SAT, - Is62:' $lO,OOO, WORTH OF NEW , _GOODS DR = :Si. Below the prices here given. ir TAB pleasure In-Informing my friehds ..11;'.and eastomers that I am just receiving a fine. fresh assortment of Goods and that: all those who are in want of any had better give ine an' early call. q t + ' I keep ' 'DRY GOODS, • - 1 GROCERIES; . 1` - -••- - PROVISIONS BOOTS and SHOES, •-•- I HARDWARE, . .. CAOCIttitY, ' . And everything usupy kept in a Country Store. I. haie just returned from New Yori, with one of the best Und largeSt stocks of Goods that Was ever brought into this county. I propOse to sell these - GOODS FIFTY per ct. lower than can be bought in this vicinity, Wells ville or Olean not excepted. M.y Goods— have been bought :for CASH from' a large number of houses that had failed in the city, at, from 50 to 75 ets. on the dollar of theoricinal cost. Therefore I preparedam to give.all great bar . - gains thatchoose to give me a Call: LOOK; AT SOME OF TIE PRICES Very nice Sheetings from S to 11 ctS.,• sold by most merchants at the present time-for 14 to ,18. Good cotton bats for S cts Good Prints for 6 to 11, worth 9 to 14. Fine Delaines from 11 to 20 ets , wortlos to 25 and 30. Good Tweeds from 25 to 38 : cts., worth 44 and . 63 • Good Black ,Silk from 50 cts. to $l.OO, Worth .75 cts. to SI 50. • Good Suits of Black Clothes i Coat, Vest, Panto, Calf Boots, lidiaifs., Cravat, &c., for !$lO, worth $lB. Ia • Gr ' oceries,l have a g-pod sweet and Tea for ! , 50 ccS per lb., and upwards. ;Goodsugar for S cts.,, white coffee sugar 11. !Sal eratus for 6 cts . . 'CotreellS. Soap 8 cts. bar. _Molasses for 45 cts. per gal. Best Kerosene oil, 4-1 ets. gallon -Flour at "Wellsville prices " In, the line of .13°00 and Shoes we have a' Ladies Enamel ed Morocco Boot for 50 ets .sold by most dealers for S 1 to .6„1.25 Heavy-Kip Ladies Walking toot ! 75 cts. Fine Congress Gaiters, and others from 50 ets. to 51 00, worth 6 to 'l2 shillings. , ---Fine Calf-Boots for 2 50; Fine :S. tagey booth' for 16 shilling..Fineßroche •Shawls for 20 shillings ,and 'up wards. Ladies Stella Shawls from Bto 22 shillings. Woolen shawls for 12 shilling and upward. Red Flannel froth 2 shillings per yard. Fine Gingham's for ten cents. Cambries for , 9 cts. Men's/Heavy Working. Ribbed Jacket - Coats. for', 8 shilling Sr. And, now I intend to keep my stock full to supply those who rimy choose to buy at - WHOLESALE or RETAIL, And all Families of Volunteers will receive Goods at the first cost in New York, regardless of transportation, and I still hold my offer good to pay any one that calls upon me end not finding Goods at the prices given to pay the& for their time and expenses in coming. C. 11. SIMMONS, OSWAYO REGULATOR may in, tem - - Leg4l and 'Colurt,. COITB.T PROCLAIII42IOIII. - 1717EttR.EAS• the Hon.tßobert G. Whitt V 77 President Judge, and the' Hons. C. Jones and.g. tc 9 ivin;.Assaciatd,;.Jud g es 01 the Courts' of yerc4i - Terrin'r . and.,Gerteral lailiDelivery,4),uarter Sessiou e of 'the Veac . e!, Orßlians'!Conit and Court .OfPier for thq Potter, hitjve . iitsued`the r precept,heitring date the twenty seirenth day of Febuary, in the year of our (Lord one thou sand, eight hundred and sixty r two, and tome directed,for holding a Court oflOyer and Term iner and General Jail Delivery,-Quarter Ses sions of,the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of. Common Plgas, iii , the Borough of . Conder n i port, on MONDAY, the 24th day of June next, and to coiatinue_one . week : --Notice is threfore - : - Uret.ytc,k or the C oners, Justice of' the Peace j and-,Constables wittihi the codnty, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10jo'clock A. H. of said day, with their rolls, records,' examinations, and other remembrances, to dostlicise th i ings which 'to' 'their 'Offices 'ap pertain to be done.. And thosl i e who are bound by their recognizances to prosecute- against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jailjof said. county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as h riit be just. Dated ae CiA , DEMSPOIIf, Mriv 12, 1862;- a id the 84th year of the Indeptndt)iice of the linit!e'd States of America. j - ! 'WM. F. BURT sheriff.' - .IST OF fortrial in the Court* 1./Common Pleas of Pbttee county, at Jane Term.; . James O'Brien . vs John tan en. , Christopher Evelin vs Jame Bartron A . D Corey Corey ! Potter & BroOke ys S C 'Lewis t I Byam and Fenny his wife . 't JMann it Grate's W TJones use& H Cobbadrn vs G W.Tyler 11 H Nichols vs W G Stitltdriand • Hannah li . Nr?isrtort vs D W Mclntyre WilMetzger&AStrong vs W - PS:AFJpnes Roiwell Owen Vs .L . F Maynard' Crittenden itLLang,don vs Stephen Horton W T Jones v Polly S Higley ndmsrs • : S W Payne . kto. vs W T Jones and AI: Jones a a vs ju., • ;ii James Shaffer vs IS W May, hnd aiiCV Smith S P ReyrioldS it Benj. Rentiells II Matteson Nts H. Lord; sur:Of Lord&Dwight Peter B Deilliek vs Wm F Burt G W Hollenlieck et al vs '.l)lr Rounds,'" A P Cone vs J B Smith 6. W Burt • t Fuller it Card vs John U Tanner Fulieeit Card ts .A_Deretnett & C ThOmpsoia I Benson vs Wm Ansley et ni .1 Leyi Dickson 'vs A Jones tiLewis Jones !: : Leyi Dickson vs WM Burleson . Levi Dickson, vs Abram Joniis • . Lewis Wood' vs Willard Cliandler Ler is Wobil vs Nelson Easy JL Raymond VsH Gueey Barclay & Brainerd vs H Huller S 1 Decker 4s Peleg Burcie Ex of DalryMPle vs Oswaye township • W E Freeman vs Isaac Quick • Ingersoll, use of Mark vs EIX Spencer L Canfield Vs 'Fred Brooks4Garnishee,ite' H. J. OLMSTED, Pro - thty. Coudersport, Mayl 2 ', .! i - - --- I A O dtinistratorN . Sale. , B Y p virtue bau,s I C o o f ur a t n o oft r b d e e C r ot s t u t; cl of P i n iottleTlaOnrcl to us directed, we shall expOse to sale I),..,imb lic vendee or outcry, at tIM Court Ilous;c, in the borom.ghof Coudersport, on Tuesdavi the 24th day ofune next, at One o'clock, KM., - the followin described rea estate, &c.i.t i Ileginniu6 at the southwest corner of square No-21, thenate mist eight pd i rches to the smith west corner 'rf lot No 221, thence north twen ty-I:four feet to . the south el l ast' corder of alit deeded to Sarah J. Schoemaker, thence west parallel with, second stress eight rods to the east line of east street, thence south along the. line of east street twen!ty4our feet to' , the place of beginning, being the south part Of lot NO 210 on sipaare No 21 ini said borough, on' which is erdcted one Two-story Store 'Muse., ALSO a srip of land in lttie borough ofiCeu-! dorsport, b waded cribeas follows 7 beg,inning at the soittl,wes i t corner of lot No t 210 therict .ast along, the north side'bf Second street forty feet to a poi thence northerly) I parallel trig( prat street tle:im roils to a post. i thence wee erly parallel with Second streets forty feet Is tile southeast corner of lot No' 2 ii, thence southerly aloag the east side of lots No 20S 209 and 210 . weir° rods to the Macy iif beginning, being aart of said sii uare No 1 i; ALSO, mirtain real estate situate in 11Vhar2 Min. toWnsh p, Putter cotody, Pa., bounded on the north b •latuds late of ..Tonathan Card, Levi P. (14.1 and George IV. P.lCard, east b. J. L. Nelson and south and west) by the SinneMaho- Mug creek, containing atio4 three acres MI Mod ! . ' .._ 1 AL:(:), an undivided h. If part of ono acre of land in Wharton towns tip, Putter county; I Pa., afe scrii_efl as follows: conitneucing on the bank Hof tl c Sinnemalm hag creek siti rods above:the stns-twill built by the Card's, thence about four or live rods to 'the gut thereon, s?utheast a long the gut far enough to, make I t an acre, th rice westerly to the bank pt.. the .c reek,.then •e up the creek to the place "of be ginning, cm mining d one ae 'of..itnprOveki land on which 4 one water saw-twill and onelframe drellinrr h • r • ALSO, one undivided of eertair real estate in ,aid . 'fownsliip, County and!State, _ .. anty ai,,..._ described .11s. follows: lioUnded lon the North by uuseatcd-lands, on aid east by the Sinne c inahorting reek,'on the south and west by unseated Inds, containing pli ut ,One Hu ndred acres! of which abOut tlible acres are . . iiiiproved, hi! . iug real es ate o the late N. Sehooinakr, deed. i . t Terms , o re-third cash at th date of sale and the beance with interest iu hue year trona said date: 1 . r f ss • W .11. Mitrznr.a, ) Adm I 1 11. J. Oc4sieu, tort,. May 27, 11432. " . ' Couderi; pgiSterlS Alotice is'hereby given; that the follow- I ing a counts have been examined and Passed by me, and remain . filed in the Pro thonotary'4.oice .of Potter connty, for the inspection II of legatees, creditors. and all others i any way interested; arid lop p'resented'ip the next Orphan's Court of said county, at the Court Hour in the Borcitigh of Coudersport, on .Tuesday, the 24th day of J'une A. D.V1861, for coulirmation and allow ance: The acceunt of Phidelin Thompson rind R. W. Rentoniadminlstratori of the'estate•Of Thenvion, deed.l DAN ItiABER 1 Register.l May 29,11862, , I • I - W I trite 4 of Ert Notre. rAS J. I I, ette G rs ,o t 4 e p inrntary to .11 . e es . ~ II te ,of Splama , teed, have been granted tothe all persons indebted to tlie said equested to ?make linmediati pay ttbose havink, claims or demands state of the isaid.acedent, will rn the same without delay to , ; ROBERT YOUNG, Executor. - ,:?otter Co„ Mar, 18 township, subsriber,l estate' are Mont, r ont, and I againktth wake knol. Sylvania sszßreirs BALE& -1, 71RTHE of sundry serifs. of Vert dition Faeias anti Levi Facies issuiclintl , of thetyourt of - Common Pleas of PO tes'.,oounty,lpensisYliania, and to me diricted, , shall expose topublic sale or outcry, , at fh/. Court HouSo in Coudersport, on MONDAY, :the day-of .June 18p2,', at 1 o'clock, prin.;.fthetfok , I lowing:deseribed tracts or parcels of land to tilt: A'eertain -tract' of land situateitt:Hectoi-: tg,,,,ROtter Co,..Pri., bounded and described-its ; 7 follows, z On, the north, by the public road andland'of . )jen W j. L. ilber, east by land of Abel Dickens, south by a public road and band land of Albert Wilber, - and - west by land of Horace Dimoriand o. P. Efilbonrn. containing Saty-Ttro acres, more or. less, a.bout Twenty acres of Which aro improved, with one frame bobs& one , fraine , barn -and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be fpld es the property of Malcom Tate. . ALSO—A certain ,tract_ of land situate in Hector tp,.Potter co., Pa., bounded on the north by Binghamlands and lot formerly own ed oy Edward Alvord, on the east, south and West by 13ingham lands,being lot no. 101 and part of warrant no. 1798,containing One-Hun dred acres, mere or less,-Twenty-five acres of which are improved, with, one log hem* One frame house, one. log 'barn, and smartiffruit trees thereon. Seized, Olen in'eXectition,a.nd to be the property of Henry roung. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Oswayo tp, Potter co„Penn:a• bounded,on the. north by lands of,Wm S Johnson and others, east by lands of Chas head, south by lands of Jas ll Leach; and west by land of GFRowly, containing Fifty,acres,more or less,with about Thirty - acres improved, with one frame honse, one frame barn, one board shanty, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken - in eiecu tion.and to be sold as the property of Ira Leech ALSO—A certain 'tract of land situate ,in tp, Potter co, Penne; bounded on the north by the turnpiste,on the east by the Sin • nt•mahoning road, on the south by land of N. Woodcock, on the west by lands of E Stark weather and N Woodcock, containing Nine and nine-tenth acres, all of which are imprOv ed and qn which .are erected one frame house, two frame barns,and an apple orchard thereon.' Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property,of ,Maria S. Edwards. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate ih Allegany and Ulysses townships 4 i-Potter Co., Pa., bounded north by lauds of Er suer Mon roe, east lands of 11. Floitched), south by lands of Wm Morley and A Byam and west by lauds of Nathan BroWn and A Raymond, con taining Sixty-nine acres, of which thirty acres tire improved, with ine frame b:irn, one board house, one qew frame house, and some fruit trees theron, execution, and to be sold as the property of ALSO-4 eertaintract - of , land, to wit lot Nu GO of the allottoCnt of lards in Sweden Tai Potter co., IPenn'a, beginning, at a post the north west corntr of lot N 032 of the allotment of-lands in f..iweden Tp, thence south on the west line of said lot No 32 , one hundred and sixty rods to a post, thence west fifty-three rods to a post standing in the east line of lot No 29, thence mirth on line of lots Nos 29 and 28 one hundred and sixty rods tort post.thence east along the south line of lot N0:37 fifty. threero .ds to the place of beginning: contain- ingFifty-Thee :acres of which Thirty acres are improved,with one log house, one lug barn. and some fruit trees thereon. Seized; taken in execution, and to be sold as the;property of Morris S. CarpOter. . ALSO—A certain tract of land:sitOate in' Wharton Tp, Potter co., Penn'a,:to 1'04: All that piece and parcel of land now in pessei sion of Deft, bounded on the west by P. W Hughes & Co. and Laban Randall,on the south ibY lauds aril , W laughs & Co., on the cast by lands of P Hughs & Co, 1W Rounds and Na than Bailey, and on the north by lands of P W Hughs & CO; conta ring about Eighty acres, of which Tea acres are improved and on which are erc l eted one.franic house, one sawmill,and one log barn, and some fruit trees thereon. 7 -- Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as • the property of:Tomes L. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in the village of Lymansville, Eulalia Potter co, Pentfa;. bounded on the north by the Ly coining and. Potter turnpike road, on the east by the public road leading to Ayres' Hill, on the South by lands of Nathan ,Woodcock, and on the west by lands D Spafford, contain ing nine acres and eight-tenths of an RCN, be , the same more or less, all of which are.ina -1 proved, with one frame house, two banns and I other out houses, and an orchard of }rearing apple trees and other fruit trees thereon: and a race to a saw mill crossing,se.h3. laud. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro ' perty of ..T6nat4an Glass. ALSO-4 certain tract of land situate in Pike Tp, Potter co., Penn'a, bounded on the north by lot NO 14, 'on the east by lots Nos 14, .22 and 35,' on the south by lot No 22 and un seated lands of the Bingham estate, and on the west by unseated lands and by lots Nos 13 & 36, being lots Nos 11 and 12 of the subdivi sions of lands of the Bingham estate in said township, containing one hundred and fifty five acres of which about fifty acres arc im proved, on which are three frame houses, two frame barns, one water saw mill, and some fruit, trees thereon. Seized,taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of E. John.ion. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate-in Roulet Tp, Potter co., Pa, be,ginnnig at n post in the north line of Patrick Cary's lot 42 'rods west of his northeast 'corner inence north 85 rodi to a post in iliesouthline of J.Knowlions lot, thence west by said line 174'. rods 'to a corner, thence south twenty.rods, theme west 2 arid 3-10th rods, thence south 65 rods thence 'east 176 and 3-10th rods to the place of lie ginning, containing about Ninety-three acres and being part of warrant no. 3922, of which about, Thirty-five acres are improved, and on which are erected one frame house, one frame barn and other outbuildings and on which is' an orchard of young apple trees and other fruit tree's. Seized, taken• in execution, and to be sold as the property of J0.9)1z. Meac(iam. ALSO-Jr-A certain tract of latid'situate in Roulet Tp, Potter . co., Penn'a, bounded on the north by landS Of John Keating Co, on the east by lands of J. Sullivan, on the south by lands of A Knowlton. and on the west by land ofJohn LYman, containing Sixty-six acres of which Fifteen acres are. improved, and on which are one log and frame house, one frame barn and . some fruit trees. ,Seized, - taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Lynian; Jr. - ALSO—A.certain tract of land situate in Hector To, Potter co., Penn'a, bounded asfol lows: beginning at a post in the west line of Hector township, &lace east 130 and i-lOth' perches, thence south 140 perchee,tbenee:west along north line of the Al4lum lands 30 perches, thence West 103. and . 8-10th perches to the west line, of Hector township, thence along town line north one degree and one half of a degree bast 140 perches to the place of begin ning,containing One Hundred and Eight acres and nine-tenths of an acre with the usual . allowance of 6 pr ct for roads, &c, be the same more or less, tt being 'lot no, 72 of the allot ment of the Bingham lands in Hector towns'p and part 'of %Varrant no. 1750, 'with about ten acres improved, Seized, taken in execution, . and to be sold as the property of David Hanes • ALSO—A certain tract of land situate iu. village of Lynmaarille Enlalis Tp, ?ot -------,---- ter c0., - *Non'a; beginning - a a stone'lnthe, centre of the. Lycotding andlrotter .turnpikd road at 'a point where the ! ..k.eitriroflUe.ron running r north and south tiiroagialmttOtrill infersectrsaid - Intnpike .oaakiftlietidein,it wes terltdirection along the r 'ciritre'of sti,tcl lent& perches to%lstorM, the.nC l e ' &atilt oilneaily s 4 20 PerCife's;Alferieeeast Or'nearky . so 8 perches' to the: centre, of the Korth Hollow rOad;thenel• .by the cpnire of iiiid%ad south or neartil :20 ..roda: to tho,prace,of. Vegiiiniog,.cootitinirig one act:'e 'cif improvid land,•-thor,e oi le-ill on which one frame house, one'frate E•lelibmith shop and other bOtbuildingi arc 'Cliadied;:iint on which are a fdtv fruit:trees.' Seized,take in Cxecation and to. be the property.Of Darius Morinzan. • - 1 ' . : , i 'ALSO—A certain tract rand of situate 'i ' ' ii Hebion!ffp, Potter co, Penn'a; beginning at i). post the; s..,i:,eprner, of lot 'eOuveyed pi atinisrs of the.est, of S 31 Ppi dee'd to. Alonz.obwigth thence 14 - line - qf said lot N' 1041108 Perches 4o south line ollift NO. ,96 Conieyed b7.Truo - of the Bingham estateto E SAfain,thende bSr‘lines of said lot 5:66° 8 . 57 .: and .310 . pe0 and`S 81/° B 43 and '2 -10th •peiChes to west line of lot no, 26, thence' bylinas 'Of 'said "lot S 15i° W . 39 and &AO percl!es S'73° E 35 aio 6-10 perches and S 16° IV 69 and 3-loth,•per ehes to a pine in the . N.lbr of iist no.3o,ibenae by N line of lots nos. 30 and 31 N 7210 w-13k perches to the place of beginning,' containing 79 and '3-10 hereb,lniore 011e - ss, with the uSual allowance of 6`pr et for riMds,l4ic.,• being th 6 east part of lot no. 25 of the allOttment :of lands of the est. of S M Fox, decrd, in Hebron Tp, and ,pnrt of -warrants nos.. 1209 and 121 d, about. 46 acres Of . which - .. dre improved, With . two frame houses, one fraMe barn, and othlr outbuildings, and an,apideprehard and °their fruit trees o thereon. . Seized,talonn execution and to be'sold as,thepreperty of roster acids. • ' ' • .; •• . • 1 ALSO—A certain tract of situate Oswayo Tp; Potter co.,•,Penn'te l - beginning t hemlock the N. W; corner of lot No. - ,1 • 011 t e allotment of lands in Hebron, Tp, Potter Col Penn.',ll.; conveyed the, trustees, of 'the Bind hani Estate to 13enj. - Grahata, !thence N lA° E by'E of lot No. 59 Hebron Tp, and Elirie of lot No.. 75 Hebron • and ,Oswayo ' Tp's,••67il perches to a beech in the S'line of said lot :No ; 84 Osv,•"ityo Tp, thence line ofi.said lot No.'--18 and:l-10th 'perch - es to a post aid corner of'said let • and in'line of lot •conveyed by P. ''Pemberton Mortis "to ;Sml Pf Lyman l i thence:B by linerof'.4aid lot 7 perches'.io n polt corner of said hit,hlierice L by line of said lot! 92 perches to a post corner' of said Icit,ithemie: S by line of said lot. 89 perches to a Post-cor ner •of said lot, thence - P. by line Of said lot. 79 perelies. - to ar post a , corner Of said let thence S by lice 'of said lot: §2 perche4 to a post a corner ,of sail lot, thenee E by line of said lot CO perches to a prlst a cop. ner of Said lot; thence by. line of said lot 189 perches' to' IV post ti - cornerl of said lot, theniM E byi line of said lot 110 Perehes to 'post the N W corner of .lot No. 9 conveyed; bY the trustees-of the Bingliaw Estate to Luke Greep, thencei S by the W line of lot No. 9 148 perches to a post the N E corner of lot No. 0 Hebron Tp; thence N 80°' and 5-Bths pf 'a degree by line of' lot No. 662 add 4-10ths perches to ti maple the S corner o, saidflot. theime 8.7.8ths ofa 'degree W ,byW,line of saidlot.l3l perches to a maple in the S line of rot No.i 5 Hebron, Tp, and the W corner of,'Said lot: 6, thence N 89° and 1-4th 'degree W.hy N Hnej of lot No. 5 Hebron Tp, 94 perrhe3 :to a pest a corner of lot No. 2 Hebron Tp, ePtiveyed ;by] the trustees of the. Bingham Estate 10 Joscjoh Cary, thence N by line of said' lot 5$ perches to a post ar corner of :said lot', thence W by N line Of 'said lot 105' and 7410ths perches 4poeta'corner of said lot, thence S by lind bf said lot 82 and 9-lOths of ht. peroh-to a beech] a cox.* of lot No. 1 Ilebren•Tp, co;iveyerl!by the trustees ofrthe Binginini Estate - to Benj. Graham, thence N 89r l‘ i r N line of aid .107 and 2- 10ths of a perch to' the pP,lcb of beginning,' containing '968 and 4-10ths of an acre more or less, With the usual allpwande of Islx per cent. for roads &c,, being lot N0,,35 of the i allotment of lands of the Fox, Est* in Oswayo .Tp., and part of ; warrants No. 1343, 1859 hid 1869, :Mmut three :Ceres of :which are, cleared nod improved and. on which lone' home; and barn are eredted:—AßSO-The following, tr°et of land situate in the TP, of Hebron, Co. and State 'aforesaid, Beginitiogl at a post the N)l'' corner of tot No,l, 59 of the, allotment of lands in Hebron Tp, pottetiCo., Penns, thence S 89° E 30 perches; thence S, W 130. perches, 'thence N• 89°.:W '3O perches to a corner in the W line Of said lot No: 59, thence',N Er; by said W, line 130 perches to the 'place of beginning, Containing 23 acres more 'or less with the usual allow ance of six perleent. for roads the N iW part of lot No: 59, of the apoinient of the .1.70 x estate in Ilebronlp,nnd pilot of war. No 18136,_abontlFour'acres of whiCh are im proved, ,with, one frame house ,and one saw and shingle spill, thereon . erected. Seized, takes in' execution. and to be sold as the pro. peaty of Peter Beatman and 0. C. I li'arner. ALSO—A certain tract' of land; situate in Pike Tp, Potter Co:, Pa, liegitintne at a sugar maple on the S E corner of a, lot !heretofore surveyed to Elijah Johnson, thence IN 139 perches to a corner thence W 55 and perches to a corner, thence S-139 perches to a corner, tar...nee 5, 55 and I-10th ,perclies to the plitee of beginning, containing about Ffty acres, about fen acres of which era improved. Seized, taken in 'execution and toi be seldae the property of A.B. Horton. '! . ALSO-4 certain tract' of land; situate in the Tp of:Wesrllranch{Potter Co. Pa.i...Begn ning at a post 75 perche.s.N . cf a gust situate 215 and':s: 7 loths perches . E of the S W ,eorner of varrtint No.' 5074, thence 670!perches to a corner, thence W 59 and 340ths percbes to a corner, thenee,S 67 m46-10:118 perches to a corner, thence E 59 and .4-10thsperehes to a corner the place of beginning,:conti4ninit { Twenty-five acres, of land more or less,' aboul, ten acres of Which are ImProvedl:witli one frame flouSe, one log barn and tonic I fruit trees thereon. .! Seized,• taken emeution and to be: sdlci as the 'Property; of David 'foyer. ALSO—A certain tract of land siturile in Genesee Tp, POtter Co., Pa., hounded:en the N by lands of 11. W. lliekax, E. Peet & Aelitsa Bobbins, on the E by Robbins and : unseated lauds .of the I Estate of S. M. Fox, S I I ?y lot known as the Hig g ins lot and the,Annis Mill lot, and on the Wby land of O..Hi Perry and the' highway, {containing! One Hi ndred and Twenty-six { and: Six-tenthS acres] of sixteen acres are improved; and on:whit:in are erected one ft'arne house ?: ''one 'grist mill and one heard stable, and an ?Orchard -of tipples and other fruit trees "thereon. ::Seized. taken in, execution ail(' to be sold as thelproperty of. George 1V: Had:eit. ALSO—A certain tract { of land sitinite Wharton Tp, Potter. Co:, Pit., COmmencing on: the. W side. of . the .Sinnatrialionitt. opposite; the saw mill formerly. onMed, by. car4si,runH ning up the bill including a certain' Spring,! then in'a Southerly direction along the bill to include the Fifty, - acres running trethe Eli:Milk of the Sinnamahoning,Centaining Fiftracresl strict.mensure,l being part of warrant No 4685 j about six acreS of which:are improved with { three frame hOuSes thereon:' Seized, talFen in{ execution and to be soldas' thelproperty of Peter-Westbrook. - :. ; ALSO—A certain. tract of. land . .14100 I 2in • . . • . . . , ' - ' - '4. -- i fia . ' c ii i . r -to• a allii6 • B,ylvaid, p c Ft, r 0.-, .i un e _,- low s,-tol- Wit '9n: ; th - eilc,-11...Tag .Clasrie3r and Colanilms" Res; E:114- iinseatedlandi r 41mbradO Earland W hy . T . oscph Halt and._. in hit4bus Rees, Containingyifty:Eight , ant*of irli eh about twenty acres arnimproved, with On frame hOtise two log barna - and some 1 of fruit trees tberenn. " Seized, Jaken-inleieetz lima and to be itOldi u 'as'tlin iiroitertl,Of 4 2'14,0ias c 1. ‘......, j . - ~..., I:, r 1 1 -"'• . 'ar ': p LSC . --,A.ine40.10, thiot 61'41ml:situate in CI . Ti,, P.Oinit‘'Co."; .I',"ni,:lionndeiltdrid' a. - -, Aerlbed las follows; to ,isitit : lieginitinirai - a I ' e'fb t in the B line of Kehting ]ands •¢7I rode 6' N: of he E corner of Warrant No . . 2208;_thence W y S,line:of lot formerly mined by; Michael I Ad m 5,270 rOdi; thence 'S pi? W 101-Odi to a }, po tin ilia Ilidgewp line, theilce N 60 perches to Pie place;of ;beginning, containing Eighty twO and - four tenths,aiares of land of which abOut,3o acres ire I implrov.ed with one frame house Otielraine barii'kufd. somefruittreesl thereon] Eeiztid, ;taken in execution , and to he 'sold iii the, protiertyrof LT. D. ',Slava. '. ILSQ-4 certain tract' of land situate in UlYsses iTp, Nitterl Co4I Pa., Bounded on:the N by lands Of,qenrel.R. Barman; on the Eby lands of George 4 Alva Carpenter, on the S by lot known as 'the Saml Gibbs lot, and W by lands of Swift, Containing One Hundred acres about 25 acres , of Iwhieh are improved, end about eight; tcros I slashed, .with one frame house one leg t aiin one frame barn and some fruit trees thereon:, Seized, ' taken in execu tion and to be' sold as the property of, 41171C4 . . , ALS9 —4 Certain tract of land situate In SummitTp, potter CO.; Pa.; situated between 'he: Jet*ey Shore Turnpike and the. E line of he lands of Wtn. V. lieitting.& Co., adjoining '. W. l'(nos'lS farm lot, it being the lot ktibwn a the Shearsiot, containing Seventy-five and 17ce-teutlis,; acres more or less with about E acres improved, upon which is ereeted'one '.me house. '-beiZed,triken in execution 'and sold as the'peop~Zrtq of 4. T Maxwell. ALSO:---A' certain kraet of land.situate. in Boulet,'Tpi. ..otteriCO., Fa., containing Fifty aces or thereaboot heing-the S part,ofll per tam farm which - john C. Knox and Lein:lel F. *pi:lrd cdriVeYedi by' deed to John W. ytay tilrd on therpd,dAy of :lime 1847, wliidt OW farm isl bounded an.d:deseribed as follOws;viz : Situate in 'll,Ottlet .!Tp; Potter Co , ~Pa., bdundo N ,bl:llatidsi of:John Keatiug — &:Co., Ehy lands :0t! Jacbh Weiderish and George Weimer, S by!lant's of John Keating k:Co. I add W?by lauds of Henri- Yetitzer. containin; I ahout (;)ac Ilithdryd, and Twenty'-tive acre:sl more or less, 'nearty nli of which Fifty acres.; are improved;' an i 1 d !on which is erected one 1.,. frltme_ i latise,:: a 'came 'barn and other Ow buildings, With an tipple orchard therecni.- 4ized; taken;in execution and to be sold as 00 property of SincluKi l mm. , 1 1. ClALso—A C.ertatni ?Ta c t of land situate in ara Tp, POtter rit , Ba., Bounded. N by B Graves. n be S. ,Se. - etts k Co., SbyJ ; D. Silacy,y; by itnsel.ted lands of John Keatiog ti Co.,' containingi Btiventy and nine -tenths acres of which twedty acres are improved and! three acres: chopi t ed. 'on which are eree.f.6ll tie frame dvpii i llin houses,! one log barn: and I with smite limit...trl(i.s thereon. Seized; taken I ini execution and tM be sold as the property of ' 4rxxxnErt P.11...7.4,. '.. I II A_LSO—A. certaiinii tract of laud situate in Siveden Tp'; ! Pottqr lee., Pa., Beginning at a ptsttbe N.E cor4.r, of lOt No. 15 conveyed by S bier Ski ItOss to lulins Neefe, thence by N line of said hit.*l32 land 5-10ths perches; thence in part by E line lofi lots No, 54 A: sr?, N 140 and 6-10thslierclieijto the N.line of Sweden EP, thence by wits line S SS° and 1-Bth degree 279 and 2-10thi krches to the E lids of lot 7'o. 30, tlicllo by skid line S 119 ,and 1-20ths plerches to. the N tE!Corner of lot No. 37 con.: vieyed by Sohieslo t'ass to (1. _A. Neefe, thence hiy line of :6114 lot W . 149 and 7- . loth perches :iti S 12 an 2-10th :perches to the place of lieginnino., containing 213 and 9-10ths acres More or less being 16t No. 53 of the allottnent 4f lands of George:Fox and . Sobieski Ross in said - Tp, andipart of *arrants Nos. 1305, 1306, ilbout Twent' acres, of which. are improved with some fruit trees thereon. Seized; taken . In executiOn'!and to !be sold as the property of loltn. Giace. ALSO-4 certain tract Of land. situate in Sweden Tiii . :Potter'iCo., PM . ; Beginning at the N E corner cif lot convezed i by 'trustees of the Bingham tstate,to CliesterCarsaw, thenCe by lines of Bingham T . ..:ands N 70 and 6 , lotlis 1 Perches, E 00 ?Ind.s,-10thti perches and S 11. B 84 and 9-10ths perches to the N W corner! ,6f lot No. 9,,thence l by W line of said lot S I°,l IIY . HI/ Torches': :to the N, ling of lot. NO. 10, . . .... .. • ...._ . . _ _ _ . hence by said lineW 57 and 8-10ths perches. ,Ithence in part by 'E. line of C. - Carsaw's lot ,hforesitid Xi° E,17,4 and 3-10ths perches to !the place Of beginning; containing 85 and 1-10th acres , more. ot% leis - with the usual, al: dmrance of sik . per ,cent for roads Sc., being 10t,..N0. 8 dthe.nllotment of lands of Sobieski Boas in SWeden :Tp and part of warrant NO. 1309, about Fifty-five Acres of which are he - - Proved and 'some fruititrees thereon. Seized' 'taken in execution and to be sold as the prop lerey of larofk,lle'rringlon. ALSO—A , certain tract of land situate in !Harrison" Tfi; !Potter ce,DPa, to wit : beginning lat O beech 'the.N - E;corner !of lot NO 8 of the !allotment of lands in 'paid Tp, in the S line of the State of, , Ne* Yorke, thence by said line 8 - 88° E 104 toia 3H.Othi perches to ti W corner ,of lot No 1.2 . , thence by W line of said lot S 1° lA' '145 and,'4-10th petches to the N line of lot No 10, thence by said line N 88r MT 104 and 13,10. perelie's 'to l E !line of lot. No 8 aforesaid. ilthence by said line N!l°.. W 146 perches to the i lplace of b . eginning,ccontaining Eighty-Nine'& ITwe , Tenth Acrds; More or less, with the'usual allowance of!6 Pr. ct.! for roat.s kci being lot No 9 of the allotment of lands of Gorge Fox And SobieSki - Ro'se in Harrison Tp; And partof lwarraut Nn 110 i.. county and State aforesaid, about ueres of which are - mproved„ And on which fliC erected one frame hotiscone frarrie barn' and other outbuilditigs,•an. on which is a. fine Orchard of apple and :other fruit treeS,With z well of water. Seized.takeri in t xecutien and to be Sold as the property of plats !Mite:' i ! ALSOA;certain Arno, of bind situate on !Pine creel:Ai Pike Tp, Potter c0,1 3 a, to wit: !bounded Uti thelnorth by land of the flingigrd! estate. easiby lands now or late of Isaac John ston, 'South by jands 'of TimOthy Ives and J M !Kilhourn, And *eat by lands of J It Kilbourn, containing ; TVVOI Hundred and Ten. acres,inore or less, with : allowance, abdut one hundred acres of which are iinproved, and on whi i t are erects .three frame houses, three frame barns, one! lOg house, One grist min, 1 black imith shop, end one school house, and an or= chard of 'apple find-other fruit trees. Seized; taken in jexecuilion and to be sold as the'pro- PertY. of . Lem,u - 01:Sherman and 'Valiant .rlits/ey. ALSO-- I `k certain tract of land'situate in Ulysses TP, VOtter CO., Pi., bounded on the . north by- laid , of Thos. E. Gridley and Isaac Byam, on the east by,Thos E Gridley, 'on the south by! the highway, and on , the west s , - try hinds of Samuelßooth, containing Ffty acres or thereabents,!of 'wnich about Fifteen acres are' itniu'oved, With one log hobie; eye log barn, and some, fruit' trees thereon. 'Seized, taken in cxeebtion and to be sold as the-pro perty . . ALSOHA.!cOrtain tract of, land situate in Bingham' Tp';, Pit:, to 'Wit; beginning at a post tho',BlW coratirof lot. No. - as con-, TeY4bttheAllitateen of the 'to I..,:..Trtrzer lin e of lit B- 29 and 3 40:thiperchettO the NW IhtLigtett No: - 4g thence. Vbxtes otsAidloe No. 48 Sl° w seod: - 440th'ilterehett and South '89,1 0 --B and r4Oth3perches I+3 the,. W line ofloilitt.4lr, theticehy Ent of lots No. 47• & 64. S 1° •ty gd' au it 540th perches to N E corner of lot No,to, thert_ee :by N_ line lots Nos. 50 .t 51W 23'' ittidl2loths perches to a corner of lot No: 52i thence hy line ofsaidlotN 1° E 132 and 9-lekb perclieS,i and N 89°'1)1.69 and. 8-10ths perches to a corner of lot No.' 39 in W line of ware e k No. /235, thence by said tine and line of tot uio. 39N-1° E. 411 and •3-10..perehes, the n e e .b y line allot N0,:39 E 99 and 3-10th perches to to the plice ,of - heginnheg,' containing One Gundred.;andli,Eighty,Seven_ and six -tenths fierce inere‘OX less With the uSital[allowance of six - percetit. - .for,roads,.4c.,j4tiglot4 o, 49'of the allotment .of lands of S Poi dee'd, in Bingham Tp, and part of warrant N 0.1235 Potter Co., P i a., on Which 'abOttf,lll6neres are iinproved; with 'one frame •honee, two frame barns, 'One - wagon - , house, one log. barn Und other out. buildings, and an orchard i t p,p opple trees.and' other fruit'. trees thereon.. Siena ; taken-in e;ectition and to be sold as the prop. erty Josze.6 Plunt4Ps. . ALSo,ATeertair tract. of land: situate in Genesee Tp, Potter:Co., Pa., Beginning at post in the S E..corner of lot conveyed by t rus . tees "of the Bingham:Estate . to Silas _Blllinge, thence by S line of lot N0.,62 of the allotme nt of lands ofthe est of.S3lFOx,dec'cl,in said Tn 89°E 6.b perches to the N W corner of lot ko. 59, thence-by. W tine of said lot S 121 perches to "a birch. the N E corner of lot No. 53 con. Veyed. by adminisi rotor of the Estate of S Fos deed, to_ Wm D . ; Atherton; thence by N 'line of said lot and of lot conveyed by ties -1 tees of the Bingham - 'Estate to Wm. Annie N 89i° WBl and 6-10th perches to-S E corner of lot. No. 56,' thence by B fine of Said lot 1°4122 and 4-10th perches to S line °Mies Billings' lot aforesaid, - .thence. by said line S 88,i° E 72. end 9-10te pPt ches to the, pure of beginning.--:ll,S9—Beginaing at the N E . cor.ter of Silas Billings' lot aforesaid, ,in the S the State. cf New York, thence by salt lint S.B6' E 18d Perches, thence by line olio? No. Gt S W 803-lutlis perches, theacelly . tine'of lot No 61 and N 11 lin of lot Na. :, 137 and 2.loths pe rches to E Itne .)?) said S Linings' lot, thence. by said li n e xis E 93 perches to the place of beginning : con taining. tine Hundred aotli Fifty-ei,gbt acres more or less with the usual ‘al!owance of siz 'per. cent. foi roads. &e.. Being lots Nos 57 and 02Jf the all , .ttnientof lacds of ti j e Est. of SllF Ox deed in said Tp,nnd part of w..:Tant No. 1253 Potter of which about fifty acres are Unproved, with one plank house, one board house, one frame-barn, out sawmill and some fruit trees thereon. Seized , taken in rteco. •iun and to be sold as the property of John ALHO--A , erfain tract of land situate in & Sweden .Tps. Potter Co., Be ginning at the N E corner of lot conveyed by John 3ieati:N - 4 l Co. to J B Vennetter, Menet 2 , 1*, 85 F;e : relies to a post; thence E 106 perches to the N W corner of lands contracted to Et T J Keating & Co.; thence S es. p6iches .to the .8 W confer of said lioxsie's lot, thence W. 106 perches to the place of : be ginning, contain ing,Fifty-six DAM three-tenths acres moro.or less,.being lot No. 97 of the al. lounent of J. -Keating & Co's lands in Eulnlie. Tp, :and part of warrant No. 2124, about - 18 acres of which•nre improved, with one frame house ; out log barn and some fruit trees ther'eon..- Seized, taken in. execution :Mel to I) . e sold as thi! property of Ames Clark. vertu. n tract of land situate in Klysscs Tp,'-Potter Co.. Pa., Beginning at a post the N W corner of lot No 128 conveyed by S E A Wagner and N E corner of - lot ~No 61. thence by line of said lot No 61 W. 136 and 2-10th perelies, thence br E line of lot No 164 N'll4 and 8-10 perches, ence by S line of lot No 5S and of lot No 62 conveyed by.S Ross to JM Hamilton E 163 ant 2-100 .perches, thence S 42 and 1-10th perches to the N corner of lot - No 165 ' thence by lines of said lot W 27 perches and S 71 and 7-10th perches to the place of.beginning; Containing 101 and 3-10th •Acres,: more or less, with an allowance of 6 pr et. for roads;&c., being lots , Nos 53 and 60 of the allotment of lauds of S. Ross irt said Tp, and part of warrant no 1236 Potter co., l'a., about Ninety acres of which are,improved, with one frame house, 2 frame barns, one frame shed,:and other ontbaildings and au orchard of apple trees and other fruit trees thereon. Seized ; taken in execution and to be sold as the property of W. hf. PEnsiss. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Afregany'Tp, Potter co., Pa., bounded on the nortli by lands of Jas and Henry Runnel, east l iby lands of G Ei - dney Jr, and J S Bunnel,soutb by lands of 'Tim. pcasly and Jerome Decker, and West by Lands of Tallman Lee, containing Fifty,three acres,jmore less,orjbeing part of lot No Ha of-the allotment of ands of Fox .1c Ross and. part of ;warrant No 1275, of which about eight acres/are improved, and about twenty acres slash.ed, and on which are ono frame house, one log- shed, and some fruit' trees: Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Caleb Beebe. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Eulaiia Tp, Potter co.. Pa., Beginning at rt., post in the E line of lot No 272 surveyed. to Sylvester. Wright; thence partly alptig said line N 110 perches to'a post, thence E 44 per elms to-a , oat in the W line of Jn Reed's lot (now Saml Thorithson's lot); -thence•S along said line 110 perches to a post 14 pdrehes S of the S W corner of said Jn Reerl'S lotthence _ IV 44 perches to the place of beginning, Con- - tathing Thirty acres, and twenty-one him. dredths of an acre, strict meastire,more or less, being lot No 353 of the subdivision of the lads of the Bingham estate in said Tp, and part of warrent No 7079, ',about twenty acres of which are improved, ith one frame house, and one stable, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken'in execution and. to be sold as the pro perty of Addict 31:17othard. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Hector Tp, Potter co., Pa.; bounded on the north and east by lands of the Bingham est'te, south by lot surveyed for James C Allen, and west by lands of the Bingham •estate,.Contain iug about Fifty acres, about fifteen acres ,of which are improred,with one frame house and one log barn. Seized, taken in e/tectition and to be sold as the property of B.D. Corigdy • `ALSO—A certain tract of land Situath Oswayo Tp, Potter cO., Pa., Beginning at the. N E corner of lot•NO 31 of the allotatentof ,the Bingham lands in said. To, thet ce E 50 and 5-l'Oths perches,thence N-1° E 51 and 6-10 tbs perches, thence S 80'4° E 100 perches, thence S 131 and . 9-10thii perches; thence W 150 and 7-10ths per Ches, t'llence EBO and 7-10ths perches to the'placc of beginning, Containing'• 101 and 9-10ths acres, more or less, being lot no 32 of the allotment of the lands of S estate in Oswayo Tp, Potter co., Pa., add part of warrents numbered- 1859 and 1851, about . fifty acres of .whiell are improved, with one frame house, two log barns, and some . fruit trees thereon. 'Baked, taken in execution and to be sold as thepcoperty. of He Lawton, WM. F.,RIIRT, SHERIFff,'S Ov vtcn ,•coudersport, May 30;41!62 The Jocrusai. will be issued next day, as usual. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers