The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 03, 1863, Image 1
vi;musra XV.- - NUZBPR , 24. • . THE POTTER ;TOURNAt PoorlSited BY DicALlqrnesl PropFletee: $1.50 Pa YlLift, lIVILIUMIivir t 9 /iii/tiot * * *Devoted to the mire of Repo:laicaltisni, the interests of Agriculture, the advincentent of Education, and the best goody 'pf Potter sounty. Owning no guide except that of P Principle. it will endeav'r to aid io the work of more fully Freedomizing our Cohntry. • I ADVERTI36IIENTB inserted at the following rites, except where special bargains; are made. 1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, - -1 '... 50 1 it " 3 it _ i „, $1 5 0 Each subsequent insertion less than 13, i 25 1 Square three months, 4:- • 2 50 1 " six " i . 1 ..- 4 coo 1 " one year, 6 00' 1 Column six. montimi 4 20 00 n , II ' II i . 10 00 I 4.1 II SI 7OO • 1 44 per year. .1 - 40 00 3 . li , 41 .44 ; 20 00 Administrator's or Executor's Notiie, 200 i Business Cards, 8 lines or less, per yl l ear 5 00 Special and Editorial Notices, pe. lige, 10 * * *All transient advertisements) must be paid in advance, and no notice wilt be taken of advertisements from a distance,laless they are accompanied by the Money or tisfactory reference.; I'l I • * * *Blanks, and Job Work of alll labutt, dt - - tended to promptly and faithfully. 1 , 1 BUSINES6 EULALIA LODGE. No. 342. ' A. N. STATED Meetings on the 2ml a rid 4tl Wednes days of ea ,h month. Also losodiC gnaw ings on every Wednesday Eveaing.Tnr work and prakice, at their Hain in Couilervort. B. S. COLWELL: W. Mc HANWEL HAVEN, Sec'y. . JOHN S. MANN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Al' LA\. Coudersport, Pa., will attend the $461-eral Courts in PoLZer and M'Kenki Counties, All bush:Legs entrusted in his dare will receive • prompt attention. 011iet turner of west and Third streets. ARTHUR G.. O.OISTEHI ATTORNEY & COUNSEUOR AT hAW Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to his care, with prc :uptnes and fide. ity. Office on tioth-West.eo:ner of Main and Fourth streets. ISAAC BENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coirdet•sport, Pit., Will attend to all business entttisted to him, with care and promptness. Office on Second bt., near the Allegheny Bridge. • 1 F. W.- KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coaderspor(P s a., will regularly attend the Courts itt Potter and the adjoining Counties. 0. T. ELLISOST; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ComlerspOtt, respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and vicinity that lie will promply re spond to all calls for professional services. offite . on Main st., is building itrinerty oc cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. C. S. & it A. J0N1.48, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, IqIN I PS Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Iry Good:, Groceries, A:c., Main st., Condel•sp, et, Pa. D. E. OLASITID, I DEALER IN DRY GOODS, READY-I[MA Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, dit,i Main st., Coutleisport, Pa. COLLINS HALM in Dry Goods,ornceries. th:olvisions . Hardware, Queenswate, Cutlery; and all Goods usually found in n country Store.- 1 Coudersport, Nov. 27, 11361 COUDERSPORT HOTEL; 0. .GLASSMIRE, Proprietor, COrner o . Main and Second Streets, CouderspOtt, Pot , ter Co,, Pa. A Livery stable is also kept in Conned lion with this Hotel. IVIARIr GILLON, TAlLOR—nearly opposite the Court Rouse— will make all clothes intrusted to him in the latest and best styles —Prices to suit the times.—Give him a call. 13.41 IL J. OLMSTED OLMSTED & •KELLY,! DEALER IN STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, Main st., nearly opposite the Court House, Coudersport,' Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order . in good style, oil short notice. • Ulysses Academy 6till retains as Principal, Mr.E.R.CAMPBELL, Preceptress, Mrs. NETTIE Joxss GRIDLk4 j As. eistant, Miss ADA WeLsica The e;epenses per Term . are : Tuition, froni $5 to $6 ; Board. tiom $1.50 to $1.75, per week; Rooms for self boarding from $2 to $4. Each term commences upon Wednesday and ; continues Fourteen weeks. Foll term,Aug.27th,lB62; Winter term. Ded.loth, 1862 ; and spring term. March 25th. 1863. 0. R. BASSETT, President. W. W. GRIDVX, Sact'y.' Lewisville, July 9, 1862. MANHATTAN HOTEL. NEW YORK: :IS, Popular Hotel is situated near the corner. of Murray Street and Broad way opposite the Park within one block of the Hudson River Rail Road and near the Erie Rail Road Depot. It is one of till most pleasant and convenient locations in the city. Board & Rooms 81.50 perday. '• N. HUGGINS, Proprietor. Feb. 18th,,1863. The' Rochester Straw• Cutter. dALMSTED It KELLY, Coudersport.; have the exclusive agency for this celebrated machine, in - this county. It is covenient, du able, and CHEAP: Dec. 1, 1860.-12 ttllLNow is the time to subscribe for your Pa{wrTH6 JOURN4.. . From the 171st - Pa. Regiment. WrAunts/o'oft, N. C., April 18, 'tl3. 1.,.. ti. - - . ,propose giving you ... a b r i e f i aeCtintit Of our proceedings since the 31st sit , trusting that, if published, it will be of tome iiitereSt td i)-thinis at home. Waililugtuti, N bi is at the head of, ' the Patillieu Hirer. itt the centre of a line. productive iiithint end ii; ; or was, the place of residenco of stithe Of the n, lisr inficientitl Rehels of N t.; The posses ohm of iti was therefore: a wailer of grhat desire by them, to 01 which, they ciim menced, the last of .March, to seize and fortify the most important points of Sp pitmen, and to dirt.* forward•att tirs.4 lif severttl..rhousand , troops i Investing ,t he 'city in a close siege. — MO -Gen. Festet• was here with sonic .900 . troops. assisted by Union citizens and blacks of about the saute otimber; Whom the Rebels call Buffaloes. General Prince was oidered fiom-Nevrberne with his Division to re enforce him. On the morning of the 31st of March we Started in steam transports. by way of Pamlico Sound and Ricer, to du ro The weather was very cold, winds high and waters rough On entering the Sound we found the . splendid, :fulin Collier, loaded wit' t.' elsBlll Pa. Militia, agrotind, several uitles out on her eoutku, where she had been since Sunda evening, citable to get off, though having thrown all her loading over except the Itteitund horses. We took about 25b ;if there off. (Other boats doing likewi.e 1 Just after dark the sail of a small seltourrr er was seen standing in slime, and sev eral shells were fired at her from a rifled gun on nor bow. but Site “duit-ed-.lier sad," skid in under the shore, and ea. lost to our ti'ew. fr April lst.—At d isk last evening softie gun boats in our company pissed us. seal this morning they went on shelling the woods at several suspicious looking points Before moot, we reached the llti s •Point, seven miles below Washington, where the enemy bed erected a strong batten. con, plerely connoatehter the channel whiel, - 'lill3 Kit bin 'a quarter of a toile from it. We anchored while the gnu boars ran op feeling of t•leut with shell, bin witlomt eliciting any reply They were evident It waiting fur bigger game. alt some of c u r' ships had ltioo troop s and tons of 1111111.1/ Latino on beard Towards biolit we fell book to our old nouliornat• while :•11fite , more small gun hunts hau te up it, the evening. The prevalet4 of ',troth :: winds fur saute tune pa -t, and which continued several days after this, had so hhovit the! water front the livers and alichotte , e. as .. to leave all the big boats aground; r tom ble to get out. • The ttext morning we ran up to nor old fkround again, While the- gin boats ad Viiticed and commenced shelling the Bai tery. Whittli. now condescended to roots. firing three times, one shot I - assino I lair' the's ke soick told striving the - steam Cheat of the boat,-but doing no particular damage. This ad !!!!!! tislisd us ut the daii Ater of the passage . A boat was sent to try to hunt up a landing. but tit rei urn• big reported troops on shore whit fired on them, avid no possible chance io land an army among the reed swamps Our Colonel; with a small Pariy, undertook it) recto n utter at a point considerably fart lier down, and narrowly' escaped being gob bled tilt by a :lead of Rebels at a •Itouse near by. • . On the 311, Ihree more gun boats cait,i, upend went at the battery in stlitul earnest. The scene was gland; the huge shells. nereaming on their errand. were seen ti, strike the breastworks, throwing the sand Ili clouds as high es the treeS. or b trsimg in the air above them, sent their trim showers on the devoted heads below . As no shuts Were returned for a litto.: tne, it was thought the enemy. were sileneed. We have since learned that many were' killed and wounded. but the works sus tained no material injury. Our regiment was now transferred wit schootter loaded with artillery. and ammunition, while our steamer returned to Newtwrite for sup plies and more troops Today several' small schooners were brought aed added to our fleet, which were passing us for Washington, having been below for some days, and not knowing the state of &Woo , at home. They all proved to be owned or run by Uniun men, with passes from head-quarters One of them aid nut iibey the Blank shot first fired miter, but when a shell 'went knitting over her and burst. it was funny to see her alter- her course and haul up to us.. The contiouttieations of the skippers were very interesting; but I cannot mere than. mention it mows The privations and hardships to which persons io their condition tire exposed are iiitense. and it would touch 'a ,earl of stone tu hear theta recited. -- • The 4th the winds • were higher and colder than ever. - Our boats to ly tired occasional shots, the roughness of the water. Riving them no chance for a hinge Some vessels were fitted up and loaded with troops to ran- 'he blockade in the evening„ but on reflection it was not d•onied puniblo,imutticalkwgyukte wan . 8. D. KELLY bebotea to toe l'iiirpciples of I.lite - Pch)octleg, .44(111e" sJi4olt)irj4tiOßl Of tbjoilliti3; r-itit.oll4 4iio. wito.. COUDERSP3RT, POTTER FA., "W*LEE3DAY, 3 1 MTO 3, .t 863. 1 most wanted by --Oen Fester; LI) the scheine was abandoned On the 'tituriiiit of the sth some aunttl bunts were 'see° Qua itig from ,Witst,ingritti to cot 11111 l nide:ice vrith'intr fleet. and vre sass the practice of the Rebel gunnery on thew with ittletiseintere'st. They were about two mites from the battery. in.rely "•kilits Direct shins failing to hit them. they tried flawing client, then snetls bursting over head ; but all to no per, tiose ;• t hey . cattle threugh safe 1 tier*. were new 08 - ve...•sels on our anchorage. and towattla night the On hiatt Hunelt Back Caine up front Newberne She. is tt powerful wetakoi vessel . . earring a nitni• bar in• ttttt tutter.gutty:_ at little . ib `to and topetted ,on the linttery 'at. a range of nearly four miles. with her 100 pounderti. The wintr was calm and the evening. Warns, anti .we - all lookild 'upon this scene silent and breathless. While the yelling messengerk went in their way: Oilier boats juittell in the coin:ant, shelling cunt n + in the vicinity, and it• is reported s tint! the exeeution in a ;me places witr terrible; but the teal extent ef• it We shall never, know But three slim were ret urat-d r byi the batter, but their terrible precitnini at the great distance.- told its of the ion, possibility of approaelti-g lay ] water until the battery was curried. A flash Iron. the battery indicated that iiteY: were alive there yet and :July biding their After what scented it. long titite, as we Iteld•our breath in intense etuiosity, the huge shut plunged ;10./Ur 200 yams -quire in front of the Hunch Back. at d then eatii.e the report ef the WIC/. ill`d the, s e reiimi l i g of the hall, like a note of -a! try's not-ic In a few minutes another shot came from the shore which in a tine 'with the first, but 100 Lards nearer the boar. and another ituitkly tot lowed, but luektlti a trifle um high. pa..• sin g ie.: user the boat. and striking tire water. a few 3allis WICI,b11 . :10111!5S anxiety t'ot the next. but it did not come. -Early the nett mom fug we were pllt on board the steamet E...eott, iu pu - suance of orders from Gen. Foster, and returned to Newhertie. to try it by land ; the gunboats remaining to see to thin_, by *wet.. Ti.e next day, the Sib, WP were Ordt4ed to hold ourselves.. in ieaditiess at a um mews warning. with three days' rations. At midni g ht w e /w e r e balled up and ci•oa sed the river to Fort' Atalt•rsan. a mile above the city This was the scene of the late litbel attack oat Neabi•ruei i Tire watt art.utol the. Fort - were riddled like seive.„ std. cat holes cut _through the buildings in all diteetimi-, bat :mama). 111 212 was him on our side thereah , .ols The effect of the huge shells 1111,11 the Ilnnch, !Lek, H 4 seen in Ihe•eault :Ind timber, u•aa I reweiviiius : 1 0 it lora. e.msistol t.f smite 8000 men. :with nppropriate cdvalr% and art iiiery After tro.rti we c,Ol nreneed u afehinc, a lid at nicht eaarperl in a field of clairc. at it place e!alled Ne* [lope, which currsists of a tarry pretty plantation with a shsblo:. mansirm house, a run down saw mill :and still house. and at dilapidated Os! mill I believe I , awl here the original , mill spoken ttf in which, "two wiimen slitmld 'be 2rinding, and one ..lortilll be taken and the oilier left. - but I did not examine it very' Clovfly.i.Will U 11/ t he emir& -.tats .41 art.tind by o rder IA Gen - T. c place is owned by a rr•bel •rouhdrel. mooed IV hi' worth. of whom I • shall havyl tree° sires to speak further ' The .yards and gardens were bloc , hie over with the Yel 1 low ear.,lina ruse, fluwelitt alitiontbo inks, vinNts and daffodils; , while ihel ?. Hurt trees Were filled with blossoms of i 1 beirkind. To-day I saw corn up tor, TIM! first. The tnen y's pickets wrre statirined at this plat., one of whom Was shot by our athartree cavalry. We expeeterf to encounter the ciremv a few miles fart her tilt, at Bentiert's Creek, and started tor' t bete early the nest morning. the Oth Our forces enerrunterrd them in a bill rer v on the farther side of the stream, wire:, a brisk Chi 11 1111111adi112 ensued. Several 44, nor bursts wete killed and about a dozers'. - of our men wounded, 11.iiimg whom war Cara Beiger. pramor ruling nar tery. The , raeni3 wab leaccd in an lump. a!id . a half. but having de:4 r...d the hi Held .li,r unkiniwn. but put.:::•,ed'a; by u 4, we were nrdel . ed to awet face, and vr , re- taken back in New Elope about toad Hie,ht. Our tire bad .dit.montitiml Ihrit gnus and k illed.a rid wounded a timid urea) of them, and' so limbered their :; , g. that they fiever supped until Ailey Eintol.rd their geneml camp. I$ miles distant 13111 their vickets r..lll,wed us bael; attih staid at New (lope thu next aia-ht after w"• left A seineant the 175th Pa relieving the pittkets in the was :hot by ntieol his num men and instantly killed. A ntl'llher Oil - goners were taken_ one a snligger — in an ser r.ealit's et at Ills master. a sergeant id the Rein:l , : bad elmnged Coat:. with ( : Ult , , tio try tit escape; but was eutnered sued both taken-. Between Rope and Bennett's Cr_vek irs. P-,4110:14 4 1u i9u' iYitie Riau- shot - An old gentleman and iLdy and three or four young ladies werelsitting• in the we passed A st.rOng guard Units' thrown eyound.tite prembies to keep off all int tu;ion by the soldiers we were botind tar roinsiaer,thisall right. and to believe that the old gent) - was true WM• tint she of ceunier we Could not covet lain chickens, or geese, of ham and eggs. When We came back Litut Jeaptings remarkill .4) ' l ,3("th ore .0 • ,is stippone?" ..No sir 111 tim ae. set It to the• back In.ite " NoW the sad gent. was right ;thin t.une,it subSenuently appear; d. : was a place of rendezvous far guerrillas, and tail less than four 'if our were taken pi4sOaers theretind near t here'inf tithe' eipethifon. are protected as we pints:through them, I greatly fear "the end!is out yeti" This part allo.t h Carolina ira'rerX rich in turpentine forests; and is the tmst I have yet seen. is tut this rtut.••! 11lost 44 1 the .trees art,tapped, stmaetinies thirty feet high, hard they are coated over thick with (bled pitch,. which whet': scraped trottillie trets is rah - table. Tice weather was dila and the nights dark; for we marched nights an well as days:Mid these ,ta'nes wade . s.pletalid lights Ott our next march up there, there was selirce a lit= hag tree to be seen Ott tlae whale route except in tiae_swatani A taut fiUt made able feature is,the payees!' hogs; or -ray ltacks.".as the soldiers call thent. There are multitudes of thent,..but so tour they cannot be eaten. Tiley thus( subsist t.ti pine routs,. for there is nothing else for then,. After dark on the 19111, We mice unwell thrtw Ourselves on Mar bunkaniio camp. tired out, and glad as . 'the prodigal to get hum's. mace more. For el44vert day: and night's we had been', nit the 'ti r tive, or I.ltelm i d and tossed ab:mt n sueh II mat, tier al t to get no rest ; and if ever 111 w; the soft side of a' Carolina pine hnaid with a relish fOr test, it was Ms. We ail have a dim recollectiatm of sat beds thud pleasant' betl=fellutrn. but tmw our hil.fs and ;Iniultiersi are thal - t 4"aall'ausett bast a to Vea•Cat; with titi 4mi Wittald be a "flaatvery bed of ease. Our rest wan tat shunt ouraitiain, however. The aceount of out futtliet movententS I % tu r a dettr until 1 gal batak to My (pattern ; I *see there is :melt a fellow tatted as • 141 („). A APRIL b. yesterday wrote you. sitting in the parlor of a blairk.ralll• ily in the ctty . of Washington. N. , chise Iby our quarters, whither I Inaf Tune to I get the heurtit of a table and elniir while wi it lite \Vhile spealtrog i.f these blacks a IlOw toe to say. that in. n telleet arid; form they of Washitieton are fah superior to aiiy I liave seeti. are as Mitch su• pi riiir to those rrf Newberne, as a:North ero Hue ged blii6k is ro a slave. I asked a young woman tit 'this house, what I should :ell the filks North of her ?• • 0, sir, y..ti can fell their rod •itch ' , lli! , as we " Un assuring her t ha I could. awl where I was writing this !curt- : •• I'M] may. tell 1111'111 then. that ae, are poor people, but mean " IVe : 7 ,nitl in our tainp4it Newberbe the 11t trend 12th. and on the 13th again set out with three!ilai.l . rations We erosNed the Neu,e Fort A toterkiii at 9l" chuck at night. and twu n farther dill v• janaced tiel itakan old 13...1it:1 breii•iirork. einem:finding, uNt-atid !lining!' a swaalt. and Threw ow idf4lUs. l'hi.inext'day we went in New ilape. our previans tdi'wpiii:.! place when up in that eituntlY , The I ' luavalri drave in the enemy',ndiqiusis, taking it fUiv prisaners. During t lIU efight it rained, hind, and the; mot oleo 'faund many - of I tni, lying in irtiter. Lang and tidinti, marches At,- engehders a „rfott of apathy and blunts the ;,etti.u., that It is Il it Aurprising tu its thdi we lie!Ili nor ' blahkets iiNle.4 thitiuuli a hind rain.; tind awukti t.l find nitrNeive-4 lying in a , Oiail ot water. . The 1501 tre iwarred fur :Swift Creek tit :we about solUe Wbu: . fto•evs llmre. It ruinvd vi..letit'y. until pit . w the s wamp. tnt "ur innu (Litt we tn. Intel back and ret lace our, mitt. to the Rtbel foid Wilai.with the ruin atid l iate of the ?mid:. I his twu dais' trip used us up worse that; Burt:in.:. we had rune thttmelt We tmind tatittir wl en we gut batik. u. :.tart Wat•hinv.ton the nest uuiritiup 011 r et/11$ pany tsa. thr.iwsi as.iiitiktiN and plur I.w,sade servaut tniti th e fle as urt: nt . %tat:11111C rl X ihou that a ' murk fur u , n3 'gverNt(fluii flk i g ht b e abuut. In the te,firt‘iwo the whole lithodeftoitid itself nimble it; MI. f• BuncurpN and pliffile!.. 'file ruiuewi I 'eaclP•ed the wen, uhe.osi computlie. ;tutu the euti.ifineue, MIN tte ha & t%n •4 spite. Lind to enfor'et.thetus t the ;amount of an entile.lfiv6i o n, under.:com mend W . lieu ICULae The 16 . 01 proved a happy day its the advent the Pay ta:•ter.sritii e.t us in the w inch:, at what had been Chris 'enea ramp 31iserv. and paid uS Tour waues. - The !isi boy its 0,1 did his part; laiiiging us the 104:est mail 'we hat : l44 fig, a itnicl.whilOi. So Livia ,w,a lay o l n th dayti. rote dreiming wuod•tick as gnats allot $5 $59 lot it Uit the Cretk. Nr a. r4tabit the 17th is fiend. in abreiliiir, in.. our Iriterk end. I of home. vlii•le ~ s were crawling. eve: in June .Tiio ui. i each, and inuM of home • 18111 we again p'et o were the Rebei w lied in puwwww hoe:. .nd the morning nter reginwenti bud 1 - teginicut titrir %taV the min 10 Utile, Washing he toces Were "dy moving 4iFeet I ider Gen.. Nagle,' tider • Gee. *pion!. ell.- to open threatyp • the ene t -they. gave ha like nind," it. The sun 'smiled upon us, giving us id ingtrt, ui brig. de, Svrifrtlre i rotols • thittk Et "riinnino. • l eFpressed lurebiouslvi of the tort puur.i and UsUal. t mune IJI tile fence IlaU10.)li tit. dertlital tl ridio con; tired ittpon selonil loon Eddy t l ,l Were I.irt.Nrl to cut Out I) ] but a. shor tbettowlve. The country SO, fire the "ray•A t , to were Neureely a y : men at im very old lady rutt red as *e pa,.iied. viii - wing and to lidbell; IA: all could un 'as, -k,.0 . bad, too t d r"fo at, as the General ant Staff were . Sideiably in wrivatile, lie tr4ii . by r.unie Itebel pia .t:., trove a te. whOinoneNhateiy 41J. Nu 1 313 to next nioriting the tinopic foOrard. piunTe . ers ahead. t i li4.:kade.. Til l ey- had f,roceelied irt di:tance when they' found to the tvidstdot the Rubel eih it, now silent= and abandoned lie . troops began to arrive, col he General and his staff. Two gent neg roes came in lit as at Iditech from the Rebd artily. lir uniform. They [had been officers They gart.u,mueli of the e.tuntrt and- folks, the the LtiGel soldiers, etc, the but tlatterinc for the bet le i , nem, a i.'etvant of Capt, tava ine the pass, of .- Pillicji the a copy, and Was' ust le ttld mill at New the 1111 i 'of April, her'e trencluneut Afteflowhil,, hivred'hv ti . very ititeih, l Iti• l lace, and in ihk Nervants to in fi,rii.atim•, whille alkyl Whit f,141. follimj t t spike lifter left "APRIL I.l' 186 3 . PIA?, boy Stanll : eroSs th'd urn. J. IV Witt Four.' "l'apt CU:II UllinSt." . NoW thisiCapt. Whit fort owns l a plant ation clear New (lupe.* liich we frequently pasred4 and which was always un arded t! our itmps, that' we might tout —covet" lii• poultry. ham or n g;z2 : l lib, br o the r . the'oulner of the Neuf Hope tiroperti,..- is an 'outland tut it, bel. alwatp: aiirity from b orne wh en we art here; Iris hnnulsea : ren . dezvoni: fir rlibel pickets as ro o k as our backs are tanned. and yet whet we are' unwind' evely thine of. his IS stnictly i gnarled; hut a. chicken, or tirig,- aind i l . scarcely a di of inkvrato .. . ..,,,, i., taken., On pain of a bafl and chain at For 31ustor On 0.e.214 we : , cartedon our return to NrWbeline. the obj. et Km: Wrieh we, Atlirttlill being accoo.plisht-d. and nine ot [-en; vring. - of the ahlinv having art ived gt ll'arli ington 1 Th i rte was nothing of purr ifular ilitenesi, sebum-led inn.oun Tel sit I may as welllspeati 'llene ut the method of r a id• ing coil', as pracnieed here, it bring- the inrincipal eeneal . raised A Carttlina far trier !Pinks it a waste ~f labor und.iittle In' plow I r i s gloom! . latr'e.,rti. There niity be corgi rnivsl in his field; fifty yOure old„i for I kbow. Ile user'a plow rtnaller i than oqr coin plows, n.t4' With a aingle ! !Rare or tlinfe 'lulus at furri.A , from each, ride of 'the InLih,w benikeen the roNs into the middle, a!ml simrle furnotv rows cro p slot; th4se at itight angles about four feet aptlnt, Minks:pie place for the 'bill. and the gioUnd it:lf:Wed tot taunting In each corner a sinukt kernel of cum us how pun. while ilie initisinces are Oda nith tart year'r need-siialts vs high a s one'r lneasi 11'henn tile corn is ingli cnOtigh, no wolit. the mule -.ntlploW turns ;Mot ine4l' furrn%i ' 1 or two towards , the corn row, a n d the Miens drest. itlttpli lials with tit _it hut s : au 1 plouitn? and hoeing r irs' the whole rnrfaco of the ground noy r. and Ilion it i' ..•-left I until annottner year. Ili MI case i, the grotintl stirred deer twee ittilles.'' Oar thin, are wiirke saute Ira') but I wilt ‘enture7 I ... “Pickets Will acid ret acre. dlthivated a< w eulti.ate l a n N. 4.11 trimitl - . iielt: ag much as ti HUI,. 'For eoffil Hito neu iak}eii unit required, • ! "round is far "milli! plowed .! We ur l rired in our c ai up at :Nu lifter ut !fie 21m, and found firdeg i s nap, awaiting us, wl pulling up make:. an its:: fur lazier iil;.! 23d. This , had ci,s . peti. the at.d except Fourth ti its our 3E3 Ixeiter i I.tate till• plea , Re bituu. d et the geed I I beet Oil 11 the 'vat itt Fort behind vilkielk 4iur eed rreti Fur. IVu.ilitigic quarter?. oue of the pc • t reit , ' e.t Effil! ounbru 'cis el tikU Oity,oi NM TERMS:- 41.50 PER MIMI. t lieeentre of a. line' of foriifiiiiiiini, the end n(whlch.l,haveinet ipt..seen: • "op 4. ' sliglit - ildge:Of:liin4; front threesfourtheld al Mile •ufr, the euehti(plaeted their bane; raga and commence the: revs ..of . chit place the 3(it It Of - Nerciti: 'and were Com; pelled . te . abeinitin it by 'oar lank- more. , mews from Newbertiee which I bard l mentioned. After it ;'tedi, over borne 200 1 shot Were' picked s t . p' Within ,Fort Wash; in!gtottaltitte.:While Cart loida 6f then; lid out its the vicintry of the Rebel - breast; works. The Rebil: alb hictstrotig bat! aeries on thu semi' ride of the Tar River; besides the one at Hill Point; - The gull bat Cummudere ' H all. elm - deed one of i held': and received 'some 70 solid abut id her Itilli-vrithant';':it , its-istringei .to :tap ciding her any Material injury. She. is litng tdrl,the tower looking like a riddle; yet able to do duty 11/11 . 111eFli Smooth we lett. •• Notwithsittuding their greatly. au petitir force they were &impelled' til retie the siege with - a Wholesome drir-d of gunboats. . - ' . . • Contrasted With. other parts of Caro lHub which I have Seen. Washington is a Ipi rud isr. Every street is thickly shaded with Elm's, whose blitifiti'6 ever grateful to' he soldier these but days! • Ijer gar , delis ate luxkiriaut, and every house has it; garden. The coin is-already forwird; potatoes half knee 'ltigh. 'pease in blossom; landd oilier thingsl alter the pewit order; shUugh they tollithiS a verb backward pring The yards are fell of shrubbery; IThe tig, which predoces•ilitee crops itt I tear, already tar out with its .first; a wil. deroess if rtses,l telly*, crimson and whitwh..i , ~ e; Vines of ,A hundred , varietitty elttobing and 'eteepitig; the_ dense, shady . , tuber of - the grapes; the light and airy ~ties of the hoo9;•snekle. The hou'se s and glaunds, owned and' occupied Until lately, by the arch.itebel of thetiLall here; James Ortce, was a thittg of beauty until desolated by war. He was the owner of three large plantations and 400."aggert,' but wow it wuuld biti her him to tell *here &ey are. The red no-pital flag fluata fritt the top of his utau‘ion house; hiS pleasant packs are nhw parks of artillery and baggage wagons; the listless soldiei flow lounges in his ettlonades and arbors; where lately the proild madams schemed for, and the proud misses wooed their levers; the Sthbborn intile crops the crass ,o, his shady lawns. - Within sight of out: ou'r quarters several Plaiitatious,ate to bit i.eett, the buildings nit which are burned dotin by brand or shell, some of which a saint might be' pardoned for desiting.a longer life to enjoy. ',On the ir stise rlopei of Viiit Washington ii small fli , ek of sheep. mu feeditig ; the emblem of innpeence; giazio;.. beside-the horrid engines of War; ' "We are counting the time when the 011ie shall be seen there too. Yourit truly, Fun . !fur 1 %to pape.D aild ants. aiid 'is a,• ll , itk 01 receirbd 1 thew ttel,ti ' t- foe Swift reported . Ail day -18.11. • sr.eri Us on is+ It IS for Worth, while our , Arent by .err- in, the ny on hi. lo trouble, e refugees down m):4 vivid idea 0: enerali) rkn." As d I the day 'fhb 11 3 tIce of Haleie. At the hide of Arcola, the Austiiinti h.r.i iu.killed and wuunded, 18,000 their ; Frtinch. .4t fluhehlinden, the Austrian loss ittipi 14.130; Ftelleil 9,000. At Austerlitz. the Allies, out 0f.80.000 'wen, los"! 30.000 in killed, *blinded, of prisoners, the reireh,lust only (01—.000: At Jena - and Au rs,tudi, the Prussiint lust! 30.000 Inert, Idled and wuunded, anti rienrly as prisoners. narking tfearlj 90.000 in nil ; and the French 11,000 id killed and mounded. 4. the toll& battle g.f tylan. the RUN: shins, lost 25.000 in killed and wounded audi tire French 30.000. At Friedland, the • Russian losS *as 17.000 iii killed and wutinded; the Freitolt !u-skras 8,000. • , 4 t •Wiwrirsr,. the Austrians and Fi:etinli lost Rraeli 24,000 wen, or 50,000. hi rill, id killed arid 'mound rd.' At Sitiolenski, the French loss cam ITi: 000 men ; that of the • •At liorodinti; which said to hairy tieoif theu,o.-tto rrhirous an d übstinatety tigieltt battle on' rector 4 the French lust in killed; wounded, and prisoners, 50.000 men tlitf Itussians about the same nuitib,;_r, rnakirrg in all 100.00 . 0 men In .one battle. • -At .Ltitzeti. the Freneli lus& wav 18,006 1 u,ett,'Le Aliie6 15,000. Ai Bquizeil, the French Batt 2-5,0d9 oien;'l he ;Lilies J5,01/0. At Dres . kb/4e the inittle lie . Allies lost in : - alai 1 pri'soners: . 25,00 U teen; and ffiu! Frencli betwee:n 10.000 and - 12,000: -At Leipsw, which lasted three two eral. and abOui pomo men itih'4, wounded, and prisoners; Ike Alliei.l;79o' otlicertl, and about' 403X10---upwartizT of 100.00(1 all ! Bet.ideit.- there - were ievetil a 145 rtf . minor.importance to the'forec s oing ; att to the Inssof meit.but lar ih.the:aggr#2...lmte. Those Were those of she Dridge of a'n•nst dreidy-cntreatei: Hitht - ; rite fitin.t.inct battle, of the &i e, a.>ea tight ii, ,` belt - 807 efili .1:1111 and t,i.:liiidt".d..and the f l %etichs:22s .- 4, - , 411 1 , • - and .woisu tied: 83105 .12 on! of the enktir„ed siejo • - r tilati it, the at tate ai tin. e It mint • et the 11.41 l it:the [ mach. ! l icit re 1 ieuv• as It he iSeund ;11 the 1 1 2.4 th Vat. :rer•re TO a laipal r111,..111, =1 EOA