The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 10, 1862, Image 4

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then), mast, have 'accens iliis-'pgypt of
the West, Without paying tolVat the
crossing of any _national botindnry.) Onr
national strife springs_ net . from our Or
minent part, not' fret:ls the land we in
hablt-,,notfrom our - DitiOnal :hciinesteid.
There is no possible severing of this, but
would multiply,- - and- not - naitigati, evils
among • us,- In all its adaptations and
' Aiptitndes, it=demands union,: and abhors
acparatian. In fant,-it - "squid ere :long
force reunion ,,bowever much of blood
and treasure - -lie separation rniqht hav6'
cost. 'Our strife pertains to 'ourselves, to .
the pesiing generations Of men, and it
Cannot, :without conVulsion,:be hushed
foreverwith the 'passing of one generation.
In this view, I recommend the adop
_ lion of the following resolution and arti
eles emendatory off the 'Constitution al
. the United States :
Resolved, By the Senatj3 and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America,
in Congress assembled, two-thirds of both
Houses concurring, that the following .Arti
-1 ales be proposed to the Legislatures or Con
`: ventions of the several . States, !as Amend
• meets to the Constitution of the United States,
all or any of which Articles, when ratified by'
j three-fourths of the said Legislatures or Con
, .rentions, to be valid as a part or parts of the
said Constitution, vie :
Awriesa--Every State wherein Slavery' ow
exists which shall abolish the same therein at
any time or times before the first day of Jan
nary, in the year of our Lord one thousand
nine bnndred,shnll receive compensation from
the United States, as follows, to wit :
. The President of the United States shall de
liver to every such State bonds of the United
States, nearing interest at the rate of for
each slave Shown to have been therein by the
Eighth Census of the United States, said bonds
to be delivered to such State by installments, ,
or:in one parcel, at the completion of the
abolishment, accordingly as the same shall
have been gradual or at one time within . such
'State ; and interest shall begin to run upoh
any such bond only from the proper time of
its delivery as aforesaid, and afterward. Any
State having received bonds as aforesaid,and
afterward introducing or tolerating Slavery
therein, shall refund to the United States the
bonds so received or the value thereof and' ll ;
interest paid thereon.
AILTICLE.—AII slaves who shall have enjoy
ed actual freedom, by the chances of the war,
at any time before the end of the Rebellion,
shall be forever free ; but all owners of such,
Who shall not have been disloyal, shall be
compensated for them at the same rates as is
proVided for States adopting abolishment •of
Slavery, but in such a way that no slave shall
be twice accounted for.
Awricut.—pongress may appropriate money
and otherwise provide for colonizing free col
ored persons, with their own consent, at any
place or places without the United States.:
I beg indulgence to discuss these pro
posed article's at some length.
Without Slavery, the rebellion could
never have existed; without Slavery, it
could not continue. Among the friends
of the Union there is great diversity of
sentiment and of policy in regard to
Slavery and the African race among us.
Some would abolish it suddenly, and
without compensation ; some would abol
ish it gradually, and with compensation;
some would remove the freed people from
us, and some would retain them with us;
and there are yet.other minor diversities.
Because of these .diversities, we waste
much strength in struggles among,nur
selves ; by mutual concession,, we should
harmonize and act together. This - would
be a compromise among the friends and
not with the enemies of the Union.
These articles are intended to embody a
plan of such mutual concessions.' If the
plan shall be adopted, it is assumed that
emancipation will follow, at least in sev
eral of the States. As to the first article,
the main points aro :
I. The emancipation.
2. The length of time for connummat
ing (thirty-seven years); and, II
3. The compensation.
' r
The Emancipation Will be unsatisfac
tory to the advbcates of perpetual Slavery,
but the length of time should greatly
mitigate their dissatisfaction. The time
spares both races from the evils of Bud
' den; derangement; in fact, from the tie-1
cessity of any derangement, while most
of those whose habitual course of thought
will be disturbed by the measure will
have passed away before 'its cons,umtua- 1
Lion, They will -never see it.E Another
class will hail the prospect oCemancipa- 1
tion, but will deprecate the :length of
time. They will feel that it gives too
little to the now Irving _ slaves.- But it
really gives them much. " It 'saves them
from the vagrant destitution which must
largely / attend immediate emancipation in'
localities where their numbers are very
great, and
- it gives the inspiring assurance
that their4osterity shall be free: forever.
The plan leaves to each State choosing to
act under ft to,abolish Slavery now or at
the end sof the century, or at any inter
mediate time, or by degrees extending
over the whole or any part of the period,
and it obliges no two States to proceed
alike. It also provides for compensation,
and generally the mode of making it.
This, it would seem, must further miti
gate the dissatisfaction Of those who favor
perpetual Slavery and especially of those
who are to receive compensation. Doubt
less, some of those , who are Ito pay and
riot to receive, will object; yet that the
measure is both just and economical is
The liberation of the sfaves is the de
struction of property; property acquired
by descent or by purchase,. the same as
any other property.
It is no foil true for having been often
said that the people of the South are no,
more responsible for the original intro-,
duction of this property than are the
people of the North; and when it is re
tempered her unhesitatingly 'we uso—'
all of ns use—cotton and sugar, and'
share the profits of dealing in them, it
may not be quite safe to say, that the
South has been more responsible than
the North for its continuance. If, then,
fur a common object, this property is to
be sacrificed; is it not just that it be done
at a common charge ? And if with lees
money, or money , more easily paid we
can preserve the benefits of _the Union
by that means than we can by the iwai
alone, is it not also economical to do it?
Let ns consider it then. Let us forcer-,
Min the sum we have expended in' the
war. since - compensated emancipation
was proposed, last" March, and consider
whether, if that measure bad been
promptly accepted .by"even some .of 'the
Slave States', the same sum would' not
havtudane more to elose, the war than
has been Otherwise done. If le,' the
measure would save money, and in that
view, would be a prudent and economicali
meastiro.: certainty, ' it is not
,so easy to
_as' it is to pay nothing.
But it is easier to pay a large sum 'than
it is to pay a larger one, and it is easier
to pay any sum, when we are able,:than
it is to pay it" •
.before 'we are able. ',The
war requires them at once. The aggre
gate intm'ne esiary for' compensated
of reline, would be large,
but it would. uire no_ ready cash, , nor
l i
toode-even, any- faster thin:the 'emanci
pation progress:* This might not, and
probably would net' close before the end
of the thirty-seven years. At tbat. - time,
we shall probably. have 100,000,000 of
people to share the burden, instead of
31,000,000, as now; and, not only so,
but - the increase of our population may
be expected to continue for a long time
after the period' as rapidly as before,
because our territory will not have become
full. Ido not state this inconsiderately.
l At the same—ratio of- increase which we
have maintained on an average from our
first National Census-in 1790, until that
of 1860, we should, in 1900 have a pop
ulation of 103,208,415, and why may we
not continue that ratio far beyond that '
period? Our abundant room, ou-rbroad i
National homestead is our ample resource.
Were our territory as limited as are the
British Isles, very certainly our popula
tion could not expand as stated. Instead
'of receiving the foreign-born, - es now, we
should be compelled to send part of the
native-horn away ; but such is not our
condition. We, have 2,963,000 square
miles. - Furope has 3,300,000, :with ' a
population averaging seventy-three and
one-third persons to the square miles.
Why may not our country at some time
average as many? Is it ; less fertile?
Has it more wastesurface by mountains,
rivers, lakes, deserts, or Other causes ?
Is it inferior to Europe iO any 'natural
advantage ? If, then, we are at some
time to be as populous as Europe, how
soon ?. As to when this may be, we can
edge by the past and the present.. As
o when it will, if ever, depends much on
rwhether we maintain the Union. Several
of our State r s are above the average Euro
Ipean population of 731 to the square ,
mile. Massachusetts has 157, Rhode
l lsland 133, New York and New Jersey
each 'BO ;, and two other great States,
Pennsylvania end Ohio, are not far below,
the former having 68, and the latter 59.
The States, already above the European
average, except New York, have increased
in as rapid ratio since passing that point
as ever before, while no one of them is
equal to some other parts of our country,
in natural capacity for sustaining a dense
Taking the nation in the aggregatcf,
and we find , its population' and ratio of
increase for the several decennial periods
to bo as follows :
1790. 3,929,827 , f
1800. 5,305,937-35.02 pr ct ratio ofincrease
1810. 7,239,914-36,45 pr ct ratio of increase
1820. 9,638,131-33,49 pr ct ratio of interest
1830: 12,866,020 .33,49 pr ct ratio of increase
1840. 17,869,453-32.67 pr ct ratio of increase
1850 . 23,191,876-35.87 pi ct ratio of increase
1860. 31,443,790-35.58 pr ct ratio of increase
This shows an average decennial in
crease of 34.60 per cent. in population
through the seventy years from our first
to our last census taken. It is seen that
the rates of increase at no. one of these
seven periods is either two per cent below
or two per cent above the average, thus
showing hoe; inflexible, and consequently
how reliable the law of increase in our
case is. Assuming that it wile continue,
it gives the following results : 1870,
42,323,341; 1880, 56,967,216; 1890,
76,677,872 ; 1900, 103,208,415 ; 1910,
138,918,526; 1920; 186,984,335; 1930,
251,680,914. These figures show that
our country tnay be as populous as
Europe now is at some point between
1920 and 1930, say about 1925—0ur
territory, at 73i persons to the square
mile, being of the capacity to contain
217,186,000; and we will reach this, too,
if we do not ourselves relinquish the
chances by the folly and evils of disunion,
or by long and exhausting war, springing
from the only great element of national
discord among us. While it cannot be
foreseen exactly how much one huge ex
ample of secession breeding lesser • ones
indefinitely would retard the population,
civilization, and prosperity, no one can
doubt that the extent of it irould be very
great and injurious.
The, proposed emancipation would,
shorten the war, perpetuate peace, insure
this increase of the population and pro,
Portionately,of. the wealth of the country.
With this we should pay all the emanci
pation would cost, together with our other
debts, easier than we should Pay our other
debts without it. If we had allowed our
old national debt to run at 6 per cent per
annum, !Amide interest; ficim the end of
our Revolutionary struggle' till, to•day
without guying anything on either
principal er interest, each . man of us would
owe less upon that debt now than each
man owed upon it then, and this because
our inorei,sse of. men through the whole
period has been greater than 6 per cent.,
and has run faster than the interest upon
the debt:' ;tittle alone relieves el
debtor' nation- so long as its population
increases - Ifaster than tiepaid_interest
accumulateS on its debt.. This fant'siould
be tio excuse M. delaying the payment of
Iwhat is justly_due, bat it shows.the great
importance •of time in this connection,
the great advantage Oa *MO , by which
we shall not him to pay until we number
a hundred millions, what by a different
policy we should have to pay now, when
the number is but 81,000,000. In a
word, it shows that a dollar will be much
harder to pay for the war than :will be a
dollar for emancipation on the propOsed
plan—and then the latter will cost no
blood; no precious life. It will be a
saving of both.
As to the second article, I think it
would be impracticable to return to
bondage the class of persons therein
contemplated. Some of them doubtless,
in the property sense, belong to loyal
owners, and . hence provision is made in
this article for compensatinisuch.
The third article relates to the future
of the' freed people. It does not oblige,
but merely authorizes, Congrese to aid in
colonizing such as may consent. This
ought not to be regarded as , objectionable
on the one hand or on the other, insomuch
as it comes to nothing unless by mutual
consent of the people to be deported and
the American voters, throut their repre
sentatives in Congress.
I cannot make it better known than it I
already is that I strongly favor coloniza
tion, and yet I wish to say there is an'
objection urged against the colored
persona remaining in the country which'
is largely imaginary, if not sometimes ,
malicious. ,It is insisted that their
presence would injure and displace white
labor and white laborers. If there ever
could be a proper time for mere en7v
meats, that time surely . is not now. I.n l
times like the present, men should utter
nothing for which they would not wil
lingly be responsible through time and
Is it true, then, that colored people can
displace any more white labor by being
free than remaining slims ? If they stay
in their old places, they lostle no white
labores. If they leave their old places,
they leave them open to white labors.—
Logically, there is neither more nor less
of it. Emancipation, even without de
portation, would probably enhance-the
wages 0' white labor, and very surely
would not reduce them. Thus the cus
tomary amount of labor would still have
to be performed. The freed people would ,
surely not do more than their old propor
tion of it, awl very propably for a time
would do lass, leaving an increased part
to white laborers, bringing their labor into
greater demand, and consequently en
hancing the wages of it. With deportation,
even to a limited extent, enhancing wages
to 'white labor is mathematically certain.
Labor is like any other commodity in the
market ; increase the demand for it, and
you increase the price of it. Reduce the
supply of black labor by colonizing 'the
black laborers out of the country, and by
precisely so much you ineiease the. demand
for and wages of white labor. But it is
dreaded that the freed people will swarm
forth and cover the whole land. Are
they not already in the land? Will
liberation make them any more numerous?
Equally distributed among the whites of
the whole country, there would be but
one colored to seven whites. Could the
one in any way greatly disturb the seven?
There are many communities now
having more than one free colored person
to seven whites, and this .without any
apparent consciousness of evil it.—
The District of Columbia, and the States
of Maryland and Delaware are all in this'
condition. The District has more than
One free colored person to nix ; and
yet in its frequent petitions to Congress,
I believe it has never presented the
presence of free colored persons as one of ]
its grievances:
But why should 'Emancipation South
send the freed people North t People of
any color seldom run unless there be
something to nu from. Heretofore,
colored people to some extent have fled
Noith from bondage, and now perhaps
from both bondage and destituton • but
if Gradual Emancipation or depo rtation',
be adopted, they will have neither to floe
from. Their old masters will give them
wages, at least until new laborers can be
procured and the freed men will gladly
give their labor for the wages till new
homes can be found for them in congenial
dimes and with - people of their own
blood and race.
This proposition can be trusted to the mu
tual interests involved, and in any event, can
not the North decide for itself whether to re
ceive them ? Again, as practice proves more
than theory in any case, has there been any
irruption of colored people northwiard be
cause of the abolishment of Slavery in this
District last Spring?
What I have said of the proportion of free
colored persons to the srliites in the District
is from the Census of 1860, having no refit.-
ence to persons called contrabands, nor to
those made free by the act of Congress abol
ishing Slavery here. The plan consisting of
these articles is recommended, not but tha
a restoration of the National authority woul
be accepted "without its adoption, nor tin
the was. nor proceedings under the Prod
mation of September 22, 1862, will by atiq
because of the recommendation of this pJ
Its timely adoption, I doubt not, would ti
_ .
restoration, and thereby stay both. An
withstantling ,thia plan the reeommenj
that Congress provide by law for compeY
any State which may adopt email . )
before this plan shall have.been staff
hereby earnestly renewed. ''Such
be an advanceon the part of the
the same arguments apply to both,
This plan is recommended as
in exclusion of, but additional
for restoring and- 'preserying
authority. .throughout the Unii
ject is presentedexclpsiv_ely i
aspect.' The plan iI. 'ant :confulent,
secure peace• more speedily thaitcen be done
by force alone; while it : would ;cost less, cert.:,
sidering :amounts and ' intoner :of payateat,,
and thins of paymlnt, and the outs would;
be - easier, paid than will .be .the additional!
cost of the war, if we rely totally Amon force.;
It is most likely—verylik.ely 7 thet it would
eost no blood at all; The plan is proposed as
permanent constitutional law. 'lt cannot
become such without theconcerrence of,,firrit
two-tliirds of Congress, And afterward three+
fourths of the States. , The requisite three+
fourths of the Stites wilt necessarily include
seven of the Slave States. Their cbncrprrenee,
if obtained, will give .assuranre of their sev+
erally adopting emancipation at no distant
day upon the new constitutional terms. Thii
assurance would end the', struggle now 'and
save the Union forever.,
I do not forget the • gtavity.which: should
characterize a paper 'addressed - to the Con
gress :of the nation by the Chief Magistrate of
the nation; nor do I forget that some of you
are my seniors, 'nor .that many of yen have
more experience than I in' the conduct of pub
lic affairs; yet I trust r:that, In view of the
great responsibility resting upon me, you W/71
perceive no want of respect to yourselves in
any undue earnestness I mar seem to display,
Is it doubted then, 'that the plan I propose,
if 'adopted, Would - aborten the war, and thins
lessen its exp'endithre of money-and of blood?
it doubted that it would restore the national
authority and natiOnalprosperity, and perpet
uate both indefinitely ? ; •
Is it doubted that we here, Congress and
Executive; can secure its adoption? Will not
the good people respond to e. united and ear-.
nest appeal from -as ? Can ;we,lcan they, by
any other means, so certainly or so speedily
assure these vital objects? We can succeed,
only by. doncert. It is not "Can any otitis
imagine better," but ICan we all do better ?"
Object wheresoever is possible, still the ques
tion recurs, "Can me do'better."
The dogmas of the quiet past areinadequate
to the stormy present; The occasion is piled
high with difficulties,, and we must rise with
I the occasion. -Ai our case is new, so we must
11,hink•anew; and act Bime.' We must disen
thrall ourselves, and then we shall save our
Fellow citizensove can not escape history.
We of this Congress will be remembered in
spite of ourselves. No personal significance
or insignificance can Spare one:or another of
'us.. The fiery trial ',through which we pass
will light us down in honor or dishonor to' the
latest generation. .
We say that we, are . forJhe ' The
world will not forget , that 'while we say, this,
we do know how to save the Union. We,even
we here / hold the power mid bear the realm
In giving freedom to the sieve, we asenre
freedom to the free, , honorable alike in What
-we give and what we preserve.
We shall nobly' save or meanly lose Thelast,
best hope of the earth.
Others means may succeed. This could not
The tvayis plain—peaceful--le nero u 'justs-
—a way which, if followed, the world will for
ever applaud, and God mast forever bless:
Washington, Dec. 1, 16'62. •i 11
OR to exchange for Horses., Wagons, Stock
Good Notes or l ! Judgments. A valuable
.Farm situate in Harrisontownship, Potter Co.
Pa., lying on the old State road, hadingl from
Spring Mills to Harrison Valley and Westfield
Pa. Containing about 110 Acres, about $O
Acres improved and in a good state of culti
vation, on which is arected a large Frame
House, good •Barns, Corn House and !other
necessary' out-buildings, a good Apple Or
chard containing some twenty different kinds
of Grafted Fruit, Shade Trees &c. The above
Farm lies about I mile 6om Harrison Valley,
milesfrom Westfield and 6 miles from Spring
Hills, and is a good Stock and Grain' Farm,
and will be sold so that any one that caalmale
a payment of 3 or 4 hundred dollars dorm,
can make tie farm psy for itself with his/Li
bor. Price, $2,500, for particulars ingaire
of Peter Simmons now accupying said firm,
or C, H. Simmons, 10swayo Village, Pa:.'
- _ • C. H. SIMNICNS.
Jan. 15„1.862.
111 001(S T ' 0 1 e
, .
Main above Third
M. W. MANN, Paoporaos.
. LETTER...Mop St • '
Greek, Latin, Rench and German Text-
Books. !
• All School poks used in the. Fount,'
kepton,handlor immediately procured
when desired/
Magazines a• any Periodicals supplied when
desired. '
I A. good fisortment i -of Paper, Envelopes,
Pens and I . Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw
-I,* mate •8, Water Colors, kc. • C
pit& & HYMN BOOKS, otvarions kinds.
s, Rulers, Back-Gammon Boar4s,Chess
c., gc.. PRODUCE of all kinds taken
1 : hangs ;for Books; [ll-44]
in e:
9d T
DitaMTEl3 $ 'KEL Y
TORE can always be found the best of
Cooking, Bea and Parlor
RONS. - .Abe _ I
.Agrl6taturat Thiplegionte,
such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS; - CHLTPirk-
is wellmode and Hie material gOod. hood and
substantiat EAVES-TROUGHS- put lop in any
part of theiCounty--Terms easy. Ready Pay
of all kinds, including Cash, seldom •refased.
Store onllain Street opposite the phi Court
House, Coudersport. , , Aug. 1, 1859.-50 '•
IleirSebeer* fOr the JouRNAL.
P / 1 .
tpon lB
Id only
lan, and
bans, not
, all others
e national
.1 . sub.
s economical
, __.7.
To , CoUswaaptives.
!PUN. Advertiser, having been res ored to
1 health hi a,few weeks, -by a vety simple
remedy, a ft er having. Suffered several years
withra pimp ling analog, arid that dread'
diseSse ' CoriSuMptiott—is anxious to make
knotinto fltii-teilow4sufferers the Means of
cure To 411 -who desire it, he will send - tt -
Como of the prespriptien used (free of charge.)
with the directions for,• preparing _and using
the same, Which they, will find &sure Cure for
Ooniumptiotistithrna Bronchitis, i tc.. The on
ly object of t e ;advertiser in sending the Pre
scription istO benefit;the afflicted, and spread
information Which he conceives to be invalua
blet And he Dopes every sufferer will try.his
!remedy, as t. cost them nothimr, and may
yirove a blesMng . . Parties wishing the .pre
scription Will please address
N. Y.
.kr ..
• . . , AT THE
Union Clothing -Emporium
Corni of Main; a*d Plank Road Sta.
25; to 30 Cottio!
on every 11011ar .
, • By purchasing Your ' 1
i ; ; i • . • ' - -
1 ' At. the new Union
i [
i. i ; 1 L 1 •
~: q 1 - /.• ~ ,
Welln*ipe; N, r„ 1862/ . I
;I •
H • i 1 / . • -
Nelfir New.lGoods I
TIM undersigned bog leave to inform the
public: 00 thiy have opened business at
"MLIiSVILLE, N. 1.7 1 .,
Corner Wit and !lank Road Streets,opposite
the Unio r ti pink, Fwhere they will display an
entire n v stock of
dyade Ciothing,
which't m
ill) far suass in 'quality, style and
pricoan thing e4erkexhibited in this town.
Smear aware that to build up a large trade,
it k no only necessary to have„ desirable
goads . , pint to • i ! - '
A ' • !
,ia.nd we will make it an object for buyers to
examinef Our stock before 'purchasing else
where. !All goods shown cheertully, repre
sented fairly,and submitted to the purchaser's
unbiased opinion.
This is a branhh of an extenaire manufac
turing house in 'Elmira, N. T.; and therefore
you will find alliClothing well made and got
'np in the latest Style. . .
An early call wilt most assuredly secure a
splendid bargain at the UNION CLOTHING
Wellaville, June 1862
P. A.
Have just received ; a
NEW LOT op- . -
1 AND ;
f INT S.
Which they are
Maxet 12 j 1862.
having removed to their new wareroomr,
i l t) N. 478 BROADVTAY,
i 1
are'n r prepared to offer the public a nag
nificentinew scale full . :.1
1 1 1
containing all improvements known in this.
ceuntryi or Europe, over-strung bass, French
grand ttietion, harp pedal, full iron frame, for
j 8160 CASH,
. ,
ioulding cases,
$ll5 to $2OO, r
all 7vjairanted made of the best seasoned ma
terial, and to; stand better than any sold for
$4OO or 500 by the old methods of manufac
ture." We invite the best judges to examine
and itry these new instruments, and we stand
ready at all tithes to test them with any others
manufactured in this country.
3ra] " 498 Broadway, New York.
SAPONIFIER., SAP orrnizzal
Al} *itcheniGrease can be made into good
SOAP, by using Saponifier t
§oilp is as easily.made with it, as making
a cup of coffee.
Manufactured only by the Patentees.
IN°. In Walnut street, Philadelphia.
;,Sby. 1,1'862. Iy
. , •
I ‘.
C a t nartle < :P.lllg,
eat . .
brkomds, pothers, Bothers, ktiystetans,
• Philanthropists, read their Etreptti.
iind judge. of their.Virtni.•':
I .
Headache Sick lien dlich e,rotilStomacti.
; . Perrsve, Ps.. Ma If 1555;
Dn, AVM. Sir: I have
been-repeatedly cured pf
the worst headache any body can Imre by a dose or two
'Arun. la arise from a foul Atututicb, whiter
they cleanse at once. • It they will cure others as they do
me, the 'fact is worth knowing. , i
Yours with great respect, ED.! W. PREDLE
Clerk of Sttataer Manioc: i
Bilious Disorder .
ItEinTSIMIT Or TUX Urmiort,
Etna Liver Complaints.
- Wstunsteverr, D. 0, 7 Feb., 1866,
Ent: r have used your Pills in my general and hospital
practice ever since you made them, nudcanuot hesitatoto
say they aro . the best cathartic ace employ. Thei r. Nip ,.
kiting action on the liivr is quick and decided, consequent/
ly they ; are an admirable remedy Um derangementatd than
organ. indeed. I have seldom found a mist) of bilious di,.
case so Obstinate that it did not readily yield to them.
Fratemally yours, ALONZO DMA,
• Pnyeidan, of the ..Paring iforpitoL
Dysentery, Relax, and. Worms.
POST OFFICE, ILUITLAND, LIV. CO, ]ltch., 1i01..10,1A53. •
Dn. *lnn: Your Pills are the perfection of medleinc '
They have done my wife more good than lean tell Too:
She had been sick and pining away for months, •19 4 ,"
off to be doctored at greet expense, but got no better. She
then commenced taking your Pills, which soon cured her,
by expelling large qinintities of worms (decal) from bee
body. They aftdrwanls cured' her and our two children .
'of bloody dysentery. One of our neighbors had it bad, end
my wife cured him with two doses of your Pillsorhil a
others around us paid from live to twenty dollars doctor(
' bills, and lost much time. without being cured entirely
even then. Such a medicine as yours, which is actually
good and honest, will be prized hem
GEO. J. GRIFFIN . , Patmaster.
' Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood.
. .
FromT. Prima, Pastor of Adroit eif unit, Barka.
Dui. TV.11.: I have need your Pills with extrriordlnary •
success in my fondly andamong those I am - tailed to visit
In distress. To regulate the organs of digestilin and purify
the blood they are the very best remeilY I have e'er
known, and I can confidently recommend them to my
friends. • ) Yours, . Dna&
,• WAssw,„ . r sa Co., N. T. , Oct. 24,1855.
Dean Stn: I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac.
Lice, and find then, an excellent purgative to cleanse the
system and purify the fountains of the blood.
Erysipelas, ScrOfula, King's Eril, Tetter,
From a Arwarding Merchant if st. Louis. 1.t6. 4, ISM.
Drt:Ar.Erc : Your Pills are the paragon of all that Is
great, in nu...Leine. They have cured tay little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had prosed
Incurable for years. Iler mother has been long griesons
ly afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and Io
her hair. After our child was cured. she also tried )oar
Pills, and they have cured her. ASA 3.IOIIGRIDOX
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and. Goat.
Frain the Ber. Dr. irottaes,Ql the .31ctIodial Epic. Mural.
PCLASSI lIOUSE, SATAN:Ctn. GA., Jan. 6, 1856.
iroNoRED Slit: I ehmild he ungrateful futtho relief your
skill has brought me if I did not report my case to yen.
A cost settled itrmy limbs' and brought on excruciating
neuralgic paius, , which ended in chronic rheumatism.
Jfotwithstanding I bad the best of physicians, the disease
grew worse and worse. until, by the advice of your excel
lent agent in Baltimore. Dr. Maelieteile, 1 tried your Pills.
Their effects were slow, but sure. By.persevering in the
13410 of them I am now entirely well.
. ,
SENATE C CLUIDER, 13:430X lietitlE, - 1..14 5 Dec., 1855,
DR:. Aire : I bate been entiridy cured by your Pills of
Rheumatic Gent —a painful disease that had afflicted me
for years. VINCE.NT SLIDELL:-
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kiitilred Com,-
plaints, requiting an active purge, they are an esiel
lent remedy. •
For Costiveness or CcustipatiOn, and as
a Dimmer Pill, they ttre,n;:tec:ll , l4, and 61Yeettial.
Fits, Suppression, Farniysis, Intlnnimio.
(lon, and even Denfiaes4 and Pn
inesis, have beau cured by the lenitive action of these
Pills. . ,
'Most of_tha pills in market contain Mercury, which. al
though a 'valuable remedy in Is ilangereut
in It public pill. (rum the dreadfun consequences, that fre
quently fhllow-its incautious use. IThase contain no mar
curt' or mineral substance whatever._
and 'for tile relief of consmuptive patients in minima
stages of tire tii,eMie.
Wo need not Fount( to the, puldic of its limits.
Throughout every town, nod elomet every loonht nf, the
Atherican Snare, its S, 011iierfiii Mlles of holneMety tore
plainte hare made it already ku Noy, foe are: the
families in any civiliied conntry sir. this continvnt nithoht
some personal i:Nperiknicii of its etTects: end tram )”I
communities flny when., 'n With' have not 112n , nz them
some living trophy of iii vietory over the snl4lt. Mal 'll3l,
germ's diseases of the tlnrit. end Ittn. NN it i. i 1 o
nlost i}uwerful antidote yet know a to' man for the frai-,
dabte and danger: am disease , : of the pnlu.ener3 0r , ..-ans. it
is also the pleasantest and Cutout ienti4l:: ti nt 1.1,11 be nil
hlpyed for threats and yonng Fyffe:l4. yin. 4 shadd
ave it in store against the insidious cm-no . ; that ,:cra!f
upon them unprepared. 'We hare alwo , laut recoils to
believe the CHERRY PECTORAL Mri.s 711.?Tt. live 4 Ly the con-
suniptionS It prevents than thane it enro. li rrp it,by
you, and cure your colds %%idle they ore enrahle, nor neg
lect them until, no hat u nn skill-ran master the inexorable
canker that, fastened. on the vitals, ,eats your life away.
• .
All know the iireadful fatality of lung disonlios. and
they know too the virtues of this remedy. we not do
snore than to nosnre them it is still mole the bent it um
be. We spare no cost, nti core: no toil to so Once it al
moat perfect possible. and thus afford these who rely oa
it the beet agent which our 'skill can furnish for their cuts
Practical and Analytical chemist, Lowell, Naas
Sold by C. S. & E. A. Jones, CduderFpert
Mann E L Siebols , Jlil;port ; Colwell & Lyman-
Roulet ;.I.`-Corey & Son, Ulysses;'A - - B. llor- .
ton, Cushingville; and by Dealers generally
66 . THE 'UNION "
UPTON S: NEWCOSER - , - Proprietor:
This lintel is centinl, convenient 13y
; Passenger cars to all parts of the city, and in
every partidular adapted to the Cants of . the
business public.
Terms 150 per day. .
and equal to any Kerosene.
WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a fems
cents more per gallon will furnish you With e
perfect Oil - 7 Alaile only by, •
No. in Walnut Street, Philadelphia. = _
Feby. 1862; jly
- .
.e ,
1 ,
4 ../.• \1 : . 7
. ...-... \ . - .0 . .1
°4- ''
..,. .
i, ... ,ci,:,-„\,74'•
Jeweller and , Watchmaker; .
T.OOATED on Maie r St., opposite the Court
House, Coudersport, Pa.
Ctocks, Watches, six.,
Repaired7on short notice and warranted to
give satisfact on. '
A good assortment of
WATCRES, and •
on - band. Cheap for CASII and warranted as
represented. As 'an even exchange is no rob
bery I will give you dine for Money.
Coudersport, Dec. 14, 1541..