- • - TUE POTT.Eit Cot NTY- JOURNAL Ia the only paper pablisheilikPottersciunty, circulates among ,an ;intelligent class - of. peo ple, and iathus an:excellent thediant for both City-and Gountry.A.dvertising. • I Transient Advertisements and those from distance past be Cask or have responsible re ference. - Allsommunic.itiona, to receive attention, must be directed to the. Editor',` a d • contain the same of the *titer. - "..Nci attention paid to snanyinous COintn n nicat i o s. .TERNIS.- 2 :One copy,ane year, $1; Six copies $5 ; Twelve .copies, $10; Twenty popies,slB, with one tc the person raising the Club. The money mustmccompany the tottneS. Coudersport, Vtaiesday Evening, ~15,1862 _ Ses'uor advertise IMIE rs a vainabf, C. H. Simmons of saio. D. Baker advertiSes Auditor's the estate of D. I'. Reed. Also one of the estate of N. Seh' See Court Proclamation Our thanks to Ilon. Isaac Be Auditor General's Report: The Continental Jfonthly is ugaiu en our ta ble filled with all kinds of useful reading.— Address,J.R. Gilmore, 110 Tremont Street, Boston . We have received a copy 'of the Tribune Almaiiac and Political Register. No man should be without a copy of it in his house. Price 13 cents. Address, Horace Greely V. City. Sheriff Burt returned on Sunday Jast, hav ing landed his prisoner safe in Penitentiary. lie his :eturn•trip the cars ruu off the track tire miles boldw Williamsport, and he was in jured,so as to cause hint to remain two days at Williamsport. We this week had the pleasure of taking by :the hand our young - frieMl Adjutant, 31..a.nu 'L. FnEscit, Of this place, he was home oa :furlough and started ycntet•day for his:kegi .m.mt. Ile is a tine lOokin. , officer. and we 'venture to prediet that ge;s into :ot en : gagement he will do his di:fy and give • , :esit" reason to remember hint. '. , We this week send to our sitbseriiiers the 71lessage of Gov. Curtin, .in Extra . h..urma, - . arid will endeavor in the future to avoid, if ipos - 6ible, issuing State 'papers through our ,regular columns. We hope, our sabseriVers *Rill appreciate this favor and our friends •aialie• renewed - efforts to increase the eireula vault ref the Arrow!. `.1.3.0crn• cnenu..—Ladie,, if y,oli are inelau ,elioly arid vast down in your minds., D. 'B. l'ef I,r:a E Co.'s Chemicl' Sale:a_ 'rtes; it trill not orify, saecessfully rise ;roar tread, t irHtit Sc, but it trill thereby - raise yoer "timoving spirits, so that you will lie bet h:riprepw:etl to endure the troubles and tri als of domestic life. Call for -this Saleratos Nelicre.yotl do your trailieg„ :mat if they hue cot got it, .tell them they must get IL Most %vholc. , ale nod retail dealers iu- the country keep it. - &2) -- "We:17:1111bildii Lite 'COWL On account of a which .l the ease of Metzger vs. itoss,j we diet for Deft. t.liouldtl e - evr,t Proceed! ("lam School District cc. Gtt : action of tf..ssutnii.tit. Jury find Comineaivt,:ijth vs. Edward P dieted for hors•estealitiv.. Convi . fenced to three years. , and two moi kutiarr. War. II. llctzger vs. -Sobieski ot 4ssumpsit. Verdii:c fur Plaint \Varna ti loci ßOY ?•—•WC s l , w h l im last, lid: in the evening, in compry of very bad. Goys, and they each had a serzar_ And no - w and then some of them used very profane lan guage. As we looked at plat son we • won dared if you knew 1. - here he waid, and i with whum he associated. Dear friend, do not be ,To closely confined to your shoroffice or led ger, as to neglect that boy- 11eFsrifl bring sorrow into your household, if you do not bring pro-)er parental restraint to bear upon him—and that veer soon.—Ex. We have heard of a new,remeelY for frosted feet—n nv to at least—in the shape of, Kerosene; oil well rubbed on the feet a few time.; at night before retiring to ted. Those i rho haretried it say that the feet Should be, warmed at a hot stove during and after the Application of the oil, and a speedy Cure will • follow. Let those of our readers.who may be •thus afflicted try the remedy. The oil is cheap, and consequently but little .expense mill be necessarily involved. - Newsrarsas.—Not one person in a thousand estimates the value of newspapers in times of war. We have heard some people say "what a harvest for the newspapers;" they do not I take into consideration that the proprietors scarce..y get back the money the paper costs on n - bich each edition is printed, and in these times additional expenses are sustained which arc seldom incident to times of peace.- - In each times, 100, advertising instead of in..l creasing, falls off. The very life of a paper i is - actually taken away and additional bur dens are imposed by the large amount of gra-1 batons labor that is asked by the publiciit way. of calls for meetings, notices of various societies.; military companies, etc. Accounts of. public character are chargeable in times of peace . . The press, therefore, to-day, is re- _really : donating more in proportion to itsl meaue thaw any other institution in the land, and:wish,- perhaps, the least appreciation and' the srualle.A. thanks. : Auditor's NoMe. • ; XTOTICE.is hereby given, that the under - IN signed . Auditor, appointed bs. thti Court, of Common pleas of Potter County to make I dilstritutiOn of the proceeds -of the Sale of realestate k the case of D. P. Reed for use of J. B. Smith Turner of, Fehniary Tenn 1657 No,. 34, will attena to the duties of his appointment, at the, office of the ProtheMotary, in Coudersport, on Monday the I 17th day of February 1862, at 1 o'eloe,i . , Those interested are hereby notified to attend. D. BAKER, Auditor. Jay. 15.1962 • . Auditor's Notice. , . VOTICE h hereby, given, that the tin' dersigned Auditor appointed by the Ot phans' Court of potter County, to make dis tribution of the funds in the hands of the Aa uiinistrators of the estate of N. Scheeartaker deceased, will attend to the duties ofihis ap pointment at the °dice of the Prothonotary, in Coudersport, on Tuesday the 18th day of February IS62 t at 1 o'clock P. M. Those in terested are hereby notified to attend and pre sent their claims. D. BAKE ,• Jan.! 15, 1.8C2. Aul,ditor. farm for Notice of bthaker FOR SALE neon for an OR to exchange Ric. Horses ; Wagons, Stock, Good Notes or Judgments. A valuable Form situatc.in Harrison township, Bitter Co. Pa., lyina on the old State road, hadikig from Spring Mills to Harrison Valley and Weitfield Pa. Containing about 110 AcreS,..a ci hout SO Acres improved and in a good state f milli- VIlti0:1 on which is arected a large Frame House, good Barna, Corn Housemid other necessary out-buildings, a good: , Apple Or chard I pontaininesotne twenty different kinds of Grafted Fruit, Shade Trees. d:c. The above Farm Iles about 1 mile from Harrison valley, 7 miles! from Westfield and 6 miles from Spring Mills, and is a good 'Stock and Crain. Farm, and will be sold so that any one that chn make .t payment of 31or 4 hundred dollar down, con make ti e farm Pay for itself wit his la bor. Price, $2,500. for particular inquire of Pete l r.Simmons now occupying said farm, or C, H.' Simmons, Oswayo Village, 'a. . 1 . I • . - C. H. SIMMONS. i J0:3.15..18,32. I 1 COURT PROCLANATION. IV.fiEREAS the lion.-. Robert G. White V V President Judge, and the Hoes. C. S. Junes and G. G. Calvin, Associate JUdges or the Courts of Chier Sr. Terminer andlGeneral Jail .12;ii‘, 2 ry, Quarter Sessions of thb Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Com+ Pleas fur the County of Potter. have issued their precept, bearing date the . seventli day of 1 ,i, thou sand eight hundred and sixty-one, a Id to. me unary, in the yeitr of our Lord ne directed.fer holding a Court of Oyer a id Term-. iner and General Jail Deliliery, Quarter 'See 'clone of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common,Pleas, in the Boroughof Couders port, on MONDAY, the 24th day of Feb. 'next, and to continue one week : 1 , • :Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables ‘\sithin the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'cloci. A, M. of aid day, with ilteir rolls. records inuttisi dons, c.xittuinittions, andother remo thrances, ; - to do those things which to their (daces nil ; pertain to be done. And those who:: re bound be their recognizances . to proseent against the Prisoners. that. are or shall be in he jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute ogainst them as will be just. Dated at CorM:rtseonr. Jan. 15, the ;44 h year of the Indent ualenee of t States of America. VOUlt XTTENTIOY FOP: ?l0 YOU To all Familieg of Vol Proceedings appeared in 1 I have just returned from N. Y.. w had it, yen. large assortment of NEW GOODS, e. beer ','or' have bought for CASH IN A WAY " ,SH L AL 11El3P - 1 ETO ITIZNISII 161,1) cus r rom ERS., NOTWITIISI THE GREAT RISE iN GOODS, Al LI . Tin: OLD PRICES FOR C READY . PAY. I bare noW some SIX THOUS A# LARS worth of Goods on hand, ,t 1 sell at the following, prices: let. Families of - ' onteers, ,OGOD from 10 to 13 cts.,,that are now • New York, front l'_ to , -\ [ I •, Coed DELAINES ft. , ~ 12 to 20 ~.. worth from IS I to 2,, 1 - 1 God SHEETINGS Mill for 10 dz.! Good SUGAR for 0 cts. Ea rt :Fo'srmei, MEM IMEZIE Led and sen- Iths in Peru- action Good TEA from SO to 90 cis. • . SALERATUS from 6 to 8 cts FLOUR - from $1.37} to $1.50 per $ 'Ana all other goodi in proportion assortment will be kept On Lands strictly for READY PAY, at least per cent less tha.i can be sold Merchant that buys Goods at the p.r ces in New York. - - - Should any one from a distance e store and not find the goods as repro will pay theta for their time and ea' so doing. should I-be et the Store, shall endeavor to heat alLtimes. In taking leave of my Ord custom rs for the last year, I would say that I am the Maul for the liberal patronage and prompt Indy, that hare received from most of. them. I And as this is a year that.every true man should be . enlisted; for the welfare of those Who hare made such great snerifices for the good of their country ; 1 will until sour present war is Closed. try and dial ~for the profit Au l d good of my country. Yours truly, . C. 11,1 SIMMQNS, • at the Sl.ll3lQN.S'lddlock, Oswayo Village. , January Bth. I'VHE BEST OF FLOUR kept eons antly on IL hand at the , Post. Office Store. nitowN.SUGAII; for 10 'cents p-r pound U_D and County orders taken at 85 cents on the dollar atrthe Post -Office Store. Jan. S. $25 1E RI 01.011.11ENT: $75 AGENTS WANTED. We tviil pay from $25 to 575 per month, and all expenses; active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. ...Address &SWING MACIIINE COIIi•ANY, R.IJAMES, General Agent, ldilan. Ohio, au2lly Tin. JAYNE'S FAMILY 'MEDICINES for sale at :- • STEBBINS f, - ';Z•Sobscribe for the JOITRNA sin. and i e L lifted ME WM. F. BURT; IMEEE =I rith a very , which 1 . 7 TH S.T CI ALL MY AND! \ G rr IR AEU, OR . - 1) DOL bat I ‘vil PRINTS worth -in cts., nose A large and sold 25 to 50 I ny other sent pri- 1.1 at my rented, I enses in Which A DVERTISE in th 6 Jour- Only paper in the county. A T .!OLAISTED •fc ,KELLY'S SSTORE. can always be found the best of Cooking, Box and. Parlor STOVES. Als'p. TIN and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, E'ETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCII. BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PASS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agricultural Implements" . soh as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG POWERS, Eze. ' THEIR WORK is 7.e11 Made and the material good. Good and sitbStantial EAVES-TROTGIIS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. 'Reath-Pay of alOrinds, including, Cash, seldom refused. . . • Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court Oonse, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1E59.-50 "MANHOOD. floNv LOST, 110 W RESTORED. Just published, in a scaled envelope ON THE NAT unE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CCRE oi'SrsituAvouance.i, or SeminSl Weakness,Sex.- pal bebility, 'Nervousness and involuntary emissions, producing hnuoteney,Consumption and Mental and Physical debility. nY ROIT. J. CCL VET! WELL, H. D., The important fact that the awful conse quendes of self-abuse may be effectually cured with Out internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustics, instruments, medica ted bougies, and other empirical devises, is., here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely, new and highly successful treatment, as adop ted by the celebrated author fully explained. , by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possi ble cost,' thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. ' Sent. under seal, in a plain envelope,to any a4drOss, post paid : on the receipt of two piost age stamps, by addressing Dr. CIL J. C. KLINE; 12T Docrery. New . York. P. 0. box 4,586. (461 ' 1 ParlISZ ' 3 rlj . /1/1 1 . C_;, C.% VIIIiI3 undersigned Ix ould respectfully inform It. the eurrounding community that ho ha: th.kmi the rooms formerly occupied by John ....Nl4nn, .:there he is prepared to do All kinds of Harness Work on the sliortost notice. • ILONG STRAW COLL fIRS, also kept constirttly . on hand. These callers are ai superior article, and need.but &trial to 'insure their success. - Lepatrutg done in rood stifle. J Sttreingles, Martingale-rings Ilamee, wad lionnt-streps, cionsuttAly on hand. Tlie,publie are invited to call old examine, hefot r .e,purchasing elsewhere. S. P.IIiNAR. Cd,:dersport Oct. 16th, 1860. ATIONAL RANIILY NEWSPAPER TEE HOME JOURNAL FOR 1862 !.‘101:RIS AND 'WILLIS, EDITORS. A new series of this universally popular fami y newspaper will be commenced on the four h 'dar• ofJanuaily next,—printed, as' here tofotic:on the finest of paper and with thebest • Of type. Fitt:7l,les the incessant labors of the editors On the varioni departments of the paper, the beadtifut story. by an American' Wife, called -1 CIMISTINE, • I hi h has never been equalled by any similar' publication, and the I LOOKING -U` AT THE WATt, willibe continued in the volume for 1562. In this series of sketches Mr. Willis will continue to give such better studied and more deliber-i ate views of the 'great movements as are im possible to the haste of writers for the daily; papers includinq', of epurse.'sketehes of the, Prominent men, and descriptions of the most' stirring scenes at the seat of war. number' of other Attractive and Racy features will be introduced, among these it; new!work, Edward S. Gould, Esq., entitled JOHN DOE AND RICHARD ROE; I Or, Episodes. of City LI:lc. thi. work be Mr. Gould wilt be carried to the full :prppbrtion of a modern novel, and will. therefore. occupy our columns continuously for it least six months. Also an original novel, entitled WHO IS TUE HEIR? j By Barry Gray. 1 The opening scenes of this brilliant story are: Said on the coast of New England, and amidst 1 the breezy hills of old Berkshire. As the nar ratie progresses the scene changes to a sou , thorn city, and finally is transferred to New York. The plot turns upon a point of inheri !tanee, and the interest of the story commences with the first chapter, nor ceases until the end is attained. The time in which the events, occur covers the past twenty years and many ; of the cliaracters introduced are drawn from life.l •AlSo, a new and benutfiul ROMANCE OF TO-DAY. • Its Olivec , Bunce, author Of "Life Before HIM," etc. An Anier -1 icanl tale delineating various phases of rural and town life ; turning mainly upon some hi, Omit° undepicted relations between loVe and Igenins,, woman and ambition: It presents a three-fold picture of the smz—the woman of the World. of genius ; and of love—and con trasts with these the subtlety as well as the : power and aspirations of man. And . j SOCIETY CORRESPONDENCt ; or letters from the leaders of our fashionable! circles in New York and the other capitals,-by 1 W - hieh our readers will be unmibtakably kept) informed of the changes and progresS of what is I commonly understood by the "gay world" i)Ortipa of our fellow-beings. about whom ; : there is no denying, we all feel a moderately I news-loving, curiosity. As we have taken some -pains to arrange the resources for OW new, feature, we Premonish our readers of its'; agreeableness with a considerably confident. satisthetion -1; All the former peculiar features of the pa-1 per !which have given it a world-wide reputa Lion; will be continued, while severalmewories, , will! add:a most spicy variety to its alfeadyii diversified pages. TERMS.—Por one copy. $2; for three cop-,, ies. iss -or one copy for three years, $5; for; r:clitli of seven copies, $10; for a club of lif-' 1 , teert l copies, $2O ; and_at that rate for a larger club—always in advance. I Address MORRIS Alig, WILLIS ' Editors and Proprietors, I Fulton Street, New York.l 107 1' ,4 600 13S. of WOOL wanted immediately ,L at STEBBINS' 'VIEW arrival of Goods every week at I._ll STEBBINS 1 '4 PIII.C.E-;CURRENT. -'.. • Corrected every Weilnesday by P. A. STEB; ,BIN. ,s; •CO., Whodesalo . and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, 1 OppositeD.Y. Glasstnire's Hotel„ i : Coudeisport, Pa. . • • I. 4pples, men; 11 bush:, , $ 3 7 / 4 o 621 do, :- •dried; • ',, I . 100 - 24307 Beans, ' " . 100 1 501 Beeswax, `. - cl Ib;• • • - . 20 25 Beef, (1 1 4 - - 6 Berries; dried, %,1 quFt ' 6 124 4 BUCktqleat, 1p bush:,( • 371:. 44 Butter, T.l lb., I • 12 15 Cheese, : " 1 . - 7, • leo ~ Corn, -- t? bush., I• 75 881 . . Corn Meal, per cwt., • 1 50 .i 2 00 i Bags, litl this , ' • . 10 I Plour, extra, • 1 bbl. ; . • 660 7 oa. do superfine is 50 600 ITams, ye Th., t i - "" "" . , 121 15 1 Hay. ? ion. i 550 6 051 Honey, per 1b.," 1 I , 10 124 Lard, .• ' " ' '1 . 10 12' Maple Sfizar, per 1 , -1 n I 8 • l2 Oats, - ,tl bush., • 25 : 30• Onions. " , 50 ' 75 Pork, ? bbl., , ' 1 • 21 00 23 00 do 1-1 lb.. 1 1 10 , 13 I do in whole bog.: 79 Tb.,l , 6 7/ PotatoeS, per bush., Peachei:dried,,Vlb, Poultry; 1-) lb., i Rye, per bush., Salt, "13: bbl., do 're.. sack. '. Trout, per bbl., Wheat, q 3 White Fish, bblj ti h C. IVARRINER, Jeweller and Watehmker,; OCATED on Main St., opposite the Court IL/ House, Coudersport, Pa. . Clocks, Watches, Sr.c.,. Repaired on short. notice: and warranted to give satisfaction. • I : • , M.A. good assortment of . •, , • CLOCKS, .; . l• • . WATIJITES, and i JEWELItt • 1 on hand. Cheap for CASH and warranted as represented. As ahlevert exchange is: no rob bery I As - ill give yon'tisne for * Money. ' . h l . Coudersport, Ded. 16, I'6l • I NEW NATIONAL LOAN. j Seven and Thiee-'i'entbs P.lr.CtJ TRIiAS6tY NOTES, Now ready for.delivory at ;the ofiice of" - • JAY COOKS & C 0.,. Bankers, .1 • .1 No. 114 South Third Street. Philadelphia._l IaURSUANT to instructions from the Sec:e -1 tar_; of the Trcaiury, the Subieriptio l n ! book to art, NE VV:N'ATIONAL LOAN tif TreaS lury Notes, bearinglinterest at the rate Of sevrt and three-tenths per cent. per annum; will re l main : open at my • oticc,, No. 11,4 S. Third Street; until further) notice, from 8 .1: 31. 5 P. 3L,. and on Mondays till 9 P. IL These notes wall be of the denominatibh of FIFTY DOLLARS,I ONE BUNDIZED DOll.-1 LARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONF,I THOUSAND • DOLLIARS, .and FIVE THOU-' SAND DOLLARS,:tin& are alt dated 19th of August, Ir6l, payable in gold, in three years. ur convertible into) t wenty years' six per; cent, loan, at the option of the holder. Euehl TreasUry Note has .interest coupons attached. which can " " *.ed in gold at the Mint.ev one ,:cut Pe Payment Gold or Gh REM PARTIES AT A DISTANCX can remit by their friends, through the mail, or by express, e l :fr. through Banks, and, the'TreaSury Notes will be- immediately - deliyared, or sent to each sub scriber as they may severally direct. Parties ieinitting'initst ailt4he intereiq froin the ltlth of Auzustd the date of all the the not:es, to the day the tenlittance teaches Phil adelpnia, at the rate of ofie cent per day on each fifty dollars. Api , ly to or caltlieSs , COOKE, Subscription Agcni, • Care of Jay Cooke & Co.. Bankers, No. 114 South. Third. Street: Philadelphia UNION HOTEL, „L . COUDERSPORT, PO TTER ; COUNTY; A. S. AkiIISTRONCI 13, - AST,NG refitt4and newly furnished the 1.1 house on Main street, recently occupied by R. Rice, is prepared to. atcommodate the traveling public in as good style as can be bad iu town. Nothing, i i,l4t can in any way in crease the comforts of;the guests will be ne glected. Dec. 11,1861 SPECIALS NOTICE . To Co#somplives. Tlit Advertiser haFing been restored to health in a very f . lv weeks by a very sim ple remedy afterhaying suffered several years with a severe lung 'affZ:ction, and that dread disease, Consumptioni—is anxious to make known to his fellOw !sufferers the means iot cure. To all who.desiie it, be will seed it copy of tbe.prescription tisell, (free of charge,)Nvith the direction for prepa4iurs tend using the same, which they will find a ‘.:tire cure for Consurnp tion, asthma, Bronchiias, d:e.: The only ob ject of the subscriber i3t sending the Piescrip tiouis to beuefit the allticted,arid spread infor-1 'nation which. he conc..tives to be invaluable, and he hopes every, sufferer Will try big reme dy, as it will cost- t 1 ens nothing and niay prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please I addneis Rey. EDWARD d. WILSON, Williamsburg, King, County, New Fork. 3 ml WANTED.. • A SlTOEllifitql., (2ne whO is a good hand AL and competent to do all kinds of work in a workmanlike Mani:ter: None other need apply ? . ; J.DANHO Dec.2s Opposite Glassmire's Vote]. - - ' lIIEC.HANId.S' NOTICE. WE the lin dersigne4 in consideratinn or the Vir scarcity of Money have resolied that we will work. for Read y -Pas only on and after the first day of January, 1862 i Z. J. THOMPSON, G. C. MANLEY, EZ. STARKTr - ETOR, C. P. .MANNING, IT. SNATII, t OFIN - RECKHOW, OAS. RELSSM.-17.`C, '. P. 31INAR, . • • w. £. IELLY. Sold ! P.A. EMI 25 37} 231 54, 7. I 63 75 ' 275.350 1 151 74 1 #2 450 1 500; 100 12f 4 50 '5 00 That h.is b Their ne DR ~ 1 at the rate s be made in Philadelphia LO than in Their a is veul co I CM Peksous will dti desi it to rtg4.all sited 6 c: their pri. .ir of 111 an TEES rnier °Pk° HE Corp (7iot the NSY ga'. IVI. BBINS & Co received and opened = MEI T Lin BEST STOOK DE OF oDs !El ,ught to thititailietihe pt.*. l ent season; kat j Q~ S COM J prises the very st Styles rEI i l rchaeed at tke ST CASH ATE S, e. offer them at . and i r Riertritt I , L `1 , • ds tab. ba had at an other.. I onse in tont:, CM ck o MISTICS EMI !, and as they la'old them ex lusirely for -PAY, e 'undersold. nnot g a good articleat low price ve them a caW • ensto exam ers are especially in. e their stock, and gee BINS' Store, D. F r . GL.ASSDIER,E'S _ HOTEL. 32 JONES'COLUMN NEW GOODS SOMETHING ELSE NE`! ! ' $ i 1 TltHberm si their air , OLD STAND ON SAIN STREET', COUDERSPORT, . • Offer to their tkia customers and the puhlte generally for Cash, trate& States Treasiwy _ • • -. Notes (which by the tray att taken at Poir,) Whkt; Corn, Oats, t uckwheati thatter,Chwille, tildes, Pelts, Deer Skins, and all other kirtils Skins, such as Calf Skins, &c., Begun, Ilea's; Venison, and some other things that tan't . be thought of, A LARGE AND WELLSHLECID ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, DEADYMADE GROCERIES, Hats & Caps, HardCaO, DRUGS V. MEDICINES, Paints, 'Oils, aild Dye Stuff , Together with some of the best • KEROSENE OIL, - . Far superior to the Oil Creek or Tidiou LAMPS LAMP FIXINGS, Also a few mO% Of thOse Superior CANDOR PLOWS, SLEIGH SH GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, INK, PAPER, ENVELO And other kinds of . • WALL PAPER, WINDOW CURTAINS And other articles which time dm! for bids us to mention, all of which will be sold as low as the WAR PRICES wiir allow—for strictly . 'READY-PAYLI -And for those articles Ire take, this high , . est market price will be We are also General nts for .. DR. D. JAYNES,F . Medicines, DR. 4ER' Medicines, ERANDRETH'S KENNEDY'S MediCal Discovery, And all the standard Medicines of the day CALL AND SEE! C. S. & E. A. JONES. ME N. - B. The payfosr.tbei Goods most been hand when the Goods are , delivered, &swearer determined to live to the motto of "Pay a* • Yon Go." Just one thing tore. The Judgruents,notes and book-accounts , which we hate on bend - must be settled. end closed up immediately or we fear they will be increased faster than the usual rate trf interest. , Dec 11 US I= AND El ' I IN , OE 111 BOOTS & 3HOth, PROVISiO Iron, N OIL Ity, POCKET CUTLE E2l E2l N, STATION