The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 01, 1863, Image 1

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iroz4lllp xv2,--NuApEi ls,
THE 4 , '
M. W. Mehilorney,,Proprieter
* * *Devoted to the caueenf Republicanism,
the interests of• Agriculture, the advancement
of Education, said the best good of Potter
seamy. Owning ,no _guide except; that• of
Principle, it will endes.ver to aid in the work
•f •ore fully Freedomizing our Country. '
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the. following
rates, except where special bargains are niade.
1 Square 00 lines] I insertion, -- -; .i6O
- $1 50
tacit subsequent insertionless than 131 , 251
1 - Squire three months, • .1" 2'50
1 . six " • .1 400
1 " nine. " 5 50
1 " one year, . . 600
1 Solemn six months, 20 00
I it u u • • I
• 10 00
di u u . ! 700
" ~ • per year. - - ----- t 40 00
i IC II IC 20 00
Administrator's or Executor's. Notice, 200
Business Cards, 8 lines or less, per year 5 00
Special and Editorial Notices, pe. find, 10
i *All transient advertisements (must be
pid in advance, and no notice will be taken
vi s f o!Avertisements from a distance, unless they
tre accompanied by the money or satisfactory
rofe.rence. , . , , I
* * *Blanks, and Job Work of alt lands, a
tended to promptly and faithfully.
STATED, Meetings on the ;rad and -tthWednes
' days of each month. Also Masonib gather
ings on every Wednesday Evening. for work
and prtietice, at their Hall in Coudersport.
1 W. Ali.. ,
Jon& S. MANN,. I
Coudersiiort, ets., will attend the several
Courts in Potter and WKean Coun les. All
business entrusted in his care *i I receive
prompt attention.. Office corn'er ,of West
and. Third streets. 1
Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business
entrusted to his . . care, with promptnes
fidt:ity. Office on Seth-west corner of Main
,And Fourth streets. .
ATTORNEY AT LAW, CoUdersport,i Pa., will
attend to all business entrusted to him, with
care and promptness. Office on Second st.,
near the Allegheny Bridge.
• P. VV . . KNOX,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport; Pa., will
regularly attend the Courts in Potte.r and
the adjoining Counties:
. . 0: T. ELLISON,
respectfully informs the citizens of the yil
, lageand vicinity that he will promply re
. epond to 'calls for professional sq,vices.
Office on gain st., in building formerly oc:
copied by C. W. Ellis, Esq.
C. S. S; E. A. JONES,;
Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Good:
• Groceries, Stc., Main st., Coudersport, Pa.
" Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, ,k.c., Main st.,
Coudersport, Pa.-
DEALER in'Dry Goods,Grciceries, Provisions
Hardware, Queensware, Cutlery and al
Goods usually found in_ a country Store.
Coudersport, Nov. 27, 1861.
11. F. GLASSAIIRE, Proprietor, Corner o
Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot
ter Co. Ps. - ' . '!!'' • . : -
, ~
• , Co. ,
Stable is also kept in connec
iioa with this Hotel..
TAIIOII.--nearly opposite the Couri souse—
Will make all clothes intrusted'tti him in
the •latest and, best styles —Prleeth to suit
thitAinies.—Gire him a call.. 13.41
on the , shares, in the best mender. Tan
nery on the east side, of Allegany river.
Cobdersport,,potter county, Pa.--4y17,'61
I. J. 04HSTSD.. . . . . . . 8. 'D. ESLLY
WARE, Main st., nearly opposite the Court
Rouse', Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet
Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on
ort notice, ,
Ulysses; Academy
till retains as Principal, Mr.E.R.CAMPBEIL,
Preceptress; 6trs. Nicrrts JONES GRIDLEY ; As.
eistant, Miss A. E CAMPBELL. The expenses
per Term me : Tuition, from $5 to $6.; Board,
from $1.56 to $1.76; per week; Roonis for self
boarding from $2 toS4-.!Each term commences
upon Wednesday and continues Fourteen
weeks.) fall term:Ang.27th,lB62;Winter term,
Dec.:loth, 1 1862 ; and spring term, March 26th,
IU3. r- f - Q. R. BASSETT, Piesident.;
W. W. GIUDLS'Y . Sect'y'
July 9 186 9
ills, , J.
THIS Popular Hotel is situated near the
corner of ',Murray Street and. Broad
,opposite the Park within One' block
of the - Hudson' River Rail Road and near•ibe
Erie Rail Hoad Depot: It is one of the most
, pleatant and convenient locations in the city.
Board lis,-11Oonts $1.50 per days
N: HUGGINS, Proprietor.
106,...N0iv•is the time to inlispr)htt I tor.ycti:
Piftir —THE JOVR.N . 4,L. •
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: j ,§ER593.1".:
Yes, tyrants, you hail's, and fee'r 'while you
The self-ruling, chain-breaking, throne-shak
ing State!, ;
Thenight-iiitkis - dread'mornink—youfiriatinct
is true,
The day-star of Freedom brings midnight for
Why plead with the deaf for the cause of man
The owl loots ; at noon that the eagle is blind I
We ask , nbi youtCreaafine—'-'twire. wasting our
Our life ffi a menace, our welfare a crime I
We have battles 16 'tight, We have foes to sub
Time waits not for us, and we wait not for
,The mower:lntim 'On, therighAhe adder may
writhe '
And the copperhead coil round the blade of
his. scythe I
"No sidesla yonr statesmen
may urge,
Of sehonl-house and wages with slave-pen and
s t eourge,l .7 , ,• .• • -
No Weis in this qiin'irel 1 proclaim it as well
To the angels that fight with the legions of
. „
They kneel in Grttriteinple the North and the
With blood on each:weapon, and prayers in
each mouth,
Whoie cry 'shall be inswereder Ye Efeavens,
' attend
The herds of the lash as their 'voices ascend!
'.!O Lard, we are shaped in the image of
Smite down the base millions that claim to be
• free.
And lend thy strong arm to tl e soft-handed
Who eat not their bread In the sweat. of their
face ?"
So pleads the, proud planter: What echoes
are these?
The bay of his bldodhound is borne on the
breeze, "
And, the shriek of his victim's despair,
His voice dies 'unheard.-:—Hear the Puritan's
" 0 Lord. that didst smother mankind in thy
flood, ••
The sun is as sackcloth, the moon is'as blood,
The stars fall to earth as untimely are cast
The figs from the fig-tree that shakes in the
Ali nations, all tribes: in-whose nostrils is
Stand gazing at sin as she travails with death I
Lord, strangle the monster that struggles to
birth, , -
Or mock us no more with Thy 'Kingdom on
• Earth!' • •
" If Aolinott and Moab must-reign in the land
Thou gavost Thine Israel, fresh from - Thy
Call Baal and Ashtaroth out of their graves
To be the new godifoilhe gipire of-slaves
Whose God will you serve, 0 ye rulers of men
Will ye build you new shrines in the slave
breeder's den?
Or bow with the children of light, as they cal
On the. Judge of the Earth and the Father. o
•All ?
Chbose wisely, chOOse quickly , for time moves
Lord, lead them in love, ere they hasten in
From the fasf-rising flood that shall girdle the
sphere! '
Each day is an age in the life of our race
, ' -7-Aticentiq 2ontlil9.
A few Words for Pharaoh.
Ever since we were old enough to - go.
to church, wa have heard old Kink ,Pha
roah spoken of in terms of disrespect.
'Preachers all seem to have a " pick at
him," more especially at his heart,which,
if yeti would: believe them; was as hard
as granite ! They alwiys tell one side of
the story ; let us give, the other.
Pharaoh' was king•drEgypt, lb Africa,
a country once celebrated for its science,
its corn crops, and its masons. When
the Pharaoh, about whose , heart we hear
so much, was onthe throue, , the Egypt
ians owned about two millions of slaves—
descendants of a certain white man named
'4lbraham. Thesis, slaves vtrct multiply
ing very rapidly; were, in the main, con
tented ; and were "better off," by far,then
the most of us. Pharaoh and the Egyp•
tians were muchuattaebedto them," "pro
vided 'for them," made all their laws, and
they bad nothing in the world to do . but
work, .eaL aid.' be finesters
had all the trouble.
But they were multiplying too fast, (so
well off were they,) and Pharaoh was in
duced to order, that,;iifter a certain day,
all the male slave children born should be
drowned or strangled like kittens. This
looks bad, and the_ preachers' have 'made
the most of tt ; us 'consider his
Motive.' It was to thake a slaie insurree-
tion impracticable. Now we all know
what a horrible thing a slave insurrection
is. Stump orators , -sometimes tell us.
St.ttemi ago. — I:Taira - the - night elat•es
might be incited by some miserable . fana
tic like John- Brown to rise, and then
what ; would they, do-but outibroatp, burn
houses, ravish theit 4g44: l o4ktediesst#4l
run pitchforks through the curly-headed'
children of their good masters? Who,
will say,thal in vim, °fall these poseil?led
horror Cit 'Weir - not - beet just to head the
little Hebrew slave boys of. one or two
'generations to beayenj,whexe-iheymould
tit better off r
etiotea to tfie ?liqoipies of Itto @ctoootley,.4llo -ti)o biaseminquon Eliotlittre q3fetios.
.186 R.
It is true, too, that whipping and beat-,
ing, even to death, were rather coninaon,
and that women, even, were not spared,'
but,to'offset this, they had,plenty of leeks;
onions, and other Savory" things• to eat
and all they_could do. They had no con.,
cern of mind, no schools to attend,no laws
to make, no ores to furrow their faces
nothing to do but work, eat and be,jolly.
We are certain that if a correspondent of
the London Times had taken a boat•ride
on the Nile in those days, be would have
failed, for language to describe the happi
condition of the chivalrbus Egyptian
masters and their contented slav,es.
But, alas ! they were waked from this
hifsitul dream of happiness by a pertinetat
agitator named Moses, a well educated
wan, but, like too many now, be, made a
bugbear of himself by. his altruism. • He;
was, a' kind of a "Yankee" interloper.
When he -saw an Egyptian beating a,
brothel man, cruelly, instead of helping
to, subdue the wretch, as he should have ,
done, be smote the oppreagor so violently ;
that he died from the blow. For this'
cause it was obliged to run away..
But he 'could not stay away. He heard:
something out of a burning bush one day,
which inflamed his abolition notions.'
(fanatics are always having visibns;) so he;
went back to Egypt. When he got back,'
everything was going well. The eciuntry
was flourielling o the people were united,:
taxes were low, and trade prosperous. If
Pharaoh had bung him at once, a great;
deal of trouble would have been avoided.
But Moses insisted on the emancipation,
of all the Hebrews. _ Think of that !
Slavery was an old institution, the slaves
were happy, and worth about $200,000,-
000 1 How could Moses ask such a sac
rifice of property ? He claimed that God;
had sent him—that the Israelites were
oppressed and all that; but Moses was al
minister : what right had he to meddle:
with Slavery in Egypt, a purely "pblitical
question ?" The other preachers in .
Egypt were faithful to Ammon, and let
Slavery alone. How much better iti
would have been if Moies hid done as our!
American Trace Society, and as several of
our populir churches haie done—preadh- 1
ed the Bible and kept Out of the dirty_wm,
ter of;potitieS " But' nothing would sat'.l
isfy him but emancipation. •
Of course the pride or the Egyptians
was touched. They were a chivalric race,l
with hot southern blood. 1 They knew,
their rights. To show their contempt fori
Moses, they increased the tasks of their'
slaves. and whipped' them harder. The
Hebrews themselves entreated him 'to go'
away and let them alone.
.But he Went!
on, and kept•up the excitement until the
who!e land was convulsed. Miilions of
dollars' worth of grain and stock 'were
sacrificed, and there' was mourning for
the "first born" in every house.
At length Pharaoh was over persuaded;
issued an edict of emancipation, and away
the slaves went', en masse. after
they were gone, his reason :returned
There was a"reaction" in the public mind
The people failedito endorse the procla
mation. Pharaoh's heart yearned for hi
poor slaves, who had no experience an
could not take care.of themselves; ant
so lie started after them with a great
army and had it not_ been for a sudden
fresh of water, hi would in all probal.ility
have accomplished: his humane designs.
But the waterin th'eßed Sea get too deep!
—Religious Telescope.
Served ~IIm Might.
Is: a car on a railroad which runs into
Net York, a few mornings ago a scene
occurred• which will not soon be forgotten
by the witness of it. A person dressgd
as a gentleman,speaking to a friend across
the-car said :• ,( Woll, I hope the war may
last six months longer.. If it does I shall
have made enough to retire from business.
In the laSt six months I've made a hun
dred thousand dollars—six months more
and I shall have enough."
A lady sat behind the speaker, and
necessarily:heard his remark ; but, when
he was done she tapped him on the
shoulder, and said to him; "Sir, I had
two sons—one of them was killed at ,tlie
battle of it'rederioltsburg; the 'other - teas
killed at the battle of Murfreesboro.? ,;
She was silent a moment, and so were
all around who heard her. Then over.
come by her indignationl she suddenly
dapped the speculator, first on one check,
then on the other, and before the fellow
could'saya word the passengers sitting
near, who had witnessed the wholehlfair, ,
seized him and pushed him hurriedlyout
of the oar, as one not fit to ride with .de:
cent people.—Evening Post.
One day at a farm 'house; a wag saw
an old gobbler trying to eat the' stritigm'
of some night caps that laynti the ground
to bleach. "That," said' he, - "is what'
call introducing cotton into Turltey."
41 ' *me men are so extravagant that !if
they - owned' the solar - fivitein.they vionla
out the moon up into shillings and eiptaa:
der the,proceetis in a-week.
`Wanted--=A Governess.
A kw, narrow roomy -the single-win
dow curtained-with coarse white muslin
—the floor covered by a scanty carpet
somehow the broad i'lifirch • sunshine
brought out everyelenient , of .
poverty in
the abode' of the poor widow and her
"Put on a little more coal, Amy I" said .
Mrs. Ardenham, ihtidderingly, .drawing
her shawl closer around her frail figure;
as she'dropped , her needlework, "it istit
ferry cold Wit morning l" . • -
'Amy Obeyed silently—yet she . could
not help ndticing how nearly the little
stock of fuel was exhausted, and remem
bering how inadequate their slender purse
was -to the replenishment thereof, and
her heart sank a little. ,
Only a little theughifor our Amy was
-not one of the despendiog kind.
she was a sunshiny little creature, fall of
bright infectious hopefulness—but some
how, in that squalid room, abs seemed
like a fresh rose blooming in a sandy
desert I She was very pretty, with brown,
tender ) eyes, just the shape of the heavy
'braids of hair above—k small coral mouth
and cheeks delicately shaped like the
deep iocarnadine of; the pomegranate
flower, and as, she totok up the newspaper
you couldn't help noticing wlittLa snowy,
taper little hand she had, with pink
tipped fingers, and dimples at every
"Mamma I" said she suddenly, "here's
an advertisement for a' governess !"
"Well, what of it ?" .
"Why, mamma," hesitated Amy, "you
know we are very poor, and—and I
should like very much to earn a little
Ardenbam had bowed her face
upon her hands, and in au instant Amy
was kneeling beside 'ber.
"Matutua, darling, don't cry !"
"I did not mean tole so foolish, love,
but it all came back to me at that moment
—the wealth and station we have lost—
the poverty to which we are reduced.—
Oh, Amy, it is too hard I"
"But think mamma, ' ?" said Amy cheer
fully, bow delightful it would be to make
wy school accomplishMents help Rs along
in the world. ilday !I ; try for this situa
tion? I should like iC very-touch !"
"If you think it beat, my child," ac
quiesced Mrs . , Ardenham, resignedly.
"Then I must lose do said Amy,
as she be g an to arrange her hair, adjust
the' detail s of her simple toilet.
"How do I look, mamma?" she laugh
ed, when at length she was ready, to de
part. And Mrs. .A:rdenham's admiring,
affectionate glance brought the . i roses to
her cheek, as she trippod away.',• ,
For she did, look exquisitely pretty—
the coarse shawl took graceful: curves
about her slender form, and the cheap
straw hat, with its, plain black' ribbon,
might have been a $5O French 'chapeau
without being a whit moil becoming.
"Darling Amy !" pondered the mother,
as her light footstep died away on the
air;—"she is a perfeot little sunbeam in
the darkness of my daily existenee : Her,
heart has never ttehed i with the 'bitter—
nay She , had , drawn it to the dregs !"
There was' a vein of poetic appreciation
somewhere in the jumble of fun, sent'.
meat, good humor, and sarcasm that con
stituted Frank Ashley, as he lay lazily
on the sofa; and was p playing with two or
three golden-haired Children who were
tottering about the room.'
"I'll tell you
,whiit, Liziie !"' said' he
to his sister who s,atj embroidering, "you
spoil these young imps about as com
pletely as any mainma of my acquaint
ance I"
"As if you'didn'tl Spoil 'em ten times
worse,", retorted 'Uri. Jay, laughing.—
"When Succeed id, obtaining a govern
ess, perhaps they will'be put under some
sort of discipline. But really, have al
ways wondered that you were never mar
ried'!" • . •
"Indeed ! Why ?"
"You would haye'' bade finch a nice do . -
mastic sort of a hualiand—you are po fond
of home !, I koowi that manoeuyering
Mies-Roland laid a deeperate•seiire to the
rocky citadel of Your heart but 'thought
you disliked her."
""You were right she was indescribly
repellant to me."
"Then who—" ' ' •
"Then why did I neva; iSarry anybody
else? - Well, listen.! !Lizzie, and I'll tell
yon. I was oneelin' love—with one of
the sweetest girls, I believe, that ever
walked this earth.- - It, was whim I was
in Washingtoti—she,iioo, was spending
the winter there. Al' first I thought she
encouraged my suit,l but. all at once she
grevr cold and distant--I determined, at
. ,
all buzzards to know my fate, for I felt
how wretched life would 6e witbOtit her.
But the'very eveningitbitt T.bad resolved
to subrat my suit to her---we were.botb
int:iced, to a party . at 'Mies Roland's—l
learned,that she hadjeft the Miss I
Oland :in direct wor4s i of
conyte, brit as deßoat;li
it was to .ioid my oo;nliououa shooflies: ,
"Ard did you credit this ?"
Of lourse. Miss .Rolund was tine of
her Omit intimate friends. . , I left Wish
ington the next day—'-and then there entl=
ed alliof loVe that it will ever be my fate
to know. i
.. .
As h e ceased speaking a servant came
in.:, I 1
i .qilia. Jay, a lady .is below, who says
she bris come to apply for the situation of
geverness. I Shall 1 show her up ?"
Mrs. Jay assented, and the next mo-
Ment ;Amy lArdenhans entered the room.
"Yint seem .very-•young i " said Mrs.
"I lam : eighteen, ma'am," said Amy
Frlnk Ashley, who had been reading
the newspaper,- glanced quietly up at the
tone cif her)voiee, and rose to hia feet.--
At th same moment Amy's eye met his
--ahegrew deadly pale.
"A yl" he exclaimed—" Miss Arden
l' 1
Bu Amy had fainted,
An 49ml later Frank - Ashley was an no
cepte lover, and the young lady who bad
prowl: ed to "take charge of him" re our
little 'Amy: , *
"tell me all about it Frank," said his
sister; when at length he had returned
from 'pteconioanying Amy to her humble
tenemeet 7 l :a spot which should - soon
cease ito be "home."
"We: have both been the victims of a
misrepresentation, Lizzie. - Miss Roland
assured Aray that I was engaged to her
• : —what could - Amy do but withdraw ?"
"Then she loved you all the time ?"
"SO Offs says."
. nd instead of my finding a govern,
/ou obtain a wife !" laughed Mrs.
"Oh, I am very, very glad I"
ose of lie moss serious evils of life in
this anti) , is want of reverence. The
mostrecidus, the most delicate-, and even
the ost sacred interests are generally
t i
dealt with in an easy, off-hand style which
has a liab4 of falling, not unfrequently,
into !downright profanity. The 'vice is
restribted to no particular sphere, it per
vade. 4 the nation in all its forms of life,
whether pablio' or priiate. - With what
absetice of all cereulony do our legisla
tors E l eize and belabor principles as old as
liberty, and constitutional provisions sa
cred as the bided- of our Martyred fath
ers. IWe are not speaking particularly
the present times, when war may be
• 1
peeted to give'a tinge of unusual feroc
te the licentiousness of parliamentary
')Lle, but the general spirit of the
miry. ' 1 z., .
Ple same evil meets 118- even in the
illy. The girls are premature women,
the boys try to distend themselves
gentlemen, precisely because there
ut little reverence for parental or any
, r l l authority to repress them. It
is to matter nothing at all that parents
by natural law, despots in' their
houses. Taking advantage of the
- 4nown pridciple, that love descends
strongly than it ascends, that par
love their -children more ardently 1
the children love them, the urchins '
'nil swing to the natibual animus of'
enter j
disrespect for authority, criticise the
house law as freely as senatori the 'Con
stiltuion, talk flippantly of *the old man'
and he old woman,' and - violently con
tend for the sacred rights of staying out
late. at nights, of steeping late in the
morning, and of snubbing all who attempt
to make them less tree. They love father
and mother, of course they do; but they
prove ho* warm and real love may 'be
with Out the slightest admixture of rev-
eren e.
If lwe enter-the sacred precints of the
church, even there the, predominant na=-
tional characteristic is not wanting. The
pulpit is not the unconditional. dispenser
of opinion and sentiment to the pews.—
The people may respect the character of
the individual clergyman, they may admit
his learning and eloquence, they may
look to his • ministry for edification, but
be is far from being, as in other coun
tries, an authority whose dicta are to set
tle .the disputes of the. hearers. The
pre4ing, indeed, is reciprocal between
rostrum and seats. Adore the preacher
prepiired his sermon, rod while, be was
toiling on it, he felt the power of his cob.
greOtion, and found himself recasting
senitees, toning down his expressions of
opini n, and softening his blows to meet
the itivisible princes xi his 'study.. In,
short be finds himself; even while be com
poses; sitting in the presence of his eon•
gregratiou, not as an authority, but rath
er as a secretary, to write down -what
their multiform] judgments, prejudices,
and fortunes may dictote, , If he does not
alwa, yield ,to such silent andpowerful
dicta inn, it is not because., he , does not
feele force of the (remand, but Rather;
perh ps, because be has : caught the pop
ular . piriti of insubordination', and will,
not r yorence this new -.and strange au*
sherry. He is irreverent*, irreverence. '
FUrther l ll3nn-,thin i the prevailingiscl:
of reverence is not onlj shown toward the
TERZSi-.41.50.- ,PER-. ANNUM
authorities of . a State, and toward ,\l2
church ur in its highest' as `well - is :iii, - its
humblest offices, it does do better in'iti=
gar& en , the most sacred verities, ofthat
religion of-which the church and its AB
cers are, only guirdiane, and teachers.--=
The same spirit which sports atid triflei
with'ibe National Constitution, and''witli
the oath-sealed and oath-bound office of
the President of the Union ) hat dictated 1
to the pulpit, that capers in the Sunday:
school, and require that the 'e man and ,
old woman' shall s t bmit to t juniors as
o id
their betters ia - the relations, ip of the
family, is equally A home in the inner=
most sanctuary of the - holiest things.'.: It
carries there • the same disgusting swagge4 .
the same shallow pretence of knowledge
the same affected, swollen contempt of
mystery, the same, 'or a worse jargon of
philosophical phrases. The Bible is rais
under contribution' for puns, filthy jests
are made to turn !on sacred. doctrines t '
profanity enters legislative halls, cursing •
is - unrebuked by the police in the streets )
and even a Christian man is expected so
far4o submit to the preitalent, the iris
nmphant spirit of irreverence, as remelt
to look his displaceqcy if another so-called ,
gentleman should profane jthe name of
God in his teeth.;
Nay, this 'terrible vice of irreverence
goes still higher; i the members of the,
church, the breakers of the sacred- bread
in sacrament, trample on the divine word)
on the very mysteries of their own faitht•
And what makes it still Iroise is, that:
their debasement gives them no trouble j
their torrid mirth 'comes from them as l
naturally as if it were pure. We mean/
simply that, even in Christian society )
among those who seem to make an earn:
est religious profession, - irreverent alln=
alone to sacred things are gammon, and
,jokes,made from distorted Scripture are- .
allowed to serve the place of religions .
conversation. Stories are told abundant=
ly illustrated by profanity, and the Christ=
ian. voices repeat the whole tale, target
included. The infection is well-nigh uni=
vernal.-11r.. Y. methodist. -
A Sleepy Couple%
A lady claimed; as her husband a geti:• -
den*. The case came into court, when _
the lady proved by the evidenee of , *
priest and tbe proper number of witness=
es, that the marriage ceremony had bees '
read- over to the parties ) and, the defend:
ant's tacit assent obtain to the signature )
by the priest, of his name to the mat=
riage contract. The validity of the mar:
riage was, of, course, declared, and the..
luckless dbfendant wassetiring ia despair ;
when the priest, rho had no objection to
another professional jpb, pointed out to
the reluctant benedict as an easy aims
of relief. • "We cam bury her," says his;
reverence, "just in the fewe way thatwrd
married you, namely, asleep , !" So said,. .
so done. •The. buriai t service was lead •
over the bride in her first sound slumber;
the constructive widotver. duly put on
mourning, and proCeeded to 'pay his ad:-
dresses in a quarter more agreeable to
him. His deceased wife, as in law she
was'to be called, proceeded to vindicate
her vitality by legal process; but it would..
not do; , the former precedent prevailed
the burial-service was held as conclusive
of a death as the marriage service had
been of a marriage, and the constructive
widower married the lady of his °Woe:
The last sensation in Paris is a man
who has a perfect genius forJuaking and
fitting women's dresses. He is Called the
' Pontiff of the Petticoat. He not only
makes the ladies' dresses, but he puts the
dresses on. the ladies. - Sometimes as
many as fifty carriages are in front of his
door at the same' time, the feminine min=
.ers being upstairs having their dresses;
put on, as a dress should be put on. Pot'
cuttin g a dress he charges ten dollars j
for dressing a lady he charges fifteen dol.:
lars for fitting her for adinner ) and min=
ty-five dollars for a party.
I think the human heart is like an art:
ist's studio. You can tell what thearii i 4 •
is doing, not so much by his compLeted
pictures, for they; re mostly scattered al
once, but by the ha/1 . -finished sketches
and desig ns which are hanging„en his .
wall. A nd so you can tell thecourse.e(
a man's life, not so much by his well-de ,
fined, purposes, as by the half.forrced
plans—rthe' faint daydreams which are
hung in the chambers of his heart.
Sir Walter Scott said seriously big
uutobiography,_ "Throush =every )iat't -or
my literary career,, I have telt pinched,:
and hampered by my own ignorance. . '
Such is true, wisdom. The wisei atumn
really becomes, the more he begina te feel
as the sage of old did, when he paid, j TLq ;
longer I live the more ,ptratta'ded I bo , ,
come that I know- nothiag.":
Writers inSu n gii}iti..7siggest-)l4te: -
heavy duty be pit upon erinoliae, o•prr
der to confine, ice to vie -rich:.
that'servant gat awilittitble pep*,
be spired the dagger of getting hitn - 1