The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, May 20, 1863, Image 2
THE JOURNAL Coudersport. Pa. Wednesday; May 20,1868: M. W. McALARNEY, EDITOR. STATE CONVENTION: 'The rnion State Committee have issued the following call for a State Convention : The loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, without distinction of party, who desire cordially to unite in sustaining the National and State Ad , ministrations in their patriotic efforts to sup press a sectional and unholy rebellion against the unity of the Republic, and - who d3slre to ;,support by, every_itower of the Government our heroic brethren in arms, who are braving disenie and the "peril of the field; to preserve the Union of cur fathers, aro reqads„ted to se -,, isat the number of delegatei equal to ifie Leg 7 illative representation jof the State, at such ,times And in such wanner as will best responii . to the spirit of this call to meet in StateCon *ention at PitOburg. on Wednesday, the Ist day of July' next, at 11 o'clock. A. M., on; he - said d.ty to nominate candidates for the offi - Ces of tiovernor and Judge of the Supreme 'Court ; and to take such measures as may be deemed necessary to strngthen the Gravern ,ment in this season'of common peril to a coup. mon country. • • C. I"..AIARPLE. - - Chairman of the Unioh : State Committee. .'Tbe folio-ling resolution was adopted by the ComMittee: ' -Rackleed; That it be recommended to . the ?loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, wlthotit,dis -tinction,of party, to organize in each election district of the State a Union Le.tgue, for the purpose of sustaining the Government in sup 'pressing this causeless and wicked rebellion, which now seeks to •and destroy the :Republic. - • MUSCLE WILL TELL. 'or that mobile revelator of the under 'currents of thouallt and nas.iou the be. wan face, the race has abundant cause to '4l,gratefut. Men carry their characters upoti r iheir . faces. 'There are few 111'W' Can preserve that imperturbability , vrtnen reudeis the face ua reticent as the tongue. generation is witnessing a return , istthe 'times that try inen's souls." . the monarchic influences of the . Old World are combiuedagainst us; the-sym vthies of the Mammon of Wtuitierce are igtveu to otir enemies; and, as th•tn, bad Ault and disldyalty, walk almost unshained :lemur. midst. There are many who 'etre nothing but disaster to our armies . while led by men who c.innut be made .'the driveling tools of conspirators against the.GOverpment. These men, an we them in every township of this coun ty, even, - eannut conceal their. lack of pa. ,trictism. Their inmost. tliou,, , rnts and fteling are as faithfully refleoted in their countenances us•the of any tangi big object upon the polished • surface of a tumor. .• We have been led :o these vacations by the varied facial revelations following the receipt of news of supposed disaster .to our army on the Rappallaunuck. We are much habituaied to study .of•the nan ,face ; aud ,iv bile nothing can be inure ;foreign to our purpose than the th6repre. *citation of any class ut taco, we consider right and necessary to apply a COIIIIIIOII wule to all classes, and leave judgweut to the impartial public. We have to say, then, that the-receipt of that ,news pro duced two marked esprepsioni of coon. " set:antic ametig uur .pec.ple. We L uoticed a very large class whose faces betrayed a eorrow of the heart, and , ivliose lips, it they testified at all, bore testimony et deep regret that the suppression of re bellion should be some mouths longer de layed.- With these men welled full sym pathy.; for while we firmly, believe that permanent pecee.will be awarded this um tion•by Justice, and not by Mercy, we art:votive td.the-fact that all do not look at-this struggle from the saute point of VIII!. There was another class, and, thank God, a comparatively small one, who re esived the tidings with brightening eyes, and faces radiant with a secret joy, at most too great for stippre:.siou in any furtu ; and some ul these were mute ;:and sense shook their heads and said—'You have not heard the worst of this yet "I". which is a genteel way of diseuuragiiig the,people iu advatice of any given reason far disoouragiinent. And, 6ually, these foCial'phenotnena were remarked by near ly everybody'll/ the first named class, so thin was the attempted disguise. Now,- which of these classes, judge you, represent - El the sterling patriots of- the suuntry ? Hero is a fact which may have some slight bearing upon the -question : It was in the Spring of 1861—hi feet, in the afternoon of the 19th of April—when the telegraph announced the mobbing of Mrssuchusetts troops on their transit through Baltimore, the destrnetion of railroad bridges, and the consequent isu Wiwi of -Washington fruoi loyal support by - ordinary and rapid etudes: We sat in the library of the War Department, listening, in the pauses of labor, to the speculations and continents of belle dozen men, army officers and, bureau clerks.-- , There was a wide disagreement iu seuti meet and opinion, four, if inethary serves, insisting, with vehement insolence that Washington was as good. us taken, and the Government overthrown; and that the next despatch from Baltimore Would bring bloodier tidings still. The minor ity combatted them with note hopeful predictions. In a a few hours tho Sixth Nassaclinsetts, fresh and scarred - from the assault of the Mob, charged at a double-quick in solid cOlumit dawn l' , .3.ttn r sylvania.Avenne. to the si , -itificant music of their:martial tread; and the sympa thizers with treason skink away in silence and- 4-purity, raining curses upon Miss' ge:ttlettit u they mot; stid . llooo of thew caroled a more marked badge of defeat on their feces than the four evil prophets be foretnentiOned. Those prophets of evil seen after cast their , lots with open and armed 'rebellion., 1 .. . , . And .; he faces '.oe 1 vreiet- il lumined always in .degree as the , pros. pacts of the country seetned`dark, and We mentally Marked - them ' as .false traitors before ; they opened their lips. You may say that !these were a nobler breed . . So they were. • ,BUT MUSCLE, FACIAL MUSCLE. W 1 L L TELL I Now : every man will draw Ins cern in ferenees; we drew nnrs. And we never. hear aituuu belittling every effort of the ,doverement, or 041)6:ling evil contin- I rall y .1 • ••• ), or smiting when mitsPeaking pa ! triDts ,grieve over ?disasters .. . that must , sometimes come,—we never observe 'any of these actions that. we do not iiitinet , ively rank. them !Rid) those evil prophets. of. w hOtn mention is Medea boye. Neither is it.too sweeping. Iu these. times, the man who dues not, by speech, and. bear-- iug, carry hinisch high above the level of doubt:aod suspicion, deserves to wear the traitor's name to .his • death-day. and to have ,his burial-place for.otteu by his own eititdron.— Tinge. ..kyitato... . - TUE RESULTS: • ,Hooker re-crossed .the" Rappahannack with his entire army, and occupied the old encampments, without the•lose of a wagon or an ounce of provisions He has taken one wore gun thatilie has: left. He "has lost, in )cilled,. wounded, and Missing, laboutloooo men tOther accounts repre sent even smaller.) and behaves the enmity's loss to be inuch greate a r, as do other.eye•wittiesses jot . the fighting. (A note by a Confederate surgeon puts it at 15,000, and .an in t ercepted confidential despatch from Lee admits it to be "ten i. fie '') Twenty-five hundred prisoners are Gen.: It9tillee hands. Ile, has shat. tered and dettioraliZed the Rebel army., while lily own reinaMs well organized, and 'its good heart. lie ji., himself. tranquil, i and in ;:pod spirits. Ansong the reasons assigned for the move:omits are—First the (li4l4vof the 11thOurps, which ren.l dered lien. Sickles'. movement utigutory and toreed the army out of the carefully selected field of battle to which Gen. Roulterlreferred in his General Order of Apra 30, and compelled it to receive the attack of the enetisyasisong denSelY wood-' 1 ed hills where it was impossible to bring' all or nearly all of Our troops into action. Se,cond the rising c ,f the Rappaliatmock.l in 'consequence of 'the stortu, which was Likely .to endanger the line of continua' cations bet Ween the army and its su pastiesilatly as the tßailread communica tion. with Aegnia Creek •liad been de• stroyed for twelve hours at Brooks Sin tion..l Third : Ignoi-anee of the success ut Gen.:Stonensati, froas which he did nut hear until he had rctossed. • • Gen. Stonenian'a expedition was the most daring and successful cavalry raia during, the war. ' When Stuart rude, around 31 . Glellatei,artity, he did nu datli• age beyond stealing; a few horses Stone.f tsar's men have ravaged the entire couti• try bFtWeen Lee and It.eliMond, gone within Ouse miles lof the Rebel capito' (and' might have ;gone through it and made it a desert if their instructions had permitted,), divided Railrtiad communica tion,' broken up the James River Canal, and raised the mischief generally. They have doubtless all, or nearly .: all, come safely off, one colanin having gone down the far lamed l'hickalionsiny and come out under our flag, oil the York River.— The entire movement was an mare suc cess; and puts iu the deepe.t kind of shade any and all the boasted perfur wances of the Centaurs of the Chivalry, the brag- I gaits who, like their prototype Dazzle in the . play, boast that they were burn on tiorsebauk. Death of Stonewall Jackson. Richtnond papers admit the death of their favorite - partizan General. Thus.• J. t l.lachson ' Monday last, after horn_ his left arm amputated In the recent lbattles, he was ',shot through the right hand and :eft arm—the Rebels say, b their; tutu soldirs, accidentally Thiit may or lii;ty nut be His death is a lo s is as large as 20.006 men wceild be to ilia ( ( army. turtiel the tide against us at Bull Run, and has ever since been the pride and boast or the Rebels. Educat led, shrewd, abstentious, and earnest, he shared - the privations and dangers of hi. med, who would have followed him au-, where. in his pkvate life, he was amia bie and moral. and had far his first wife a diiiii;hier of Rev: Dr Junkin, once of .Milton: Pa. Alas! that such a man should 'full in thecause of Oppression and Rebellion—a cause which he originally oppiis-ed; and onl fell in with when He State was nominally turned over t o the Rebellion. by - military power contrary •to the Vote and wish of her people. Tue death of Stmiewall Jack Son in the East. add Earl Van Dorn in the West, deprives. the Rebels of two' (need leadcts • A Cairo - dispatch says that Adjutant Got'. Themus has organized ten regiments negtoes, and expects to organize ten more. Our troops all the way from Mea;• phis to Young's point are moving to re enforce Gen Grant. The Jackson Ap perze says Gen. poweri's loss at Bayou Pierre_ was Annie 1,000. Gen. Tracy. Lien'. fie!. PettN, and Major Tuckerman Were killed, and Col. Garnet and Major flurlei . severely . Wounded _ • All our wounded left on, the other side of the Rappahannock have been brought ovet.• While [Rebel 'buffs they were treated as vicli 4 they had reasuu to ex.; • Fut.' Since the retreat of the Rebels from South East , - . Missouri, no new develop. meuti have occurred to indicate the de , signs of Price 'or the leading Rebels for n further 'campaign in 3lissolri. ,Mar tuaduke's raid, failed in all-its purpiisen. lie is one of the oldest and most. treated, officers; he is in fact the first Miinsottriael who collected a Rebel force for the aV;tivii - .." ed purpose of opposing National troops in the' Stat 3- flu commanded the armed mob collected at Boonville ta . precent the advance of Gen._ Logaii„ and Vrank after the flight or. Jdekson and Sterling Price film' Jefltoson City. Fay etteville,. Alit.. bar' been occupied:by . ..the Rebels since the witlidtawal td. :he Union troops.. Our out=posts in the. South West now - extend from, Casbri& to the Indian Territory. Richmond pa . pei'si of, the 14th are IT ceived at . Fortrest. Monroe They eon.. taut a Charleston . felerram. of the. 12111 tepotting that the liinitot - hts'are ununually aetive, and have built formidable batteries nit Fully betiring on the Southern extremity' of Mmriy Mond. • Gen Hunter writeA, to Andreti in high prai.:e of the. colored soldiers - now'. in service at 'Pot (if-Loyal ;• t htl are hardy, brave, patient and obedient; with a -few intelligent blacks 'from the : North td-aid l them, they might make extensive and'im portant inclusions into the most densely populated stave- regions. Gen B . G. Berry, who.fell in the late battle of Chancellotsville, was buried. with Mastmic•hottors, at lbtckland, Me A large number of the most th;oinotrislied citizens or the. State participated. among whom were Vice Pre: , ident. • Hamlin and Gov. Coburn. LATEST WAR NEWS. By steamers .we have New .Orlearis dates to rite 10th Inst. Letters and pa- : pers contained nettling direct from Gem Banks, and it is, of course to be inferred that he is all right. The capture of Al- exandria, La. (on the Red River, 151) wiles from it- !mouth.) is desco ibed. T'ie SVlllk was done on the 6th, by Admiral Porter. with his own and some of . Adooli. ra I Farraour's T wo !Jar s they had finished up Fort..De Rosser, dis abled one small .Rebel and put another to flight On the.evening of -the 6th. after the capture of Alexandria, some of our cavalry front New Ot leans arrived there, thus forming a junction between the:ou'nboats and ate lurid forms of Gen. Grant.. New Orleans papers cive some part iculars ot Gen. Giant's operations.' and the city was -alive with :exuttati .. over the capture of Grand Ginlf, Port until particulady the arrival-01 Col Grierson's cavalry • all safe at Raton Itotwe. Col. Griersou himself was ' New Orleans, the hero of the hour. His forces, the fish and 7i It 111 ' Cavalry, lett . La Gtance. Tenn., on the 17th of April. and reartooed-Baton llouce ou l :, -- the 2d of May. Their zigzag etoutse gave them - a route of about 801) miles'-=in one instance they rode 80 11. i es. in 28 - hours. They swept a breeds It of about '2O miles thr•mgli the entire State of MissisAppi eleall of everything ot most value to the Rebels; broke bridces, tore up railroads, ci , royed immense, (plant hies - of unity proovision•!, ruined eitgittes,. curs. - depots and towns. spoiled the telecraplis. and so utterly ix!• wildered the Rub Is that before any edi oleos T.:SlNltlfiell could, be mailif they were safe within tier - Bank's hoes. In all their sixteen day.' ride they had botti.oue night's r es t Col Grierson sass that had it beer, part of his plan he could easily have orgar.ized two br!icades of near. troops, so "Molly did tlittrolotv...- cr o w d upon and fellow him. News in New Or leans, other flout. this. tilts scarce. Capt. Howard Dwight, of Gen. Andiews's staff. was ba-ey murdered on the! near Wit:shim:tun, La.. after having stir renthred -to some Rebel scouts. Gen. Batiks at (nee ordered Hof arrest of lOU white inert nearest the place of itssassina tom to be held until turtlier ordei.s Gen. Banks has issued all order propos j og I iitt foirissalioll eat art entire Alm% Corps of Blacks, to 'be called the Corp: IVA frique. iii consequence of further disturbances in places of - 11Museutett about nat . :oval air-, Gen. Sherman had ordered that prmo-ratoottoes shall be sub !nutted to him befMe publocation; he ie• coi metotis. also, that performances be itt: tersper s ed with national music Ti. 6 are ferretimi.. 4,111 treasure Zr, the schools; litany of t ine• piddle schools have been deserted in eetssequences of the sing itcc. of Union songs. etc by chiltiren of loyal inhabitants. and the..iltdiels - are ed. ocattog their offsprinc—so u..thas passes fur Willie—in private academies ; these are n.e-ts of treason, the-childten heino taught to hate ad revile the Unitot - - Imo,: or forir priuci l als of suelt:schouls have been heavily tined-all of them ate "'omen. that sex furtitsloint.the most utterly devilish - traittesto be found in the South. The Rebel teittgraiti repro'-ent Alia , Gen Grant is actively :eitiplii3eil in Mh— iksippi. The I.lieliill9. d- Eilitirer tif the I•lth publittiie - di-Paielle.: irontJack son, i‘lii.s , stating tlik 1.000 of Gienes cavalry entered and bur Led Cry -lel Sprint's, on the \ Nt-tv OrlAans.tailroad i tai the II t h in-t. ; that lie watt fOrtifying at Micky Springs and IV estern Spring ; that Goa Ooerinius is itt -Cayuga with 150 cavalt•v, anti .ix. or .ever; regfwerits of infinity, and that the .Uttinti fasces were being re enfireed at ‘Villow Spring. The save journal of the 15th says that fighting ivas.then going on in 31isbissipre Grant, with 1.000 men. It .d advanced to Hay rl. whew Gen. Gregg had a fence Of 4,000 iefautry find a few cavalry,— Skirmishing cdtuutenced at 9 o'clock in the toorning.!and at' 1 ;I w, tke Re:enforeinienta`.Witre then tirtiving so ranidls; to!-suPt.tirt..!th`e tiniewtroops.that the, Rebels fell, ,b;init_ tuirougt 114titortiti, making a totatid,o 3lisFissinpl Spline.' where: they htii re: ento"rcements. , rThe bu flood ;of Jeckien' 'was: eontlrtutill; throughout the day. flayitaudipijaaraJt 'village, caPitel!of Hinds Couuty,l9 miles' south-west of Jackson. and connected with the Vicksburg. and Jaelp , on railroad by a:branch line eight miles 10ng:"... The . Rebel accounts also state that our fleet above • VieksbOre is , ranidl4 toereasme: 121 — Ni‘sv Goods at Stebbins'. Seethe ittlireitt4ealetit !next meek but 'don't Trait until theh to i 366 11161100114. .• are•ptesed tnlearn that §ergt.. Maj. Pird. ,furmcrly of Pott e r county, Ittm been entfitnis*ii,neti lAeuten. ant in the 12th Wiseongin Regiment:. K: 149th Ileeiihent Las;been pnohoted to 04'Sec and Lient'erniney. This is now as it should - have been 'months ago—he :was :mond! be most active in raiding the CUM. •pany and ]'deserves the place: get,See the new advert-ice:Tient- nf, C H 11/ miner. Persons purcha‘ing at his store may be sure of the article being as represented. His stock is of thelbest' quality. and his workmanship of a supe rior kind. tet^T he Williamsport itz timira Railroad passed into the hands 'of the Nrirthern Central Raili•ond Conitain.r.'nn the Ist' inst. It will lwreaftiT balnown, as the Williamsport and Padre. Division of t h e Northern Central Rail road. Col. H. A. Fonda will continue as Su perintendent of the DivisiM3. Wo regret to learn of the death of Lieut. Charles H. Upam, of this l!oun ty, He was a thember• of tae gaflan. Sickles' Brigade and was killed diarin! , the grand charge at Ch'ancellorsville.— His frequent promotions and -the manner in which he has b. en referred to by his offieers:accord bin' a high: place for, bra. very. devotion to duty and.conntry., and for tr moral character that iron the respect of-all We believe he is the last surviv• ing son oif Wm. IL H vdorn. • PRICE CURRENT. Correeted!every Wednesday. by P. A. STEB ' BINS &-; C 0.,, Retail Dealers in Groceries - ' , and Provisions., i • • opposite D. F. Glassmire's llo: - .1 , 1, , , • • i Condersport, Pu. . . , 4'ples , green,V bush., $371 to , 75 do dried, , " Bean's. ' " Beeswax, 11 lt; , , , .! .25 : 30 Beef. . 1 " . , ' 5 ' 6 Berries, dried, 7G' quart 113 Buckwheat, - 0. bush., „ GO . 75 Bodin heat Flour, - 275 :3 00 Butter, V lb., ! I 20 22 Chee'se,' " /0 : 12 ' Clorerseed ... ' '.7 00 750 Corn, it bush., • 88 1. On - - Corn I.eal, per cwt., . ; 2 ,25 150 l i E.x 1 44, 11 doz. , : .- . i- .12 Flour, extra, •19 bbl., Buo ,9 Oa do superfine " 7ou•'B wi =WM .1) ton, rft, " Maple Sugar. per lb., bush.; . - Onicine,. . " . - ' ' 75 'I 00 Pork, "14 bbl., • 17 09 18 tio do Trl lb., 9 .• 10 do in whole hog, 41 lb., 5 1 6 Potatoes, per bush., ." 37i! .44 Peitelies.•dried, V. lb., . • 20 Poultry. lii lb., 5 ; 7 . . Rye, per bush., . • 88 ' . l l OO Silt, 11 blil., 3 50 clizr ,-- 0- sack '2O Titilothy See d • 250 :3 50 Trull. perk bbl., ' 450'5 00 \\Meat, TH bush., 1 00 ' 1 25 White Fish, - - 3 i hbl. 4 50.5 00 NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, A I , Garden or Fruit Farms, Suitable ur Grapes. Peaches. Pears. berries. Strawberries. Mao:berries. Currants, , of l; 21. 5, 10. or 20 acres each, tit the prices for the present. viz: 20 acres fa. S2:0), 10 acres for SIIO. s . itcres for Sixty PollArB 24 ac•eq for Forte Dollars. I ai•re for wet,ity 'Dollars.. Payable by one tlollar week. ,• AI-o, good Cranberry and village lots in CUE tn. 25 1.00 feet. at Ten Dollars each. payable by one dollar a week! The above land and thrins, are situated at Chet wo d, Washington Township. Burlington Co., New JerSey. For further intbrrnation with aN. 0. Stamp. tor a Circular. to . • B. FRANKLIN CLARK,' No'. 90 Cedar Street,:New . York, Y. _ '1111E: (ONFESSIONS AND•EXPERIENCE of .n Published for the benefit, and as a warning a nci & catrtimito young. men who stiff,r from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Mahhood. etc., supplying at the same time mean , I.f stjf-cure. By one syho has eared himself after being put to great expense and injor) o' im-dical humbug and quackery ' B eac:o•ing a pest-paid addreitsed envelope single copies may be had of the author. ' - NATIIANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq.. Bedford. Kings co'nty. N. Y Married: In Buhtliu, 20th ins►.. by L. Ciishinq. ALNIERON LYMAN: of Etatslin Tp, and Miss PIJEBE ANN KELLY. of Genesee. ' DIED : in Vila place, on -the 3d nit.. of malignant erysipeks, JONNIE R., son of Reuben and Sarah E! Freud', aged 1 year, 4 month, d 13 days. Our little darling's gone to rest, Home, from lain and sighing; To the mansions of the blest, -Wht%reHterle's,no more dying. Administrator's Iliotice.l , - LErriALS of itdmitilstralion on the estate of John Huckq. late of Ulysses tp,-deetl. having been &anted to the undersignetf notice is hereby gi v.'eti to all perbons indebted to said estate that.they must make hunted - iota - pay. molt, and all persons_ having eleinto against the same are requested to present them fur - - RUTH RACKET. GEORGE W. HACKET, A.dinsra 0 413 23 , *day 19, 18e3, „ / NEW Purchased during the decline in Goo DIVY Ladies D Iteadp-mad ,HATS a BOOTS a GROG PR OV , Fancy ,3 • . iT! WOol, Tw in NAILS. WOOD We respectfully invit that we can supply. th to their satisfaction, less. MONEY than can lionso in Potter or 8 iVe.' Mare also nddedm 12 01.1 14 00 •10 114 10 1 12 i 10 , 12 6+ 65 of goods, 'anew and co PURE IVledicines; Paints Oil Glues. HERM Sponges, Vials and &c. 1 ~11~ V-RY LOII!TES Don't Fail P. L STE &R &ER. OP MAIN AND r4k • xs OD S \,;-_,, parife-and great ecent evr York. ' Ds, Goods, Erl lothing, APS. HOES, MI ER NS, Eg M IKEI CROCI Gdods. MI NOT all• Paper, GLASS. ffi N . - 7ARE. ft call, feeling confident WilLtS of all on terms better Goods for had at any dth er g counties u wcll•known.stock p ete stock of DRUGS. emicals, IM=Il e Stuffs SOAP. orks. Bottles aimp-GlObes &c. WHICH AIL P. sold 32Emp SH. II Call aria See ! BINS & CO. SECOND STAZWI'S mmmm NEW GOOS AND UOIT NEW !-!--"; HE 'Et abscribers,ai their D STAND -ON DIAIDTSTREET, IN:j' COUDERSPO4T, (Ter to tliOr old costomers pitkais • I entity for Cash, 'Jolted _States Trasury es (which] by the way ate, tp*en,al.l*',) teat. Porn, Oats, Buckwheat, 13utter,Oheeie, ! ! des, Pelts, Deer. Skins, andonl4..o kr,kinds such as Calf Skins; aise; Beanr, . , • as; Vedson, and some Itist n•t be Ooollt of, LARGE - AND WELLSELECTED ASSORT.MENT :!OF RV GOODS; BOOTS .& SHOES, • COTITING ROCERIES, PRGVISIONs ats &,-Caps, ardware, EMI sz' 'MEDICINES; • Paints, Oils, and tlyeStul okether with some of the belt KEROSENE Far superior to the Oil Creek AMP & LAMP FIXINGS, POCKET CUTLERY, so rt few more of those Superior ANDOR pLows, • . SLEIGn SHOES, LASS, BABA, NAVY, • • INK, PAPER, S; nd other kinds :• - • • • ••: . ALL PAPER,- • WINDOW . CURTAINS nd otliei• articles which time alotie..for ds us M mention,, all of i whielt will be Id as low as the WAR; PRICES will low—for strictly - , . READY-PAY !r • .. nd for thole articles we !eke, the market price will be pgid. We are aiK• General Aents for K. D ! JAYNE'S Family Medicines,. • • DR. AYER'S A f ledicinei, BAANDRETIFS - Pills,' ENNEDY'S Medicall : Discovetv --. ad all the standard Medicines of the day . . . . . ALL A ND SEE!' c..s. & E. A.•JONES. N. B. The pnp fo r the Goods - roust be ole and When: the Goods nre delivered, as we ger' etermined to live' to the thotto - or:"-Ratlitir, • -: .011G0.7 . . . . _ Just one thing more. TheJudgmeotedsotee nd book accourits:Which We bait ' ol ?..biko4 mist be settled and closed up iremediatelyry e fear they will be increased' f#:stifiltittt - th,,, t fbal rat? of intense.- • - 'Vim' 3 40V ' ;(1 : , .VI =RE -d. Iron, Nailis STATIONARY.