The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 26, 1862, Image 1
6 VOLUME %IQ.-•NUMBER 48 POTTER JOURNAt4 PCISLISMID no W. Ric.4.larney, Proprietor. sl.e ra rsAai * * *Devoted to the min of Republicanism, tbe interests of Agriculturn, the advstnteMent of plueation, and the best good of Putter isseaty. Owning no guide except tblt . t. of Principle, it will endeavor to aid in the 'Work of =ore fully Frecdomizing our Country.r inventiscstarrs inserted at the follotring Zatal except where special bargains are mad e. 1 Square [lO lines] t insertion, - - - 50 1 " 3 1, $1 50 ltseiiabseqw..nt insertionlessiban 13, • 25 1 &Owe three months, - 1 44 six . " ----- - 4ob I ai nine " I. •"- sae year, - • . QOO Cilataa six months, 1,0 00 . JO 00 " u u. f 7 00 I " per year. ---- = 11 • - • tO 00 ♦dmiaistrator's or Executor's notice, .12 00 business' Cards, 8 lines or feel. per year 5 00 special and Editorial Notices, pe. tine, - .10 * * *All transient advertisements mu:s.t be paid in advance, and no notice will be p.kell of advertisements from a distance, unless they ea* accompanied by the mohey or satisfactory reference.. " * * *Blanks, and Job 'Work of all kinds, at tended to promptly and ntithfullv. BUSINESS CARDS. - - - ZULA lAA WDGE. No. 342, 14' A. M. STATED Nteetinks on the 2nd and 4thWednes d!irs of euch rtionth. Also Masonic gather ings on every Wednesdai• Eve•dng. for work sal practice, at their Hall in Couder3port. TM/TIM IVES, W. K. tsstcet HANTS. SeCy. JOUN S. MANN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATIAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend the ieveral Courts in PotZer and EKE= Countiel. All bush:was entrusted in his cart will teceive prompt attention. Office corner of West sad Third street';. ARTIIUit G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY coussELLon. AT i LAW Coudersport, Pa.. *ill attend to busine., entrusted to his care. with protiwnes 'and 015.ce on Soth 7 west corner a Main field fourth streets. ISAIC ATTORNEY AT LAW., Oclidersport,.Pa., vt-E1 • attend to all business entrusted to him: with care and rout ptniess, Office on Se..oad . near the A Ileg,hety.Brid;,re. F. W. KNOX. ATTORNEY AT 1. W. Coudersport.. Pa.. wil. regularly ;;tttend the Courts in -Pouer the ci.tijoniug Counties. 0. T. ELLISON, R..+ICTICING PHYSICIAN, Couters - port,l'a.. respectfully infurzns the citizens of the ri:- lage end vicua:ty chat he will promialy. re tpond :o alt fur. profe;sioaal service=. (Mite on Mtn st.. forrnerll oc eupielbr C. ',V. Eeq. Q: y. A - . E. A. JOSES, DELLEIIS IN DIII:GS..M.EDICINE.S. Oils, Fancy Articles.';'3:l3.tionery. Dry flood. Groceries, lc., Tin rt_. Coutlitrsport, Pa. D. E. 0-143ISTED, DEALER DI:S. GOODS. READT-MADE Clothing - , Crockery, (roccries, ac., Main Tst.. Coutlerport. P. ; COLLINS DIALER in Dry.Goods.Groreries.ProriAione. fiatdware., r.;jueensa - nre, Cutlery. and all Goods ussmlly found in n countryOtore.— CiOersport. M. W. MANN,. • Dw.. - qt . ENBOOKS ST.ATIONERIIKAG AZINF.6 and .Nhi.sir..N. W. corner of ;lair and Third Fts.. goldersnort. Ps. I COU DEL-LS.1 I (MT HOTEW D. P. GIASSMIRE. Proprietor, COrner o- Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot ter Co., Pa. A Liven• Stable is also kept in connect lion with this Hotel. Ikl 91p11: GILLON, TilLOrt—Dev. 1: opposite the Court ITo'use— Iritl :make 1111 clothes intrusted to. Lim in .the latest and .hest styles—Prices to suit the times —Give him a 'call. • 13 41 . ANDREW SAN BERG BRO - S. TANINER.S AND CURRIEKS.—Hides tanned on the abitrea, in the best manner. Tun nary on the east side of Allegany river. Coudersport, Potter counts, Pa 17 ;61 I= " OLMSTED & KELLY, • .DBALEE. IN STOVES, TIN lc SHEET IRON WARE, Main st., nearly l opposite the Coon House, Couders2p.ort, N. Tin apil Simko iron Ware made to °I - del. in good 'style, on . short notice. , Ulysses Aci3.demy s.:taitis xis ?rill ILCAIIIPBELL, APreceptress, Idrs. N E;rric Jos ES GRIDLEY ',' As sistant., Miss A. E CARIPZ eLL i The exi.Epuses ?sr Tenn are: Tuition, from $5 to $6: Board. from $1 50 to $1.75, per week-, Booms for self= boarding from $2 to $4. Each term commences ednesday End continues Fourteen arsEsks. FAH t vial. A ug.27th . ..1§62; Winter term. Dee. lOth, 1562 ; and Spring term. AlarCh 25th, 813. O. R. BASSETT, President. GRIDDEY, Secfy. Lewisville, July 9, 1862. UNION HOTEL, CACAIDEREPORT, POTTER ,cot. TY. PENN., .1 A. S. ARMSTRONG IL AnsG refitted and., newly furnished'the Louse CD Main street, recently occupied ft. trace, is prepared to accommodate the Issreling public in as good style as can be had is lowa. Nothing that can 5a coy ow in lets:4o4sr comforts Aof the ;nests 'nil) be ne #ll-411i4L 'Does al i as! • . , I'. -. 1 0111. 4• V - ~ • . , . i, ' i. , ' 1 . , . . , i . 0.• b. .1 . -i:: , . .- , • - • , . . ei , s , . ... , ......±.,.... , ..,. r • f . 4 l 'Z , , ' ' ~, ;ti , . 1. - , .... .. , .4 , ~_ ,-..„ • .. 1 . ' • i 1 ' 1 i .. ,i I , . . . .. -....14. _ -);: 11 • ' • 1 1. -. 4 i 4 , - , .... . ~ • 1 . ~ 1 . . „ .Q 3... . . :. c .' 0.. . • . . 1 _. ....... _. 1 . : ~.- • ‘77 .- . 17 ' 7 . _ ~, t .:, , 1. . ; . . ..,. ....., . . , : , . . . . Original.] WHAT NATURE SAID Ti) A : TIRED !MARI' 1 7 - For all thy Irrntses,weary Ilemrt, - My blossoms have n baltni, For all thy restlessness and :•!(11. 4 23ds have.o. calm. , Through all thy. nights of sorrow, Untired ray calm stars gh;cr ; Rehultingnll 'thy sinfulness,!-, , - - My stainless lilies grow. All day, above thy fearfulness, ..•My birzds fezdess sing; , Crowd!ngirouhd thellourts,'Of Death, - My emerald grasses spring. • /Sy brooks gq di.oning otern=ward, My hirifs fly and frer, My-nights are full of solemn joys, My days, of light and glee. 0! akin.t - cif my ~. - God's best, sweet . gift to me,— Colid my Peace crown thi se only, And leave no' *nee for thee? Poor Heart ! thy mother ealleth ; 0, a easy and unh!eassd, Come to my breasy woodlanns, And End my peace"and rest ! 5 50 i liend at the Teachers' Institnte of Bingham Itownsbin by Miss JADE A. lilutc a ,*r.d publish ed by requestlof the Institute: Teachers t ! tv , e-tire assimbli ;here for I the, bencEt Of our, ;rat icus schools and on i this occasion we hare reason, to meet each lother, : with !vices; I,f congrtitalatittn . .aud 'hearts of 'Whett ,requested to !address you un this occasion, although (occupied with the dui - Ica of teaching and Illavitit but little . , leisure to: prepare au I essay, I did :Mit:feel at liberty to decline.; We are assembled here as teachers, pur ,, , 1 'suing one of the most, bonurable, must luseful: and yet west difEeulVitrnfessions. a.:cl,are- 'associated together! fur the pur -1 nose of unit nallmProvetneni iii the duties of our vocation. to continue milli each and to hear the, counsd of friends, I l on the hest lui et liti,l of teaching the -rising ‘-eneitiiilM to become useful and happy citizens of our favored sound). If in this iarduous work I could contribute any aid ithie question of duty was decsdtd. I felt ! the wore Witlitia to c,,,s•pll,liritli your re , I quest as the ratite of our services and the .I i riportance cif cur office at e : .1 atell, on 1 derri,ted by the public arid et en by parent 1j th,no s eir e s, folgeiing tint! we are t belt • most effccii‘e aulillarie-iii training their It:hilt:Imo to become ()in dient, affect lomat- I , , il I an... appy, men:tuft's of ti tl e . family: Lultl 1 h e r a fi e r oina - tuents io society ;Ifnil bit!, p . 1 II. , !, to their country. Alt. if parents I i n ure frequeolly reflected liiiw much the •, future prospetJti of their children depciids !oil nrcruer call) training. p o ts ID 5 t ..1,4101 1 , I, • !and at Ibe 0011" n-tic firesiue. t..ty tr,tuld 1 number t he sulikii)i teacher. .:111intig their I b e st friends at.d strive earnestly tt; Ci.bp I erate wt;h then, itt their ;duties. They; -_! would sustain the just eietue.c of their Lutliority, triAl ftequeutliyi ext;ort tlii-it ; Ichildien to industrt in study. cud to re i syectful ; nifectiotiitie iud obedient deport , I r ; ;pent -towards their teactiers. Cultivate 1 , a . chcs: f ul, affectionate aMti l dignited rutin 1 tier in your iutercou-e with, sour pupils Ylati,'-' said .4 ristotie, '-is au imitative I , a9i - n'ttl," and if you cultist a cheerful disposition youtseives- and 'Speak kindly • to your pupils you will by ytur example !diffuse the camas spi'rit' awiting, thew cud make ,- , ; , 1 i tt man yourselves and' your pupils, happy. The feelings of huinan heatts in ; itzeueral, and of all the lit the :hearts within' the walls of your school house, are linked I together 'by strong land I unmistakable I &twit: ,t.if.vytnriatky ; and - Clieerfuluess in I 'the teacher vrill - -Ispread like au electric I current over your whole !sehool. and be I felt by every heart within f l our little king.; i dom. If you are cheerful and kind you I will alwara be welcome ti ; ! your pupils :They will rejoice to see you approach the i I school house even if the-tour fur stud-v; has not arrived; beeatise't Ley know 3 tiu i i l rejoice iu seeing thew happy We shuirld I seek to make the stt.dies of our .chttuls I ;easy and pleasant, so that lour pupils may' Idelight in Itheiii'. - I trls,• indeed, neither 1 desirable nor possible .for, us to remove I i every.-oi-ts,tacleirind relieve l i ctUr pupil/5 fl nth 1 i Lliehece4ity Of study, - orrtt) convert our! !school lite!rallkluto a bodge of spoil and I lanitisentent. This would he to eucourage I 1 idleness arid mental, vlissipatiop, and pre-I, vent that intellectual effort which is en fsential to developement of Ibe mind. Aim I J at !borough irstruet ion. Fur this purposei labor to make-your pupil,- understand each !lesson beft4e,lnu- i atisign,a hew one, and teach them how to beip telesselv es . or course yott Will occasionally find a pupil whose _feeble ' intellect, under the test. tstiiiim:..wili 503 - 7 00 : , C 0 441af8. OA I c K n liv' assigned. ! 'Altie all utt•eisory explana tioto: and I illustratiorts, anti cad purlieu lardy those, pupils whose ; intellectual be, i i.efisitiaa ~ iii). . i.fitaTir",'. : 4 stit t "ra",isy thientagb I ,43411ititt, i'4lfittituii. tint pit auellauti of' ' questioning to impress ott .; the putsti/s I minds clear and distinct 14)preeeioosuf the Isekier.t wider consideration, ifyou fail io I I , is . and their views tel.naitt vbsture • and ciinfuSed they wiil sotin be forgotten. ', la I Lel_ *rf . 1,41 . ..b.4' .4100 riwprettsed eu EII3!EMEI to fig ?iirlcipis of .Ihp 41414001.00 i isseirliottioo of 4J0t•a1it9,... " t tito4l,oe, 440' tell s . }='l ' AN .ESSA,T .;_ COUDERSPORT, POTTER *COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOYENBER 26, 1802. the mind 'nor attottgly linked by associa tion to their previous stock of knotiledge. The less ;scholars learn for the sake of forgettiug it, the better. Force of 'char meter is indispensably necessary to us na tiacherst, if v:e .would be successful in our .vocation.; I know it is discouraging for you to labor with tireless assiuuity and brain exhaustive toil, and though the truits of your labor be rich and ripe, rare and glorious, es-citify , on all aides admi. ration and delight, the teacher may be uoinqui red for or perhaps forgotten. Yet this is too often the teachers lot. But, teachers, let us remember ours is a great and gooil work ; ours is the battle of know ledge, virtue and happiness, against ignor ance. crime sad• misery. Let, us perse vere in this warfare; let us not be weary An well-doing; ;our cause is both progres sive and aggressive , let us then carry our artillery, into the hearts of the enemies country. ;and though we enlisted as pri. rate volunteers, let it be our firm resolve that we trillprove ourselves, before the battle is ended, worthy of a Captain's commission ; and let our little armies of regulars and irregulars, as they are, be so that at last when peace is declared on earth, forever our great General will be satisfied with us and them. GENEEtAL A MaROSE E. BURNSIDE.— This gentleman, who now fills the impor tant place just made vacant by General McClellan, is a native of Union county, Indiana; was- born in 1824, and is now iu his 39th year- In 1843 he entered West Point Military Academy, and grad uated in 1847, with rank of Second Lieu tenant in the 2d Artillery. He intinedi atelyjoined that, regiment in Mexico, but in 1853,he retired to the walks of private life, and held 'an important position on the 111innis Central Railway. Subscquentfi be rein - laved to Provi-. deuce It. 1., Where, upon the breaking out of the war, be raised the first Rhode RegiMeut, which rendered much efficient service during the three months' campaign, and fought with honor at the battle of Bull Run. General Burnside is one of the finest looking men in the , service, of good stat ure-5 feet 11—erect and vigorous in hip rmitenients. his address - is easy and g ittletuan4. as much so to the common suaii~r as in his equal in ra ,, k. .He is tooroughly loyal, and imbued with a strong ..eirse of the enormity of the crime of tzeztuti and rebellion, and is no way eu.bauasred with set uples about crippling :I.e Lumpy in any way which be can be' !cache* His policy will not be a milk . - r;tld-water one, and we way now safely hope that more than a defensive warfare wit. I e waged His vigorous ck.urae in Car..liera. and his uniform success in the important expedition be led iu that tate, in the face of appalling difficulties, are g.,,aratitees that he will nut disappoint! the hope.; of the country in the high and: responstbie position he now. occupies. Jun:: VJEWS. —A man, Do* it, rano, who while iu London publicly reuvutied tut: ullegiauce to the United 8 iaavo vu account 4.4 the Prenidenee Proc hithullou..t.ougla uu iuterview with John iiright, how whom be received the fol ios/fig it:llvr of comfort : Ulan W A LEs, October 17,1862. W. C. Jewett, Erq , Loudon: Ste.;—l will bu in town the end of the,; I mouth. Fruw your published views ! , but! little good eau result 'row as interview,' [lf you are for the Union, and think it ! ' eau be preserved by conciliating the Sotitl4 couiess lam amazed. They Dave wade . ! I war upon you. because they suspeetea Hutt you would yield notLiug wore 4i- 1 , ;thew. Are you, to yield wore to thew , under coinpuision of war, or because you' icau ueituer conquer the South, nor yet rub,intas au tudependeutstate without her? t It you' to%e slavery and wish to contiuuel it, and think you can build up with 136n0r ; lestbred and united republic by huW.I bliug yourself to the South. 1 - can only express wy btirprist at the dream which possesses you. You way separate, or light out tuts coutest and win, but to l e ave the slave still a slave will expose you to the' voutewpt of the civilized world I zpi . plaud the protlawation of the President, as does every wan in Europe wlto is uot a 1.4 e to freedow, or gloved by base hos , i Lilly to the Awerienu Repu.ilic, bemuse' it isa republic. and because it is power,' ruL When in town 1 will see you. I utu, respectfully yours, Jnat't BRIGHT. . - Pao ltsr.B.—That Seytateur atiatod be Cleated the rebels would isy dowit their sruis and beg .ror peace. Thus the people should uot taxed—feud that we should have better litwest attti A. aunt of gewetal tuillesieut witito,itt &l y., We ,hall bee whether those prves aue fulfilled,—Owerio Times. sww ?wily Jrope laws been etarteo ip Ww•itiwi r tsidu by.JtLl) %%Fanny. At - wupporfo sire Adatim6trwtima, slid is called the Gaily aronicle... . DID ABOLITIONISTS MA:it! TDB WA . Ial - .;--74 is asserted that 'those . holinsist on' political orpnitation, that. 'Abelitionists' Made the war. Well, strOpose theyr did, it the danger any les* to our institutions than if it originated its other causes ?' Can #ro permit our edifice to be destroyed be.l 'cabs° a 'comparatively small niituber of , persons kindled the confiaeration ? 1 Is it' not as much , the chity of the wh?le people to preserve the edifice as thclugli the tills. fortune were the result of ' circtitifstances where ,no ibartyi whatedever Iconic! be chargeable with wrong? . ; But Abolition-, isle, did not make iheFwar. It Iwa nel ther because of. slavery nor anti - sl avery. These elements were made a pretext, and' employed as tradingl capital by the cull spimtors and villain* who inaugurated' this rebellion, for thelpurpose of uniting,i as far as pessible,thei minds of the South ern people in the false idea that their in stitution was in danger. iThe War is the fruit of a wicked and unhallo;i;ed'ambi tien, commencedlor the purpoie of ele vating demagogues, of the vileSt type, 6 placeS of power in this Government, or a new one to be formed for their conveni ence and accommod4tion: It was waged upon the loyal people because Satan took Jeff. Davis and his associates up into an exceeding high place on the Blue Ridge 3lountains, [laughter] and shored him all th southern 'kingdoms belovi, and promised that all these things Ihe would give them to enter the service of his sable majesty. They Were weak and wicked enough to `suppose he possessed c isome title to the territory in view, [ roars f laugter] and entered his service' accordingly, ac . - knowledging him con:mender-in-chief—a l position which heStill hOlds, they' acting' as'his subordinates; and „having the ad vantages of the rebellion; as the reward Of their enterprising e ertiopk—.o. AS'..Dick• 'lawn's Speech, at ,lbany. .g e 1 -=' .' cch l at ligniy. i , • 1 SermoO o iEducatioO. , 5 5 To.the I?erei-nedrClengy of Me 'State: , GENT.LEMEN : TieAdocati? l 'vall i State Convention, whic was id sessiow li in ar risburg.last Angus ,:unatlivvondly dopted I t a resolution "That 31iristeis ot the Gos- pel throughout tbe State be r*ested to preach, on the Sn i t Sunday in December, 1862, a sermon cat Popula.edneation." l ' AS the Convention adopted! rict means to make its wishes on this subject known to you, other than the pnblieation of the ,A • I minutes of its proceedings , h are taken the liberty, in this rummer, to invite your 'attention to it. , ( i At all times thedue trainirce of the 1 , young is of great importance, and the re ,lation to it of the Christkin lkinistry is I:plain and intimate.' In ' the present 110- i nappy juncture of cur national affairs, re garding the future through the uncertain light "bt' the present, tbis importance is really, increased, and the relation Of your body to it seems to lbocOnie, in the same proportion, necessary. The wishes of the Converwi'on are, therefore, cordially; commended to your favorable lonsidenition, with the hope that you will simialta,neouslyl add your prayers to the Father of Light, that He will, 'at ibis time,especially' bless the cause of Geceml Edticarlon, arid so guide the efforts of etrirtisted with its care, that the Youth etf Or' land May; become Christian( citizens iof a, united nod pros; perons Republic. ; ; Very respentrolly, ; Your obe r die4. servant," THOS". 11.18 [Mit 0 \its, Superintendent ;Common Schools. Nov. 11, 1862. ; I lEIi;TICAORIANA9" 3.1i1113.1.A9iE.--A vio -1 pia: . couple got marrid,d in Chester coal:- I rv, the other day, nierely. making the fol. • 1 1 I lowing ' declaration in, the presence' of 1 i i friends: . f . 1 i 1 " We , Orson S. 'hurray Lydia.). l Jacobs,snake know:: to these 'par friends that we have chosen each other ; for con jugal companionship, in prosperity and adversity; in life and till death. jWe ask no license, we jsubMit to no dictation.— i We. bow to,' no authority. R 0 iecognize: I no God noir Almighty power to guide .us. Our ;promises are to ourselves) and each ' I other.' 11-j _ ...... I. ir------- Geo. McNeil, in I j coal:Nand of itiortbern • Mistlouri, was forMerly a thOraugh pro slavill mao, bat under the, teachings ; of. the war, is an equally thorough:A:KA:6on. Ist. Be, believes jin abolialirg slavery and rebellion too. IBy his rrrhtentit or der tea . guerrillas jwere shot • t Palmyra. 310., on Oct. la, after ten days notice to the guerrilla Porter; that such Would j be thei fate if an old Uttie4sist earned Ails. alas Was not breught in oak. I Brigadier.Generid Edwio ,Price the coo of Major-General Price, the rebel of leer exebanged for Oenerei Prentiaa, bat come to et. Lads, rerigned hie rebel geu. eralstip, taker, theloath of allilviance and • rc announced hi* determanstioni to observe IGtotral Price ass the t ebelliort in siwobt exhanited, and the ;tebel artuy eau exist but a little loki4er... , . Personal Appaloinite of• Ed' 1-mond Durkee 3 -- When, Burke came forward, kir his oils tom Was, the' , middie of the House of Commons to speak, the first peculiarity which 'caught Ithe eye of the spectator was the glasses 'tvbioli he almost constantly wore iii. the &rya of his celebrity., lie was till, end neble.lookiog, With, a bid ly pr4ossessing appearance fby po weans smart iniris dress, yet possessing a per sonalignity which the tailor could not have. iVele _him. He seemed - full of il th . csglt , and care; and the' firm lines about ithei mouth, the strong jaw, and severelglance of the dark eye, spoke of many en inward battle which was known to no; 'Litman Observer. •The' head was solid'and intense, rather than mass've, high. rather than broad, and tolera ly \ tt, prominent, fuller, one would say at' fir , sight, of the reasoning than of the imag ining (power. His nose, ' which *vas as straight.' as if it had been cut after a bev el, opened into powerful nostrils, made apparonily only to sneer. Altogether be. looked like a great man with a great leS son tol read to men, more than like a gen tle one set in the world to please. He spohel With a decided Hibernian accent, slthOUgh he left the country early in life. But Ili is to be remarked that men of ge nius; haidly ever lose ttie tongue of their youth !:He had a voice of grea': compass, and:he :was never required to hesitate for words . They'canie quick and vehement, pen fretly alraost beyond the power of utterance. A's he spoke; his head rose andiell ; new; it swung, and anon it os cillated' from I side to side of his body, • 4 moved by the intense nervous action of his fiance. Young Gilkey, 'the foremost of English cricaturists. ' sketches Burke in vamps poitures and altitudes. One of tit . most characteristics of these repre resen 'as rapt in the delivery of 1 some oration, with his hands clerici3 ed and his arms raised erectly over his head, his / whole body a picture:of liv ing energy.-- 7 British Review. A Thought of Death. In thC lung watches of the winter night, when bee has swoke from some evii dream, and ties sleepless and. terrified with the solemn pall of darkness around one—on one icof those deildly, still; dark nights wherl the window only shows a murky palbh of positive gloom in contrast, with the i4ot h inrie4s of the walls ; when the howlin Itempest round chimney and roof ,;w old be welcomed , al a boisterous cor4 , a, ion—isuch still dead times' only, lying in the silence of; the tomb, one realizes that some day tve shall be in that' bed 'and not Think"at all; that the time will/some sikti When we moat Our ;preachers remind is of this often enough!, but we caunot realize it in a pew in broad daylight. You must wake in the middle cif the night to; do that, ink' fac'e the thoUght like a man, that it will clothe, and come to ninety-nine in a bun drel of us, not in a maddening 'eh:Met er n tiAetryl as the day is won, or in car rying a strandedlship, or. in such like glOrions, time, when the soul is in tuasiery over, the body, but in bed, by slarridegrees.;ylt is this . ; and then let us hope that - ‘Webunibly retneruber. that death has been conquered for us. and that,,,in spite of our unworthiness, we wayldefy _ _ 34tS. For AS ANAIiTI.IOII.E.SS. "T 4 :Story of the Guard: A Chronicle of the l War," is the title of a .volume soon. to be I h. , sued from the press r of Memo Tieknor & Fields. The lwriter is 'Mrs. Je'tsie Tremont: the well i known wife of the General. Col. lentou's daughter no doubt' is a skillful writer and shemill re. cord in her forthcoming book many ro. mantle incidents, and telP home truths ap. pertaining In her husband's much-abused, campaign in Missouri. l' i We understand the tvbiume,:wili_ contain several private domestic letters of great mtermt from her httsband and his soldiers: The Profits of the ti)k are to be devoted by Mrs. Fre. Mont 'to of ihe, widows, and children of the fallen brave officers who perished in l i the Spriug6 L ld fglit. Such a bOok by eh . writer will 'be a wel cotneirolnweeverywherit.ll-4-Bostoit fermi. scri:pt.l, horse doctor in a Weetern town Was once elected constable. lie was a thrifty, we 4 to-do farrier and blackemith, and doe. tore d, and shod all the horse° for twenty mileel around. After being constable fur a year or two, be took to hard drinking mid became poor.. Finally, he determined to reform, but found it bard work totquit his !driuking habits. One day a imam brought a horse to him to be doctored-- "The; florae seems to be sound," tiai4 tfut mae,"but you see he trou't drispir,;"--! "If that's sit what ails him," said the-fsr rier, ~ you hare only to elect h coasts, bit dritklt thee fast. enough ) , by thwititer! 4've tried it, you, see,, -4 - 41414 and 81.00111 have hEvi up aLef f s vietaa et actlsliata wittaut dui& TERIRS.--$l.OO PER AMOS.' • -4174 el-I To ICintlol3B ADVERTISEMifiTiI.7—ThIk, ''Carlisle Gazette and Western, Repository 3 of Allots/edge," published in Carliele,Ati•ct by Kline & Reynolds, in the year-17W L °Contains the following:. , „. ~ :', ~.., t 4 Pp be sold.—A likely healthful , hsgrq! *melt, is used to do kitchen worit,:sluiri has fnur children, the eldest a girl abewt., , : 8 years of nge ; the second a boy about 51., years: old, they arc registered, Attve ,Ag_cP, the spialt pox and lileasles ; thirdit,b,o_y a 3 yearS old ; the youngest a girl 13 itiono4 ; ON i they are healthy and thriving, lOU be sold together for cash, ptiblic - steurl :l ties at the current value, or bar iron. 77: ; ;, Engnire of the printers." . ~ , ,:_,,,, ~,,. Another advertisement 'is that ; et' e ll ; "chimney doctor," which-profession like s , the business , of slave dea li ng, has which-profession; into; disuse. The. doctor adirertises Mr follows : .:, :--.-..‘ , . . "Jas. O'Flaherty, Cirinino ,Doctor, lately arrived in!this town, begs'leays..tet inform the public, that he undettalm, tifs, cure chimneys in the free emission,o£ smoke; sets the' different kinds of fire works; snob as perpetual boilers, metal and: common oven, grates, stew Wei; stones; French and English kills's, citi? terns, stills, , pans and pots and batter's"' planks; laysistiarths neatly, mid iinderzi takes to build bonsai" of brick or stone.--ii He woks al lathing or plastering by slid yard or room • engraves on head 'or toast& stones by the letter or epitaph. The abov4 works will be completed aceorditig io4he modern taste." ."Alexander Biggs, Tailor to the , leading to the Sheriff's house in view. Of the market," advertises to - make clothes of a "peculiar genteel sir," clothes that are l "distioguished by the ladies its dis tant planes." 'How the dandieS of that day nest' have . besieged the shoed' the renowned Biggs! Among other curious things is a peti, • tion from the ladies of Pennsylvania to Congress, tofi,rbiti men mart-ring men" from hence.. The fair petitioners say they are "possessed of youth and beauty Quito a good Opinion of thetitseiva: ; van= ity is quite a failure even anion ILI' 1a dies of the present day. FlDELmir.=-Never forsake ti friend; When enemies gather around—wh en aick; nessi falls upon the heart—when the world is dark and cheerless—ra the time to try :rne friendship. The heart tint has been touched with tine gold ail I re; double its efforts when the friend is 14d and in trouble. ,Adversity tries flue friendship. They who run from the f . 1 . „; scene of LiAress, betray their hypocrisy; midi prove that interest only moves them. If you have a friend who loves you—wild has studied your interest and happinest —be sure to sustain him in adrersity.— Let:him feel that his former kinds:eta is appreciated, and ,ihat his love Was net , thrown away. Real fidelity may be rare; but it exists in the heart. Who has nut seen and felt its power:' Thev deny its worth and power, who They never lured a friend er laboreit to maken friend happy. The good and' the kind, the af fectionate and the virtuous, bee and feel • the heavenly principle.* They would sae rifico wealth utid honor to promote the happiness of others, and in return they receive the reward of their love by sym pathizing hearts and countless favotw when they have been brought low by dis c,* or adversity. Tux PAnTnia ilnini.- 7 The hoar is coming—and it is a fearful aintiacrewn hour, 'even to the wisest and the best— the beur .is coming when vie tr)m , ,t bid 'adieu to the Pcenex Which please as, tci \ the "families we rove, to friends we eareein- Whether we. think of whether we think noir, that body, which is warm and active wOrt life, shall be cold and it With death. The eyunteaance intik by pale, the eyes :suet be closed, the voice ' lutist be silenced, the poises torist'be, tie. streyed. the whole appc-stance muss be changed by the raison:4oes* r0,,r4 of ear l:lst , enemy. •We knovi that vie me ern tenced to die; anti thocara we sometinies succeed in enstimi Yil foe a ;season tt,ei conviction IA this ourreitome truth., we eare never entirely- retrieve it. The ro freetion haunt's us Atilk; ii;nes (I,,ww. with' ws it night, it airaketan With an in timi . wopain g . Theirroveeable'douni le pwalied upon as, and too nen ile we, know it-- "llnat thou. art, %lite. - c l iat thee alga return." - .. . - INTZMPAYLi.nE,-A, dray; rt& 4 t ba utinvyame et tip,*nty, tlez: trdistiti , the epoirge of weuttfit the (edtrojer of teek , m- Hole, She tttief f i t Ma. tam tutertanee, the VEgga-1 . 6 eonpati the: 4" )ista3sit's. traible. He is bts._lffe-'s. .4k; bis ebildretee• emittypr, 4;4 own. ebeaue.. He. :144 of ,44s;v0,Nti aShies below s. begat, , e.e.4 w.t.s4tup of lit MAIL A Puri* letter oar, ittt ISchTeolii 0402 ditioblute,slready 744WY4 , VeYfritivit or beady A 3 . l)o4) , o44 A 4 vri'tgr tutib xioso web 4111146 41:, is. sew , :' 7'T - ; l V it i r '':' ME ~~Ss•3.'~7r' MESE] , r_ r A ~_._:..