The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 19, 1862, Image 3
II 'THE POTTER COUNTY 3OURN Is the only ;paper published in Potter ciitna A simulates among 'itti bitelligent class tif peo pie, and is thus an excellent medium ftii hot 7 City and Country Advertising. Transient Adveitisements and those from distance unlit ha Cash or have responsible re' Serene. • All comtannicittions, to receive attend.. mast be directed to the Editor, andca c tus" the name of the - writer. No attention paid t anonymous coMmunications. TERMS.=—One copy,one year, $1; Six copies $5 ; Twelve copies, $lO ; Twenty copies, $1: with one to the pirson raising the Club.' TIT money must accompany the names. crwiersport, We!lmlay Zitemize Bov. 19; 1: Local:atal iteg6See,New Advertisements : Land Sales—Stiff Burt. New Goods—Lucien Bird. Notice—George Boal. • ' Home Jonynal—Morris & Willis. Employment—Alvord T. Parsons. HolidayPresents—Englebard & Sche List of Letters—John S. Mann. ing..Don't forget the Hospital Aid 'o, eiety. A box is to be eent on kNonda next. *A few extra copies of the Journa ',entail:lin the List of Volunteers fro this County, are for sale at this office. Iterßeads the advertisement of th • HOME JOUZNAL. It promises many ad ditional attractions for the coming year. D LADY'S 800 K..—The D,;ceml ber number of this magazine, which Ns! hay. received, rt , esents a beautiful app pearance. Finer 'engravings we pere saw, especially those of “Found in thi , Snow," and •Christmas." We know ;oi no better family magazine now publisheA Everybody should have it. ;Its moral in social influence can be perceivediu ever household whore it, is read. , THE DIFFERENCE.—GeneNtoiftre hom • .of James "S. Wadsworth, gave him 14D majority. The tows of Pompey, Chin .daga Co., the place of Mr. Seymons'fi birth, gives , a majority of 209 for General Wadsworth, and Oneida eountr,the horn i e .of Seymour, goes against him V 5004 sts.The - Southern Confederacy in its , 00nseriptiou law exempts editors. The law mai down there consider the pen a valuahld' aid to the sword, as the former •concentrates public opinion while the las - ler enforces it. taJci the -U. S. Court, Judge Nelson in his charge to the Grand Jury,said that 'the law 'passed. -by Congress at its Oast session in regard to small bills of corpor ations is unconstitutianal, and that no at •toution should be paid to complaints :against such. issues. THE SUNDAY . SGROOL paper is published weekly,at the extreme low price of one dollar a year. 'lt is taker, extensively as a family parer', and is equally interesting to parents and:their :children. A apeciwen copy way be ob tained by addressing the pablishers,J.C. GARRIGUES c CO., Philadelphia, Pa WRO 11.44:.VE GONE. TO W.i...u.,?—LThe gsficial canvass in this county shows a fall ing off from the Republican vote of 1,860, of 1,131; while the falling off froth the Democratic vote of that pear is itritl 69. Who doubts which party has furnished the most soldiers for the war in this .Coup to 1— Olean Tunes. 1 v , • 1 Teacher's Examination:P. The exatninattons of Teachers foi the Winter Schools are advertised to 'take place as follows : . 1 Lewisville Nov. 22 Harrison Valley, Nov. 24 Bingham Center Nov. 25 Ellisburg ' Nov. 2t3 Greenman School house Nov. 27 Os ;vivo . Nov. 2S Sharon Center Nov. 29 Mr. Israel's Burt's Dec. 1 Dutch Town Dec. 2 Coudersport Dec. 3 -: ... Bird School Rouse ' Dec. i Sunderlinville - Dec. 6 Mouth of West Branch Dec. 8 Gertisania Dec. 9 Olsona , Dec. 10 Mr. Stephen Horton's , Dec. 12 . Mr. Win. Burleson's Dec. 13 Time of commencing 10 o'clock, A.M. Materials for writing will be needed PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. WeAre in receipt of this popular Lady's Meg:tibia for December. It is a splendid number. The title page for 1863,Icon %lining portraits' of the chief contributors, is very handsome. "Peterson" will be .greatly improved in 1863. It will . con tain 1000 pages of double column re ading matter; 14 steel plates; 12 colored tecll fashion plates; 12 colored patterns ih Berlin work, embroidery or crochet; and 000 wood engravings—proportionatety ntorie l than any other periodical gives. Its Stories and novelets are by the best Irritant. In 1868 , Four Original Oopy tight Novelets will be given. Its Pasn lONS ARE ALWAYS THE LATEST !AND Pittrrtzsr I Every neighborhood ought to make up a Oa. Its price is but Two Derxhate a year, or a dollar less ` ; 'than Magazines of its class. IT IS THE Mmij- Anna FOR TM TIMES I To clubs, it is obeaper still, viz :—three copies fok SS, five for 87.150, or eight for $lO. To every person getting up a club, the Publisher will send an extra comgratis, as a[p+ vaunt, or a large sized ate= otint i for framing, "Bunyan Parting fratalAis Blind Child in Prison," Spectmeris seat (if written for) to those wishing to .get up clubs. Address. post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, I 306 Chestuut Etreeti.Philadelphia. , Loot sou Yorpatvss.—Since the introduc tion of DeLand Co's Chemical Saleratus,the common andinfertor articles called Saleratns, have continued to find their tii.y to market ; but nbne, need be deceiTed whn will look for themselves.. The lenuine Article Is done up an bright red papers, and so) labelled that those who have seen one pdelegge will always know when they see Another. Call for DeLand k Co's CheitinAltalefaths,and if you do not find it whetA you trade, depend upon it there is Something wrong, for it can be sold by all re talik?s at a fair prat. DIED : In Sweden, Sept. 16th 1862, HELEN ADELLA, aged 7 years and 6montbs; also, Oct, 2d,.ALICE EUGENIE,, aged 8 years and 7 months; daughters of Leroy and 11alvina Nelson.. - and Wood, Wanted, oft account, at this Office. Notice. 1106 all whom it may concern: 1 Ale list of Internal Revenue Assessments for the county of Potter, will be open for in speetion at the Wee of A. Rounsville, in Con, critic Decetatier Sth, 1862 : The Atteisti will hold an ',Appeal at the Court House, PA Coudersport, for Potter Co.-, on the sth and 6th of December, 1862, when he will adjust any difficulties - that *may haVe arisen from improper assessments. GEORGE BOAL, Ast'essor of Internal Revenue, for the lath Collection District. Assessor's Office,Boalsburg,gentre November 10,662. ' For Sale or to Let. MBE Steam Saw and Grist Mill at Germa nia, Abbot township, Potter county, Pa. Doing an excellent business ; a Ars!, rate stand for an industrious man with; some capitaL Those reflecting must apply soon to WILLIAM RADDE, 300 Broad way, N. Y. Or at the Mill at Germania. August 27, 1862. Emiployment. For upwards, of three year. past, I have been engaged in a business ) whims has yielded me at the rate of Three Thousand Dollars per annum, but beingtlesirous of going to Europe in the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing the business, I am willing to teeth it to any one Who will send use One Dollar. The business is no humbug, but of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages, aPd one that any person of ordinary capacity; Young' or old, male or female, can acquire with a few hours' practice, and by which they can secure a very handsome income, ,Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earn ing upwards of Fifteen Dollars per week by it, and there is no reason why any one else can nettlo the same. Invalids, even, can do well by it, as it is no peddling affair; but a business that is perfectly respectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like ,to learn the business for their own amusement 'or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime, 'and one that they will take great interest in. 'On receipt of One Dollar I will' send printed instructions by which any person can readily acquire the art, And these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profit able. The purchaser of the "printed instrac lions" Will also be authorized to' teach it to others; and I bare sometimes received as high as Two Hundred Dollars for teaching it per sonally to a single individual. II would state further, that Two Dollars and Filty`Cents or Three Dollars will buy everything that is necessary to commence the business with, and the articles can be got almost anywhere, in city or country, or, if preferred, I can fur nish them. Addre ss, ALVOD T. PARSONS, No. 36 Liberty Street, New York. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ENGLEHARD SCHELL,. Importers of Watches, 'New' York, have just received an Invoice of the most elegant styles of Watches that have ever keen impofted into this country, and offer them at one-third less than the usual prices for much inferior styles. We would call attention especially to an 18 carat. Gold Hunting-Cased Lever, of Superior ele gance, visually sold at $B5, which we can sell tor. $35. THE INVOICE MIMES; ALSO. LAMES open.face 18 carat• Gold Watches, ofi superior excellence and great beauty, usually I sold for $35, which we offer for $23. The same Watch, precisely, but with hunting case, usually sold for,frora $45 to $5O, we sell for $2B. Silver Watches. Ladies' size, open face, usually sold for $lB, we sell for 10 Dollars. Ladies' size, hunting case, usually sold for $25 we Sell for 12i Dollars. These are very beautiful. aentlernen's open face, usually :sold for $l5, we sell fora Dollars. Gentlemen's open face, usually sold for SI , S, we sell for 11 Dollars. Gentlemen's open face, usually 'sold for $2O, we sell for 12 Dollars. Gentlemen's open face, usually sold for $25, ere sell for 14 Dollars. For Gentlemen's hunting case We charge $2 to 2.4 Dollars more. • The Army Watbh. These were orcered expressly for the army, and are deemed suitable in every respect. They consist of— Very elegant styles of Silver hunting case Lepines, far 10 Dollars. Very elegant styles of Sifter hunting ease Levers, 14 Dollars. Very elegant styles of heavy gold plate one sil ver, from $lO to 14 Dollars. These last are superb. We have received, also, a new style of bunting cased shell pattern Watch : the case is sliver heavily plated with gold, and is the most beautiftil watch of the kind WO have ever seen, for $l9. Gentlemen's Vest Chains, &o. w 3, fill orders, also, for every variety of Jew. elm'and at mucii less than the usual prires, 'Ws PAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES on goods sold by us. Money may be sent either in registered letters or by express. Address, BNOLEHARD 6c SPIBLL, 54 Liberty street, New York. LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Office at Coudersport, November 11, 1862 C. Aylesworth, H. Cook e Laura Kenyon, Joseph A. Leonard, Wilber McKenna, Mary Riley, M. Shuart, S. B. Stebbins, Mrs. H. Wells, B. T. Welsh. JOU S. MANN, P. IL ÜBSCRMTIONS forwarded for any of the standard publications, and hooks procur ed from .Boston, Philadelphia or New York on short notice. Give us Y call at the 0111C11, EN LIST OF CAUSES for trial in the Court of Common Pleatrof Potter county, at December Term. Herron & Laughlin vs T Burdia Fay Bradley& Dwight vs TJPeleg & G Burdic. W T Jones vs Wm Jordan Hannah If Wharton vs It . W Mclntyre Wli Metzger,admr., kc. vs. W T .4 A F Jones T Jones d; Bro vs J M.Kilbourn A Baring et al Trustees kc vs C King et of • " ""vs W T Jones & T West Moses Racket vs J BroWn garnishee of Hall Cottfellk Lyman vs Charles Chandler Amor Fairbanks vs Lewis Wood L Canfield vs Fred BrookS,Garnishee,kti J 0 Mercerean et al vs P B Dedrfok Commonwealth vs Woodard k Shetditth " James Bartron H. J. OLMSTED, Prot/ey. Cou'dersport r Nov. 10, 1862, )4§.,,The forfokving is tba List of jitiols for - December TerM, t 862: Abbott=-Jacob 0111weiler, Christian Miller • Allegany—Calvin Rogers Bingham—Hosea Spencer Clara—Peter Vanderwacker Coudersport—S. D. Kelly, D. W. Spente Genesee—Graham Hurd Hector—B. Blackman, D. W. Haven Ruiner—Dennis Aall Jackson—David Crowell Pleaiatit Valley—lsrael Burt Itouletz—Wm. Boyington, Peter Yentzer, D. Marsh Vedtii- - S. M. Bassett, C. L. Cariaw Sharon—Robbins Brown Dlysses--:-Nathan Fuller, J. A. Douglass, Samuel Leet I. 1 Wharton' -- Janes Bartron, Jr. • West Srarteh-:-LL. F. Rice. TRIA'ERSB JURORS. Abbott,—=Win Yockhatn, Chas Busher, Chas kirobali Allegaby—,l Hlieggie Dinghara—Amos Newton, G W Co!tin Clara=Sala Stevens Coudersport—George Manley, OH Crosby BnlaliaiL D Spofford Gen'este—Joseph Wehster,ll 0 Perry,Chas Leech . Harrison—Benjamin Ervay, W H Harrison. Henry Judd, Nathl Hubbard, H S Beebe, It Haynes Hebron—George Estes Hector—James Douglas, Arabs kilboarti, Joseph Sunderlin. Lewis Golden-. Homer—R T Clain, Jacob Pee ;Chas Knic kerbocker . . Keating—Pny Barris Oswayo---NC Goff, B F Lyman, Jos Lawfon G W Bradlee Pleasant Valley—George Weimer Ronlet—George Weiderish, Lyman Burt, W R Pomeroy Sharon—A W Tones,L W Dodge,: F Barnes Sweden—Wm J Brown Summit—Clark Baskin Ulysees—C P Cady, N H HaHoek, H Cush ing, H H Chamberlin, Lorenzo Drake, Jno Gee Wharton— -E H Hopkins. National Family Journal. The Home Journal for 1863. EDIT= BY MORRIS k WILLIS We 110 e much pleasure in- informing the public that on* of.our contributors for the corning year trill be our friend and colleague THEODORE S. FAY. We confess to 'uncommon pride and pleasure in this renewal of intercourse with the friend and intimate of other days, ad we look to be felicitated fot it, by the established readers who constitute the family of the Home journal; But we Imre in preparation ; for the coming year, sereral VERY THRILLING STORIES. Some of the ablest of living pens are engaged for in translating from the French and German; and our own original narrative 'wri tersare among the first. We are fortunate, also, in travelers gone abroad who are literary contributors; and we are anticipating for our readers a most agree able surprise - in the quality of these . • Sketches of Travels and adventures. But the feature of our journal which we have not yet mentioned is perhaps the most recierche of all, its prominence as The Exponent of Refined Society. Our correspondence with the leaderAof fashion in New York and the other capita* is espe cially valuableAn this respect, keeping us un mistakably informed of the changes and pro gress of what is Commonly understood by the "gay woild." As We have taken sortie pains to arrange the resources of thii new feature, we speak confidently of its liven:Bee of enter ' tainment to our large circle of readers. In 'this departthent, foreign journals are endlessly 'inventive ; and, With our industrious ransack ing of these, we are sure to select, for the pe• culiar taste to which we minister, a most re lishing,banq u et. 'THE EDITORS Will give the Journal thel rzonstanl a tten tiod i as betore. Of the goings on, in the eventful scenes and places of the Country, Mr. Willis' penult' give photographs, as usual General Morris's Songs and Sketches Will be embroi dered on the thread of the passing moment ; as tap have always been. Bonn of the best intellects of the land are enlisted for us, ,alsd, and We think we may promise to hold our place as the journal *bleb best enables the Family to keep conversant with the World. TERMS—For one copy,.s2 ; for three copies, ss—or one copy for three years, $5; for a club of seven copies, $10; fora club of fifteen copies, $2O ; and at that rate fora larger club —always in advance. Address 110E.RIS k WILLIS, Editors & Proprietors, 107 Fulton Street, Orphan's Court Sate. t Virtue of of Order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Potter county, direct ed to Wm. P. Cool ; administrator of the estate of John T. Bennett, late of Dinglial toftship, dec'd, the following described piece of land will be sold at the Court House in COUDEESPORT, TUESDAY, December i 16, 1862, (Court Week) to wit: Beginning at a post the south-west cotter of this and the south-east corner of lot No: 2, thence north one hundred and fifty-six perches to a post on the State line the north-west cor ner of this lot, thence south eighty-eight and onezfourth degrees - east along the State line fifty-five porches and seven-tenths of a perch to a post the north-east corner of this lot, thence south along the west line of lot No. 4 one hindred and fifty-four perches and two tenths of a perch to a post the south-east cor ner of this lot and the sonth-weit corner of lot No. 4, thence west fifty-five perche's aid seven-tenths of a perch to the plate of begin ning, containing FIFTY .ACRES and NINE TENTHS OF AN ACRE, with the usual allow ance of six per cent. for Roads, Am., be the same more or less, being lot No. 3 and part of warrant No. 12391 n Bingham township,Potter county and State of Pennsylvania,- on which is some fire acres improvement. , WM. P. COOL, Admer. Nor. 15, 1862. tS- RAND JURORS IMIE/I Astiay. - , 4 , ~ . . Came to the premises of the subs ber, in Homer township, soinellx weeks ago,l,a,Dark HedlYearling Heifer? The hWriervill prove prolierty, pay ; charges and take.ber alway, or the Will be sold accordi.g to law. .1 1 JOHN LEONARD. . Homer tp., Nov, 12, 1862. , . COURT PROCLAMATION._. WHEREAS the Hon. RObert Cr :l Whits' President Judge, and the HOna l , C. S. Jones and G. G. Colvin, Aadociate Stftlges or thelCourts of Oyer AC Terminer and General; 'Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of thil Peace, Orphans' Court and !Court of Common Pleas for the Count) , of Potter, have issued their precept,. bearing date the eighteenth i day of, Sept, in the year of our . Loa - ono thou sand eight hundred and dixiy-two, and to Ins directed,for holding a Court of Oyer and Term iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, at+ Court of Conimon Pleas, in the I3oroughof Cuuders - - port, on MONDAY, the 15th day df Dec. next, and to continue one iveZk Notice is therefore hereby given to the 'Car; oners, Justices of the Peace and Coustabbis within the county, thattb'ey be then add there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock! 31. of said day, with their rtdlS, 'records, quisi dons, examinations,•and other rememt4ances, to do these things which to their offices ap pertain to be done. 'And those who ark bound by their. tetogsHdzances to proseaute against the prisoners that are or shall be in th jail of said county of Potter, are to be then a dd there to prosecute against them as will be ji.6t. Dated at COrDERSPORT, Nov'r 4; 180; and the 84th year of the Indepuiden ce of tl2dllaited States of America. ,Vll. P. BURT, Sheriff. - r -- Administrafor's In pursuance of an,order of the Orphans' Court for the Comity of 'Potter, the lunder signed. Administrator and .Admidistratrix of the estate of George A. Benton, deceased-, will expose to public sale, on Saturdity the 29th day of November, A D= 1862, at Ijo'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court Mous in the Borough of Cbuderaport,the interest of }lb e de cedent - in the folloWing described reali estate, to wit: Bounded on the North by Ltits Nos. 98 and 105, od the East bY Lots Nos. 105 and 139, on the South.bp p - artslof Lots N s. 108 and 120, tin'd ort the West by. Urinate Lands and lot No. 120, contdining 109 acre. 4 and 6 tentU of .an -acre being part of Lot to. 108 of the allotment of lands of Dr. George Fox, Trustee, and Situate in' he Township Of Alle gany, in the county of Potter, and Common 'wealth of Penns, on which one Lotifloute, ono Frame Barn with about 30 acres i Land and some Fruit Trees. Terms tfue-half Cash, and one-half in one year With interest. WILLIAM ROGERS, Administrator. LIILINDA BENTON, Administrittrix. Oct. 20th, 2862. ; MANHOOD ; HOW LOST ! HOW%HESTORED I Just published in a sealed envelope, pr ce 6 eta A lecture on the Nature,Treatment ai l .d Rad ical Cure of Spermatorrhcea,or SemivadWeak ness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage general, Ner vousness, Consumption, Epilepsy an Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity,resuld g from Self-abuse, Sc., by Boar. J. CuLvsnive i.,M.D., author of the Green Book, Sc. • The woild-renowned author, in ail 'admir able Lecture. clearly proves from his Wri ex perience that the awful consequences I f Self abuse may be effectually used witbou I medi cine, Reid !Without dangeions surgical!, lopera tions, bougies, instruments. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at ontel certain and effectual, by which revery sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may be, May ciite him self cheaply, privately and radical/1 3 .1 This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal,to any addiess,in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or twmpostage stamps, by addiessing, Dr. CRAS. .1. C. KLI - 'rE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Bo I, 4556. , • Notice. The subs6riber having been arlpointed Assessor of Tmses under the act of Congress "To provide ilnterctt Revenue to sup,mrt the Government and to..pao interest on the debt," approved July Ist 1862, hereby gives notice that he has divided his assesnient dis trict, bqing the 18th DiFArict of PennsOrania, intd the foll Owing sub-districts and lias ap pointed the ;following persons as ,N.ssistant Assessors for' said sub-districts, to wi No. 1. All that part of Centre cot eluding the Borough§ of Bellefont, Mi and Unionville, and the townships of, Benner, Boggs, Liberty-, Hoivard,Curth Shoe,Burnside, Walker, Marion ) Unior Taylor and Hustea, AesiStaht Assess Durham, Postefilee Bellefont. No. 2. All that part of Centre eoitity in cluding the townships of Furgnson, Barris, Patton, Halfumon, and that part of Potter township lying west of the Lewiston and Bellefont turnpike, AssistantAssessoriThomas PostofFtce Boalsburg. No. 3. All' the remaining part ci Centre county ihcluding the) towdsbips o Haines, Penn, Gregg, and that part /f ;Potter township lying east of ,the Lewiston and Bellefout turnpike, [Assistant Assesqor No. 4. All that part of Clinton county in : c.inding the Borough of Mill Hall, titOown ships of Alison, Beedh Creek, Bald Eagle; Lahr h, Porter, Logan Greene, Crawford and Wayde, Assistant Assessor R. G. Httelaison - , Postoffice Mill Hall. • - No. 5. All, the remaining part of Clinton county including the Borough of Lock Haven, and the townships Of Pine Creek, Dalnstable, Woodward, Cold Brook, Geergan, Cmipman, Leidy, Keating, Gallagher, Assistant Assessor William Fearon, Postoffice Lock Haven: No. 6. Alt that part of Lycoming county lying lit on the west side of Coming Creek, alsoincluding the townships of Bastress, Susquehanna, Limestone.arid NipPerioSe, Assistant Assessor, Daivid hoifersi Postoffice Newberry. No. T. All the remaining part of Lycoming County including that part lying east of Ly -coming Creek, also,the townships oflelinton, Washington, Brady and Armstrong, • AsSistant Asseasoi,' T. P. Simmons, Postoffice port. fg. All that part of Tioga county , includ ing the -Borough of Tioga, the townships of yington, Ward, Bloss, Liberty, and Union, pnid the Boroughs of Mansfield ; Marnalturg rind Coy-. ington, Assistant Assessor; S. B. Ellf t,l Post °Woe lifausfisid. Nci. 9. All that part of Tioga eounti includ ing the Boroughs 'of Lawrenceville, Elkland, knorrille, and the townships ofJacksini; Law rence,. Nelson, Osceola,,Deerfield, Farmington, Brookfield a.ic: Westfield, Assistant isSessor, C. H. Goldsmith, Pijstoffine knoxvilhi. 10. All the remaining part of Tioglt4onnty irielnding the Boough of Wellsb4 , the townships of Middlebury, Chatham, Charles= ton, Delmar, MorriS, Elk, Shipper!, Gains - and Clymer, Assistant Assessor, M. Bullard,:Post-_ office Wellsboro. tiro. 11.. The county of Potter, Assistant Assessor, A. Ronnsrille. Postoffice bouders part. Gitouon BOAT, Assessor. Boalsburg, Centre o.''iPa.• 1 ' 15pe 1113 V DOll s W SA.LtAlit'itAtt kffUhATOR, Ola 3 RE: , yo, Os re nappi ce did 7 .cock of Ay to inforfl all those - Ai vatit Dornesta toodi, that we now f some We' of Cho have a kinds of , COODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, and SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, , CROCKERY & HARDWARE, I , • and everythinglusuallykePt in atom:op , store. We arp prepared to sell .at ' nearly the old prices,lnotwi thStan d log the great rise of goods in. New York. ! Our facilities! are noiv such that eve are prepared to furnish all thosi. want of goods !at less prices truth can . (s,it wall be sold by- anyideriter in this Section. Belay' we give you some or 'oar pries's, aiid also tlie prices ',,be sari* go'dds are Sold of by inb.ft of our, neighbors. Good. She-Minks, 12 to 14 cts. • ' y I sold by post dealers for 16 to 22 cts. iiice.bleaelied Goods 10 to 14 15 to fa A largo In,t of Sheep's and-Cris simersi froml3l cfs. up, Good Apron Checks and Olieck 12) to 15 cis. Good Glngbams, 12i to 15 ' Beautiful DeLitines and. Poi de Ctie;vres ' 12 fo . - 20 to Bli Nice all tVo ol gerinos,63 worth $1,25 to 1,75 A large riSSOituivat of Black Silk, , ' 88 to $1.13 1,25 to 1,79 Fine, Black Silk Siie.C. - IS, $6,01 11,00 to 9,00 And a. large stock of Block Silks frota 75 cts to $1 90 Wrirtlilfiotn $1 50 to $1 . 75, Good Sprag,ues, Nierrimacs DzinitellS end manylntlier ki4scre's oT Very nicu Prints, new styles„ warranted' fast colors, Harrass Cifecks and others, for 111' to 1'2.1 a cts'', nothing over ; worthll.slto ct.S, iN i SEIOS WE CAN SAVE YOU A VERY • LARGE* PER CENT. Mr l eledboots, 75 cts,worths!l, moralibootees, $l,OO 1.50t01.75 good alf boots.? pto I.oo' 1.00t01.63 08 52.75 4.06ta4.75 KiplßOots, hoßle-made, $2.71 7.311t04.0 iVorth Good ena l Good bal Worodn's' Men's'{ Niarra.ute 1 pour, attention its this line ? as H. is to 109 per 'cetit.- below most other the Jen - s so much noted for selling excePteti. lief' you all Wciol Fine Black Doe . ; for $3,50, worth $5.0. • ;Os of Black Clothes : Coat. Vest, - t, Socks, Pocket Handkerchief, &c, fb,F 11'.1i worth $lB. from Beale . cheap We skin • no) will ant! d Sj Hal ney in- I esburg, Spring; ~Snow= ,Wortb; R. G. Go. Pants 111 QCERIE ) In the line of Groceries we offer a choic e variety of? Teas at 50, 70 arid sl.oo—and'our Daft; Tea can't be beat. • Good ,Sagar for ilO cts. Coffee Sugar 11 eta. SalarataajT to„ -Bar Soap $ eta. offee 16 ett. M (kid in inforth you that We tot estahlishici in our . W !SALiESAROO34 filled froth . Also th large titaldiag,s mere used by atom& roams. the lages cellar. lo adjoititiS fisEl II ED and o carted MEI Pro 4 ) Cast ed f,no fraim hundr iict nal On: oar G seta small DIMON& REGULATOR 'Village, - Oct. la', 1862;. OS On buying your , goods at I • • I MOUS' ge, Paitet 7O W 9 16 to 20 16 to n THING: ST PRICE PAID FOR 33t7TTI~JR; that 6sii readily be con ' • transportation on eitetilte here,costs only 123 d, and our other expenses art need large profits.. „,,„,.. ,„ /0/0” , 1:7 . - The Buffalo Mercantile Cialleja CORNER OE MAIN AND SENECA STREET , Is an. important, Valk in the great chain sT NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGSS, cated iu the followlng cities, viz: . , NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, ALBANY, TROY.; CLEVELASI3 DETROIT, CHICAGO; - , A , AND SAINT "Scholarship issued from the Buffalo 0. 1 ; lege, eatitles the hclider to attend either aran the Colleges for an unlimited tine. Thepesign of theSe Instititions, im ark eoloniit men and ladies, a thorduih, cal business. edecatßin. , „ . These Colleges are Organiied aid conflos4 led upon a hams which must ' secure to, eass 'ill Institution the test possible Tacilitive for imparting a thorough raer,pantile edam: tion, and renal. it as a whole, the most'eausi prehensiva and cogiplete aysteM i this gonna? linols-Keeping in all its dePartment, Corsi ineroiTilLaw,Commercial Arithme:tic and Pan; mai:air, are taught in the most thormigh Lai pnictical manner. The Spencirian System of Pen)zalship', 11 tau htbr aompeieut and eiperi e need tea'Cherl Scholarship, nayabie in advance, $4O. • __Collage open doy at d evening vacations Resident Princip4.a't Bufrikio, S. C. titiraliir. For further inforMation, plenee call at tki College rooms, or send for Catlilogue and Cir: 'ctilaien.clostug letter stamp. . , Addresq BRY.AIV2 .t STRATTON,.. UM OFFICE OF JAY CObkE, suosciarnox AMA', At Jay Cooke A. Co., Bankers: 114 SOUTII TIIIIID STREET Philadelahia, 11162: The undersigned' having] been appointed Subscription Agent by the Secretary of the Treashry, is now prepared to furnish, at once; The !Ps* T*enty Year 6 iger,cent. Peal Of the United- States, desigqated as "Five: .twenties,"lredeernablo at the pleasure of chi 'Government, after five yea 9, and authorized by Act of Congress. approved Febi`f2s,lB62. The COUPON !WM.)* nte issued in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $'54P, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. • i Interest at 6 per cent. per annum Win com: . mence from the date of fuliChitsh,.and Payatde In Gold, semi-afinuatly, which is equal at the Vireseit preiniu'ui on gold, to•sbout EIGHT per cent per annuiu. ' FainterS,lle'rebants, Mechanic's, Capitalist. o and all who have anY money to illvest,shoul kno* and reinniernber that these boilds are', in effect, a First liortg,:te upon all ItailfOnds; Canals, Bank Stocks and SecUritieS, and the in:Meuse products of all the Mantifactures o ke.; in The country: and that the 'full and amplo provision made for the ilaytteent of the interest aitd liquidatiott of principal, by Cusqiini ties, Elcise Stamps and Internal ItevenUe; serves to make these !fonds the 'Best, ikinst Availablq and Most Pop - uliti Investment in the Market: recelt;ed at Par in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of banks at par hi Philadelphia. Subscribers, by mail:will re: celve p?ouipt attention, and every facility and . eiplanation afforded on application at this office. A supply Of Bonds will be kept on laud fur immedWe delivery. ' JAY COOkB, SabscriptionAgent. -HOTEL;WESTERN e, 15, 1 . 7, COUSTIANDT STRUT: Nee's. Broadway; York City, This old-established and favorite resort of Hie Buiitiess community has beets recently re: iitted, Mid is complete in everthing that tali ministei-to the comfort of its patrons. Ls dieia and Families are specially and carefully pre: tided for. 1 - It is centtally located in the business Pall * of ttre-eity, and is contiguous to the principal lints of steamboats, cars, omnibuses, ferries . ; In consequence of the pressure caused by the Rebellionprices hare been reduced to ONE EALAB, AND 'FIFTY CENTS PER, DAT: The table is aniPly supplied tvith all luluribs 'of the seatoit, and is 'equal to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample acc,ommddatiOnq ere offered for est . : ward of 400 guevii: ' • Do hot believe runners, bneltmen.atid otheri vbb may say "the 'Western Hotel is full." - D. D: WINCHESTER, Propiie.tar. Nos. D. Winchester. fel) BOOTS AND. SHOES. A. SAiNIiBERq & BRO'S Tanners. and Corriers; N ILTAVEI also established -,a I I • Boot and Shoe Manufactory, opposite a. F.Glassmirs's in the room formedy occupied by J. 13 611114, They over their Boots and Shoes at n LOWER RATE THAN THE SAME. QUALITY RAVI EVER BEEN SOLD - IN POTTER C3UHTY. And they will have nothing but the best vrork4 men abd the best stock that the cenutry will produce; and money and labor can procure. THEY FEEL CONEIDENT THAT TEEM' WORK WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Rides, Calf Skths, Sheep ,Peltd taken at the Highest Market Price. GIN* US A TRIAL Conderaport, P:. -larch 19 Dksolnt!ox , lictfice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore existing under the name of Bouton. Sind Vurtis. _is this day dissolved by ruatanf eoitgent. The Liusiness be jcoetinned bj S. W. lonton. • . • S. W. tbiITQN. • - White's : WOOLSEY' DI.TitTIS hi Coinars. Sep 30. Notice. Y 11,ARt ANN', has kit Mylnd anti, j 1 L board,wationt pioCoCation,and Ilserehx caution : all, persons not' to irnst ItOr on my account as I will pay no debt of ber ebutiam ing cadet& compelled by law: •• SILAg The Partnership XIMICG heretofore under the firm ..11:1 Garrett, Baily & Co. is this day rtiss+.lvr by the` rithdraw4l of the tandersigni!4. HENRY GALIcZti.". :] E