The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 11, 1863, Image 2

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'Cotidersport, Pa:
Wednesday, Feb. 1:1, .1868
One of the arts by which theSouthein
heat ie fired is this: Soon after the bat
tle of Murfreesboro, the Rebel General,
Bragg, caused to be printed and widely
circulated in the army counterfeits of t
The Nashville Union, in which was con.'
ipicuuusly. displayed "Startling News
Four Statea'Seceded from the Old Gov
etibitiefill Missouri, Indiana, 'Illinois; 1
andAcentucky This was followed by
as editorial bewailing the loss of these
.tftates. . Of course, the Akhole affair gas
itforgery, but the illiterate soldiery of
S th a large portion. 'of
,not read at all, could not d,eteet it. While
linekner 'was to ,Kentucky, bogus copies
ot.2'he Louisville jou6zal were freely cir
culated by. the Rebels; . filled with all kinds
-pfmatter adapted to indaree and encour
„age the Rebels, and discourage the loyal.
• A. member of the blow Jersey Legisla
ture hearproPosed resolutions in the As
4eimhly that, -LC Congraem pass moues for
Itholislin,o , :Slavery, Yew Jersey repudt
ctikist her , share 'of the tax to which suchrm
•eourse would give. cause. The member
who makes this proposition •is the saute
we believe; who made or tried to
:wake a speech all in favor.of Jett Davis
lif Monmouth County last Summer.
Mr. lean, the recently arrested
~ a delphia editor, say's' in the 'first piper
!snce. ltis . release "He is no Democrat
'bot unqualifiedly in favor of the
.Tiniotiand thePenstitution." A Democrat
- ,
• ic paper in this city is almost crazy bc
-• 12 , •
cause oileau adinitted so much aud was
• "
thereupon teleased.-
• Gen. Loan s who commands the Middle
''District of Illissouri, has issued orders to
hanir• or' capture all marauding guerritla%,
,robbers, Rebel secruiting.:Oilicers and
44en ts, and also those who linowinAly bar
' bor•and protect them. Any officer fail•
iug to carry out this order is to be
promptly .court-martialed.
Anbther British steamer, the Antona,
a - Glasgow propeller, has been captured
in' the Gulf,, and brought into port at
New' Orleans. She -was chased 14 hours
by Oe'Pocithontas. •
We have a brief account of a brilliant
. affair at Fort Donelson. • The Rebels
triude an attack on' (he fort with 3,000 to
4,000 men, and cantured four guns
Oar boys rallied and drOve the Rebels
tits, retaking"the guns, killing 135 of the
-- enetuy.and wounding and takiir , 50 mare.
The .Rebel Cavalry General 'orrest was
reported to be wounded; Col. McNeil
wee billed. The sawn diepetch says that
all our.divisions except Logan's had or
, rtved-opposite Vicksburg.
Still another set of Peace resolutions
has been proposed in the New Jersey
Legislature. They denounce,the course
et • the Administration, protest against a
war for unconstitutional: or partisan 'pur
poses,,against a war for the subjugation
of the Rebel States, against anything be
ing done on plea of military ne;icssity,
against arresting anybody in the Northern,
States, against suspending habeas corpus,
against .dividing: States, against con6sect
ing Rebel . property, against liberating
slaves, in short against anything and et , -
rything that has yet been done or pro
, posed thafmay annoy "our,erring sisters,"
for New Jersey has "no lurking animosi
ty to the South," nor does she wish "to
. deprive her people of their property.-
- inasmuch as Jeff. Davis has sworn that
will Base no union witl. the North at
any price, 'and the great Detuociatic eon
..s-piracy for a coup d' (Alt is nut quite
ready for opening, these resolutions mod
, esti) , decline to state what they would
like to have done until they know what
"would be accepted by the South."„
.., One of the correspondents with Hook
er's army says "there is gradually devel
• • aping in the army a better state, of feel.
Ang, both with the\officers and men:—
Whether it be the weather, or the Pay.
_toaster, or the appointment of Gen. Hook:
cr, l or all combined, that is-working this
improvement, lam unhble to say. It is
quite noticeable, however,, that a more
hopeful feeling is prevalent."
• A Nashville dispatch records a smart
cavalry .dash at Middletown, 15 wiles
from Murfreesboro, on the 2d inst. Our
Tennessee cavalry surprised a Rebel camp
:I . and captured a hundred.prisoners.
DiSpatohe's from .Washington to the
Navy. Yard in New York order four iron
clads to sealinimediately.
im.Senator Wade and oth rs
:pose West Point, as the nursery of a toil
itary aristocracy, would abolish it that
other military institutions may be estab
- fished, patronized' by the different StateS,
'us they existed in Virginia. and South
Carolina 'previous to the rebellion. At
such institutions, boys obtain the elements
of a military education at the same time
and in the same manner that they acquire
an education which fits them for'civili life,
yet they make• excellent officers when
neelied. .• -
a l ipears that England Is
Pot so badly off for cotton after ail. .The
London Times some weeks since admit
"' ted that the cotton mills dare not make
cloth lest the war should cease, and, brig-
ing with peace reduced prices, bankrupt
them--so that it is net war but peace
that they fear.
A. Treasury note case has been decid.
e 4 lu the Court at tslevelarl. The
green-backs are recognized and declared
by the Court to be legal tender fur all
CoOgress. '
Feb. 3.---In the United
States Senate the conituittee.on Foreign
Affairs' reported-a, bill *ear#, int? s effect
the . treity with'Grcat
Thii " COM in it tee on nap ce
potted back, the Post - 13'5de APpropria
lion bill, which passed The . bilf hereto
fore reported, to establish stational cur
rency, secured by I linited States stocks,
was postponed one week. A bill was hi
troduced to provide for stopping the pay.
of unemployed-military officers.,
Id the House a favorab e rOpert was
made on the credentials of Messrs. Ben-
F. ' Flaitders'atid Michael' Hahn, as
Representatives from the Ist and lid
Congressional Districts of Louisiana. It
was laid over. The House ton: up the
Bankrupt bill. Several gentlemen es
pressed' a desire to address the House on
the subject, andikathers wished to offer
amendments. After some remarks from
the author of the bill, who was urgent
for a square vote upon it, a motion pre seven majority (GO to 53) to
lay it on the table. The rcsolutiou To .
ported from nnaitte on Foreign Af
f•Ara, deoh ' maritime rights, were
postponed a third Monday in. Fe
b tuthorizing the Presi
dont to se' the' Pay_Department,
or froin additiOnal Paymasters - of Volun ,
tears - , with - out regard to rank, but solely
thl to qualification, a Paymaster-General,
,who shall have the pay, rank and =lola
rnents of a• Brigadier-General; was killed
—yeas 61.,•nays 73. • The bill to enlarge
canal locksito'ns to pass gunboats from
the sea to the lakes, was sent back to the
Miltary Committee. Alter some discus,
sion on 'the bill to lay a submarine tele
graph cable ciaistwise to New Orleans,
the House mijOurned. •
117AsiiriscrroN.--In the
; Senate the Fi•
nance Committee were requested' to re.
port as to the expedion4 of repealing the
duty on paper. The. Senate -called fdr
the report and maps of Capt John Mul•
lan, who was earraged in the construction
of a military read from Walla-Walla, to
Fort I3enton. • A bill was introduced to
;prevent and punish frauds upon the rev.
enOc, and provide for the more certain
and speedy collection of claims in favor
of the United States. A motion to take
up the Bankrupt bill vas lost : Yeas, 14;
NaYsi 24. The report of the Conference
Committee on the Deficiency bill was
agreed to. • The resolution expelling
George E. Badger from the Board of Rog
cuts of the Smithsonian Institution, aid
appointing Prof. Agassiz i in his place,,tras
passed. - •
The -louse' coneurred in, the Senate's
amendMent ,
th&.Post Office Appropria
tion bill atithorizing the Postmaster• Ge
neral ,to contract for currying the mails in
steamships from San Francisco to
. the
several ports in Oregon, at a sum not.ex
ceeding 524,000 per annum.'. After
spending some time on private bills, the
House took up the Ship Canal bill,
which was debated until the adjournment
—no vote Olin.
A rvoniarr named Sault, residing in Co
lumbia county, on Monday morning, mur
dered three of her stepchildren, aged re
spectively seven, nine and fourteen years,
by severing: their heads from their bodies
and throwing their remains into the fire.
She is now itx
Burlingtori,.tawa, has just elected Re
'publican charter 'officers by majorities of
50 to 100. The Dituocrats carried their
tialict, last year. •
Georgia Sanderson, Democrat was re
elected Mayor of Lancaster Pa., Tuesday
3d just., by a iNority of 265.
Speculation in, gold has attracted the
attention of the New York Legislature,
and a bill was yesterday introduced in the
Assembly to prohibit banks from selling
or disposing of any specie above par dur-.
ing the tithe they suspend specie pay.-
.tnents, making void all -contracts for the
sale .or purchase of specie . ; and prohibit
ring loans on specie under a forfeit of the
i!bank ehartei.
There are not twenty ladies at present
in Charleston, S. C. The city is almost
deserted, the streets empty,. and one•half'
of them blackened ruins, since the great
fire. The spectacle is descrciihed as. a
sad and a terrible one—lifeless and• fn.-
neral—a fit sequelto the great crime of!
• - .
- During a lute debate in the rebel
House of Representatives at Richrnond,
last werk on .lie resolutions couteMplat- .
inn the delivery of captured Federal ofri.
cers to the - State - governinetit for trial,
'Mr. Foote said lie preferred, in lieu of re•
taliatory measures, as suggested by the
resolUtions, that an attempt should be
wade to stop the shedding of blood by a
movement to bring about peace. It
would strengthen the friends of peace at
the 'north, and perhaps have the effect of
producing . a state of things so Much de
.notivithstanding the opposition of
the abolition party. He signified his in
tention to offer a resolution hereafter
not for the purpose of yielding one inch
of ground to the North—but to throw the
entire responsibility upon.'the Lincoln
government if these scenes of blood arc
to continue. .
Rtvoi:ttruigAur PATRIOTS.-- , On the
Ist of July. tast'illere were sixty-two sur
viving patriots of the Revolutionary war;
Of these, eight belongen to rebel States
whose names were stricken from the pen
sion rolls, and twenty-four have died since
the Ist of July, leaving only. thirty of
these patriot pensioners kit. There are
none in Pennsylvania,
. . .„., ..._
' ;..
~ ;;:agrItIFF, S BALES.
R y XlATT.TE , bf..stindry teli'ls of Venditioni
'En:lonm, Fief Facies and Levari Facias
iseuec l out of the ..Ciiiirt of Common Pleas of Pot
ter County,,J'ennefivania, and to MeAlirecied,„/
'shall expose to public Sale or outcry, at the, Court
House ia - Couder7oll, on MONDAY, the 16th
day of., Feb: 1863, -at 1 o'cg,clc, p. in -the fol
lowing described tracts or par of land to wit:
• Certain real estate beginning at a post cor
ner standinOtt the south line of Vim. T.
Lane's Land and the north-east corner of a
lbt sold by the Oswayo • Lumbering Associa
tion 4o4trotes H. Wright, thence by a line of,
1 serve is east two hundred and twelve 'perches
.tort post corner in the „weet. line of Joseph
'Knight's land, thence •by 'said dine and Wes
'ton lklercereau's ladd south, one hundred
and seventy 7 seven perches to a post corner,
thenCe along the line of Weston .k Mercereau's
l i a 9 m t d,
b tiv a o .
a li
s u nrcloriella:ndtxv
Beginningele perches
a o to
a post corner thence along, the, line of James
H. Wright's, l ' and north 107. perches to the
place of beginning, containing 234 acres strict
'Measure, being 'part of warrants 5855 & 5878,
'in Sharon:tp. unimproved;-4-ALSO—Andther
south-west corner of Peter B DeidrlcKs landl
'in-warrant No. 5867 in Sharon, tp. and betas
the north-cast corner of a lot owned by Fred=
jerielt S. Martin, of Olean, :thence by the line
of "eiiid Marti WS lot West 338 perches to a post
i corner beinr:t the corner of L. 11. Kinney:t
land, thence by said. laud and other lands
north 137 perches to a post, corner, thence
east 216 perches along the'South line of lands ]
of .11. 11. Nichols and others, thence by 'the I
line'of•ll. A. Nichols' land and other lands
north 148 perches to a post corner in the-line!
of the State of New York, thence along said '
line east 130 perches to the north-cast corner'
of Peter B. Deorick's land in said warrant No.
5867, thence by the east line of said lot south
'3lO perches to the place of beginning,' con- 1
Itaiiiing Four Hundred and Fifteen acres strict
measure, being the same land conveyed to
Peter B. Hedrick by Elisha 51ix• and other's by
deed bearing date Jantiary, G, 1844 in war
rant No. 5867, all unimproved. Seized,-taken
inixecution and to be sold as the property of
Peter B. Vedrick. ' i
- _
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Swe
den :p., Potter, co., Pa., bdunded as follows:
Beginning at a post the south-west corner of
the tract, thence north 162 rods rind 2-10ths
of a rod to a post, thence east. 200 rods and
S-10ths of a rod to post, thence south 160.
rods to a post, thence west Go rods' to a post,
thence south 2 rods and . 2- . loths of a rod to a I
post, thence west 140 rude and S-10ths of al
rod to the place of beginning, cent:tilling One
Hundred and _Ninety-Oita acres andtwo -tenths
of an acre with the usual allowance of 'six
per cent. for roads, it being lots Nos 36 & G.ll
of the allotment of Bingham lands in Sweden
tp., and part of warrant No 205'2, about it
acres of which are improved, with one new '
frame house, one old frame end log house,l
three frame barns, other outhouses and an
ripple orchard thereori. Seized, taken in ex
ecution, and to be sold as ,the property of
W. T. and A. F. Jones.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Mys-
sei tp., Potter co., Pa., bounded as follows :
On the north by lands of N. H. Heath, east
by lands of Wm. Grover and S. Rice, on the
south by land; of Burdic and lot in possession
of R. Seger, and on the west by lauds of H. II -
Gurnsey , containing' Eighty-Nine and • two
tenths acres of which twenty-five acres are
improved. Seized, taken' in execution, and
to be sold. as the property of William lforley.
ALSO—Certain real estate, Beginning at.
the south-west corner, or tot No. in of the
alhatmeat of Bingham lands in Ulysses 'tp,
belonging to A. B. Hewlett, thence north 121
end S-10ths perches to a corner, thence west
60 and 4-10ths perches to a corner - , thence'
south 120 and 7-1.0 perches to a corner,
thence eact 70 aud 0-10ths perches to the
place orbeginning, being lot No 6G of the!
allotment of Bingham lands in - Ulysses tp, l
Potter co., Pa., containing Fifty-Six and nine
tenths acres more or less, about twenty-eight
acres of 'which are improved, with one frame
! house, one frame barn and cone truit trees
thereon,' Seized, taken in execution and to ,
i be sold as the property of Staunton Johnson...
ALSO—Certain'real estate Bounded on the
I north by lands of -George Fox and S Ross, on
the east by lot No 43 of the allotment of lands
of S. nos; in Ulysses tp,-lot NO 43 COTIV6y6.I
to Thomas Hamilton and lot No
.4'6, on the
'south 1:y lot 47 and lot No 48 conveyed 10
Isaac Byam, and on the west by the west part
iof lot No 44, containing -Sixty-Seven and_
't Seven-tenthsacres'sore or- less with the'
usuhl allow:tree of six per cent for roads &c..-
heatf the east pert of lot No 44 of the allot;
Ituent of lands of S. Ross, in Ulysses ti,. Potter
co., Pa.. and part of warrant - No 1243, about i
( thirty acres of which are improved, with one
frame house, one log barn and some fruit
Itrees thereon. Seized taken in execution and
t to be sold as the property of George W. Par e
I - ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar
-1 ton tp., Potter co,, Pa., bounded on the north
Iby land of llnghes it: Co., on-the east by lands
1 of Smith & Brothers and of Ilughes & Co., on
I the south by lands of 'Hughes J- Co., and on
Ithe west by lands of D. & J. G. Hensley, con'-
, taining Fifty acres more or less, about eight
acres of which are improved, with!one frame
house, one log shanty, one 'stable and some
fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execu
tion and to be sold as the property of T. L.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Sha
ron tp., Potter co., Pa., .bcing a part of war- l
rant No 2176 andbeing the seine land deeded I
by George Estes and wife to Richardson &
Rosa on the 2311 day of March, 1840, ami
bounded as follows :.Begiuning at the north I
bank of the Oswayo Creek at a, birck tree,
thence north to the north line of snid warrant,
(being the 103e' between said warrant and tue
Gernon lot, 'bounded east by lands formerly
'i owned by Elijah Estes,S. o,_Olney and others,',
now owned and occupied by Peleg Hurdle,
thence west along the north line ofsaid war-
I .
rant 145 rods to a hemlock tree, thence South
Ito the north bank of : the Osweyo Creek,
distance supposed to be about 130 rods,
theitce up the said Oswayo Creek by the ea
; rious courses thereof to the place of begin-.
ning,, supposed to contain -One Hundred,
acres of land more or less, excepting and re
serving out of the above destribed premises
the following described pieces or parcels of
? land previously sold and deeded, viz : to John
M. Dean, about 31 acres ; to Eliza Amelia
f Wood, two acres; .to Gannett Rose, one nut
) and one fourth .of an acre; to Daniel : Dodg,e,
tsiztacres and twenty-three one hundredths of
lan ncre ; to Robbins BrOwn, one acre ;`to Ezra
Grurf;s, One acre; for a School House one half
i acre ; leaving the number of acres intended
to be levied upon exclusive of what has been
I sold from said lot and the highway, Fifty-
Three acres cf land, more or less, all or nearly
of which is improved land, with one, 'rarne
lhonse,' one work-shop, two frame banit with
IshectS attached, one, brick smoke douse and
other out buildings, and some fruit' trees
thereon.. Seized,. taken in executiomand,to
be sold as the property of Lewis Wood.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Enla
lia tp., Potter co., Pa., bounded on the north
by lans of the Bingham EArtte; on the east
by lands of H. A. Nelson and the North Hol
low road, eolith by the I.stutusvillc and Cou-
dersport raid; and West. bylanda, of D:
Spofford, containing Eighty- l EigltocrottJor
which *wenty.acres are imprOirei4l-.4440
—One other lot situate in the Loin andiettaty
aforeseittrand bounded on tbertorth by lupus
pf.the Estate, cast by Lands of,. D.
kiiafford, south by lands of John Crittenden,
and. vest tiy,jlonaS of `'.l, - i ."ri.t.tenden
Ross;'Ocintaitung,One Hunt. 1 . fires, or - sr - Idea'
twenty-five acres are impro.:l toite
frame house; two fratue•barns'.., -- bathaildingi
and some fruit trees thereon. ---ALSO—
Another lot situate as aforesaid and bounded
on the north by lartds of E. Starkwetherland
. D. Spafford, • east hi - the high Way, ;and
south and west by lands ,of L. 1). SpalTord
containingiS,eventy acres of which fifty.aeres
are' kali -1 14cl: Seized, , taken i , in -elevation,
and-tolzteisold as the property of Naitlion.
Woodcock and A: Woodcock.
ALSO--Xertain real estate situate in ale.-
lia tp, Potter co, Pa., commencing at* post
4' rods south' 1 41 15 west froth the south west
corner of Gardtiler's square, thence easterly
tci the line of:street sixteen rods, thence south
41;° West sixteen rods by line of street, thence
' , westerly-byline of street. 16 rods to phiCe of
beginning being square 'No. if of Eulalia.',Vll
- containing One and Six -Tenths acres
with, one-frame house and eve: frame; barn ,
thereon. • Seized, taken in execution sand to
be sold as the property of. David T..llali, .!
. ALSO-Certain real estate pounded-fol
towd t' 9n the north by lots Nos. 102 it - 181 of
the alletmentiof lands of the estate of Samuel
M. Fox, deed,' in Ilebroli tp,l On the east by
la go. I.26lconveyed to H. S. S. Johnson, on
the south by unseated leads Of the Fox estate,
and on the' west by the west line of warrants
N05.:1215 and 1214, contiiinliig Two Hundred
and' Twenty-Four acres' more or' lesa,•and
being l lot Ro:130'of thenllotment of lands.Of
the estate of S. M. Fox . deed, in Hebron tp,
and part of warrants Nos., 1214 and 1215. in
Potter co., Pik.. all unimproved. Seized;l l :tken
in execution 'rind to be 'sold as the property Of
Sala Stevens.
.itl,So:—Certain teal elstat&, Edam:Tedlon the
north by tot No. 67 of the allotment - of lands
of S. M. Pox., dee'd in Hebron tp, conreyed to
gosvell Adams and lot N 0.1114 conveyed to
H. &W. 'S.. Johnson, on east by said lot
No. 114 and.t4 No, 49 noaTitt posession of
Wm: 11. Metzger,.nn the south by south part
of lot No. 113 conveyed : to henry Ineraham,
lot No. 98 and- lot No. 44 conveyed. to M.'Qou,
galt &,.:4.attesnn, and, on the ‘.%!est
.by said lots
Nos. 98, 44 and 47, containing On. Idundrea
and. Thirty-Five and Seven Tenths acres more
or less and being the north part of lot No, 113.
of the allotment of hinds of the estate of. S.
M. FOs deed in Hebron tp .l Potter,co.,
and part of warrant No. 12b4,. with about 18
acres improved on nbieb:. are eredied one . anty and one log.baen. - Seized, taken
in execution, and to be •sold as-the - property
of Itlaboah Matteson. D C
Jan. 29, 1863. •
. .
To the honorable the'..Tridya of tha Court of
Quarter Sessions of the l'eace for the County
of Potter
The petition of Milton G Bowman Inspect
fully showeth that your petitoner, occupying
a commodimis house situated in Ilarrison
to., in said county, on the :road leading from
Westfield, Tioga county, to Illyises and
Wlitesville, in the State of New York, which
hduse was formerly occupied by S. fi Thomp
son, which .is well :calculated for sit public
house of entertaitundnt, and from its neigh
borhood•and situatiOrt is Stitatile as :Well as
necessary for the accommodation of Ote . puli-•
lie and the entertainment or strangers and
tra4 - elers. and that •he is Provided with Sta
bling fOr horsesand all conveniences necessary
for the entertainment of strangers and trav
elers. iHe therefore prays the Court to grant
him a license to keep tin inn or public honse
,entertainment at the place - • herein ,men
tioned, and yout petitioners will ore! , pray; &c.
We, the undersigned citizens of and within
the township of llarrisen, in said county',
being acquainted with Milton G. BOwmart. of
said township, do certify that he is; a man of
good' report for,honesty and temperate habits
and well provided with house room, and has
the necessary ,conveniences required for the
accommodation of strangers and travelers,
and that an inn or'tavernis necessary in said
toWnship; at the aforesaid. house, ';to!aceom
%iodate the public and {entertain i strangers
and travelers.
Hamilton White, James S. PredrOore, John
D. Snyder, R. N. Ileynes, Zabnon F Robinson,
Simon William's. R.T Farnurn, War% Ii Avery,
James S. Haynes,lietiry Ilarlbut,isra el Dodge,
Calvin Cummings, C. C. Phillips, John Chin!
IT, Cummings, Rurr Gill, L.
0. Stone . , Seneca O.W Doudjlenry .
Outman, T. Ribl)ie.,
J: T, iWilliamss~l'tn,Sted
man,John Gill , George liennedy.Julius Pierce,
Joseph Pierce. Jan' 23, 18G3'r3vr
To Public.
11. TALLMAN would inform the tra.!
V V velhig public that he bast rented the
Eagle Clete( opposite C. H.; Simmons'
Block at Os..vayo Penn'a,i which has
been newly refitted and furnished; where' he
Intends to keep a First Class Hotel. Parties;
.of pleasiwe and tliose wishing a quiet home;
over Sabbath, will find this house equal to :Inv ;
in this vicinity The tables will! always bel
well supplied. and the barns well furnished!l
with hay and oats; and no liairM , spared foxl
the comfort of guests. ! •••J'
°sway°, Pa. ; Dec. 25, 1862.
. .
. , .
• •Asltnimitstratorg) i . Sale. •' -
lIY virtue of an order issued tit of the Or.:
II ptigins' Court of Vottbr c nty, Pen/P:l f
and to me directed, I will expose to public
sale or outcry at the Court .I.loute,iti tile bor
ough of Couderspoit, at 1 o'clock, P. M., oa
iretlacAdall, .FeGrt!aril 18t4,1863;
ttAe following real eataie, bounded •atcd der
sffibed is follows: - j •
„ A certain tract Of land. sitnatei in Coudcr;
sport, Voter county,. Penn'a. bo,tincled on,the
north by an alley, on the east Aiy
by Johnson, on the Iv psi by! main street,;
and an the south by.' Third F': , ,traet,.being the
south-west corner of square No. ra. : and being
about forty-eight feet on Third street and one
hundred and twenty-tre on Ma n'street, with
one frame house, one store, eme shop and a
stable thereon. •
• ,
Terms made known on day of '.sale.
• ' H. J.'OLMSTED, AdministratoU
• . of the 'owe of A. 11. Butter;worth,
Jan.-. 20, 1803. .
Administrator's Motice.
TATI4FriEIiS, letters of adrainnistratton;ork
v r estate of Ilasiirgs Morfry, deed late
of Allegany township. Potter Op., . Pa.. have
been issued to tine subscribers in 4ine 'forth of
law, notice is lierebr given to" all, perstms
knowing theinselves indebted to 8 id estate to
make immediate payment and.theise having
claims will tr esent ,them, &fly atithentiedtedi
tor setlem era. . .
NANQY MORLEY. j Admsrs.'
A.llegarts - , 'fan. 30 . , HO dwpd • '
. -•
Itel. Now is the time to subscribe' for your
County raper—VlE JOURNAL
0 011 4 S
• j
Purchased during the 'recen
; ' decline in Goods in
• '
DRY'....GrO i
, .:
.- :.,. :',,: -.-;..
Ladies ,Dres
<.l - 1
'Aea.d.p- - xcia4o Clothing,
. ,
' *I
Fancy Goods,
Wool, rl'Avirxe, Wa r al - Paper,
I• -
*e.respectfulbl i incite a cull, feeling . confident
• I.
• • .
that we can supply the wants 0 , 01 on terms
to their satisfactio, giving better Goods for
ides MONEY thorn can be bad at any other
1 ;
a. or adjoining eountses . .
_ .
House in Potte
p~..~ 1
it9ltted toottr ell:known stack
'Fr'aad complete stock of
IS e e hate also
.:2,;(gcroae, d ne
Medicines, ChemicAls,
Oils, -VaTnisheBl
Dy 6 Stuffs
s. Corks. Bottles
Vials and Lamp-Globes.
'be soli
at the
Fail to tall and See II
Jtist one thing more. The Judgthenta,noto
and book accounts which We have on hand
, must be settled, awl closed up immediately or
, .
!OUDERSP I ORT I PA. we fear they will be increased fastes-thatith e
tasail rate of lateral. - Dec 11
. •
, _
Cott: is
panic and greai
tw York.
IrE subscribers at their
Offer to their old eustotrters and thepablie
generally for Cash, Chilled States Treasury
Notes (which by the way are taken at Parr)
Wheat ; Cana, Oats, Buckwheat; Butter,Cheese,
Hides, Pelts, Deer Skin, arld_ all kinds
of Skins, such as. Calf Skins, ktb., - also, Deans,
Bear., Venison, and souls other 'things BLit
can't bo tbotiglit of,
Hats & Caps,4
Oils, Jated Dye Stuffs,
Together With so eof the best
Far superior to the Oil Creek or Ticllonte. Oil
Also a feurcaore of those Superior
And other kinds of
And other articles which time alone for.:
bids us to mention, all of which will be
sold as low as the - WAR PRICES will
allow---for strictly .
And for those articles we take, the high
est market price n-i 4 he paid.,
are also General Agents far
DR. D. JAYNE'S Family Medieinei,
DR4NDRETH'S rills,
KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery,
And all the standard Medicines of theiday
C. S. & 5 A. JONES.
N. B. The pay for the Goods mast be es
band when the Goods are delivered, as weals
determined to live to the motto of "l'ey as
• i
Iron, Naffs,
DR.,.AYEWS Medicines;