The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 07, 1863, Image 1
tri trr.V. , • •• 1 3 'l7 MI ESE NEM OAUSP; XV.-.4VII.XiBER, ECEI JpOTTERI. JOURNAL , PUBLISHED BY MCAIRKUPYS PrpPrietar. $1.5 1 3 . P11. TELE X IN vAatesct till ADVANCE. . .0 ,j_ * * *Devoted to-the cause of Republicanism, ; Interests of Agriciiltdfe, the advanceine4c of Education, and the best good of PottUr *amity. Dwqng ::no guide.: Eicept Principle, it will endeaver to aid in the work wtniortxfulltEreedothiiing our •-:"Arivrartstitortil inserted.: at the Allowing rates, except where special bargains are made. 1 Squarello lines] l'inaertion, f--.....: - .. 50 1 . it it 3 " L- - $1 50 each subsequent insertionless than 13, 25. 1 Square three months, -- - - 4 . - - 250 11:::t 'lO . 7iiii.,..:.; 46- -. ..:4; i". ._, ... r .:!: „ TOO 1 gs nine , i - -:..... •-, . . 6i50 t- ig one year ----,. . - 600 1 Celli= •six -02001126, 20 00, u • " ft . - - - 10.;00 1 is tc• 'II • • er year - - -- - .- - 40 00 'u iv .. .. ~ , ..... ~ ' .. - 20 op, idministrator's . or. Esecutor's Notice, . .2 00 Business Cards, 8 'hes or less, per year 5 00 !bide) and.Editprial Notices, pe..tine, 10 * * *All (faiisient advertisements,mast be paid in advance, 'and no notice \yinlie taken of advertisements from allistanFe, unless they are accompanied by the money o satisfactory SiAiiirice: 4... ' ' ' • ' .'-' , , , )* * *Blaracs, and Job *Orli' of f all' kinds, at-, toilded to promptly and 'faithfully. ' ' .• i 1 BUSINEKBr'i.... IIS EukiLLk LODGE, .No. 342, N. A.A. STATED lfeetings oh the 2nillin4 4th Wednes days of eath month. Also Ainsonic gather ings on eVeryWedneidit3r Eieqing,for work _ 'incitir4tice,, at their gall in qoudenipord B. S.• COLWELL, W. M. 194imer, HAVEN, seep. 3 - 01 IN S. MANN . i f' ATTORNEY:AND tOUNSELLO I R AT LAW, Condi3rsport, Pa., will.' attend the several Courts in Potter and rliean Grunties. Ali tinsinen entrusted in his care will receive pri3mpt attention. Office corner of Meat and Third streets. , 1 I , ARTHUR G. •OLMS £TTORNEY 6r, COUNSELLOR Coudersport, Pa., will attend t. entrusted to.his care, with pr fidt'ity. - Office on'Sotli-'weat ' and,Potirtli streets. .1," , • • ISAAC BENsol] ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all butiness etitiustetl to' him, with eaie and'promptness. . Office op Second st: siyitr. the Alleghenrilridge F. W. KNOT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Conderspor,t. Pa., wilt jegularrir attend' the'Conits in Potter an(( iiajoinineoounties. ' • :O. T. ULLISON,I - I _PRACTICING CondersportyPa4 respectfully informs the citizens of the'sil lage and vicinity that he will !proruply re 'pond to all calls for professional services. office on Main st., in. building ;formerly oc cupied by C.. W.. Ellis, Es., ; . C: S. - & E. 'A..JOTES!, Ds/Lima IN DOGS; MEDIC NES, PAINTS Oilsjancy Articles, Stlttioneri, Dry. Good:, Groceries, Acc., Slain st.; Couderseort, Pa. D. E..O,IiMSTE'D, I fitiLEitim DRY_ GOOIJS,' READY-BADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceris, &c.. Main st.y Condersport, l Pa'. • . ' .1 COLLINS &Mint SEALER in Dri'Good . s,Graceries; Provisions, Hardware, ,Queenswqre,' Cutlets, Eltlcl • I ' Goods usually "foUnti in e. country Store.— tiideriport, Nov. 21, 1861. 1 COUDERSPOWF HOTEL, *AP. GLASSIFIRE, Proprietor, Cornet, t= Main and Second Streets, Coudersport,Pot . ter Co., Pa.- . • ..ik• Livery Stable is also kept in conned %lon with this Hotel. MARX 'GILLON, fAitAikaOeitrly, opposite this Coa'rt•lTouse— ' clothei tntitisteo, to him in tlielfitett ttnd best styles—Prices to salt the tietes. , —Gire. him a cail. 13.41 V owtarso., • . . . . . . . S. D, KELLY., -OL)ISTED & KELLY, JRALRA I,N STOVES, V & SE(ER'I'. IRON WARE, Main nt.dhearly opposite the Court House, Coudersp)o . rt.,.. Tin and Sheet .Iron. Ware maaiz to ordet :lin good style, on ' SPRING MILLS. ACADEMY.- sidifd-igki:Lec•ALtiiiiiwy . *1 . 1:44 WiLlfE!i Tfourott, : Pre - Ceptress` ,; ! : a ssistant p.psuer;e4l4; Toon, Teacher of 'lloilo oft Fall !Tofu sommenceS'Aug'ust "!, MlihteiTermeeirimeticeS Deceinbei 9. nirSivritiCre'rni comnienCes Miirejf . 1 4 T#Iiicniftorri tlireh' to FiVci Board 11.50 per week. ,‘ • • ' Furnished rooms . for ,self l hoarding at low prices, , . • ..r . FOrfiiiiier information addressklkit pal or the undersigned. mm,0)38, : President-Board isf.Trustees, NEW :Yalt:KJ prilllS • Poiiiitar Miter he sittiateo near 1116 .1.-'fidrberYclfr•Ntirray Streit. arid Broad ersyoppßaite the Park within one block ofilid•Hbdioi Riverltnil Road arid/neai=th e ZWeliiiilioa . 3l:tteiot. :At; is one. Or thi - rticiii pleLllittit . Conliantelit'lettititiiisinl the - bity. :114111141 7 86 lioOhtlirsloo'periday; Ni3ilJP9lll4iPipprietor. ~, , . . The .41,00hoster i ,frtiaw-Cutter. OlaiSTEbrarlEMlTiitohdelsPirit: - have the elc,lnsivj ttgen,T ft:this celebrated masehthe condi. 1E tieekqeritint, ail CHEAP. Dee. 1, 1900.-12 ______ 7 _, , . , ..:,,,-,, ;;; ,,,, 1 ., : ,,,,,, - ,:: . : , : ,,.., , -1.1 , elfsw.r.: o- ,A Alinssiona od't - 1411 IttTelf, SMVICOEM wyootaviolti ir 1 T i lr cr . - , --...,-, • : t• :r , ...,-.. • ...„; :, - .. . i .'itelotitixe'r vutaa 1 .),,L11.. ri,si. i ,..,3 , 7tr ......7. ..... „.....:.. ' .41,4 4* -,,, ,7 -, 17 ... 174, - 471 ,., ,, ,11/ ,—. :;: ,. ,, or i,,, :k 6 ~ :._ ~.z.,,,,, e. c .. ..'1... ;•-;..,L';.C1',. , 1311 , ' -...,,.........,- .-11:•1;11.t, ttliirvx 41444 hp-I ~ ..- -4 :. , ,t4-, ~x is `Sql r N p -----___ .,, , i 6 . ,-;.i. ..--,, t ....,....'-•::• i : allip ‘ ---' ' ' """ - " J e • j a" '.,C.,:.,..i C7.7-'4,11A -arl) -tcrit:. - 43 ,ii.nrs , z,rt, I.lLsvoir V .-- _ ? .. ', , ,, ,i A;re wi',l,..i i „./ ,!.- - .2'-? ' '''''''''''''' ::`1 , .. - ; li . : '7. l.;f::iit. "- ; . • v 41:111 3E 1 ''', , J* z .....4,..c.r. co . 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T r•-**i• 44. 4 4. 41 I 1 / 4.. . 5 (t.),:, - ,:,,:, , , 0.,, , ... ~ i . • ~., ,:.• -. i,i3. : rt: n!.'. r -'; 4.11 .---. ....,... 5 i gr.. , 1 - E :s. 1 ~e 4 ,.: ' 4 40 4 j ttr, , , i l . • • --'. r •r";:e.7 I , ''• iolv s ,'-''..," ~ 9 • . ~,.,. ~,, ~,,, ..,,,,, ....,,.....„.,..,,•:.-... !, ...,,,, .. : ..t ~,,•:, 15f .ilgl,fil A . f*ri ,HI-4 I 11ar.... : • az; - "'• P ..' :.. IL! . '• 2 . : : .'" : ' .'. ' '''' -- ' • .., -isf',.l/4.., 'll. . . -`• : - , . ' .. • : ... , ...1 ,_... '. - , , ,....ii,:;.., :, , d ~....;.1- , tzt hr.c. ow/ vrilt 1 , .. i ' .1::,/liC;f1 bait '2;i - IC,r , ?W. 1:::?.?, t `' . l , 4 ,,, 17, GI J ! , 41 I 1;\- • /' ' 7 -r 4e 1 ' 91 -.eki° il i e 'l" ei P i-es '6f Suppose it were left with Jefferson:,deeide should be z ,elected the 13 day of October, far whom, think you, would that arch-taaitor decide Would he declare-in favor of a man whose time and energies have been given to,the_werk of eatinguishing the rebel lion-fa Mau Who hits- been 'theiight arm 141,theaovernatant from- the , very, outset - of' the war, ard - who le day the most lionered'among Onvornots ' as be is hated by traitors everywhere ? You'very litioW that Jeff. 'l)avis would never decide:in ; favor of. Artnitnv... CoRTIN. ion know this as J jon &' Dow every self r' ;" But it is not in the ,nature of circum stances that Jell DCA should be an on , interested speatatorofAhes,ontpet between And Ciirtiii'intt the loyal - Repub. ~licans-and: D etnocrats •on -the one hand, and - Cfearge AVS . Wot4ward n'd "the Cup - 'perheada.on the: others. :Jeff. Davis. has a choice. He desires' the ,election ,of - Giorye' W.' 'MA:heard: Thiamin Wood _ward declared for, Jeff Davis's, bastard Confederacy in his epeeoii Of Decetuber, 1860::"LHe .dedlared thav effort 'that we must arise and reassert the rights of the slavehulderr and - that a time might l i arrive w:ten the slaveholder might,appeal to the sword to protect hituself in the possession of his' property ; and that, in the opinion of ,setue ,of, the States, that time was then.Coraec• As a matter of course,, then, Jeff. Da-' vis will 'desire -t ha election - of WUodward, who in the beginning, publicly,proclaiw ed hVntielf the.Ch'aitipVin of Secetisians• Freemen, we have I tq pease Abraham lancolu,ror Jeff Davis, when we deposit our votes:ort r,he_ no. g: October. Can local men hesitate whom to please ? Agitator. t Col. Thomas C. M..ll'Dowell, 're cently an editoi''b T f' the'llarrisburg Dem ocratic State , own, BOA, *lns speech in Beaver county, last Friday— "lie had been'sfriiggling. for some time to discover, , how, km. ; lon Id .ccuun out. from his old 'Fiiiify"agsndisatiothi," and 'he found he yin, huggt o ng myth.,-11is duty to his country, at the present time, was The result of his contidgrations. Ihe election of Hr. Woodward would inspirit the Rebels, ari&inteivittiliiri,of foreign pow. era would happen as suro as night follows day." Eia AT 'LAW, all liasiness mptnes and :net of,Main The Pittsburg Commercidl affirms that. Geo', iiltiellen,4peliifef -Penn sylvania polities, expressed himself allX• bus for the •re:electiott ef-do'v. Curtin, and that, if in the p State, he should speak . • and vote for him. We know not.huvr.thak isi hut we are told the letter pumped out him for the Lewisburg dewoostration was net enthii shade for Woodward, but was "Uueutidi tkinally Union, sl Irhielyis not the gee of a Judge who said, "Let South Caroli na go peaceably:" . • .; Will so m ebod y explairi to ni why the law, 0fi183,9 3 ' ' 'fermi twig 'itoldjers:te vote, Was cot deeared unconstitutional at the time the Mexicadiblbtit'eers were voting? iVas it because they were, fighting in the interest of-shivryt, and so entitled to en joy peculiar privileges_?_ I Was the constitutionality of that law Over questioned until the army vote',of 1.61 revealed. the_ significant fact that li dtssizths of the tiolfii4s were Republi ; ill,e; s 1 It was i nevot. : questioned until a. 1 ,.. I mg. — 'hanielW: toorheis, Of Indiana. is an - 11**mM ttmspeatc;lor •W,ondwoci in . Pennsylvania. This is the Voorhees who called thti: Uiliiiil '.B - aidiere,:l 44 .Lincolo's dogs," and who was with difficulty saved from being hungcbi tidldiers in Indiana. r t iding in a car. Hlzuwife..being along, they released . Itinrfo'r IMr 'entreaties, but Opuipelled_him to leave the train, for they syould nut ride Will liim. Is this True. (111 The Efuntingd3O - atube,a reliable Dem . eratie journal, to:loyal tbjupport Wood ward for r tioyfrrot: L and 3. 11triejently inde• ilenddia j tli eitit'ittilufitieuee - tor burtin, 4446300: rpi i l min 'startling, statement': Judge : Woodward has a.loyal son in the snail 1 -0 . hen- ihizi sin] brought home; io hiS father's house in Philudel• phia, badly wouiked in one leg, and while he was,reeeiviwhe kind attention of wewberli'of thefainiliiiid 'neighbors, the_Judge._tnadeins appearance at...the bed room door of the sufferer, and raisins his hands, he saluted his son with•the following.lengu f ge ; pity you vere not'abt "the other kiginfiyAting tOis-Atttizol.y joar, ( 7 7 -, This rather traitor is now asking 'Union men to vote for htmiforßrovernor. The go:dier or soldiet's friend who can vote f o r him eimilibbeitioliailitAirall loyal 'Moiety. COUDERSPORT,POTTER 'COtiN'TY, , PA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, liSOS"„, 4.. "' ; ' ; * • 1.! .1.11 1 SLAVEItr AND,-RELIGION::, • On the' 13th December MO, ge . Virocidivard,.the present ; Dereopr atie verhead candidate for Govertior,.delivered speech in khiladelphm;in whi r chlrgnitig that the world caned' and will not 'live With Out cattail:mid that Cotton'oan be rais , ed,enty by negroes in .a state of slavery,he went so far as to say : • . _ "Atid,thos it happens that: the .provi dence of that Good Being who has watched over .us from the beginuing,and savedlns from exte , nal: foes, has so ordered , oar in • tunal relations as to make. Negro Slayery an incalculable blessing-to us and to the people. of Great Britain.:, . . ' "it will be. said' that- Slavery ,is a sin agaitist God, and therefore, • diat,all rea sons 'drawn from our material inteksta, •fbr favoring or abetting it, =St - gb •for nothing.. If it be a sin, L agree there:is an end to my argument. But :what right has the AbolitiQuist to nronounee it a sin? I say "Abolittotik, because the - yistor.o . f the 'First - Presbyterian Church 'of BrOdk lyn, in n'sermon preached withia - a wedr, defined an' Abolitionist to be one )who hoids that Slavery is a sin. I accept the definition, and according to, it, tuauy of our best Christian people' Must be de. counted Abolitionists; fcir it is astonish. ing huw eztengvely the religious Mind I of the North has admitted into itself that suspicion, not. to say conviction, that slaseholding is a sin. 'lf a sin, then•it is a violation of Some Divine lay ;"fur siu is the ttansgression of the laic.' Now I deny that,any aUcli law has evet been revealed. 'lle burden of showing it is on him who alleges it and when it is, shOwn, agree it Shull rule out ail that' has been said or can be said for a Union founded on slavery.' I bind myself never to raise my voice again in favor of such a . Union. But so far ,frilif any such' law being . found plainly 'Written fur our instruelioo, whO ever will stucly"the Pairiarahol.andLe viewal.institutions will see,thejirinOiple of human bondage and, of property in man dibinely sccnetioned,,Vnot divinely ordained; and in all the sayings of our Smioin , we hear no injunction for the suppression of a slavery which eiisted under His eyes, whilst He deliCeted many makiins and' principles which;like. the golden rule, entee right into and regulatp 'the relation.' So d'o the writings. of Paul abuund with regulations of 'the relation, but not with injunctions for its suppres. skin. - "If the go to the most accredited - tuentators, or consult divines really arse and good in our own midst,- 7 -or, what is better, study and search the Scriptures for Ourselves,—we shall fail to find a law which, fairly interpreted and npplied jug. tities:any man in asserting, in or ; out of th:,t pulpit, that the begro slavery'.of the United States is sinful. What rightChed, I ask again., has the Abolitionist to cheat tender' consciences into 'hntiliiy tp an nstituttun ou which our Union js funded in part T Good people say, we du nut wish- to disturb slavery where it exists by local leer, but believing it to be sinful and inexpedient; we, will Dot cutout" to its extension, nor assist to restore the 'fu gitive to, his waster. Such people Soon collie to conceive'that the Wore unfriendly theyian feel, towards slavery, .the inure harsh speeches they cau make . atiodt !dare h9bterti, the tnare.they help on the ,irre prei m sible orifliet, the better they . will reemutneed themselves to -Gutl.". It appearx diai Judge Wood'siaid',l teaching has not, been without effect. His present supporterti maintain his &hie doetrities and proclaim infamouti no - finds Witlinut reserve. 'N'fici leiter on this subjectjAim"Mr.Str.oud, well knew° by hiti valuable work on "The Law of Slavery," alipears in the • Phila. tietphi.6,; North itrierieczn — & U. S. zette, uud will "enahle every one to judge fur himself" concerning this new party polities : "From - several pamphlets reeeutly pub lished and extensively circulated, it • ha's beciiine evident that a new issue in Petiu s}lvania party politics° has been bulgur , ' steel, vii : Whether negro .slavery,:aii it is. inaintained in•the Southern States noit , ! in rebellion-agaiosi the - tuitional. .govern== went, consistent .with the Chtiatiiin religion ? • deem it proper, .therefore, in orcbir that every one way be enabled to judge' fehiuis'eli on' this iinportant subject, to give's Very brief.suwuiary .the legal incidents Of Southern, slaVery. , . Every part auCparcel of this - Summary °way' be authenticated by- the • statutes -of one or other Of •iliose States, 'and -the ` reported decisions of their 'highest- conite-ofjuilt catOre. - • 1 . • : , eitid a fundamental principle of negro slavery - tbat a Ante ii-a 'chattel wholly, under the dowinienroChisimaster, subjkstto be;,houg,ht.add sold piecisely aft if be:sterna! harm or 811/ We.. lie way be feibroi:olOthediloctob or little es-Atis master may prescribe—may be compelled io labor as well °he - day4s another, jund as - hard and* tong as Ins)stastuy may , direct.. • " • - "The slave has_no legal right whatever ~-*cannot own anything, may ke farbidtlen I all soniayi*itluhts,Mlotos4.a.J.:ll.o 'kept in Alit wOst: h.edtg:-. jg..P:9114 ; it lowed ttkbeinqvnyttol;to ofoi,jktitbP*l • any legal provisioniorgegniringOrno3vl= edge _of, his,, ye) ifflions duties iacupableoi z diait la ge;!'ac, - riigir , over thole" natural ufFspiinO, liable , ..46,,huvedttentit aoy age Aorn . frota ; biTotithogi4Aslighti ,cst, coystiltat ion prqiieference,o, it,is,j:p „ OF. went or histsehngs ; liableYhtweelf 'tr'oth -. 1 I;enr itile - fibnViiiiir h iiikiltiaint ted and encouraged: to.-col9bitrislis ttife. f-le : tnay be Ous,-ruthlessly,carrie'd to a retuinlesa.'ilistiinee,,' not: - Imilk *Out hiS eliildreri • i.heirl..niothci;jihnijr - p* 'elsolhe ';. "The law ;also "eigressli sanctionsOi l ia MaSter'in beating ri . fitt4fo r liroj in .irons, compelling i%iu tsi'vr'eat 'i ? ro:iged iron . ce_ars, _m y.te eg!. „P? ,r,1491: 1 ! 614t lsz,fe4i, .}1; be lot .9-44iiig he"MaY'l:W!.olled'hly,aqOnti;(6 - 4 , .46ii . he way"refiiss'e to stirreu'dcr.,,. . Whple".ne r this,,Minsniari myself to' waiokai i in its, literal arid, full extent, aocOrding to, the. law of - 6 - ne - Or another 'of the';'Soirthern Slareholding States._ - FulLADELpur4,, , Sept 15,' 1863. • FlnaWc . Gov: l's Sued a 'proeltitytt non' stating 'pia of the payinent, ru cellation; and extino i nislittient of ,f9',54, 720 40, of the public debt of on wealt for t lie'yeat enclittit 7th? 1863.. As this proe'..ainatioti is, made to .obedience to law, .we: pre'suino , 'not be denounced t'te an eleCtiOninriivi - • - This, fact - appeals to•• taxpajers,.. enormous; debt of:the State,:beit renew• tiered, was mainly,contranled*der . Dew 'Oeraitc misrule., : . , The-. amount tif„ debt extinguished - While th4'party-i:ss in pow; er, in times of profound pette , p,. l 6eldour c exceeded that, ex ti ngnishrd by f o.v, , : , Cur, tin dwidg this" . present'Y,ellr 4 . 04, tesit-yeroAllia b4• Pensei of 'Oa: State , VOlment,'uesitY 5100,000'in 18 . 62, in,the midst of a isistlY, war, and found hie - weir AlP;to recollanetid, a cOnsiderable reduction Of ,t,4e rate, of taxation ib kis la 4 annual incssaie,; and What better recommendation can_he have With the taxpaying,pulilin? _ yen wish the. burden of . taxation to • be increased ; if . yon want forei ,, a nations to.rank. Pennsylvania 'with ` States hoitile to the Government; toliritig the realities of .war, ,homn i , to. "eveiY-iiin smitten fireside in' :he domMoriwcalth i ;hen suffer the election of Mr. Wocidward . • - But if you desiteno , pe of these calamities to come x upon tl)e pep - pl - 9, Ppntigyjyania. work---work, in earnest,.for' CURTEST two' kinds The follotving! is 'an . froin speech : lypgll,or Mid!. ana. it cleptiy shows rekg_e.:l3e tree!' true Dewoorata.and Copperheads,: - :-"T;ie' assertion has: bee•ii:' that oone'but. the bemocriitic pailpednldsaVe the ctiontry. • But; c has 'Or; DeilitY• orat4 do you inean aiolio'•stiOe'theleoett• try 'Thottuls 4effelfstiti Detuticrat. [S?Plause hail a Yale President of.-t h e OrAdroin Mr Burr was 'inside of ' the4istuberatii organization [liahglitet.T 'Wer e ' they cot both Democrats I—COMing,`-fronvjef: ferson to JacksOlf, ire "fi'lld: that Andrew Jackson had 'a Vied , I'Preilideriti:biAlte mime of •Jtilin Wits a net Calhoun inside of the . Deniectiticrtorgae'- izatioii much as' Gletteitiy - jaclisoit 11[6; self ?--Ccuiti ti 6 ,from Jackstiri fitoll Stephen_ A. Icottglis 'tiot' be ti representative of the old Jeffersini JaCk‘ . . 2 son Deillociacy A,t Can' cryhtid-a Vice PreSicieet fu -• -•the tidison of Juli,it C. Bieckiniidg • iineaDein ()drat too.- Then We' htilie-ifeff'ersoit and 'Burr, Jackson and Callidun; and Nagle); and Breckiuridge, - 111 - Ifiti'de - of the-Deni o'Craiie ring.; • [Lau t ihter.3 , ••Do — •-fliti low Jeffthson,' •ilaCkSuti tit! cf 1 . , . 1:i0 . tights; or Burr, • ealWoun• and ; , Brebliitiridg t ol: lYi you -follow t liese'last r 0.1rie.4 of cin0,110.9 ,Wh'etit,Vdtv: . liCar a thaii::saying-tliat?:the' only party dint can save: the' dottntry . is thetlletifocratie party, , be: s•urei ti6d - astierr twin what he thetini 'y ithe:' , Deaueraey; whether it- ik genuitie or 7 begitV.L l ,- TheVe cab' bit 'no siieb- thitietst.t! true Tentixiiat• who deed 'riot atapd' •up:•foe- titre [Long '4oplatitie.] pEN band , vof Sghnmg men Oitithitt•fidd'bliviy ismied ititiniebt plea fOi• tbe're:dleafiod efltbelireseof Givfernciraf•thdStattylika they know, and in WhOtiribeyethe'Aniat unbounded confidence. Rao -Wei l';1 . ` I 7 - e .The , Oluo soldle T rimOsifuilititietuilbei; ` 175 MP tYlf.l9te l . .APA h RP*4 EIP4 (InitNe4—. taw:AO:vote , at tytt entail ngi apcfall - attbse queot elections . ; and act lepreseri to tda pfir4 ir ' • t • ; • i;it i nR fhe enil armies 'dletribUtin4 • the • tif.p. eSsarp,tolanks kuld, in. 41104. J_Mr:•driFkl4: l9 ) coMmisSiUned.l3o he Ir.altandigha pict, I tOlieiriitient t it lit' R(!s -„ pn enranh:reedited .. at ,arid ;; .. erat c-r-• 9 P. l 11 . -111L, ,, andliwasJ _Of! , cob rse ; respect4ll7. 'te , icetved-1 hl , l3'6fi'l4olinl2A::Gitiffeldr who is: - Chibi 2 oi l Stiariti: G l en!' Itesde4Oss, (a;hd, JI " JAM - 61 a ti kriPt)g: Pct. 41;11 at d.bafi ` a-co~cersnclon' „nFppllties,: thereof t h 6 .substAnc el is, th us reilorteci by a correspondent of 'The Cin' , • I iii 6~ rernakicod:. in. tini?ith,.3050.2. , 9 ti nrideritiia.e,th4 pr9fe,stse4. heti eve-th at n'G ovein wen t cOuTit'uoi succeed in:pTughin4the Reoel lino, and that it,yika fp tiviir ntimaludi• ately and un9grniitiopay.,y A stoppin. tke ,t,vr,; . .toliil49ll,pcitfit)ls. : analveypd grim+ _ . . i lt .'lF.A • .1 -."."' JOarifew"-4.l.l';.cOP.tr4TS to t 4 6 : siiould • succeed,„ypur .party„.wpu)cl„,l?6 . ialureitk • ri g il , lB 7 -* TeP. 10. some . extent.,-. • Tt. jr l ;;:f9w , .4l'si:4ina - army may fte- ennaged7 in al terrible battle with 1trf.m. , ...? whole force. POSSO)Ir we MIY Y 1 4 14 ./ ' nl3 t 5. l) P r, P a r t Y he iaiared•k;y..stich a result . • .„ la Iffulta—,N l 4pll, spa yinnldaffeek the result of election. • * -- I° ` . • ~ lartf4c? . 77 P h then,- ott ' „partiiyou don't,e,umanceeed,T . l , . 6'rijidis—Realfy, we haitt no interest ' are ,perfeetl3 itliffer eat, t then, Whether we - or , Brag7g. , are artishol?-rri , '' I Griffiths -rather laraOlid •,sayino: Itip plcry*4. j_c4e_ !eft' iP lkejsfiues - Or the , Pghti J.l l lt:lggrafu l lY viii).ll44lP.ll4ioUl ng, h ut.„ hitt ; pert y ath tze with ,i psencranf,in ilia coming straggle. SoMeithat „ later Clarßehi . - exprcee* 4Ferj5e,:,c 1 2 111 t..i4J: 113 , 9 : 1 L'lPZ;`: l l#4 public position,,,of Om* ,write a c letter to.j 4people„of.Ohia con 'threp important statements.whinh kai,eft, to ,bp.. lies. For, example; he says in.the:Niugar,a Falls letter-, that he met, not .a single man, woman, or child. in the South .whet ;tittl• ,not them. ekes ' and anxious to Amass, ithe Dabjesct olf:pirecoattt . , ruction of the L lioion, e 6 soon as the dovernment ,s,rititild.;.with draw!itsJioops, .Gai•field. arid emphatically, hold myself' responsittlm as ,a.,man,lind pgblic,olricer. : to tho t Deolocratie party of Ohio. to,prove tka l t_lrallendighatu ,:hnetp:tinit ,he•toath3 a Otaputtiouy- falsetta24.... ,-The ; Rubel g.,0„. klatitis,of Teepessee said 'io hini.-i4 tliel,,,PFCsligo' 0 f- PlanY !,itoPese3:7.7"llr. Vlltandighatn, you totally tui;pprehe.tid . 1113 r.l 7 JVP . twi,../4,ti PePelbolteV.rkslhaSt donut. reel.cTizorlhe. , e(ernglutiqoa,rotion. - of (he ' Southf from t he North. We_ will 1 isteir 1 to isgliq.?" ,- ,t&hich . : _do 0.102, 1 8,Giti:. with 1,1114 f-.- conditjons, •••. We will;-.accept -119, botingyr:y•liut south, of Ihg-lojomac.awf l Oki .o- 71 - f. 9: , - ,', , If ...ic,. .: , .:14:4,1 .pp; G.er6,014 Adcfed , that 'he couldgive cl,ei_ l l9 l .s of annpy .rgFp.01.111:110 citizvPt. of ,iliellpYyille ) ,•,T,o , en„ ,who Leard, the conversation betw een Vallandighata and Clatris. ~ . ._... ~. - ... 1 - It ieply,i.tiriffithe said.that.Y.allandig beat was !Steering, as:clobek.tto.he winttus -be Cilalcliltsilleu:.tuakiog that, statern6t.. to:seect refills' political- success., :Vailan.. diyham” I he: said,:!durs! nal exp'eetation; of therritth•erti'en .liition?'. .:' • . ~-, • : s" might have:/been •eipeeted, muck feeli!ng:• was •cieatett. itr'the stuff at :his appearanet.... . ~,, r.,,.. ' •-_• 1 ~ , ; . 'lthe iAt'eny'irtite' ref Governor df Ohio; liUlfitireiliieeti by bll'itki- tattles - dUriO# die' l'itttl' weeiti - e'ri` Suinn; w' ilf.a.oUbtless e*ce.eit $0,000..,-;iilp r pu it to:Ow : candor ofleiery :intelligent Irian tal say cirhetiter Vahls likely to obieia . 2,o l lo of the whale etiothe'r. .',:irtiph tire Usk' 'eiury, `patriot fo r iiil.liel.'whethe . l'.•.,he ought id, .Fee'pi:ie, 'a ri,y,' -777,k4..bui?€•'.1 '.. , .) :,.;a . ,. , '':,.- . ; • : , -a. , ~~ :1. _~~ -.teL,lftrie DemoCrecy mean sionovhy thai the , pro Southern: journals of hlu rope :dictate that. aucetoisiof,'that party will prove that , the Nor - this:tired of rit to recognize e in&iieideicai;f this'gotith ' taut tfelfkintfiiin pallerti afiiinribatqdr 4 . Will Jt4611: Ailfkiiiiifrifil3d l Jll6o}teliblliOn cantidr bella ' Aiteit n'o' I‘," Ps , “ ,* ?Vote „ u for URTlVAdaprif bad n forever, one and inseparable." ni . 12=ME ed •; TERMS.--*L50423L,ft=11114 MUM TIOL 72 , age”bsroCi ir,.L.4.7.11. :ft .IC, T LITATe: G - 1 ==ZEMI .7:th)19 1- W1 14 ;%1P.-1 "Seated in ntroffice one day'sborel after theJalillf. 6 5464,C r 0t. Mont+ getne c ri'„hilt Mfg. •;...4 • . 0.1.1 t• 'I was interrupted by an d genTletnani a fawiliariiiitilthiliiiieekiitio carne in as Nos' liii4nitcroqiii - 4itithinifillito his plantation uw the river toylestro the latest news fzititthelforthx-riti a elan Oi eeuerablo. ; appearapcg,.'.paellgi i s allotted •threesmk ,1913y1 a liAisdirhite with the snows'of wane winters , and his heard ing somewludjthisi,r4, bit the eight of of years:l'llU . had 'been' up' to his plants. rwerkettp.pnim three; undtelzikiown and dnritio that Halo hadinnt.beird.abytidat , or the Mighty .ecentes•tbaChretualifuteed4 ' log eholf other driiHightning tliosd .ear 4 days of the .Etebellieb.,i DION fore; immediale.lo..upitkille,RetUrn tto4be city,he called at my suite/uncut kaftan news which had-been received during ilia absence : -1. "liiaC , :dotityletort3 Itimaindlbeiatrid 1 1 read the :latest utitiegtaphie"iiispatehesA4 Attioniz xither2l3!: , .,, ita Pratlient ..icncoitt,Jlatisztra//erimi seventy five,: , ajittscrndintettfor-d teiJitiff 4 service not to exceed tiirtemonllstiLlgii "The old than's' ibbe "brightened up; Ititaitk • God it• he' fer;Vtitif 7 ejitefilitedi That belie he' tit the . illetit ~trir is Carnestry ' May , he' '&6*(ll' triAiii:4ll teiadiain 6tid.dorittigli These tiottie hther t 6 'the Ifetilliiitof=the' OS: eril.Goernorgi iuJioiisfetlo thi 14mit iienVe dell for theridotai eftliePti Atietii= iv-'Statett, Melt had heetiAtteitred-flicia lilttshikton bat Jibe day berortkQ in that; tittle ecitit jetted' to' heireiregltlat Tele graphic: eotamunication tritir:thit , . t9'rpul . - tbp -- Gov . trifor riflilisulotgi 1.. , -; LMLiciiiii tri . ll'nol, Itirtaiii' oiiii inn fqr Oli; utiliolli'. irar 1" lintt.l6l4 , ! folftiiia in i'al . ,iii!i)a; 'lsjrie - Ilit idigii r t. - 44. riikla acWn'tjle':iiiittrin;!Ottit'S•at6l,iri - r - iinoiliffr i i'll ! si.p,.hilie.tts; Nar : lr4ik . Cillio'lliiiii i ts - - -,pli' flit) 1142i:14)4)es )i'Oniislii4ii* TeOfetlY.9.,ilu. ol ##;)rtgo 3 ,b# ol 4l. gi .j,iitoli-troni Peukislliiiplit : . 1 .,'• "''-'''' 1.„11, i efi ni . s .Vo9 nia77l .... 1 to „,.., ....... i . i . l o, qq ,...9,41. ;v., ug. riNt, iilio,l 4,,: I . :* .opzi.,4:4ot*iwi! .r, - ‘, - ;-- i i, ~ - - .4Ni:x:iv' d" 41TATti :„ .„..1., ..,.. ,c3 ~i,P C.Ii 111 he trlonl3likg fritkeskitpiorntrfearfo l :oll4.4lhad,So rightly und ersttild 7 .t.1%; OgtkitZet 0.3 QV dispatch,, bUt• yet-ttith -att- eager hope et pressed nOott•. , hith;eothatcoance that be .niight-ootte mistaken,:, Coming i np4osa tuy,Chairi holdiug t hia,hand to hjs,ots and leaPiugoagerly furttArtltnotitplt etrerjr .syllable=-2,1V hat -r*ha,t,,, •diticlPlV , „‘Kead theca. , •• Mint ilocs:ReMaslitiini4'file Read again7z7riti ...ttftaidjldifl4:4l3o4 4 ' .bet t ing ao.r,esrf,- ; is it? .A . gain - t 2.7 'Tread „.„ • - ! I TErt;NsYLTAP I f447M , FtlgAngiA. qaUQTA. rit Af ,4 4 4 1 14.1 A 1 . ,F40 HUNDRED THOUSAND MSHE., kW) '‘tANPREVYIP.,CUP:titt. lie c had 404144 aright.. T,llll,,tkld ;patriarch, leaned bask to 14 ePtt hu4:les3. 3 Rle.lfrAlf.ctlikill eyes, raised ;his trembling -hando, en, and, while.' hetettra_trickled down his furroired.gliOektt, hftPlned igtfetvid and .jotittait s •ltingtisAs hots h,ls heart ocAttsitts that ded Ivo kd osplejally PcS, B ,tliP!ibtP,7,?i far seeing;,' VOpe;inapf . rihg•Gliernot:i:thal he hiht rlght Paiiw-hhd- titrettgth , lo Ituriitte that le wtipla, lwithl him irtd,h,O;dtty t j lo sorest. neel,..anch upholt his hands )9 the hour, of.onr Natieo's direst eztre ,-- ""Ther heart of - the aged, patriarch rail toh - e 'had -heard enaugh..*'-Tieliti 'hilm no more. 13nt his prayers andthoini thousantls sod,- tens tot.thotrsattild of ; Union „i tneo,:,throlghoitt, tats &MIN tit Whom the, Obeeriog mord/toll; your Optic eruor; camo ias' ,:fltativseet prollthie of love, hayedbeen heard ;and :,answegediti the extraordinary: eiertiensi * '4sl'aunia halt Ott, forthainee,,thialebellhstil horst upon ne4,l••Nleur Goverorintsbeed; sustained and blessed, his handsAiii** h4to: upheld-1 , .r cid; .T,etera‘ Przujas nailt mighty legions cheering the beatta.tifaue Union firat ray of ratiothinte pe keit:ate? the tuidoight thAn.apalipg - , 'amend:lnt i _Many: ichangealLhatv! take* pktee: Ilinca 1 110 ;,; many. I,ictoried AMA bego'wo,i3 ,territoty• .beenr claimed-; nor •thei•atorbt of. *if; !learner : to_ basal:spent. its Jam; nad) tbd gloom to be • fast disapneariog.-_,-Shlat tbese.chotaat.ngein, Cimmerian glom, eeain COLSe.blickl ,-, {40 1 will Je n .aerid - iletnanneh , OGothisitiloWS4 inenithe oeffs_. that, will caitiffs thelMtnot3 slittegt , .4obkrtirahlik his D gioryi : b elidjPg:47.49 IVillistik.thretighoutnottti whole atatiotni i i gime; nterttaan settd,tlO.AMathOttbottit CheftfrOtto4odrowaGgAttictitt:!rolvaiiii e;kritkothreAsarla.:stf= I tail I.Stltt 9901 i Volt' rird,; 41keNn tam etz • ipAfitt• dispatch.finirca iMittt , E*o etAtatiktittie frayerful, hole and joy."' t: HUT