The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 19, 1862, Image 4
p 600,00 MAL E or 0 GENTS TO SELL MALE A LLOYD'S new steel plate county colcired map of the United States; Canadas, and New Brbnswick. From recent - surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1862; cost 20,000 to engrave it. and one year's time.. - - ... Superior to any 20 map.ever made by Col ton or Mitchell, and sells at the low price of fifity cents; 370,000 names are engraved on this map. ' . • - .. .. It-is not only a County May, but-it is also a County and Railroad Map cf the LTuited States and Canada combined in one, giving every Railroad Station and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man 3 to 5 per day; and w:11 take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send fur 1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvass well, farniSllsd all our agents. . . ''"Wanted—Wliblesale Agents for our Maps In every StateXalifornia, Canada. England, France and Cu ith a few hun red dollaracapital. ; No COm a. A fortune may be made 'W . l i. petilion. .1. T. LOYD, No 164 Broadway.N.Y. The War Department uses our Map of Vir ginia, MarylancLand Pennsylvan . a. cos 000, on which, is mark( d Antietam Creek, Sharpsburg, Maryland flights, Williamsport Ferry, Ithrorersville. Noland's Ford, and all Others on the Potomac, and every other place ' in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or money refunded. Lloyd's Topographical Map of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana„ and Illinois. is the only au thority for Gen. I3uell and the War Depart_ meat. Money refunded to any one finding au error in it. Price 50 cents. '• From the Tribune, August 2.—" Lloyd's Map of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania: This illap is very large ; its cost is but 25 cents, and it is titi - beSt whirl, run be purchased." Lloyd's-Great :‘ialp of the Mississippi River —Front actual Surveys by Capts. Burt and Wm.' 'Bowen, Mississippi River Pilots of St. Louis, 310., shows every man's plantation and 'owner's naute front St. Louis to the Gulf of IMexico-1.350 miles—every sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back ;from the river—colored in counties and States. Price, .1 in sheets. 2. pocket, form, and 2,50 on linen, with rollers. Ready Sept 120. I ! NAVY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 1860.: J. T. Ltovn.—Sir: Send me your Map of the Mississippi River, with price' per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles U. Davis,com mending the Mitsissippi squadrcin, is author ized to purchase as ninny 'as are required fur ' use of that squadron. , GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of Navy. The Continental Monthly. Editors : Hon. ROBERT J. WALKER, lion: FRED P. STANTON, CHARLES G. LELAND, ELMUND KIRKE, The readers of tilt Continental are aware of the important position it has assumed, of the influenza which it exerts, „and of the brilliant array of political and literary talent of the highest order which supports it. No publica tion of the kind has, in this country; so suc cessfully combined - 'the energy and freedom of the daily newspaper with the higher literary tone of the first-class monthly; and it is Very certain that no magazine has given wider range to its contributors, or preserved itself so completely from the narrow influences of party or of faction. In times like the present, each a journal is either a power to the land or it is nothing. That the Continental is not the latter is abundantly evidenced kg ?that U l has done- T by the reflection of its councils in' many important public events,and in the char acter and power of those whoarc its staunch est supporters ; By the accession of lion. Robert J. Walker' and Hon. F. P. t•itanton ,tq itS editorial carps, the Continental acquires a srrengtlt and .a political siviilicaoce altich, to Louse who-are aware of the ability and experience of these gentlemen, must elevate it io a position tar above any previously occupibd by any publi cation of the kind in America. ;Preserving all "the boldness. v:gor, and alility" which n thousand journals have attributed to it. it will at once greatly enlarge its circle of action. -and disctisi. fearlessly xnd Irakly, every prin ciple involved in the great q estions of the day. The first winds of the m intry, embrac- - ing men must familiar with its liplomacy and most' distinguished- for ability, are, to become its contributors; and it is no mere "fluttering promiiie of a prospectus" to say,- that this "Magazine fur the times' will employ the first :intellect in America, under auspices which no publication ever enjoyed betore in this country. r Gonratilictasn,the accomplished scholar and author, Who hats till now been the sole Editor of the Magazine, will. beside his editorial la hors, continue his, brilliant contri butiknis to its pages,; ;bun Edmund Kirke, au thor' of "Among theTines,'i will contribute to :emelt issue,' having In:ready begun a work on Southern Life andi Society, which will be fou4d far more widely descriptive, and in all respects, superior to the first. While the Ow/Hi/vita/ Win express decided opinions on the-great questions of the day, it will not be a mere political jourzl: much alie larger portion Of its, colnrous wi 1 be en -livened, tts har.tnfore, by tales, pm try, and huthor.. In a word. the Continental Will be found, under its nelw staff of Editors, occupy ing a position aiid presenting attractions never before fonint in - a magazine TERMS '(0 CLUBS Two copies for one year, Three copies for one year, Six copies for one i year. Eleven copies for one years Twenty copies for 'one year, emu ix Anv.Axos 1 Postage, Thirty-six cents a yeari to be paid • by the Subscriber. , . SINGLE CONES. Three dollars a year, is ADVANCE.—Postage paid by the Publisher. JOHN F. TROW, 50 Greene St., N. Y. Publisher fur the Proprietors. * * As an inducement to new subscribers. the Publisher offers the following very liberal premiums; • * * Any person remitting •3, in advance, will receive the 'Magazine from July. 1862, fa January, 1854, thus securing the whole of Mr. s ramball's and Mr. Kirke's new serials, which are alone worth the price of subscription. Or, if preferred, a subscriber can take the Maga zine for 1563 and a copy of "Among the Pines," or of "Undercurrents of Wall St.," by 11. B. Simbcill, bound in cloth (the' book to be sent postage paid). 16* Any person remitting 4.50, will re ceive the 3fagazine from its commencement, January, ze6l, thus securing 3fr. "Was ilk! Suceeirffill?" and Mr. girke's "Among the Pine?" and "Merehuht's Story,'''tind nearly 3.000 octavo pages of the best. literature in the wcirld., Premium subscriberklo paytheir own postq.,e. 1I BEST OFF LOUR kept constantly on bandit tins Poet Ode 13tortt. , •"- THE UNION " ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, H lIBTON 8. NEWCOMER, proprietor. This Hotel is central, convenient by Passenger cars to all parts of the,city, and in every parthm wants adapted to the ants of he business public. Terms 1 59 per day. NATP.ONA COAL OIL WIARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE I and egtial.i.o.any Kerosene. WHY bey an explosive Oil, ashen a few cents7niorii per gallon 3011 furnish you with , a perfect!ol? Mad.: only by PENNA. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 1t. , 7 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Feby..ll .1862 ly. - lIIN F.. WARRINER, Joyeller and Watchmaker, N COATED on Niniu St.. opposite the Court LA liothe, Coudersport. Pa. '• IClOcks. Watches, Rep:dreg, on "short notice and warranted to give s:!itiSfaet on. , A gOad assorttnent of . OLQCES, , . WATCHES; and i, . JEWELRY ; in hand: , Cheap for CASH and warranted as rei)re , enied. As an even exchange is no rob bery wilt give you time for Money. .. Coudersport, Dee. 16, 1861 i , , - p oa, s ALE d h ni to exchange for horses, Wagons, Stock LY GOod Notes or Judgments. A valuable Farm/ situate in Harrison township, Potter Co. Pa., l i ying on the old State road. deeding from Spring Mills to Harrison Valley and Westfield Pa. ICOntaining about 110 Acres, about SO: Acre-' improved and in a good state of culti-' vatio 1. ou which is arected n - large Frame House.' good Barns, Corn House and other nece4sary oat-buildings, a gOod Apple Ori (Atard containing some twenty' different kinds of Gaited Fruit. Shade Trees, &c. The above' 1 Faro lies abort 1 mile from Harrison Valley, 7 mi es from Westfield and Gthile.s from Spring Mills, and is a good Stock and Grain Farm, and !will be sold so that any one that can make a palnnent of 3, or 4 hundred dollars down. can inake C e farm pay for itself with his la r bor. I Price, $2,500.; f' r particulars inquire of Peter Simmons now. CC 11 pying said farm'. or C, H. Simmons, Oswayo Village. Pa. .1 C. 11. SIMMONS. Jrin. 15,.1862. I. 1 1 BOO'c'i STOI6O , ei Main above Th l ird St.;, COUDERSPORT, PA. W.:HAAN, PI4)PI3.I.ETOIL, , tr i_ BOOKS, - ....1:11P5, ILA LOBES I BLANKS- ' , i DOCKETS- . 1 LEDGERS- • DAY-BOOKS - 1 RECEIPT-BOOKS; IIEMORANDEMS, PASS-BOOKS, I DIARIES. , . PORT FOL tuti,! ~ . . 1-IBII.BAIIIUMS , • , • LETTER-BOOKS &-,, • INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin, French and German Test- Books. All 'School Books used' in the Count!) kpp oh hand, or immediately *procured whthi desired , • , 31tigazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired. Ai good assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Pap6rs, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, &c. • 114 B LES, T EsTAMENTS, PRAYER & HYMN BOOKS, : of various kinds MUSIC•BOOKS MID SHEET-MUSIC. Slate, Rulers. Back-Gammon Boards Chess Men; &c., Sze. PRODUCE of all kinds taken in o:change fur Books, Sc. [l.l-341 A T OLMSTED KELLY'S OTORE can always be found the beit of . Cooking, Box and Parlor S"I"OVES. )Also, TIN and SUET-MON WARE. POTS, KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agricultural Implements, eUcli iIS PLOWS, SCRAPERS.' CULTIVA -1.1 /RS, CORS-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, kc. 5 00 600 11 00 20'00 36 00 THEIR WORK • iS well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Readyd'ay ot all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. ' Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1 - , 1859.-50 AE iu al'itts'o grijttp rpHE undersigned m ould respectfully inform 111. the surrounding community that he has taken the rooms formerly occupied by John S. Mann, where he is prepared to do All kinds of Flarness Work on the shortest. notice. LONG STRAW COLLARS, also kept cnnstautly on hand. These collars are a superior article, and need but atrial to insure their success. I?epeiiring done in good style. 'Surcingles, Martingalelrings, Hames, and name straps, &c., kept corstai.tly on hand. The public arc invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. S. P. MLNAR. Cocdersport Oct. 16th, 1860. LP ROIVN SUGAR for 10 cents per pound sand County orders taken et 85 cents on the. dollar 81 the Post °Met Store, Jan. 8. = Union Clothing Emporium ! Come''. of Blain and Plank Road Sts. UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION! New Store! New Goods! The undersigned bog leave to inform the public that they have opened business at Corner Main and Plank Road Streets.opposite the Unian Block, where they will display an entire new stock of which will far surpass in quality, style and price anything ever.exhibited in this town. We are aware that to build up a large trade, it is not only necessary to have desirable goods, but to And we will make it an object for buyers to examine our stock before purchasing else where. All goods shown cheerfully, 'repre sented fairly,and submitted to the purchaser's unbiased opinion. f.. This is a branch of an extensive. manufae taring Louse in Elmira, Y., and therefore you will find all Clothing well made and got np in the latest style. An early mill will most assuredly secure a splendid bargain at the UNION CLOTHING PORIUM. D. STRAUS & CO. LP. A. STEL'BINS & CO $l5O BEST PIANOS. $l5O GROVESTEEN & HALE, having removed to their new warerooms, NO. 478 BROADWAY, are now prepared to offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, containing all imp s rovements known in: thin country or Europe, over-strung-bass, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, for $l5O CASH, ' WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Rich moulding cases, $125 to• $2OO, all warranted made of the best seasoned ma terial, and to stand better than any sold for $4OO or 500 by the old methods of manufac ture. We invite the best judges to examine and try these new instruments, and we stand ready at all times to test them with any others manufactured in :this county. GRAVESTEEN & HALE, 3m] 478 Broadway, New York. diLP Oaf:PIER, S APONIFIE:p. ! • _ THE - FAMILY SOAP 3IAKER. All Kitchen Grease can be made into good SOAP, by using Saponifier ! DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOX Soap is as easily made with it, as making a cup of coffee. • Minufattured only by .the Patentees. pENN'A SPIT IiiiIiTIFACTURING COMPANY, , No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia. • Feby. 1, 1962. ly -U•Ccoiitiinfiptives. HE Advertiser, having been restored to T health- ina few weeks, by a very simpleremedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, 'Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means - of care. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tne prescription used (free of charge.) with the directions for preparing and using the slime, which they will find a sure Cure, for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, 43-c. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending the Pre seription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invalua ble, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remody, as •it cost them nothine, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre scription will please address • REV. EDWARD A. WILSON; Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. Sept.24.-3m STOP I STOP! MONEY, MONEY SAVED! EMZEI YOU WILL SAVE krone 25 to 30 Cents! on every Dollar By purchasing your CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS At the new Union CLOTHING EMPORIUM. D. STRAUS i . e. CO 'Wellsville, N. T., 1862 WELLSVILLE, N. Y., Readyrciade Clothing, and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, SELL THEM CHEAP, Wellsville, June 1862 Ilave just received a NEW LOT OF BRADFORD PLOWS AND POINT S. Which they are SELLING VERY LOW FOR READY PAY. March 12, 1862 . , , , „„ The Thigh) Calle! The War bat; Be,g;nal: A War - of Extermination against - Bad•Teeth„ Had'. Breath, Diseased.Gnms, Toothache, Ear:: ' aele, and•Renralgia.l OUR ATILLERY Dr'.• Wm.: B. Mind's, DENTAL , TR EAS URY.: A complete Set of Remedies for PRFSERVING THE TEETH. .PURIFYING THE BREATH AND.SIOIITEI, and ctiiiNG TOOTHACHE AND' NEVRALG4 CONTENTS: Dr. Hurd's celebrated NO lIT.Ff WASH,I bottle. Dr.llurd's uneguaMdTOOPH PO' IrDER,I boz Dr.HorcPs magic TOO Tli-i CUE DR 0 PS,l'boz Dr. Kurd's UrRIVALLED NELTRALGIA PLASTER.i Dr. Third's .111-INUAL'on the Best ffeans of Preserving - the. Teeth; includingPerections for the Proper Treatment of Childrenrs Teeth. FLOSS SILK; for cleaning Letzreen the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, ete.,. ete. - Prepared at Dr. llurd's Dental Office, 77 Fount., St., Brooklyn,. • Price, ONE DOLLAR; SIX for $5. The Dental. Treasury makes a package eight inches by fire, anci is sent by express. Full direction for use is on eacknortieli The following articles we can send separ ately. by mail; vlzt The Treatise on Preserving Teeth sent, post paid, on receipt of Twelve tents, or four stamps. The _Neuralgia Plaster, for Neuralgia in the Face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent, postpaid, on receipt of Eighteen cents, or six stamps. The Neuralgia and Rheumatic Plaster (large sin,) for pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Sacs, or any part of the body, cent: post-paid, on receipt o: Thirty-Seven cents. Address Infru. . curd _ T. ibune Buildings, New York. Dr. Hurd's MOUTH WASH, TOOTH POW DER, and TOOTHACHE DROPS! cannot be sent by mail !but they can probably be obtain ed at your Drug or Periodical Stores. If they cannot, send to us for the Dental' Treasury, price, One Dollar, which contains than. • NOW ARE DR. HURD'S PREBARATIONS GOOD • The best evidence that they are is, that their firmest.friends and best patrons are those who have used them longest. Da. ;Withhtst B. Huso is an einicent Dentist of Brooklyn: Treasurer of the New York: State :Dentists' Association; and these prenarations have been used in his private practice for years, and no leading citizen of Brooklyn or Williamsburgh questions their excellence, while euiinent Dentists of-New York recommend them as the best known] to the profession. Without the aid of advertising, dealers have sold them by the gross. : The Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Times says: . "We are liappy to know that our friend Dr. Hurd, is succeeding beyond all ;expectations with his Mouth WaSh and Tooth Powder. The great secret of his success rests with the fact that his articles are precisely what they are; represented; to be, as we can testify from their; long use." • • The well4known P. T. Barnum writes :—"Il found yohr Tooth Powder so gOod that rn3f family have used it all up. ; We find it thell best Powder for the teeth that we ever used.' I shall feel Obliged if you will send sue another! supply at the Museum at your ;convenience, with the bill." I But their cost is so small that every one may-test the matter for himself ! • Beware of the Ordinary Tooth Powders., Dr.i Hurd's Tooth Powder contains ! no acid, nor; alkali, nor charcoal, and poltshes without, wearing the, enamel. Use n'o other. !, ' I ! i : ' WHAT DOES DR. HURD'S RENIEDiES EFGECT 1 I Dr. Hurd's Mouth' Wash 41•1 d ; Tooth Powder will give yOung ladies that finest charm in woman—a l :sweet breath and pearly teeth. Try theM, ladies. Dr. Hurd's ;Youth Wash and Tooth Powde i r will cleanse the mouth from all-foul exhale= tions, and if used in the• morning, will initl4 the breakfast taste sweeter andithe day begin more pleasantly .hundreds of persons can testify to this. Try them, gentlemen. 1 Dr. Hurd's Mouth, Wash and' Tooth .Powder are the best preparations in Pielwerld for cur ing BAD Bli.p.rn and giving firmness and health to the gums. Hundreds of cases of Diseasell Bleeding Gams, Sore Month,' Canker;„ etc', have been Cured byDr,llurd's astringent was . H I . Dr. urd's ..Ifouth Wash ancl Tooth Pou'd r give an additional charm to: courtship, and make husbands more agreeablAd n- o the wit4s and wives! to their husbands.! They, should he used by every person having: ARTIFCIAL TEETH, Which are liable to impart a taint to the mouth. ' : .• 1 • Dr. Hurd's Toothache Drops cure ToOthac e arising from exposed nervea, and.are the be t friends that parents can have in the House di save their children from to-iue and thtroselVes from loss of sleep and synipathetic slifferlng. Fanners and Mechanics! you cannot wOl afford to neglect your teeth. • For a trifling sum, you can now get Preservatilves, than which Rothschild or.: Astor Csin get 'nothing better. Rerriember that Dyspepsia and Cot sumption'of the Lungs oftdn originate in Neg lect!of Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Tee t h, and-read Dr Fitch's obserVation on this sub ject. If too late,to arrest 'decay in your own teeth, save your.children's teeth. ! ' Neuralgia Plasters: I Dr. Hurd's Neuralgia Non-adhesivePlasirrs are the most, pleasant and - SuCeessful iernedies I ever preseribed' for this painful disease. • 'llhe patient applies one, soon becomes drowsy,falls Asleep, and Awakes free froinpair,', and 'no blister on other unpleasant :or injnyibus !con sequences ensue. Fur Earache anchNervous Headache, apply riecording to directions, and relief will surely follow. 'Nothing can be 0,- tained • equal to Dr. Iliad's CorupresS forty eu ralgia. Try them.' Th eyare ! entirely a noel, curious, end original preparation, and wOn denAlly Isueceisful. They• are of two siies, one small, for the face, pride 15 cents; and the other large, for application to the body, price 37 cents. Will be htailedon.ieeeipt of price and' one ea mfi. • -WHAT ARE THE PFOPLE DOINdI • - , int e lligent The American peOple are enough to'appreciate preparations that contribute' so much to 'the happiness of those using them, and they" want then?. Every mail !brings' us letters. some ordering the' TURATISE ON TEETH, Some the NEURALGIA PLASTERS, and not a few enclosit* 37 cents for the Worn WASH, tri`be sent by mail; but to those we are.coinpeiled! to reply dhat it is impossible to send'a hhlf-1 pint' bot le by mail: • The people want. these! Remedi s. Who soil supply Mena ' 'Now isttie ! - ?Chance for . - iChp.nce for Agen4. - • 1 1 1 !. - • '. 1 1 Shrewd agents can make a small fotthrie in carrying these articles around to fainilies. "The Dental Treasury isithe neatest article - th i man or Woman can carry around'. ' Sendf one. and' see, or, better, a dozen; vbich welwil4 sell na.aamples far! y . I WM. B. HARD & CO. . , I - -, -, • . Tribune Buildings, Nert , Yr l i. .1 ! That remittances may:, be"rnide With: . 'cniafi! dence; iv.. B. H.) di Co. WO to the Mayor - of Brooklyn ; to GAri'Gri6th;;Presid't Fartbere and Citizens' Bank, Brooklyn, and to' ethers: I ' SO3fETHlip *Wit? - • : Highly ImPo t ttaa to the ,adietti• T , .. . . OWNER'S- PATENT , REMPAER AND SHIELD, I ' ' ' : : Fole -HAN SEWING :•'" - -- •!. Is ~ , , jliSt the thing" for, 1 ivhci,eiso tharieedle. This remarkably .rimple a &Navel invention saves one•lialf the. labor of h d-sewing, salt com 'plately protects ithe So er fnm the point of th 4 needle, and; Makes a neat , and' uniform he I , hile the operator is selling: , • ING LADY SIIOELD BE WITHOUT IT. . It scheap, siraple,lbeautiful, and usefOl. The Hemmer and Shield will be sea free of charge onlreceipt of the price, 125 CentS. pnclose stamp ford elscriptire circular and terms! j - I 1 - I DOWNER'S METRVOLIITAN SKEIN-WEINDER 'I ' '- ADI i , Sewing-aird Combined I; an article of real merit. It is used for the *pose of winding 819eins of Thread, .11c, Cotton,Yern, Floss; Worstett, &c. It is readily adjusted to the w 'rk-tible, and will'befounil indispensable to a using the above articles, ling a useful an iwfalumble appendage to e Sewmg-Bird.'L 1 Plies 50 Cts . to sl' riling:to Style and Finish. $ l l5O pax' *milli can be Real ied by enterprising Agents (wanted in every wniind County throughout the United States d Oaada,) selling the above article; as i i les are rapid, pi t oftts!large, apd has no com p tition. A liberal discount to the trade. Address • i A H. Downer, .442 Broadway, New York; 1 Patentee and Sole Proprietor. N.B.—General end exclusive Agencies will be granted on thelmost liberal terms.—ml93tp - - . THE DO SCHOOL HELL. A NEW SDIGING BOOK FOR DAY SCHOOLS, called the , DAY SCHOOL BELL Os now ready. k contains about 200 pages f clime Songsq Rounds, Catches, Dtietts, Quartetts. and Choruses, many of them written expressly' for' this work, besides 23 pages of the EleOaents of -Music. The Ele -1 intnla are so easy and progressive, that ordi kary teachers twill find themselves entirely uccessful in insOucting even young scholars slug correctlyiandiscientifically, while the tunes and words embrace such a variety of lively, attractive ;Ind ;soul-stirring music and sentiments, that, no trouble will be experi fenced in inducing all beginners to go on with zeal in acquiring skill in one of the most health-giving, b'eauti-imprOving, happiness lyielding, and otder-lproducing exercises of school life. In simplicity df its elements, in variety and atlaptaition of music, and in excellence and number of its Songs, original, selected, and, adhpted, it. claims by much to excel all competitors: It will be found to be the; best book ever lissued for Seminaries, Academies, and Public Schbols. A few sam plelpages of the jElein sots, Tunes, and Songs. are given in a cipeular send and get one. It is nompiled by fiORACE WATERS, Author of which Bells!" Nos. 1 and 2, of which have th,e enormous sale of 655.- 000 in 36 ;synths. Prices; paper covers, 201 cents, 15 per 1100; Bound;;30 eents, ' 22 per 100 - cloth bound, eliabossed gilt, 40 cents, 30 per 100. 25 copies furnished at the 100 .1 price. Mailed free at the retail price. Ht)RACE WATERS, Publisher, No l'4Bllßroadway, New York. SOMETHING FQII. THE TIMES!!! A NECESSITY 1N EVER HOUSEHOLD ! cßosurs. Aineiica . 4 Cerile - nt Glue, The strongest Glue in the World • For Cenzentiiw iVcod, l _Leather, Glass. Chino, , Marble, Porcelain, Alabasier, Pone, 'Coral, etc.. The only article of the kind ever produc ed which will with i stand Water. C , , 1 , 1: ximann : fiEvery lionsekeeper should hate a supply ofjohns k Grapey's: American Cement Glue!' — 2 ..YezO York Timer: ' '; 1"It is so convenient to hare in the house.' ---c2Ven , York Erpresk ° j'•ltis always. ready; this commends it to everybody."—. Y.! Independent. !‘l,Ve have treed it, andlfind it as useful in bur house as rater. l; Wit rs'Spirit of the TiineA j. ~ Price !..&.6. Cents per Bottle. • Very liberal re l ductions tci'SVliolesale Dealers. j j [ TERMS CASH. For sale byjall Druggists Jand Store keepers generfilly throughout the country. JJOHNS t CROSLEY, j (Sole Manufacturers,) J 'lB iWilham St'reet, New York. , (Corner of LihertylStreet) jyOly TRE BEROES OF PEACE .1 I ANDI TIIIIE IBErtOF.4 OF WAIL" • E. Anthony; N 0.501 Broadway, New York, is now publiShing, in addition to other por traits, the celihrat'ed collection known in Eu r Ope and Amqrica ias Brady'e;Naliopal Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is inlcluded Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America, not excepting Jeff Davis, Gen Beauregard,,Floyd, and a host of Other cOnfederat4 Price of Portraits, 3,00 per dozen. qan be sent by mail. Scenes tof the War for the Union, arc published, card size, and in Stereocopic fOrm. Also, j AI Stereoscopm views of 'scenes in Paris, Lon don and in other parts of England and France, in gcotland, Ireland, 'Wales, Holland, Switzer land, Spain, bn'the Rnipe, in Athens;Egypt, Turkey, the StiolY Land; China, India, Cuba, ac., ad infiniium. ;, Our Instantanous Stereoscopic Views are The Gr,eateSt Wonder of the Age. These are taken to thy' fortieth part of a second and the rusliing watci,the moving of leaves. ! or the mare of an army, does not in the least laffect the taking, of these views. They are sold for $3 r ier dozen. i. We haVe also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of r!Stereoscopes, Photo graphic Albitms, and Photographic Materials in the Uniteit States, and perhaps in the world Catalogue l s, containing lists of all our. Por traits, Views, Stereosccipes, &c., sent tree by mail, on receipt of a stamp. H. ArHONY,'SOI Broadway, jyly near St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. I 1110IIACEIWATERS PIANOS: MELODEONS. LEXANDRE ORGANS, Ain T. GILBERT . .:4;I CO.'S celebrated .2EOLLAN PIANOS amth finestlinstruments for Parlors and Churches now in use. cA. large assort ment can be - sebb at the new Warerooms, 481 BROADWAY, hetween Grand and Brobme Streets, which Will be sold at extremely low 'ricer: PIANOS and - MELODEONS from sun dry makers, new and second hand, to let, and i rent allowed`if purchased, as pee agreement. Monthly pitym nts received for the same. Also, secod-13 nd Pianos and,Melodeons:at great bar ains prices from 25 to 100. Sheet Muir., Music Books, and all kinds of Music Merchandise at4War prices. - . _ ::', ' 71 - EORALOE WATERS, Agent ; . .. . ~...,. ..: : - . : --- .•:,7'... -- -AyFtfs--.:- - --rs- - :i :..;CIiERRY.. PECTORAL, IfOR THE RAPID CUBE OP Colds, Coughs, and- .1110arseness. Banos:l4 11Ltss, 20th Dery i 855. Da J .C. Arse: I do not hesitate to say Ike best remedy I have ever found for Coughs, IlearsenestOnfluenza, and the concomitant symptoms of a Cold, IS your CRIMPY 'PAMPA!. Its Constant use in my practice and my family for the last ten years has shown it to possess supe rior Nirtnes for the, treatment of these complaints. -Y,BEN KNIGHT, • A. B . morthlry; Esu.', of Una, N.Y., writes; i glu.' used your PAMPu myself-and in my relay e ver e b m* yon invented it, and believe- it the best MediCint : for as purpose ever potent. With' a bad' cold I should worm pay twenty-five doll= for a bottitthan do without it; AS 41A1 any other remedy.. . 'Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. ''artaartntn, Bnorgra Ana: I Will cheerfully certify your PtcrolAS Is the beet remedy we,possess for the cure of Whoopuw &ugh, Orovp, and the chest diseases of children. We of your fraternity In the South appreciate your skill, and commend your medicine, to ourpeople. . 3f, D. AMOS LSE, 3lo3ilmar, lA, writes, 3d dan.,1150; "I had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in donee six weeks; took mney medicines without reliek finally tried your by; the advice of our clergytnaa The first dose relieved the soreness in my throat and lungs; less than one halt the hiittle made me complitely well. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as thebest we can buy y rind we Esteem - you, doctor; and your ruo, dies, as the poor man's friend.. Asthma or Phthigic, and Bronchitis... •• scaesna, PA., Feb. 4,1850, Su: Your Qum Pzeresta. is performing marvellowi cures in thin section. It has relieved several from alarm. lag gymptoms,of consumption, and - is now curing a mall • who leas labored under an affection of the lungs for tin lest forty yearn. - ILSNRY L. PARRS, Merely:it.; A. A. ItAMSEY, Atm.; 31o:tram C 0.,. lon e writes, Sept. 6, 1855: " Daring my practice of many jean I have foittul nothing equal to your CEMEIIT PECTORAL to ;Wing AIM and relief to consumptive patients, or eating inch as Ere curable." We might add volumes of evidence, but the most ee! 'firming proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in SY olfotte upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy' has ever been known vhieli eared so many and such dtuagerous cases as this. Soma no human aid can reach; but even to those the CniUll Pacroaw aeords relief and comfort. Asroz Horse, New Foes Crrr, March 5,1850 Dodroa Nrea,Lewr.u.;l I feel it a duty and a pleasure to inform you what your CHERRY - PECTORAL has done far my wife. She had- beeri five months laboring finder the dangerous symptoms oliConsumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief.. She was steadily Pilling, until Dr. Strout of this city, where we have come for advice, recornmendrid a - trial of your medicine. We bleat his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has recov ered from that day. Site is not yet as strong as she used to be, but is free from her cough, and calls herself well. Yours with gratitude and regard. 011LANDO SHELBY, or Sumumut 7 astrumptires, do not despair till you have tried Antit's CHERRY PECTORAL. 'it is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, rind its cures all around us bespeak the high merits of its virtues.— Phaadd,phia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry -and Medicine have bus taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to mss. Innumerable proob Ere shown that these Puts have virtues which surpass la excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win us precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They/us rah and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pane. trating properties stimulate the vital actiVities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors whirls breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or. diem &red organs into their natural action, and impart healthy • tone with strength to the !whole system. Not only de they cure the 'e - ery-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baked the best of human skill. While then produce powerfal effects, they are at the samo.time, in diminished dines, the safest and best physinthat Can be employed for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of bares. Curse have been made whiFh surpass b,dief were they not sub stantiated by men of' l scch exalted position and character se to forbid the buspielon of untruth. Many eminent clergymen. and phy,icians have lent their names to card fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while oth ers haie sent me the asuiranee of their conviction that my Preparations contribute imralmsely to the relief of Irv' afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish grads my American Almanac. ten taimn g directions for their use and certideates of their cures. of the following complaints:= Costiveness. Dili: us C,cuphdots, Rhenmatisin, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headacln.. arisin .7 from a foul Etomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbi , t inaction of the llowids and Pala arising therefrom. 1'I:171:1eLICy. Los of Appetite, all Cicer one and Cutaneous Di,eascs which require fitn esuctund Medicine. ti:crofula or King's Evil. They also, by purify ing the blood and trthaul3ting the t.y,ieln, cum many complaints which it 'scold net lo supposed they could reach. such as Deafra,s. Partial Iniudnee,. Neuralgia and Nerrons Irrital ty. i!eranextuents of the Liver and Kid neys, Gout, and other kind - red complaints aching tram a low state of Lite body or ob•trildiuti of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers 'with lone other pill they inake profit on. Ask for AVM, Pus...A: and take nithEufr else. No other they can give you compares with this in its Intrinsic value or curative powers. The - sick want tho best aid there is for thus, and they shn• have it. Prepared by Dr..Y. C. AYER, . Practical and Anal; tical Chemist, Lowell,:lfass. Paics 25 Cis. pr.?. Box. FIVE Boras ron $l. SOLD BY Sold by C. S. E. E. A. Jones,. Coudersport Linn & Nichols, Mil;port ; Colwell & Lyman Roulet ; A. Cprey & Soa, Ulysses; A B. Hor ton, Cns.hingville o and by Dealers generally Co e on fession.s and XPERIENCE of as Licalid. Published vd foy the I)vnit and as a warning and a caution to voun.7 men wl:ri suffer from Servoss Debility, Premature Decay. &c., supp4-!ing al tbe same time the means of self-cure. By onto who has cufed,himself after being put to great expense through medical mposition andquack ory. By enclos.,ing a post-paid addressed en velope, .single epie.s may be had of the author, NATUAMEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford,Kings county, Nev York.—MarlOspnly The Rochester StraNkr-C4tter• OLIISTED & KELLY, Coudersport, have the cit.:hair° agency for this celebrated .machine, in this county. It is coreident, du tind CHEAP. , Dec. I,' 1260.-12 NOTICE TO EVERYBODY. HDUSE, SIGN AND. WAGON PAIN I IER. PAPER 7 • • HANGER AND GLAZIER. • 1 11 HE unde'rsigned wishes to inform the pub. ' lie of ,Ccluderspot and vicinity' that 14 will attend to' all work entrusted to him. . Particular. attention paid to Paper:Haugh% Shop with John .Rec.khow, east side of tk,• Court House. F. L BACKUS. Couder ort A 30 6m :ldilnenistratri%' ? notice._„ TITHEREAS, letters of Administration :an • the estate of John A. Sic*Alitti of Sweden township, Potter county, deed, bias been granted to-the undersigned, all persons indebted to.said estate are requested toll:like Immediate,payment and those having claims against the ; same dill ,present them duly Au. thenticatedto the subscriber. SARAH NIcHOLS, Administratr#. -.Sweden, July 21, 1862. • • CADIASERAGA LLS SUPERFINE FLOUR for $1.35 per. Sack, c r r $5.25 per Burl:, Also, Groceries . • of every description ;as cheap as can be afford* ed, at'tho POST ,OFFICS STOBIL , 186 i • • : 1