The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 03, 1862, Image 2

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41Coudersp - ort,
"Wealvesaar:, Dec. 4, i 862.
""Tlrrough the operations of the Na tion •
-la Tax Lati, the materials upon vrlich we
holy for the publication of .a newspaper
have advarceci in price . from twenty to
,per centum. The paper maker re
ceires for esiobbhurk sheet nearly as much
es vre receive fur it after it is printed
The priceef lirinaend of tout-set/le price
of later hive 'greatly itercased. Many
country newspapers will be stopped en-.
tireltunder the pressure of these bard
limes, many have already increased their'
aubicriptiou, - and even the daily papers
are about to advance in price ;"—su says
the Tioga. Agitator and taking. warning
from the pungent hint of the paper deal•
era' bill, it has increased its subscription.
We have been et:tisk - tering for some weeks
Jast tits propriety and policy of increas
ing our subscription price and—have fi
nally concluded to do so. This conclusion
has been reached by the suggestions' of
frieeds and by the more cogent reasons of
the duty of all men to pay their debts and
feed an d clothe themselves. . The Joutt
war, the only paper published in the
aounty, every reader knows that the busi
ness of a county demands a newspaper,
and judging hum the patronage our
frietris have extended us dining the past
eighteen-months we feel secure in believ
ing' that they will continue their .upport.
The rise is made reluctantly, rut] we will
again mime the old rates when the price
of material will Justify us in doing su.
hereafter the price will he ONE DOLLAR
AND FIFTY CENTs,invarialilg advance.
This dhunge out take c i feet until the
first of January next, end all new sub
ecriptiorte, or renewals of subscriptions,
wade 'before that time will be at the old
rates. Bills will he.sent to all those 'ow
ing us, either fer stAsci iption,
jub work, and it' is desired and expect;
ad that :they be laid -immediately.
ate itttve' New Orleans papers to the
20(h ult. On Saturday ;the 15th there
mat a grand Union demon4tratiou in the
The Cations clubs formed in pro
scission an marched through the prinei'
pit streets with limbic, banners and torch
itr he
sidewalks, balconies and even ,
site lops .of - rhe- houses were thronged vett h
spectators who utuitestetr,fiteii delight
by .the most enthusiastic cheers. St.
rharles Theatre was crowded from pit
acne to hear addresses by distinguished
speakers. General Butler, who wxs pies.
was loudly cheered. Lx-Mayor Bar
ter having wade a satisfactory explana
:lion :respecting, a recent article in his pa.
-per has been permitted to resume its pub
lication. In the . Ist`and 2d Cortgression.
_al Districts, arrangements have been made
to elect members to Congress, and candi.
(lutes ara plentiful and anxious to serve
.their country ,iu the National Legisla
We lave from the Nary Departuunt
"some interesting tetorts limn our :block. ,
ailing vessels off the Carolina coast.
mender Parker, of..the steamer Cambridge,
reports the destruction of a schooner .at
'Alasonboro Inlet, a few miles north of
Cape Fear ; but. lie lost 13 men, taken
prisoners by Rebets concealed on
this was in progress, the gunboat
,Dayltght drove an English bark ashore:
-Commander Duthie reports the
-capture of two English schooners. Lieut.
, Commairder Tiuxton reports the seizure
L.o.f a contraband schooner from Wiltoing
tifii. ;Rear Admital Dupont, of the flag
thip Wabash, reports the of two
steamers (or for one steamer twice) try
ing to get into Charleston.
A special correspondent with Gen. Si
.ol's.eorps sends an account of au iurpor
tancivacnooissauce by Gen Stahel trough
Aldte's and Snicker's Gaps, to i r.certain
the truth -.about Jackson's rituveu.enta.
. Gen. Stahel scoured the country almost
to Winchester„and found that Jackson
has cettainly goill South. At Snicker's
Terry, Gen. Stahel fell open a large force
of Rebel cavalry, routed 4144:11i, captured
utunbers of horse,. and cattle, por.ucd
:13ertyville, broke op thvii catt.p, Outsell
them to nirilin four tuiles.of Winchester,
captured all of the officers and 40 prt
-WAWA of White's battallfort, aani altogeth
ef cost them a loss of 50 in killed and
,wounded. Our side lust 15 in an.
• Two•regitexuts of free colored wen are
aow.iu service in Louisiana, west of the
called the Ist and 2d Louis
'nun Native-flualds. The first is attached
To Gen.' Weitzel's brigade. The secund
colored regiment is acting as a guard to
the railroad, and is scattered along from
,apposite New Orleans, to.the
4ietance 450 or 00 miles, to protect it
from any:pittempt of guerillas to tear up
. the track 'Two other colored nts
• will soon, b - it organized and ready To-go
iisto ttiejfteld.
A.ginfittna j o lately returned from En
wile, f lays drat, half the people he •ftet
aupposed \North America watiat war with
South. Ameriee.aud.Wah frequently asked
-where the. State of I`.lewiEoglaud was
lat Clevelittid„ Ohio, a boy oEseven,tep
was.ateentEd as a stibstitute for.a drafted
man4utd 'received $2OO bonus. - Be s pat
tilo tooney,and then , obtained 448,,ths
.01;arge on.e-writ tifi.bitbettsreorpus on the
gr9und that. he. was:tuudervithe .n e pro-
Aeribea by law for recruits.
IVAs'iiitiGToli, Nov. 30.— . 1re I , ave
Trustworthy informed:in direct from Rich
inuud. .Tire pruide,have been imam.' her
panic for ` . the - pasv%we'weekrt, produced
by various cutnies ; _ . The run al of Jle
Ciellan, and dairathel movement of Burn
side; the hurried maiming of. the forts
around Richiriond; the throatened at tazir
upon James giver with our new mom
iturs ; the failure of . their Merrimac,
their pickets being raptured upon, the
Chickabouliny by Getteial Dix;
Lee., - frour the offensive, suddeiily assum
itig the defensive, and telegiaphieg daily.
tor snore men to rave the Capital; the
ieesidiat nearly all our new levy of SUO,-
1000 men are c owing down - on them at
once; the piteous appeals of the army lot
clothes; the loss ut 60,000 to 100.000
'men in the last ninety days in battle, by
desertion, and by sickness; the fear of
insurrection in the Southern States dur
ing the holidays, and the hopelessness of
help from Europe, haie unnie the hopes
of the tiaiturs grow clinker' and darker,
day after day.
The Cabinet at Rielimond have order
ed lieu. Lee to throw his whole army up
on the Rappahannock, and dispute evety
feet of ground while fie has a than huh.
and Jackson has b.:en recalled with Hill
and Stuart from the Valley to form' the
left flank of Lee's army. Jackson was
opposed to cowing, and wanted to keep
up u diversem :of• our forces, he said,
making a said into 31iiiylaile and Penh
sylvania. tut he was uveilulid, by Lee
and Davis.
At the time of Burnside's inovenicral
Longstreet Richmond, on 'his if.ay
'to North Carolina, and the eauipaigr, w lts ,
supposed to have been over in Virginia
hr the Winter. .Part of his cops were
with him. They were put iu the w,,,rtis
at once and he took the cw.s for Fieder
icksbura to Lid the line of the mei it
possible, and rut to tem id our movements
until Lue came up.
There are now from 20,000 to 25.000
men and arutpad ttictiirood, mid but
80,000 north of ilium, itMludiug Lee trod
Jackson's tutees. They ha'e plenty ut
raw previsions, and millions of pound, of
beef, link, r.nd flour are being accuniu
' litred in 11 . u:hawed. Yez-elb ale 'waling
the blockade evcry week with cluthine,
but, the artily is !Ain stifieling
t3urnside it aware ut these fueis,
ie considers hi? 4 Nice ample ta• time we' k
before him. His heart u. in the eauw,
and you may look for stirring times, now
"'On to Richmond" will be soon again
the iaders.
morning died Gen. James Liao, stoic.
keeper at the Philadelphia Nail Yid
Thu dectascd was about tlO year. ut age,
was an uncle of Guy. Curtin, and tomer.
ly a merchant of Centre County. lie
had been stationed at the Navy.lind fur
a year past, and fur slime time had been
suffering from ill health. As a prumi
vent member of the Whig party he had
served with ability iu Congress and other
honorable positions At Wit: I the he was
a candidate ha . Governor, and d..tiog the
Frtruunt and Litman zan.paigtn, took an
active part us an uppoici.t of the nee.
Trade; Pro Slatety I/owl:lacy. G e n
Irvin was a now of very high character,
and much esteemed by all who knew
hitu.=-Ileita. Press.
WASIDNOTON, Dec. I.—The following
intelligence was received last night from
litonside's army, dated
FRED lauctttußG, Nov. 30.—The
Rebels still continue to fortify vigornusly
on their secohd line. It is :tow lAieved
that they have thrown their in:unity fur.
OCR further to then tear, who° theit
camp fires tire twit so visible, instead id .
evacuating tit - Or:it:kin, its - elptikeu of , in
tuy dispatch of--,yesterday.
It t, believed in our official quarters
that the %hal force snout Fredericks.
burg and within call near enough to con•
eeutrate against us when we cross the
river is from 100.000 to 125 000.
Mts. Ilurtiside's visit to the army is
teferred tit in some rewspapers us inthett
tiVe of going into Whiter tom ters. This
is altogether erroneous bits. Butnside
simply cane doan to Acinia Creek, and
remained but a few hours. ' Iler errand
was purely a business one.
The liresideut. the War Derartment
and .IleM':l3uitisikle ale united in the
view tliat- the army must nut go into
Winter quartets. The present dslay.
owing to certain changes in the situation,
is only to take such s.eps us will insure
the v:gorous and %uecessful prosecution
of the campaign when it reopens.
Sr Louis, Saturda). Nov. 20, '6l—
Davidson telegraphs that a eavair
expedition. under Idaj. r 'Furry, to the
ferks of Mugu and St Fianeis Rivers,
captured Col. Phelan and ten Wen of the
Rebel anus.
SPRINGFIELD, Me., 29. Gen. Blunt.
with 5.000 Federal t.n dieie, attacked
and routed 8.000 Ref els'undet Gen. 3lar
Inaduke, at Cane 11111, Ark., en the 20th
Sixty Rebels were killed in the engaffe
them, and the balance driven stone twelve
Gen. Blunt telegraphs that the Reb
els me butlly whirred, and will nut prob.
ably venture, north of the Boston Noun•
tains itgaln this \Toner, and as they have
Conhuulgttall the subsistarce in the Val
triei'.Arkunsets, they tuna. soon re..
treat iutuleaas.
course-_—xuen befofinountry, you know.-
BY VIRTITIroj r sundry wilts of Venditioui
Exponas, Fieri Patents
,and Lerari Facies
mated out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pot
ter County, Pennsylvania, and to me .directed,
Aug expose to pablic sale or oulery. , ot the Court
Mouse in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 15th
day of Dl:et 1862. at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the Al
lowing described truths or parcels qf 1.M4 to wit :
A certain trat:t a
loud situate i n the Tp of
Wert 1111thelt. Muer Co., Pa,. Beginning at a
post 75 perches N of a post situate 2!5 and
3-lOths perches E of M.: S W corner otwar
'ront.No. 5074„thence 1\ 61 and 6-10ths perches
to a collier, thence W 59 and.3-10ths perches
to a corntr, thence S 07- and 6-10ths perches
to a corner, thence4hs9 and 3-10ths perches
to a cornet the place of beginning, ttAttaining
Twenty fire acres of land more 4 r less, about
ten acres of Which are improt'td, with. one
frame House, one log barn nail some fruit
trees thereon. Seiz:d, taken in execwion
aid to be sold as Um property, of Mold
ALSO-A certain tract of land, to wit.': lot
No. tiJ of the allotment of lanes boSWeden
Tp., Potter Co.. Pa.. beginnir.g, at-a post the
north-west corner of lot N. 32 Of the allot
ment of lands in Sweden Tp„ thence south
on the west line of snit', int No. 32 one hun
dred and sixty rds to post, thence west
fifty-tlnee rods to n pos.l, stathng, in the emit
line ct lot No. 29, the ame north on line of lots
Nos. 29 and 2 , t. one, hundred and ;ixty rods to
it post, thenve along the south line of lot
Na. 37 fifty-ti,Te rods to the platee.ef begin
ning cotito,ning Fifty-Three acres of'Which
Thirty acres are improved.-with one log h o use.
one log barn, and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken in ex •cution. end to be sold as
the - property of Morris Carpenter.
ALSO—A certain tract' of land situate to
ilebron township, Pot't.r Co., Pa., bounded
un the west by lands of Raker & Kingsley,
on the north by hemi of Norman Dwight. on
.the east by "Pettet Tnatrher's - lands, and on
the south by lands of Albert Davis, on wblell
are about eighteen acres improved. with one
shanty and otte•smalt barn thereon. Seized.
!taken in execution,, and to be sold as' the
pioperty of E. F, Patterson.
ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in
Wharton Tp. Putter co., Pe.. bounded on the,
north by kralsin possession of Martin Ramon,
east by lands in possession of Beesley, south'
by lot in possession of Stepla n Horton, and
wes: , . br tne Sumetnahoning creels, containing
198 acres with usual allowance.ol which about
60 acres are improyed,with lour frame houses.
one frame bat n. one store hat=e and other
outbuildings.and fruit tikes thereon. Seized,
take n in txecution and to be sold as the pro
perty or lames Bartrom,
ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in
Hebron Tp, Potter co., Pa.. bounded tin the
north by lots Nos. 39 and 63. Hebron tp, on
the tent by lots nos. 8t and 116 Allegany 11,,
1..,1 no. r 3 Hebron tp and unseated lands of the
estate of S. M. Fox, dee'd. ou the south by said
unseated lands and on the wet by lots tic's.'
81, 82. and Etii. Hebron tp. bring lot no. 83 and
par; of lot n 63 of the alloinient of tams of
the estate of S JI rox.fiec . d. it llebron tp. and
part of warrants rum. 1810 and 1841. Contain
iug 214 and 3-10th acres, with the. usual
ance of six per ceut for rolids. &c. of which
Forty acres are iniprovcd. on which are one
to bAra, one frame barn. one frame house
atr - ti some fruit trees d. Like!, in exeen
lion and to be sold as the property of Albert
G. Do vim.
,A LSO—_l certain tract of r"al estate, viz :
bounded 'milli by lot now or late in litiss'essjuil
of James Ayers, east by First Fork of the Siti
um:atoning everk, south by lot of Jolt Bear
livid and unseated tad and ne:t by lot now
or late in possession of Thumps Mahan, con
taining 50 acres, more or less and part of war
nint no 41 . 126 in Wharton township. Potter
l'entfo, about 23 acres improved, two frame
houses, one frame harm one blacksmith shop,
oat school ltom.e owl some fruit tit:es thereon
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Masan.
A LSO— A certain tract of land situate in.
Oswayo tp. l'otter co., l'a.,t > wit: lot untub'r i
no. 75 on the !nap made by William McVicar
for IleMy and Wm. S. Johnson in the year
containing eighty acres-and 2.1-10Mbs
of an acre. being p .rt or warrants no. 1871
3317, about Thirty acres of which are imprO-
to', and on which are erected one small frame
house, one log barn and other outbuildings.
and some -fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken
in eXecn!lOn and to be sold as the property of
13. 11. Bez on .
certain 'tr tct of land situate in
S , :eden tp, Potter co., Pa . beginning at a post
the north-west cot ner of lot no. 32 of the al
lotment of lands in Swed,n tp. thence south
on the west line of lot no. 32, 160 rods to a
post, thence west 53 rods to a post standing
iu the east litre of lot no: 29. thence north on
line of lots nos. 29 And 28, 16),roils to n'post.
thence east along the south line of lot no 37
53 rods to the place of beginning, containing
Fifty acres, of _wit HI thirty nere;, , are improv
ed with one I ,g house. one log barn and some
fruit trees thereon. Seized taken in execution
and to he sold as the property of ParidCroicell.
Al.'-O—A certain tract of land situate in
Pike tp. Potter co., Pa., bounded on the north,
and county above men•toned and deseibed
as full ors. to wit : bounded on the north by
lit no. 3 belonging to J••s Sunderlin. on the
east and south by um-eatsd lauds, and on the
enst, and south by unseated on lands and the
west, by lot no. 20 belonging to C
containing Sixty acres. it being lot no. 32 of
the allotment of the .A-lily Linds in the above
mentioned towniep„ and part of warrant 5127.
ALso---One other lot sito:th• iu the township,
west by lot nos. 19 and 22. containing
:nes and 7 10ths of an nue, it being 1 , 4 110.
to Oi d part of warrants nos. 5122 amt 5127 of
which Thirty acres are improvedotod on w hich
are one over-shot saw-mi I, one frame dwell
ing house, one frame barn, and some fruit
trees thereon so—Oneotherlottleserib-
ed as follows. bounded on the north by unseat
ed lands and lot no. 29 on the east be lots nos.
17 and 10 and unseated lands, on the South
by lots nos. 22 and 23. said on the wea by
lots nos. 21 and 27, containing One hundred
acres. it being lot no 9. and part of w.srrants
nos 5123 and 5126.—ALso—une oar lot
described as follows:. bounded on the north,
east, south, and, west by unseated lands at
Hunsicker k Oarlock, cottaining 40 acres, it
being lot no 33 and pin of warrant n 0.5125
Seized, taken, in es. elation and to be sold as
the proporty of Jotodhan Steve/axon.
ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in
Hebron tp, described as follows : bounded
on the north-by bolds of S. ),toss, east by Jer.
Burrell, and south and west by Nelson tilark,
enntiliniug 10 acres about G acres improved.
with one frame lioue, one frame ship, and
fruit, trees thy. reon. Seized.taken in execution
and to be sold us the property of IV.D. Ifidger.
ALSO—A certain tract of land desCribea
as fllows, to wit : commencing, at u post in
the east line of the Keating lands the SE cor
ner of lot No. 11 of the allotment of lands in
Clam townshit;thence south by east line of
the Keatinz lands f 0 rods to the N E coiner
of lot no. 13. thence west. be the north line of
lot 3 212 rods to the S E corner of lot
st rvey:il to Jacob COle: thence north 60 rods
to the S W corner of bit no. 11, therice east
212 rods to the place_ of beginning. Containing
titi acres, being lot n 0.1.2 of the Keatinglatds
in Clara tp. Potter co., Pa.,.and,part, of„svor..-
rant no. - 2178, about 50 acres 'of : iv:Lick : Are
improved with one&airier. kettle,: onejrame
barn ipther 'Outbuildings,- and some foul tree's.
thereoti.—ALsOne other, tract of :land'
described •as' tollvu•s: vi; the
S. F. corner Of.n surveyed to -- Atuos Nichols
being a post ou'the,boith bßix of the Qstiliso
creek, thence'north 315 rods; thence Kest 48
thenet.sciuth 207 rods to the 'north bank
of the UswaYo creek, thence up said creek by,
its several courses to the place of beginning.
containing .92 acres. being lot no. I of the
allotment . of Keating lands in Sharonlp. Potter
c0.,1"ii.. 'and part of warrant n 0. . -2194 with
about 75 acres improved. onefrainehouse,one
frathe barn, one frame horse barn.-other out
- buildings:and some fruit trees thereon. Se 4 -.
ed. taken in I..teention, and to be sold as the
property of Sula Stevel.B, B. F. Nichols,
Newton. • !
- ALSO=-A Certain 'tract of land situate in
Wharton tp. Potter co., Pa., begitining nt
post in the N E corner of lot contracted to Jas
Aires thence north 157 rods to a post. thence
east 29 rods to a post, thence north to the west
bank OCilie.t. rinneunthoning creek, thence
along l ittikereek by the several courses thereof
to rrant line, thence west along the
warrant:line 525 rods to a- post, thence south
.313 rods to a.posti thence east 525 rods to the
plate of beginning: containing 629 aeres,mnre
'or less, being n part of warrant no 492 T. the
Saine 'ball% unimproved. Seized, taken in
execution, md to'be sold as the property of
Helms dud Smith.
ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in
Ulyssee. tp. Potter co.. Pa.. hounded on the
north' by lands of F. Galpin. east by lands of
George Carpenter, south by lands of Josiah
Howe, and west by land 3 offsaac Byam, con
taining 50 acres. 25 acres of which are
proved, with two fame houses, one frame
barn. and some fruit trees thereon. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of George W Lewis.
ALSO -A certain tract of hind situate in
Swed-n tp, Potter co.. Pa., and hounded and.
described as follow:: commencing at. is past
the N W corner thereof.thence east 60 perches
to a corner, theme north 24 and s.loths per
ches to a post corner, thence east 106 ti , rehee
to a post cor., thence south 99 and 2-10th per's
to the road. thence along the road in a south.
westerly direction 36 and 9-10th perchestot
corner in the highway, thence south 73. and
6 10th perches to a corner. thence cast 49 per.
to a earner, thence south 68 perches to at cor
ner, tin nee west 119 and 4 Toth, perches to a
corner, thence north 63 and 5-10th perches to
at corner, thenre west CO , perches to a corner,
thence north 159 and: 5-10th perches to the
place of . beginning. containing 200 acres of
laud arid being certain lots nos. 21.45 and 51
on the tamp 01 the Bingham estate in Sweden
tp, Potter co.. Pa., and parts of warrants nos.
2047, 2052: 2085, and 2092, Seventy-five acres
of which are improved. with one frame barn,
and sheds, one log house and fruit trees.
,thereon. Seized, taken.du execution and, to,
be sold as the property of J B Smith.
ALSO—AII those sii . cerbtin tracts, pieces.
or parcels of land situate in Pike and Hector
Townships, Potter Da.. Pa.. being Ilottery
Warrants Nos. 5122. 5123. 5124. 5123. 5126.1
and 512.7. and conveyed by Patents; from the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to John
Isiicholson.dated tbe 29th & 30th days of April,
1794, and. named Darby Goshen Natnt
Thomas Concord Fairfax .k Richmond, and
each tract contain'ttg One Thousand min
Ninety-Nine acres, or Six. Thousand Five
Hundred and Ninety-Four acres in all, :Inc
being the same as conveyed by John Nichol
son an d Il na nah his wife by deed dated the
18th day of Mirch,A. I) 1705. to John Ash
ley. and tecorded among the land records of
Potter Comty in Deed Bonk IL page 147 &c.„
excepting one piece containing 100 acres
herelotOre conveyed to E. S. Morlon, one .
piece containing 30 and h acres conveyed to
Martin, and one piece containing 72
and 3- 4: h 3 acres conveyed to Wm. McDougall,
upon which lands thete arc several improve
ments viz ;
One or about 30 acres, frame house,
franie bare, blacksmith situp. out
buildings, and some fruit trees thereon.
Another of about 20 acres cleared, with a
frame house, board shanty and some fruit
trees tlivret.u.
Another of about 33, acres cleared, with
three frame houses, 1 pw-mill blrn and
other outtmildinzs and same fruit trees thereon
Another of about fifty acres cleared, with
1-fram house, 1 fratn. barn and some fruit
Another of about 83 acres cleared land,
4 frame houses. 3 frame barns, I saw mill,
some out hon=es and fruit trees theron.
Another of about 12 acres cleared land,and
1 frame h , mse thernn.
Another of about 50 acres cleared land,with
I. frame 1)0E , e.: 1 frame barn, I log house, 1
board barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Another of about acres cleared hut&
Another of about 50 acres cleared land, with
I frame house, 1 log house, and fruit trees
Another of about 15 acres of cleared land,
with 3 log houses, one log stable and other
outhouses thereof , . Seized, taken in. execu
tion. and to bs sold as the property of Emu
-sicker S Garkcf•.
_ . _
Nov. 17. 1861
LIST OF CAUSES for trial in the Court of
common Pleas of Potter county, at December
Term. • .
Herron k Laughlin vs T J Bnrdic
Fay Bradley & Dwight c. TJ Peleg & 0 Burdic
W T Jones ‘s Wm Jordan
Hannah 31 Wharbm vs R W Mclntyre
Wll 31 etzzeroninir r &C. WT &A Jones
W Jones & Btolvs J3l Kilbourn
A Baring et al Trth:tee.;: - Are vs U King et al
" ca W T Jones & T West
Moses 'locket vs .J Brown garnishee of Ball
Colwell & Lyman vs Charles Chand:er
Atnor Fairbanks vs Lewis Wood
L Canfield vs Fred Brooks, Garnisbee,&c
J 0 Mercerean et-al rs P B•Dedrick
Coulmouwettlth -vs Woodard & Sherman
" Janice Mutton
H. J. OLMSTED, Proth'y.
Coudersport, Nov. 10, 1862,
Audfloes Notice.
lAVING been appointed Auditor to distri-
Bute the nmney in the case of Riley; Eas-
Lai es. O. C. Wapner and Peter Beatman, now
in part for use of Win. Boatman, in' Potter
County Common Pleas. I will attend to the
duties of said 4ppoiutment on the 131 h day of
Dectusber next at 2 u'eloeli, P. M., at the Pro
thoautary's office in Coudersport.
Nor. .24. 1863
" Aduilubtlratriil Notice.
WWHEREAS, letters of Administration on
the estate of John .A. Niehois,late of
Sweden township, Potter eounty,.dee'd. hare
been granted to he undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
Immediate payment, and diose haring claims
against the same will present them duly au
thenticated to the subscriber.
SARAH NICIIUhS, Administrntrix
Swecteu, July 21, 1t362.
Mg-Subscribe for the JOUJINAL.
- • •
Purchased during the recent panic and great
Ladies Dress' Goods,
Readp-made Clothing.
Wool, Twine, Wall• Paper,
We respectfully invite a cull, feeling cenfideat
that we can supply the wants of all on terms
to their satisfaction, giving better Goods for
less MONEY than can be had at any other
'louse in Potter or adjoining counties.
We have also adcled, to Our well-known.sto9c
of goods, a new. and complete stock of,
Paints Oils. Varnishes.
Sponges. Corks,. .Bottles
Vials and Lan4l-Globes,
W3I. F. BURT, She.
decline in Goods In Now' York.
HATS and CAPS. •
Fancy. Goods,
Medicines. Chemicals,,
Glues; Dye Stuffs.
&c. &c. &c.
will be sold ,
at the
Don't rail to Call and Eel) !
T HE subscribers at their
Offer to their old customers end the public
generally for Cash, United' States Treasury
Notes (which by the wal are Oxen at Par,)
Wheat : Corn, Oats, Buckssheat, Butter,Chcese,
Hide; Pelts, Deer Skin; and all other kinds
of Skins, such as Calf Skins, Sc., also," Beans,
Bens, Venison, and some other thinks' that
can't be thought of,
Hats ; &; Gds,
4'*.11;10,. OHs, gnd, , Dye Stull
Together Tejtb some of the best
Far superiqr to the Oil Creo or Tidiot+t• Oil
Also a few more of tboee Superior
And otket kinds of .; •
And . other articles which tinie.alone for
bids us kraeritiou, all Of which will be
sold as low as the WAR PRICES will
allow—foi• strictly
And for those articles we take, the high
est market price will be paid.
We are aieo General Agents for
DR. D. JAYNE'S Family Medicines,
DR. AYER'S Medicines,
KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery,
And all the standard Medicines of the day
C. S. & E. A.,4ONES.
N. B. The pay for the GOods must be en
hand when the Goods ere-delirered,'as weans
determined to liye to the motto of "Pay se
Yon Go." -
Just one thing more. The Judgments.notes •
arid book accounts. Which we base on, hand , i
must be settled and, closed nil immediately izcz
we fear they will be' 'stressed faster th t li tt,=
axial Tsai of intiesst.
7 1 ,