Wanted ! 10,000 POUNDS OF WOOL UN P. "A..STEBBINS CORNER MAUI tj' SECOND STREETS, COUDERSPORT, PA. 11~000 • Pounds of W .o L Wanted Immediately AT C. S. SB:E. A. JONES: Cotton is. Down! ppd.cB S REDUCED. I am now supplied with a FULL STOCK OF GOODS at Lower Figures. My assortment is Good, consisting of my usual variety of MIN GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS Si SHOES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,. Acc., &c.,and remember that I am not to be unersold. WOOL WANTED, D. E. OLMSTED, June 1, 1863: IMPORTANT and TRUE I 20 per cent. Saved in buying your GRASS SCYTHS, GRAIN CRADLES, and Hay Rakes HAY FORKS, OF P. A. Stebbins & CO. Coudersport, Pa., June 22, 1863. Mercanille Appralsementi LIST of Dealers in Merchandise in the! Co. of Potter, for the year 1863, with classi fication, &c. I . NAMES. i PLA.CF:. CLASS. LICENSE Raymond & Benton, Allegany •14 $7 00 A. ,Losey Ulysses 14 '7 00 i F. T. Suter I L do . 14 1 7 00 A. Coley; do . 14 17 00 C. G. Judd do 14 11 00 P.A.Stebbins & Co.,Coudersport 13 - I 0 00 D. B. Olmsted do 13 10 00 C. S. & E.A. Jones do 13 10 00 C. Smith do 14 17 00 E. K. Spencer do 14 1.7 00 J. S. Mann do 14 i 7 00 Olmsted & Kelly do 14 j 7 00 • C. IL Warriner do 14 . 7 00 %emir° & Colwell ' do 14 700 Mann & Nichols, Sharon 14, 700 B. S. Colwell & Bro., do 14 700 Allen Gline do - 14 7 00 C. H. Simmons, ' Oswayo 11 15 00 Wm. McDougall " do 14 700 Butterfield & Head ' do 14 700 B.S.Colwell,Weston & Bro,Ronlet 14 700 Mason Nerson, En!alio, 14 1 7 00 'Henry Andresen, Kettle Creek 14 i 700 H. Theis Germania 14 , 700 Charles Meisner do 14 .7 00 =Jacob Kull do 14 . 700 Mrs. M. Goodman, Harrison 14 700 B. P. Whitcomb do 14 ' 700 J. & W. Burtis do 14 7 00 'BREWERS. M. Schwarzenbach, Germania, 10 1 s_oo - A. Swetland, Mercantile Appraiser. AdMinistrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration on the estate of Charles IVorden, deed, late of Bingham tp, Potter co., Pa., have beeh issued to the subscribers in due fort' of ha, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to Make immediate payment, and thoie baying 'claims will present them, duly authenticated, for I settlement. CLARISSA A. WORDEN, umsr , o. BURTON LEWIS, Bingham, Feb. 21, 180, • YO MI 8.10110 . 1 !! - . N10.3,,15110/111 04:1 i 011 C`LcOG 4frer%; 00 SIONS. GLASSMIRE & COLWELL HAVING entered into s Co-Partnerahip are preparedto furnish all ' goods in their line at Reaminable,liates • r Very Beat Quality. They keep constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of YOUNG HYSON, OLD ,It SON, B ACK, AND SUGARS : , BROWN, LIGHT BROWN, AND WHITE. 1 COFFEE: RlO, JAVA, 11 , N102V, RYE, &c., &c ALLSPICE, PEPPER, • CINNAMON, CRACKERS, FISH, PORK, SHOULDERS, CLOVER, AND 'TIMOTHY SEED IRON AND MOLASSES' SYR PICKLES, C EIEESE, OTt4NGES, AND LEMONS, ALL FLOUR, by the . Barrel, Half 'Barrel, and Sack. _ 1 Buckurneat riour by the Sack. reeo by the Hundred. In fact, e ver y thingvt kept in a good (rocery St'ore. .113.0 DUCE, taken 'in exchange and CASH not refused. AO l doods Delivered 'within the Borough FREE OF CHARGE. i N. M. GOSkiiRE, Condergport, April 6, 1863, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES. BACK PAY, WAR CLAIMS. AND CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITY. Stewart, Stevens & Co, Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors FOR ALL KINDS OF MILITARY CLAIMS, 411 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wnshington, D. C. CIE , This firm, having athorongh knowledge of the Pension business, and being familiar with the practice in. all the Departments of Govern ment, believe that they can afford greater fa-1 lifities to Pension,bonnty and other Claimants, for the prompt and successful accomplishment of business entrusted to them, than any other firm in Washington. They desire to secure such an amount of this business as will enable them to etecnte the business for each claimant very cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent, upon their success in each case. * * *Their charges wilt be Ten Dollars for Officers and Five Dollars +for Privates, for each Pension, Bounty, or Back Pay obtained, and ten per cent. on amount of Claims for Military Supplies, or Claims for Indemnity. * * *Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March, 1861, in any kind of service, Military or Naval, who are disabled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for two years, or during the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lOO Bounty, Widows of soldiers who die or are killed, are entitled to $lOO bounty. if there be no widow then the minor children ; then the father, mo ther, sisters, or brothers are entitled as above. Washington, D: C., 1862. * * *Apply at our office, or to our .Associate at Oswayo, Potter county, Pa.—JAMES H. GRAVES, Esq., who has just returned from Washington, D. C., and is supplied with all the latest blanks issued under the late instnue lions, and will fill them up for all who have been so unfortunate as to require an applica tion. Office in "Regulator Store." II N. ESTABLISHED 1760. Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer, ♦nd of the 16 and 18 Chambers St., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, Nov Fork.) Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.; BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, , Demigros, Fine Rappee, pure Virginia, - Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh lioneyDew Scotch, Iristilligh Toast, Fresh Scotch, . or Lundyfoot. * * *Attention is called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, which will be found of a Supe rior quality. JAPAN TEAS SMOKING. FINE CET MEWING. SMOKING. Long, P.A.L., or plain. S.Jago, No. 1, Carendisb, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster, Nos. 1 & 2 mired, Turkish. Granulated N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application.—Ap Bly Justpublished. in a sealed envelope, price G cts A. Lecture by Dr.CLILVERWELL, on the Cause and Cure of Spermatorrhcea, Consump tion, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervous ness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the Bo dy ; Lassitude ; Weakness of the Limbs and Back: Indisposition, and incapacity for Study and Labor ; Dullness of Apprehension ; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Sol itude ; Timidity; Self-Distrust; Dizziness; Headache ; Affections of the Eyes ; Pimples on the Face , Involuntary Emissions, and Sex ual Incapacity; the Consequences of Youth ful Indiscretion &c. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-affiicted,evils may be removed without medicine and with out dangerous surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. C. ELM, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 458 G. RAISINS, HAMS, NAILS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woolens, &c. Insects:on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up in 25e. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for .Hotels,Putilic Institutions, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." . "Rats come out of their holescto die." * * *Sold Wholesale in all large cities. * * *Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every where. I I Beware I I of all worthless imitations • I * * *See that "Comet's" name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy, * * *Address lirenryn, Costar, • * * *Principal Depot 452 Broadway, N. Y. P. A. STEBBINS, & Co., * * *Sold by Wholesale & Retail Agents, Coudersport, Pa. CANDLES, KEROSENE, On and after JULY Ist, 1863, the privilege of converting the present issue of LEGAL TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX PER CENT LOAN (commonly called "Five Twenties") will cease. AU who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan must, therefore : apply before the let of JULY next. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT No. 114 South Third St., Philadelphia. SOAP, FRUIT of WHEREAS, Letters of Administration on the estate of 0. A. Lewis dec'd, late of Ulysses township, Potter co., ,Pa., have been issaed to the subscribers in due form of law, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. 31. LAVINIA LEWIS, 1 Admsr's E. D. LEWIS, Ulysses, Pa., Feb. IG, 1803. A_ SOAP Question Settled I Inquire at STEBBLNS' G. W. COLWELL LIRE, ;Arne. for sale at GLASSMIRE & COLWELL'S PETER LORILLARD, TOBACCO Tin Foil Cavendish The Great Cause of HUMAN MISERY.', Special Notice. Administrator's Notice 1563. • : 1563. PIEULADELPEILIi. ERIE ' ' RAILBOAO. This great liilo traversesde Northern and Northwest counties- of-Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie - . It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad -Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire_ length. ' • It is now iu use for Passenger and Freight husiness from BM:MIMI:TIM to Driftwood 2nd Fork, (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield •to Erie, on . the Western Division; (78 ME OF PASSENGER TRA/ES AT DRIFTWOOD.. Express train arrives Express train leaves west Cars run. through WITHOUT caLam - s both ways on these trains between Philadelphia tnd Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Eipress Train both ways between Williamsport and Balti more and Williamsport and Philadelpdia., For information respecting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. lith, and Market Streets, And for. Freight business of the Company's Agents S. B. Kingston; Jr., Cor. lath . and Market Sts: Philadelphia. J. W, Reynolds, Erie. • J. M. Drill, Agent N. C.R. R.'Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, • Gera Freight Agt. Phira. LEWIS L. HOUPT, Goa Ticket Agt. Phila. Jos. D. POTTS, Genii Manager, Williamsport. :014. • . WATCHMAKER. C. H. WARRINER Continues to repair CLOCKS, WATCHES, and JEWELRY in Coudersport, and keeps con stantly_ on hand and for sale a good*assort ment of Clocks, • I Watches, and Jewelry Of the very beSt quality. Also, PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS, REVOLVERS &c. Also, a fall supply of . ' Wishing Tackle which lie i$ selling at,the lowest prices for cash. Every article sold warranted to be as represented. Shop on Main Street, two doors north of P. A. Stebbins- & Co's Store, at the sign of the " Big - Watch." ' AT. OLMSTED $ KELLY'S STORE can always be found the best of Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES. Also, TIN and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, - SCOTCH BOWLS, .FRYLNG-PANS, SAP-PAM, and CAULD` r RONS. Also , Agricutural Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES DOG-POWERS, &c. THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1859.-50 *tis paritts gipv T li t E h e u s n u d r e r r o s u i g d e i n d , w c oll d m respectfully h eha inform ns taken the rooms formerly .occupied by John S. Mann, where he is prepared to do AA rinds of Harness Work on the shortest notice. LONG. STRAW COLLARS, also kept constantly on hand. These collars a are superior article, and need but a trial' to insure their success. Repairing (lone in good style. Surcingles, Martingale-rings, Hanes, and liame•straps, dm., kept constantly on hand. The public are invited to call andexamine, before purchasing elsewhere. S. P. MINAS. Coudersport Oct. 16th, 1860. . WESTERN HOTEL, Noe. 9,1; 13, 15, 17, COIIIITLANDT STREET Near Broallv,ay, This old-established and ftixoritc resort of the Business community has been recently re fitted, and is complete. in everthing that can minister to the comfort of its patrons. Ladies and Families are specially and cainfully pro vided for.- It is centrally located in the business part, of the city . , and is Contiguous to the principal. Huts of st6araboats, cars, orunibusgs, ftrrici. ' In consequence of the pressurh caused by: the Rebellion, prices have been reduced to ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DAYJ The, table is'amply supplied with all the, luxurieS of the season, and is equel to that of any other hotel in the country. . . Ample accommodations are offered for up,4 ward 0f . 400 guests. - I I I Do not believe runners, backmen,and others who may say "the. Western Hotel is full." D. D. IVINCIIETER, Proprietor. 27M.T.' D.: Winchester. • • fyl9 g THE UNION " ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD; Philadelphia. 'UPTON'S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This Hotel is central, convenient by Passenger cars, to all parts of the city, and in every particular adapted to the wants of the business public. Terms 1 zio per day. NATRONA. COAL OM WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE 1 and equal to any Kerosene.' WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you,with a perfect Oil? Made'only by ; PENN'A SALT BIALTOPACTUELNO COMPANY No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Feby. 1, 1802. 1y • ~~~ 2.10 P. M 12.45 P. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA - LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPAINS, BRUISES, WOUNDS AND CUTS, RILES, HEADACHE, . AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of Which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and netrelk , fails. This _Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone set-. ter, and has been used in .his practice for more than twenty years with the most aston ishing success. • ! AS! AN _ALLEVIATOR OF PATIN', it is un rivaled,by any preparation before the public, of which the most •skeptical may be con vinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radi cally, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases wherelit has been used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, lit wifl afford immedi ate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEAD ACHE in three minutes and ismarranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also it will cure instantly FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GEN ERAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it. strengthens and revivifies the system, and 'restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we claiin thatlit is the best known, and we chal lenge the World to produce an_ equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial; for it will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will direct a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are some timo extremely .malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of ibis Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlargement of,, the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst cases may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield read ily to the wonderful - healing properties of SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, used according to directions. Also, CHIL BLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. Dr. Stephen Sweet,' pf 'Connecticut, the Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet; of COnneetient, 18 known, all over the United :States. Dr. Stephen Street; of Connecticut, Is the au thin. of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." 'Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Itheu matism and never (ails. I Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certaia remedy for Neuralgla.; .; . _ Dr. Sweet's Infallible' Linimint Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's infallib4 Ltniment Is the beet known remedy for Sprains and Bruises, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Bead. ache immediately and was never known to fill. Dr. Sweet's InfallibleEininzent Affords imme diate relief for and 'seldom fails to cure, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Tooth ache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Inf . , tilde Liniment Cures Cuts and Woundsimmeiiateli,and leaves no scar. 1 Dr. Sweet's Ala' lible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sdi:es in the known world. , Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been used by. more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Street's Infallible Liniment Taken inter nally cures Colic,CholpraZorbus and Cholera. Dr. Sweet's InfallibleiMiniment Is truly "a "friend in need/1 and every family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price. 25, and 50 cents. A Friend in Need. Try it. DR. SWEET'S t INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate . pain more speedily than any other preparation,. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative ;for Sores, Wounds, Sprains Bruises, .54:c., its soothing, healing and pow erful strengthning properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment who have ever given it a Arial. Over one thonsitnd certificates of remarkable cures performed by 'it within the lust two years, attest the fact. ..New Yor', City. DR. S \ VbET'S INFALLIBLE • LINIMENT FOR HORSES is nnrivalled by any, and in all cases of Lameness arising from Sprains; Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, . Zzo., it will also cnre speedily. Spavin and Ringbone . may be easily prevented: and cured in their incipient stages, but confirnied" cases are beyond the possibility of a riatucei, CURE. No case of the kind, however, "is :so' desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful" application will always re move the Lameness, and enable the'horses to travel with comParatiive ease. Ever* Horse Owner ' should have this:remedy at hand, for W its timely use at the firSt appearance of Lame ness will effectdally prevent thoSe formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render ninny otherwise valuable horses nearly - lorthldss. • • SiIYEETSS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS I THE SOLDIERS 'FRIEND, And. thousands have found it truly, -A Firlend In Need! CAIITION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label' l also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown in the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON. 4. CO. - Sidle Proprietors, Norivieh; CL moRGAN &.:lALLEN; General Agents, , 46 Cliff Street, 'New York. •x - 0 -) Sold by all dealers 'everywhere, - al6 DR. SWEET'S rufniltbla ' ;. LINIMENT i'TEE ' GREAT REMEDY To Horse Owners ! n-AyoltsoY?THE :_.-iGre'at.-.:Qities:-.:.-,..,, We, the undersigoed Mayon, time)* ow titr that the Druggists,' Apothecaries; and Physicians of our several cities have signed & document of a s surance 63133 that 11231113 1 11. 138.138ARATt■.T.A has been IM:out-to be a remedy of grbat excellence, and wattle, the confidence of the community. ; • HON. JAMES COOK,' - _ Mayor of Lcogrinat, .11A8IL HON. ALBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, A. E. HON. E. HARRINGTON, Mayor' of 22ANOMEBTEILU,N. HON. • JOHN ABBOTT, . Mayor . of , CONCORD, EON. A, $ l, BULLOCK, Mayor of WOECE I IBTXI2, MAE& maim NOR SILSREE, ' Mayor of SALEM, MUM HON. P. W. LINCOLN, mayor of Bosirom, *.ttitg.• HON. virm. ROVAIAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE!, Z. HON. ADIOS W. PR:ENTICE, • • 1. 1 1.y0r of NOE,II7IOIf, CO. HON. 3. N. HARitth, Mayor of NEW LONDON, OONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, '3Tyor of , fiIOrTIOLLI.L. 0. It. HON. EC P. TIEZIANN, adzyot. derr. .110 N. H. M. KlNStraßr, Mayor" of ErAiiir.orON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, • , *ow of TORONTO; C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of OINOIISTNIVIT, OEIO. EON. L H. CRAMTPORD, • Mayor of 1101:1ISITMLE, ET. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor =IOWA. • HON. JAMES 9 • Mayor !of BOW34IVVELLE, C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, RCM ' • - HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of it4rzowitim, 313. HON. JAMES B. •REEK, May of PRE:praiLICTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD 'NYE, Mayor of NEW ENDIVE% MB& HON. J. BLATEDIIr.T, mayor of FAIR' RIVED, M !►Ss. HON. W. S. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, HON. FRED STAHL, •J • Mayor.of (31-411ENA, HON. JOHN HODGDEN, . • Mayor of DUBUQUE; lOWA. HON. THOMAS CRETTUan.ELD, Mayor of, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, AMA. HON. R. D. BAUGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TEM HON. GERARD S'l'l'l.ll., Mayor of NEW ORTmAINTS, Z.A. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, ~ Mayor of BOIuitISTEB., N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, ' Mayor of UTICA, N. T. HON. GEO. wit.sSON, Mayor of PETTSBURG, • HON. C. H. BURL, mayor of DETROIT, EWE. HON. 1T MAN L. PAGE, Mayor of M32,IVAITBCEi HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of Eluatorrl, W/13. EON. 4. PARR, • Mayor of =OSHA, WM. HON. 3,orctr C. azim - Es, Mayor 'of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. 3. A. HEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. Certify that the ,resident DrUgglSte ) assured there Ayer's ,Sarsaparilla Is an asdellont remedy, and worthy the oco• • ildenca of thii community. For Spring Diseases.:For Purifying the - Elm:id. For Scrofula. or King's Evil. For Tumors, Ulcers, and Sores. For Eruptions andirimples. - For DiOtehes, Mains, and Boils. For St., Anthony's Fire, - Rose, or Ery. For Tetter or Salt Rheum. For .Scald Head and Ringworm. For Cancer and Cancerous Sores.. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Einncirii For Female Diseases. For Suppression and Irregularity. For Syphilis or 'Venereal, Diseases. For . Liver Complaint's. For Diseases of the', Heart. • The Mayors of:the chief cities of the t7ni• ted States, Canadas, and British PrOvinces, Old% Peru, Brazil, lifeco, and in fact al most all the cities on this continent,: have signed this document, to assure their people what remedies they may use witlisafetl and confidence., But. our space will only admit portion of them. Ayer's SarsOarilla, Ayer's' Chem . Pectoral; • Ayer's' Pills, and :1 • Ayer'S Agile Cure, - nnErsitun BY • 1 , Dr. 3f.. C. Ayer & LONVETi, NABS., 4. 02 4119/ 4 b7Drugria. overt' idierar • • Said by C. S. ds IA. Jo - nes Coudersport Mann & Nichols, Millport; Colwell Is Lyman Roulet ; A. Corey & Son, Ulysses ; 4::B. Hor ton, Cushingvilie ; and by Dealers generally