The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 07, 1863, Image 3

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Weittefday , Svesting; Oat. , 1883:
I "'"Tacical and 'General. -
premium in Nevi York
jparlhe Newt' York World_ d,
"De . ,mia6raterofllaine had o
,os those of
tryink to, do; they might have
ticket. . . ; • 1
`The' confederate Gen. Wiaker,who was
lately wounded in a duel 'in Apkansas, With
Gen. llarmsdnie, his since died.
..• • t •
nto lady who lost her eye'sight by,reid
fog a boirowed paper, has recovered it - slice
she became a subscriber. . •
'ierTbe Douglas Democrats of Berks corm
tybare•come out for the Unioulticket, wbicb
the soldiers' of all fo'rmer stripes are backing
up :with great effect.
fidirThelltica Observer says that Jahez
Halleck,"of Oneida county, N. grandfather
of-Major-General Halleck, died on the lith
That., at: the extraordinary ago of one hundred
And three years.•
jerMr. Tillotson brought us, last week, a
hemp stalk, measuring .1.0 feet in length, We
wonder what "Jeff" and the little "Jeffs" will
say about this luxuriant growth Of hemp. One
stalk would' be 'Ruff:talent to dispose of the car
case of some of the "lesser lightl."
Sa.Blichael Burke, long tithe it. leading
man among the Democratic Irishmen of Har
risburg, we see it stated, has resplved to sup
port no man for office who would suit Jeff.
Davis, and hence opposes Woodriard and E4ip
ports '
; ;10,In Harrisburg whiskey his in the-brief
apace.of three _days sent three men into drun
kard's graves, through grog-31)00, via the
roads. The' employees of the roads are clear
of all blame. In neither. case cokild they
rant the accident.
jarthe latest style of beop l •
riblf-adjosting,double back action'
can, face expansion, Piccolorninil
gossamix indestructible, poloCtit!
It is a very sweet thinggr.
• - -
SIISP.We are informed one lacly told .badge
Woodward she hoped he would We elected, so
that hei husband need not be dr4fted, and he
bad not, the, honesty to tell her the Governor
of Pewee'. has no power over the Draft. . • His
ele'ction will be more apt to cen4 thah to!pre
vent future drafts. !
lifirThe Brie. Gazette gives the vote of Col.
Brown's - regiment, the 4th, for 'OciVernbr, as
taken on the 9th inst., ' and certified by the
Major, Adjutant, and Capt.,ait stood, officers,
Curtin 15, Woodward 00. nlisted men, Cur
tin 171, Woodward 4. Total, Curtin
Woodward 4.
`Bishop Potter and 77 other Protestant
Episcopal Clergymen of Phila., hare publish
ed an indignant reprobation of a copperbead
electioneeringdocument,ia defence qt Slarery,
by a Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont. j They"con
siaer it very 'derogatory to the church—to the
cause of Christ—and as an effort Ito establish
a Nation upon the principle of perpetual ban
dage of the African. r •
. nek. Aey inf or rn ati on ai; to the whereabouts
of one Catharine blasting.% 'who left Wellsville
on the 10th of August last:will bq thankfully
received by Morris Conners, or li L er moth s ..r,
Mrs. Catharine. Hjtstings. :Said girl is boat
12 years old,of light complexion,litile freckled,
has black eyes, and brown hair ; had on when
she left a dark colored flat, reddisl'!trecS with
a small green figure,
and a black silk vhsette.
Any person who will return said Child to either
of the above named persons, or give. informa
tion as to where she may be ford, will 'be
iberally rewarded.—l Press.
• • :fir As there may be some doubts amo'hg
Judges of Election as to the right H of soldiers
to vote , at their own election distriFts without
being in tbs district ten days prev,ious to the
Election, we extract the following from Judge
Woodward's opinion, inthecaso of Chase vs.
Miller &Wright, 423 :
" - When a soldier returns to his election dis
trict, he resumes all the civil rights of citizen
shipi'and, his residence being dinimpaired by
his temporary - absence, he • bas a right to' vote
•on election day."
13N10,10/ MEETINGS.
There will be 'speeches made at the follow
ing places at the times stated. Let all the
friends of the Goyernment attend I .Let Union
Derancrats add their. voices to the loyal de
cree 'that is to be made perfect by the b votes of
Pennsylvania's freemen. Let ever' man, be
his past politics what they may, udite in the
york . of crushing the rebeition ttiadl rebuking
14 treason of copperheads t•
Centre, Wednesday Eve'g; Oct. , 7th.
:tflysses;-Thursday Evening, Oct. Bth.
'Harrison Valley. Friday EAning, Oct. 9th.
Stinderfinvillt•Saturdas evening, Oct. 10th.
Bevefal speakers will be present At each of
these meetings. "Othet meetings will soon be
Iciipolatdittlfrongh the county.
. .
. s er•The other day while Mre.NutranPerry
Was doing . ber ironing in her back kitchen,
Vier 4i.ess took fire from a spark i.near
Is soon as she discovered itlshe went
into the house to lay' down and endeavor to
extinguish:, by rolling herse • lf on - the
carpetl failing 'in, this, and fearhig she might
set the house on fire, she rusbEd out of doors
and tied in vain , to put it out by rolling ou
the grass. But before help arrived her cloth
ing, was completelyLeonsumed and ;per body
was _ -literally burned a crisp, and ;n ode or
two - places to . the bone, . This (Thursday)
Morning al 5 o'clock, slfe'dled.liaves
it.busband- and three children to 'ourri her
terrible death—one a soldier in the army.—
We/twine Press.
- "..
19„, ; Provost Marshal General Fry ilas deci
ded,tbat a man who is under obligation to
perform military duty 'on his own laccount,
cannot be received as a s b Alt t forianoiher.
Also, , that - if the Board of Enrolinientihas been
imposed-upon, and has granted a certificate
of cam:notion because,of a substitutelfurnish
ed who proves to be a deserter, or one already
in the 'Military service, the board sliciitid, after
noticato3be party proceed to recotrider ite
action , nnd should set aside the ihrincijudg-,
mentcand annul the certificate oCiexelbption
granted. certificate of exemption halving
been - vacated,..the patty's' original ihability
unfierthe.draft remains. From this it will be
seen that AIM I ty furnishing a taibinitute
has to take all -the risk of his own substitute
haying Pesti in - factin the service at the time
bele actiiiited ar Wsibetitate: • I -
Whitt has.,lssneti tbe following
ordetr,;.. , ..Deputy..Ptiaytilh_tiarslWwill give
des*eriftom Priettamik Vailktbil.lsth of
OacibitrAirietur e4tY• -141:1611st SO"they
will natio tasted as desert:Mt.'. The friends
of such soldiers wtlt please notify them. A
reward of Thirty Dollars will be paid for the
apprehenstoit'arr st;iiitldelivery to Provost
Marshals of stoetertera Any person has au
thority to arrest a deserter.. •
eelarea that if
oneealed their,
I ew York are
elected their
came int:tithe county last weekin irtne, to vote
The copperheads loakablue:" ° They said the
soldier's were all on their side—but some how
or other the soldiers that - are on their side are
too far south to vote in the Northern States.
Every regiment-that has• taken a vote has
given all itsvotes, saVe'perhaps 3 out of every
100, to Curtin, the !'Soldier's Friend.".
itS±.„Our_friend; *r..Cooway, of Abbott tp,
has seat mica 'speck:nen of his - apples—large,
solid, saiooth and finely flavored, their posses
sion Must he decidedly gratifying
Capt. Jones has shown us an apple picked
from a tree in his yard that
-weighed 141. ozs.
But Capt. Kinney beats thetivall I Be has
preiented ns a specimen Of his apples that
really surprises us, ' Ode kreighs 151 ounces,
and four together weigh 3 pounds 7 °tunes.
Add now, we can not see why, with these
evidences of the success of fruit raising in this
county, our farmers and land holders do not
strive-nitoretocultivate it. We feel Certain if
they could only see our ta.lile th - ey WoUld
surely make the effort. Will they think of
this and speedily make amends for their past
negligence. ' •
0.9 1 / 2 v.iYo ) Oct. 6, 1863.
tetra "JOURNAL I . Bend yvuthe names, of
the Old Gbartlof Oswayo, who 'vote'd for, sun
porfid and approved of the adminiStration of
Andrew Jtickson. The Old Guard' would
any leader. be it Andrew Jackson or
AbrAham tir:co'•'i for the salvation of their
country. They, all march to the ballot
bok nelt weik .attd there deposit a vote fot
Andreist G.,'Ciirtin for Governor of the State
of Pennsylvaitik; and should that time attire
as predicted b}
,Frank Pierce in 'his i^famons
letter to Jeff Iparfs, theit will tlfe Old Guard
be ready and wilting to use the 4artridge-box.
• n H. ?S.
skirts is, the
Franklin dale, Lemuel Loitll,lohn Davis,
'Jacob Reekho*, Gardner Weit, Thos: West,
Jerome Citeesl#o.H. H. Munson, • Joelliaskinks.
William ShattOck, Nathan Goodenoe, Nittl?an
Goff, Calvin Stilion. Orson Abbot, Wm.Loai
i •
11ta,,,C01.-DlVight sends us the resolutions
of the 149th, published in another column,
with the hope that they may influence some
friend of the soldier's to vote right, The fol
lowing quotatiOn is from the Phila. Press :
"The resolutions were unanimously adopt
ed on the 19th September, 1863. by the 149th
and 150th Regiments Pennsylvania Volun
teers. having been submitted separately to
each company in both regiments, and meet
ing the unanimOns approval of each. These
regiments, it will be remembered, fought with
distinguished valor at Gettysburg They
were in the Ist Corps, under the command of
the lamented Reynolds, and suffered terribly
in the bottle of ;the Ist ofluly, losing two
thirus of their .:)11:cers aqa men, killed and
wounded, before giving ground; and then
yielding their position when the whole line
was irdered tot fall back Notwithstanding
their fearful losies, these regiments presented
nn unbroken front in the battles of the 2d and
3d of July, and assisted handsomely in the
final repulse, of the enemy on the latter day.
They are now in the front of the Army of the
Potomac, near - Culpepper, eager to encounter
their countrY's:o4ten foes with bullet and bay
onet, and now appeal to their friends at home
not to alloyv oar brave army to suffer frdm a
free in: the rear:
Apar Last. night some of, the copperheads
who arc ashamed to ventilate Ric it treason in
'daylight, distributed di:Cements upon the
'door steps of loyal citizens. It may be con
soling to these blue-lights to know that a pro
per dispositien of the'papera was immediately
determined upon.._ The contents of the pam
phlets and the rnethoc taken to distribute are
of the same dolor. Always blaming Repub•
licans with harping upon the 'Nigger" they
exhibit their consistency by rehashing all the
:stare Negro slang of the past and the present.
cursing President Lincoln and his supporters
and praising Jeff. Davis and the rebels, and
finishing up, as every rattle-brained,shialloiv
pated, foul-mouthed copperhead in the corn=
try always dbes,.with tti "Bible View of Sla
very, just as though a traitor dared read a
Book that contains the history of Judas Isca
riot j A successful coliperlicad
one who can "stump" Five Points and Mack
eralville- -is generally supposed to be devoid
of any knowledge of the principle, "do unto
others as'you,wobld have others do unto yciu."
Tre'ason and Whiskey, Slavery and Adultery,
klopperheadism end Woodward.are the hand
in-hand devils that, would sink Patriotisin,
Nationality, Freedom. and Morality, into the
gloom of the dark ages. But, thank Ileaieh !
that day has not yet come.
te,,,,We heard, the other day, that one of
thelrespectable members of the iicket nomi
nated by-the self-appointed committee of six
copperheads, "carlo " 'and whiskey, was not
present at the time the nominati.ins were fix
ed and when apprised of the part he was ex
pected to play, exclaimed : "Oa, no I I can't
run. I'm out of politics now." lntimating
that he was'ashamed to be on ri ticket with
men who ar avowedly against the GoVern
!nen', and the idea of being paced upon the
record as opposed to the Wur was den:itledly
repugnant to him.- We 'are sorry to hear by
way.of the tory sheet in Wellsboro. that he
was induced to let his name remain on the
ticket.. The'dark-lantern party having found
the "old knight" foolish enough to supply his
agents in this county with a little money they
think it best to make some show of spending
it. A word more about this _ticket ,• it was
christenad by one of the—little-headed-big
bellied knights "Disorganizer." They have
on it the tirother of the man who saysile can
"control" * Potter county; this controling aid .
is to be extended to the whole ticket, its pro
t' etingarmstare jo encircle it abbtit add assist
in gathering in votes from thoile Who ere "on
the fence" and who, were it not for this ticket
and these "arms," would in the end vote fi r
the Right. Let ode ft,iardis•reini . m)er this:
and' watch.llie t 2 arnis7(l). AnOther thifig fin
this "disorganizer"-ii sorriething.that said it
would tigct out" . froin the Union convention if
a couple of resolutions in favor of sus t a i n .
inn- the Government were fiassed.., They fai'eS
kr, but it ;:a.srfbci-ignoribt to-kdow it and so
remained in the Qiinvehtion.
.This_ thing
wants to go to ibe Legishittire, brit as he fins
' 4000 majority against him there is hot:much
need of, discussing his merits or 'demerits
Our Mende' will- remember that it is simply
justice to give our tieminees'a-cordial,'llearty
and unanimous support. They ore, every one
of th',em, intelligenti'hcinalit:and capable Llnynl
and trite, airery liarieat• man- give them
hie ttapp'ert: ' • -• • -
~.- F , NEvlEßstriowslpt
• .o,aVOPFA':4jr.',.tiii)t ‘
Suitable for Grapes,,,reaches,Pean,-.4eap
harries, Strawberries., Blackberries, Currants,
',tc. t 'ofl, 21, 5;:16, 0r tp nCrett, each; at the
following pnces'for the pr,eseni, '2O" acres
for 5200, 10 acres for $110; 5 acne.. for Siity
Dollars, 21 acres for Forty
,Dollers', - i acre for
l'iventy' Dollars: ' _Payable, by one dollar a
' Also, good Cranberry lands, and vi fags
InCELETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at Ten pollars
each, payable• by, one - dollar a week.. The
above land and fauns, are. situated at Chet.
wood; Washington Towiship, Burlington CO:,
Netv jerbey. For further infortiationl apply;
with.a P. 0. Stamp, tor a Circular, tol
No. 90 Cedar Street, New Toils, N. Y. -
Corrected every Wednesday 7 by P. A. STEB
BINS & CO., Retail Dealers in Oro'*lea
and Provisions;
• opposite D. F. GlaSsmiren llbtel,: • '
Coudersport, Pa. '. '
Apples, green, Ifi buili.; V37a to • 75
116 tfiltd, " -1 00 200
Bearia, ". ' 150* 00
Beeswax, ? Ili:, • 25 30.
Beet, g , ' 6 6
Berries ) dried, i:2 quart •6' 12}
Buckwheat, `l4 bush. ' . ' .60 75 .
BuckwlteatFlour, 2 75 i 3 00
Butter, V - 11).',' • 14
Cheese, ' l, • 10. •12
Cloverseed ' 7 : 00 7-50'
Corn, `i? bush.,' - 88 ' 1 00
Corn Meal, per cwt. - , , • "2 00 '2 25
Eggs : w doz , . - '," " 12
PlO s ur, extra,
V plil:,. 7 50" . 8 00
. .do inperfirie " G5O- 7 00
Hams, %1 lb., 10 12
Hay, 'il ton, 600 700
Honey, per lb., 10 121
Lard, - IL 10 127 1
Maple Sugar, rier lb.; 10 12
Oats, "il bush. ) • 60 '65
Onions, " • 75 I'oo
Pork, `ifl bbl., • 17 00 18 00
do `iti lb., 9 lO
• do in *hole hog, V) iti, 5 , 6
Potatoes, 11 . 1* bush., '37k ' 44
Peaches, dried, Ifit lb", ' 25
Poultry, 11 rt..., 5 7
Rye, per bush:, . 88 100 •
Salt, "0 bbl', '3 25
dots sack) . ' 16
Timothy e r ed '2 50 ato
Trout, Or 1- bbl:, 450 500
Wheat, 11 bush., . 100 125
White Fish, `ll bbl., • 450 500
Executor's Notice.
OTIbI is hereby given that letters eiecn
,tort' on the last Will and testament of
AMBROSE COREY, late of Ulysses toWriship.
Potter county, dec'd, pave this day been grant
ed to the nndetsigneil by the Register of said
county. All perSona indebtedLto said desce
dent willidease make payment and those hay
inz claims will preient thern.duly authentica
ted for settlement. SUSAN' COREY,
Ulysses, Pd., Sept. 23, 1863
1563. "'SOS.;
This great line traverses(' the,Nprthern' fled'
Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to: the
city of Erie, on Lake Erie. " ,
It has been leased by the Pennay/eania
Roitroad Company, and undek their auspites
is being rapidly opened throughout its entire
It is now in use for Pasienglr and Ft:eight
business from ll.A.anzsafrao to Driftwood , 2nd
Fork, (177 miles). on the Eastern Division,
and from Sheffield to Erie, on the Western
Division, (7d miles).
Express train arrives • 2.10 P. M
Express train feaves west 12.45 P.. 11
Cars run through WITHOUT CHANGE both
ways on these trains between Philadelphia
-Ind Lock Haven and between Baltimore and
Lock Haven.
EIS-cant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train
both w:ip between Williamsport and
more and Williamsport and Philadelpdia:
For inforthation respecting Passenger busi
ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 11th and Market
And for El'elglit business of the Company's
S. B. Kingiton, Cor. 13th and Market
Sts. Philadelphia, ,
J. W. Reynolds, Erie.
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R R. Baltinscire.
H. H. HousroN,
Oen't Freight Agl.
• LEWIS L. llourr,
.Geb!l7:icliet Agt.
Jos. D. POTTS, • .
Gen't lifanager,- Wiyiarnspot.t.
gIIN and after Monday, August 10.
An etcellent workman, always ready ,tfi
work for such as will pay when THE JOB IS
Is, - 6'oredit'givett unless by special arrange
ment with the proprietor.
Dried Black & Black Raspberries. County
.rders, Cash, &c.,wanted.
LJCIEN BIRD, Pro7rietoi.:
Broolt.lond,.Pa.. formerly called Cdshing
ingvillb, July, 1863. •
Executor's Notice.
OTICE is hereby given that letters mai
-111 ."birv:ort the last will and, testab3tht.of
HENRY'E, TI7CKER, laid Of Allegairy tp,
Potter countYideed. have this day.beeli grant
ed ).0 the undersigned by the Register of said
county, All.persons indebted to said desce
dent will please luakepaynien) and thosp hav
ing claims will present theM duly Auth6ntica
ted for, settleMent.
A. P. RAYMOND, Ruin*.
Ulysses. Sept. 4, 1863 -
ESTRAY. -- : 1:
11.431 E t 3 the premises of the subscriber in
'kJ Homer township, atiCalt three month's
ago, one two year old steer, a grizzly color;
and a two . year old heifer. red with a white-
and red-::potte'dfac'e ,• eliont twn weeks
ago P. 'it:bite spotted hhirer, short ttill;',h4d
!bob, h's though' stie gave milk. The ournM.
or owners wilt come forwaird.,proce property
and take theill tiv4y, Wi11,136 disposed
of according to hint: JOHN LEDITAItIi
_Bonier. Sept: '1..1 E163._ :
• Of the finest style for sale at the
tiotirlaat Office
• • , , Prima Veit&
• * O. , r97-.0 , -. nurs"
A Pure. Tonic;
'-'''''''-'..'. ' :-, D1'..r.-HO-Olatidisr•ac,rb:ll!
Geri ihti Bitter*,
Piltidir3 131
D. M; atcp;car, Lilail :Y
wig. Eynon:,Alta'
Chrdnie or. lcirroas De6ili4lDrigeigs*
the Kidneys, and ,ail diseases. ari sing
from a diikderid Stomach;
Sueh tronitlikation, tiNetki Enlnese
orßloo'd te the Head,Aciditig heStomach,: :
Nausee,Heartburn,DisgustrotrFood,leal. or weight in, the Stoniegh, Sour
Eructations', Sinking.orFluttering sit
the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming
o the Head,; Hurried and
unit Breathing, Fluttering at the fleart;chok'
ing, or Sliffocating,edeations when in
ing postore, 6itnitish 'of .Vision j Dots
Webs before theight, 'Fever 'and dull
Pain, 4n the head, Daciency of Per-
Yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes,Pain iiilheSille, Back,' '
Chest, Limbs, ke., ,Suthren Plusbes of Heat
. Burning in the 'Flesti, COnstant Trnagi; ;
"range and great Pepre` ,
of Spirlte.
• •. .
1100FLiND'S GBRMAtif BITTEBS 1 ...
Ate not a new and untried article, but have
stood the Veit of fifteen leers trial , by _the
American putilio - ; and their repttation.and
sale, are not rivaled by any siniilar prepara
-The propridtoris base thouisisds d Letters
from the most eminent
Tehtlfyitrg of'their own. personal knowledge
to the beneficial effects and thedical virtues o
these Bitten.
Are call the attention tit' all having ridations
or friends in tliiicirmy ia the fact that "HOOE
LAND'S German Bitters' will cure nine tenths
.of the .diseases induad by eilipsurei and
iprivatinns incident to camp life., In the lists,
published almost the' ncWspaf)ers,on
the arrival of Ite it'Wlll tie noticed that
a very large proportion are sufferffig froasde
bility; Every case of that kind cad be'read=
ily cured by lloolland's Germai
Diseases resulting from discirders of the diges
tive organs are speedily removed. We have
no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters
were freely need among obr soldiers, buti
dreds of lives "might be saved' that othet-
Wiie will be lost.
We call 'particular attention to the follow.
lug retnarkithle and, well authenticated cure
of one of the nation's heroes ' Whose life, to
Use his own language, "has been saved by
the Bitters':"
PHILADELPHIA ' Aug.-24,-1863.
Massas.,,Tosts Or.tia.-IVeltoientlenten,
yodr Thiolkand 'German' Bltters tuts, tiaveCroy
life., 'there is no mistake '
couched for by, numbers 'of lny:'contirtidis,
some - of Wbose names are appended;and . wto
were' fully coniatint,nt all the Cirerittistalices
of, my case . tiro; andhavefiteri - f ortheiast
four yea Member of S h eruin's egleliTiited
battery, and under the. iiiiitiediate.,
mand of Capt. R. B. Ayrea. ' Through the
exposure attendadt lipeli- my "atl4tnius &idea,
I was attacked in November Fait 'With itifliirn
atiou of the lungs, and was for seVenty-twO
days in the hospital. This teas Rllowed'by
great debility, heightened by an attack °lf
dysentery. I was then removed froth Abe
White House, and sent to this city onboard
the Steamer "State of Maine," &Jim which I
landed on the 28th of June. Since that time
I have been about as low as any doe could be
and still retain a spark• of vitality. FOr a
- week or more I was scarcely able to swallow
anything. and if I did force a morsel down, it
was immediately thrown up again.
I could not even keep a glaSs of Water on
my stomach. Life could not last underench
thonmstances; and, accordingly the physi - -
cians who bad been working faithfully, tho'
unsuccessfully, to rescue me from. the 'grasp
of the 'dread Archer, frankly
,told me
conld . t!lO an Mere for die, and advised me to
see a Clorgylnah, and to Make such disposiz
non of My Hmite funds as best suited Me.
An `acquaintance Who visited ger at the leis
pital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth .belbW
Arch Street, advised 'me, as a forlorn
to try your Bate; and kindly procuted•_a
bottle. Front the time I commenced .taking
them the , gloomy shadow. of death receded,
and I am now, thank 'thid for,lt, getting bet
ter. Though I have taken but ,two bottles, I
have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine
of being eermitted to. rejoin my ,Wile taul
daughter, from wham I have, beard nothing
for eighteen months ; for, gentle Men I.a.M a ,
loyal Virginian, from the vicinity_ Of
Royal.' To yott Bitters,l are the'
certainty, of life Vhieh has taken the plki s of
vague Tears—to your Bittern Will t owe the
glorious privilege of agaih Clasping to my
bosom those,who are dearest to me in-life.
Vet truly yours,.
We fully concur in 'the trig!) Of the a63e
statement, as we had des; aired of seeing our
comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health.
John Cuddle Wick, Ith Ne* Y9rk Battery
George A. Ackley, Co. C, 11th Maine.
Lewis Chevalier, 921 New York.
I. E. Spencer, Ist AhillerY,tattery Y.
J. B. Fabewell, Co. B. 2d Vermont.
Eienrj B. ierome, Co. B, do;
JohnT,„.Mucdonitld, Co. C . Stli Maine.
John F. Ward, Co. F,. sth Maine.
Berman Koch, Co. 13. 72(1 New York.
Nathaltiel`B. Thdailfti. CO.? (15th Fenn.
Andrew J. 'Kimball, Co. A. 3d Vermont,
John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th Perm.
See thAftre of."cp' '
is on the APPZR of each bottle.
- Price per qpittle 70 Cents,
tiVitialf Hoz
.. Should yiitir neatest drdigiet not beiellie
atti4le, do Mitt be put off by any.Of the iototi
looling preparatlotit that may be offeicid Wits
place, but send to us, abd ftiritatd,
securely packed, by express. _ •
. .
*4.63ll:Arch Streit,
, • •
(Succeigini to O. *. IfteKSONI 654
FOR saie:ll4OrigkistsiudThaterriti eAIY
7 -
.I.Vrral 74:407
. i;11
1 6; 1 I: l a ;D E 1 :1 " wit"'
i . .
My 4 sissprtmeat A Good,,,nsist;ag. of xl2)-
nal vide.* .of . f.-,:,-=' - :!' '- '' ' : `-.
, !•4': - 7 - 1?' t . -1 •!;s:' 1 -::**• ::;
ti : -,
P !0., 1 ' lONS - - Ls
1 ~[.... ~..,-:. ,:... L .., ~, t..: ..... „.,_ 'p :
ie., Sce:, and reinetnlier that am not to
fie undersold. .
D. ditATIMD,
1, 1863.
~ V :'t Cs ':.:2 -..i7 . ..-1 '';';. I. 7.:', — ,: -. :',Y ,f 1 ,':, -.'
Nb F a a.
g g
FeEttiligthetEßtLyill cato,turemy#ock
f Goods and inky only in CONV.gUEILITt
Bttip, I Ithve concluded to ,
. Ftheaper th.sL ,Dirt."
I my choico stock of '
DRY GOODg; • . ' • ' ' '
j GROOE - RIE%. • = =,_
HILTS 1,1 tkps,
c;i. URIVEN - -SAVKS '
ja ,34
gq C •• rn
1 Brooklsind, Pa., Jane 25, 1863.
Notice to , Drafted ;Men:
l itime for Drafted 31ta to: appear has
been extended as follows : . . .
Potter County . :.. \ .'. .
29th 'sub . -district, DOtideriptirt,Btil.ifia,flt . i:.
1 t andlSweden, October 19th.:
80th sub-dirtrict, Pleasant Villey, 'Hebron,
Cara, Sharon and °away°, October 20th.
31st anb-district, Genesee, AllegannUlysses
'and Bitigbani, October 21st: • '. l --
182nd sub-district, West Branch, Summit,
AbliOtt: and Stewardson. October 24th.
sub-drierlct, 138:fri3(SO Hector Jackson
and Pike, October 25th.
1841kintlfidistrict, Keating, Homer, Sylvania
and Wharton, October 26th.
Ezaininctions can be held exeept acpord
alce toftli the 460 - ve order. • 11 :
(The Board of Enrollment will be in session
daily for the purpose of hearing. cases of ex
emption! and making exarrinations, at their
Othce, from a o'clock. n. m. until 12 m.,'and
:frc i m 2 o'clock 3 o'clock p. m., to
receive ititutes. .
Capt. and ProvoSt Marshal.
Commissioner of Board.
Surgeon of Board.
t 21st, 1863,
TN' conse'cinezie,e'ofa'"Notice" in your paper
of August 26th, signed by a certain Wm.
,Radde, supposed to he Wm. Radde, tbe e u
perintetident and Cashier of the PennsPuanta
Land and.
.Farm Association owning their . bands
in ithis c6unty 0", Charle§Bushor. now of this
'Coitnty,Offer the folloting property for stile.
.gtran4cing an undisputable and. warranted
tit ts,lite *hole or any part or fraction
thelreof . ,
;• A certain tract of land near the Germania
Afiq in warrant No. 5075, Abbott township',
Potter ea, Pa., containing - 100 acres. Also,
,25 ( Itcreb in warrant No. 5078; ;adjoining the
Alcove. L
~,. 4 certain tract of land . . • - .
with mill end im-
Tioyetnerits, ther'enn, 'lef Kettle. Creek in
,tvarantNo. 5819, Stawartson townsh - p, con
tai ing about 204 _acres. Also, warrant No.
1 1
;250 .Gaines itmlislilp, Tioga county, on the
row leading front Germania to Gaines, con
tain crg:Bso acres.
' A so, several run warrants in the-townships
of J ckson, West Branch, Abbot, tmti„,,Stew
arts n, in Potter county.
be 0 ania I Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 26,1863. -
Notice. -
, AM : ,
Pottir e e '' -
• , '
IM Aug. 1, t8(33.
i 1 14 ,
I TICE is hereby given that Qharles Bo
'shor- now °ri me of this c o
unty. holding
dlowfug described property.
has not yet
any consideration whatever for the same,
If jOitims are hereby warned not to ',cr
ony of soidlirolierty of the said Bushor
they decision of the Co.urt is,giveu in
4 2fi
Oise and C. Bushor has ti to'ute-the
ideration money therefore. -
e following is the property
A:'eertaiirtrae , ,•Of lista nittr. tlitrOdtc
a Bitll, in warrant 5075. - Abbot township
r county, Pfv ; , acres
25 abFes fit s Wafriant 5078 srti'ltdjoining
andbogie ,
o rettiMite thereon. near KL:ttle Creek, in
ne:6Blol;l3lewaiditicii TfSrnatiip.Totter
y, Pal, containing about 204 acres.
Stiehl:it ',holds:Juts() inlet:lra-nab f;rie.
e road leading from Gefmad4t fo
ininABso acres.
tbef. -
211, 1
imp s
250 t
OD t
COll ;
NT!SI,BLOOZI , OF RrAES I -ilr•ibtLzt:
• - , ,t -L . ...! .7 , . ;... ..1; '...-::', • :.[', 7 : " ,',,,. :. : 5 .'," 1.1i,L: i."' rio
. .aGer
.:..-;.:1.,...-...',..:tf, 1 . : v.
7 . ~.........,' ~ .., E 1. 1. :1 :-. .: .. , 7.: .7;47); eire - 4 10 er' 7 l'
: '''. - I , 1 .,.' - ‘'r.
.:' • '-'!' .1: ;
p •
0 -..• „ ,
, .
• aa
4,. tifl,3
Out i New Pricelis,
in Full Blast 1-
1 ,,,
and other' Good Prias from 121.04_
eta.; for the best.
• . •
GOOD SHEETING 16 CO 20 irattlilo
:to 30 cm
18 north 18 to 30 cta.
GOOD DENIMS for 20 'eft.':berth SS
to 35 cts.
GOOD TWEEDS for 2 . 5 * foil worth 136
to ots. -
, wortb $125 to $1.75 •
worth $1
• worth 50 ots.
to 25 worth 25 to 30 ca. ,
. . .
ALL WOOL ,MERINOS.,fa s 0 toss
cis. l :worth O. to SL26 r/D
Toots &
Good Calf Bodts for _ ;
GoodWoroTii's Shoes for . cet4s
Gdod Gaitern for 63 . c.eid4 • ,
~ And n o
11 other kinds f fine sh•iits eine:lly
In thisline of our trade we cauiSave yeai
large.per. .cent. • . , . •
Good. Snits Black, Grey.and . , Others':
Vest, -li.ants,Hat,Pocket Har,Okerhief i VittrAt7
and . Shirt for $lO to $l2 woitit $20.-
_ ~ ....
. .. . ~
We 'ean , also sell you Groceries at a a aiiii'of
at least 25 to 50 pet-et: Good Tea of art rx. ,
'l. rii qnality for SiAirrirdi $1,50: ,, Other good'
Teas from 50 to 75 cts . -:. :•_, -.-li.vA
Good thetrieg ToVino° froin 35' to Se•ota
Good Sugar for 12 cents
Opr mtnnection With some ()litre Beet
bfng holises in NeW - York
us'to sell, many goods vety tnuC h
warkeelprice. .
Dry Qonds from Jason Ft DooVoV - ey,_
Claffiini Mellon &I Co., New York, Also, Hair:
land. Lindstey & Co_, two of the tint houiek .
in Nevi' ' • •
rom .Messrs. §toica,
Co.„, 2 COurtlad , also Sleisis.44:: .
stroet,"Dradford 348 BiOichi•WiK
Yatitit;e Notions . from 11 - 04''SaitiltS=
Pas ne; i3s:Couttlana st. •, • •
lhiltviare from Morgan,. OimetariL - Sail :
bo - :,'2oloOurilonc! st. •• . • , -
--' • ' •
.7rocl.o,ry frbm 3fr. Oscar Ctieesmito;.
e . ,
Groce~r!e9 from
255 Wit.shlng,ton,..stgie. •' '
Hat - ,Ad,caps from tititk
I . r•
• 4.lsciPlry:Gpoti,s rrom. Wm. • Criiii6;ek4il) Co
85,,FraKklin stre.tslT. S., who, ever .t l le COX_
rgain,z.for •
,argaiii i .Vp r . . •
!tot to edit u:poa as, arilp' . :(d - rtkiiii die
• our. prides tefore
eh ewhere.
- '.XII" jobbers fiirdigh'ed for the , trade4t! Late
..v.hoksole , prices, said le it: bkr Atl
it ap t
birek quit 'tt• e.
atilt 138 a "S' kotetSle I ieoos o';
„ ,
11 . •••711.
' 4 , " Toifra - ilespeettla -
e _Nerw,zief.kitiorf 26, 1i6.11
r . - • tti.10.7.1
157;4'.1.,•.f.1 315: OF
6 •
.• ...„....39:
;•':-; -,%1)
a.~ ::
GiciCeige - 4
J~s.d ~::~ ..ui~;:!~
t .4
I`. .
E 33