L... <_~Jke7Wiw t • . Election Procla i an i on; 1101 lIRSUANT.to an Act, of the General All, JL embly of,tlte Corenseitiw alth of Pennsils • Tonle, entitled nArf - Ace relqing to the elec-j *lons, of this Commonwealth," approved the • second day of July, A. D. on' _thousand eight ;ss ,srzsodoapdothirtysaitte. ,:p. Q. 4A . .y.R.A, l c v - osiShetlfr:of* cpqnty o Potter ; Pettrtsyl Xs. 14)ni‘dahereby , Inake know and give notice, to the electors of the county - ,,toresild: that tt],' General Election will be held ,in the said court.] ty of Potter on the Second :Tursday (Thir-i. seentis) of,Oeteber,-1,863,--at ' hich time State and ConittOffic - Ors, as folio sere to be elec.. 1,,,,, Ted, tti,wivp ,::•• ~ . .2:-,' , ,- _.--- • • One - peiiiiirf6i•Gotefnor One person for Judge of t 'of Pennsylvania.. Two persons for Members] 1 i lepresentatives of the get 4 - i tt tenasylyaliii4 in conjutietiiii o 'tif Vitrga - i - - to represent the c, and Potter. One person for Protbonot Cow ts of thfi.e&unry of Pott o ,2 4 0tfaliterifon - for ColirnlB4io •o?Pater. " • . One person for Register the county of Potter. One person for Auditor 0 . the cotiOy of se . ~, .11, -'O,OerOxitti',for, Ceroner of, the comity ..-4-ilsol mike .:knistva - and, give notice, as i.fl .and by the 13th section of the aforesaid net I am directed. test every person excepting Jus tices of the Peace, who holds any office or I topointinent id profit or trust under the Gov ' errtiiiiiif:.of..oe. United .States or this State: or of any city or incorporated district,whether '.. -a. commissioned officer or otherwise a suiono dinate officer or agent, who is or shall be ca s.gplasted uoderthe legislative; judiciary, or ex perftWypi-triments Of this State orthe United States, or of any city or incorporated dWrict - and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select and - common council of any city, or commissioner affiCiiy incorporated district - . is by law incapa4 fat, isfioldingfor exercising tit the same time i'D 11110.0ifit . e.'oe atipOititmeet of Judge, inspector, ~.., or clerk of an election in this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other otE., • cer of any such election shall be eligible to bo voted for. . .Ir. ...CATS:: Oat' in the fourth section of the, • Act • of Assembly, entitled -An Act relining ito electiens and for cuter purposes," approved . • April 16th, 1860, it is enacted that the itfor,e-' ~ _said 13th sectioroshall not be so construed Its' , :" ( iojreyeat any Military Officer or Borough ' 4 •'' - -IClffleerfrOth serving as Judge, Inspector, or ii.l eletlEtif.eny, general' or. special election in this Commonwealth. It is further directed that the meeting of t!te n“,Oarn Judges rube. Court House in Coders; • '''' port:to make out the general returns. shall be the first Friday succeeding the general el 'el tion, which will be the. lOth day of October 'z , .: i fi r- Alin:6re - mike known and give notice i "that the places for holding the aforesaid gens ' •oral election in the several townships and it. boroughs within the county of Potter, are as . ` - follows, to wit . : . For the township of Abbott] at the Gerrna, ,tala Hotel in sitio township. . • , . -For thetownsnie of Allegany. at the school house near tile place formerly owned by Ches..' ter Andrews, in said township. For thetownshie of Bingham, nt the Bing- ham Centre school house near A. R. Lewis l 'n' s: • staid township. • • j ' - • ' Fol.' the' township of Clara, at -the sehOoll house near Sala Stevens', in said township., .1 For the .township of Enlalia. •at the New; •."'tenrt House in the borough of CondersportH For the township of Genesee, at the-housel formerly occupied by S. S„Ritsco. in Ellisburg.l . 'Forothe•township of Harrison, at the house,' reCentbioe,ciipied by Ira Bartholomew,in said, township. . .. , For the township of Hebron, at the school c' Ilitnisis No: 6,- near Henry lngraham's, in said township. ..: .. . . 1 I For the township of Hector, at the Sunder-1 ;Ain stkool hotise,,in s'aid township. - j '''• For the township of Homer at the school' house near Jacob - Neel, in said township. 1 For the township of Jackion, at the house ; formerly occupied by B. Barse, now M. Chap- Ad, in said township, 6 FOrthe township of Keating, at the honie -of Pliriy litirris, in said township. ,Fer„the township of bswayo, at the Centre : aChdol bonse'in said township. For the township of - . Pike, nt the; house of Illijah,,Johnsork in said township. I-. -- For the township-of Pleasant Valley, at the e school. .house No 2, in said township. •: • For'the township of Portage, 'tithe Sizer school- house in said township. For the township of Ronlet, at the school house near George Wecncer'g in said townsi•ip. For the township-or Sharon, at the Sharon - Centre school bouSe, near John Voorhees', in -said township :- " - ..- - o •Foe the township of... Sweden - at the house of Aseneth Taggart in saidtownship: : ,;,,,Tortls, township of Stewarison. at the, New o Nerway - school house, in said township.- . ' For the township of Summit, at the house formerly ob('tiPied by Ucl Cook;nOw Jonathan Redson, in said township. For the tow m-hip of Sylvania at the school -'house nor J let Rees'oiresaititownship. For tlue teiwuship of Ulysses, at the house ,of Atlas Beeneit ] _in said town-hip. , -"Pox lite .town'ship efilVest 'Branch, at the .)Outitf:Of.S3l l ,Conable, in - said toWnship. , " - For' `the toWrisidn'of Whaitoo.:tit thelotife of Ste,phen Heroin. in sal l township. For the hbrotigh of Coudersport, at the 41E/onrt House in said borough. • • ' : ' Given under niy hand, this 31st day a - August, A: D.,1863. ''• 1 , • ' ''''' - ''• '7 DO. LARRABEE, Sheriff. ' '' Coudersport, Ann. ;31 lEntt MAN EtOoD HOW LOSTI • BOW RESTORED.! :hi . ": r ust - published in a seale`d'envelope, price . 6 cts ~