The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 20, 1862, Image 4

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Tlll3 GREAT NATIONAL EXHIIIITIUNi, . pisSiNO. 3.—Stalliossfor general 6ie, 6 vlears
of Imported Blood and American Breeds of '- ' ' ' I and over. "r
HORSES • - First preminrct. . . , $lOO
VIII be held on KEYSTONE PARE, Agricultural Second Alo : ! . ; , .r 25
___,,„ Xair_Grout3,ds,„ • __. ,_ Class No. 4.—Stallions for general . Use, 4
r ,:i 6 poi trnuospoirr a .,, , - : 0 . years .and under 6. •
On - Ttfasna.N.Ptstiititstisv,Tuhsviv & t'IUDAY First premium, . . 50
September 2,3, 4, and 5; 1862. ' Seiond do.. 20
Premium List and Prize Banner open to Class No. s.—Stallions of 2 years and under 4.
Exhibitors from the Comities and First premium .$3O
other British Provinces. Second ' do 12
s No. 6.—Mares witn Foal by their sides.
_ ! .,..Tke.lntpagers flatter themselves thataltho' Oise
itii pant eihibiticins held' id. other parts of the First Premium ''. •
, .. • $3O
United•State,s, haveeeneinently successful Second do 10
and entlielysatisfactori to the pOli Class No. T.—Breeding Mares.c,the past
experience will enable them to improve - some. For the best breeding Mare, 4 years and over.
what in the details of the arrangements, and First PremiuM ; , • $5O
and in this connection they hope to give better Second do 1 1 2O
facilities fOrrthelclelibarate(examination and Class No..3.:—Fillies, 2 years and under 4.
trial of horses intended for sale. Williamsport First premium, • , , $4O
is easily and quickly accessible from all direr- Second do . 20
Lions. Keystone Park is unequaled in its track - Class No. 9.—Fillies, t l year and under 2.
for showing.or training a horse. The mane- First premium. I $2O
geriPtiesip td mike 'this a horse mart,worthy Sebond .do • 1 10
of its central position, and its extraordinary Class No. 101—Colts 2 years and under 4.
facilities. First premium, I $25
BOARD OP MANAGERS. Second do' 10
;-- '., , . .J
A. B. KApp, • Class No. 11.—Colts, (Stallions or Geld ngs,'
D. K. JACKMAN, :. 1 year and under 2.
PETER HEREIC, First premium
J. N. BAGG, Sdcond dci
?`i ;. 7 W..F. LOGAN, , - Class No? 12.—Matched Horses, (Geldingp...42r
HENRY DRINKER, • M4res.) For the best span, 16 hands and ot-e.
GORDON F. MASON, First premium, , $5O
COL. S. G. HATHAWAY, Second do. , • 20
~,;..1. ::' ) .F ,: WM. COLDER; . • ' For the best span of Matched Horses, 14
J. H. COWDEN. hands, and under 16.
• HDWARD LYON, First premium, 25
• A. E. KAPP,President. Second do 10
11. E. T,AYLOII, Treasurer. ; Class No. 13.—Fancy Matched Horses, (Geld-
W F. LOGAN,.Marshal. • , ings or Mares.)
GOO. M. D'PLTI, Se&etary. ” ,
The entrance to Keystone Park for visitors
on foot, is by the Center Gate, on Campbell
Street. The entrance for hories, and Carri
ages is by the N. E. Gate on Campbell Street.
The gates will be open for the affinission
of the public, from 8,4 o'clock, A. M., until
sundown of _each, day. • -
The Chief Marshal and Superintendents of
_the exhibition, will meet at the President's
Tent at 8 o'clock, A. M., each day, to perfect
the arrangements" for .the. dnx.-
A Superintendent will accompany each set
of Judges, and point out the different classes
of stock. to be exhibited. They will see Riot
Horses are provided; 'with halters by their
owners, and suitably', arranged for exhibition
each day. 1
Will please report themselves on their arrival
in town, at-the office of the Society, corner of
Third and Elmira Streets, in Taylor's build
ing, where the Committee of Reception v ill
be in session. Cards of admission will lte
furnished ;them to- the 'Exhibition and the
Committee will extend to them every civility
within their power. .
Poi the greater convenience of editors and
repottere for the pt.( es a, lent will be specially
Set apiiit for their use, and every facility ev . ll
he afforded them to obtain and transmit
.. • A ,Committee of Reception from the Press
Will 'receive their brethren from abroad, on
the field .and further the purpose d their
coming: -
The Judges wili assembleltt the Tent of the
President on the growad, at 8 o'clock, A. 31.,
Tuesday. to organize and fill vacancies in the
Board, should auy. occur. The report of the
Judges must be handed to the President's Sec
retary before Thursday noon.,
Will be furnished for visitors on: the field at a
moderate charge. A tent saloon for ladies
ifilbbeiproritied with female attendants.
Ices, Coffee, Oysters, &c., will be Supplied
by a competent confectioner.
No Season Tickets will be is not!. Sin-
gle admission to the grounds $0 25
Children under t!elve-years of age, half
. .
. . . .
Admittance to the seats opposite the
Judges' stand
Members of Public &hoots. Seminaries
. or Colleges, rimy commute for adtiii.a '
sion with the Treasurer.
Pfli-,9, , ,f0ur, or six horse veh i ielestud driver, , .
-^- taissingat's being supplied with Tickets 1 00
For ;:i. - two horse vehicle and driver, pas-
Fenger:: being supplied with Tickets 7.1
For a t?po borsevepiclo and driver pus. .
Nengeri lAtrig - §uPplied witlitickets 50
For a horse and its rid 4 50
Exhibitoriwiltbe provided with stalls and
bedding for that:Stock, in the NEW BARNS
of the Society, and in stalls adjoining, to the
extent of their ability to provide the same, (if
notice he gi , en on or before the 20th day of
Xiignst,) without charge; So that horses - mai ,
be driven to the exhibition grounds and used
not be removed till' the exhibition is closed.
Gyivit,sind hay will be furnished to those Whb
dettlie"ii; at market. price. Arrangements
also be made with public or private stable
keepers for exhibitors who make early t•-•
quests for the keeping of horses, and at a
reasonable charge.
In Consideration of the Superior A ecommoda(ioiis
.offere4 Gratuitouely.
Competitors for'PreminrnS . of $ : 200 $lO
do do do do 100 5
do do do do 80 and over 30, .3
• do ' do do do 30 and under, 1 2
Single Ilorses f 'Ander ,the . saddle or in
hnrness, entered for exlailaition, but not
in competition for premium and subject
to the call of the Marshal, ; 3
Single spans, or Tandems, or Tridems, j 4
Six In hand,
Premiums will not be paid on animals re-
Moved-from ;the exhibition c urtless, such ic
moyal t hite the sphcial approval of_ the Chlef
Marshal, and premiums not claimed within
thirty days after the award, will lie consid
ered as forfeited. Premiums will not be paid
em horses which are -unsound.
It is desirable that those n•ho
make entries for exhibition should notify the
Secretary on or before August 20th, that ar
rangements ruay.positively be made foi their
accommodatioa... Letters mai be addressed
to the Secretary at Williamsport. The Treas
urer will pay premiums awarded at the busi
ness Tent, on the Ground, at the close of the
.Ir.ghi4itioni / and at - his, clime ,in .Williamsport
di:H.ll3l*e folliniint roefith c 'o Will forivard
any premium, not so paid, in such manner as
the person entitled to the same, may direct.
• ,-: PREMIUMS..
Premium ; Two Hundred Dollars '.5200
Speed will be considered in making ,tbe
-Class No , 2.—Tborough Bred Mares.
Presdum, One Hundred Dollars. $lOO
,Elpised will bs considered in nuking the
sword. , , .
Flrst premitim, 50
Second do 20
Size, action and speed will be considered in
Making the award.
Class No. 14.—Gentleman's spans of Driving
Horses (Geldings or Mares.)
First premium, $lOO
Second do 20
:'Size, action and speed will The considered
in making the award.
Class No. 15.—Family Horses (Geldings or
, For the best Family Horse, four years and
over, driving, color, size and action will be
cionsidered in making theaward.
First prernihm,
Second dO
Class No. 15.—Gentlemen's Driving
(Geldings or Mares) 4 years find of
First premium
Second do
. Driving, ; color, size action and spo
be considered in making the award.
Class No. 11'.—Saddle Horses,
1 For the best Gentlemen's Saddle a
First premium,
Second do
For the best Lady's Saddle Horse. I
First premium,: . 20
Second do , lOl
I Class NO. 18.—Farm and Draft Horses *
I For - the. best pair of Farm or Draft Horses.
First premium , $5O
Second do ' ' , 10
Class No. 10. --Best single Farm or DraftH )
First premium,. ' $l5
Second do 8
; Class No. 20.—Ponies..
1 Ponies, 'under 14 hands, driven double,
!Tandem or Tridem
First premium
Second do
Class No. 21'.
Best Team six in band,
Class No. 22.
Best Tandem or Tridem Team,
Will be awarded to the State (Agricultural
Society) other than Pennsylvania,which
by its citizens, enter for exhibition the largest
number Of valuable horses 'a Prize Banner
worth $2OO
Exhibitors 'with horses are required to use
the South Entrance' gate on Campbell street,
in coming on to and returning from the
Entries of stock may be made at the office .
of the Secretary in Taylor's Building, until
1 Monday, 9 o'clock, p. m. September Ist, when
;I the books must be made up for the Judges.
I The exhibition of stock on the track will take
place precisely at the time specified in the
subjoined arrangement ; and animals not pre
pared at the proper time and place, may at
I the discretion of the Judges, be ruled out of
1 competition. ' ' StoCk will be marked with
I cards furnished by the Secretary, designating
'the class 4nd No. of entry; and during the
exhibitioh they most be placed entirely under
the management of the officers of the .society.
If sufficient, time has'not been given, in the
programme for the, Judges to examine any one
class before the calling of another, class, the
first named class will be examined on a va
cant part of the ground to be designated by
the Chief Marshal. Arrangements will be
made for the trial of Draft Horses by testing
1 their strength, docility, etc., at a load.
Owners or agents offering horses for premi
um or exhibition will receive tickets of ad
mission. Exhibitors are requested to leave
sufficient space around each horse or vehicle
for the Judges to pass freely.
The Judges will in all cases withold premi
ums where the horse is not-worthy or is un
sound, though there be no competition.
Exhibitors entering colts of the age of three
years and under shall furnish to the Judges
evidence of the time of foaling, to be filed with
the Recording Secretary. Pedigree of Blood
Horses and origin and age must be furnished,
if required,for every horse offered for premium.
. The Judges will report to the Board of Man;
agers not only the horses entitled to premi
ums, but also those next in merit in each class,
to meet the contingency of any objection which
may arise to the award. All horses not ob
taining premiums, which in the opinion of
the Judges deserve special commendation, will
be so reported to the board of Managers.
The Judges, if not satisfied as to the regu
larity of the entries in the respective classes,
or the ages of the horses as recorded in the
entries, will apply to the Recording Secretary
for informations, and should there be any
doubt, after examinations, of their coming
within the reghlations, or if any horse is of
such a character as not to be entitled to ex
hibition in competition, they will report the
facts for the consideration of the Board of
Managers, that such course may bp adopted as
the case may require.
The several classes of horses upon exhibi
tion! will be called for in the order indicated
in the programme, and precisely at the hour
named, when a flag will be raised near the
Judges' stand with the !inscription, "CLEAR
'Oen the hour arrives for the exhibition of
any class of horses the bell will be rung and
a flag will be raised to, indicate the class to
be eibibited.
All horses entered will be at the risk of the
owners.. The most effectual means will be
taken through the agency , of the police and
otherwise to guard and protect the horses ex
hibited ;Int the managers cannot be respon
sible for injuries occasioned by accident or
otherwise. .
Reports of the doings Of the Exhibition - will
be officially published. : •
• `
_ .
Monies intended :for 'public or private sale
will be labellediaccordingly, and a portion of
the ground will be , designated for their exam
ination and sale. The services of an auction
eer will be provided,, and a time named for
public sales. TheSecretard will give notice of
such intended sa es, if .early entry is made
with him to tinit effect. Such horses cannot
be withdrawn until the close of the Exhibition,
except by written authority of the Managers
Members of the several Committees will be
recognized by the following badges: •
Class Nos. L & 2.—Thorough Bred Horses,
Navy Blue - Ribbon.
Class No, 3. 7 -Stallions, 6 years and over,
Green Ribbon.
- Class No. 4.—§tallions 4 years and under
6, White Ribbon.
Class :70. S.—Stallions, 2 years and under
4, Green and White Ribbon.
Class Nos. 6 & 7.—Mares with foal and
Breeding,Mares, ,Orange Ribbon.
Clan. Nos 8 .t O.—Fillies, Black and Orsinge
Ribbon.:: ,
Class Nos. 10 & 11.—Colts, Green and Red
Class Nos. 12 k 13.—Match and Fancy
Match horses, Red and White Ribbon.
Class No. 14;—Gent'a Spans of Driving
Horses, Light Bine and Pink Ribbon.
Class No. IG. ,Family Horses. Red, White
and Blue Ribbon.
Class No. 16.-+Gentleman's Driving Horses,
Blue and White. Ribbon.
Class Nos. 17 k 20.—Saddle Horses and
Ponies, Black and White Ribbon.
Class Nos.: 18 & 19.—Farmers' Diatight
Horses, Red Ribbon.
Class Nosp 21 k 22.—Best Team, Pink
Board of Managers, Rosettes
No featurc of.the Horse Show is more pleas
ing to the managers, and we trust acceptable
to the public, than . the , facilities offered for
the transporttng of horses and grooms to and
from the Exhibition.
Pennsylvania; Central R. R.,
Philadelphia 4: Erie R. It,
Philadelphia & Reading R. R.,
Lebanon Valley R. R.,
Catawissa IL R.,
Elmira 5: Williamsport R. R.,
Syracuse, Binghamton & New York IL It,
East:Pennsylvania IL R., .
Shamokin Valley R. R.,
will carry visitors, hbrses and grooms free,
one way. The Lackawanna & Bloonisburg,
Wilmington' Si Baltimore, and Cumberland
Valley„ agree to do as other-roads do.: There
are other roads:to hear from, which will. wr th
out doubt, come into the same arrangements.
Thus it will IM seen that the State of Fenn
sylvania is thipw-ti wide open to the ;exhibi
tion.- The roads will collect fares .on all
herses.coming to the exhibition, and return
them free, on presentation of the Certificate
that they have been on Exhibition, and are
unchanged ini ownership: The following is
the form of Nrtificate referred to abcye : •
al 11
ed gill
W4LIA3SSPOItT, Sept. - 1862.
To Railroad Agents:
This certifies that has had on exhi
bition, and net sold Horses, at the First
National Horie Show, held in Williamsport,
Penna., on the 2d, 3d, 4th and sth of Septem
ber, 1862. I
Jeweller and Watchmaker,
OCATED on Main St.. opposite the Court
ILA House, Coudersport, Pa.
CloCks, Watches,
Repaired' on; short notice and warranted to
give satisfact on.
A good assortment of
on . hand. Cheap for CASH and warranted as
reprepented.; .As an even exchange is no rob
bery I will give you time for Money.;•
Coudersport, Dec. 16, 1861
. .
44riu: Varnroz griof 1
rIHE undersigned \could respectfully inform
the surrounding community that 'he has
taken the rooms formerly occupied, by John
S. Mann, where he is prepared to dO
All kinds of Harness Work
on the shortest notice.
also kept constantly on hand. TheSe collars
are a superior article, and need but'a trial to
insure their success.
Repairing done in good style.
Surcingles, Martingale-rings, Hamei, and
Hame•straps, &c., kept constantly cin hand.
The public are invited to call and examine,
before purChasing elsewhere.
Coudersport Oct. 16th, 1860.
• A T
STORE can always be found the best of
Cobking, Box and
RONS. Also , Agricutural Impleraents,.
is well made and the material good. Good and
substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any
part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay
of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused.
Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court
House, COudersport. Aug. 1, 180.-50,
and equal to any Kerosene.
WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few
cents more per gallon will furnish you with a
perfect Oil? Made only by ,
No. 1.27 Walnut Street, lltitadelpbia.
Feby. 1. TOL I.T
The Bngle I ;Ai
of Extermination- ageing Bad Teath, .'Bad
• 3lreath, Illmied Gums, TOotlxa.rE4-,
' r ae4 and Bleurelgia.
()SR A.TiLigitY IS 1 -
Dr. wm B.
A complete - set of liefinedieS for;:
• ,; •1 CONTENTS: • '
Dr. Hurd's celdrrated MOUTH IVASHO. bottle.
Dr..llurdis unequaled TOOTH PO WV ER,I hoz
Dr.fford'smagic TOOTBAOHE DROPS,I box
Dr. MANUAL on the' 1/..5, 'Means of
Preserving Oie-Teeth, Direciions for
the PrOper, Treatment of Children's. Teeth. .
FLOSS SILK for cleaning t4tweeti the Teeth
TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. j i •
Prepared at
. Dr. Ilurd'sj Dental Office, 77
Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D.l
Price;ONE DULLA R; or, SIX for $5
The Dental Treasury makes a. pacimge eight
inches by fire,, and is sent 'by express.
Full iirection for use is ongieh article.
The following articles we Can send separ
ately, by mail, viz:
The Treatise on Preserving Teeth sent, post-'
paid, on receipt of TWelve Cents, or bone,
• 1 •
The Niuralgia Plaster, for Neuralgia in the,
Face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent,;
postpaid, on tecelpt of Eighteeri cents, or BIZ
The Neuralgia and Rheumatic Plaster (large
'sir.),) fix. pains in the Cheat, Shoulders, Bach;
or any part of the body, ,sent, post-paid,. on
receipt' of Thirty-Seven cents.
Address Win. Ilurd' & Co.
T ibune Buirillngs,kew York.
sent by mail. 4 but they care nrohahly - be ribtait4
ed at your Drug or Periodical .Stores. If the.y
cannot, send- to us For the Dent. , l . TreasurA
.b ne'Dollar, which contains them. ,
The best evidence that they are is, that their
firm* friends and best patronsao those who
have' used itiem lon,gest. D. WILLIAM S.
iitauf is an ' etninent D en ti s t ] of B rookly n.
i .
Treesmer, of the New York Siete Dentist's'
AssoCiation, and these prenarations have beep
used in his private Practice toe years. and no
leading citizene of Brooklyn or Williamsbnrgh
questions their -- excellence: While eminent
Dentists of New Terk reeom'uend them . as the
best known to the profession., Without the.
aid of advertising, deitliqs have sold them lir
the gross: , , i 1
The Editor of the Brooklyn DOily Times sap i
••W&are happy to l:nowi that Our friend, Dr.
Hurd, is succeeding Ileond ail expectations
with!bis Mot th Wash and Tooth Powder.. The
great secretOf hii success rests with the feet,
that'his arti les are precisely !what they are
represented to be, as we can testify from their
long use."
The well-known P. T Barnum writes :—"I ,
found your Tooth
,Poweer: sof good that my l '
family have used it,' all, up. We find it the ,
,hest, Powder for the teeth that we ever used.:
I shall feel obliged if you will send me another
supply at the Museum at your e6nrouience,
with the bill.". .
. ,
But their cost is so small that every o ne
may test the matter for himself . '
Beware ofthe ordinary Tooth Powders Dr.
Hurd's Tooth Powder contains
,no acid, nor
alkali. nor charcoal, • and polishes without
wearing th i e enamel. lise.iptoother.
. •
Dr. Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder
will gyre young ladies that finest charm in
woman—a l sweet breath and pearly teeth. Try them, ladis.'
Dr. Hutd's Mouth hush and Tooth Poir4r
will the mouth from ; all foul eiluilit.
tions. and if used in the morning, will milky
the breakfast taste SrPeter and the day begin
more pleaSantly. Hundreds of persons can
testify •to this. Try them, gentlemen.
Dr. Hurd's Mouth ]!rash and Powder
are the best preparatiiiiis in the world for cur
BADA3REATH and giving firtnness and health
to the gums. 13 , indredA of cases of Disetted •
Bleeding Gums, Sore Month, Canker, etc..
hake been eared by Dr. Durd'slastringent wash.
Dr. Hurd's :Mouth Wash arid Tooth Poi4er
give an additional charm tó courtship, and
make husbands more agreeable to their wives"
and wives to their, Ittisbande. They should
bej used by every pction having ARTIFCTAL
TEETH, which are liable , to impart a taint to
the mouth.•
Hr. Hurd's Tootha64 Drops cure .Toothache
arising from ceprised.iterves, and are the best
friends that parents can have in the house to
save their children ft-inn tortue and themselves
frOm loss of sleep al4 symliathetic suffering.
Farmers and Mechanics! you cannot Well
aTford'to neglect yoUr . teeter. for a trifling
sum, you can' now get preservatives, than
which Rothschild or !Astor :can get nothing
better. Remember that Dyspepsia and Con-'
suinpt ion of the Lunge often originate in Neg-
le& of Teeth. Send for the' Treatise on TOth,
and read Dr. Fitch's observation on this sub
jeet. If late to arrest decay in your own
teeth, save your childien's teeth. .
, •
Neuralgia Plasters.
'Dr. Kurd's Neural& Non-adhesive Pla.ters
are the mdst pleasant"and successful remedies
ever prescribed for this painful disease. The
patient applies one, Sonheg':vmes drowsy,falls
asleep, and;,,awakes, free from p iin, and 'no
blister or other unpleasant mt.-injurious con
sequktices ensue: Eat;ladle and Nerithus
Headache, apply aecorditim to directions,' and,
relief will surely Nothing can be ob-'
'dined equal, to pr. 1 - iiird's Compress fur Neu—
ralgia. Try them. They are entirely a novel,;
eltrious; and original preparation, and won-!
derfully .successfuf.' . They are of two sizes.j
o t ac small, for
,thefilne, pride 15 tents, and the;
other large, for Opine:Won to the body, price,'
:4,7 cents. Will be in i ailed on receipt of price and
one •i
staipp. ,
The American nebide are , intelligent enotgli,
;:• appreciate preparations that contribute so
much to the happiness those using them;
and they,want them', Rvery.imail.•brimrs us.
letters.'sortie orderiing the TREATISE ON TEETHiI
Some theNecnAten4. ['LAS rims, and not a few
encloshig 37 cents for the Mutrrit' WASH i .to
sent by mail; but* those we are compelled'
to reply that it is , inipossible to send a htlft,
pint bottle by mail.; The people want :these
Remedies. Who wqt supply Mont Now is the
Chance; for 'Agents..
Shrewd agents Carr make .a small fottnne
carrying these articles aronedln Th y '
Bente' Treasuryls neatest article that
Man or woman .cats • coil*. around. Send
One and see, or, better, )1 dozen, which we will
sell as samples for $7:: -WM,'B. HARD SLICO,
Tribune Buildings, New York. ,;
j That remittance! may be made With confi,'•••
pence, W. B. 11. loco.refer to the Mayor
BrUoklyn ; to (I.W . Griffith, Presid't Farniere,`
ORAN 1 3010kriiiiiO4 aid 11 sitrow.
• . :
f •
1 ''• • 7 ' . li r ' ISOMETHIN I Gi . .NEW:!
I '.. . : I Plitili Izeitonsni, to the .adielk! ;_ -
4ivit EIANDrBEWIt G,. . .:,-. i- • ,
I ;Is••••;iii t:l3 thine for ill who Use the needle.
1 This rOor*ably ample and nove4 invention saves
1 1one-half - the labor of hand-seWing, as iketim
pletel,Vhproteets the finger from the point 'of
!the r(4edle, and ! makes a neat and uniform
!hem While !the 4erator is cewtig.. f
xtij4 •
1.4 sxtoULli DE WI C •HoUT IT
It is ebeitp; simple; beflttiful, and useful. 'The
Beinti/r and Shiild wilj he seq, free of charge
'on receipt nf tbelprice,l 25 cvnlhst. ' ' '
• EaCjosiatailvi for dfescriptite circular and
terms;! ; • : j I .
1; . 1
11 ;. 1 AL SO, I ( - : •
, .4..1., i
. ,
_ sessing-Bird Combined '
Is an: l itrtiele.of real r4rit. .fis used for the
parr:* of :Winding skeins 0,. Thread, Silk,
Cottdti, Yarn, FlOss, WOrsted. &c. It isreadily
adjustitd to the work -Cable, abd will-be found
indispensable to) all uSiug theabove articles,
beinka us4ful and infruluab e appendage to
the S.eirprO3irdi.• 1 .. ;
Pike 50 Cto. to $1 according toLtyle and 'Finish.
taio3l ' per Month c be. 11.' eel
ized ;tiy enterprtaing Agents N - ctinted•in every
town and County throUghout he TJnited States
and 'ttnacia,) selling] the alfrve articles, as
sales re rapid, profit largeotod has no izrn
petiti4n. - A liberal discount] to the trade.
Address 'A; H. Dbwner,
' 1 442 firoadw y, New York,
' Patentee and Sol Proprietor.
. 7 —General and exclusive Agencies will
.nted on the most liberal terms.-i'-nilfiatn
vligE pAlv sgenooL.nciL
is no d ready It contains bout 200 pagesT
cf. clnoce .Snags, Rquntis. ICatchesd Ouetts.H
Trigs, Qt.' irtett.s. and !Choru t ses, -many, of them:''.
written eXpresdly tor-: this Work, be - sides 23
page's, tn
of; the E eents of Music. The Ele !
menre'So e: sy and prop essive, that ordi- :
mu'! teachers will find th mselves; entirely
sucatisstpl in instructing ern young„scholars
to O•
•g!. Correctly and scien4ticall; , While the
tune and 'Words embrace! such a variety . of
lively, attractive and soul-stirring music and
sentiments, that no; troutde will be experi.
enead . in inducing all beginners to goon with
zeal i ii acquiring skill in one of the most
health -giving'..; heantly-imp oving., happiness.
yielding,' and iorderi-prodUeing exercises 01
SchWol life. In simplicity td• its elements in
varirty ;and itdaptrltion lof music, and in
exasilerieeAthrti number of its. songs.,! original.
scle i cted,
.and ,tlapt,ll, it tilaims byl much to
excel all cottetitori. It Will be foitud tii be
thq hest'book ever! issued fur Seminaries,
A ca l demies acid Public Schools. Ai flew sani
plcOage; of the Elein ?nts,tines, and Stings.
areigiven in a circul ACE . 'ATERS, Autar ; set ti anti get one. It
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IA Ohnin ~ iled b . , HORACE I .
of 11 , Sabbath.Schooi Bellsi". Nos i I 1 , ,,a , k
of ,witie:ll have; hid tite cnor i (nons sale of Css',-
00tiin 36 m
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.$1 ri per 100 ::11couull 30 cents, $22 per
I 0)) • cliati boilud. i.roboss.d gilt,' i4O etia z ..
S3li per 100. 25 nipies fukished : i t the 100
price.- !Mailed tree fat the retail price.
111 HORACE WATER.% Publislier,
= No. 4811 Brond:way, NeW York.
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S(pIETIIItiG FOR 111111 , 3 TIMES!!:
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THE lIER.OE Or `lll'.4R
E. Anthony, N 0.501 Broadway, New York,
his now publishing, in addition to other por
ftraits the ezilebrated collection known in Eu
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ißrady4 Nara/ Photogra p hic Poitrait er
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in which islncluded Portraits of nearly all the
prominent rnen oflAmeriea, not excepting Jeff
Davis, Gen, Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of
other confederates- Pride of Portraits, $3,00
per dozen. ;, Can he sent by mail'
SeeneS of the War for the Union,
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StereoseoPie views of scenes in Paris; Lon
don, andin'other Harts of England and France,
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; Our ImUantarp.mis Ste eoseopie Views are
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These are Liken 511 tht fo tieth part of asecOnd
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; We havelalso on band and ronnufacture the .
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traits, Views, Stereoscopes, &c.; sent by
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E. ANTHOT, 501 Broadway,
jyly near St.lNichol s Hitel New York.
'T. GILBERT & Leelebrated 'A.IOI.4IAN
PIANOS,are the fittest struments for Parlors
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ment can he seen at tl+ new Warerooms.;4Bl
IBEOADWAY, tiatween Grand and Broome
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Also, secohd4tand P4tnos and Melodeon's at
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.Coughs t : aid
Hoarseness.BßMETlELD . , MASS.; Wth Dec :;i. ]855.
; De. J.. C. ATIM: do not hesitate tow
the. beat remedy I have ever found fi
Coughs, lloarsenese, Infinenra, and fl.
concomitant symptoms of ii• Cold, is yont
.CHERET PECTORAL. Its constant use in
myPmcice and my family for the last
ten years has shown it; to possess stipe•
ajar virtues for the treatment of these
complaints. EDEN. KNIG lIT, 51. D..
A. B. BIORTLEY, Ese.,of UTICA , N. Y., w rites : "I hens
used your Peerages. myself and in my family ever,
you invented it, and' believe it :the beet medicine for Its
purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I sigrald worm
pay twenty-flve dollars for a bottle than do without it, or
,take any other remedy:.
Croup, Whooping Cough,'lniinenza.
SKUNOTJELD, MISS., Feb.7,1858.*
Minna Am: I will cheerfully certifyyour Psere tia
I. the best remedy we possess for the cure of hoopi w ,
' Clough. Troep, and the chest t - diseases of children, We ,40
your fraternity in the South appreciate your s.k4
commend your medicine to our people.' --.,
• • •
AMOS LEE, En" 3romhzxt IA" writes, 3d 304858:
"I had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doel
Six weeks; .took many medicines without relief; Aw l
tried your Preroem, by the advice of our clems m ,„
The first dose relieved the eorenits in my tbrcat and
lungs; less than one half the bottle Made me completsly
',fell. Your medicines are the cheapest as well enlists*
.we can buy, and we esteem' you, Doctor, and your re:*
dies, as the poor man's friend."
, •
Asthma or Plithisin, and Bronchium,
WEST liferrcursirse, Ps.,"Feb. 4,1836.
Eke: Your CRUM' Pzerciau• is performing r taiw u m
cures in this section. It hes relieved several from
tug symptoms of consumption, and is now coring a MAD
who has labored under an affection of the lungs far flu
last forty years. DENBY T PARKS, Merchant.
A. A. kAmSEY, Ammon', Mosuon Ca, lows,
writes, Sept. 8;1855 : " During my practice of rnanyyirs
I have found nothing mild( to ybur CHERRY PECTORAL f or
riving ease and relief to censucuptive patients, or mint
inch as are curable." 1
We might add volumes of evidence, but the most cow..
Vining proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in its
sffecta upon trial. • i ;
Probably noione remedy - has ever been known which
cured DO many and such dangerous cases as this por e
no human aid can reach; but even to those the Cann
Picrosat.atTords relief and comfort.
AATOR Horse. Nets" YORE Crrr. March 5,1655
DOCTOR Arm, LOWELL: X feel it a duty and a pbswato
to inform you what your Cnoear PF.CIRRAL has done for
my wife. She had been five menthe laboring under the
.'angerons symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid
we could procure gave her moth relief. She was steadily
, tiling. until Dr. Strong, of this city. where we have coma
for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine, Ks
bless his kindness!, as we do your skill, for she has recto ,
vied from that day. She is not yet as strong as she used
to be, but is free from her cough. and calls herself well.
Yours withltatittido and recarl,
Chnsumntires, do not despair till you hare tried ATARI
CHERRY PECTORAL. It is made by one of the lest medical
chemists'in the world, and its cures all around ns beeptak
the high merits of its virtues.— Phdadeiphia Ledger.
Ayers. Cathartic Pills,
T", sciences of Chemistry and Medicine lime ' been
taxed their utmost to produce this beet, most perfect
purgative whit][ is knoWn to man. Innumerable proofs
are shown that these Pr t.. 9 bare virtues which surpass in
excellence the ordinary medicines. and that they win un
precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are ears
and p i le/vent to take, but powerful to cure. Their pene
tasting properties stimulate the vital activities of the body,
remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood,
and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which
breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or dime
. dared organs into their natural action, and impart healthy
tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do
thoy`•ciire the every-day complaints of every body, but
also formidable and dangerous dime/wee that h ve tattled
le beet of human skill. While they prod powerful
iffecta, they are at the alma time. in diminish Mies, ths
est mid best physic that can t be employed for children.
Being sugarcoated, they are pleasant to take; -and being
purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cam
hate been made which cur mass belief were they not into
atan tinted by men of such exalted position and changer
as to forbid the auspici% -of untruth. Many eminent
eleigymen and physiciana hrt've lent their names to teal.
fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while oth
ers have, sent me. the Bs6l,lllltlee of their conviction dist
myyreparations contribute immensely to the relief of my
afflicted, suffering_ felloW-ruen.
The Agent beloW named ispleaved to furnish gratis my
AMerican Almanac. containing dirirtionifor their nee and
certificates of their cures. of the following complaints:—
Costiveness. Ililions tomplainta, ITheurnatinin. Thum!,
Heartburn, headache arising team d rout stomach. Nan.
see. Itakestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain
mash% therefrom, Flatillency, Imes of Appetite, all Ulcer-
once and Cutaneous Diseases which require nn evarmant
Medicine. SCrofula or Ring's Evil. They also, by purify
ing the Mood and stimulating, the syatern. cure many
comMaints which it would not be suppUned they amid
reach. each as Deafness. Partial Mizahless,'Neuraloa and
Nervous . Irritability. lieraiMements . nt" the Liver and linb
neys, hout.,rtnd other kindred complaints ariqing from
low state of the body , or obqiuction of its functions.
Do not be put o/ by unprincipled deniers with semis
other pill they make more profit on. Ask for
Pots, and take nothing else. No other they me O r e
- jolt ' comperes with this in its Intrinsic value or ousting
powers. The sick want the best nid there is for them,
and they should hare it.
Prepared by Dr._ I. C. AVER,
practicel and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mass.
Bluer. 25 Ors. Prlt Box. llcs Bons rox $l.
Sold by C. S. k D. A. Jones, Coudersport
Mann & Nichols, Miliport ; Colwell k Lyman,
Roulet ; A. Corey k Son, Ulysses; A. D. for .
ton, Cnshingvilie ;r: and by Dealers generally
Main . aba . lre Third St.,
M. W. *ANN, PnornisTon.
DOCKETS- • - •
Greek, Latin, French. and 'German Test..
All School Books led in the Count
kept on. hand, or immediately "'veva/
when. desired.
' Magazines or a 1
bj , Periodicals suppliedo
A good assortment of Paper; Enrelopeh
Pens and Inks. j Also, of Wall-Papers, DS
ing Materials, Water Colors, - tc.
PRAYER & HYMN BOOKS,* various kinds.
mum : Boon AND SHEET-MUSIC ,
Slates, Rulers, Back-GammoreßoardsU kenn
Men, &c.; &c. PRODUCE of all kinds taken
in exchange forjßooks, &c. • 014 4 1 ,t
UPTON S. NEWCOMNjt, Prop:vat
This Hotel is central, convenient kr
•Passenger cars to all parts pf the city, and in
every particular adapted to the.wants of too
business public.
Terms . $1 50 per day. ,