The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 27, 1861, Image 3
MIIII!MME1= NZ T at:pi:4v Bit couNIT - Jounsf . -ri m thenn!y,paper iititilishell in Potter Coiin,*. circuletes.aniont-.aopteliAgeit ehies'et-pecp. pie, and inittittlieteelleut•ttietliunilferboitti city and,Ctl dtt t mvertistok: : , ,-- , ,:; , .- ',:. Trislisitinfkdrei tii.ltsWiietu a distance must be C responsi bl e - re Terence. -, ~, :- All coinnitttikat v.e_.:atieatloti, must be -dice4iti ' mid: dititeitt the D ement the * iiiqn Oatt ,, t , o anonymoui anti:it TERIIS.—One copy r oneeaf, $1; Six copl'o $5 ; Twelve copies, $l6 ; Twenty .opies, $lB, ith one tc the'person raising the Club. The .. °B ey must accompany the names. 1 soirSee new advertivements. ge.,New Goods' at Stebbins' every week. serW.u. Beaver, butcher, advertizes food for the hungry. Does hesitiess on ;the right principle, Cosh. • ggi,Tliose who bave promised to bring is WOOD on subscription, will oblige us eery much by attendingito it an early day: jar Those Avhoi have friends in the ar• try and, wish them l i to see any matter of in terest published is the TocaNar„ had better rut out the article and send it in an envelope, •s nee hear that they do not get papers 43 . ent them. vir Again we say; have you tried 1). il l DeLand Et Co.' Chemical Saleratus t If sot, get a paper at once and befistonisi4d at its happy results. It is for saie by all.rellablo wholesale and retail dealers and at wholesale by the manufacturers, at ,Fairport; IfOrtroe Co., N. Y. tfirWe learn from a *rate letter that Manx L. Fasatu, of this place, has been ap pointed Adjutant in the Ist Pennsylvaninße giment of Reserve Cavalry, McClis division. This is gratifying to his friends and cobpli mentary to "little Coudersport:" , We! give him our 1113„. and wish him much success in. this doubtless well-deserv,ed promotion'', and may be, long live to fight - unner the old ':Stars and Stripes.'! VIP - DEED : In the Hospital near Camp Pierpont, in the vicinity of the Chain Bridge. on. Wednesday the 13th init., of ConsuMpt ion, D. W. ST/LES, of Capt. Darr's Ccinipany, in- Campbell's Artillery. Mr. Stiles is front the Oswayo In this county; and was one 'of the first, when war •was declared, to 6110111110' hie muskPt and march to the, detmce of his l coon try. We learn from je a citizen of this !place who was in Camp at the time of that he was mucli'r respected as a soldier and friend by his comrades in arms. swir John 0. Frenioat could :spend $5,000,000 in three months in the cap,i'uity ui a General with 8000 troops, lioW'muclifwaulcl ho have spent among 100.000 RepubliCans iu four years. had he been, elected' President in 1956 ?—Lewisburg Argun. If James Buehanan had not proved a traitor and delivered over to his SOutlern brethren all the munitions of war .possible, how many lives and how much treasure - would have been saved which is spent In pay, for his imbecility ? And, Were not the people "slightly fooled" when thee elected the Old Public Functionary -in place of the true and-gallant Fur:mu:yr? arThe Rev. J. C. Fletcher gave us a brilliant lecture on the religion, customs and people of Brazil. Seldom have we relished snything more thad the picture he laid before his audience of that exuberant gardeb of the tropics laden with its strange variety of fruits mud ;flowers, teem ng with perpetual harvest for the hand of man. Surely that country must be tne garden of the world, and if its people had the enterprise which moves this Yankee nation; imagination could not set bound to the results they would prcduce there. As relevant to this comparison the Rev. gen tleman stated that the best -Remedies employ ed there for the diseases to which they are 4ubject, are invented and supplied to them by bur well known countryman, Dr. 'T.' C. Ayer of Lowell, Mass., and that not the peojile only, but the priesthood and the court of the Em peror down, have constant recourse sick ness to the widely celebrated American Chem ht.--Ledger, , Boston. IarPENNSYLVANIA MOLASBO.—The Chester county Phoenix - says that the Chinese Sugar Cane has 'been successfully cillttrated this year by-many farriers in the western part Of Chester county. z . The crop is quite abun dant and a Mr. Own, near Cochranville, has a mill that I s running day and night in the manufacture of molasses by steam ;power.— The apprehension that sugar would be dear induced the farmers to go extensively into the cultivation of the Sorghum. - The same paper is also informed in Upper Oxford township, Chester county, a mill has been erected for the manufacture of Sorghum molasses, which is now grinding sufficient cane to niake from aeventy-five to one hundred gallons per day. Ths charge for grinding the cane and making it are, under fifty gallons, fifteen (cents per gallon; for fifty gallons or over, twelve and a half cents per gallon. Thus it appears that molasses may in time become-one of the sta ple products of the Keystone, State. Would it not be well for our, farmers to poi particu lar attention to the fact of its being possible. to raise their own molasses and - perhaps have some for market where the ground liappens to be adapted to its culture. Since! secession has taken such a et - r - ong hold upon ianr friends ht the South, who have been in the habit of supplying us with this necessity, it , might be well for those North to act upon this fectand hereafter be even more independent than for , rawly. Let the people of Potter try this the next year, and see whether this clittutufavoo. ite culture.. i OCR: PitFAMIT The , Ainericat peonle with ttll ;their pre tended-, &ire for ; Change , and, ;for attainitig something tetter than that 7 fMind n the pre sent; iiieye l tslevr to'grasp andaiti inva riably opposed!to anythiag - that - thitatens to set-aside old-time customs; Other countries which are older and colirit. the governmen.s by centuries, lute iotile,rasot' for a dislike of change. their lan; aild'ustoms have been Weighed id die experi ence;. butrvd . liiiveilpt: lived long enough to know' fro ifital What causes :should be thrown in o the scal e , and thereepth should illing to act upOh. anithing that be more eforiu. -The . United States is not its 'childhood, the natural printi eople have not yet been harnibn : . ps under the same roof and feeds ante hand systems entirely nn'tago h one, hand it raises freedom's fing, .her binds the chains of slavery. pie, at the ,present time, do,not ap= ye a full, appreciation of the trou- [treatises yet out of ples of its ized, it ke with the s nistic, wit with the o The, peo l pear to hot bles whin feel that have come upon them, do not !they who are fighting against the country are any more than . mere; party ene mies, and iseem to think that as we hava lived upwards of eighty years and have. .conquer4ll past trpubles., so now it is but an angry cloud that is darkening our sky. which a few short hours mascatter and leave us but another , 1 pledge of our strength and greatness. This is a inistake which must be corrected, and the sooner th ' better for the good' tribe country. We must! act towards : our southern, enemies as we vv4ld toward.a foreign foe. We must use every possible means for the speedy end lag of t e war. .Whenever or wherever we , can Weft en their power we must do so. If slavery i - to them a source of pecuniary_ and physical. id, wipe it out : and, if our Congress needs a tirnuiant for this work, the people should g ye it in the shatie of well-filled peti tions. I slavery is the cause of our troubles —as a majority of the people in the North think it is—the surest way to free us from the effect is to remove the cause. By some, this may be.ailed bigoted-fauatical-abolitionism, i ii I that in t e troubles of the country cares more, Tor the f lfilltnent of its one idea than for the 1 people's good ; - but, different persons may i have di erent opinions and both be honest—' and we believe there are a majority of the' people il tlid North to-day in favor of freeing, the slaves of every Rebel, and , who, honesily, I believe hat in so doing ibey not only do what. the con l try should have done years auo, but what is particularly best suited es at the pr sent it time to cripple the last expiring energies of the iishi l tnern Rebellion. We hope this ideri will b • chide eeneral tin the for th of petitions) therm g iout , the. whole North, :Ual that When 'ls meets, as it will in it few days, it will id before ii Cie desire Oran free4lll l er; irtg,, "make loose the bonds of the slave the oppressed go free." Last year tbiS night Lot have been pstlitie. swat would rused useless ~gitatiort and effected uO ither for 'the white - man or for the slave, hen the Sonthis in arms .for the per. iti of this blighting, .system, the free the nation are under no obligation o keep or help perpetuating it, but b' laWs of war and of -self-defense would 1 and right in abolishing, the whole syS I .le ''ollowing was the opinion of John Adams, given on the floor of ConiresS: y this down as the law ;of nations. 'I • military authority takei., tbr the time. free of all municipal institutions, slaVery the rest. Under that state of things. i'rorn its being true that the States where iy exists have the exclusive management i l subject not only the President of the -States. hut the Commander of the Army twer to order the universal emancipation' slaves." In the instant that your Slave-holding become the th etre of war. civil servile,, ign, from that instant, the war powers I ,gress extend to interference with the stiou of slavery, in every way in. which ibe interfered with—from a claim of in tty fin. slaves taken or destroyed; to. the in of the State burdened with slavery to ign power." , :civil war c ome,-if insurrection cotrie,!is` )esieged Government to; see Millions !of 'suojects in arms, and have ho right to the, fetters Which they are forging into : Is? No I The War Power of the Griv-, ;at Liao ,*eep this Institution into the I Congre have In zzal argil let c oirt Ilave t'il Q' od e. l l Now, ICES pact oil either all the be jus t tn. MI sat th i the pl I moo : i so far Slave ' of the Unite. has p( of the "Fr State: or for. of Co institt it can demi cessio a fore all. this of its' break savor , ern m Gulf. :TERSON'S MAGAZINE.—W are in it of this popular Lady's Magazine for nber. It: is a splended number. The page for 1861 is the handsomest we ei•er "Peterson" will be greatly improved in It will contain 1000 pages of double un reading matter ; 14 steel plater ; 12 led steel fashion plates; 12 colored pat in Berlin work, embroidery,,or crochet, 800 Wood engravings—prOportionably T . than any other periodical gives. , Its ies and nowelets are by the best writers. 862, Four Original Copyright Notelets' be given. Its Fashions are always ; the st and Prettiest 1 Every neighborhOod it to make up a club. Its price is abut DOLLARS a year, or a dollar less than ,azines of its class. , It is the Magazine for Times I To clubs, it is cheaper still, 'viz; Free copies for $5, five for .$7,50, or, eight 10. •To every person getting up a club, Publisher will send an extra copy gristis, 4[ „ premium. Specimens' sent (if written I to those wishing to get up clubs,, ,Address, .paid, Citatturs J. PE:masox, 300beitnut et, Philadelphia. . , I , I recei 1)7,e title saw. 2862 colu Colo, tern and mor• as for The CleFelaud I Leader iays; the nulls are flooded with ciiculars appealing for doributions to the "U. S. IlumanetSociety,7 wh ch professes to act by consent of the Gov ernment, and under US authority, in obtairting futidtr the army ambulances and, hospitil I. The modest sum of only thirty tbOusand dollars is require d, and subscrip . tions from a dime and upwards are soliCited. It is needless to say that the whole thing is r a humbug,,and a gross attempt to swindle. the pa riotic Iiertfr.,,ATPOINTED. , 4-..Hiuton Row n }f i elper, t 4 author of the grapendeng Crisis,' has been 'appointed Consulitii.BneiloS.Ay'regy arad, , Will leave 'ln a few 'days:for his post of - Thii,annouticenient:so seemingly important is yo• fraught tviltl., somettiirig of more.sital•iiitere;t the l'iliate , 4l44uthig , of some men to a Consulate: it is lint a few sho4ears k i - ga that men holding the views On kational suUJrcts that does, were licit' iinljr unfit fur ittly unite ; but *ere ephiideltd amenable to the late as preltelltrs Of treason, 'tho feeling against them , Was a1M0,..1,:as bitter as against the- supposed witches oridassachu.„ setts. Anil to-day we consider Itan evidence ' of a more healthY and liberal' state of feeling in the whole country when a Chief Mngistrate appoints, and with few dissenting vgices, one of the first advocate 3 of the principles , that a few years ago cous.gned Lovejoy to his grave' and the waters of the Ohio. i fiiit such are the steps that Liberty is taking; and such the jand•marks she so proudly ) plants along .her path. 4 The' days of witch hernial; and the days when the anti-slavery men of the country could not open their months for fear of the hemp, are past never more to return. VIP - • I rm... The following, ore, the lists of Jci; , rors ttrown for the December Term of Court GRAND JURORS : Allegany—Chas Coats : G B Monroe ' Birightm—Dant Hand C Lewis Couderspart—A Armstrong • Clara—J D Storeyson, A'Cole Genesee-4 Kilian Harrison I N Stone,• A Hawks, II Harriers, C Phillips \ Homer—G',Scoville, J Quimby 'Hebron—Clark Ingram JacksOn—A Baker ()swig o—W S Lockwood, G W Tyler Pike--R S Phoenix Plea ant Vailey—D P Roberts, Roulet—, Patrick Carey Sharunl—P D Dodrick I Ulysses—W Flynn, Jobe Gee • • TRAVERSE Jußons : .-. • Abbott—D Conway, A Ton, C Kendall. • Allegany-0 P Chamberlin Bingham —G S Brown,A Price ' 1 -- CoudersportW Dwight Genesee—V Johnson. D W Atherton, J Hill Harrison—lsrael Dodge IL Hurlbut. I Rob in Son; J Burtis, S B Goodsell. Hector--C Atwood, D Kilborne,S C Nichols, J Sullivan Hebron—W Chandler, D-Clark, S. Grenmain, I) ihatelier, H. B. Harris, I , Prigit. Oswiivo—l Pierce, L D Estes • ROlet—W McDougall, D Smith . , ! Sharon-W L Starkweather; 1... F. Carnes, 0 C Warner ' ' ! • Ulysses—lf Manning, C H Cashing, , J !TV Freeman ' 1 Wharton—Seth Briggs, Jr. , 1 ! . • PRICE. CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday by P. A. STEH, ' BINS ,t; CO., Wholesale and Retail ' ' I),atlers in Groceries and Provisions, opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel; , • Coudersport, Pa. ; Apples, green, l a bud, . $ 37i to p 2,1 do ' dried, " ••1 00 2 001 Beans. it 100 150! Beeswax, v lb., 20 In Beef • at . 4 . 1 5; Berries, dried, 11 quart 6 •illi Buckwheat, eil bush., 371 1 • 44; Butter, 11 lb., 12 14; Cheese, "' . -7 10; ' Corn,'? bush., 75 ; 88 I Corn Meal, percwt., . •. 1 50 1 2 ,0' 0 Eggs; II doz , • a ;10: Flour, extra, 14 bid.; 650 7 (i,o• do .superfine " , ~ 550 6LOO HaiuS, /1 lb., - . / 12/ :15: 5 5 / 0 (LOU 6. flay, ...V ton, -• Honey, per lb., 10 112 . 4 Lard; " • ' 110 '112: Maple Sugar, per lb., ' . 8 . ; 112, 0.tt5, 7 6.1 bush., 25' ' ; 'BO Onions, "SO 75' . I Pork, "t 1 bbi., 21 OCr 23;00 do: e;tl lb., , ; lO 113 do! in whole hog. 12 lb., ir 6; '74- Potatoes, per bush, 25 .37/ Pgaches, dried, '}7lh4 i 25, Poultry. l "/R lb., 1 ;1 - ; ' 5 63 7: ;75 Rye, Rler bush., ' ' :, l • 1 Salt,;ll bbl.,--';' , ' ; 275 3 50' . do' V sack, ' . , 120: Trout, per ilp 1:,, • - . 4 50' 5 00, Wheat. '''/O bdih.., ; . IOT L 12i White Fish, 76/1 i bbl., ' 450 500 $252 ENIPLOYM ENT AGENTS WANTED.' We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Adfires ERIE SriVING Micutxn' Cosn'asr, R. JAMES, General Agent, Milan ; Ohio, an2py SPECIAL NOTICE To -Consumptives. , Tug Advertiser, having been restored to health in a very few Weeks by a ye:li sim ple remedy after havtng suffered several lyears witlka severe lung affection, and that firead disease, Consumption—is anxious to.make known to, his fellow sufferers the means `of cure. To alt who desire it, he will send A copy of the prescription used, tfree of chargej)witlt the' irection for preparing and using thelisame, which they will,find a sure cure fc.? Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitas, The only ob ject of the subscriber in sending the Prescrip tion is to benefit,the afliicted,and spreadi infer rnation which he conceives - to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hill eerie dy, as it will cost them nothing awl may prove a blessing. • Parties wishing fly .escription'will please ...miles wishing. the pr_ address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON„ Williatosbut, Mugs County, New York 3m] MEAT ! MEAT ! .!' MEAT.! Win. Beaver, Butcher fIAN still be found at the old standl 2 on cond Street, where all kinds of FRESH MEAT, of the best quality can be had. Such as SALT and FRESH PORN, COILXER B.E.EF;, And ail kinds of sAtzAdEs He invites all the eitisens,of Coudersport to give him a trial... • „ ) ge)..tdeat will be sold at the lowest prises. Itig,,,CASLI roust he paid for all meat pur- . chased.. "Small profits , and quick salas r ls his motto. Nov. 25, 1,861, N MV orrivaf of Good* every. week • • ETES:Ms, • , .1 - • HErig As Ina' , Italiere•G. White 4 1 reSident Judge, and_rhet: Jones Colvin; Associate Judges of theOourts of Oyer Terminer ,and - General o`ail Delivtry, ',Quarter Se4ious - Jlia . ',..Deitee; Orphans' Court and; Good, of..qpralgeri, ror tbe Rounty of.Potter i . hay?. flick Bearing date sityntli ,d#Y . anuary, in the One Ahctt sand eight hundred :end Sixty-iire j and ' i to the ireeted ! fek hailing n Cqurt.of Oyerntid Term iner•atid General. Jaii:Oeliv,eryl Quieter . Set- Isions ofthe peace,Orpharis',Court - ond:Couri lof Common Pleas, to the, Burciugii' et,Crintler-, rspoirt, on DIONDAy - ; the of Det.- !ueit, and to coutifine one rvec: Notice is therefore hereby gifren to the bor. JUstices of the Peace and Con Stables within the county, that they bci then and there in their proper persons, itt 10 e'thick M. of said day, with their roils, rdcords,. ingoisi examinationS, and remembra flees, to:dii those things; which to . their: Oflie l es - itp- 1 pertain to be done. And -those Whp . are)round by their recognizances to prosec ute the prisoners that are or:, shaiibeitathejall of said - county oaf . Potter,. are to I,ie then and there to . prosecute Against them as pill be j ust. Dated, at COUDERSPORT; . Nll%*. 12, 1861, and the 84th yeat: of the tadeptudente of the'United States of Americo. WM. F. BURT. Sli'Friff. It%!gistier's NOlice. 10", OTICE is hereby givengthat. the follow inspetiounts [lave been e'itu»ined and passed by me. and remain Tiled in the •E'im4- thonotary's Once of Pottei county, Ifor the inspection of theirs, le,tatees; creditors, and all others in any way interested ; be Presented to•the next Orphiin's Courts t ‘ said county, at the Court HousMin' the Borbugh of Coudersport, on TuesdayO the 20th I] day of Dec., A. ror cont4in4tion and allow ance • • IZ ; ii Partial account ofated ac i d Win. 3letz;er Adminiotratorstof the estate of X. Schoorwrker, deed, lute of (lotiderspo4 • .Pinal 'account of Lavinalcarlln and Francis Strang. adinrS-of the estate of Samue Carlin, dec'd, late of elector townibip. . DAN BAKER, Register. .. Coudersport,'Dec. 23, 1461. - . • • .. . . • Divorce . IV oticte; , - 1 WILLIAM 11. CRONK,' Libel in Dnoree. -._ ' vs.. ' • ~Nci..l•27,June Term, SARAH JANV CRONIt 0361. 1* • * TO Sarni* Jane Crorik.l Respondent above named : SUbpeepa nnd Wilts subpoena, in nbove entitled cause have been issued and returned .Niliii. you ntre hereby required to aimenr on Monday of; the nextiternt of oar said Court, (4th Monday in Dec..neio) to nnswiti l itliis said complaint.', . W. F. BURT,Shff of Pdtter Co. Nov. 14, 1861. . f . - - - i - vOTICE is hereby gi ve,ii to all whom it may 111 concern that. nitrification by Petition will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth, for the PARDON of Hen+ Ervay, nelw a con vict in the Eastern Penirpniiitry nt rhiladel phis, immediately after Dscember COurt,lB6l. • , I' .• - i SALLY ertv: Y. Nov. 16, 1861.' 1 . NOTWE; Ts hereby . giien, to all those 'indebted to I...,ot.mstEn & Kntax; either by note or book account, to call and maicesetiferneht .I,efore. the first day of danuar,i•next, and thereby sate costs. H .J. CL.tfSTPD, S. p. KELLYJ Coudersport, Noy. 5. Ip6l. , Notice: to the IFOinilies of Vol. untee'rs. d , • TiEIEQ.NI [ COUNTY Cism:cr.:lp having made arrangement for securing a loan at the next December Tenn of Court, the Board of Relief wid contieite to issue orders in all such cases as shall seem 'equitable and proper.. !The next meeting of themud will be on Tuesday, the lath I day of December next. That justice untYlbe done t all parties the Board require' thUt ail all''appli ations for Relief shall be ; made in Jirititig,, aLiting, that the applicant has valunicered in the s. ryice of the United .states, unildr the orders of the, Governor.of this eorinniinivealth, also stating the exact circumstances of the faaiily of. satd Volunteer at the tire ot the appliCation. and to be certified -by an; affo:ivit of soir respon sible citizen acquainted! with alll e facts of the case:,, ! 1 ,It is further .understotd by the .Board that the Relief granted. is on i ylfor present necessi 7 ' ty and that the Volunteer as soar as practi cable will forward fi poilian• of liiA wages for the use of his f.tnilY. , By order of tticl Board of Relief: , • . L. - 11.... i 'COLE, Coin's CBE. . poiamissioners Office, Nov. 13, 18t31!.•, NEW AURANGEMENT. ~The .indersignell having .1)17" just re.deived ajlar& and well' silCcted sto k ofi OLOORSi WATCHES k JEWELRY; offers them for sale at prices that: will corn-, pare favorably - with those of any city c 4. town within 100 miles. Bv;ery article of iewelry and every style of Watches. and Clocks' usu-p Rlly found,in retail Stties kept constantly on hand, and•warranted • to be as represented. also, Beal's Patent Revolver; kept onj hand. and sold cheup. I ' • • cry Repairing done on sharp notice, in good style and fair , rates, Call and see me at the sign of " Big Watch." ' ' C. 11. WARRINER. Coudersport, Jan. 1. Is6l, . . ~_ , 3tk CORD% of,Woop wanted et ll tne JOURNAL I OfEce,, , imtnellintey, l for which the highest i tarket Price will be paid in SubsCriptians and Advertising. 1 1 . i COUN i t N Y I ; , PIOW AN, D with be foanti hereafter at the sto.e• , , . P. A. STEBBtNS & CO Sar.A large lotjust , reeeiredl I ' Couderspcirt, Marsh 2 A.dmintstratioes itcitkce. 1, V Vv iTHEREAS, letters of• admfmstration 'on the the estate of RUFIJS THOMPSON,deed, 'late of Jackson Tp., Potter have been grantid to the subscriber in duelform of lily, notice is herebv,given to all persons knowing , themselves intiebt4 td said esrate,Aoinlike immediate payment; and thOse havingelaims will present them duly nuthentieated for set tlement. PHIDEIAA rIO3PPSON, D. W. BMTON; tdminiarrs. Pebruary 2s, 186 t ' • - 'Alolnaililstrat,orka Sotice. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of S. S. Wmrs,Jate of Vi'hitesrille,-Alle-: gang county, Y., bilving obeeniZtunted to the undersigned, all Persons !having claims againsesaid estate are req:uested preSent them to hint for liquidation: and all persona owing Said estate are rednested to make int mediate Payment; to him. riOßthE Nov. 20, 1861 - • ' I ifirSobscribe for the JOITANAL.: .-7 . - - - -- -=-Tir dr Og.ayci . .Nilliig.e , 1 Has juit, reeive a cc ~ ..a l ar ge stock'of CIUUD:S of all kinds,uch. , 't / ~, ... i ' ';',;,.„ DRY-GOOIDS 1 3 ' , ROCARIEN ; t - : lIXEDIVARE, QUEESSWAR , , , _. •', ~" 1 i thodP-wEitt, ,, , i ~ -,,.. .. . ~ • ;CgTLEMT; NS, amill is, -;. , • .1, iIidERS; '. - " , MEATS, - I • i . ;._ t4;ovisi t ` Ekuallts, COrFEIS • • • '; TEAS, . • - SPICES,%i - • - ke. set, of every kind, and I ,'for -Wearing, gating, *ink '- ort, Looking at, ,or Stneitling 'Everytbin form, tha :ma ~' ing, Sine SEE highest pridefor Wool, phin huge, part CAS'? if o4UIS . Sr Goad Shlrifales,:il 25 to mare if Wool slkonid advaUe. All Loods as CHEAP, u can be OM MM ME ry. Wil Ca fur Wool ! ' OIITI 17,7',61 ME bought i • 'j - 1 A. T , [ 0.141.1. S 11 1 E 11 . sr KE 1., I;17:'" cz Tent e can i always be foOnd the be!it of Cooing, BOX and Paribill . . S T 1 1 : 0 - VY S . , Atio, TIN add SHET-I - RON.ARE, POTS, KETTLBS. SPIDERS, .. 'SCOTCH BOWLS, FRI - LNG-PANS; SAP-PAgS,I: and CAULD RONS..I4I-so - '. 1- , i' . , A ou:ituial tniiildnienti; T sucha.s. PLO VS; SCRAPER CULTI'n- TORS, .OIIN snELLEits BORST-RAKES, DOGiP WE -", Se. - 1. 1 THEIR WORK. I L irlvell made and the material aid. Good and substantial .EAVE,I-TROUGIiS put up in any part, of he Coinnty—, Tenni easy : Relay Pay of all kiinds, including Caill, seldom refused. On Main Street opposite the 01& 1 Court Rouie, CoudersnOt. ' Aviv. I. 1R.F.9i...n : • '. i MANHOOD. •- .y_ipw LOST, HOW RESTOitED., . . 1.1. j; .rad- 141blisiiiti, in a Pealed envelops: UsiigNATEtris, TI6:A.T.If &VT, 14iD RAPICA ii CFAS o v Se s tileavoeance.4., or Seminal ,WeakneSs,Soi uaf' ,Dekelity,lL Nervoesness and involuntary t Miss:lobs, prbducing imeotency,Donsumption and Aetal arid Physical debility. ; : jaY nMrr.-3, ectvEltvh4; v. r 0.,, The important fact that the awful. 'Conse qttence of self-abusemaY be eflectualFycured withoet internal medicines or the dangerous apnlications bf caustics, instruments, rdica tett bobgies,iand other empirical devises, is here. clearly Idemonstrated, and. the entirely n• W all higfily successful treatment, Lis adop-' ted : by the. celebrated author . fully explained', i by iiieces ol' . Which eveily one, is enabled to cure lemsell perfectly, acid At the leAs!t, possi ble cost,; thereby avoiding :till .the adVertised nostrums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thimands and theusands.'; ,Sent under seal, in a plaib envelop - 0.0 any addre,'.posi paid, on the . receipt of:two post age s trops, by addressing :i . , Dr. ell. '..T. C. KtINE, 127 t owerv. New York. p. 0. box 4 fi"fr,:• NEW , ODDS MI t EBBINS • ILL . BE . SOLD' CHEAP FOR,. IMIN ADY . -PAY. IMIII .post. eitobes. EME , rAltlf.; s lES -, ' for • 'at sal IEI ObtL inoteilinteli STEJWINS' 4104 1111 at IBS. of 1' VER,TISE. FOR P CI-TER BLOOD. MEI • And for . en' 'Pali lkratnlaandSeealnloasAf Setlasieifyillbt as _Vanters : Ulcers : Asses, laraptianksiti Ding:lea, • Pastale,,, .131aitas : and all Skin Disease*: _ ..-- • • - . , Clattann; Ind., eds./Ski, ISM .•:.• .7. e Ann - A Co: 'Gents: Ilia! It trepitliflrtit-iie 7 tti t 'ILINAVIC , I6) ' what your temperate. has Atr . owe i • Daring plaeritedts Scrofulous lufeetion, A rip tudtonad . from it in way. fur years,' . aunt 'lCLStest" ( out in• Mena on mt•hauds and itrutitt finsotiont•in. , t 4 4 . and, turned Inward and distresswEnts attbs. years ago it broke out on rity head and:twat pgs , slid ears with one sore. which was paint's! and, ' •• • beyond description: I tried.snany nrodkints. sew 4 :, pliyalchnti. but without numb rshrtfritip soy 1.141:a' stone. fact, the disorder grew one. At length lima ntkyl to rend lulls.' Goal's'', -Messenger that - yen:had an alterative (Sansaparilled, for I knew Gust your tirputw! Lion that any thing. you made mast b0.w00de,.,/ sent to - Cincinnati and got It, and, used it tilt ittuced gm. I. tusk'. it, as you talyise, In malt doles of a teaspoanfil, . a r non th; and need almost thritO•iwtales. Stlitat . ant*.b :• akin soon began .to form under- the scats, sthlt.4 • , 7 while fell WI. .My akin is now clear .ata4,l *now by gai feelings that th e disease has.gons frOlh WI iiptino: 14144 can well beheYe that I feel what I en saying lan I 11*- yotki 00,1 hold yoi to be one of the atailliloottlissa, and rennin seer gratafittly.' , Touts.. -, • - ' - - Aiitlikt: flitleV - 2 L. Mlthol4os vire -Itesee tit igkrefOillie - Tetter. tend Sate Rkeiim Scam /Audi - Ilitioworm, lore Uyee, bropsy. .. • - Dr. !inhere M. Prebta tether liotn.Tal•lit. Font., ha, that he, has cured gn inteteratte no at, Dropry, which, threatened to ,terminat.• ; 14 , then persevering nee of our Sarsaparilla,' and alas a Malignant .Erysipelar by large dales of tha tram; Oar he euron.tinkeonunon Yyttptigne by It constantly. Bronclicierlt4 Goitre or Swelled Yeats', . • Zehitlon,Slooti of Proppect; Texas, writes: onus, heeP ties of yourlamporilla cured ter from e CoDeit....• bl 4. sous swelling on the neck, stitch had suihreA thee ever two yesirst', ~_ ~ , ",, - , -1 . 4 .-, .. -,, le ... •i . . te u e orrlioen or lith It, e i ti tat itanACIIIII et. Uterine UlteratlAss, FeEttitite Dinettes... • D r. - 3.11. A. Manning, of NSW York CityonCites; "I most cheerfully comply with the request etyma agent ht Paying I have found your Sanest arilli s mat exceDeell alterative - in the,,nnutarutte..eontplattits for Width we emplOy such a remedy, but especial y in Amok Dieeese . of the Scrofulous diathesis: I liars mired ntierAittenoW ate caret of Leticorrbcea by 14. and some WWI*. the mow plaint was caused by Wlceration of the uteri,. Tbswiseri ation itself wag soot cured.. ,Nothing within tiny itsPrir4; edo 'equals Dior these female derangements" - • . Edward S. Narrow, of Newbney, Ala., writes, "A dial germ,' nean'en tumor on one of the females in my Minitel which had defied all the remedies we could employ, bas fi m at lengtlybeen completely cured by your .Ihttraetl taparilla. . Our , physician thought nothiust. . '. lion eould afford relief, but he adyisel the; eil teal lareaparllla us the last . tegoit Mlt'.ttit A to lAA 11l proved effectual. After taklug your remedy eight Weald ,cm symptom of the disease yenialm'i . . . . . Syphilis anti Mercurial' Dille** • New 0111X4NB, 25th August, 111 k Dn. 3. C. Ana: Fir, I Cheerfully comply with the set pest of your agent, and report %you some of the amid I have realized with. your Sarsaparilla. - • I have 'cured with it, in my practice,lnnsi or Llakeetee plaints for which it is recommended, apfl Inn dmnd IN iffects truly wonderful in the ems of ,lreiterealimel•asrs enrich Dierate. One of my pritletti haid-Syphilitle alert* xi his throat, w . bich were,smuuening his palate and the, top of his Month. Acme Sarsaparilla, .steadlly 4akes,„ :rued lain In flee weeks. Another was :attacked t.,* andery. syintitonm hi ,hue nose, and the uleeratiatt eaten away I considerble part of it, so Iheit I Wen UM disorder would soon nisch his brain and kill bier, Buell fielded. to my administration of your Baraaratilln; the Ulcers healed, and be is well again, -not of emirtroldtheuil ' "some disfiguration to Ids face. A woman win.. kid book treated' for the name disorder by trierebryolds tridlerba from this poison in her bones, They bid Worn au eitive to the weather that on a deilinp,day she suffered eat zruciating pain in her joints and bones. She, toe, was :tired entirely by your Sarsaparilla In a few weeks. 2 know from its formula, which your spot game Ine,ffiail this rreparatirin from panr. laboratory must lie r a,oll4 remedy; cousuguently, these truly remarkable eimeitts with it bine not surprised . me. • • • I . r • • , Fraternally yours , G. V. ",ASIIIZR;M: D. Ethetintiatisits, G 6 o_ Liter omplallitte Piptretinelicc, Preston Co., Va., 6th July, 1159. Da. J. C . Assn: Sir, I have been afflicted with a pots., tut chronic Rheumatism fora long time, which baffled the rkill.of phyelcians, and stuck to me in spite of all thet :remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. 'mule cured rue in two weeks, and restored my Win" aealth so much that I am far better- than belr i lwas 'Packed.' I think it it wonderful medicine. Z. IL , • Jtiles Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writesi bulk its licted for year. with an affection If .the • r r wbleh r destroyed my health: I tried every thing, in t ileMmy think felled to relieve me; and I have been a nOinerdowa matt for None years - from no ottmcr cause than derangement the .Giver. Sly beloved pcator, the Rev: Sirs Espy, advise use to try your Sarsaparilla, because he said be knew you, tnd any thing you made was worth trying. By the Wes", ing of pod it has cared tile. ientlime so purl 24 any bleed "es to make ii'new man of rue. I feel yoluse streinu Tl.l bust that can be said of you is not half good snugly/' ' IMMI Selz Irriva,Cancer Tesmorm, ICM4siuttniont; Vlceratinu t Carlos and Earecdttilloaa of the A griut variety of easel hare been report s/ to ni whom, curet , of these formidatle complainta hate resulted front the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit, them. Some of them-may be found in our American, Almanac, which the agents below, named an pleasedlnr +furnish gratis , to all who call for them.. byspepsin,lleart Disease,..Fits, Epilog!' , sy, Illelaneltoly, Neuralgia. Bratty remarkable cures of these affections have tore made by rho alterative power of this medicine. It stint's.. isms the, vital felicitous into vigorous action, and this ,:werromes disorders which would be supposed tslYntid'itg read). Such.a remedy has long been, twit:tired by.olit tessities of the people, and we are confident thatgbh' . *lll 'do for tliem'ell thee medicine can do. • kyir'§ Cherry teetorali POE Tun RAPID CURE cal . toughs, - . Colds, Infinerkza, Illoarssuoisj Croup, Bronchitis, Xnciplent Cop m It . suption, and the •ejlog . Uf Consuintifito .Patiepto In .adykaticeet-Btiget " -of the pliteass, . , ?his is a remedy so universally known to *wpm say for s the cure of throat and lung complaints, that tt is useless hers to publish the 'evidence of its 'trines. lea unrivalled excellence for roughs and coldi, andlits truly, wonderful ,cures of Pulmonary disease, hays Wad* IV known throughout the civilized' nations of the . Few are the communities, or even Wallies, ornongras who . hare : not some personal experience of, its of —; sonic living trophy in their addet of. its rktory.oirer. the subtle and dangerous .disorders of the throat and lango.l As . all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, sod is they know, too, the effects of thWreinettY, we used act lo more than to asenre them that tt has now all the Irish tuts that it did have when making the cunt which. but tron ea strongly upon the confidence ofmartkind. • 1 I Prepared by Dr. ,T.C.ATER cola uy 1; .k E.:l, Jones, ,Coudersport Mann 3: Nichols, 3111Iport ; J. Milli. burg; Lyirra, RoOlet.; Corey k.' Son, Ulysses ; 3 B. Norton, Cushinctille e and by Dealers gene rally ~~ !. VatittsS49 THE ondersigned u ould respectfully itlftfea_ the surrounding community jlkat,,yo,3as taken the rooms formerly occopritby Jahn, S. Neon, where h s e is prepared to ' Ail kinds' of HarikOki Work on the shortest , , , LONG ormas, also kept Constantly on hanq.„ ! Theft carat,' nre a superior article, and nee/ but.a tridi se insure their success. Repairing done in good stet. _ Surtingles, Martingale-rings, llama, an& flame• straps, kc., kept rattstarktly on band. The public art invited to call and examtho„ , before purchasing ibi#here, .. • S. P.ltLkAt:' CocXeriport pct. 160, VIGO. 1 1. 1 Notice. • VIVHERY...ks, letters, of Adsallaistmtion - tbe'iiiiate of ALVAH TAGGART,- late of Mit , county of Potter, &c ilia', boa* betn grait i ed to ttie sabseriSeis, all persona indebted' to said 'eitate IbrslettitsledTioa44as iinmediafe payomt, bad tbisaateto-.4 agnialsi the same, will irtitiit'tliiPsa dal; 'ink.. thestliated for seitle: • POLLWARM:'"ALGGAIkr... - JO.IL'sAfiLSA I37 .. . Ang. 21,1861 STIiBBItiS , lIVELEMS -in the .14Ptte OnIT pew• %L AI, eti=tic..- 1