The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 13, 1861, Image 1
VOLUME XIII.- NUMBER 47. THE FUGITIVE-SUAVE LAW. BY WILLIAM B. FOWLE. Restore the Fugitive ! Ay, when The Son of God descends again And bids me never more to do As I would fain be done unto. Restore the Fugitive ! I will When God s own voice in man is still, Aftd wrong is right by God's decree, And light and air no longer fr€e. Restore the Fugitive ! No, ne'er "While I've a home, a shelter, where The persecuted one may bide. Castle or grave, and side by side. Restore the Fugitive The law Is like the cords that Samson wore, And Hature, were each thread a chain. Would snap a thousand such in twain THE LIFE-BATTUE. BY REV. THEODORE L. CCYLKR. "So fight I," says Paul, "not as one that beateth the air. But I keep under . uiv body, and bring it iuto subjection " The literal translation is, 1 strike under (he eye, making it black and blue. This is a boxiDg phrase indicative of the sharp est, sternest efforts at self-mortification As oue who should say—l conquer iuy fleshly appetites by violeut and reiterated blows, and bring them into subjeclisn. I lead uiy body along as a conquered cap tive. It is a beaten antagonist. My wicked, lustful nature is thus vanquished, "lest that by any means when 1 have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." llere is a tremendous warning to every one of us —a warning founded on our couble danger —first from evil appetites of the body, and also from evil affections of the heart. Paul, the heroic apostle of Jesus, so felt his actual danger that he tells us that he bruised aud beat down his sensual passious, lest having -aved others he might hiiusel! dually be lost. Iu the j phrase before us he especially refers to the bodily appetites. "I keep the body un der." i. e., I smite it under the eye 1 Paul —like other men of energetic make and ardeut temperament —was very pro bably tried with strong temptations to ex ce.-ses of the passions, both physical and moral. He has nut chosen to let u? into nil the secrets of his character. He knew nothing of the modern psvudo-seieuce ot phrenology ; nor would lie have been one whit the wiser if he had. He does not tell us how often "acquisitiveness tempt ed hiui to pocket the "collections' sent up to the saints ar Jerusalem; or how often he fell through the sore .-tress ot ! his "destructiveness," his "amitiveness, or his "combativeness." Such jargon he leaves for modern empirics iu the myste rious science of the mind. But methinks I ?ee the wrestling of a stern and furious struggle between the holier aud the baser natures ot oue ot God's heroes in that profound aud plain tive seventh chapter of the epistle to his Roman brethren. I seem to see a stout soldier of the cross, with uplifted arm and swollen sinew, crying out—l beat down my baser self. 1 give no quarter to my lusts. I strangle my appetites till they grow livid in the face. 1 vauqui-h my iuuer foes that God uiav make me stronger to vanquish his foes without me. Lest, having saved others, I, Paul, the converted blasphemer of Damascus,should only prove to ne a pitiful wretch aud cast away. For Paul claimed no immunities from danger through his positiou. That 3 man is a professed minister of ;he Lord Jesus is no assurauce that he may not be cast into hell. He has "like passions with his fellow-men. The same ravening lusts that have decimated the bar and the sen ate-bouse have left their blood prints on the pulpit stairs. Along the whole track of ministerial biography, there lie strew ed, here and there, the bleaching bones of those unhappy victims who fell a prey to the spoiler. Paul, to be sure, never fell. To the last he kept his faith, and the integruy of a godly life. And the simple secret ef this continence and this coti3tanoy I read in these brave weds, "So fight I, not as oue that beateth the air. I keep my body in subjection, lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I should be a castaway " Shall we restrict the scope of this life battle to sensual appetites alone ? Paul did not; he extended it to all the wicked propensities of his mental and his moral nature. The war which every Christian has to make must be universal aud un sparing on the whole brood of iuterior passions, ffhe sudden insurrections of anger—the malicious whisperings of green eyed envy—the acid tongue of censoriousr ness—the olutohings of greedy covetous ness—the restless cravings of unsanctifled ambition—the subtle sophistries of deceit the uprisings of bigotry and spiritual pride—ail these and every other like them in the great rebtl army of the heart,must be uiet with the same iodiscrimate war to the knife. He who would keep his con science clean, and his life holy, must wage this life battle without compromise and without quarter. I. Let us offer a few concise rules fur the conduct of th.s spiritual life battle j Our first counsel is— beware oj the sitmt marches which the flesh will steal up -n i you We are fearfully and wondf f'il!\ made ; the combination of body and -pi' i . is such that each one react- up • t"sutkrt in a manner that i- must direct al most mysterious The encroachment- ti the ''flesh" are astonishingly quiet and insidious The cravings of healthy appe tite may gradually lead o the excesses of gluttonv Put a knife to your throat Tampering with so-called iurocent stimu-j lants has sent many * professor of religion to the grave of the inebriate. The cup of coffee led to the glass of wine; the wine to the brandy ; and the braudv to perdition. With ail possibilities of self-indulgence ; come temptations. Luxury steals silent marches on Christians when prosperity brings withiu their reach a fine equipage. , or high living, or splendid establishments. There is hardly a Christian who lives wiien wotth ten thousand dollars a year as he lived when hard toil gave him only ooe thousand or one hundred. Men change their habits gradually ; not sud denly. A man may be couverted iu a moment. Backsliding is the process of mouths or of years By degress tippling grows into intemperance; bv degrees the social evening entertainment prolongs itself into the miduight frivolities of the, rout, the ball-room, and the play-house; bv degress a church-member exchanges the prayer-meeting for the opera Beware of the silent marches of the enemy. 11. If you fiud that the contact of certain persons aud places is dangerous to your weaknesses, theu avoid those persons and places, cost what it may If you are temptible by a wine-cup, thOu keep out of convivial company. If you have tendencies to run mad with over mirthfuluess. then stay away from tho?e circles in which you are tempted to turn the Christian into the harlequin. It is not every young Christian who can be trusted even to walk through cerfaiu -ireets in our great cities. A "besetting sin" may lurk in that very street. A man's besetting sin is the one that jumps with his inclinations. Does he love ease ? Then lie always Interprets those Providences in his own favor that allow him to sit still, or to enjoy his ham-i mock. Does he love flattery and eclat ? Then he imagines that he is working for God. when he is oulv working for human applause Here is a dangerous foe ; all the more so from its wearing the guise ot an honest friend Look out for selfish-! ne-s It. is the mid Adam" lurking be hind everv hedge Like Southern sla very, it will oulv keep the peace on condt tion of having its own way If riot, then its stiletto is unsheathed in a moment. It is a poiite and plausible, but a godless spirit. Keep no league with it A Chris tian is never safe unless he is continually collaring every evil passion af his nature, and lurciug it iuto uucoriditiuual submis sion. 111. Finally, put on the whole armor ot God —the shield of faith, the breast plate of righteousue-s, ami the sword of the Spirit. Leave no spot exposed Ai.ab wa< wounded thr ugh the joints of til harness In the heat of the conflict,look to Jesus the Caprain of your salvation ; and never surrender Toward the sunset of the long bloody day ot Waterloo, when the surviving remnant of the old Imperial Guard were summoned to lay down their arms, the scarred veterans of fifty victori ous fights cried out, "The Old Guards Can die ; but they cannot surrtnder !" — A". T. Independent. If you give a jest, take oue. The beauty of behavior consists in the mauuer, not the matter, of your discourse. Love your fellow creature, though viei : ous. Hate vice in the friend you love the most. Insnlt not another for his want of a talent you possess—he may have others which you want. ; Make your company a rarity and people will have it. Men despise what they can easily have. Value truth, however you come by it. Who would nut pick up a jewel that lay : on a duoghill ? You need not tell all the truth, unless ti those who have a right to know it all. But let all you tell be truth. If a favor is asked of you, grant it, if you can. If not. refuse it in such a uian ! ner as that one denial may be sufficient. \\ it without humanity degenerates into bitterness. Learning without prudence j iuto pedantry. He who kDows the world, will not be ' too bashful. He who knows himself, will ' not be impudent. Defected to tfye plrigcijiies of Jhu ti)e D&sityifMiie!} °f Qnd Tulff?. CGUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY= FA., WEDNESDAY, PIOVEMEER 13, 1861. SOMETHING ABOUT" J ESSIE." There is one individual, however, in this camp whom neitLer rain nor mud, nor cold, nor heat, can suppress, and that is the irrepressible "Jessie." The other< morning I waded out to Camp Lillie, in this ill-favored state of the weather, with out expecting any news, but byway of escaping the dreary monotony of thetown . It was such a day as Arabella Sophia would have chosen to recline dreamily upon the lounge before the cheerful fire, and pour over the dagger and pistol pages of the "most rhrilliug novel of the age ;" or as Flora Augusta would have thought it terrible to go out iu, and certain to give her her death of cold. But Jessie beutom Fremont is not made of such stuff. *u fact. "Old Bui lion" didn't allow sulb tender plants to grow up iu his house. He believed iu wotueu having constitutions, and he made her a practical illustration of his doctrine. If I had been looking for her, I should have gone to her quarters some distance' up on the hill, expecting to find her com fortably housed lor the day. But as I stopped before a fire in front of the Gen eral's tent, who should I see but the in evitable "Jessie" inside, seated at a table opposite her husband and in earnest cou suhatiou over the affairs of the "Western Department," while by her side sat her daughter, Miss Lillie F., a patieut and a'teutive listeuer. After a little, the business in hand having beeD disposed of, they both cauie out. and while the latter went into an ad joining tent to warm herself by a little army stove, the former came up to our and entered iuto conversation with the company - as freely and familiarly as if she knew every one of us. Pretty soon she espied 1 rank Leslie s artist sit tiug on a stump a little way up, with pen cil and paper in hand, taking a sketch of tbecamp. Forthwith she posted up there and instituted au examination iuto his work, and gossipped with him as she peered over his shoulders, uutil another shower drove her into the tent where Miss F., had taken refuge, and where she iuvited us and proceeded to expatiate up on anything and everything her visitors had a mind to talk about, winding up with sending for some refreshments in cluding a bottle of .Missouri Catawba, a box of which somebody had presented her. This incidental interview gave me au opportunity of toriuiug a more reliable aud definite impression concerning her, winch at tlie risk of being thought a little Jenkiuish, I shail endeavor to convey to tlm readers of the Gazette, to many of whom "Jessie" was au object of special interest duiing the eampaigu of '56, and in the changing tortuues of the day may turn out to be so agaiu. As I remarked iu my last, she !-irikes one as rather mas culine in general appearance, but this first impression is very soon entirely dis sipated in conversation with her There is uoi a classical feature about her, and yet her face becomes interesting from the gentle* benevolent, and pleasing expres sion which it assumes in conversation. — When iighted up, it is full of sprigbtli tiess, vivacity, aud intelhgeuce. Her inauner is soft, persuasive and insinuat ing. aud her voice uncommonly musical But her chief outward, attraction is her eyes, and she know* how to use them, as most women do. I said in my last 1 thought they were grey, but iu this I was mistaken They are brown. Eyes so expiesJve of every euiotiou are rarely met with. They lend a warmth and fer vor to, and adorn and illustrate, whatever she savs. Indeed, the play of her eyes and features, the glow of her ruddy com plexion, and the melody of her voice, give the same effect to her conversation that "variations" do to a piece of music ; aud all this despite her really being a ••plain" looking woman when her coun tenance is in repose. She has great tact and self-possession, is ready, fluent, and unembarrassed in speech, and without the feast sacrifice of dignity, is perfectly free from any sort of conventionality. — ! The extent of her knowledge upon polit ical and governmental affairs entitles her to be considered.a JStateswoJimn of no or dinary calibre. She would make a pret ty formidable antagonist in a political discussion, and as a tenant of the W hitc , House could dispense politics and hospi talities, and preside at state dinners, to better advantage, I imagine, than any lady who has figured therein during our day. Cincinnati Gazette. Never fish for praise—it is Dot worth the bait. Men of many word 9 are generally men of many puffs. To offer advice to an angry man, is like blowing against a tempest. If you treat your inferiors with famil iarity, expect the same from them. Let all your jokes be truly jokes. Jest ting sometimes ends in sad earnest THE LADIES' HOUSE. Col. Harris of the Ohio Field Holes, an acknowledged authority ou the sub ject, writes as follows in regard to the ♦ best kind of horse for a lady, his manage ( ment, etc : "The bridle of a lady's horse should be a single reiu cu r b—never a snaffle to be pulled upon —requiring the strength of a thread only to guide and direct the ani mal, and drawn only when the horse is required to be stopped ; at all other times to be kept slightly iD hand or permitted to lie geutly ou the arched neck of the beautiful creature, permitting him to look abroad upon things and see the road that he is traveling; starting with a bound iuto a graceful canter at the leauing for ward of the rider, withovlt the use of the whip or other incentive. ' We had supposed a double bridle was preferable that is, curb and snaffle, either of which could be used as occasion re quired The majority of English ladies use such a bridle. "The pace of a lady's horse should be long rather than short, that the rider may bend gracefully forward, and not be jerked backward at every step, in the most vul gar manner immaginable. A lady eques trian must never appear in a hurry ; it is unbecoming aod ungenteel, aud shows plebeian blood ; aud many instances are on record, showing that a horse knows a gentleman or a lady at sight as well as , most of us." An English lady of rank and wealth, now in Egypt, writes home as follows: "1 fear YOU may deem me rather boast ful of uiy horsemanship when I tell you that two Arab horses which threw their cavaliers did not throw me. The cause, however'was not in my skill, but in the very remarkable predilection these intel igent animals feel toward the weaker sex Let the wildest and fiercest Arabiau be J mounted by a woman, and you will see liiui suddenly grow mild and gentle as a Jamb. I have had plenty of opportuni ties to make the experiment, and in my own stable there is a beautiful gray Arab, which uubody but myself dare ride, lie knows me, anticipates my wishes, and ju diciously calculates the degree of latigce I can bear without inconvenience. It is curious to see how he manages to quicken his pace withoit shaking tie and the dii ferent sort of steps lie has invented to ; remedy contradictory purposes. Horses •being as liable to forgetfulucss as other ! organized beings my incomparable gray would allow his natural ambition to over come his gallantry, and it another horse threatened to pass him, would start off with the speed cf a whirlwind. Woe to "i me if, under such circumstance. , I were to trust to the strength of my arm, or the power of the bridle ! I knew the gal lant charger better. Leaving my hand loose, and abandoning all thoughts of compulsion, 1 would take to iter-uasion — pat him ou the neck, call him by his I name, beg hi in to be quiet, and deserve the piece of sugar waiting for him at at home. Never did these gentle means fail. Instantly would he slacken his pace, prick up his ears as if fu'.ly com prehending his error, and come back to a soft amble, gentle neighing as if to crave pardon for Lis momentary offense. IVISO GENERAL IIALLECK IN- The inquiry is in everybody's mouth, who is General Ilalleck ? who rumor says is to supersede Gen. McCiellan in the ' command of the army of the Potomac. — j The following account of him, which we J find in an exchange paper, is the only in ; formation we can obtain : General Henry Wager Ilalleck is one , ot the four Major Generals of the United States Army He was born in New 1 aod entered the Military Academy i as a West Poiut Cadet in i 835. He stood third in the class, and was breveted Second Lieutenant of Engineers, July 1, 1 1839. He was Acting Assistant Profes sor of Engineering at the Military Acad emy from July, 1839, to June, 1840. — In 18-41 was' the author of a military • work ou "Bitumen and its Uses,'' Ac. — " Appointed First Lieutenant in January, 1845 ; In 1846 be wrote a work entitled the ' "Elements of Military Art and Sciences." " In 1847 was breveted Captain for gallant " couduct in affairs with the enemy on tb< >; 19th aud 20th days of November, 1847. ' and for meritorious service in California. r Was Secretary of State of the Province of California in the military governments of Generals Kearney, Mason and lliley, i 1 from 1847 to the end of 1849. lie was Chief of the Staff to Comrao i dore Shubrick in naval and military op erations on the Pacific coast in 1847 and 1848, and was a member of the Conveu 3, tion in 1849 to form, and of the Com mittee to draft, the Constitution of the State of California. Iu July, 1853, he was appointed Uaptaiu of Engineers, and resigned August 1, 1854. He now ap . pears as a Major General, his commission ,bearing date August 19 ; 1861. OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE CAMP CCRTIX, Nov. 3d, IS6I. DEAR MAC: Here, on a quiet Sunday eve, or what would be quiet if the compa ny next to us were still. lam seated ou a stool, —of my own making —before a table, which is better than some I have! seen, on which is two boxes, one of which contains pipes and tobacco, the other, pens, iuk, paper aud other ct cetera*. — Our Jut —at present —consist of a satchel aod knapsack for each of us, one blanket apiece, though three of us have the good fortune to possess two blaukets, making nine in the tent. Our old coats aud overcoats, our new overcoats, canteens and haversacks. On top ot this pile six jolly boys and crowd tbem all into six feet by eight and you can imagine the close proximity into which we are thrown. But perhaps you would like to hear how we pass the time. To go over the i routine of every day—and it is as bad as printing tor that —would seem to you very tiresome, for we have to get up at 6, a gun or cannon being fired at that time, hang out the blankets, sweep up, and wash and dress ; then at 7 roll call and drill till 8, then the guard is sent to head-quarters; at 101 drill till 12; theu dinner , tbeu irom 24 to 4 drill and at 4 dress parade which occupies till 5; then supper; and at 9 roll call and "lights lout*" We ought, by obeying Govern i ment orders, go to sleep at 91, but we seldom do, though we never complain when 9 o'clock comes, for we are gener ally pretty tired by that time. I suppose sleeping accommodations come uuder the I next head, but as thev are simple they are , easily disposed of. They consistof a blanket iu which we roll after taking off our coat, pants and shoes, and a pine board, or floor. I Though we have c-amped bat two weeks there is not hardly any of us who would trade this fare for that which we have left. We are last getting spoiled fur a bed. As for eating, the only thing we can complain cf is that we hardly know what to do with the surplus, aud stuff ourselves to prevent waste. And we get good food too, fresh bread, meat —fresh and salt, beef and pork, —crackers, coflee, beaus, po'aloes, sugar, vinegar, salt aud pepper —you see I put in all the condiments. — If a person, situated as we are, should complain of that fare, he ought to be put iu the guard house and fed foi a couple of months on bread and water. We have not only kept ourselves up on this fare, but we are growing fat very fast on it. — "Oh who wouldn't be a soldier." Theu we have a great deal of the time to our selves in which we can do whtft we please, and at such time not one dures show a sober face for he is surrounded and com pelled to laugh in spite of himself. We —the boys from C. : A 8., CR , M M.. C. (t . B- S., aud myself- —are nicknamed the "Butties," aud we go by that name almost exclusive of our other names. We are always together and always c-ail each other "Butty" so if I mention the name hereafter in" any of my letters you will know who I mean. Our captain looks splendid in h:s new uniform and we all think you would have to look quite a while before you could fiud a better or a finer looking captaiu in the army ; he possess the entire confidence of the whole company. I am glad to say that the Lieutenants are nearly as much thought of. The other officers Ido not know eo much about, for they do uot ex press their feeliugs very freely about, them. The men themselves are as good natured as auv family you every heard of. We have uot had a single disturbance iu the company as yet aud from preseut ap pearance I feel able to say there never will be. They help each other all the time; if oue doesn't feel able to stand guard he will find pieuty of volunteers to do duty for him ; but woe to the man who takes advantage of that kindness aud tries to shirk from duty and is found out. He will suffer in this company. Camp Curtin is a dry place for those who have nothing to do, for the\ cannot watch others working, it being even tire some. Sometimes daring the day you cannot see more than two or three per sons out besides tbe guard, then suddenly the streets are alive with them. Some times the streets are crowded and the cry "pickets" is raised ; in less than five min utes from that time the streets ate solita ry, and so it goes from morning till night. But for all that we enjoy ourselves for we try to make each other feel comfortable. Then we all have our duties to go through with which takes a considerable part of our time, still we will "laugh and grow fat." It rained hard and blew hard yestcr- i day and last night, and the wet camel through the cloth of the tents a little ( though not enough to drop down on us. but wesiept just as souud as though we: were iu the tightest house we ever yetj | slept in. To cignt promises to be pretty wet but I hope not for the sake of our boys on guard. 1 TERISS,--SI.OO PER ANNUBT j The Captain brought us good news this morning j he said we were only waitiug fur the return of Lieut. Roberts to draw jour rifles aud go to Washington. We may be well taken care of here but we had rather be at Washington than hero for the reason that we will be at homo and not solitary, as we are now. The Governor —CurtiB —has paid us a compliment for be has given us a written recommendation to our Colonel, and has jrivea us —the third company in the reg iment —Minnie Rifles with sabre bayo nets, it being customary to give them to but two companies in a regimeut. lie ! hKs also said we were the .finest looking company before we received our uniforms —i. e. in citizens' dress —that he had seen for a long time. One thing 1 know the knowledge of our belonging to the Potter County Company entitles us to respect anywhere in Camp Curtin. I say this, not in n boastful spirit, but to let the people we left behind us know what we are thought of out in the milita ry world. But the 9 o'clock gun was fired quite a while ago and 1 must close this letter hoping to head the next ''Washington." BUTTY. MADAME TIRCIIIX Robert Brand, Esq , Mayor of Galena, in a report to a citizens meetiug, touch ing his duties in connection with the wounded men of Company I, 19th reg iment, at the late disaster on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, thus speaks of the noble conduct ol Madame Turchin, ! the Colonel's wife, on that mournful occa i sion : This report would be incorrect were I to omit the names of Col. Turchin and bis heroic wife : to the Colonel, for bis care end attention in providing for bit i soldiers, and the facilities he extended in the performance of niy sad duties to the idead. l>ut to hear the wounded men speak of the heroic conduct of the bravo Mrs. Turchin, when the accident occur red —when the dead, dying, and mutilat ed, laid in one mass of ruin --when the bravest heart was appalled, and all was dismay, this brave woman wis m the wa ter rescuiug the mangled and the wound ed from a watery grave, and tearing from her person every available piece of cloth ing as bandages for the wounded —proves beyond all question that she 13 not only the right woman in the right place, but a tit consort for the brave Turchin in lead ing the gallaDt sons of Illinois to battle. I Such Lui.-fortuoes briDg forth heroic wo men, whose services may be frequently needed, if this fratricidal war shall con tinue io the bitter eud. lII\DOO HOME*. ! I once asked a native Hindoo what lie thought a w ; fe ought to know. Why said he in order to be a good wife, she must kDuw two things. Aud what are they ? First, she must know the way to. the bazaar to buy what is necessary for the house; and secondly, the way from the bazaar home again. Knowing th'l3 she knows sufficient for a good wife. Now it is true that this man was of the lower caste, whose wives alone can go out, yet a similar answer in principle would be given by high caste men also, whose wives must never leave their homes. What do the Dative females cf high, caste do the whole day ? They must not g.> out ; they can see and hear nothing beyond the four walls ; they cannot read ; they have no books. How do they spend their time? Generally they form a little commuity, consisting of the wife, the mother, perhaps grandmother, the child ren, perhaps some widowed srsters.— They do the necessary cooking; cleaning, etc.,and when that is done they chew betel leaf and areca Lut, smoke their hookahs, relate the filthy stories of their gods and srodessesoverani over again to each other, worship the house idol, not unfrequently have a quarrel, and when they have noth- I ing else to do, they sleep, or what is next, i and what none but a Hindoo u ale or female could do, sit down on th jir mats and think—of nothing. Toa Euro pean this would be impossible, but to the vacant mind of a IliDdoo, particu larly a female, it is aa easy thing— Dr.' i Vllman. General Lane, of Kansas, is not a doctor of laws, but if he had been, ho could Dot have deQucd with inure exact ness than he did, iD a late stump speech" at Leavenworth, what the duty is of mili tary officers under existing laws, esecu-- tive instructions, and the resolutions of Congress : " We march to crush out treaon and let slavery take care of i' df." The nation has not yet determined upon a general emancipation, as a means of quell . ing the rebellion, but it has determined., that the army sha ll not turn slave-catcher for the benefit of traitors. If the slaves of such escape into our lines, they are nofi to be giveu UD, and if the progress of our armies abolishes slavery, that is a conse quence which traitors have down upon their heads.