The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 12, 1862, Image 3
U MEE bOU JOlii4 TkE' PO ititt 'ilt J. ' AL . liihkoniy paper.,:paislished:in Pot r county, - sh . cu rgtes ameag ,an intellikent AA- i, otpeo ": r te s siad. is thus an ekcellent mediaMfoefioth civ i u d,Ceuntry Advertisini.-' ' •-• -i . Trisisienteldvertistements and those from a ,-. .., iisigtacti must be Cash or hat's respi l itsible re rereftee. --s- • ' ".- :`-, , : - ,7 -' ~ ..,..411 c ommonications, to receive . 4entist, oust be the Editor,:ari toittain :trustne:9f the writety , -No' attend a paid to iporiymeas communications. ~- _ • ,-,.• ' TBRNIS.—One Year, Si; - ir. copies . :$ 5 ; Twelve copies, $18; TNirerity *ivies, $lB, .',4AcititOne to:the person 'raising the Cub. :The ,:tausif most, accompany . the ruituei.l_,. 7C - o — w ki Vfft, Wedi/P 9( / 4 7- 21113 w*_ 7 0f 11i2. Local_ and' 6eneral. Sec New Advertisements . gansfield Iron Works. ; Frxecutors Notice. Natrona Coal OiL' Saponifier, Sationiffer. Dissolution of Copartnersklp. d New Firm atjtoulette. • '. The Kansas General. 4 andolonnls—Lane, • Jennison, llontgoannrypeitrier 7 -seem to be justthe men for fighting rebels. : , geTbanks - to Senator Benson; and Rep x.cientiiiires Strang and Elliott foz favors re . cpiicd ';The Commissioners and Auditors o the county, at their last meeting, reduced the percentage of the County Treasurek from 5 to riper cent., on the whole amount collected. sErThe London Times admits that the Bri tish. Government expended upwerde of Ten Millions of Dollsosin warlike prhparations, betiseeti knowledge of the capture ++ and of the release of Mason and Slidell. ts.. The clearance papers 'of the - Rebel ves sels recently taken ofethe month' of the Mis sissippi, were dated February 1, 136.1, show ing that the Rebel Government was in active operation at least a month before Dlr. Litt coin's inauguration. DEMOCRATIC STATE. Cosaurrnz.,—The Dem ocratic State Central Oomntittee ni l et at liuelt ler'is Hotel, Harrisburg, on Wednesday the 15th . ult:, and resolved to hold n IState Con-, sentien . pn next 4th of July. itta_The People's State Committee met at Harrisburg :on the 22d tilt., but adjourned 'without calling a convention at this time. The Committee will meet at the call of the chair man, it is expected, some time in I ,April, when a call will ba issued.for a State COnventionsto noMinate candidates for Auditor General and Suvey . or General.• itErne lease of the•Snnbury and the the PennsylvattiallailroadCompaUy is in sub -staims, that the Pennsylvania Railroad cora /patty guarantees the payment of the principal and interest of $B;000,000 of the bonds of the StiAtitTand Eric company. We laarn- that it is expected to have this Road completed as farias Shipper by the first of August. CHEAP Baran. : -:-Bread is likely to be cheap for some time to come, and if it is well made it is.truly the "staff ,of. hilt if poorly made it is. truly-the "hammer or death." •if .you use D. B. De Land & Co.'s Ckernical Sal-. crates you will have no trouble. in making •delicious bread and biscuit. The AnteriCan Farmer- oWes More of tbe.inccess which has attended his efforts to , the priCieiples and modes inculcated by the l z.4lMriran Agriculturist than to any other one cause. No faimer who preterds L 3 make any advancetaol4. either in comfort) or Wealth, ehoalt be without it. • Only $1 Per annum. llerThcre is nothing of local iinterest tran-1 spirlatinthe Legislatue. The Senate passed) respitytion, unanimously, in laver of the exzt pulion of Bright from the U. B. Senate. The y Pelnucratic House refused to consider the ref sollaion. - In the Honsc, Messrs. Hopkins arul Ryan (13reck.) Alexander and Strang.(Rep.) 1 91 Crane (Doug.) have been ;appointed committee to investigate the alleged corrup , tioa in therepeal of the Tonnage Tax. r /los. B. B. SrnANG.—Tho correspondent of thOl Pittsburg Euenin,q Chronicle iu speaking of 1 1r.IStrang's late speech against' a resolutio4 Ikm/silty into the conduct of the Executive of l'entssylvania In the purchase of arms, &e. 4 ,says orthat gentleymn "By the way thiS , al, Strang is ono of the quietest and mosl, unobtrusive-men in t the House, Yet he is one ofltbei , MY ablest Men in the bedy. He sat asl - a titife the whole of last winter, never. opened Ills mouth. To-day he made a strong effort, clear, short, concise and forcible, against the -resolution of inquiry!. It appeari - that he is an accomplished, able lawyer, whO never speaks unless compelled to do it." 1. • tfirThe Spring Election for Borough ,018 7 , eqs resulted as follows : , Burgess--John S. Mann; - Town ,Council—Z.J.ThompSon, Thos. King, Glassmire, 2 yrs. - High Constable—O. H. Crosby. Constable—A. Rounsville. . . • Inspectors of Election—W. B. Gordnier, Mt MeAlarney. Judge of Election—P. A. Stebbins, Jr. •11 SchoolDirectors—A-Rounsville,Z..Thomp; son, H. J. Olmsted. • Auditors—lsaac cornfield, D. Baker. Overseers of the Poor—Dr, 0. T. Ellison;. J. H. Parkins. - • 4ssesscF—N. H.Rroodt,ell. Mahe Spring Elielion in the Township of Eulalia;resulted as follows: Supervisors—N. Woodcock, J. F. Brehrner: Justices of the Peace—R. T. Clafflin, Lyinan Yazoo. Judge of Election : ;:-Austin White. :Inspectors orElecticin—ft. T. Claftlin, Sam'l Thompson. " Coustable-41eion Nelson. . • - Town Treasurer --J. P. Taggart. ,5 Town Clerk—Miles "White. - J Assessor—Flarry Lent. :*- • - Auditors—Seth Taggart, L. D. Spofford. School Directors—J._ P. Ta gg art; Samuel Thompson, S. B. Abbott: • EINEE! tatt, Vi iturert VS) A:GENTg - WANVETS4 We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expenses, to active %Agents, or gi comraission. Particulars sent free. .Add ERIZ SSIVING Couratrt, R. JAMES, General,Agent4iinn 0616 SP, R 0141; •NOTI..OE To consumptives. rpm Advertiser, having been restore. to .1. health in a very few weeks bya very Sim ple remedy after having suffered several Years with a'severe luneriffection, and that dread disease, Consuniption—is anxious to Make known to his fellow sufferers LIM meats of cure. rTo all wboaesire it, he will Send a bopy of the:pre, scription sed f t free:of clutrge,)With the direction for forepiring and-ushlgthe same, Whieti;theysivillitt n Sureedre for Casnimp tion, Asthma, Bronchitas, Ice. The only ob ject 011ie subscriber in sending the Pres rip don is to benefit the affacted,and spread b ifor inution ; invaln ble, and he holies every snffe.rir till try his reme dy, as it will cost. them nothing and may prove_ a t blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address i Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, I '• J - Williamsburg, 3m] Kings County, New York. 7 -I,I4IEtRIED: • -* On the 10th iasti,'by the Rev. - J.H.Parions, L. 11. BANCROFT, of Sparta, WiSconsinand Mrs. JANE W. BUTTERWORTH, of Cotider sport,iPean'a.- irrir . Ia Oswayo, Dec. 50801, Mrs. JANE, of John C. Wilkiason,'and daughter of Story, Esq., aged 22 years. Mrs. Wilkinson was truly a Chrlistian .ero-: ine• Qa.tlie sth ofSept.i being theit in feeble' health,.she took a final leave of her husband!, arid his associates, and in themoSt ardent and, patilotic manner encouraged them to be kood and faithful'sOldiers.- Near the 'close of her.' lust sickness, when the • aids of science and , skill could avail no more, whenslie was about to enter into the vale ,of death, she remailted "I fear no evil; uiy trust is in . God ; my Re deemer will conduct me safely through" With a heart full of gratitude, she thanked those who had administered to her,in her last sick= Mess. 1 She then bid an affectionate and final fareWeil to her near and dear relatives, and isweeliy fell asleep in Jesus Her body now Vlies with the shrouded , taillionsW the grave; and tee Trust her immortal spirit now mingles 1 with 'that immaculate threng whisk sux7r(Mud the throne of the ever-living God. f • . NOTICE. {. AjpncE is beieby•gii'en that there *ill be pry a meeting of, the Stockholders of the Mansfield Iron Works wt the office of said Company, in' Mansfield; Tiogi. - '!Count Pa., lon Monday the•2sth day of Fahrnary inst., at one o'clock P. M, of said day, for th pur pose of electing officers of said Chirp-uni, and the transaction of other business. Feb.l2th, 1862, - ' Executotos Notice: f NOtic. is liereby given that the under signed have been duly qualified ail Ex ecutors bf:lhe eState'df : lohn .7iteiil44l,ec'd, late of Hebron township, Potter . count,y,.Pa., said I executors residing in the itownship of Hebron, t ebion, county afore- .. aid...... 111, Person hav ing claims agninst the edent .are requested to make known the same t said executors without delay. . MARIAI.I DWIGHT, Rxecut NORMAN DWIGHT. Execut' CowlerspOrt, Fa., Feb. 8, 1862 I NATRONA COAL .01L ! WARRANTED NON - EXPLOSIVE and equal. to any' Kerosene. WHY buy an, explosive Oil, '.when centinare per iallon will furnish you Perfect 'Oil ? Made only by P.EIII4P4'SALT ILMITFACTORLITO CO ; No. 127 Walnut Street,Thiladelp Fe by. 1. 1862. ly dAPOSWIER, SAPONIFIER! - , THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER.• Alt Eitchen Grease can be made int good 11 SOAP, by using Saponfj Ter ! DIRECTIONS ACCOMPINTING'EACIff BON Soup is as easily made with it, as maiking i a cup of coffee. Manufactured only by the patente,s. PENN A - SALT IitANDPACTINUEG COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia, • I Feby. 1;,1562. /y , . Dissolution , OF'Copartnership 'The copartnership here ! Wore existing under tie firm of Colwell L''' L,fman is this day dissolved bYmutu l l con sent. The outstanding concerns of tl e firm m will be adjusted by B. S. Colwell A Co , .who f wilt use the signature of the firm itriiquida tion. • ' • • ' ='B. S. COLWELL, • HARRIS LYMA , " ' WESTON BRO' Roulette r Feb. 6, 1862 •' . i- • . Co-Partnership; I TRE undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership, under the 0;111 00. S Colwell & Co. and will continue the business heretofore conducted , by 'Colwell & LyMan. . • B. S. COLWELL . ' WESTON SRO Roulette, Feb, 6, 1862 , . • Administeator's Noticci. ;. IVOTICE is hereby given, thatletters of ad ministration; on the estate, of - JOAN S. BEN:NET, late of Bingham, township, •(Potter county,'del'd, havb been granted to the sub scriber by the Register of .Potter county, to whom all debt Atte to said estate and Maims against the same, - mtist be presented for set tlement orpayment. VaLiP.BOL,, lebron,,Jan. 8, 1862. . • .kdratr. mk_ I ' . Attantie,dfonthly for February is re 'ved awl for sale at the Post Office. LS ricirper, Peterson and the new. A l me - lean Patriotic Monthly—The: Cont nenia . LUCIEN BIRD; LER ," ' • ••, PRQVISIONS, •‘- ' GROOERIE DRY :GOOD IHARDWAti, , 1, Alio, Has been so secure the ces Of THOMAS J. BAKER, who is I aedimendini Boots and, Shoes own unexceptionable style, with k 1' gie„,,l have concluded to sell only foi _ _. • from October 1,11861: buy Ashca,Hides,Pclla, an, Gr ins. in'prpoklati4 (fdTmerly, 1861 DIED wife P. A. P. CONE, ,Srcret,E a few rich a iii servi , akin in his an PAY, READY some CM I=sl/.MMMgPIMIMMINI • tail& Il\rceflOß'is - hereby givett-that , the sign;ed,-Administiatorti ot the estate or Ruca_sTuompson; - deceased,. by =virtue of. an order cif the Orphan's Court of Poiter County, Pa., willerpose to public - sale= or outcry:at the Coart liouseLin the•Boro' Cotidersport, on tititiikay the let day of March, A. ik1862, at 1 o'tlack P. Of said day,tbeintereit of the de edent hi following described real es; tate, t 6 Witt-A certain lad' of land in•Jatik son tonmehip, Potter County, Pa:, bounded MtfollOwe : On the north by a -lot of laud ;owned by Charles Freeman/ on the east" by lands Ofillingham Estate; on the south by lands pf H. EL Dent, and on the west bylande of Bingliani Estate, containing Fifty acres. *ith allowance of:six per cent., of which aboutracres are haProved and on which are er cted one 'Frame:House and one Frame Barn.l To bo sold to , the highest and best bidder. i • • - I - 1, 11. W. Burrox,-Aaministmtor, • • , iPIIIDCLIA. THOMPSON, AdMilliStratriX., Coudersport; Feb. 5, 1862. „ ' , 'TheGreatCause of lITTNIAN JustpUblished in .a sealed envelope, price 6 cts Lecture Lectu by. Dr.Cuiyzavrsts., on the Canee A and Cute •• of Spermatorrhcea, Constimi lion-; *Wel and Physical Debility, Nervous. ness, Epilepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of the Bo dy ; LitsSitude ; *eakness of the' Limbs 'and Bask ii t lndisposition, and incapacity for Study and L her;' Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Mei:posy; Arersion to Society-; Love of Sol itude; Timidity; Self-Distrust; Dizziness; Headache; Affeetions of the Eyes; "Pimples on the Face , Involuntary Emissions, and Sex ual Incapacity; the Consequences of Youth ful Indiseretion, kc., Ize. • nib admirttble Lecture clearly proves that the aboVe enumerated, often self-affiicted,evils may be removed , without me - 61 - eine and with out dangerous, surgicaloperations, and should he red by evil.). yanth and every man in the land. I Sent uederseal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, /27 BoWery, New York, Post Office Box, 4686. TIIIE DAY SCHOOL DELL, A NEW ' SINGING - BOOK' FOR DAY SCHOOLS, called the DAY SCHOOL BELL is no* l'eady.' It contains about 200 pages of chime Songs, Rounds, Catches, Duetti; Trice; Quartetts: and Choruses, many of them written ;expressly for this work, besides 23 pagesi of the Elements of Music. The Ele -1 meal are so easy and progressive, that ordi nary ;teachers will find themselves entirely 'sbcc4sful in instructing even young scholars to sing Correctly and scientifically, whilelthe tunes! and words embrace such a variety of lively attractive and soul-stirring music and sentiMents, that no trouble will be ekperi enced in inducing/all beginnevs to go on with zeal in acquiring`s'kill in one of the most health-giving, ' beauty-improving, happiness yielding, and order-producing exercises of -school life. In simplicity of its eleuients, in variety and adaptation of man, and in a-tellente And number of its songs, original, selected, and adaPted, it claims by ranch to excel all -competitors. It will be found to be, the bee, book ever issued for Seminaries, AcitOnsies, and Public Schools. A few sal*. plu pages of the Bletnnts, Tunes and Songs, ar given in a civettlat send nudges one. 41 is compiled by ITORNOE WATERS !Atthor . of "SabbathSebool Bells," Nos. and -2, of which hare had the enters/sons sale of 655, - 000 in 36 months. Prices, paper CoVers, 201 cents; $l5 per 100; Round, 30 cents, $22 per i W O • Cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents ' $3O rier 2r, - ? copies furnished at the IOC) price. Mailed Oee at the retail price. 1 HORACEIWATERS, Publisher; 1 ' No. 481 Broadway, New York. ILIORACE WATERS PIANOS. • MELODEONS, ALEXANDRE ORGANS, min T. GILBERT & CO.'S celebrated JEOLI-AN PIANOS are the finest instruments for Parlors andchurches now. in use. A large assort mentican be seen nt the new WareroOrns, 481 BROADWAY, between Grand- and Broome Streets, which will be sold at ,extremely low Trice.'' PIANOS and MELODEONS from sun dry makers, new and second hand, td let, and rent tllowed if purchased, as per agreement. Mont ly payments received for the same. I ' Also, second-hand Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains, prices from $25 to $lOO. Sheet Music, Music Books, and all kinds of Musie Merchandise at War prices. ' HORACE WATERS, Agent. SO.bbalh School -Bell, No. 2. 75,00 u COPIES ISSUED TUE FIRST Twelve Months of its publication. It is an entire New 'Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tunes and Hymns were written express ly= for this Volume. It will soon be as popu lar as ,its predecessor (Bell No. 1) which has run up to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 36 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of its size issued in this country. Also; both Volumes are bound in one to ac commodate schoeLswlshing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $l2 per 100. Bound, 25 cents, $lB per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $22 per 100.1 Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents, $lO per 160. Bound, 20 cents, $lB per 100. Cloth bOurid embossed gilt, 25 cents, $2O per 100. Belli Nos. 1 and 2 bound together, 40 cents, $3O jer 100. 25 copies furnished at the, 100 pried. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, $4O ioer 100:. Mail postage free at the retail pried. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, - • t No. 481 Broadway, New York. • • MANHOOD; 10W LOST! HOW RESTORED ! ..Tustpub _lLlll,{ lished, in a Sealed Envelope; Price C cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Rad ical Cure of Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Weak ness; Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Ner vougness, Consumption, Epilepsy. and Pits ; Menial and Physical Incapaeity,res tilting from Self4Abuse, • &c.—By Roar. J. CULVERIVELL, M. D., Author Of the "Green Book," ,&c. • The world-renowned author, in this adult rtible Lecture, clearly proves trom his own ex perience that the awful consequences of t3elf • buse may be effectually removed without .t'-dicine, and withbut.dangerous surgical op e Mons, hoagies; instruments, ,rings, oz cor dialS, pointing out a mode of cure at onee'cer tainland effectual, by which every sufferer,no matter what his condition may be, may cure hlniielf, cheaply, privately, and , radically. Thin lecture will prove a boon to thousands and (thousands. Sent•under seal, in a plain envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps,by addieSsing Dr. CHAS. J. C. liILNE, 427 Bowery, New York, Post Office Boat, 4586. 2. ILOST OR STOLEN. ANcit , e against Henry H. WarrenAn favor 1 Hof!lsaac D. Baker. I caution all per :mins f rom. oddling.with said note... • 1 • O. W. STRONG, . • i• • --: -; `•;- . fur PERMELLA. BAKER. JiM.iD 1862. . EMM Vpua,:wttttrilo's:„}*,o. *.:*9I..TNA- IF A.. Ir.Otr;PLt4sp._,T • .; 7 ' ; ' 1 ,4 , To all Prazoilie - ri, ' ot 'Foliate era.' I , i 1 -.-Iliojus , reownea IL If/i with altery *or: imacirtmexii of..NE _GOODS,;which. I itia have bought for CASH L. •A WAY THAT I SHALL BE BELE ;TO i THEIST( ALL IHY OLD CUSTOMERS, NOTWITIISTANDIHO THE GREAT RISE GOODBg7II7IikAR LY PRICES 10Ir 'CASH, Olt READY_PAY. -... -.' ._.___.l l ",_-___. , __"' 1 -1 hive now some :HIX‘ITHOOFSAND DOL LARS worth of Goods o 0 hand, that I Will sell at the following, price) : j, 1 ' Ist. Fern:RW.4l,ot VoluitteCrs, GOOD PR 'TS from 10 to 12 eta, thatjare now worth in - •,.. 14. New York, from i 2! to 4. • - • - Cobd DELIIi4ES from 42 to. '2O cts., '• worth from - 112 to 1 1.S:• - ; • Good SHEETINGS still 4'O r s . lo cts. Good SUGAR for 9 Os Good TEA from 80 to 96 cts. SALERATUS from 6to ets. FLOUR . from $1.37.1 to $.50 per Sack. • And all other goods in proportion. A assortment will be kept; on hand And strictly-fur READY FAY!, at least 25 t Mer cent less thaa can. be sold by any erchant that buys"Gotals at the presen ces in New York.:. Should Should any one from kdistance calltt store and not find the goods as represen ed,l will pay them for their time and expenses in so doing, ,should I•be at the Store, which I shall endeavor to be at ail times ,• In . takhig leive:of my, slid customers f r the last year, I would say= th4t am. thankfallfor the liberal paironageiand pitompt pay, that I have received , from ; mostp of , them. • Arid as thisis a year that every true elan shouhilbe; enlisted ;' for the welfare et ee.ose who 'have made such great Sacrifiees fur the goOd of their country ; I will until our present Wir is closed, .try and deal for be profit and good of my country. Yptirs truly, -6, H. SIMMONS. • at the;•SIMMONS' Bk OSWAYO Vil aaituary C • _ li-A3ICATED on Main 4., opposite the IA House, Coudersport - I oocks, *ati heis, &c., iteptiire.Con node" Ma warrantdt jive satisfaction.l 1 1.44 41 good assortment o ' ~ CLOCKS, I WATCHEsi arid. • 4EWELRYI on hand.. Cheap tor CASH alp warranted as ieproented. As in evenlexctlange. is o rob btry,t will give you' timelfor Cosdersport, Dec. 16, 161 • • .., . A T .• ) )• 1 . •-• (AMSTED %V KELLY'S O n TORE can akwayp b foMld the eat of '0 Cdokidg, BoX'arrdP for i - . , • : S . T 0 ,- Y E 8' ; Also, TIN and SUET-IttON • VARE, POTS, icETTLES, ' SPIDERS,:'SCO CH ROM, 4 FRYING-PANS,, SAP-PANS - and OAULI:11-' BONS. Also,- : 'r i Agricultural l .Implemelitc, • such as PLDWS, SCRAPES., CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, libiSE-RAICES, DOG-POWERS, itc: : i' t I . 1 .• • '' THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and : substantial EAVES-TROUGR'S put up lin any' part of the County—rTermg e4y. - Ready Pay Of all kinds, including Caih, peldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the 014 Court : House, Coudersport: ; Al. 1, 1859t-50 - - , I i - - xftix 'patitreil ! THE undersigned .% ould respectfully Inform the surrounding consthunity that 11e has taken 'the rooms formerly oennpied by John S. Mann, where he is prepared , to do All kinds of llarn . . iass-- Woik on the shorteit notice. ! I 1 LONG - STRAW COLL , also kept Constantly on band. T-hesa fallarsL are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure their success: • Repairing done in goa style t • 1 Snrcingles, Martingale-rings, Ilames,j and Mame •straps, &.c.,.krpt constantly on Band. The public, are invited to call and exitmine, before purchasing elsewhere. I . P.MINAIR. , Co,:dersPort Oct. 16th, 186?. , I . }log, SAL . d - i . to exchange for Horses: Witgons, SLck kJ/ Good Notes or , Judgme4l. A v ioable Farm situate in Harrison township, Potter Co., lyinu on the old State road, leading 'frond Spring Mills to Harrison Palley and 'Westfield' Pa. Containing about 110 : Atres, abant 80 Acresimproved and in a good htote of eulti-, vation, 'on which Is arected it large Framel House, good Barns, Corn Hose and other necessary out-buildings, a gciod Appla Or chard containing some twenty differen; kinds of Grafted Fruit, Shade Trees, it.c. The above Farm lies about 1 mile from HitrriSon Valley, 7 miles from Westfield and 6 mites from SPrin Mills, and is a good Stock andl,Grain Farm, and will be sold so that any on that can make a payment of or 4 hundred 'dollars dawn, can make tl e farm, pay for itself with his la bor. Price, $2,500, for particulars aquirel of Peter Simmons 'now aceripiing said or C, H. Simmons, Gswayo Pti.l C. tr SIMMONS. I Jan 15„1862.. VILILANES of all kinds for ante a c JLIP Deeds; ,Warrants,'Esecntions, Sumttions,l SubpMnas, 'Coustalile Sales f rowashipl and!, SehooL Orders, Notes .of adliinds--t i 'ePt on hand and printed to order. 1 .118 WOltK at-1 tended to promptly, and at prltes:tersittlt the , times Give us a trial. MMM IMWM I ro , seatevi l i , " , FowLip/iPs Vibbo l t lAllertny 'Bingham 1 . Conderspoit r, tarsi Bulalis' IGeneee (Hebron' , • ,' • Harrison Hector • • • Homer Jacks r on j •_; Keating ' • ' 'loswayo • ! ,Pike , ,IPleasantl'alry • , IRouldt I ; :Sbarcia. ISereden ' :ISteartirdson 183-Irani& ;Snmtnit, , ! Westl Branch liClartott , ' *Siace.pald. I ; 14274 9211857 341147 71 We ' t; 31 do tertif that, e foregoiag eiltiliits a true statement of Odra for 1881 V -as they ppear tiponlOur boois of original entry. ; ;;; Attast l : L. IL Cole, Clerk. ,11 • EDIVI - 8 Turrmigli, 1;, ;- - 11 1 . D. Bir - os L. S. RObERVION, 1 forge sold o I 50 ther I 1 , pri- Commisfirners Stotinienticy tli I on (Alie d,t' Funds of 'Fetter, county of Jan., A.D.1.862 Dr..:..- , istiouers' indere g ; , ,484 . 7,84 to Wrn.Bell in '64 , Iwo oo J.F.Cowan, ,!! : 936 1 19 Eli Rees ." I 1600:00 Win.llelll L 5 1000 00 J.F.Powan i" ' 1000 , 00 ' Win. Bell 157 , 400,00 H.H.Dent . 294:63 - J F.Cowan 1000'00 } ; - To amt Of Comm Outs' tandin To Bond4Kiiyablei 41 16 If I = it ,'; 1 1 gt ; To interest; on till l i ck, lge, 1 Cr. By amt of:outstanding. tales on 'uti seatedllandslfor 1861 , 47P2.20 do ,11 do I'6o :1;.; . 3919;56 By, amt. ofoutstaiding taxes on seat-, ecfretnirted as unseated i I 186:88 By amt 4tail front Collectors for 1861 2247 76 Bal. , dtteliOm G. A. Barclay of 'Wharton for 1860 H i'68157 Bal..due'front MA:Lear:ion CoLof byt vania;for.lB6o 13'77 due : from Leroy Crittenden; cot of Stewardson for 1860 1. , 2042 ti, flue:from Harris Lyman cal. of _ ROnlei for 1860 • ' 36 82 diie from JOhn :Metzger col of ; ' Pike:for 1880 i 17 49 due.from •John,Sunderlin col. of `! Hector for 1800 - I• 1 :101 13 - due from :Facob Burtis cai. Of . f 01.860 4 243 70 duet - rola Tl S. Benton voli'r c 4 : Allegany foi 1860 • • is Ave fsitsm &I.Tohnsoeleollector of Pike'.for 1869 • et, Court thie: from D. P. Roberts .col. Pleas ~ nt Valley 1859 - 265 dUd:4Ol3l SI T. Moore coliec'rOf i• Whitton fue 1838 ! • 10 26 st 'duelfiorp J. C. Wilkinson cillof , Cslimfo for 11858 r r DI 82 duelfom A,D.Corey collector Or Lrlyeses for 1856 , 73 O it duo! from Henry Dud colrr of f0r4855; _1 f 8 46j j ." due Ms uAglt. against A.WoOdcocii 75 00 gi •:, its [ " S.ll Martin r 64 04 " David Sheldon 37 35 " . -:." 1 " Ctra.AilBwort4 90 63 By amt doe on recognizance agixinst : ' , • A ft*nsville • , !, • -! 4:-6 36 Amt due'onjedet against D.B.Coicortt 313 48 " • 'from Cameron county; •1, '" !, 533 52 1, ,f om Eli'Reeti, for. Treas'r! • 1156 45 u . ,0 noteagainstiDuickWhipple 19 18 . - v -,: _ , It Mar...hut - son 709 "• ; 7 li( E.E.&11 7 -.liGraVes 15 84 Amt due,' mote froM Ellis* Knox , ' 82 013 '" :epr village lots 1_ ]. , •21 20 .. e ~ 1 , ..,_ Excess of liabilities oVet tant. 103 861 *Since Ott,(l.] We ige Commissioners of Patel.' *county do certify tit t they foregoing statement of the funds ofitho said county is correct as 1%11.1'11'1-- pear froxii the hooks and doc,umerdzOn this office. : 1 .; EDWIN rlattlitli, ' M. D. Butocit, i ,Comtrs } ..."71. S., RonsaXsox, Attest ;IL. R.. Cole, Clerk. 1 ! Com'ilOffiee, Condersport, Jal, 8, 1862 , Slatetti tof the Receipts and Expeadi ; titres 6 Potter wanly for the year thief ing'orilthe 341 day of Dec.,A;D.1861 . : Reed for taxes on unseated Ids for '6l 37 011 " • ; '6O i 117 56, c 4l Ai 7 59 ! 475 ' " y " seated Ids ret'd ans'd 33 Ree'd frj Ids k personal prop'y for '6l 1852 3T AA r i a a •'69 1061 50 , ss st I " for prey. yrs 17 12 liee'd fecognizances,notes&judgts I a 6 19 Excess of expenditures over receipts t.`985 75 ; qu3_,lB - I , Paid tOr Counsel andAttOrliq tees 1 45 00 ;Ntatibilety H 38 46 " ,COna'a Wages to J. Chesbro . 'Bl 89', .11 I' it ' ' B. Thateber - 112 26 - 1 ; J ' M. D. Briggs ,'124.65.1 " " j S.L.Robertson 27 59 1, ',Clerk hire (bal. for 1860) -; 12 55 for 1861 :349 00 1 " .:Printing blanks . ; 100 751 Incidental expenses ; , 800 " • ;Reward' for arresting felons 2000 ; tt .itiVolf and wild cat eertfa ' 3875'1 • i tt ,Election. expenses ; 862 41 tt ' , Sheriffs' fees• ; , 99 231 slationaryfor Recorder's office. 15 00 j it Proth'ysOthee 281 Public printing • 48-25 it .iikssessors' wager. 464 00 tt ;constables' returns . ! 102 89 " commonwealth costs 198'48; " Qualification fees j 8814 Grand .Titrors fees 352164 " 'trayersiJurors fees s 44127 Auditors' wages • * 138 50 " - Court Crier I 42'00 tt . tip stares. . :69,06: ' " ,tlerli of Quarter Sessions '" 140,10 " Fisel 1 , 140; 90' '" -tending town clock ' i 25,751 ,tt Viewing roads and bridges 334:901 tt IDam,assessed byxoadcicarera 15' 1 00 1 " :B r oarditig prisoners - 1 ‘ 68,60, tt 'Justices returns • • ; "1!.58 . is sJaI . l expenses : .12 02 ;Relief to 81 families,of vortS 117 94 gepairr to public buildinge -1 32:51 " 'Taking 'prisoners to fi'enitcn'y, :08 , 00 J c V iTY torATiempar !lectors for tracy i r tmo'nt lAm:int • of .paid thipliee I 11173 -,--. 7:, hts -,7l'ii - Tl;] -.,.. == . , J endall ,JtiWlduian deo.MOzger, Albertis Cole Justurilfering Johngogionts A.R.Stilluut Merritt Dodge C.P.itilbourn W.4.4ireo Al.J.Flynn, "; Plirtyoarrie E.ltyukin.' A.ll.isbee elO3 90 290.93 ,239 53 268 35 t 6241 176 08 199 61 290 51 1 420 911 1.84 . 02 76'41 27 60 16 62 296 10 73 94 ; 54 48 19332 308 41 17588 60 70 • 64 30 54 16 383 92 6419, 89 641 N.P.FltOnt ; A.F.llrnes G.Neefe ILAndresen Alfred Ayres P.Brigharn J.L.811 1 7 °Mee, Jan. 8,,1 862. , OR= WS.Keating at• ',1100:00 abdve.bonds :.1884'.44 1101311 48 19 1 •80 30 13762 . 5 D T , FOR 4oct. tibaldt l meat pr.ct, 5 13 2 51 113 . 11,23 73 94 65 75 127 07 197,32 46 71 86`36 151 21 142 61 224 84 1436 39 20 24'33 13 50, 174 61 943 _, 1-44 10 n 414 1 32 EEO 1 99 .1 31 83.43 2 . 95 1 59 10 63 22 12 26.02 49 55 127 64 '~® 4 08 8 i 3 14 83 134 56 37 06 63,75 3 08 22X 5 96 22 11 he cc Prottionota!,y's fees a , Money expended We the Commissioners of Potter county do certify that the .foregoing exhibits a, state ment of the receipts and expenditures pf said county fer.the yeiir eidintbit.-Xittivit. day of. Pee. A. D. . : 1861, as aril - fewli fedn9l4Koriginal eqtres nod documents tAtirlpffice4ft • . Witness our hands tit - the COrn' a f glee the 1 Bth daref Jan. A.D:'lB62:' '7.7 - ,_ r:- ~ . t ... ,:, -.-- Enettii Tntick4l - - '-1 44;* 8 - 4 4i9iii''4* c°m' ''' --- 1:` - g: Rolisnrsos,• .. ' Attest : 1...[8. Cole, Clerk. Account of Trim/5g Burtie; Treasurer of ' Potter coun(y, fordie _ e year 5 INII 1861 • , - - • Balance due , from Treasurer: 1 'Abbott... •' - ' "1 96 ; town 95 school Jackson • 58 65 .‘ Portage - . . 61 Sweden . 413 SulnrniC . 48.48. ,ft ......,: - .1 -. West Branch 1 1 . 99 ... ii . 1 aO 6 - Wharton .. ..!„1,3r ,! T. 12 " 12638 =' , Vl2ii 10 total:lce : due to - Trenstiret Potter county 42 02 Statement 0 . - 1 the Military Fund qf itPagr Commonwealth county: Amt. 'collected in 186 i Paid . J.M.Kilbourn Brig. Ins. 212 00 Paid Assessors _ 9 50 . Paid Collecto'n pei cent -- = • 16 51 Paid Treas. commission . 15 25 Paid printers 27 75 Paid Commissioners' Clerk 10 00 Due the Commissioners 30 00 • 14 IL Clerk 30 00 251 01 There is also a balance due to the Brigade Inspector and to Assessors. ♦ A.i.A,SLAse - E. 0. ACBTM, . 13001( s e roßEs Main above Third St.; COUDERSPORT, PA. M. W:MAIEBT, -. Pittitnusron. DOORS, MAPS, GLOBES, . MAN - DOCKETS - - ' ,LEDGERS - • ••DAy , LOOKS- I t , 11EOKIIAT400e5; AlgroßANnttms, - • PA69B-1100.1M . D I A .11.1,E-8,.: PORITOLIOS ' , HERBA t3VB, • • - LETTstk-lit)Olts INvoteD-Boon. Greek, Latin, French and _German Text- Books. 2111 Sckool Books usett in, the Coirnty kept on hand ) or iOttrtitiiafety procured when desired. Magazines or t.nyPeriodreals supplied when desired. • A good • Itsel3rttnnt of •Paper,; Envelops!, Pens anti Inks:" Asm-of Wall-Papira; Drihr ing Materials, Tr . ater . ,t olors, .BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, Pi - LAVER & HYMN BOOKS, of various kinds. , • MUSIC-BOOKS AND EifitT : Mitiel " '“ Slates; Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards Chess Men, dm., lte. PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for Books, 4c. • ~),1114,1 • 'PRE HEROES OF PEACE AND, , TIME IIIEttOES 9F.;:*tipi-1;1• E. Anthony, NO:501 Broadway, NatiMit is now publishing, in addition to other por traits, the celebrated collection known in Eu rope and America - as = Bracl,a National PhobsgraphiePortraii Gc;Dmi, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America, not excepting Jeff . Davis, Gen Betturegard;Floyid, isioJ a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, $3 2 00 -- per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the -War for the GniOn, are published, card size, and in - Stereocb - p - ic form. Also,- • • , Stereoscopic views of scenes in Pails, Ens 3• don, and in other parts of England 'a nil Prance, in S cotland, Ireland, Wales,. Hollatd,,switser. land, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, EgyPti r TurkeyAa-Ifoly Land, China; - India, hc., ;fa; ad infinitum. Our Instantanaaus Stereoscopic Views are The Greatest Wonder of gut 4 . 05. • These are taken In the for,ti'eth pastofiTeecond and the rushing of Water,the movfag of leaves, car the inarch of ap army, does not in the eats affect the , taking Al' these 'sold for $3-Per dozen. • We have also on.hand and manufacture the • TaTgest, assortment. of Stereoscope?vMlaktr. graphic rAlbuirut,;a Photpgraphie Sfatirfars in the United States, and Perhaps in the world Catalogues, containing • lists of all our Por traits, Views, Stereoscopes, he., sent tree by mailA on receipt of a stamp. - 714 .. f) E. ANTHONY, b Rioadii4,. I kir near 17.t...icholas Rotel, Neu 'Usk. " 11361. 1t24 1 4. 14.1016 ihhce I due. "2•4'23 222 UG 21t 33 eRN I .1 1 * - 28 14 143 76 *19475 169 66 37 21 .21 43 70 99 [ 30.77' [ ,167 30 ts . 4lS a v e % 39 ta 60 70 64 30 —36 25 • 7.- 247 09. 9T17 25 89 2147 741, congas with Collet& L.MT Cimmissioners. ter 8 27 6113 18 u, 50 4 4 10 37 Sob OS