The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, May 13, 1863, Image 1
11 ENIIIIII =ME *OLI7,ZE 21 THE - POTTER JOURNAL PUBLISHED BY W. 1110.4.1afiley; JE'reprietor. $1.50 PB YIid.N.LN VaRIABLY./i . ADVANCE. • * * *Devoted to'the cauce of ftepublicanisni, 'the interests of Agriculture, the adAncement if Education, and the best good of Potter 511 ourity.i Owning no -guide .except that of 1 3 rinciple. it will endeaver to aid in the work if more fully Freedomizing Qui' Country. ADVERTISiMENTS inserted at the following /rates, except where 4)6611 - bargains are made; i l Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, -- - ' 50 I 11. 14 3 " - - - $1 50 taiiicsitbSequelit insertion leis than 13 . '., ' '25 i Square three months, • 250 li . ti s i x tc ' 400 I. " nine " • - . c . 5 50 1 " one year, •—-- - - .t 600 1 Column six months, 1 20 00 I 14 it " 4 - 4 -- '4 10 00 " ' " .'" 4: 4 44 . 4 - 4, 700 . t ". ver year; .' ' ' :40 00 . i it ti SI 20 00 Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 200 Pfusiness Cards, 8 lines or less; per yea BOO Special aud Editorial Notices, pe. line, : 10 :* * *All transient advertisements - must be paid in advance, and no notice will be taken of adveitisements from a distance, unless they are accompanied by the money or satisfactory refeience. • i * * *.Blanks,. and Joh Work of all kinds, at tended to promptly and foitbfnllv titU6INESs CAR* ROLA LIA LODGE. No. 342, VIA. M STATED Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednes days of each month. Also Masdniegather ings on every Wednesday Eve•.ing. for work and practice, at their, flail in Coudersport. Tummy ICES, I. SAstuet, lIAvEx, Sec'y. .10IIN S. MANN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, N., will attend the several courts in Potter and .WEean Countics. All business entrusted in hi.S care Will receive prompt tatentien. Office corner ur \Vest And Third streets. . . 1 ART.LIUIC G. OL)ISTED' ATTORNEY - S; COUNSELLOR AT LAW, coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business Intrusted to his care, with prc niptties•'itn , l fidt..ity. Office on Soth-west co:net of Main and Fourth streets. . ISAAC BENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Prt.,lll 'Lyon(' to :111 busiuess entrusted to hiin, n•ith "titre nna promptness. Office on Secoltd , :st. , * near the . Allegheny Bridge. F. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cotatertport, Pa., will regularly attend the COurts in Potter. and the adjoining Counties. i 0. T; ELLISON, TRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens of the lage and vicinity that he Irill promPlyre spond to all• calls for professional services. Office on gain st.. in building formerlyoe; enpied by C. W. Ellis, E:rt. 1 C. S. & E. A. JONES, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry (load: Groceries, &c., Main st., Condersporq Pa. D. E. OL3JSTED, :i - ANALER IN DRY poops, READY-MADE' Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, ace., Main st., Coudersport, 14:a". • 1 ' . COLLINS„SMITII, , . DEALER in Dry GoOds,Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Qneensware, Cutlery, and all Goods usually found in a country StOrel— i Caudersport, Nov. 21', 1861. , COUDERSPORT HOTEL', O. I'. GLASSNIIRE, Proprietor, Corner o- Main and Second Streets, Coudersport; Pot ter Co., Pa. . • , A Livery Stable is also kept in connect Hon with this Hotel. . . : DI ABE, G I LLO N , 1 . . TAILOR=-nearly opliosite the Court flonse— will make all clothes intrusted to him in the latest . and-best styles —Prices to suit thialines:—Give him a call. 13.41 K. J. OLMSTED S D: KELLY' • OLMSTED 4: KELLY, DEALER DI STOVES,, SHEET IRON WARE, Main it., nearly•oppositelhe Court House; Coudersport, - Pa. Tin awl. Iron Ware made 'to order. in good style, ou short notice) . . . . • Ulysses Academy &ill Mains as Principal, Mr.E.R.QAMPRELL, PracePtress, Mrs. NETTIE JONES GRIDLETA As. siitant, Miss. Ape. WAX.KER. The exptinses ?Sr Terra are : from ss' to $6 ;,,,Boat'd. from $1 50 to $1.75, per wt4 , k; Rooms for 'self boarding from $2 to $4. Each tertn,commeP‘ies upon . ednesday and continues Fourteen . week's." Fail term. Amg.27th:1862; Winteii-ti•rt& Hec.loth, 1862 ; and Spring-term. March :;sth. 1883. 0. R. BASSETT. lireSidenit. i W. W. GRIDLYX, Seety.l Ltvrisville, July 9, Itzci2 . • , • -rIYIAREEATI'AN,EfOTLJ 1 • NEW YORK. • rpllTS,Poi))ll3lr Hotel is• situated stead the cortiet_ of 'Murray. .Street..and' Bread way opposite the Park within one Ldolc of the Hmlson Jlivernail Road and near the trio Itail'Rodd Degot. It is ode 'of the - most pleasant and convenient locatiks in the city. Board St Rooms $1.59 per diity. • HUGGINS, Prrbprieto. eb. L lBth, 1863. Thi Le . Rochester St,rasr , Cotter. OLUSTED & KELLY, Coudersport. liave the exclusive agency for this , celebrated machine, in this county . It is covenient, du ablevatid CHEAP. ' Dee.. 1, 186'0.-12; . ,Now ii - thelithe stthscrifie for yogr, flenatei Paiw3I—THEJOUgNAG: ! • • . ' ...-,..! ~-,, e..!. ii . j' ! • '... ',4. ir : '',—.=' 1:-2 - • 1' . c !.._:: .... ' . -----.??: ,- - ~-.:, ,' . I .„. i :. •• " *•••••..:., 1 4 . (" •••• -' - •' ••• je ' ' -.:—! ...-' -1 1 " 1 .;• r '!' •• !-- 14qr - , l' - - -3 ! . i• :17 - I. 7 I.• - •: - -, !•. 1, !!,••••••••-•.! - : !- ...1.. .i ". i , ::- .._ _ . • • . .. • . . ~.. P A t -.:.:- : .':‘-. 'r._.:,- - t::, -, :-„ , .- - i; . . 4" '., --..-, ...: - --, - ~1 - ';' ' - . 'l.- ', •• :, .., .'-'-'-. . -;.".' '•-• ' - ---- " '..•.:. '" -'. '•. -- --2 , - - , :,- -..., .i: :r..... . .., , . ...., _ ~.- .. ~.. ._ '6' . 9 • _ .._:. -. . y • •.:: ~, ~, ~.4iii) H. :: - -_-.:,1,,•_:..,,-- ~ ~.- .....' ' :-:•..- i - .... ;-... .-' ' • •:—. . ' 1 I • 1 1 . al .;,...-...,,,..„...., ... -.-.....,:. • ,-,.. ; •,. , ,T 7 .„-,...,:- ,• . 4 .', ; , :. :•.:.- • ...,.. • ~' ... . .I , ..•. , . .... ..• ~...„, , ,•-., ~., ;.--..- ~•:.., •......._.• .::•.. ~....,:„. ---- -4-- , • ; •• - , [For the Journal.] • ; TRIAL; WAY. - r, The way of!life with trials rife Is,lafter So fraVght tivitli bliss, goinpaied-to4bis r The; sweetest,sin is gall. ' This way is high, to heaven nigh, A,nd narrew,.strr4ght*i : 7. - And walks a Mining ofjoy adiciet, And threads the pearly gate. ' HeaVezule an near, each , sigh and Lik e n • ' `•'' L Lights pilgrim's plate with glory's grace, Makes earth a trea'vtnlY boon. The works atia ea s res, the almS , and"prayers, That press his days,— Amazing love! Lire pearls, above His mansion home, emblaze. The good that flies, the joy that dies, The grief instead ; Each casts on high a hope and tie, iihdinew!ad ppeth When death draws near be has no fear, For faith will form, To take biinAgliar, dear of ; fire,r Of d.eath's . dark icy tbroue. He viery wins—he glory wills, He breathes its air,;'. - And shouts, O'Hbill I faitti httS 'the goal, • And hope is ttnetwed there. J. J. BOLIERTS coudersport,,Pa., April 22, 18d3.• Spicy Correspondence Between a Copperhead and a soldier. • The fulltiWing spicy curre'spu'utlence been sent from Murfreesboro, Ten nessee, to the l'inuiutiati Commercial fur publication. editor of that paper vouches fur r HAMILTONI,OIIIo, SUIsDAY, March 22, 1.863,-1/Eatt 808 :..1. suppose you was in a hardUr battle New . ear's than I and Rash were. with : the skuuk, and wore se, Films, too. I suppose that before this reaches you, yon Avill have been in , an other. From: what you say, suppose it is an . awful s:ight to see the slaughter of men. You undoubtedly know: . of .the heavy draft th'zit is awaiting us. The pet). pie hero are ail of mind—that is to resist the draft.. They all say that they will re bel against it it. I don't know how that will work, but if they do lam in. Pu you think the soldiers will fight us if they were brought up here to take us? I don't. I think they would be wise to throw down their arms. Bub, we had, u big Demo-, cratic meeting in Hamilton,. and the speakers all said ,they.,,woutd ,have big fighting here soon. One said that Lin coin would be out of the White House in less than three wonths. Bu.b . , there must certainly' be some iough•times here before long. Bub, you way know that us boys had b.g times in Hamilton yesterday.—.— We listened to..the speykiug utitil,we got tired, and nest was euchre and bar.— Well, Bob, I must quit fur this time.— Write soon dou't,get killed • 'J. II INIURFREEI3OII.O, April 2, :1863 Jomri Your cowardly and disgraceful letter is just rectred. You can better imagine than I can define my disgust at receiving .and trees ; unable letter from one claiming to be a I citizen of the American Republic; a wan ; raised andAdueated under . the auspices, of the best Government ever enjoyed any people, who basso degenerated in the scale of ; morality and ,loveof. ; country. as to bedtime an object of contempi rather than of sympathy. I blush to think that one of my former associates, who but a short time since botisteeof love/for his oduntry and her free institutions, is to day, from motives of dastardly cowardice, cringing in ,t_ho , attitude, of supplication at ie shrine of the Southern -Confedera cy. What has-so recently come over the spirit of your dreams, that you can thus meanly repudiate. both ypir,God and your country f The sentiments You express savor very much of. human depravity.— flays you lost all the pride of manhood ? Have you beconie so_dettioralized as thus to acknowledge yourself at once a traitor and a disgrace to the free institutions of the country:W.lli Cli May God, in his infinite justice, prosper the glorious cause for wtuoh the Federal arms are contending; while to the wretched torment/ of Eire l and - brimstone, in the de'pest gorge of hell, consign not only the rebels in arms against our Go . versi went but also. a t ild three fold noire de serving, the uhpriociplediand cowardly wretches wlitt" openly = avow the'niselves traitors, but who haie not the•moral cour awe to take up arms in favor of the re bellion -,:f 9F ,.w14)1_ ; they ,profes9 so much sytoWattii.'''lf 'shah' ham and his followers expect to receive wild treatment at the hands of the soldiers in .this dopartinant,of, my, they are labOring,:;randev a most .woeful delusion: The scorciingfialues of hell wolift be to them a welcome relief if they should be unfortunate enough, fall , into the hands of citiqustlyiirdigriani - afaiy; ' - Yon 'griat-', ly mistake the ;loyalty ,of those who so freely gave . tbe v battle of- Stone Rifer, if for a single 'Mooing you ebofea to fide : 11'11 11) 0 i"46 . .2, aka ffle int3ool7 440 1 0 'of Yo 11 1 tits V,037,3. t . i MU =I REPLY COUDERSPOR I A COUNTY, PA.,' WEDNESDikY,ZATI:I3,.•IB63. 1 entertain the opinion that we would jus , tify yort„ip . resisting the - draft. We will; with one accord, -lay -down. our lives in support 'of the 'catnip: for, which.* enlist ed, Ore last armed foe pito; Will We "'lay down : our wink, as : intimated ib• your letter. we, will retTiTn fforne'-for tio - other purpose than (o;bhyonet and iformed . 13e; - externii. nate' all- such' tretuitifi mongers as you' de , soribecL''This letref Wilt au dithbt • sun.; •cludeqiii'COrtetitiniAtace,. to whioh I' do' ritiebliget i.'n'iid , aitiktojcirt-havo taken t he libertfici Write'hunivab insulting fetter, to are; I - proproSe to deal plainly with 'you, So,•alloW we to say that all your' iaast: about resisting the druft is mere coWardly botubest. - 'Yeti and all your.stripe Jaek the courage to lift an arm totoppose the draft. You, will, tiodoebt, purchase,a reyelFer, and tolttloodly about resistance, as cuWards,,do; . but mark we !Or the, e4pressiou; you . will never use them ; I deo,Dizse, a coward as I despise the :devil: arid: fmtver ,heiefT yet} are in my humble estimation,hicrittgiug coward of; the lowest order. think fur a mo.tne,oufa r t.pirit so, euntemptible as to expose the : that, might de serttiegroves of our brethren to the des,craiton •of 'mi in: your mad career - of' opposition-ta the war, but ferneitibtii the day is • fast 'approaching *tin you . will gladly 'your right arm lOU hble 'to ienall the: treasonable acts of tile -' II yoU' . .deAre to know how your letter was received here. )hu can reatlilydetertoiue. frutui 'Mitt following One of toe bop presen(whee it was read, ”if yvit were Isere your skin token- off and twisted into whiplashes; wit ,aliielr to lash your soul , on tne road to Hell." All denounce the outlier of such; a treasonable letter as a meau contemptible coward,, dare not ti'l't for or against' his' eutintry. - • .Witif every sentiment of profound dis gust, I subseribe thyself forever the Ene my of traitors at home and rebels in arms, white hate unalterably for the Union. . , 11cCoY, Co. F.' 69th -Regithent Ohio Vol. "1 7 .:,ESIINcit.00k."7-4k queer gatherer of stattSties - bas made the discovery that the stouteralady: is, the. wore she rolls her eyes:;tip while weizing.--The smaller a lady so much the more dues she affect sunflower rosettes, enormous flounces, imt,e,stra-sized :ornaments 'Dimiuutive ladies invariably admire - giant like gett., tleinea—and .vice versa.—Oensible, autia. ble,land ecittacientitius young ladieS of gentle'diSpoSition; are invariably lone of readitig'ne*apapers: This sort make the' best wives.—Ladies who are greatly ad. wired by theirpwri. sex - are very seldom viewed in_ the same - light by-gentlemen. Some ladies speak of "ladies' ,beauties," and "geotleaten's beauties."—.lf you walk up the sireet with a ituquet in your hand, nine women out of ten . will look atten tively At it, while not 'Oue - trian in twenty will notice its iS , ,a curious fact that those ,. winneri ' who 'have made the,":must-ucquaintatices. during 'a long course of year:ill:ivy by far I ntew orvint. , faces. and.:.persons....-4Ali hough women are supposed to be the talkative sex, is : not : less true,in ,learning a for eigi(tongue, Men acquire More readily. the facility in 'wit& ladies dittleratand it better and sooner wheo spo- . ken to. . , LIFE'S gAisin EST PERIOD —X.ingslby gives his evidence on this di f sputed point. Ho thug declares :—"l'hers le no pleas tii; that' i. live experienced like - a child's titicisUoitnenfoilday—the time, I mean, when` two or three of us used to go away np the'brook, and take our dinners. with us,'atid come home at night tired, dirt.y, scralclied beyond recoguition,with, a great : nosegay, ' three lifthi trout, and one 'shoe,. the oilier having been used for a boat, till it bail gene 'demi with all W a nds put of •suOtidings. .11 . tar poor our Derby days...lob'. GreeuWich dinners, our evenitig•parties:ifiere there are;plenty of after'tii'at I Depend uponit, ti Man ne‘ierexpetieneti such pleasure or orief after fourteen as he ewes before, un less: in. 'Rome, cases, his. first lore waking when tke -sensation is new to bitm". • ••. . • fhle, meeting a cOnntrythatt ,inlo',se face wat4 not perfectly remett;bert.d, alter palutfog host et rdlally t iitrinired - .Weish,7" Was_ the noswer.. t4tii.ii:l Walsh !" responded Paddi,'"are yOur not 'from Dublin? :I knew two old maids thereof tliat'tnitne;-= was'ettler'llf-ifiemyer mother Can any on . c; define the,exact .width of a narrow escape? : put r - . c-good f a ce co everything, unless pc are so ugly ,that v3a.can't. If mosey ,IP - yottr . god, it willbe certain . . to, plagae you like the Milktnaids_and shephertlesees are the best kind of, cow.belles and.sheep belles, 'l%o'p:tee:lre apt-to- be Unruly, for, Es we can't-gee.lhear, it lijinpossible to keep watch orr thus. - • Woridiiiieis, and Pride. A good old - lady who , livedjn‘ tied - of the rural districts of 'Maine, anf - Wh - a - liad never seen mush of .'town; :life,'.was vhiled upon on one.occasion fo'pay.a visit to a'. relative .who lived in a distaot itiland town of -Bowe importalieb. Vben Sun, day caine.around..the old lady.aecouiparc• ied ber.friends to church, where her sim ple Dodo - nip were shocked itt•ltlleinonder ful - display of what sbelcalled wOrldlinees and. pride. The minister ,hiniself. nut iscope her nritieiSm. ..JD the :midst of the sermon, and whilst thcold was cogitating l on things around her,. a wischevtous crow that had been tamed and taught to speak, flew in atone of the tope's', windows, and alighted on'the back of a seat in front' of' one of the deaciins, looked that frinctionary in the' face, and exchiimed •id lel clear and audible voice that Sent a Mill of horror to the heaft of the old lady, you I I; curse!" And before the deacon could . caPttirellie fugitive it flew to another Place;-and pro , ' uout.Ced its nialedietiou upon.; auottier prominent nieruffer of the ciitirch. • The minister stopped and the congregation became disturbed. Everyhtidy anx ious-to see the intruder cupture,cl'and ex pelled from theiplacc,' and en nY,were the fruitless grabs In#tde for the - crows- legs; but he eluded them, arid round and round he went utteriog hie 1 unprecationi.' At' last he came across our'Old lady,l and she too shined t.he Orltiws imprecations. The old lady rose from hell seat preparStory to its ev - acuation and contrenting her black ediorsary with i ft lank ley es and uplifted. exclaimed;ln a sharp shrill 'voice that startled' audience, ..Oh.' you needn't scold we, for I don't Veloffg if; this cougregati l on 1" and left the place in deep disgust. . • r'Dangei.s of Orecocily, .. • Bartlet wwitiouS one litiridied and dix ty•three children endowed with' atraor• divary taleuts 'aoonglwhow few arrived at au advanced ge.. two suna of Quiutiliau by vaunted hy , tbeirfatheroiiii not, react:their tenth year. ' ilerniogencs ? " whir at the age of fifteen, fnught •iheti.Vrte, to Marcus Aurelius, the 'Lost Celebrated rhetoricians of Greece,. did not die, but' lat tWetiry-foui lost his hiculties, and forgot all 'he had previouSly acquired.. Pica !di illirandula died at thirty-two ; .Jolianues Secundus at t wen ty•tive, having at the age of fifteen cow posed adwirably Oreekatid Latiii: verses, and beedwe profoundly, versed • jnris prudence and letters. Pascal, whose ge nius developed iiself at ten .years Old, did not. attain the third' of a century.. In 1791, a child was I)tirn at Lubeek,' narned Henri Ileitineken, whose preeoeity was miraculous. At ten tubritliS'' of . age, he spoke distinctly, lat twelve learnt the Pen tateuch by rote land at' fourteen Mouths was perfeetlyaequain ted with the Old and New Testameut.llAt two years' be. was familiar with Ancient Ilisforf as 'the west. erudite authors of , antiquity.i Sau sun • and Danville only could cowpete with him . in geographical kitiArledge,- 1 - 3 _ In the'auoient add modern languages he was a proficient.]Thiel woncierful,%,child, was unfortunately carried oft in his fourth year. I A HAPPY Wo l lodAN.—.ls she,..not the very sparkle and sunshine of lifel A' woman • who is iippy - because sho.can't help it- - -whose siuiles even The, coldest sprinkle of misfortune cannot Alen make' a terrible mistalig whett they marry for'beautyj, for talents or style: The sweetest wives ; are those who possess the, magic Secret Of; being contented un der[ any citeumeratioes. Rich or; poor, high, or low, it makes no difference—ihe bright little fountain of joy bubbles 'up just as tnnsicalki an their hearts. ,Do tlpey li e in a lugmtbin, tiie fire.thatleaps up on its humble littarth becoutes, bright er than the gilded 'chandeliers, in- Arad ditt'S palace' Were the stream of, I/le So dark and. unpropitittus that the . supsitine of a,happy face falling Gti,the turbid tide would 'cot awoken an atisireryng Why, these joyotis tewperedpei,ple don't know half the ttood they do. A JOKE ON JOIINIBRoivN —The Other, day a juke was perpetrated in the Circuit Court, which is worth , ',The Jaw. yers i were busy settling the days for the trial of their various causes, .when the case ;was called of "the People 'lre 4%,dtit Brown." • i thought, t! retxiarlted . Ms linnot, Judge ialith great gravity, "1 thougft ,that case was disposed of at Mar-. peits..Ferry." <tidy .enspended, .your honor," ) ; marked a.:waggisb lawyer with equal gravity—.-nobody so !until) as crackaug,a aeuile:--Bdlville, .Fl )Ad vocyti. o' one thieb - at. a isms - - that's tbe Me: Wheel' you 'hate dUnet elauderiek: neighbors, tlien beg 9 to say yourlinieis: /s r. /sappiness is a pig which eau lipid. with a grease. i tail . After _hut nuabady 1- • . = • - Oaasant farm !iciasa, oae.wiatry ev4afiai, and lard day'e '.work at ,ttiioEqng,449uel.GieY iat3' ttio . ll ) - ablvqtVod 61dbureati.' `.! - ,7 , .Siini4l,cliatjethee *dog ?'!lsabl,his mOthei l'oilciwiiig - toltti.. : "The ii tiot - go ing mu; er; . -itight„ when: so tired?" . - "Yei,`inOth - ert 4 rePlied, taking up with, a sigh,. a small calico bag, *Which • ispqcligd, Well filled; 11 . - . - l'4V - o lti ,- ,; _that - is . the - - mortgage- titOney, Samuel;Whet does . thee - Want.With that? his ant due till neit. Spring.," "I, km)* it, mother; but I must: have this money - this aight,•,".'he answered tee determined tone. _ "For what, my eon? Thee hes always told we everything. We ,eattied . the inbney together." - • "I kiwi it, mother. All we hate' toned to - pay off . th lift ou - tle Isten'Pc my fPthet'i Ow it Ittos all chute to nothing. in ytOur - „cliair mother, and 1 it the truth,kis I, 'trust I have I do not tepr, 'your - blame, ai l ollWay loved yoor . praise.' Th. . gioli . ettOr 40 taught top grl I.3 r eady. :hey say women'eat tile,etter l t.hau 'men." Satoeel's - tti . otber:loretubled 1 but sh e satmuietlydown. HE . pleasant to laok . at—healthy , with a' clean Quaker cap.crin it. She - child nut believe he done.,anything . so - very Wrong, etuvlit6ry.i -, -! ;last ° elvenina. yiri know h I ow late staid Itity's ityl i . ; mind I presume - yon -thought I was with Efieu at the farm Ibut I was not, alone is the' pity. • I is cnt on an er- ' rand Itoi theotavern to 'get Some oil for our tame I 'noise . B. leg. The bar-room was a blaze .ot linElit and, all the boys there - and' I stepped in to warm. There *ere two finely I ctrezied ~e ntlemen from Boston sit ting atomic" the table,- calling for - the best . of . parit . Witile„and treating tpd company,. They leaned - We to' join_ so cordially that I - contseateci, - and " felt 'rested, with the ' the guru(' Are and esti ilerating glass, Soon one of the - .strangers brought out a.:pligi _of earns, Po:a:played with Joe tampion 1 ind Jlia White. I sat andlsmoked in the corner}, - andi did not take_ Much notice ofj t me giinte. ' i They - preyed 'far cigars and wine, and - theti fur money,' and thegame . l was •S,even., Up:' - Now, when I was a boy 1 used to have an. excellent_ run of lubk at cards,' and beat every ody ;• and . I sup Pose 11 wes,elated at my r putatiott; for when Jcielaropeon said, " have Won two hundred,dollaroi,7 I traoi . tonished; especiallYwhen'the strangers Pidit over as quick - and. easy •as 'they iii uld brush off a fly. Ithought, if.dull Jo has won sa qaiOkly such - a sum, Why n ay not I. Who sib E 0 lucky at cardS? I T ey urged Mete' take a hand, , and the of the' new hille Elon' . the• Merchant's achange I -Bank i) won upon thy better u 'denten-a ing, that II drew right . up to he table. I thought only of - winning- II never 1 1., thought tif losing. '; . We Playeiind - won, and phoYeitbudYlest mod . lo t. ,' Oh I. 12/ a inether loft'l all thia:money as ilitielt . as a flash; andithey taunted me th t teduld not pay) but I must pay it, iir llave my I honor lost before the. whole vi lage. - I know haw wrong it was i but if hard work will make it lap to you, "'you shall never 'Want." I Bete - S.4m broketlown, and cried like.a-ohnd.l : , : , .. ~ "Thee is welcome to, take.tht Bate," said his-mother, quietly. , thee weuld.pliontisoi never to tom again." 1 . "Dear mother, I storeninTy - -- "No,iiSitui . 1 1 uo oaths.- Rome will he !calmed this very nigh and ;viol back this .very-money" -;"No,1 - 1 hatto seen too stump wi between thosetWo men, They , bleis, who have come down t upon_ ps-Agreenhorna'• In the co ‘,V:h4l I think j h of how many workl ticv‘ ilerf 9 rnd it _ u, :and h i chickens and l eggs yolkhave raise all _for lone goOd object, and I cursed folly has ruined all, .I - .am despair_'] I , I . . . ..r, ! illal,l not ,liv,elong to want Sam; ]''ugly thenglit, of thee an whois sion 61..101)114 thy wife' ueTFrE>inied,j4d , !eTt "Ilia Jious.e heavy. heart: - I Ileitnew by the t ‘,l ligtitaertoss Olio tied ! hit };pleb se i - egfitr his' Vi4t i AiWt le sped on the village, until, siiinoping the sn his slioes...he entered once more . ern. AgeiO, 'in a Private parlor, to ihe,,eompanions of a previous mighl Went firu i lly' up to the table, - iod de l the inciway.. .'tl-have One/ lie F, a 6olci:voice, l'to pay -you what . yo fromßte bast ,uight. ) .', The .harm Waved - bib hattit iii - o,vb rob ' `tlhorte" 4 towaraiit*: 4tot - a islic, tiitti,' , . ..„, , ~„ -iiiii:e-er'EPlizzlisliy'atid-ily.' I,'Orge4 CPFArds Of, groo. - t atrighto_loolz jogsea his R441411,,,,J "OM 8904 PleuW4e easily by I ,the .4", -of : a aFold =EL hes 9: yeais mortgage deatb i 'atl BitdoWri ill. tell you, ever done.' I bave lone,egre eat lessons bear trou, ery much, r face was and fresh, • ped about.. son hid ut,.4Aa) , money, "I wish oh a card ber thee to try .118 pAss re earn- 1 Impose ;nay.— , rd days' • " many, to eell,. i hat toy eady to matey, Elien, Sam h %fata -1 toward Tr from he tav -1: faun d Be exited •a, ..n. U won' jewe4 midi. IftV •ioD of ...nay • Idle TEIM.S.--$1.58 PEA ANNUM, turn ef p"die .rina yet, afiernP labor, intiet I be turned figinkins•VitietilE hem e,- . a rid my ; h Ettapy .uifor life; bYl'oo..dtp.'ertite , gtinahltiier,", seemed at' wa r alit the - aweet: visions' of :f. t ithiiiilll4 paseed" away:. 'did tit,t'taiis slim there were;:nantieringis of liveitb,)i*'%ileSit i ble; - one after tatintlier Avis; 114,doid i tif his. turn, Cries of,; "en flair "PPM' tilei;" Ore met inyleignientigittelin euei from" the ebelieheful Men the'gaine; • " Satiguers ititrok' . , upon the lable;:ande . denld:*tloiliiO 3 lea,ve, it Abere. It eeeuied "How little iny father thought whin:rho left me the firm, with-only this niertgigif as an lia,ciareb,erante,!,that titunild,priive au recreant .My ,e . Oleinn engagement it take;Care of my dear, mother.' Olt, and forgiie me,' and spare .inb; tfifit nay lid better in tin feture."• And at ihit,inlit went a softer emotion :h spru b,g , 1 4).)h'S eart. He felt Teething of - am kinds that he never felt belbre; and termination to 'Shen eon the intend!! del' siaticn from 'duty, if its 'retribution' so dreadful This was' a Mere disirebti state, 0 . mind and: a: humble iorir 'breathed itig liressibge ever 'hint; h hi rose up and buttoned hie - 'thin; coat old r his breast, again to fate the Otitituk Wind' of the wintry higa ' ', About' this time a handeomeeleigia had drivels up .to• the• door; of ; the tavern.—; . The horses were' flecked- with ; town; litut the ,frost hang about: showing: how swiftly they, baktrityelitit iTwo strong men. bad leapOi Attal4: hastily- entered the. house, ,The- /wet ! came obsequiously the doPr• ;Thai drew him aside. • • • "We have tracked tiro iabtorlotte Week! legs. flow' Boston. here, and Wail* they ; might b.e making it little miseliief„ haVit, comm.-down: Indicate, I say, the .room, where they now are, ; •or. we shall .arropi„ you as an abcomplice I Quickly i. is:thA gleaw -of n, revolver. Ehone 314 gold poonlirjhtir : olu . there, in there,V, • item; mered the landlord, trembling with alarm: The deteCtives tame very softlY:biat nisi - so gently ataillte . gatriablers did not listed intently.- One said, "Throw the aril! in, the fire. I raise OEll' windigii I hitt r. Just theta the door was thriarin vicalenilf open:: "Ab, my'hearliei, well Wit have had quite •11 for yob f' "•ird.r. •Justingbandcuffs the tittak ar t oiigH they were used id the business; u spitil of the 'desperate .'OF th f men. "NOW; -thy!Arai, We Will see. Whir you 'have 'caged 1" Iliad' these Minieirit lit the law, and forthwith began- 41/. their pockets, having laid them at lim it on the floor. , • "Counterfeit bills in plerity,,sointtgOlii: en-ergles i silver I ...Geti .pen and .papeij lawdlord, and state the arnonut, %Noel -young man," the sheriff said, addressigg, Samuel Grey, and his f riends, who sittbd 'in silent amazement beholding the "eve might consider- you tinder arrest fdt gambling, hilt' presume "you were Pitt green enough to' be entrapped by theli Boston youthi. , understand Abie. ways', of our nicked • city. Hoiversr, It, will just advise you : to beware of bad cam: litany for the ftatire; • it ;does, not lead id pleasant resnite.". • "How ; much have yen been robbed Of this. eight?" ,* • • ' . • . ..Thete is my money," said Simnel s each, one stated the am otin t,. 4. peintear to the , roll on thetable.i _ . take it, and go the men.. • 1, Sainuei obeYed;- end When - or tit Morel in the fields, • and within mot bees eugenic, be feet', on hi k , ees wept aloud, giving thanks . to God, as• had• never done before:. i Be trait poi yet twenty-one; life was before• bind;', hope/ again dawnedl'let us Cruet that ill* eiid lesson was not in vain. ;The old woothisic could not knit the lertgi Wee woolen eatii that evening: She igaied the with prayers and tedre:. Novi) in 'bee t r Ately widowhood = bad. sorroir atonti:igi h'earily. open -her heart ; end When if;te door opened, and•Bllenitele gently Ili rel inquire what was 'tbe matter; ton-sing hei lover, Aunt Bache! threw berating* atboOi her ,neck, and gave way to grief; Sri Samuel' found them when he ieturaeit titeatiiitto4, to ehaste their taw! Seine time eines., a rapirosaated , Oi • commodore was placed '2)l charger 91 . Bpd of Or rkaiY, 7**de; , 03 ! a*, * ioPTI S fO4 fel Dia Lad Just 1;4 - iazsltet wit b 00;7? as the gouty sli toteasosissa ,"htems , is sight,".,-and -grawled oat: "Itmp tiles woad, yea yeaag meal; dam is ; chaSe sassed. bey yista small 14 his load heaiy, wad prestab acmg modocei puffing sad Welitieg f 4ehis4 Ii 4 bop,ty the 4elltr.: Jamping r i#o,.. damping the air: alt 11# h exclaimed: # r ytreitteardt.hletWiwg-' ; WI; Atisni riterjoiriittimat yeim Eta - ' Tematanesit--: eta Tis Sit itaseEatt: t 11110 11!MI EOM = ENE S ' .t, 7 - 7 ! !•ii I Cl'