s~~--~:- . _ _ :..: . 1i4,15-F , ,,N,ATpIs *our!. oftisaighg - Yon are a`cilatiity and' distresalb' yonr.,:finAy.fl Away with join theartny if 3 - o:coati...do nottling .010. ~ .TO44l,l, l llenN,stan'd'eotia eitfice' of'gkiing; s oe , i wilt lie , good "thinizfoi.` all'Ooncerned, and--the tißinker it,,taltea, place tine better." ' And'to whom o you 412 tele father said it - ; lie said it to his own son: "What a 'tenter I" do you cry: - Nay'; WO a 'church- minter. He prayed morniag and:night, with his fent' ily. There is no doubt he intended, and ,sometimes tried,• to be a.good rash. But he Was' 'enraged at, his boy,—atid this mineedlis Unchristian, lianguage. ,way judge . bitlle.,language be used, boar he , had brought up that unfor tunate boy. -You judge Correctly, and the boy was what`you- naturally ithagine him to be. Thelather.was getting his reward now for haviing an neglected his duty in the training of his. son. •But he. could not bear,With any sort of patience, the Way weicl- conduct of his son, and So raged and'railed at him that everything in Ed.: gar which `was bad became a thousand fold worse. The' mother—as mothers will—clung in love and patient pity 16 her bey; 'and h - er soul was in agony to witneia the violent scenes' between bite and. his father. She talked : faithfully to both; but neither" would- hear. She father declared the . boy to be reprobate and worthless, and the son raid, desperately, that his father-bated andlliat thiti - centric , tion embittered and poisoned his heart so that it was impossible for him to be good. "EVen for. your sake, mother," he sebbed., "for which I•often ky to do better." ,The night after the words with which our sketch is commenced were uttered, Edgar was late hotee. "When he came it was •to announce that he had enlisted, and Wits to march at noon the nest day. 'The mother worked and wept all that night! At.the right, time next day her *boy's knapsack was ready. He went without seeing his father.' The troops passed the door of his home. Edgar's pale and despairing face was lifted to the pale, Ali-cached 'face that • looked down, searching for him in the ranks, from his mother's Window. "Gtid protect my poor boy," her white lips murmured. Edgar knew what those tears were, though he cou]d not hear; them. He kisled'his hands to hisJuother, and tried to smile on, her,•blit the tvoejta his great dark eyes' would not be thus veiled, even for one moment.' lie bowed his head and passed on. The trouliler, the bone of contention, the "calamity" was gone out of thehome of poor Edgir. The father looked gloomy but said not a word cf ragret. • He never seemed to reflect that his son had not come unbidden into lite nor that it is a crime in any man, to evoke a life that he does not try his "best to render good and happy, lie should, have blamed-hitnself far wore than he did Edgar for all the faults of the latter: Btit that -he never did.' Be thought children oughtlO come up all right, no matter how they were treated,' and he, was toady to destroy those that did net turn out well. Reasonable, sensible; but t)tony men are so. It is one of God's unfathomUble mysteries, why he permits such to become fathers.' 0, poor, ill-fated babes t that are born into the families of such fathers. But.. Pod Ywill surely make 'AlloWance, when 'the judgment sets, for the children who wore'never trained up in the way wherein they ought to go. We Will an chor our souls on this hope... • - • • • • Tut :Edgar'. Well, - his - company was one of the first that was called • into action,. He was a brave boy. Hungry and thirsty andwith faci'atid •feet.'blistered froin the - wind and'the dreadful forced March, he walked,. orrathee• ran on the battle•held and with his•comrades raised the wild shout that. is said to have startled all that heard it., They cast off their coats, and piled upon the earth everything that could. interfere with the freedom of their Motions, and then forward they rushed into'the bloody fight. ' • .Edgar's mother sat at home thinking of her boy. Mothers can imagine how she felt. The telegraph:reported that a battle was lost; that our men had . fled; that everything was going wrong with the Northern Army.-. eq) ! if Edgar would but run all the way home:" thought the mother's heart.l "I would not say that; if he were but fit to die," she' added. "tor my country, emit& yield my son's life; but oh ! I can not bear to . veuture' his immortal soul." soon the paperi came with lists of killed and wounded. Edgar's name was. third upon the list of killed. His body was brought home, and when it lay straightened for • the grave, with the red mark just under the edge of the brown; waving.locks, with the darklashes laying heavily on the white - cheeks,. •with the beautiful features set in eternal rest, and the.strong young limbs;. that ; had •done gpod service for their country, - helpless and cold, his father, stood beside his cof fin and looked.upon .him,..andlears (Wei there not reason for • theni ?) .diopped slowly from thesterwman's eyes.: What his thoughts were - none knew; •but he was, taken at his ~word. .His wish .was granted... •Vill any' fathei'be warned' by this? - The man who ate. his . dinner with the, fork of a river, has teen endeavoring pia a mountain top. ZEE M=M==l2Z Davy toc'ketlhal"a wonlierfnPnigra , '' Orrof - whom he'.'ortne against for Congress, lately gave the following' anecdote iD Proof : ."When wo began oar eleotioneering omPtilitt," said being,able to speak very well extempore, or rather not at : all, wrote out, a spoeob 'with , greet care, and committed' t ici'nieinory. I had always spoken fir - it; licit st the &firth Vtith7was a yery. numerous ono, Crockett cprop.,- that—he:should, take the lead. Re;10• cordingly mounted. the •stand,, and; to my utter astonishment, feelted'avely wOrd i of speeCh, ptily:elinging l yery sentenee or t*cilo - suif his own' case." . I' naYer felt more awkward in my life., MY turn, to , speak came, and my speach.was gone—stolen—Wm& up--,and I was left without;;a wr or d to say. •To • complete my.•'mortification the rascal was ebuck ling and laugbirig as if he Ilia don? the " very"cleyereat thing in the world." C. Jeweller and Wat4hma#er, L'P krTED'on Main St., opposite the Cour House, Coudersport, Pa. Clocks, Watches, &c., ttepaired", on short notice end- warrante3 to give satisfact on. A good assortment of • • . CLOCKS, JEWELRY 9nliendr, . 'Cheap: for .CASH,ainctsvarrtnteilas represented. As :in even exchange is no rob bery I xvill give You time for Money. CoudOrsport, Dee. 16, 1861. "TEE UNION " • ARCH STREET, ,ABOVE THIRD, :UPTON S. NEWCOUtit, Proprietor. This Hotel is central, convenient by Passenger ears to all parts of the city, and in every particular adapted to the rtants of the business public. Terms $1 50 per, day. NATRODIA COAL OIL I 'WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE I and equal to any Kerosene. Mir buy an hxplosive Oil, when a few cents naore per gallon will furnish you with a perfect 'Oil? Made only by ' , PENN'A. SALT LIVITIFACTIJEING COMPANY,. NO. 127 'Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 1 Feby. 1. 1862. 1 ME MRS: Main above Third St. COUDEIISPORT,"P..k. ill. MAIN N, Pitoriavron. IL • 611 14 OKS, AJPS,IA LOBES: BLANKS- i DOCKETS . LEDGERS DAY-BOOKS- i RECEIPT-BOOKS SIEIIO:II.ASDUMS, ' I . • PASS-1300KS, . :. DIA 11,1 I; S, . - PORTFO r, DV, HERBARIUMS, . . ' . LETTEP.-BOORS tc ' . I I.YOICE-.BOOKS.' . . . Omar, Latin, French and; German Test looks:. All School Books used in tith Conj.; kept on hand, or intnzediatcly procurd when desired. • Mdz,dzincs or any Periodicals supplied 7rhen dosinid. A.' good arsor!lrneat, of Paper, Envelope l Pens and . inks. . Also, oflVall-Papers, Drarr ing Materials, Water Colors, ,kc. I BIBLES; T ESTAMENT*i, PRAiI - Ell k HYMN BOOKS, of variouilin3 7 ip MUSIC-H . AND SHEET-ICIS;C,_ • 1 Sikes, fluters, Mich.:Gammon Boards CIT.! 'Men, ;&c., kc. PRODUCE of all kind's taken in erchange for,Books, 6MISTE D 47 KELLY" . TORE can aiwaj-3 be found the best Pooking, Box and Parlor' ST 0.-V ES. Also, TIN and SIIET-IRON WARE, POTS KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH " ,BOW FIO,ING-PANS, SAY-I' and CAU D nos.- Also,. - . agrloultaTal ;Implements, sack, as PLOWS, SGRAPERS. - CLTII A TOIIS, CORN-SHELLERS, 1108.0-11.1 K DOG-PO,WERS, &e. 1 • - THEIR WORE: wcII made and the ma i feria! good: Good an substantial EAVES-TitOUGHS put up in an part of the County—T i erms easy. Ready Pa of e.I kinds, ineludingj Cash, seldom rel'ae.! B,tore on Maio Street opposite tlie Old Cou [louse, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1350.-40 I, At ty paruf vial c.„l , TUE undersigned mould respectfully inform : the surrounding Community that - he thas taken the rooms formerly occupied by ohn S. Slam], where,he is -Prepared to do All kinds of Harness , Work 1 . on the ehortest notice. . . LONG STRAW COLLARS.' . . . 'also kept. Constantly en hand. These c. lars are a superior article, and need but a tri - 1 to . insure their success. - ' ; ' Surcingles, .31artingale-rings, Mimes, and Hame .straps, &c., kept constantly on babth,. The public are invited to call and exaUaino, beibre purchasiet,g . .elseivliere: " =,• P. ILIAR.' Coaderspert . -IYet: 6th, 1860: •'" • ilLavertiae in the Jousx.u. ;~-~ T .. ATCIIES, and Mg Repairing c!Ofie :in,.9ood;style lES •N5w , ,,',q0.91 . ) - .a tirclituied 'Main , ' the rmint panto and ;rest decline in Gcodsia New,Tork. - DRY GOODS, Ladies Dreae. Goode, Clothiutr, HATS "10. OAP`Z, • BOOTS and STIOR; GROCg,B.IEM, PROVISION - 3, • CRO gKERY, Fancy Goods, Wool, Twine, Wall-Paper, NAILS, W0,91),V . N-WARE. We respectfully invite a call, feeling confident that we can sttppli the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction, giving better Goods for less MONEY than' can be bad at any other House in Potter or: adjoining counties. We have also added to our well-known stook of good, it now and complete stock of _ PURE DRUGS. Medicines. - Chemicals, Paints Oils, Varnishes, allies. Dye Stuffs CASTILE bOAP. SpO - nges. Corks. Bottles Jialg and Lamp-Globes. Aso. [ll-34] 1 VERY LOWEST RATES CASH. Don't Fail to Call and See ! L-STEBBINN &CO,. . . • .; Coma OP MAIN AND SECOND STEW TS *COUDERSPORT, PA. MEI NOTIONS, GLASS, aiid =EC= ECM &e. ALL OF WHICH will be sold at the FOR ==Ell The B4gle,Calls The: War ar - Of Exteimination' against Bad- Teeth, Bad' Breath, Diseased Gums, ToOthaehe, Bari t ~ • aelta and litermagia: • - ATILLERX, IS r Dr. - "Wm. 13.,. DENTAL TREASIJR : m A con set of Remedies for PRESERVINQ , TDE TEETH, PURIFYING via BREAM AND NfOUTII, and! ,CURING TOOTIIACIIE- AND I.:E BALGIB,. CO.iiTENTS Dr. Hurd's ce4brated MO UTII.TrA H,I bottle: tyiesit'aleq,TOOTll PO Pit,D ERI,I box Di.L(orp's niogic TO OTHAVIIE DPOP4,I bar Dr. Third's UNRIVALL.E'D iti8eR..141,01,4 PLASTER: ; ~. . , . Dr. Haas . MANUAL on the Best .3re, '''' reiervin g the.,Teeth, including D'rectidi the Proper Trelitinent of Children!: Teelli FLOSS SILK Ar cl'eaning belleeen' the"Til TOOTH PICA* etc., etc. ' . i.l . Prepared at. Th... 'llurd's Dental OE6. Folarth St., Brooklyn, .(E. D.) Price, ONE DOLLAR; or, SIX for $ The Dental Treasury makes a fii\ekag, inches by-five, tind Is sent by expreP• ' I I Pull directionl for users on .eaelii arti ! 'The following articles we, can send ately, by mail, 14Z: _ The Treatise on Preserving' , Teeth- sent Ipaid, on receipt -of Twelve Cents, of stamps. .. !". • , ,• I • The Neuralg i a Plaster, for. N631;1110:1 Fine, Nervous flealdaehe, and Earache' postpaid, on receipt of Eighteedleents,l , ! stamps: • r- ' •- ( - ' The Neuralgia and Rheumatte'Plaster size,) for pains in.the Chest, Shbtilders, or any part of the body, sent, 'p st-pai! receipt of Thirty-Seven cents. Address . WM; . liiird 134 C . Tlibune Buildings, New Yi , . ~. [ _.._. - • 1 , . .; ! Dr. Hurd's MOUTH WASH, TiiOTH 1 DEB, and TOOTHACHE DROPS eats! sent by mail, bit they can probably he'ol ed at your Drug or Periodical Stores. . d cannot,,scud to us' for the Dental Ire: price, One Dollar, which contains them. i I ' NOW, J • • , ARE DR. HURD'S PREBARATIONS GOOD i The best evidence that they are Is, that their firmest friends and best patrons are tho l -e who have used them longest. • Da, ; itt, A 34 B. Huan is an eminent Dentist In W f Br oklyn.:! Treaguter of the, New, York State Dentistsl Association, and these Preuaratidns haye been used in his private practice for!Years,lrtnd. no I leading citizen of Brooklyn or Wffiliam!sbdrgi 'questions their excellence, while grainent , Dentists of Neir York recommenh ther4 an the 1 best known' td the profession. 'With Jut) the aid of advertising, dealers have sold tteta by the gross. . 1 ,' ' . .1 I , •1 - - • The Editor Of the L'rooklyn Daily Tim s says : "We are happV to know, that Or frieind,lbr. Hurd, is succeeding beyond ail expedtations with his Mouth Wash and Tooth Pond Ir. Mie "great comet of liis, success rests i with ' he "fact 'that his articles are precisely What t leyl are represented td be, as we can testify from their 'long use."' 1-• , I ' The well-linown P. T. Barnufn writ?s :-.'•l. found your 'Footle Powder so good Mat i my family have isscd it all up: We fin 4 it,' the :best Powder for the teeth that !Wm ever used. ' I shall feel obliged if you Will scud me itnuther !supply at thelMuieum at .your. convenience, with the bill,: ' '. ;. ! - 11 1 , But their cost Is ,so small that. every, one may test the Matter for liiiiiself!!' • ' 1 ! Beware of the ordinary Tooth' powders, Dr. Hurd's Tooth) Powder contains: not neid; nor alkali,, nor charcoal, and pedishes Without wearing the enarnel. Use no Other. I ! WHAT, DOES bR. HURD'S REMEDIES EFGEGT 'I , • Dr. Hurd'sj..ifout/i ll'a.sh • and Tooth i l Powder will give young ladies that finest charin in woman—a sweet breath and pearly teeth; Try them, ladies.! .. • • ! . I • i Dr. Hurd's! Mouth Wean and Tooth Powder will cleanse the mouth from all foul exhala tions, and if used in the morning, Will,Make the breakfast taste sweeter and: the day begin more pleasantly: Hundreds df pers'bris Lan testify to ilia_ • Try them, gentlenien t ' Dr. Hurd's Neuili llasii and Tooth Powder are the best preparations in the worldifor'cur- ' ingmtn gana'rn and giving firmness aid health to the gums." Hundreds of cas'e's of Diseased Bleeding Gums,! Sore Moutli,l Canker, etc., have been cured by Dr. Hurd's agtringlnt wash. Dr..llurd's.:Joitth Wash and Tooth,Pot:aler give an additional charm to 'Conkship, and make husbands more agreeabl to thidr,wives and wives to -their husbands. They Should 1 be used by every person having, ARTIVGIAL 1 TEETH, which are. liable : to inipart d taint to ! the mouth. I . -, -. I ' . . . -Dr. Hurd's Toothache D rop s , cure Tb l oiliache arising from expoged nerves, and are tilt best friends that' parents can have "Id.theffieuse to save their children from tor!uniand themselves ' from. loss of sleep and synipa hetie .suffering.. FaruierS and Mechanic's! you - cannel well: afford to neglect; yoUr teeth: For a triffingj sum; you Can now get preserVatiesl, than; which Hoth'schild . or Astor cin get tiothingi, better. Reinember that .DysT epsia „and Cen-it sump! ion ol' the Ilm nag often o-igin ate in Neg-Il led of Teeth. Seed for the ,27rente.itIon Teeth,', and read Dr. Fitelf's observation on 'this subl jest. , If ton late to arrest deqay is Yoiir own teeth, cave Ivour, , childretes . tenth. I I • • I . . 1 NOuralgla IPlaster4. • Dr. Hurd's Neuralgia NonLiidhesir; Plaster,l are the most nleasant and sticfessful!it.me.dies ever preceribed for this painful' disease. Tbq patient epPlies one, soon beeoffies drowsy,ffillg asleep, and awoke.: free froth ;pain : and no hlistte or cither unpleasant Or Injurtons conl , sequences, 4isite:. Far Earache and Nervous . Headaelie,!applY according to directions ; . and relief will surely follow. NothingOn be obt twined equal to "Dr. H ' urd's. ciau . pres!s for Neu . might. Try them.. They areentirely a novel', curious, and original preparation, ~t ad worii• ,derfully successful. They,are of, wo size.sl ? 'one small,: for the face, price 13 cents, and 61 other large, for, applicationlt° the body, prig 31 cents. ! W 1 .14 be mailed oikreceipt of price and one stamp. I. :, ? , , . , ova ME THETFOPLE D.GiNg, 1 • The Atiterica , n people are intellig.c it enough ' to appreciate preparations ;that contribute - 6n much to the happiness of tliose using then and. they Want,them. "Every! mail (brims US. letters': some ordering the Titimrfsnlo.i TEET9, some the NEURALGIA. PLiSTEISS, and not a few enclosingl37 cents faille Man= Wlaln, to b' seat by mail; but to thesetwi ; are Icompelle to reply that it is impogsible to srda hal - pint bottle by mail. The people tut these ' Remedies', IVA° will supply [hemp NOw is the I i ~ Chance for Agentti.• , i .1 Shrewd agents. can make a.smdli fortune in carrying theselartieles around to fa ilies..Ttie Dental Treasury is the neatest article that', Oman or tv,othan can carry - around Send t • one and See, or, better, a,doieri, wliich we w ill sell as samples for $L ' wit B. }OD & CO, . • .. i , Tribune Buildings, New York. '•': I ' i ' That remittances may be'lmade - with 'confi dence, W,:. B. H. & Co. toren to the Mayorlbf Brooklyn! , ;: to .G.W. Griffith,'PreslcA l'arinsis'_ and Citizens' Bank, Brooklyit t ;anti tri other?. ) , ME= 1 ' 1 SO.VE ; PEINOICEW if •' ' ••• '';',,,,:-.:•:-, ; Highly iiiiiiiirtant d iii tile ladies't ' • - ...,, 1,..,1 '"' • 'DOWNER'S - PATENT' HEMMER' AND SHIELD I ' 1 10R 1:14N35- I SENVING Is 'tjust,the til'ing?!.for.all m - ho use the needle. Th 4 srena'arkaity sini . pli aidlnorel . intention sates on -half the labor of bitincl-sewuniTia-sitrcom ple ely protects the fir. - eir 'iron' the'point of i the needle, and taake.g taeat and 'unifoyna helia - while tae operatorOsewii ,g. , . - jl4O JUDY SUOULD - jEtE . Wlr i ll . OU'r 11% j It is cheap, Simple; beautiful, and useful. The Ileinuiei and Shield will be sent Free of chnixe on (receipt of the piie,e,:. 4 .2,i5 centg.' : 1 EnclOrSe staMp for deciipti we circular and terms.• , ' ;j, . H , i., t , L L! • 1 " ' DOWNER'S . M . ETROPOLITAN SKEIN-WEINDER' - ' I, ' - ,kt , o I' • , -. ISC'S IF irjeg -Blarill. Con3 l ll)lned Ls nn at:tiele Of real mel-itl. It ik used for the puypose, of- winding skips of Thread, -Silk, Copen,Yorni Floss, Wofs , aced, &v.. lt is readily, ad'Ustedto th - .. , work-table, wed will be found in isPennahle to all'usibg the above ottieles, i be ng ai useful - and lataitiable appendage-to thi. SeWpig-13ird. ! , 1 :: I Price 60', Cts t to $1 'accer.to t - 3 , -le end I ntish. slso' per rtiortztil .ca. be keal, 1„ , , 1 ,1 , . izqd by! enterprising Ai;ants (wanted in every torn and County through i leut tile L'uitt2tllStates and Ciinada) selling -he alnYve artibles, a's, sales are rapid, pro Ot:s , ulrge, aW has co com petition. - A liberal Aischunt to the trade. { . , • , I • 1 I Address A, 7 1-41. j D o i wner, 1 I 1 4-I'2:-lirondwa3 - , New" )i j ork - , I i • Patcnree andi Sole Proprielor. ' 1 ;N.B.L--General , and explosive A . gencries will be granted on the most lll:Jerallterms.--4:ul' l .Cin 1 ii i 1 tuna of i.s. for Mlll ma eight MN epar four in the sent, or six (large Back, td, on !TUE DAY SCIU4DI) I I - 12.13:1.1, A) NEW SINGING. jIOOI,I FOR.I DAY SCIIOOLS, palled. the, C 00 LI BELL is; nosy ready. It contains abotit 200 .paczes Lae choice Songs, RoiOds, Gat.l es , Duetts, Tj•ios,Qatartetts, and . choruses; manY of them wittch . expressly fo (this wprk, besides 23 piges aaf the Elements trients are so easy andiprogrvisive, that ordi ultry letcaers will pid. themselves entirety. S.eces:ful in instructingeven youngstaholars t, • silig corectly and Wiler.thicall!; while the ta near and words entliat . ace .latch ti , varietv of lively; attractive and: .4 ul-s.tiirir.f. , ;' , rnusie and s •ntiments, that noatotablei estaeri.: e teed in int:tieing:lll i f aliglimer? to fiso on with . z al in acquiring skill! in one, or the most I calth-.giving„ behnt3kmproVing,...happiness 31elding, and order-raatoclueliag, exercises of s hoot life. In slrup) l 4qty of; its elements, in Nariety nid?iz, and in Lxcellence and nuntbe of s leeied, and adapted, it claims . by much tol e competitor:l.j Le found to bel t ie beSt'hook eve: Liseed Ifor Ser...inatries, cadeMies, and l'i.ahliCiticlamils. A few 11111- I le pages of the Elemi - ,:tat.3, TUnes;and t . iongs, i re giviin in at cirenlitr'i; ser.o2 and get one: It compiled by P.01..411 Author "Sabbath-50.1061 1Et.415." 1 I and 2, ZIEI POW- oti be btain they astiry, which it9ce lr the pnorrepuz: . 1 .:;alt 0f (100 ity3tl 4 - leo, paper covers. 20 en ts, $l5 per 100; eeuts. $22 per 00 •eloth bcnn(l, et4ll.)asE.ort, gilt; 40 cents. 30 per 100.. 25 ce03.3 furrtiAc,(l' tit the 100 rice. Mailed ' ;the retail e. BM?, ;011IETIT ,7 !I! A NECESS IST; __ LbLD 'JOHNS. & kpierican ,Oem6rit.- Glue, - The strongest Demerit in the Vfdrla • FoH Ce;nentingjlf ad, dlass, ivory, China, 1 arld, f !, ! Alabaster, Oorcd,retci. i . lhei ooly'artiele evcr iprciduc ! cd which will' Wv . itbstilUd. IVater. A.CT3 "Every houEekeep shoald. have Of hhas & CroFlcy's „imepie;an Cetner l i -1--"cew YOrk. "It is so convenihlit to have in the I—, New ..I"