' CHICAGO, TORONTO, ,PROVIDENCE, PORTLAND, SAINT LOUIS. A Scholarship issued frcm the Buffalo Col lege'rcentitles the holder to attend either or Ili the Colleges for'an unlimited time. The Design of these Institutions,is to imtart to j , oung men and Indies, a thorough, pined cal business education. THEORETICAL DEPARTMENT. • 'a.this department students receive thorn' instruction in the ruciimdnts of Penamitship, Book-Keeping,Ma thetas tics,Coramercial Law. PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT. Here the student buys and sells Merchen. (Ilse, Stocks, Real Estate, &c., 'admit business. Two Banks have been establiSbid in this department, which enables the student to deposit his cash, get his paper discounted, and transact all business incidental to a gen eral trade: TELEGRAPRING. Students may becoMe good operators bare in a short time The Spencerian System of Penmanship,. is aught by - competent and experienced teachers Scholarship, payable in advance, $4O. College open day at d evening : nolvacatiOnl Resident Principal at Bufralo, J. C. BRYANT. For further information, please Call at the' College rooms, or send for Catalogue and Cir cular enclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT •I; STRATTON, Buffalo, N. T: UTZ TllE subscriber offers the whole of the foi— lowing described tracts of land at private salA. The 'property will be sold in a body_or in separate tracts, as purchasers ,may desire, ft is in one of the Ernest lumbering and fait ing districts of this or adjoining totinties,and Will be sold at a very reasonable price. No. 1. A tract of Two Hundred and Six acres, Sixty acres of which are, iroPrcited, bounded by lands of Martin Bartron,l3ensleye Horton, and the Sinnemaboning creek; ,which are erected one Frame Howie. oil Frame Barn, one Frame Shed, Apple. P each, Pear, and Plum Trees, and also a fine lot tot Pine, Oak and Reminds Timber. •Spring at the door, and the Sinnemahoning andßoat Fork of the First Fork creeks running thr ough it. Situate in Wharton township. No. 2. One Hundred and TWenty-rire acres of Timber land, situate up thje Nati . * run in Wharton township. ,No. 3. Also Sixty-Seven . Acres oflgmber Land up Hunter run, adjOining . Smith Brol,f, about Two of which are• improved; .irs which are erected one Log House, situate . ft .`_ Wharton township: No. 4 1 . ' One otheriot of Timber Land:ioi: , taining Seventy-Six acres, up Beueleys in Wharton township. No. 5. - 'one other lot of Timber Land,itiii.. taining One Hundred and Fifty Acne, sittuifi up Vag Hollow, on which are erettetniutt Frame' House and one Log House, with . * gsr den and two or three fine springs Of iiit:e4 ur , Wharton township. " 'No. 6. Be also. sell the itidiiridetbilf of a tract of Four acres of land, bounded bb hinds of Jos. L. Nelson and- ther Sinnetnifro-- ning iviiieb are ereitedifilitz fine large *1 WATER. SAW.MILL, known as Anird' and also - s. Dwelling Howe, situate , itv Wharton. township. - • • He wilt nisi sell thefoliowing personalism.. petty, to. wit One Span of Horses, Wagsar One Sleigh, FOur • Cows. • Seven' Yearlinglk Seven Calves 4 * - JAMES-BAB:MOM Wharton, June 17,1868 : - - , 111LANIKS FOR SOP OOL DIRECTORS:in" LP incequired by•the School , Law 'tbatani carnal etatement of the school fundiboatadr ont, and ten written•or printed , haid-IiMIPSir thie statemenebe postid nyintialliStrietv` • ***We littry lately pritted it•lotltifilibtab ealiableitibethte-pttrptisek CA Aid ASV a' • - aptls. —•: 4 QAPONfFiEIt Theifiliklbin • - . 1 . ~ I .V.Tir; L. 7 for sale at . Secretary of the Conirootivreeltb.. PENMANSHIP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ei