The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 22, 1863, Image 4
111 Wanted 10,00 POUNDS OF - • • • -- A • '!• 4 1 • • •- 1 • *! AT . P. , STEBBINS ISD CORNER MAIN 3• SECOND STREETS, COVDERSPoRT, PA. 11,000 Pounds of W'ls O L Wanted Iminediately AT • C. S. & E. A: JONES. Cotton is Down ! PRICES REDUCED. I am nJw supplied with a FULL STOCK Or GOODS at - , ' Lower Figures. My assortment is GOod, consisting of my usual variety of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS Si - SHOES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., and remember that I am notto be undersold. WOOL WANTED, D. E. OLMSTED, Jupe 1, 1663., IMPORTANT and TRUE I 20 per cent._ Saved buying your GRASS SCYTHS. ' • GRAIN CRADLES, and Hay Rakes HAY F,ORCS, OP P. A. -Stebbins & Co. Coudersport., Pa.; June 22, 186$. i Mercantile, Appratisement. LIST Of Dealers in Merchandise in the Co. of Potter, for the year 1863, with classi fication, &e. NAMES. 1 4 , PLACE. CLASS. LICENSE Raymond Benton, Allegany 14 $7 00 A. Losey Ulysses t 14 700 F. T. Sahr - do 14 700 A. Coley do 14 700 C. G. Jtfdd do , 14 700 P.A.Stebbins & Co.,Coudersport 13 10 00 D. E. Olmsted do 13 10 00 C. S. cE. A. Jokes do 13 10 00 C. Smith E. K. Spencer i do 14 700 J. S. Mann do 14 700 Olmsted & Kelly , do 14 700 C. H. Warriner do 1 14 700 Glassmwe & Colwell do 14 7 00 Mann & Nichols, ' Sharon 1 14 700 B. S. Colwell & Bro., do 14 700 Allen Gline do 1 14 7 00 C. H. Simmons, Oswayo- ,11 15 00 Wm. McDougal do 14 7.00 Butterfield & Head do 14 700 I B.S.Colwell,Weston & Bro,Roulet 14 7 00 Mason Nelson, Eulhlia, 14 7 00 Henry Andresen, Kettle Creek 14 700 H. Theis - Germania 14 700 Charles Meisnor do 14 7 00 Jacob Kull do 14 7 00 ( Mrs. M. Goodman, Harrison 14 700 S. P. Whitcomb , do 14 ' 700 J. & W. Bulls - do 14 7 00 BREW IRS 31. Schwarzenbach, Germania, 10 v , 500 A. A. Swetiand, 3lercantile Appraiser., Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration on the estate of Charles Worden, deed, 'late of Bingham tp, Potter co., Pa., have been issued to the subscribers ,in due form of lap, notice is hereby given to all _persons knowing themselVes indebted to said estate to make immediate, payment, and those having claims will present them, duly authenticated, For settlement. _ CLARISSA A. WORDgN, t Adinses BURTON LEWIS, Bingham, Feb. L 1, 18C3. YOUNG =ERICA AHEAD I ! M PROVISIONS. GLASSMIRE &COLWELL ty..txDrG entered into a Co-Partnership are ;prepared tofurnish all goods in their MIS Reasonable Rates They keep constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of YOUNG HYSON, SUGARS : BROWN, LIGHT BROWN; A iVD COFFEE: PlO, JAVA, UNION,. &c., &c ALLSPICE, CRACKERS, SHOULDERS, IRON MOLASSES, CHEESE, ALL KINDS. FLOUR, by the Barrel, Half Buckwheat Flour by the Sack. Feed by the Hundred. In fact, everything kept in a good Grocery Store. PRODUCE taken in exchange and CASH hot refused. All Goods Delivered within the Borough. N. M. GLISSMIRE, ooudersport, April 6, 1863 OLD AMERICA BEHIND. ti‘ratV AND Very Best Quality OLD HYSON, BLACK, AND JAPAN TEAS WHITE. PEPPER, CINNAMON, FISH, PORK, CLOVER, AI TIMOTHY SEED AND SYRUP, PICKLES, CANDLES, KEROSENE ORANGES, AND LEMONS, SOAP, Bai-rel, and Sack. FRED OF CHARGE. G. W. COLWELL qNSIONSI , BOUNTIES,IBACK PAY, WAR CLAIMS, AND CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITY. . Stewart, Stevens & Co., Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors FOR ALLPICDS OP MILITARY CLAIMS, 411 Pennsylvania Avenue; Washington, D. This - firm, having, A thorbugh knowledge of the Pension businesS, and being familiar with the-practice in all the DepartmentS of Govern- ' ment; believe that they can afford ' , renter fa-1 cilities to Pension,hounty and other ' Claiinantsi for the prompt and successful accomplishment' of business entrusted to them, than any other firm in Washington. They desire to secure - such an amount of this business as will enable them to execute for each claimant 'very cheaply, and on the basis-of their pay I contingent upon their success in each case. :-* * *Their charges will be Tea Dollars fur Officers and Fire Dollars for Privates, for each Pension, Bounty, or Back Pay obtained, and ten percent. on amount of Claims for Military Supplies, or Claims for Indemnity. * * *Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March, 1861, in any kind of service, Military or Naval, who arc disabled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for two years, or during the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lOO-Bounty. WidoWs of soldiers who die or are killed, are entitled to s'loo bounty. If there be no widow then the minor children i then the father, mo ther, sisters, or brothers are entitled as above. -.Washington, D. C., 1g62.. *Apply at our office, or to our Associate at °Swayer, Potter county; Pa.—JAMES H.. gnAvEs, Esq., who has just returned from Washington, D. C., and is supplied with all the latest blanks issued under the tate instruc tions; and will fill them up for all who have been so unfortunate as to require an applica tion. Office in "Regulator Store" ESTABLISHED 1700. PETER. - LORILLARD, Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer, And of the 16 and 16 thatubers St., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, Neu; York.) Would call the attention of Dealers to the: articles of his manufacture, Viz.; sla caboy, Fine Rnppee, Coarse Rappee, American Gentleman, y Flu ow OM. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh lioneyDew Scotch, Irish High Toast, - Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. %*Attention is callod'to the large reduc-. Hon in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing :Ind Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be found of a SUpe rior quality. SMOKING. FINE OCT CHEWING. smoicr:9. Long, P.A.L., or plain. &Jag°, No. 1, Cavendish. or Sweet, Sp.inisb, No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronocn, Canater, Nos.. 1 S: 2 mixed, Turkish. Granalated N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on applicatioia.—Ap Bly The Great Cause of HUMAN MISERY. Just published in a sealed envelope, price G etc A by Dr.Ccixtutivcr,r, on the Cause and Cure of Spermatorrhte-t, Concump- tion, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervous ness, Epilepsy; Impitiml Nutrition Of the Do dy ; Lassitude; Weitkoess of the Limbs and Back : ludiscoition, and incapacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension ; Loss of MemorylAversion to Society ; Love of Sol itude; Timidity; Self-Distrust;- Dizziness; RAISINS, Headache ; Affections of the Eyes ; Pimples on the Face , Involuntary Emissions, and Sex ual Incapacity; the Consequences of Youth ful Indiscretion, 4:e.. Le. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the aliove enumerated, often sett-athicted,evils may be removed without medicine and with out dangerous surgical operations, and should be read by ever youth nun every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New, York, Post Office Box, 4586. HAMS, NAILS For Bats, Mice, Roaches, Ants. Bed Bugs, Moths in , Fiirs, Woolens, &c. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put tip in 25c. 50c. and $l.OO T3oxes, Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public , Institutions, &c. 'Only infallible remodlos known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Res come out of their holes to die." *. * *Sold Wholesale in all large cities. ; * * *Sold by all Druggists and Retailers eyerY- where. !! I Beware ! l ! of all worthless imitations *See Thal. "ClosrAn'2" name is on each Box, Bottle hnd Flask. before son buy. *Address Henry IL Costar, ***Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. . by P. A. STEBBINS, & Co., Wholesale & Retail Agents, Cciudersport, Pa 0n and after JULY Ist, 1863, the privilege of converting the present issue of LEGAL TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIN PER CENT LOAN (commonly called "wive Twenties") will cease. All who wish to invest in the Five. Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply before the Elst of JULY next. , JAY COOKE, • SCIISCHIPTION AGENT, • No. 114 South Third St., Philadelphia. FRUIT o' " THE UNION " ARCH STREET, .ABOVE. THIRD, • Administrator's Notice. Philadelphia. W HEREAS, Letters' of Administration on the estate . of . Lewts, dee'd, late of UPTON S. NEWCOAER, Proprietor. • This Hotel'is central, convenient by Ulysses township, Potter co., Pa., have been Pa;senr , er to ail parts or the city, and in issued to the subscribers in due form of law, ev - parti-ular adapted to the wants of -he notice is hereby given to all persona knotting bd l mess nubile. themselves indebted to said estate to make , Terms 150 per immediate payment; and those having claims will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement 31. LAVINIA LEWIS, 1 , , E. D. LEWIS, .riumbr s. Ulysses, Pa., Feb. 16, 1863. A SOAP Question Settled ! Inquire at Lime, for sale :It GLASSMIRE S: COLWELL'S BROWN SNUFF Denligros, Pure Virginia, Nachitocile, CupLaliageu TOBACCO Tin Foil Cavendish Special Notice. _ t : ' - 1883. PIIILADELirriIA V AND ERIE RAILROAD. - This great line traversesd the Northern and Northwest counties of. Pennsyliania to:the city of Erie,' on - Lake Erie. It hen been leased by the Perinsylvia Railroad Coinpany and under their auspices is being rapidly ;opened throughout its ettire length: It is now in use for Passecrr and Fre,ght business fro4n ilicatsaumr• to. Driftwood 2nd Fork ' (177 miles)l on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to l ,Erie, on the Western Division; US f j ) . TIME OF PASStiNGF.II. TRfl S 4T DRIFTWOOD.. Express train arrives 2.10 P: 31. Express train leaves west . 12.4,0 • Cars run through *ITHOUT - CHANGE both *ays on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and between Baltimore and' Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Balti more and Williainsport'and'Philad'elpdia. For information respecting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 11th artillfarket Streets, And for Freight business of the Company's Agents : S. B. Kingston : Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. W, Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. II R. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gee'l Frei:chi Agl. .Phil'a. LEWiS 1,. Hauer, Gen't Ticket Agt. Phil'a. Jos. D. POTTS,. Gen'l Manager, Williamiport. Arr;c H 3/ AKE R. C. H. VJARRINER PS Continues to repair CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY , in Coudersport, and keeps con stantly on hand and. for sale a good assort ment of Clocks, • • Watches, and Of the vl , ry beet quality. Also PialEl7 WARE.. , SPEf:TACLES. STRIN(;S, REVOLVERS, .ke.. Also, a full supply of, lelpilting Tackle: which he is selling- az ti“c lowest prices fer ,eery-article sold warranted to be as represelited. Shop on ..rain Street. two doors north of P.A. S ebhius & Co's Store, at the yigu of the "Dig Watch." . ' I • A T ,OLMSTED s,:r KELLY'S ST,oßoy.iin7l2,l3..aoxl and p b u e d f o o r und the best of T V E S:. Also. TIN and SUET-IRON WARE. POTS, KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PAN, and CAULD RON". Also, Agricultural rmplemeutay such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, IJORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. THEIR WORK • is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put ;up in any part of the ; County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, ineldding:Oash. Seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the 011 Court Mouse, Colldersport. Aug. I, 1859.-50 *Au atIMS gljtrp wHE undersigned would romectililly inform the surrounding community that he has taken the(rooms formerly. occupied by John 5. Hann, where he is preparedto do All kinds of Harness `Work on the shortest notice.' LONG STRAW COLL &RS. alSo kept constandy on hand. These collars are a superior article s and need but a trial to insure their success. • Repairing done in good style. • Sur'cing,des, Martingale-rings, Haines, and Haine.straps, Sa.. kepi constantly on hand. The public arc invited to call and examine, before purchasing elewbere. S. P. MIN AR Coc.tlersport Oct. 16th, 1860. WESTERN .FIDT.E la, Nos: 9,1, 13,15, 17, COURTLABDT STREET, Near Broadway, 'New Ycirk City. This old-established and favorite, resort of the Business community has been recentlyre. fitted; and is complete in everthing that can minister to the comfort of its patrons. Ladies and flniilies are specially and carefully pro vided for. It is centrally located in the business part of the city, and is contiguous to the principal linq of steamboats, cars, omnibuses, ferries. In consequence of the pressure caused by the hebeilion, prices have been reduced to ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DAY. The table is amply supplied with ,all the, luxuries of the season, and is , equal to ;that Of any other hotel in the country. ' Ample ~e rminnoclations• are offered for up ,warti. of 400 guests. Do not believe runners, lmekmen,arl others who may say "the Western Hotel is W full.", D. D. INCHESTER, Proprietor. Thos. p. Winchettcr. fvl9 NATROPIA COAL OIL! WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE t and, equal to any Kerosene. WHY buy an explosive Oil,, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a perfect Oil? 11adt: only by PENTA SALT ATANTIFACTURING COMPANY No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Fells. 1, 1842. ly -*** DR. SWEET'S Infallible LrNiNENT' TLIE ' • GREAT. XAEIODY. FOR P.FIEUMATIS)t, GOUT; 'NEURALGIA LUMBAGO, STIFF . \ - ECk AND JOINTS, 'Bl-"AINS, I,IRUISRS, WOUNDS AND CUTS, PILES, lIEADACHE, AND ALL REIEUMATIC AND - NERVOUS DISORDERS. j • j For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never 14its. This Liniment is prepared from the Vecipej of. Dr. Stephen Swept, of Connecticut, the 'famous bone set ter, 'and has been used in his practice for more than twenty pegs with the most aston ishing success.. I j AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is un rivaled by any prepaiation before the public, of Which the most Jskeptical ..may be con vinced by a single trial. _j • This Liniment willj cure "rapidfy and radi-• citify, Rheumatic Disorders Of every kind, and in thousands of cases wheVe it has been used it has never been knOwn to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immedi ate relief in every ease,"thowever distressing. it will relieve ! the; worst cases of HEAD ACRE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. • TOOTlllClitulso . it will cure instmitlr FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND O.N, EttAL LASSITITDE arising from imprudence or excesif, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the baryons tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the syetcm, and re6tOres it to elasticity and vigor. , - , FUlt PILES..-=—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the bent know n, and we chal lenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail "to afford immediate relief, and in n majority of eases will effect a Tadiral cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are some time.s extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely'application of ibis Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS'are sometimes 'very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst cases may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three davF. Xewelry BRUISES. CUTS,. WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS AtiD . SCALDS, yield read ily to tiie wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when need according. , tol directions. Also, CHIL BLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. Dr. Ste pleen Sweet, - of Connecticut, the Grent Nattual Bone Setter. Dr.: Stephen Swiet, of Connecticut, is knoirn all over the United States. Dr. Stephen Ste4l, of C'onnretirul, Is the au thor Sweels Infallible Liniment." lir. Steered Lnfaflible Liniment cures Rhou inittint and neverfails. , Dr: Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy fat Neuralgia. .Dr. Sweet's Infit i ltitle Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately,. Dr. Sweeps _TnialtibieLeniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Head ache immediately ( ring was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infnlhble Liniment Affords lame die.te relief for files, and seldom fads to cure. Dr. Sweet's 15011114 Liniment Cures Tooth ache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's I;ifellibli Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sw. , els 10111ib1e Linimen Is the beSt remedy for Sores., in the known world. Dr. Sweet's InfWll.7,lc Liniment Has been used by more than a million people; and all praise it. - Dr: Sweet's Infa(Ste iLiniment Talcen inter nally cures Colic,Cholera Morbus and Cholera. - Dr. Sweet'• , Infallible Liniment Is truly a, "friend in need," and every family shoald have it at band. Dr. Sweet'., Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A Friend in Need. Try it DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy; is without a rival, arid Till alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and .Nervous Disorders it truly infallible, and Is a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains Bruises, &c., its soothing, healing and pow erful Ftrengthting' properties, excite the just "wonder and astonishinent of all *ho have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remafkable cures performed by it within the last two Ycars, attest the fact. To Horse Owners ! DR. SWEET INFALLIBLE LatmENT FOR HORSES is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of Laineness arising from Sprains, Bruises or 'Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, ic., it will also enre speodily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured in their incipient stages, but codfirmed:cases are beyond the possibility of a.11.4D1Z.7aL min. ; No case of the kind . , however; is so desperate or hopeless but, it mw be! alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will always re move the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. Every Horse Owner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearaneP of Lame ness will eirectittally prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render-1 so many otherwise Valuable horses nearly worthies.s. Dr. SWEET'S INFAL L4[BLE LINIMENT IS TILE SQLISIER'S 'FRIEND, I I And thousandS have found it truly, A F;rievid in Need!. CAEriION.-L-To Ovoid imposition, observe the Signature, and r ) Lilicnes of Dr." . Stepheti Sweet on every label, & also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Lininieel" :blown' in the glass of each bottle; Without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON' t s• Co:. • Sole l'toprietors, Norwich, Ct. :ttIOIIGAN h. ALLEN, General Agents, 46 Cliff Street, New York. FSold tri all dialera ever here. :a.16 A Joint Seso ution propoSing certain Amenctinents.tiorthe Constitution. , it reso l ed by the Senate Mid HMO ;of -1111—Repres-entatives tho,Coikinkin`rienttit of Pennsylvania in General Sisembly niet,• That.the follariing 6mendmentelbe4ioposed to the Constitution of the Commonsrealtb, in accordance with the proviso of the tenth article thereof. There,shall be an additional geotton to the third article Of the Constitutio*;te be deA natedg as four, follOwit "SECTION 4 Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shalk be ‘ in any actual militaiy service, under ti tion from theiPre'siderit of-the United States, or"by the atithority of this Crimmonwealth, such electors tnayt, exercise tho'iright Of - snf• (rage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulationi,as are or shalfbe presCribed by law as fully and effectually isiftheywere present at their usual places of blection.! There shall be.: two additional sections to the eleventh article of "the Constitution; to be designated as sections eight and nine as fol lows . . "Scams 8: No bill shall beioassed by the Legislature containing more th an one supject, which shall,be clearly expressed - in the title, except appropriation bills. • • "Stenos 9 No. bill shall be, passed by the Legislature granting any powers or privileges in any case where the authority to grantsuch powers be privileges has been or atter be. conferred upon the Courts of this Commonwealth."' JOHN CESSNA Speaker of the House of 'Representatives. JOHN P. PENNY, Speaker or the'S4nate. Office of the Secretary of the Common-. 1 wealth, Rarrishurg, July- . 1, 1863. 1 PENNSYLVANIA, SS : I del hereby certify thattheTpregoing as and annexed is A, full, truetind correct 'of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "'A Joint Resolution propOing certain Arrientiments to the Constitution'," as the same remains onfilo in this office. In TestrmonyWhereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of.he Secrete rys office to be affixed, tho day and year above written- EIL SLIFER, Secretary of the Coinmmiwealth. Teo ./-Sar l -4 rya o~ • ,Ainft • The Buffalo Mercantile bollege CORNER CF 'MAIN AND SENECA STREETS Ts an iinprirtant link . in Ole INTERNATION AL CHAIN of Cbilogos, located in • . . NEW YOR.K•CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, TROY, CLEVELAI!iD, DETROIT, . CHICAGO, TORONTO, -. PROVIDENCE, PORTLAND, SAINT LOUIS. • A Seholarship issued from the Brat - RIO Col lege, entitles the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time. - The Desiela cof these InstitntionS,is to impart to Toung mcii and ladies, kthoroughi practi. . cal' business Oludation. , THEORETICAL EI'ARTMEN'T. In this department students receive thoro' itistruction . ini the ruaimentS of Penmanship, CominercialLaw. PRA i TICAL DEPARTMENT. liere-the sdent buys and sells Merchan dise, StOcks' Real ;Estate, &c., as in actual business. Two Banks hare been established in this departiment, which enables the student to deposit; his cash, get his paper disconnied,- and transact all-business incidental togen _ eral trade!. - i :TELEGRAPHING. Students May become good operators here in a short time. PENMANSHIP. 1 - • The Spencerian System of Penmanship, is taught by competent and experienced teachers Scholarship, Payable in advance, $4O. • I Collegg open day at d evening : no vacations • Resident Principal at Buffalo, .1. C. BRYANT. I For ftMther information; please call•at the College rooms, or send for Catalogue and Cir cular enclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT It STRATTON, Jy9ly ! • . Buffalo, N. Y. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THETsubseriber offers the 'whole of the fol k lowing; described tracts of land at private sale. The 'property will be sold in a body or n separate ,tracts, as purchasers may desire. It is in one of the finest lumbering and farm ing district of this or adjoining counties,and will be 50164 at a very reasonable price. No. .4 trout of Two Hundred and, Six acres, Sixty -acres of which- are: improved, bounded byilande of Martin Bartron,Bensleys, Horton, ' . and the Sinneinahoning creel4 L on which are !erected one ,Frame name, 'one Frame Barn, one Frame Shed, Apple,Teach, Pear, and Plum Trees, and also ia flue lot:of Pine, Oak and Hemlock limber. A Spring' at the door; and the Sinnemahoning and,-East) Fork of the First Fork creeks riming through! it. Situate in Wharton township. ' .] No. 2. One• Hundred. and. .Twenty-Fivej acres of Timber land, situate up the ; Nelsont run in Wharton township. • No. 3. Also Sixty-Seven, Acres of Timberi Land up Hunter run, adjoining Smith lirots,i about Two acres Of w - hich are Improyed, which are erected one Log House, situate in Wharton township.' 4.. One other lot of Timber.Landican . .i i taining Seventy-Six acres, up Bensleys Hollow in Wharton township. No. 5: One other lot of Timber Land;con taining One Hundred and Fifty Acres, situate up Vag Hollow, on which are, erected. mai Frame' House and one Log Reuse, w 4 a-gar 4 den and two or three fine springa,of water, in Wharton township. • - ' • • - N0.,6.. He will also' sell the undivided half of a tract of - Four, acre's' of land, botinded by lands of J6s. L. Nelson and tiae...Sinnemaho ning creek, on which are . erected One fine large WATER SAW-MILL, known as thi -1 % hard NIL", and also a Dwelling Heusi, - situate in Wharton toivnship. • ' . :•• • ; He ;will, also sell the following peponalpro= perty; to wit: One Si:nit:.6f_ Borges, Wagon,' -One. Sleigh, Four Cows.;'•Seven Yearlings, Seven Calves. 4AMES . BARTIION. - Wharton, Juno 11,18:69' • FOR SCECPOL DIRECTOR, It LP is required by the :Scheel - LaW:thrit an annual statement of the school funds be Made out, and ten written or printe:d.itarniqiills of this statenient,be posted up lathe district. * * 4 Sye hays lately printed .a• lot of-blanks suitable for this purposi.. And g 4 a stock. • • aprl,s - ' BLOOM OF; ROSES i —fon gie,JAl' .1 : 10i l ie l‘ " at " " STEDMV 1"