The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 26, 1862, Image 3
• , T op POTTER COINT - Y4131340•TA-1 , •IS the only paper published m Potter bounty, cirinletes among; an intelligent clan of :peo- Cle, and is . thus an excellt,meilitunlor both ity and Country Adverti e s n ing.. Transient Advertisements andAliose from a distance must be Cash or haveyelponsible re- Ali co mtmications, to receive attention ; we st be directed to the EditOr, and contain the name of the writer. attention paid to snontmoto comnannications. _ • Tf.llll3.—One copy,one year, $h Six copies S 5; Tirelve copies, $10; Twenty Copies, $l4, with one tc the person raising the Club:- The snoney must accompany the names. co 7d e rsport, Wednesday &arum 1403. ps, 1562.. Local and . Ge;nei-al. gErSee New Advertisements: Dr.-Wm. B. Ilynn's Dental Treasury. Mansfield Iron Works--The day changed for holding the election of Directors. • , No:ice—Henry Moors. Simmons new advt. nest week—Another Storkrof Goods just received: s 'The time allowed•by low for shooting partridges and rabbits expired on the first of this month. • Persons too fond of hunting had better be careful that they do not subject themselves to prosecution. • WEETLY says, very truly and emphatically, "After the revelations of this rebellion, and in the circumstances of this time, whoever extenuates or• defends slavery whatever maybe his view of :the tree method of riddance—must be at heart a traitor." The Philadelphia Press now ciinnlates four thousand fire hundred copies o airy in the city vf Washington. The . Press is one of the best toned, most_ ably-conducted papers in the country.' Unite some city journals we might time ; it is not filled day after day with petty objections to the policy of the Administration under the guise of extraordinary losai ty, but boldly, manfully and unreservedly stipports that policy—cordially upholding the hands of the. President, and strongly advocating the maintenance of the Government at all hazards It richly merits the success it is realizing. re.,The following are the officers of Cap t. Josss' Company, as tl . )ey noli• Stand : Captain—A. F. Jones; Coudersport. ist Lieut.—R. Z. Roberts, Ronlett. - Lieu't.—Harry Baker, Bingham. . Se•geants-Ist, Letvis A. Wood. Sharon; 1 B. \Linn, Coudersport: 3d. John Reed, Pleasant Valley ; .4th. S. F. Hamilton, c.70i.1- dersport; sth. 0. A. L'.3lri.S., Ulysses. CorPorals—lst. Edson Hyde, Clyises;. 2d. J. W. Stevens, Harrison; 3d. Smith P. Finch, Hebron ; sth, Martin Weimer, Roulet t John A. Wyliotl; Cameron Co.'; 7tb, Wm. W. Drown, Bingham ; SOIL Rinaldo McDonald, Sharon. The address of the Cdrupanj7 . is Co. G, 53d Regt. Care of Col. John r. Droola., Alexan dria, ra. l:e-We print on our first , page, the very eloquent speech of Hon. S. B. Elliott, of Tioga Gunn•, delivered in the House of Represent ative; on Monday evening last. The speech was in response to the remarks of lion. Geo. W. Zeigler, who had indulged in a. defense of 'the claim of Jesse D. Bright ;to a seat in ill; 'nited States Senate, the debate in the Ilonse then being On the Senate resolution instruct ing our Senators in Congres.s! to vote for the expulsion of the traitor Bright from his seat in the Senate of the United Stitte.s. It will be observed by a perusal, that the speaker holds the true ground of no American citizen only occupying ore position in this contest. he cannot be loyal while he sympathizes with, Cr.apologizes for traitors. He must devote his energies and resoUrees to the government, and when he fails to do this, he is undeserv ing not only of the confidence of that govern ment, but unworthy of u seat in its legislative halls. We cenitnend, Mr. Elliott's speech to the careful perusal of our readers.—llarris burg Telegraph. OUR SUCCESSES. 'The good news received within the last ten liars has Ofrown sunshine into every face. The . - gratifying fact is being - demonstrated to every one that we hare a government—a government cf - apable of asserting itself against the most formidable opposition. The fate of the rebel lion is virtually sealed. The new Secretary of War has forced the Generals to do some thing by the eaampl of his own energy. Weak and vascllating officers have been su perseded by those who are brave and in earn-! 'est, Slaveri-loving, rebel-cheering, protests against invading the sacred soil are no more ! heard of. The cry is changing from the! "Union :and Slavery" to "the Union, Slavery or no Savers." The •North LS more firmly united to-day than it has been At any time' during the war, and the truth that Slavery I must die if the country is ,ever preservad is' now more= Apparent thaiti:erer./ Eminent 1 southerners, it isrumored, have pronounced the rebellion a failure. The trouble with for eign nations, which seemed but a short time! since so i:nminent, is now almost avoided ;Mill adieu the news ofortr - successes reach the na- i tions pf Europe, it will serve, to strength - en their convictions - that '''strict neutrality') is "advisable, aye, is absolutely necessary to theic own peace and safety. England, when she sees that preient events seem to foreshadow an early crushing out of treason, will not be hasty in risking her hold of the British Artier ican poisessions. The Queen, in her speech to Parliament, fivors a strictly neutral course, and so do many of the prominnnt men of the nation. Then, huzza! for our able Generals and brave soldiers! linzza l f for lionest "Old Abe" who has so energetically and efficiently devoted himsel"' tto the task' dev,olved upon Ma. by lhis official Oath-of maintaining the Constitutien and enforcing the laws! Efuzza! for Secretary' Stanton, who has. learned, to grapple with "treason in high ' places" and make Fort Lafayette do good service ! Ruzza ! for 'every-member* of the Cabinet who has given his efforts to the arduouswork. „Maw I for the,pepple:.-..vitthey will_ °WI wait_ until • fittie is given to _tripe out erery vestige ,of slam? tiiiusoff.. -- . . - • - - ...._-, =,===lZ=2 MM2:I=MM copy the following notice_ Of C7apt. J. H: Gams, of thiSeotmty,!from the ' l Philadelphia Inquirer.• , • . • liptcocK,ll.l.,Jan.3l.—The Iltird Brigade, GCn!rnl;l34prq.:piri,siOn s ..,General commanding, cpnaisfilig pr the . pifth'Bonnect: icuti -- Twetity-ftht .! - ,lCesr, York, Forty sixth Pennsylvania, and Nineteenth Niai - York Reg imen...B is stationed here. The Rebels are almost daily in the habit of s oFiiag them selves on the high_bluti across tie Potomac; Which, at this plane is!sinite na 'arc.. Some times, they come in small parties, and at oth ers a Whole cavalry company will be seen re garding us with conshierable•ctiriosity. It is supposed, that there are about 3004 of them cticaespedrit titfir miles ; back frobi th - e among them is Oolonel Ashby, With thel "Black Horse Cavalry." Last week there was but two com panies of infantry and one of Ca alrY there. On Monday last, Capt-Gas.rgs; of the Forty sixth Pennsvfianki i i crossed the river with a party of fifteen men for the"piirpose of opeting a road, across which a breastwork had been thrown by our troops previous toltbe,'shelling" of Hancock, to the passage of some Union families who were desiroUS of crossing. to our side of the iiferTeaptaia Otto - Es, after, setting his men at work, left t t iliern• in charge of his sergeant, and; accom anied by his corporal, Started thrOugh the Woods towards Bath, on a scouting, expedition.. succeeded in approaching within a mile of ilie ,town, anck after learning all he could front ob.serv atiCitywas on.,his--return, and sick in,a mile . of nit ere 'llls 'Men - were stntione self hear the edge Oa cleated s.pace when he discovered two nionuted Rebels in pursuit.- Captain GRAVES and -cornpuniim drew their revolvers and _quictij- waited ! for them to come nr. f They_rode up,to...vithin one hundred yards and then reined uplheirhorsesi ,- * St this mo ment nine or tea others appeart in sight ; the two first then drew their carbines and the Whole party, Tutting spurs . toII thidr, horses, chaiged down updn the two r iordsts. The Captain took, to the woods, and i pace the cor poral orders, in a loud tone tol 'deploy right and left, as skirmishers." .Thl •rebels,.s.uP , " posing him to have a large - party in conceal ment, immediately .wheeled. their horses and tlel - Capt. Cuarns and the cdrporal, laugh-. . i. ing neartily at the success of: tlheir ram, rap idly rejoined their party: $25: El PLO TM EN:Il i : , $l5 AGENTS: WA.:TEI). 'We will pay from: $25 to $ l 5 per month, and' all expenses, to active A.t 3 ie . nt, or give a commission. Particulars sent t ree. Address Eus SB . WING MACHINE COMPA?.:1):11. JAMES : General Agent, 31i1an,' Ohio,' SPECIAL .NOTICE To ConsumptivOs. 111 HE Advertiser, having be . en :restored to I health in a very few weeks b,y ; r: Tery sim ple remedy after haying suffered several years with a severe Itinm affection, aral that 'dread disease, Consumption—is antious to mate known to his fettti7 - sufferer:4 the means of cure. To all wilO desire it; he will send a c6p3 - ; of the prescription used, Of eiprge,)with the . direction for preparing and Usiag the same, whiclythey' kill' find' a sure ure..f.ii'Colisianip tiOn,-Asthma, R:ronctitas,4U. Tlie only ob, jest of the subscriber in sendiriz the Prescrip tion is to benefit the afilieted,anasPread infur- 1 mation which he conceires.:to ;invaluable. and be hopes every sn ffe:rer wsil try his ITMC:- dy, as it rill cost them nothing and may prove a blessing . Parties. vashing.the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WLILSON, Willannisburg, Kings County New Y.ork. EEC .E`IEED : Hosi".tal. at Aleiitudria, Va., ASHLEY A. LEACH,; of typhOid. fever, aged about 21 t ears, fortherly.of Heietor township; Potter county, Pa. - . . . ! At the Brigade Hospital, HancOck3ld., Jan. 28th, 18C2, Private A. J. WARLD of Company j /L, -16ttk Regiment, P. V. • - 1 j • Auntlicr of the brave band ' - , lwich, -started from Potter the ISt of SepteMberi 1861, has gone. The news, sad n so 7 owf.-4 ,v 49 ogh it be; is passed frdin'one•to - anotber of 'us' his comrades. "Three of us gorte,' , and who neat, will be called ?" We know nntbp.t wait tuts sorrowfully, for a ntici?be'r . laor are already very ldw..lToo soon it COMO, As a soldier, a Man, and a tlonirade, Ward was loved by us dutylliowever,arno ous and disagreeable made him shrink. His' never-failing cheerfulneSs wiis a source of pleasure to all. He has fallen early but glo riously; and has done all:LeverYthing for his country that one can :,lie 'sacrificed/his life. "I want to do all in my , power for my countr?' were his words to me ,as • we, were leaving :Potter: . He ha:*•P - orke'd zenlonsly,, nobly, anti ace-ottiplished [ At the same place and in thi I ny, on-the 7th inst., Orderly S I AVSTIN, in his 26th year.. _ ~ And the' tidings of another g r Well lofed, teal have come asl unexpected as I Sudden. - Serzeant.Austio. jo at Troy, I Bradford Co -, was elected 'Orderly -Sergeant . at ,liwisbn vgr.nti acted in thaF papacity when hiS health permitted_ until his death._Prolta -1 bIY he would have been our 2d Lieui. in a Ishore time: Soda'. a tier cio - a I Val - upori the POtomac he *as talien'sielrankl:lias been ur.- . Ider • medical treatment since _However, hO. resumed duty I think while at Frederick;' ! 1 - From that time be improved surely. t gagh_l slowly until .for sonic cause W taken Sudde nly and dangerously ill. In r alfew iionis *LS l i 1 urconseious and . retrinirted 'so matt of the] I time until 'his death, which kook place but. three days after. ' SlrrowfullYwOliaried hiliti Ifu we had all lost a. friend-Lthe country a ! nublesoldier. 1 , Eour times have we,in less than five months ; 1 'll2o'lz:tied last comrad&s -• but iltcy are notlost 1 - - - • s'' to' ns. Their memory is still i green in our , hearts-taidalialllivetwhire dur. r dotiutd is re-' membered. Twti of them officers. Brit fluA 1 1i re fell without a stain. None knetv them but - 1 specled them. . ' . . I Co. IL- -1 • NOTICE-1 , has . Teti W x;; t l,ed 'mY i and lrtL a io n t e and h just Ouse or _prorocatieu, I therefore forbid- ali perscins harboring or trusting i her on my, ac- count, shall ao , debts Of her;entray„ tipg After this date. TEE . :4I., 1:111:1PRE. !Wharton, Feb. 24,486.2 pd— HE PRXCE Ar:lirn.RENX's , • PO - meted eyery.WednesdnY • RISS CO: - :WholeStile and' et~tii Dealers 4n Groceries an iofitsions, To all Familia:a, of ITOltulitiAt Fl:Glalisittire f sli otel3; - race itut -f- • , A rgo ,-• ,lssi g, trxt - iit • fi34;.0,11.1..1t4(62? sn har aL e b L ott ß l f E or BLE CA S T lr ci ll`r ytt A ls ir s i t YLl3 l • ; ' 1011 '; OLD-, CUSTOMERS, NOTWITBSTAN_Di Beeswax "+? •- - THE GREAT Rrsg IN GOI - ASol4- . NE! --1 •''• S LT- OttOES frerrifisidried, • quart - 171. R EADr'-p , Ar . , r : 3 7 f ,• 44 I tilt e - tioi - -gonfd' . irr ;: s i n " DI Butter, l lb., • • 1S- LARS worth of OOOds on hand, that Cheeskt,-- ,•,- • -- - - on tp nt the following - - - prices: • Cotu, r,3 - e° Ist. Fan:al/es of Voluateers, I:100D PRL Corti eaif per cwt i 1 50 ' - ' 2 .. 0 ° front 10 to - 1 - '7`. wort/ 44 • Ne York from 12 to N. Flour extra; ' . 2 .` 6So- 7 00 w do T superfine' ":-- - , 550-6 00 Hams;• 121- - 15' Hay, Iv ton, • fir>ii 600 Efone - y, per lb:, I - 0 -- -1 2 } Lard, = " ' • _ 10 I.t Sagar, per lb., :8 • 12 Oati,lsill bush., . 25 .1;40 Onions, . 50 75. Pork , -1 - - •21 00 '23.00 •do 1 . 7. 1 th, " 10 13 do lin whole hog, lb., -__ 6 71 Potattes, per bush.„ . - 37.1 Peaces, dried, re iba f : • .25 Poilltry,l4 lb:, • - 5 Rre, --Per . • - ' ' 63 75 Salt, - re bbl., 275 350 do r? sack, - - .15 Trout, per bbl., 450 5 007 Wheat, te bush., - 100 1 12i, Whi e Fish, 11 3 bbl., 4.50 Y ,5 00 -• - NT NICE is hereby-I,Yi vcin that there Will be a meeting of the .Stoekholders of the 31an field Iron Works at the ,office -of said Comb.any, in "Mansfield, Tioga County Pa.. on Saturtlar, the first day Of March next, at oden3cloclt. P. 4, of said, day, for the .pur posejof eicting'offlcers of said Coinpany, and the transaction of other hnsiness. A. P. CONE, Srcretary, Fcb. 12th, 1862. - - • , - PrIIIIE BEST OF FLOUR kept constantly'on I. I band at the Post Office Store. Tan. 8. 11" rr E Atlantic .11On:him for February is, re ceived and for sale atthe Post Office.. ALSO, Harper, Petey:eon and the "new Aner lican Patriotic Monthly—The Continental- BSCRIPTIONS forwarded for any of the istandard publications. and books procur ed flora Boston, Philadelphia or New York, on :short notice. a call at the . - POST' OFFICE. p li ROWN SUGAR for - 10 cents per pound and County orders taken nt 85 - cents on . :the dollar at. the Post Office Store. 1 n. 8. CANASER.AGA MILLS St - PIER' FINE FLOUR. for 51.85 per Sack, or I. $5.25 per Barrel. • '1:o, Groceries of ever,y.aescription as cheap aican . he afford ,ed,jat tits POST OFFICE•STORE. - kch. 13, 1862 • • I - Executor's Notice. 'NOTICE is hereby. given that the, under sinned bate been dulyqualified Us Ex .l i ecutors of the estate of John Diright, deed, lat., of . Hebron township, Potter county, Pa:. esecutors residing in - the toWnship of Hebron, county„afore - aid. All persons hat . ingl claims 'against the estate of said decedent ore requested to make known the same to said !executors without deltic. MARIAII IiWIGHT, Executrix, NORMAN DWIGHT. Executor, ecni4rport, Pa., Feb. S, 1863 • • ]- T 77 ------ 7 nit to exchatigiii for H orses, Wagons,lgiock I Administrator's Notice. IVi -Y , Good NoVs tir`Judet4nts. A! valuable TOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad- : ! Farm situate in Harrison towiiship,PoOer Co, , , Pa., lving on the Old State road, leading from 1.. ministration on the estate of JOHN a' Spring Mills to Harrison 1 - 411ey And Westfield \, BEL.'NET, late of Bingham township, Potter! Pal - Containing about 11.6 Acres, abbot SC! county, dec'd, have been granted to the subi!! j : Acres improved and in a go 41- miltli scribe: by the Register of. Potter county, 1 y! nition,, on which j is areee l d!" 4- large Writhe whom all debt due to said !estate and claims !louse, good tarns. Ctrn House and other on-Ai:lst the same, must be'presented for set- 1 ~ , neces'sary out-buildings, 41 good. ApPle Or 4, Gement or payment. W3l. P. COOl4 . ! ; chard coniaining i.omO twenty different kinds Hebron, Jan. 8", 15 4 3 2. ! Adm'r i I ,of Grafted Fruit, Shade Trces; &c,. The above Farm, lies about' 1 mile froth Harrison j7alley, ! ittiles front Westfield and 6 miles from!Spring !3fi/ls - htitl is a good Stock :and Grain I Farm, - and will be sold so that any One that can make a payment of 3 of 4 hundred dollars; down; can make tl e farm pay for itself with; bis la 4 bor. Price, $2,300: for!particularsinquire of Peter Simmons no* acepying said fart:ll,l; or CH. SiinmOns l Oswayo :ill - age, :Pa, ' I ' - C. H. ! SIMMONS. !I , Dissolution Copartnership The eopartnenhip here' Mg . Mg Wore existing under t le firm.of Co' lwell . t .. Lyman is this day mutual con-' Sea. The outstanding concerns of the firm will he adjusted hr B. S. Colts - ell & Co., wild will use the signature of the firm in liquida tidn. • • B. S. COLWELL: 136 11 2 ARRIS LYMAN, WESTON BRO I S. 1 .olilette, Feb. 6, • ' I 4 1 Co-Partnership. ITE undersigned have this dav - formed a • Copartnership, under the firik of 8.. S ,Cdlwell k Co.; Allti will continue the - business beretufore conducted by Colwell k Lyman. ', B. S. COLWELL WESTON BRO'S. - •• • oulette, Feb, 6, ISO . 1 PUBLIC SALE. , .. XTOTICE is hereby giren that the tinder ill •• signed, Administrators of the estate of Rains Thonipson, deceased, by. virtue . of an' ! inkjet' of the Orphan's Court of Potter County, PA-, will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court House, in tile Born` - o - f Coudersport, I oil Saturday tbelit - day ef - Marcb, A:D..1862. I i at!l o'clock P. M., of said day, the interest *Of l 1 tli , decedent in following" der-cribed real es-1 !take, to wit": A certain lot of of land in. Jac- I !so l o township, Potter Connty, Pa., bounded! 1 asl l follows : On the north by. a lot of land! ctivikett-by .Charles Freeman, on -theeasr..k r y; lands of Bingham Estate, on Abe south by i la f lids of H. H.Deitt, and on the west by lands o Bingham Estate, containing Fifty acres. - • TE 14 ' with allowa which of six per cent:, of WESTERN 'HO about 18 acres are improved: and-on 'irliich,lNos. 9. 11, 13, 15,17; CCiIIRTLANDT !MELT, ire erected•une• lframe House and one Frame 'es Brodii;ay, :New York City. 3arn. To be sold to the . highest and i best dlider. • - ' , This o d-established anillfavorite resort of ' theßnsi 'ess community hi... Sheen recently:re fitted, and is cornplete in ererthing that - can minister to the eointortof Rapittrons.+Latlita and Families araispecially and 'carefully pro vided f0r..1 . -;' -,-; I• • - f -It is centrally located.-in Ithe business part 1 (of the city, and is contiguonts to the principal !lints of steamboats, cars;•emnibuses, ferries.l . • I , In consequence of the -pressure causeilib3- ITA DWARE . the Rebellion, pines hare - been . —•— .1 s.been so fortunate as to secure the seryt 1 'lle .table is itMply supidied witlil all the eels of THOMAS J. BAKER, wh6 is making I luxuries of the season., and is equal to that of a d mending"BoOts and Shoes in,his.lany other hotel iii the country. I: • o it unexceptionable style, with- ~•AL i ple accommodations are offered for op= 1 . .sTOCK , . d f 400 - t ' I hive concluded to sell only for-war Don ° ot beli g e u re eb in s. nners - ",lia L e - kinen.Midothei -' ' '-'" " - ' '. ' -- • ' READY P4Y .! I who Mal Eiliy:f4ll6 - -Wisfeni Hoteris" full." s • • II 11? WINCRESTE% Pi - oprietior. fr to Octoberl; 1861. •--- • - •. - - , .. Will buy Ashes, Hides, Pelts andaome , lzuj : 4 ,.. D ,Trincheacti .. , , . . f ., ,19 Orainn.:: ' .- - - .7 - . • - •.,- - . „.- , ._ :1- . :• -:' .. '-- ' , 1 ' E 'la 'a- a t - L 1 ''-t - )ji n I roo ars I. o mall , . Cush o b iliq, l'i" Ti. JAYN'S FAMILT.IMD.R4ES, =for isel . ——-- '''''' "-- 7 . Fale at I !Sept;l I - r .samecompa-. .erg't J. HOXIE l one and bne'so . It. W. B,ENTON, AdminisirMor, PHIDELIA THOSITSON, Admibistrairii .ottdervort, Feb: 5, 1862; • 'LUCIEN I ER. in PROVISIONS, • GROCERIES, GOODS; 6:I.7IVATTMNTIONIQII;*OI-€O I 4S 71,'"qtefiLASE: - • - - „ Good bEpons - t6m - ZcormfeironB .t o ;-'t5.:;4 Good SE.EithGS for 1!) Good SEGAE ii;: Good TEA from SO, to 93 ctffj SALE.RAf'dSiron'efo - 8 cts FLOUR from $1.374 to $1'.50 per Sack. • And all other kabd3 lit'proportion., A large assortment 'will be. ; kept on hand andlsold strictly 'for READY 'PAY,. at 'least 25 do 50 per cent beltsalthly:aoy Other !Merchant that buya Goods at the present pri ce's in New York. ..1-4 Should any one - from-A:distance call tmy store and not find the goods 'pls' repres.ented, I wilt pay them for their timeitirid expenies so doing, should. L .at- the l- 14We,. -which I shall iledviir to fie at all tune In taking leftri Otpidd.c i pstoraira for the I would that Panifillinkfhl for the liberal patronage and prompt pay, that I have received froin , most of Itherh; Arid It4T4 is a 'ltrtif that t l rerytrue man ishould be': enliste9 ; for the welfare of those whor have made such great iacrifices for the goCal of ' their country . ; ,I will until 'our present war is lclosed. 'try and deal for the' P‘44:ifit and good Of 4 my country_l Fours C-- -401310 NS 0i the SDIMOSS' Black, 1 Gswayo Village. January Bth. ' - ~.' • . / ' 0 • ) ) ~. \ \.............x.„.. • . :-....,,_ . •„_ -- ~ - I , •, . , .. , • - , C. 1:1-1VARRIINERI , , ) , Jeweller l aild .Watc3unal JOCATF.D oni :iltain St.. !:ipposite the House, Coddersiort - Pd. • . ~..clocksl „ • ::'6tciiies,.4c.,,, .Ttepnired-on .sbOrtonifkice.ti l tid 4v.nrrat , !•give satisfaction. -. ~ 1 • 1 A good assortment of --! CLOCKS. ) • 1 - ;' ,I ' : 'S -1 ..-VitTIES - and _ct. ~ i • JETEL. on hand. Cheap for CASUl l and vrarra, represented. .. A:,ln even - e,mhange is bery I; will give you time...for, Money.: .Couderspert,'Dep 16,, ISol. ' . _. EMI EEO FOR SALE Jcin:ls„ 1962. 'Fine . pieat .C4clie of 1 H VI - MA tN.NT MISERY. - - Justpublished in a senledeltivelope,:price 6 cts .211 LectCre by lir-CutvEizi. tat!„ On the Catse and Cure of.. Spertnaicam ha Consul:Op ' tium-Uental and Physiead nesi, Impaired ,of the Eo de 3.. Weak'ness'Ortlii and Back: Indisrosition, and incapacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of APprehension ; Loss of Memory; Averaion tip S.odietr ; Lore of Sol itude . Timidity = Self-Disirust ; Hizziness; Headache; .Affec7ion.s of the Eyes;. Pimples on the PamiihroittntaryEittilsions;and Sex ual In6rieity'i "the Uoes'eq'uen - deS of Mouth ful IndiSere:tion, &c., &c. This admirable Lecture (clearly proyes that the: abOve cnatnerited. often self-affikt'etl : erils may be removed with ofMedicine'ina frith- out dangerous siirgic-alopet*tions, and should be read by every ? I - oath, anJt every man iikthe land. Z Sent 'undersea', tO any address, - in a plain, sealed envelope,' ma. the receipt of six ceuts, or Vs° postage statdps, by iddressing, . j Or. CHAS. ;.1,. • 127 Bowery, NETV,York, PoSt Office Boi; 45-86. ‘ 4 ra A 61 . 7 "c"' FP• I 7 ffil•" - - . - T.: If I • OL- Iwill -a J 1 - , , _~;"efs:; CM p MOEN 1., 3 Wed :tors OF Aft.,lz Cori rn ~/ Statern. on Me To aint :pi • - • o l tzl T 6 BOA 11l To iatei By anal seat ;161 By _amt.! gy atilt 0 BaL due Wl,3titon for - 1460 ': : pal' arm frcia .11.11.Ciirsou Col.ofSyl! sitiata.feir 1 61:1 ; i ~ . . " 'duel from Leroy Critientlen col. . . of te•sval4Jion for IE4O . tl, - ' 4 "iin from Illarri's Lyman col. or: -. . - , .114 let for 1860 - .i , j: - 36 92 " :414 froml'John Metzger col. of ' • .1"4.: for 18 6 0 , "' ,119 from'John Sandorlin cdl. of He tor.for 1860 • 102 13 "' du from' Jacob Bartle 'col. of =',. ), Harrison for • 1860 • i I - -444. 4. .40 ' ";4ziel frthii-'.l l . t-:. Beaton . colt 0f . . , : . Allegany for 1£460 -••: . :5 1 -, 44.19 ", der k from t.,/bhithort'cOllctpr of • , --, :Pik for 18i19 :, ` : BO. ' d'iriie froM''l3. P. llobe'rts coL o 1 Pleasant Vttlicy 1'859 :- 2'6 " dull from:S. T Moore collec'rof. Wharton for 1838 . i . -i 10 20 c: du . frOm 'J. C..Wilkitason 'cOL of . ,C 3 ayo for 1853 - 'i - " ihi collectorfroml.A.D.CoTey of - ' I.:yk, far-` 1E56 - ' • , ": dud from) ' llenry 'hard colfr of pelesee fpr 1875, , -• ''eon jmclg't - Mi Court ted to BE ted as o rob. ati'el on ju4 g •t-p g .:4ns /P .* /4 Li '•/ 44 I, ft 44 s. By amt. I AI imtdai sg Amt d i g • H Excesg l'Since t 'We eertiti rands 4 , peerii.l office. Attds I Strtein l en't th%77.Reeei'pts'tilqzßendi titrel of Potter county. forfir the ifear4izt7- ..: tri: 9 l,:on the plit,"day of Ekc..., 4 1.1.D.ig61.: Ite'ti'd for i taxes on unseated 1(4 for - '9l 37. 01 " ii; :60 117 56 . " ' 4i5 seated lds ret'ffuned, 33 Ids Le personal prop'i for '6l 1852 37 'GO 1061 50 ". for prey*. yrs 17 12 iicoinizanes,iiotesg.judgts . _ 36.79 If. expenditiuts Oyer iec6ip4 2.905'75 • ki d Reel -4 ct, te Rec Exdess • • • • I I Pa4(l, fo Counsel and Attorney tees .95 00 s.taticiners, , . 4- , BB 46 Cona's,wages to 4,Chesbro, 81 g •• •_ • 'r E. : Thatche 132'26 " ' 11t1. D. Briggs' 124 Gil 1- - S.L.-flobertson 27.59 C:erk' hire (bal. for 1860) -12 55 " for ,j4a 00r Printing blitnii-5. . 100'75- Itchlental,eipenses •"• 800 •llen - drd for arresting felons' 20 00 Wolf[and wild cat certfs 38 75 Election expenses 862 44 Ste. ; rilTs' fees - '92 25 Staiitonaryfor Recoiderts Office :15 00 ISI 1121 ~~f'iq Proth'yS office 120 28 Public printing" ._ .1 .48 Assessors', Wages _464 60 Constable returns i 102 89 Comrdoescealth costs -19 8. 48 QUelifics.tioe fees 3674 1,4;1.1870 liircirs fees 1 ' , 252 64 Trayrs.Jiirorslees.. : 441.37 Autbtorsl,wigec : • Court :Crier. ; • 42.00 Tip stares - • , •69410 Clerk of Quarter &Issn: ins'. 140 10 Feet i. , - ••• 1. 146 po Tendingtown . 25'75 Viewirig roadi J and bridge* , .330:90' 1 Dam4sseised by road viewers ',15 00 Boartlin'ilisoners:- -i = 58.60 Justies rettirei :1 - 1,58 621 .'lteiwit: to 81 'famiiits - otioF.i* 1177941 Repair to`publiF _ huildlanS ;' :32 51 TakuagpiisoneretirPeateit y ttoB 00! BE INI 14 4 i , 1 " , cc .- tc IPOTT"Lan. cotrwrY 7 1i• ~- • ~, ,r,‘- --.:,--; -.4.- -:t - leofdiVaddktinfr . th*O 4 . ~ Tows Ships Coi!rs Nainis .. ~.-.• .::.t . Uli,ott,: - ..\'-' A-oSertd4 l ' Ilriany*::'" ' iilAiara- ' ' J- 31 •Bilitigs r ' i ofidizalinit' Geo:3l6o4er Vi . tO. ' . Alheilisectle 'Etilallit' ' ; "•lustUrk3r‘rit ig tiOseii - ' .toini3lagitinis Melanin. : : : '. ':lfirrisna:, ,' Martin tadie itlect U or ' —:. P..killiatitti iliumer '' 1 ''' V , .S.A.ytql"' " ,I . Jaction 131.1.F1 t -nil '; .t. I_Riating; ,"Plll3.yik,artis ~ I °sway° ' , lE.l..yinan , • Pike IX.Bisbee ;' Pieesinttalry)N.P.Ffueq•, ' Aonlet l C ,Knowit(? ,l l', Sharon .a.F.Bar:oei ' Sweden • G.Neere -i . Steirarilsoli .lt.Anilresen SylTania • Clias.WykOff Suminit " AlfrEd 'Ayi , es I 'thys,ses , - v P r ilriglisio - 'West trancli , ,T.L.Bider 1 1 1) . 1 : 1-I.l l ilrciaf - ! , , Shaie paid. , , 4244 921857 34(147 71122 1if224 75 ifythat the foregoing exhibits a true statement of the account! with Collii-I they appear. upcurotm books of original tatty. I. Cole, Clerk. , I :, - .3':7';' , Rd' ll : l -s_.--"Ti". VOCiP-54 1 1 , .1.441 - ain r : • A 1 : : -11-. D. /511t:Gli, t utitammisionsrl; 4 ~. Li S. Roestr.Tsox, JI g °Mee, lan: 8, 1865:' ' . . done 1 tot ;Ist he-Funds of Priter'county ,ry'of Jan.; A.V. 1862 Dr "issiopers' orders • `. ' . ' ,4847 ,ie to Arrn.tell in :1000 00 936 18 500 00 • Vrtn.iteA - ' LS 1000 00 I "J.F.Coicas:2 I , ,1000 ,00 teir. -57 400:00 • 11.11. Dent" '1 1 94 53 Coin' land oydb T F.Cowan 'a' 1600 'OO W.V.Kenting" .1100 00 he above bouds' "1684'44 t on I 'Cr. ; of Outstanding taxes on nn- ea lands,for 1861 471'2:20 do 7 60 , 3919 5G of outstanding taxes on Gent-, turned as unseated ' . .185' 88 011e:film:a Collectors f0r . 1861 1 2247 76 from G. A, Barclay Calyx. of . .41 A. 17 oollcock . S.ll Martin .• 64 04 David - Sheldon 37 35 Cha.Ailsw - cirth 90,63 inn on recognizance against ! Loanssille . =5 3G on.inai't against D.D.Polcoid 30 4e from Cameron -county .533 52 from ;Eli Rees, .for. Tress'r ;1 156 45 on note againstOnick.Whipple— /9 18 " , . Mer. Jackson 709 I " E.E.&W.B.Graies -15 54 on note from Ellis &Knox 82 OD for Tillage lots " , 21. 20 f liabilities over assets 693_86, .a1d.31 • . 1.31"0 99 e Commissioners of P l otter county do hat the foregoing statement of the the said county is correct as will ari. the books and documents in this 1 .;. Ennis TTIATCUE!!, c 312 D. Buionsi • Com'rs L. S.llonnessani , . :L. D. Cole. Clerk. 1 : ' • OfE6e : Coudersi)ort, Jan. 5..1862 SrATEMEN t4tdziiioe; To 7 rit , _I - f o - ' d plied 7 9Orgi 190 93 ; • '339 54 I 268.35 11 7 17.,5... : ,58. 14 , 4 61 1 `290 51 1 :420 91 .484 02 -;i7641 r i 4 1 60 35 62 . `i9olo - ::73 94 '.54 46 193 32 -,308 41 - 175 88 GO 70 224 84 14 36 39'20 24 33 /350 174 61 -199 131 8343 295 1 59, 22 12 2:6 02 4.955 l'l2l-64 4 , a 8 2q3 '64 30 -' 54 16 14 83 .383 92 134 56 64 19 37'06 ( .8964 63 75 4' Prothonotary's fees 44 I Stoney expended We the Commissioners of Potter county do. certify that the fdrigoing eihitilts a state ment of the receipts and eilimidifurest 'of saT4 l ine couitty,for theAcar,,,,euding,9ol4 st day ftf Dec: A 0)::. rAt t fitrtiOcioi: Souk - Orikinii mitres ',and doiamints,liW - 01§647 Witness:oar !foal it t*i gbtre g %It,' j Bth daj , :ilf Jan. A.D 4: 18624 . tl UV. 'i*hi 1 , 40.41@u4 M D.';l3r4cri,i-,!, 1 , Com - f; L. B , ' ~.: fittest:. Cuk, Clerk. , , . 13792 99 Account of Woolsey Burifs, Treasurer of Potter count, for the year I 861: ::Balaitce dad from - Triniaarigrir: le 47: Abbott a l.pp .. town .95 sclicial Jackson - 48 (33 ' Portage 61 to Sweden 413 " Summit I • 46 48 " West Branch Wharton IBM EBB 20 42 Comthonwealth ll3alaa6 due to Tres' Patel' "county' 4ei 1t ' ' Statement op the Military Fund of11.;:10, county : . Amt collected in 186! Paid J.M. l Killmiarn Btig. Tns. 212.00 Paid A ssCssors 9'59 Paid Collectorsp . ,erLeont e t- ; . :; ,-- :: , 2 16,5,1 Paid Treas. commission ' 15 26 Paid Printers 27 Paid Commissioners' Clerk • 10 00 Due the Commissioners , II Clerk 30 .00 351 01 There is also a balance dud to the Brigade Inspector and to Assessors. 4./. 9182! 80 30 263 Lora • . Bala STORE Main above Third bOUDERSPORT; 31,1u00z. 846 - 5 00 MAPS; VirLpitES'i BLAMES= DOCKETS= • LEDGEBS DAY-BOOKS - - 4; IlEe-SIMWOITSi 51 . 3ickrukrthi.§, ---= PASS-BOOKS; DID-Rf POBTFOLitiSr-t".. 11ERBARPONS,, LETTER-BOOKS it INVOICE-WOKS . : Gieik; tatin, Preach and Geinian Ten Books. . All School Books used in :hi -Countp . kept 021 ltancli_Ortitunediettely !procured tchen desired. Magazines or aiik sutiplied iihfs desired. . — A. good 'assortment of Envelopis, Pens acidboss,: •Also.zoftri!tiars, ?raw- 7 ing Matelinig; triter doloft., - tc: BIBLES. TESTAMENTS PRAYER & Eit* i3titlE.Si of carious kind". MUSK BOI) .AND ,S4Eg-AU§iC; Slates; Itn~ers, ladek-GammorißoaasCiesil Men, &c., &c. PRODUCRAMII kinds tablei in eldhinge for Books, &e. [ff-aq TEiE HEROES or"Mi 'lf 6113 18 AND THE it*RoEs or,. *AR, anthed3%.4o*B** Ito* 13 . niisC in addition to other por traits, the celebrated evileetiorr *town in En rope anti America as Brere y 'ar Pliotvritfili - icriVithWert, in which is included Portrait:lo(d nearly all the prominent men of Ariierica; nett excepting Jefr Daris, Gen Beantegard, ndA, and a host e other confedelNitiaß--.Pfia.' brrizt` raits, Vst„Cith per dozen. Can be sent -' kzeenes of the War forlhe Union, are published, card ate, and int.Stertea,gfir. • form. Also, -. ~Stereoscopie,views cf. seeneit;hyP4kris,...*i--- don,M3d in other part*. in Scotland, lielandiltrilea, Haute, SAtier.- landl-Spain., on. JAI- Mane. jal - 40f 2 6.r - rdiaPC Turkey, the 11o2y.14and,Cuit, Indtc"-0014- kei, - ,ko.itufisfiedlowi: . .„ Our Ingtantan.ktis Stemscopft I#einfi are The Greatest Wonder of the-.51.e, These are kkb;...j 1 1 4 . fix,rtiett_iirciipfa second I a ncktb e zombis; cit'lF:itim4 - iposaizejof testi*, or the ma chi of an suitty;'does DC4in-the least affect tbo.taking-,Of these clests.- , ritiz ore sold fcsr,tt , po do yen, g' 4- ' 6 (5 - 04 hand a - itfalsteetore the largest assortment of Stetecceopes; Pboto 3Ponnie,ngd Phooo4466oaftr*la edev.vited - stAtes.4ll4l4iiitratilbe irmd caisuogues, confaiiiirteßsts - oraltoar Vat trails. Views, Stereo uses tire hy• - , Inttlii cta receipt of a slatep;•• .; E. ATReitre k ) 1 1:" near St. N Ni-001Y3fet,inva • 1801: btoo Ji 3 *194 T 9 169 16 :3721. EEO LE) i Cki 2713 77 10.63 TO 94 30 77 167 30 . .A4A 3 teta''T bl xO7O 64 30 X 645 . . 3 08 2 27 ri 96 2ii bb n lY *25 89 5113 14 99.:.c 4 ! 01114-."1" 731 " 12 " 126 9$ le tit ran SOS, eli _ 4 0 sax 8 17