The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 21, 1863, Image 4
eifF°rte/Avg zezz 0/014 1 ' -day: The Buffalo Mercantile College CORNER' OF - MAIN AND SENECA STREETS. Is an important link in the great chain ATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, lo cated in the following cities, viz: • NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, AI.BANY, TOY, - • . CLEVELAND, DETROIT, - -CHICAGO, - AND SAINT LOTUS. A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo Col lege, entitles the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for nn unlimited time. i TheDesign of these Institutions,is to imyart to young men and ladies, a - thorough,' practi cal business'education. These Colleges are organized and conduct ed upon a basis which must secure to each separate Institution the t est, possible facilities for tlmparting a thorough mercantile educa tion, and render it us a whole, - the`inost com prehensive and complete system in this country Book-Keeping in all its department, Com mercial Law,Commercial Arithmetic and Pen manship, are taught in the most thorough and practical manlier. The Spencerian System of Penmanship, is; taught by competent and experieneectteachers: Scholarship, n4able in advance; $4O. ' College open day at d evening : no vacations 13.e9ident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. BEtYANT. For further information, please ,call nt the College rooms,- orsend for Catalogue and Cir . - cuter enclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT STRATTON, Buffalo, * N. Y. J}•9ly OFFICE - OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers, 114 SOUTH THIRD STILLETi Philadelatiittov. 1,-1862. The undersigned having beeh appointed Subscription Agent by, the Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, '• The New Twenty Year 6 per cent. Bonds of the United States, designated as "Five- Twenties t " redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, approved Febt'y 25,1867. •The 'COUPON BONDS arc issued in sums of sso, $100 ; $5OO, and $lOOO. The REQISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. Interest at 6 per cent. per annum will com mence from the date of, purchase, and is ,r. ,„ Payable Tin Gold, ' Semi-annually, - whieli is equal at the present premium:on gold, to about EIGHT per ceut. per:annum. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest,should know and remmember that these bonds are, in effect, a First Mortgage upon all Railroads. 'Canals, Bank Stocks and- Securities, and the immense products of all the Mannfactures e ke., in the country: and that the full and ample Provision made for the payinent of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs Du ties, - Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and Most,Popular Investment in the Market. Subscriptions received at Par in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of par in Philadelphia. 'Subscribers by mail will re- Ceive prompt attention, and every facility and :e..xiianation will be afforded on application at this office. A supply of Bonds will be kept on band for immediate delivery. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. WESTERN HOTEL, Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, COURTLANDT STREET, Near Broadway, New York City. This old-established and favorite . resort of the Business community ha(been recently re fitted; and is complete in ,everthing that can minister to the comfort of its patrons. Ladies and Families arc specially and carefully pro vided for. . it is centrally located in the business part of the city, and is contiguous to the principal liras of steamboats, cars, omnibuses, ferries. In consequence of,the pressure caused by the Rebellion, prices have been reduced to ONE DOLLAR. r AlsiD FIFTY CENTS PFAVDAY. The table is amply suprilied with all the luxuries of the season, and is eipial to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample ficcommodations are offered for up ward of 400 guestd,. Do not believe runners, others tvlio may say "the IVeste:ll. Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTP:II, Proprietor. Thos. D. Winch6ter. fY 1:9 BOOTS AND SHOES. • A. SANDBERG & Bib 'S Tanners and Carriers, - 11 AVE also established a . Boot and Shoe Manufactory, opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, in the room formerly occupied by J. B. Smith. They offer their Boots and Shoes at a LOWER RATE THAN THE SAME QUALITY HAVE EVER BEEN SOLD IN POTTER COUNTY •And they will have nothing but the best work men and the best stock that the country will produce, and money and labor can procure. ' THEY - FEEL CONFIDENT THAT THEIR WORK WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Hides, Calf Skins, Sheep Pelts taken at the Highest Market Price. • GIVE ITS A' TRIAL Coudersport; Pa., March hi MANHOOD; BOW LosT.!. HOW RESTORED! . . justpublished in a sealed envelope, price 6 cis A lecture onthe Naturc,Treatment and Rad ical Cure of Sp rinaltorrlima or Seminal Weak . Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Ner vonsuess, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Dicapacity,resulting from Self-abuse, kc., by ROUT. J. CtrixsawELL,MlD., author of the Green Book, &c. The world.renowned autlio, in this admir able Lecture, clearly proves from hi§ own ex perience that the awful consequences of Self abuse may be effectually used without medi cine, and without dangerous surgical opera tions,obotigies, instruments. rings,.or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once 'certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, tio mat ter what his condition, may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under scal,to any address,in a plain, scaled envelope., on the receipt of six clouts, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4536. THE. BEST WORE .FOll CANVASSING AGENTS. " - . ! HARPER'S PICTORIAL HISTORY THE GREAT_REHELLION' ` 111 UNITED STATES. Messrs. Harpers 4. Brutlien have commenc ed the issue in Numbers of .a complete History of the Great Rebellipp in :the United States. The work has been foi many months in . course of, preparation; by a writer 'every waY qualified for the task. The Introduction contains a clear and sne einct account of the formation of the Glififed eraey of the States; the fOrmation and'adop tion of the Constitution or the United States, and the establishment of the National GovernL. went; the origin, develotfement and progress of the doctrines of Nullification and Secession; and the - Various phaseS Which they assumed until their final culmination in the Great Re hellion. • I The History comprises rt full account,drawn from the'most authentic I sources, of all the Events of the War ; the inrigues of the South ern leader: at home•and abroad; the gradual defection of one section ;[ the great Uprising of the People for the maintenance of the Na tional Life and Existence;; the rapid creation of an immense Army and , Navy ; and the Bat ties by. Land and Sea. The Illustrations - comprise Portraits of all those who have borne a prominent part in the struggle; : Maps of the [diffceent localities; Plans of the lending actions; 'VI6Ws of .every. scene of interest, and ofithe mostimportant Battles. These illustrations are mostly from drawings taken on the sot by artists deputed for that purpose to accompany every division of our Army, and Navy. 1• Every facility at the ccimmand of the Pub lishers has been employed in the preparation and eecntion of this work ; and they confi dently believe it will forth the most truetwor thy, and valimble hystorY which ealibu'iiie pared of the GrUat Struggle for the American Union. Diode and Terms ofPublication The work will be issued in Numbers, consisting of 24 pages of, the size of Harer's Weekly, printed from c'ear typo, upon fine paper, and will probably be completed in Twenty Numbers. The numbers will be *tied at intervals,, if possible, of about three or four weeks. The price of each number, which contains matter equivalent to an Ordinary- volume, will be TWenty-five Cents. The Illustrations in each number are alone worth the price asked. Men out of employ malit; especially Sick or Disabled Sold ers,can find no other work so sure of ready sale and good profits. For ftirther partienlars apply to the publishers HARPER 4 BRUTIIRRS,• Franklin Square, New York. Employment. For upwards of three years past, I have been engaged In a business, which has yielded me at the rate of Three Thousand Dollars .per annum, but being desirous of going to Europe l in the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing the business, I am willing to teach it to any one who will send me One Dollar. The business is no,humbug, but of a highly. useful and general character, adapted, both to cities and, villages, and one that any person of 'ordinary capacity, young or old, male or female, can aciluire with a few hours', prac!tice, and by which they can secure a very`i handsome income. Several young ladies who'' have received instructions from me, both ind 1 New York State and Pennsylvania, are earn- i ing upwards of Fifteen Dollars per week by it,' and there is no reason iwhy any one else can=' not do the same.. Invalid,, even, can do well by it, as it is no peddling. affair, but a business 1 - that is .perfectly respectable. Gentlemen and I ladieS of leisuire w lio would like to learn the I business for their own amusement or pleasure will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime', and one that they will take great interest int' On receipt of One Dollar' I will send printed instructions by which: any person can readily acquits the drt, and lbese instructions will. also contain every pailieular relative to the carrying, it on so that It Will be highly profit able. The purchaser:of the "printed instruc tions" will also be authorized to teach it to others ; and I have sornethnes received as high as Two Hundred Dollais for teaching it per, sonally to a single individual. I would state further, that Two Dollars and Fifty Gents or Three Dollars will bny! everything that 'is necessary to commencel the business with, and the articles can be , I 4 almost anywhere, in city or country, or, if I preferred, I can furl nish them. Address, 1 ' ALVO RD T. PARSONS, I ' No. 36 Liberty Street, New York. National roopoily Journal. '1 'the Home .jotinal for 1863. We have much" ple..s. re in informing the that one of otir contributors for the coming year will be Or friend and colleagUe _ _ THEODOR'S S. FAY We confess to uncomMo pride and pleasure in this renewal of iutet+lrse with the friend and intimate of other days, and we look to be felicitated for -it, by tbf established readers who constitute the famil of the Home Journal. But we have in pref)aratioia for the coaling year, several VERY THRILLING STORIES. Some of the ablest of living pens are engaged for us, in translating-from the French and German ; and.our own , original narrative wri ters are among the first. , We are fortunate, also, in travelers gone abroad who are literary contributors, and we are anticipating for our readers a most agree able surprise in the qtiality of these Sketches of Travls and adventures. ; B4t the feature ofi our journal which we have not yet mentioned is perhaps the most recherche of all, its prgininence as • ,The Exponent or Refined Society.; Ourorrespondence with the leaders of fashion in New York and the other capitals, is espe cially valuable in thisi respect, keeping us Un mistakablylinformed of the changes and pro gress of wh'at is commonly understood by the "gay woild." As we ;have taken some pains to arrange the resources of this new feature, we speak confidently of its promise et' enter tainment. to our large; circle of readers. In this department, foreign journal's are endlessly inventive ; and, with oar industrious ransabk ing, of these, We arc sure to select, for the pe• culiar taste to which we minister, a mostjre lishing banquet. THE EDITORS Will give the Journal their constant attention, as betore. Of the goings on, in the eventful scenes and places of the country. Mr. Willis' pert will give photographs, as usual. General Morris's Songs and Sketches will be embroi dered on the thread of the passing moment, as they have always been. Some of the, hest intellects of the land are enlisted for us, also, and we think we may promise to hold !our place as the journal! which best enable the Family to keep conversant with the World. TERMS—Forone s—or one copy for 1, club of seven copies, TO • fora club of fifteen copies, 20; and at that rate for a larger club —always in advancei '.Address F3IORRIS .iSc Editors 5-,Proprieteril 107 Fulton Street, N.Y. 40:11 Patittoo glop I THE undersigned would respectfully inform the surrounding community that he has tams the rooms formerlY occupied by John a. Mann, where he is "preparedlo .do : irinds 'of Harness Work oil the "shortest-notice. LONG,STRAW . _ also kept constantly on hand. These collars area superior article : and need but a trial to insure their success." - Repairing done in good. style. SUicingles, Martingale-rings, Barites,' and Hame•straps., & - c:, kept . nonstautly on band. 'ile public are invited to call and examine, before purcbasing'elsewhere. . S. P. MINAR Cocdersport Oct. Nth, 1860. SOMETHING NEW Highly Important As the Ladies ! DOWNER'S PATENT HEMMER AND SHIELD FOB, HAND-SEWING, Is 'lust the thing" for all who use the needle. This reniarkably simple and novel invention saves one-half the labor , of hand-sewing, as it com. plctely protects the finger from the point of the needle, and makes a neat and uniform hem while the operator's sewing,. NO LADY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. • It is cheap, simple, beautiful, and useful. The Hemmer and Shield will 6e sent free of charge on receipt of the price, 25 cents. Enclose stamp for descriptive circular and terms, ALSO, DOWNER'S METROPOLITAN SKEIN-INEINDER AND Sewing-Bird Combined Is an article of real merit. It is used for the purpose of winding skeins of Thread, Silk, Cotton,Yarn, Floss, Worsted, &c. It is readily adjusted to the work-table, and will be found indispensable to all using the above articles, being a useful and invaluable appendage to the Sewing-Bird. Price 50 bts. to $1 according to Style and Finish. 'slso per Month can be Real ized by enterprising- Agents (wanted in every town and Cottnty throughout the United §tates and Canada,) selling the above articles, as sales are rapid, profits large, and has no com petition. A:lieral discount to the trade. Address . A, H.. Downer, 442 Broadway, New York, Patentee and Sole Proprietor. N.B.—General and exclusive Agencies will be granted on the most liberal terms.—ml93m • THE DAY SCHOOL BELL, A NEW SINGING BOOK FOR :DAY SCHOOLS, called the DAY SCHOOL BELL is now ready. It contains about 200 pages of choice Songs, founds, Catches, Daetts; Tries, Quartetts. and Choruses, many of them written expressly for this work, besides 23 pages of the Elements of Music. The Ele- ments are so easy and progressive, that ordi nary teachers will find themselves entirely successful in instructing even young scholars to sing correctly and scientifically, while the tunes and words embrace such a variety of lirely, attractive and aoul-stirring music and sentiments, that no trouble will be extieri enced in inducing all beginners to go on with zeal in acquiring skill in one of the most health-giving, beauty-improving, happiness yielding, and order-producing exercises of schoOl life. In simplicity of its elements, in variety and adaptation of music, and in excellence and number of its songs, original, selected, and adapted, it claims by much to excel all competitors. It will be found to be the best book ever issued for Seminaries, Academies, and Public Schools. A feiv sam ple pages , of the Elem ants, Tunes, and Songs, are given in a circular; send and get one. It is compiled by HORACE WATERS, Author of "Sabbath-School Bells.'! Nos. 1 and 2, of which have had the enormous sale of 655,- 000 in :36.months. Prices, paper covers, 20 cents, 15 per 100; Bound, 30 cents, 22 per 100 • clOth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, 30 per 100. 25 copies furnished at the 100 price. Mailed free at the retail price. - HORACE WATERS, Publisher, No. 481 Broadway, New York. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!!! 'A NECESSITY IN EVERY ITOUSETIOLD JOHNS 4: (MOSLEY'S , American. Cement Glue, The strongest Glue in the. World For Cementing 'Rod, Leather, Glass, 1t;077, China, Marble, Porcelain, - Alabaster, Bone, Coral, etc.. The only articl9 of the kind ever prodne ed which will withstand Water. ETEMM "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Grosley's American Cement Glue.". —New York Times— "lt is so convenient to have in the house." -New York Express. "Itis always ready, this commends it to everybody."—N: Y. fide:pendent. "We-have tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water,"— Wilkes'Spirit of the Times Price 25 Cents per Motile. Very liberal reductions to Wholesale Dealers TERMS CASH. For sale by all' Druggists, and Store keepers generally throughout the country. ---- JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) • - 78 William Street, New York. (Corner of Liberty Street.) jy9ly HORACE WATERS PIANOS: MELODEONS, ALEXANDRE ORGANS, AND T. GILBERT d CO.'S celebrates JEOLIAN kIIANOS are the finest instruments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A large ,assort ment can be seen at the new WarerOoms, 4SI BROADWAY, between Grand and Broome Streets, which will be sold at extremely low prices. PIANOS and MELODEONS from sun dry makers, new and second hand, to let, rind rent allowed if purchased, as per agreement. Monthly payments received for the sam Also, second-hand Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains, prices frrim 25 to 100.' Sheet Music,Music .Books, and all kinds Music Merchandise at War prices. . • HORACE WATERS,' Agent. NOTICE TO EVE RY BODY. HOUSE, SIGN AND WAGON. PAINTER. PAPER HANGER AND GLAZIER. iIHE undersigned wishes to inform the pub-: lie. of-Coudersport . ancl vicinity that he will attend to all work entrusted to him. Particular attention paid tO Paper-Hanging. Shop witlVohn Reckhow, east: side of the Court House. F. L BACKUS. Coudersport, April 30 6m The Rochester Stravfp•Cutter. 06ISTED & KELLY, Coudersport, have the exclusive agency for this celebrated machine, in this county. It is covenient, du able, and CHEAP. Dec. 1, 1860.-12_ • - •A T - • - • OLMSTED - V KELLY'S": STORE. can txhrap, be found the best of Cooking, Boa and Parlor .1 STOVES. ':'• Also; TIN and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES; SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYINGrLP.A.IsiS, SAP-PANS, and _CAULD RONS. • Also . : : • Agricultural such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA—, TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HOSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. , , THEIR WORK is *ell made and the material good. GoOd and, substantial EAVES-TROUGHS; put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay. of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store on]Main Street oppositethe Old Court House, Coudersport. , Aug.], 1859.-50 X H 4 Iw W A carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS Just arriving flout New York, such as GLOTHLNG, . DRY GOODS, GROOERIES, BOOTS 6- SHOES, : . . HARDWARE, ; CROCKERY, HATS & CAPS, NOTIONS, , SCHOOL BOOKS, Sce Cheap for Ready-pay. 10,000 Bushels ASHES and 50 hbls. EGGS Wanted . ; 2 *•'' 0 tt w 0 , )-4 0 LUCIEN BIRD Brookland, Pa., Nov. 17, 1862. THE HEROES OF PEACE Ern THE HEROI:4' OF WAR E. Anthony, N 0.501 Broadway, New York, is now publishing, in addition to other,por traits, the celebrated collection known in En roue and America as -- - Brady's _National PhotOgraphic Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America, not excepting Jeff Davis, Gen Beitoregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits , 3,00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in StereocoPic form. Also, Stereoscopic views.of scenes in Paris, Lon don, and in other parts of England and France in cotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland, Switzer land, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba' &c., &c.,,ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views are The Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second and the rushing of water,themoving of leaves, or the march of an army, does not in the:least affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of Stereoscopes, Photo graphic Albums, and Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world Catalogues, , containing lists of all our Por traits, Views, Stereoscopes, &c., sent tree by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTIIO'NY, 501 Broadway, jyly near St. Nicholai Hotel,"New York: • " THE UNION " ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, ' Phaladelphlai. 'PTON B. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This Hotel 'is central, convenient - by. Passenger cars to all parts of the city,and in every particular adapted to the wants of ,the business public.. Terms 1 . 50 per day. NATRONA COAL OIL I . WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE I and equal to any Kerosene. WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a perfect Oft? Slade only by PENWA SALT NANZPACTITAING COMPANY No. 127 Walnut Street, Philakplais Folly. 1. 1862. ly C• WARRINER, Jeweller and Watchmaker, OCATED on Main St., opppsHethe Court Al House; Coudersport, Clocks, watches, &c., Repaired - on short notice and warranted to give satisfact on: , A. good assortment of . . CLOCKS, WATCHES, and JEWELRY °Bland. ;Cheap for CASH and warranted as represented. As an even exchange ismo rob bery I willigive yon time for Money. i Coudersport, Dec. 16, 1861 : , Fdr Sale or to Let. TIIE Steam Saw and Grist Mill at :Germa nia, Abbot township, Potter county, Pa. iDoitig an excellent business ; a firstritte'stand for-an industrious man with some,papital. Those reflecting must apply scion' to' • WILIJ , I I RADDE, 300 Broad way,,l‹ Y.. Or at the : Mill at Germania. ..4gust,27, 1862.. , ° ;The Partnership ioXISTING heretofore under they firm of 14 Garrett, Bailyk Co. is this day dissolved by .the withdrawal of the undersigned. MAY GARIIXTT. To Coln' nfliptivesa rpllll Advertiser,j hating been restbred to health in a few weeks, ,by a very simple reniady, after haVing_inffered several yeais with a'severe - ItingtaiNetion, 'And that dread disease, ConSuniption= l -is anxious to make' ntiwzi to his fell(4-stifferers the means of, cure. To all deSire it, he will send a ' 'copy of the prescription used (free "of charge.) With the direetional for. Lpreparing and using the same, which they will Sada/we Cure for Coneitinption,'Aethnia, B one/ (k 4-c. Tho on ly object of the'adiertisier in . sending the Pre scription is to beriedt the ttillidted, attd spread inforniatfon which he conceives to be invalua ble, andhe hopes!everyl suifeier will try his remedy, as it cost thorn nothinr, and may prove a blessing. ! ;Parties wisiiifig the pre scription will please address Rsv. EDWARD - A. WILSON,' Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. Sept. 24.-3 m STOP:! N • MCiNEY,IVIONEY SAVED Uniim Clothing . Emporium Corner of Main sad Plank-Road Sts. From 25 to 30 Cents! CLOTHING AND FURNISHING CX,OTHMG EMPORIUM. Wellsville, N. I'4, i _ UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION! Neiw Stoxe ! New Goods I. The undersigned L'ag leave to inform the pnblic that they have opened business at • WELLSVILLE, N, Y., • Corner Main and Plank Road Streets,opposite the Union Blocki wheie they will display an entire new stock' of * t • l' • • 1 Readyniall i e Clot)iing, . and , • . • GENT'S FII.RN I iSHING GOODS, - ; .° whiC4 will fir surpass in 'quality, style and price anything ever c.ltibited in this town. We are aware) thatlto build up a. large trade; it is not only necesSar,y to have desirable gcods, but to c' SELL TEEM CHEAP, And we will make Alan objeCt for buyers to examine our stock ''before: purchasing else; where. All goods 91lown cheerfully, repre sented fairly,and submitted to the purchaser's unbiased opinion. , 1 This is a branch of miextensive manufac turing house in Elmira:, N. Y., and therefore you will find all Clothing well made and got np in the latestlstyle: . An early call;I will most assuredly secure splendid bargain at; he UNION CLOTHING EMPORIUM..I I D.:STRAUS & CO. Tellsville,•June 1862 • P. A. STEBBINS & CO. BRADFORD PLOWS POINTS. SELLING )rpty LOW FOR READY PAY. March 12, 186. R I ES"; P/ANOS. GRO"ftSTEEN &HALE, having removed to their new warerooms, , . NO,. 47$ BROADWAY, are now prepared 6 Offer the public a ma ullicent new scale hill ' 7 OCTAVE I ROSEWOOD PIANO, - I containing all improvements known in this country or Europe,' over-strung bass, French grand action, harp pedal; full iron frame, for . . 1 6.1.5 CASH, s .1- WARRANTE FOR FIVE YEARS. Rich moulding cases, 1 . 1 $l7 . 110 $2OO, allwarranted - made of the best seasoned wa ter al, arid to stand better than any sold for 1 . 40 0 or 500 by thb old methods of manufac ture. We invite the best judges to examine and try theia new dnstruinents, and we stand ready at all times to test them with any others manufactured in tllis country.' . '. $l5O GRAVESTEEN & HALE, 478 Broathyay, New .York 3m] NIA.POMFIER, S APONIFIER! _ _ THS•FAMI4Y SOAP MAKER. All Kitehen . ;GreaSe estailm made into good SOAP, by using Saponifier 1 • . DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOX :Soap is as easiliimaderwith it, as making ' a entv of eefree. • Manufactured Only hy the Patentees. SAT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, • No. UT' Walnut street, Philadelphia. Toby. Ii 1862. STOP! ITEM • - 77 r. . I ri YOU WILL SAYE on every Dollar By purchasing your ; GOODS i At the new Union D. STRAUS k CO 62 I , , .. Hive jai t received a NEW LOT OF AND Which they are MAYORS IOF 'IV Great Cities. the tmdersignedYarn, hereby eer if& that the Druggists, Apothecaries-and Physioians of our several ditiesliuyOrAmed a document of assurance to us that .1025ZEti8 SABSAPA 'firm. A Ms been. found to. bo a remedy et great excellence, a nd s li*,l4r ° the confidence of 'the, coromnuity„ - HON. , JAMES COOK, - • Mayor of LOV4RLL, MASS. )10N. ALBIN BEARD, . Mayor of NASHI7.I)," 71.` HON:. E. W. HARRINGTON, Mayor of MANCHESTEIR, HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, N. HON.-.A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTEA IitAJEM HON. NATH'L SILSBEE, • „-T Mayor of SALEM, MAS S. . , I • • HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr. _ Mayor of BOSTON , . HON. WM. RODMANi, . _ mayor P.ROVIDENOE, HON. ANDS W. PRENTICE, •, Mayor 'of NOBAVICE, CONlkii; HON. J. N. HARRIS, . Mayor of NEW LONDON, 00Niqr: . HON. CHAS. S. RODI:ER; Atayot of matsrEttafm, O. 31 HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YOliN. Orrta HON. H. M. RINSTREY,.. • 'Mayor of Tr A MIT,TON, HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINOLUNA7, OBW HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOULSITIGLE, HON. JOHN SLOAN, ' Mayor of LYONS. .1 • HON. JAMES MePEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANTJT4X, O. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, • 1 _ Mayor Of 'AITGI7,B, MEW HON. HENRY j COOPER, - Jr:, • ' Mayor of 'P'Ara',OI7MILL, UON. JAMES S. BEBE, • mayor of FREDFILTCTOIT, N. N.l HON. WILLARD NYE, 3 Mayor of .NEW BEDFORD, IifEASSI HON, J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL '33.1111p3„ MASS 4 HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of ITETI7P:OIIT. HON. FRED ST.AHL, Mayor of GALENA, UAL: HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of D111031113E, lOWA. no MCOMAS / CRTMati.teLriLD, Mayor of OffATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, • Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAUGH, i " Mayor of MEMPHIS, TESTN HON. GERARD . Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA., HON.. H. D. SCRANTON, - Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON; DE WITT C. GROVE, • Mayor of lITICA, N. T. EON. GEO. WILSON, • Mayor of PITTSBURG,• PA, 110N.' . 6. H. BUHL, mayor of DETROIT, HON. 34..ea11AN 1,. PACE, - Mayor ofIaCCAVALVICLE,M7O, HON. W. W. VAUGHN; • Mayor of BACIISTE, PiriSs HON. A. PARR, Mayor of MCN - OSHA, HON. JOHN C. HAEN - 03,, • Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL HON. M. J. A: IMAM, Mayor of MUSA, ALA. Certify that the resident Dritggtatgi nave assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla le an excellent remedy-, and worthy the cam* • fidenoe of the community. . . For Spring nisei's-es. .For Purifying the Blood. For Scrofula or King's— For Tumors, Ulcers, and Sorel. ! ' For Eruptions and Philp ' For. Blotches,- Plains, and Done.: : • For St. AntliOny's Fire, Rase, or Err. For Totter or Salt Riteurn: :• For Scald Head and Ringwiarnt. For Cancer and Caneprous*Dores. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and For Female. Diseases. For Suppression and Irregularity. •.• For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases...; For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart.' $l5O The Mayors of the chief cities Of the lTnif ted States, Caszadas, and British Provinces" Chili, Peru, Brazil, liTexico; tMd in; feet abr most ail the cities on this continent, have signed this documelit, to assure their people what remediai thezfroay use with 'Safety and confidence. But , bur space will only . adiaist a .portion of them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Peetora4 Ayer's Pills; 'pnd Ayer's , Agile Cure, PREPARED Mr Dr. 7. C. Ayer 44 - Co., LoWELL, auss.; And sold by Druggists every where. ..„ . . Sold by.C. S. & E. A. Jones, Coudersport Mann & Nichols, *illport ; ColwV di - Linele Roulet A. Corey &Son, lltlysseC A 11.:YOF.:- , tori, Cushingville; and by Deoleisfienolyie INEM