The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 23, 1863, Image 3
M= TEE POTTER UOtiNTIf JOURNAL Canderettert, *relines' fay E;ealeg. Sept. 2S, 1353. :,j, ai: aiid General: lifit..Guid is 34 cts:Preir;inai in New Vick. rTbsitki to. Hon James - T. I:Islet - 0i cal :Amble public documents.. .Berp, is thought that the cars will be running toShippen about the Ist of October. . . - . . IM.Couil.' Is in sessiofi this week: The proceedings will be published in our next issue. --. ' . . leir"Fteroal vigilance is the prict of tb tityl" Earnest and Bntrgetic. labor is the price of victori. . , Mahe Pamphlet Laws of 1863, have been received at the Protbonotary's Office for dis tribution among those entitled. lericurnbers,lB inches long have been picked in the garden of Mr. Charles Reisman, this season. lle.Read the letter of Capt. Cheesbro and then think how you are going to vote-k-for or against the army. Eton. Edgar Cowan, whom the Demo- Trats were some time since claiming to be of 'their party, is out for Curtin & Agnew. See the edvertisement of 'Hoofland's Bitters, in another column. The firm offering them for sale is one of our oldest and best. tga.,We publish on the first pnge the let- ter of President Lincoln—able and convinc ing it needs no commendation at our hands. •Ira„.We have been shown a fine head of _millet s new kind—measuring 12 inches, and filled with henry. even branches, crown on the farm of Mr Cireiiel, in Homer. . Jacob Peet, of Homer, brought ns in this "ive• - ak the stem biz blackberry bush, 'one year's growth, measuring fifteen feet in -length. Who can bezttit ? 1 Beaten! Mr.Julims Baker. of Hebron town ship, beats the Homer stalk by about 6 inches, jar• Mr. John Peet, of Allegany township, this county. killed one day last week,*a. -cnip mut.k" and in its mouth fou^d 307 'grains of wheat.. Pretty big-month c.Read the soldier's letters in another -coluton.- They are the ones who hare most severely' suffered in this keen r,ed war nod their feeling: shimid be respected. ger The finest pears +ie.lin•ve yet heard of are on Judge Niles' farim. near Conderspmt -very , nearly two hundred on quite a small tree, and almost averagia& three inches iu diameter. rLook to the Assessor's lbt. I See that your own name -and the name.. of your neigh bors are properly assessed. Retnernbc.r that this must be 'done ten days' before the election. ;par Charle4ten has not vet been taken ; :the seige i 3 progressing viprously, and we will no doubt have obcasion, t eijy 'soon, to re joice over the 'fall of the Head.of Treason. May the day come speedily. cßefore the drift took place it was said by disloyal newspapers that all. the Demo - crats had gone to the war. Since the draft •tcok place it is said by disloyal newspapers 4hat none but - Democrats were drafted ! Dada. the Delegate Election in this place last Friday we were glad to fee several hon lest and conscientious UnioW-Democrats put 'themselves right upon the record. This is .only one of ten thousand such cases through out loyal Pennsylvania. ! gam? 31r. 'Seth Lewis, of tysses, in this - county bas been appointed a Lieutenant in (the Eighth Pennsylvania ( colored) Regirtent. Autire, energetic, and intelligent, the ap pointment is a good one, and v e can sde no reason why Mr. Lewis should no Elate a good 'officer. fer The Equinoctial storm of last week did vonsiderable damage to Railroad's, The trains on the Erie Railway were detained tweniy-fotir - hours. It reached from the far West to Washington and dew York, doing con ihieratrle damage to public improvements in the Eastern Statei. The greatest enthusiasra prevails throughout the State over the nomination and certain election of Andrew G. Curtin. The only question asked is : "How large shall be his majority ?" Let every loyal voter decide for, himself by seeing to it that every voter is at the polls and votes right. ' Ital‘Only four weeks more and the people 'of Pentisylvania will decide .vhether they are .^to be ruled by a Loyal Y Man tir by a Copper head and Traitor. Work I work! let every 'friend of a Free Government work I Get not the 'voters I Let- none 'be overlooked ! Let every man'consider himself a Vigilance Corn 'enittee of one to see the,: every loyal voter is 'inned and at the pone. ; iparln tell i g en c e received from Tioga coon _ tylArtcatelhat the Freedom majority of other 'day -300 b—kill ag:iin be given for Free 'dories candidates. Let Potter net be behind her sister county. but let her hill-tops echo :tind_l4-echo the glorious anthem. From all hecticine of the county we hear that the loyal Democra s are bound t, vote itgninit the 'lte 'ltiellion_--Treason and Secession will get very little assistane from the people of Potter.. r If h certain man tells. the truth, N L. 'Dike. of Shi'ppen, must, be a g6od polit ical wire worker. A party of gentlemen were in conversation a fe.W. days since, when one 'remarked that Denton Lad one good figurer in the late Democratic County Convention. in the person of N. L. Dike. Another gentle linen, a good Democrat at that, replied by say log, that Dike'fignred in Potter county until ite.reducelL the Democratic vote trout a ma jeirlty.of_4oo to Minority ofBoo , l Is that so Dike? If io, liare a Better opinion cfyou "than ever L . —McKean 3finer. — Jzoitmi co- 1" V7by:dco Demneratieja,•gi t sla-,nres and illiovernors tet tke Soldiers tioy. so that wemay lice which. party:: has filled -th'el ranks of ciir `vonntey'Cllefenders? - Apd why: do the sol die=s otlbese Stateiw.hich krre _enabled their abldism .7- in- _camp, to : vote, „anitormli give Stout:Vane votes- out eve_r, four to 4ur aide? Will some one of th e liars vihomer g bi - Ofiar.ea ample--prookin- claiming gi• AP:44.irs as Pto•Shtvery Deinotrats?. at ti*:.-to-anstver these goestio6s?—:Er. • Eliii zorWe will dote tho candidates in • The receipti, last nigh't, at the .Festivii for the benefit of the Hospital Aid Stiele'ti.,:;iiitioilatedlo: almost 670. Another will be given to-night for the same pnrposq.if'lit- all "attendwho feel disposed to assist in the•goud cause. Rosecrans -his -had a se vere battle with the Whets, near Chatta nooga. One report gilVes the news of his defeat, While another Would seem to indi cate that lie.had agaii *hipped the Re; bels. (Tens. Lougstreet, Hill, and John; stop of the Petuniao Rebel . are reported there. We will give 'full particulars in our nett.... Viir,it has beerliard that it was impos sible to raise Apples in Potter county— this assertion has been " knocked:ott the head" Iby Commissioner Kilbourne. of Pike township, who 'placed on our table this week three Apples measuring twelve inches in diameter, when placed side-by. aide. , They are an even, solid, and well formed fruit, and after sucdes like this it were well'for our farmers to pay more at tention to fruit growing. Col. Gaies ofibe• 11. S. 'Army Says that during his campaign in' Mexico be would rather :retire to his couch without his sword than a bottle of RADWArS READY RELIEF.' It was the only medicine he used thrurgir the Mexican campaign. Gen. J. Ho bert Witid, of the _Army of the Potoniac. first became aequaintec. with As virtues in Mexico. and always kdyps hitt his temp:: Iu sudden attacks of Dizirrlicett, Dyeentery, pain in the bowels, head, stomach, or in cases of Rheu matism, Yeur4lgia, or wounds, cuts. bruise?, or Sore Throat, Infilenin, Hoarseness, &ad way's Ready Relief cures itumediattely'. Let none who viii e I enith and safety be without it. Sold by all Druggists. Married : - At Germania, P 21.. ,Sept. 17. 1E133, by Da rid t2,oilway, E-q. CHARLES HEY?. to AUGCSTA FREfrAG,ahab of G:r~auia. Executor's Notice OTICE hereby given that learn: eietu'- i tory on the last will alit( testament of A MBROriE COREY, late of Ulysses tywriship. Potter county, deed. hare this day beeurg.ratit ed to the undersigned by the Register of said county. ! All hers a.s. indebted to said dece dent please make p.iy m or and those har ing claitps wil! tiresent them duly authentica ted for settiement. SUSAN iItXREY. Executrix. Ulysses, Pa.; Sept. 2?.. 1563. Elr GOODS at NOtice to Drafted Men. Tribe One for Drafted Mtn to appear•bas„ be4n extended as folloWA: TIOGA COUNTY. 22nd:sub-district. September 26th. 23rd cub-district. S.eptetuber. 29th, 24th Octobc'r Ist. 25th sub-district. October 2nd. 26th sub-district, October 3rd. 27th sob-district, Octooer 6:h. fath•sub-di , trict, October Bth. PO etER COUNTY. 29th sub-district, October 10th. 30th 'sub-district. October loth. • 31st sub-district, October 10th. '32nd Isuh-di , trict, October 10th. ' 2.. rd sub- district, OctoberlOth. 34th sub-district. October 10th. ,No Examinations can be held except . in accord ance with the aLove order. The Board of Enrollment mill be in session Lily for the purpose of hearing cases of ex emption and making examinations, at their Ohre, from 9 o'clock. a. p].. until 12 m., and - front 2 Ichlcick - p. m. until 3 o'clock p.m, to receivel-Substitutes. I W. W. WHITE, Capt. and Provost-Mart - hal. I R. 11.1WLEY, Commissioner of Board. -J. H. DOBBIN, Surgeon of Board. Angust 21st, 1863. _ • Dr. A. FRENCH'S CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS aa RE becoming the most populai Medicine 1 in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAtr.N DICE. 'DEBILITY OF THE NERVOUS _ SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOMACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS It is also gaining a' great reputation in the CURE OF DIPTHERIA. Principal Office, Coudersport. Potter Co.,Pa. Executor , * INOtict. 1000TICE is hereby given that letters execu .ol tort on the last will and testatlient HENRY - E. TUCKER. late of Allegady T'p, Potter conuty,dec'd. have this daytieen grant ed *to the undersigned by the Register of said county All persons indebted to said dece dent will please wake payment and tho. , e hav ing claim= will' present them duly atithentica ted for setee•ment. A. F. RAYMOND, Rxecut:r U1.73:75. Sept. 4. 1663 'ESTRAY. -ME t) the premises of the subscriber in IL/ Hamer tokvn,diip. about three months ago, one two tear ilct steer, a grizzly color, and a two year old heifer. red'witlra white and retl-spotted face; and about tw; Weeks ago a- !white spotted heifer. short tail, t.nd looks as thougii she gave milk. The owner or owners -wt . :l:come forward. prove property and take them , away; or they will be di4prised of according to law. J011ts; LEONARD. Homer. Sept. 7. -113t3. Disimintioh of • Partnership rEpar: nersh ip heretofore existing between thp . nnderslottedlinder the firm name of OLIISTED . &KECLY - is: Mutual consent._ ,Tersoas _all'', have tios.ettled accounts with the. late ftrai- are reque:te;i to settle Rim H. J. Olinsted ft;Thom' all debts due.the , firm frill he paid. - •• -- cniitrtii•ted li - f.11 ) . OLMSTED: who:has inrelta.:edtht• en! xi' in. terist of.his rt ne r. iiiid.wia.r"aaDZita 'a continuance Of the ittialicii'atrittiTtie: - .: •- •• • •c•• .8.-D- KELLY... - . OLMSTED. Condersport,'_Pa 1863 - - - - 01 , 3 1:4 'V.tRMIN--ricTERMINATOR, at/`tST.-trattmt-s' A HIGHLY 4i6NCENTRAfED VEGETAitEIXTAeL ' Dr. Hooflayid * s Gerinafi :Bitters) Drt IM jabksoa, EITECTUALLY CURE LIVER, COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Arerionsbebilite, Diseasrs'o) the Kidneys, and all dist:uses: orieiug from a disordered Liver oi s :iFlomoch, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles. Fulnesd orßlood to thellead.Acidity l of theSiomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Fcioo;Ful ness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructation's, sinking orFlottering at the Pit of the Stomach; S wit:Owing of the finad; Hurried and DBE- cult Breathing. Fluttering at the.Heart;Chok ing or Suffocating sensations when. in a ly ing po.stdre. Dimness rf .Vision; Dots or • - Webs before the Sight. Fever and dull Pain in . the.Heall.DeSciency of Per • • sptratioii; Yelloychiss of the Skin and the Side, Back, Chest, Limb, Lt.; Sudden Flushes of Heat, -Barbing in the Flesh, Constant Imagi- • nings of Evil, and great Depressions • --of Spirits: 140CiFLAND'S GERSIAIi 13ITTEM I Are not a fie* and übtried article, but have stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American public ; and their reput4lob, and sale, are not ricalectliy any similar The proprietors hare thottsaddi of Letters from the most eminent CLERG-131EN. . . • LAWYERS. • PHYSICIANS. and - CITIZENS- Testifying of their own i:o-r5on:11 knowledge, to the, beoedchil elects n nied;cal virtues of these Bitters. We call the attention of Al h 1 , 1 +ti:bn4 or trietnis in the army to the I - WE ;tat -111/OE LANLYS t;erin ui B.tters' trill cure u tie tetitas of • the diseases induced try i!xp .-ores and privations I'll:I./rill 10.CItulp itt e. LI the lists. published almost daily in the newspapers on the articitl of the sick. it a ill be noticed that a very large pr, ip , ,rtiou are Irmo d'e ,hility. Every vase of !hit kind catl.lie read ily curd by . 11,n:timid's G. rai tit Bitters:— D.seases ree•tilitinz from disoid-rs of the diges tive organs are speedily retn,yed.. We hare no itesitati. it, in, at tt:nt It if these Bitters were freely used • ~ur stildi.a.s. bun dreds of lives tuitzlit be that other ise will be lost. STEBBINS & CO'S IVe p Au,iatort follow• ing remaik..ble w civic to cure of cn.e of a .:;ou'. -4.. tsti,. - u-e iiia c‘su brtn s...ed by Ibe B.ttvrs :" Ma , .sus sl . - your ho has dared tuy h.e. ' ::•• is this. ft is vuthed fur b.: :,u —.7 . in, contr.:des: some of at hose rm-= :tte'.1 , 11. , .••, , ied, and who were fully ..irk7nmstinces of ply ,'use. I . en for the I :st four yo In. a • - es•LbrAte.l b.tttery.' and u•o.::•:. iti• com mand of Capt. R. the. exposure ntteischcat , -.0..0 dates. I was alt:itAied :St,r,-11!,er .nti :in of the lungs, ah.i two days - in the - hosplya. Tbf, %%a s' b : great debility, ',brightened by an d;"•Eetitery. I was-then relnov,d fro:n e White House, and sent to tnis ei;y .-n .d toe Steamer —State of Maine:" fr.nn I landed on the 28th of June: Sine-• I have been.abont as loss as 4nt on.-c and still retain a smirk of citilit,. F week or_ more I was scarcely - alile to stv..lio , anything. and if I did force a morsel dust, it was immediately throwii'UP again. I could•not even keep a glass of *liter on my'storgach. Life could no-last under Such circumstances; and, accordingly the physi cians who nad been working faithfully, tho' unsuccessfully, to rescue me. froth the grasp of the dread ,Archer, frankly told me they could do, no more„ and advised me to see a clergyman; hnd to 'make' such disposi tion of my limited funds as best suited me.' An acquaintance who visited me at the hos pital, Mr. Frederick Steinbton, of Sixth bOow Arch• Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try' your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time - I commenced taking .them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and Ikm how. thank_ God for getting bet ter. Though I bave taken but ttvo bottles, I have gained tra pouods, and l feel satiguine of being -ermitted to rejoin iuy wife and daughter. from whom 1 have .beaM nothing for eighteen months ; for. gentlemem.l am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front, Itayal. To your intalukble Bitters I ode the certainty eflife which has taken the place of vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious Privilege of again clasping to my bosom these who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur in the truth of the above statemthti is ice had deA atrNl of seeing► our curnrade.6lr Malone. re,.tore.l to health. See tuttgthe M JACKSON,•' is on the WHAPP'EIt of cacti bottle: ' • p a r Prict• Egixt!litl ft;dtity4; or >tydir Hoz 410; our Re f Ate,il liFg;i . 4l.(ii . liare the d.! . not . ,. be .ILy I .1* e Hermting-prepat:athytts - tmit its piac.c'tidt.; E itia its; is • reeuttly pitekrd: by . OFFICE AND 11ANCFACYORY -No 631 Arelt Slr4ar , t. • .JONE.S & EVANS. (SileVisiofs to C. It JA' ItSON A C 0.,) _PitOPßitnitiS. .Faitsife 4:gtiliggisiinta . .Dialere in every terA . n in the United tititee: A' Tonic; TREPABED.BY. DYSPEPSIA, ATTENTIOI. • SuLDIERS I AND THE IFIIir;SUS OF SuLD:Ert.i ~.s **• 3, IS6 John eudrllebk, Is: York Battery: Ge;:rge A. Ackley. Co Lewis Checalkr. 92d New York. lE. SpeacFr. la Aryl!, i34:,ery 17. J. B. B. .?!:. Henr: - . B. .Jerizaue. Co Et: Heniy T. 11,cdoraili1 Co. C 6t.i 3LA4. John F. Ward. CO. E. 5t . . Hermati Koch. Co H. 72 i Y tja; - F,. 9 Andrew, J.- Kitubo C.. John Jenkins. Co. B. 10V' P. n BEWARE OF CO[ NIERFEI rs A Certain Cuie foi'Paina and warian* superior to any- other.. ..Crigmp it positively cures ; relief is absidetteltalife im uitdiattly it is tilted. llotheivrensenitilithis, and arm-yourselves with a bottle yrithotit de lay. Croup is . a . disease which - 'gives tin notice, frequently attacking - the - Child in the dead hour of night - ; before a physician can be summoned it may be too late: Remember, the Vrnitian Liniment neier'fails - Price 25 tint, 50 cents a bottle. 1 Sold bytallttirtggists. pfEce, 55 purtlaiadt Street.. New : _ . rrHE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE 1 of an Invalid. Published for the benefit, and r.s a warning anm a caution to Young men wtio suffcr from Wervotts' Debility. Premature Decay of Manhood; erm&supplying at the same time the means 'of self-Cure. .By one who has cured himself after being4ht to great expecise and injurythice Medical hutobng mid quackery 'By enclosing a post=paid addressed envelope single copies may be had (if-the Eintithr...<-: NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq..; Bedford, Kings cor.ntp,N. NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, Also l - , , Garden on' Fruit Farms; Suitable :Or DriapeS, Peaches, Pearb, Rasp berries, Strawberries,; Blackberries: Cdrrents, kc., of 1, 21, 5, 10, pr 20 acres each, at :the fo.lowing prices for the present, viz : 20, acres for $260, 10 acres for, $llO, 5 acres for Sixty Dollars. 21 acres for Fatty Dollars, .1 acie, for Twenty Dollars. Payal4e by one dbllsi a •, • week. Also. good Cranberry lands. and ciliate lota in pHETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at Ten Dollars each. payable by one dollar a iseek:.":The above lurid and tams. are situated •ai Chet wood, Washington Township. Surlikiton.Co., New Jersey. For. further information. apply, with a P. 0. Stamp :or a Clrcular, to B. -FRANKLIN CLARK, . : No. 90 Cedar .Street, New. York, N. Y..- . PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday. by P. . 'BINS CO.. Rettil Dealer:silt rrrbceries 'and .ProvisTorrs, • . opposite D. F. Glasiauire's Hottl; Coudersport, Pa •• Apples, green; 1;4 bash., do dried, . " Beans. " is Beeswax, V lb., Beef. Berries dried; ? quart Buckwheat. , Buckwheat Flkinr, Butter ? lb.; Cheese.. " Cloverseed Corn,,e bush., Corn Meal, per cwt.., Eggs, doz , Flour, extra, bbl.; do superfine ." Hams, 1b.., 1) ton,. Honey, per lb., Lard, " Maple Sugar. per 16., • das,.ll bush"., Onions, " Pork, ? bbl.,. do --f! . do -in whole hog. V Potatoes, per bush.. , Peaches. dried, ? Poultry. 'lb., Bye, per bush., Salt. I? tbl., _ , do 14 sack, • Timothy eed Trout, per 4 bbl.; Wheat. 14 bosh., White-Fish, 12 l bbl., 1863, . 1863.. I'IIILADELPIRIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. Th's great line-traverse:l Worthert / ned S. , rthwe,st counties a l'ennsylvtiuiti to,tLe el!‘ Lt Erie. on Like Erie. It h...a..leen leased by the iberni;,yll;ania •' rnad Compuny; and under. .their auspices ra4 - 21..t1y opened liirsEglidat its entire n use. for Passeng - r arid Freigii.t. :ti1,131:11G to Driftwood 2nd . on the Ea,tern Divi.ion, n? :-.,tdicld to Erie, on the West..ern times). , . lEEE TIME OP' PASSENGER TRALNS AT.DRIFTWOOD E press maid 'arrives . • 2.10 Pr, SI. i f Express train leaies crest 12.45 P.M. Cars ,run through wintour CHANGE Von yays on these trains beta eea, Philadelphia qua Lock Haven and between Bahia:ore and Lock Hares. _Elegant Sleeping ,Cars on the Expr . ess . Train, bbth ways between Williamsport and Bahl mOre and Williamsport and Philadelpditi. I For information resnecting Passen,geriinsi, ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 11th and Ma't•ket I Streets, • And for Freight business of the Company's Agents c ° _ „ • • S. B. Kingston. Jr.; Cor. 13th and 3farket• Sts • ' ' W. Reynolds, Erie. J. 11. Drill, Agent X. C. R R. Baltimore. H. 13 ll9l7sros. F-;;;;'.; Agt Pat i o. _ LEIVEi ti • PZ : •: 'Jos. D. - P:. - r ' Gelei Btif Ca l eB ON and Later .11 m diy. iiiylst 10. „ • W1L1.114311 FLING An excellerit -W - r-kamn.. atways riady tr) work for such as Will pay when THE JOB IS DONE No credit siren unless - by special arrange intlat with the proprietor. . . . ASIIEL;jIIDES, Prr,difce, OLD C.AT'INGS., Dried 13-Nek Black sspbertiii. Couuty • niers, Car.h, wetted. Lt tnN 11111 D. Pra. - Kietor. Broakl ititt; fo'ilutTly called Cushing iugvilie. July, 1863. CLOTH. 1-51.1ESSENG. the'ondersign diwimirl inform the peon]. • of 'r.ctter"anill - the aajoining i-otinties that they are prepared to Dross Cloths on short ailso say thfit they hive - Mote than ordinary-facilities for Ftstea fyo Ctrs °Tall king. The folloi-ingare some. of our prices: • ._ For Greve, once Shtaredind'folled, - 14cts. per y.ird. For Colortrig, Shearing. and Pressing -full cloth. from 2(1 . '0 25 eta. per yard. Common finish, colored cloths, from ITto 2 I tts'. per yard. •• •• - ' • WMlien's Wear, from - 12 to 16 =. 7 pertiins elin" bafe - ,their Cloth's tt i e, Machine arid, rel*neti. -bl+- them at Armstrong's Shoe Store In Corder.-1 port, - PERRY & HOLM S. Perryville, Sett. 3. 1863: - ' UNDS BLOQ3L • - STEBBBLV ' I 4.1 1 Oton is DovwliV •• 1i.:.,d5z.1.r. ..,,:is:::' - I PRICES REDUCtD. .;.1.1 !I am now supplied with a FULL STOCK GOODS at My, also's:talent is GOod, consisting of my r ual variety of. RY GOODS, . 1 • Cl4oiiiiNG; VATS - ST SffOES; GROCER S: , -.Lei, and remember that I am not 10 e nadersold. WUOL WANTER • D. E. OLAISTED; , _ , - rn Fearing the REBELS will capture my stoat . ,f Godds and pay only in CONFF.DERATE .crip, I t have concluded to -7 - - - - -SELL OUT' "Cheaper than Dirt. , ' • h rip Chnice - slocls: of RY GOODS,' -. • . ,$37; to 75 100 200 1 50 200 25 30 ' 5 6 6 12. 3 / 4 - Co - ‘ 75 3 2 75 CO 14 10 12 7-co . 7 50 83 IDo 200 2 - 25 1 0 1 3 T 4 - SHOES. HARDWARE • ATS ,&• CAPS, • NOTIONS. • SO,LIOOL BOOKS, LI . or GREEN-SACKS 7.50 800 6,50 700 10 12 00 700 16 121 10 121 lb •12 64 65 , 75 100 17 CG 1300 9 10 ' 6 371 44 25 -e . _ LUCIEN BIRD Brookland, Pa.. June 25, 1861. , liotographs subscriber respectfully announces to ii. the citians of Coudersport and vicinity that he has opened a Gallery opposite Glass flake's Hotel; where he will r-main for a short time and be prepared at all hours of, the day and alpinds of weather, to take good Photo- 21, aphs, Nie:ographs; .Melairiotypes, Ambro, t. pes, &c., that for beauty, durability. and n ituralness of, espresidon l cannot be meelled. p t. i. is ores inserted in tocets, Pins. &p., with n atnesjs and -despatch.. .Views of Houses,' Epenbry,Public Buildings, &0., taken in a neat and satisfactory manner. Particular atten tilcn elven to copying. No 7 is the time EA all to procure good and durable - Pict:l? - 6' of themselves and friecds. Come one and all, !l i la- that you hare an opportunity, and defer it not yMtil it is too - late. Persons desiring a gaod Likeness, v,-11l do well to . call immedi a •ely, with all Of whom they fond'esmi)tion cherish. And secure the shadow ere the substance • 5 7 88 1 00 3 25 2 - .50 I; 50 4 50% . 5 00 1 00 - .-1 25 450 500 For alshort time'only: C 9.11 ,soon. 'W ILLARD CARREL = 31, 1563 . - Iconsequence of a "Notice" in your paper of August 26th, signed by a certakWat. P4lsTrte. Lsupposed to be Wm. Radde. the Su perintendent and Cashier of the Pmnzylvanta L ir nd and Farm Association'owning their ?ands i this County ;I, Charles Bushor, now of this c :intr . , loffer the following property for sale. g nrainteeing an urdispntable and warranted title to I.lie , whole cr any part or fraction thereof: IA criain tract of land near the Germania Mill in Warrant •No. 5075, Abbott tawnship, Pdater ~M., Pa., containinz 100. acres. Also, alacrei' in warrant No. 5078, adjoining the ore. . .., . IA cert?in tract of land Witii mill and im provements thereon, near %mile. Creek in w arrant No 5819. Stewartson townsh . p, octa l:lining: abbot 2.04 acres. ; Also, warrant No. 2501 Glines township; Tierra county, on the road lerding: from Germania to •Gaines, con talining.§so acres.. Also. several full warrants in the townships ofkJack F - 44. West Branch. Abbot, and Stew-. alson, in Pater _county. ' I I MA'S BUSHOR. Gtrmaitia, Potter Co.. Pa . Aug.:1.'6,180:- ', . I . , _ Notice.. i Dry Goodsfrom Iron H • °plover Messrs, ' ;Cladlin; Mellon & co, .New 'ark; !into;rgv . ,:, .., .. . Gr.allArLl, Polier'Co. i . .-Pa . .., A ng..- 1, 1363. I land. Lindsley & Col, Mcrae-a bast.„4lttsei . • .. _ _ ._...i. XTOTICE is hereby given tht Charles Bu-I . i n s o n- york, . 1 - . _, ill shot. now, 'Of la" , _edl:this county. holding - 1 . ClOt.hin4 'rota - Messrs..- - Bald-kr6; - -Stoltrikk the follolwing described property. has. not yet j•Cci.:,,'1 , 7•6: - 12 Couitlazid•st , also . Ifes3rs: . thilp • paid nt:*' conjs:idf_q . fttion whatever `or the same,! street; Bradford & - do.; 249 Bi-badillii..;:-" , '"•-' ' and all petsims iii-- hereby Ti - ar:ied r.ot to pur- • - tenkee Notions from J.l HinTy - SithliTk. cb j ase any of saidproperty of the said Bushor Pa% ne,•.3 Courtlarid 6t.' I - -7 - ..., . ''' .7': ::', X berpre ,the decision of the Court is given in! •Eitardware c•rtim :Morgzo,_ gyin -_ e'fitabaen• t this ea.4-htid C Bash or has paid to. me the I Cii. - 20 *Conrtyt .. r.ll•si. -- ' .:- - = •, _-. "--- considPl4ation money therctore. , •C : 413 - Clery. ft= 'Ur: - &s.Ear -:- Cti...s.i.iiiiiit4S ' The frill is the property r .. -'- -' . Duitite 5",:re... - a. - ''- !.... ------ ---' .--.:- -.." I , itr• A certain trae , of Lind near th - e der- :" Grocl . :riesfrona . .lenrs. Alizeill ICsititrn,.. 1n..4.1:1 Mill, in wafkant 5075. Ahbottownship.llssWashington street' P‘Pttvr tioticty,,,,l?a4 copt.ainililg . ipo . at•res_,-- . ffSA ', ar_d ,caps Am= Miller 2.`.,-.Yorsie; Arp ,afro-2o acre; in ..varriint'Sa7S and adjoining l Bre, nawaN:.• '•- - ' • --,:.1 thje above. • . •.. - '..-tlsei Dry Geo,ls frrtru W . m..Croni - ±: - elgo., 2nd. ,S.Cerfaililtrtattifland..with Mill and _ - - - %.:-,,,:.x." impro7menis thereon. near Ketile Creek. in % , - "cig'Frankliti street ':'-. Y.:' who eyer-lltiiiircioa b:17 ,, A11:15 for allibat. call upon then!.• .; ..,, mit rrabt.iTai 9- -Stewih•dS - On-Ai - rrishi').:".l"o".er i - I 1 -' - 11 - ' coliint - y, l'a.., ebntainrov n'oont. 204 acres. 'F- . 1 t' ca 'upon os and - exurnini c :onr -; Gobilk. --- t - ot 6tti - prices -bil._2ire:„inr .. f c „.._ hitke on ilufilec-9tis 4 . 17 4 ,.p....ya 1 rtetr olei§ eT he.. —'lf2 4 : iztli7 own, l ,o,acountv.pA.. AilJov ,e.;,,;a..haia;:b .ti_i i.e hear tO, he mid '4l;yding from Germania to.Ciaintl; talillb,lls4=ecrss. • • • - — 1 • -C1F491-Cit Tre.;los. t, LASSitißrAiatt:T;4g: LINV&BLO4 3 I-11rIGRESP-=, for the La 4iea'—t • , V 4 , 4 STEBBISTS' • -T SOAP Q,ut-rtl , :lr: Sett ! Tr.ciaire a -; ,- .5 ,-S . TIMP , P.'SS.' • :. <:.:o •.. . Lower Figures. is " co P.OOERIES, PROVLSIOSS, CROCKERY TA [L E NOTICE. :;.w - .4;.,41,pij.k - L- - i - 1 - :',.“ i .; L.., '-:::, ;.i I;:t.(i - V i il c.,i1'3,!.; t:i ..,.•.• EGEII 1863 Read Our New Priees. ShiainOii4! OSWAYO REdiii.A.l,6it lii FUR Bli. 4illlo 9 ; - . V . LAE!EAOKI_,.atkNL GOOD 31EP.Ia13CS, CPCIIECO PHILLIPS, ALLENS, DUNNELLS and other Good Prints from 121 tä 16 cts., for the best. GOOD SHEETING 16 to, 20 word to 30 as. BLEACTIED 31USLIk i to 18 worth 13 toSO GOOD DENIMS for 20 cits. *aid 25 . . .to 3.sicts. _--: '.. GOOD TWEEDS for 25 ) t0 41 trot3V3B to 63 ets. • GOOD OASSIMSREB, very for GOOD I BLA,C SILKS , tO, .5E13 'worth $1 25 to ':61175 1 GOOD COLORED SILKS far nits. worth $1 ALL WOOL RP, LAINES fo"r" . 35 eta worth 50 di. _GOOD. COMMON I3E to 25 worth 25 to 30 cts. ALL WOOL MERINOS -fiir•so:tif wortli - $1 to $1.25 , Boots .& - Shoo's' . . A LARGE ASBORTMES7T,VEat ickw. Goid CAW Boots for $2.50 Good Womett's Shites for 75 cents : Good Gaiters Tor -6k cents • - 'and all other kinds of fine slims Wyt as Mi Clothing , I; this . our trade we cart Ease you IC - Large tier cent. I Good Snits Black Grey and othertii . Coat;' Vest, Pents.Hat.Poetet Ilandkerchief,Craiit; -- and Shirt ;or $lO to, $l2 worth $2O. 'l. ;Groceriei Woscau alsosell you Groceries at a Saidueof at least 25 td1450 per, ct. Good Tea d'art es traquallty for $1 worth $1,50. • Otber •gtiod Teas.from 5'3 to 75 cts Good cbetring, Tobacco from 35 to 55'cia , dood. 'Segni for 12i cents Onr connectlon kith /oak of Coe bts . i. job tring_honsgs in York wilt -mina:yrs-can't-1a tis to sell many goods rerp mucl bOryi-the Y. otk . :w 'a ole are : priceo; 0 r..:d 1001 . -10.. ttnntim k k isv iqd . tlx..t:is'e 'it re_ tha inlli.rinisiii ttetlitat,y- stmt ,bi3'rit•, 'Ticsidni to ieceii . e a o'early:toilCiFS-44_4:: Et, •~ oars - C 31010 ;;;••,--=" 01.7-?ro. - _ ~: c: -_.:: 1 , .., :r .15.: 4 7 IF -a Read i BS -,. -J - 11111 WM