OFFICIAL ELE ELECTION DISTRICTS Abbott Allegany Bin;hain Clara' =; - Coudersport Eulalia Geue: , ee Harrison, Hebron *- Hector Homer . ;hereon . -Keating Oswayo - .Pike Pleasant Valley Roule.t Sharon Stewarnscia Sunnini Sweden • Syl e ran!,a Ulysses West dranch Wharton I= I= Its,;.The above, is' r the vote of t elected. There were afe :ma no opposition to .J edge. White, received. Letter from Ex-President I Buchantin. - 1 ~ ..____.: , . i k-- ' WEsi CHESTER, Pa•,loetober •L--At 1 Se.veral "of the PreAyteries of the Oi ...... . .k • the great - Union meeting at flay eSville, 1 School Pre,•hy terian qi•nrcii in thd Con- Choker county, on the Ist. inst . the ft I.federate Sates have held their r ! .gullir• it.witig letter from Ex• President .Buelian, i fall meetings, and, Withetil eseekt too, • an was. read : s i I have held their regular fall Meetings. and. , ,' WHEATLAND, Sept. .28 --Dear Si . : without exception, have 'passed 1101 s• of I have been honored with your kind I)1 , j separation_ from the General Assembly ;of kv e itation as chairman Of%:the, appropriate the e hp re p, , , „,,d „Tippip-R,d delegates ;to li committee, to attend and address a nitin ' • • Georgia, a, on' • the 4i it meeting of the , ' citizens of Chester and! Ci attend at Auguste, I - e 'Lancaster coun'ies, to be held at Ilaves.lof nest December,6* thepurpose ; th Mille, on the Ist cf . October. This I I for:ping a General Assetnin Yof the South should gladly accept, proceeding as it lent Confederacy portion of the dtthoitt• does from a much valued. portion of toplititttion • I : old Congressikatal district; but, adranying 1 • , . . he organization into brigades of the Scars 1 the failitii , state of my health . .)" - , m . renrier 'it impossible. You correctly es;icayalry regiments now in, titnate . the deep interest. Which I. feel. in has' been retarded by a difficulty between common with the citizens Who will therel.the;G„,,,,m,"l and s ial e 1 , 0 0„,,,,j et ,1„ r be assembled in tile present condition''l Pe ca v. ,; nosylvania. Several regiments of cav our country. This is indeed serious, but I our recett military reverses; so far fro ,. 1 airy, from Pennsylvania, have been or- 1 tiered directly to Washington aod . aeeept. : , produeim , despondency, in the minds oil a loyal and powerfUl people,. will only au !ed by the War Department. without tiny'. imate them to more mighty exertions inl . ollicial knowledge of their existeuce!by , .. sustaining a war which has become in-I the• State authorities, and are not thre-i evitabk by the assault of the Confeder-1 . recognized by the Governor of Penn.. ate States upon' Fort Sumpter. For this! t o r e , reason, were it possible, waiving all otberisylvania as a part of the (Pima of yolith ). topics, I should confine myself to a sul• I ters called for front this Slate. oman and earnest appeal to mv country-1 The naval expedition 6.. the South rn 'men; and especially those without. faint- I , t lies, to volunteer for the war, and join thc,,i.e"sti about which so Much has bleu many . thousands . of brave and patriotic ' - ' : "i d . wil i "" il ' fr "m: ' hi ' el2'' and rcir's. volunteers -who are already in the field Monroe within a short time. , Govern This is4he moment f o r acijejn, for 1;1•0:i1p1.1 moot v : esterda ' r chartered ail the avaihible energetic and united action—a/Id a..ti..e I, 0 , .1 • - - the , discussion cf .27ege,, p.0,):,5ib ... 1 ..te . : .),)ips in thisharbor, to he used az trattsput ts, and stores will be put. on itl i ard These, vv'e must know, would be rejectedU•unsputts, by the Spates that lave ,seceded, uole,s ;'of them .immediately. :Steam veskel s " we should offer to recog4ize their inde I have als . t, been chartered' at Boston l iancl pendence, which is entirely out of the 1- i Phil adelpliia tor the same: purpose It is question. . ~ ; Idle intention if the Cio%M fluent to s.,etid Better counsels may hereafter prevail uheu these neolieshall be eon einem that l a large army °f_i len. under c.tainkn o l of the war is contineted not fur their eon. 'Gen. ' Butler, to strike tom wore ittil quest or subjugation,' but solel'y for the point tell ' th?Soutliern coast: At; den purpose olbringiog 'them to their ctrii- McClellan appears to bare noLotion of inal position in the •Union without int. i pairing in, the. ightest degree any or risking a battleoutside Of his lines,: the sl their Constitutional rights. . troops can be very well Spared frond the - . I Whilst, therefore', ,we shall cordially army of the Potomac. liefore,Novendier hail their -retort) under our cointutin _,.. ,, 10• the Cotton States will be in a. moth) iand rions flag aud-Aveleoine them as brotii. Ts. ' . • tiro, 1 roops of Bea uregaid hurryritti , to yet 'until that day shall arrir.e, it will ho e. save their aotries.—.N: .r. Vh'urltt. our, duty- to inpPort . ' the . President. with all We men and nicaris•at the cominand Seine of the officers enlist'' '' : 1 is ting cornpa. of the .country in a Vigorous and 81sec:esti- eie:s di;•• not scruple to deceive and entice tul proi;eention cif the war. ' •i Yours Very Itespectftilly, . away inen.entisted for Other, compOlies , This, ;With other circeptifins-- even tO tlii! JAMES BUCHANAN'. , . ; , I ..li__ - sale of men from one tegument. to , another DPath otSenator Bingham ,The Hon: :KrsogLtY S. ' Bitain st., 'nearly opposite the ;Court House, Cimdersport, Pa. Tin 'and 'Sheet Iron .Wa.r4 made to br i de'. in*ood stile, on short nOt,ee. ,I f r • . • EZR4 STARKWEATHE#, BLACKS4ITH, would inform his former cus-_ timers and the pub is generally that he has retistablitibed a shop,in the building !form, erly ocOpied by Benj. Rennels in'.Coiaders- Port. where bea-11,U be pleased to do all 'kinds. of Blactsmithnng on the Mostlieason able teiihs. Lumber Sbingics, land "all kinds of ! ' reduce taken in exchange tot woik. ; -! 1.2i34 . : 1. J. THOMPSON, : . ,- CARRIAGE & WAGOIi MAKER And RE 'PA It MI Co ii derspo rt, ,Potter CO., Pa:, takes this method of interning the pub- I' 1 i tic in general that he is prepared to do all !work in his ine, with promptness. in a wdrittnati-like I 'miner,' and ;upon the. most aeenmsnodati terms. , Payment for ... Repainng invarial) y eqtdred on delivery el the work. te„. 11, kiiidsl of PRODUCE . taken ottficeowitof *wk. - 1 . 1 , W. KNOX, M.OFFAM'S PILLS AND PIIiCE.ATIZ•BITTER,I ; 1111161 ESE MEDICINES have now.been beforti the public for it period of Tunny 'fun s . 'and during that time have maintained a higil :char4cter.4l alinost every part of the Globe; forllieir extraordinary and immediate' power ofreqtoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which thee-kuman frame is.liable. . . . '- , ..;Tke,folintring are among the distfeßsing tariety of human diseasea in which:the Vegetable Life Medicines Are Well known to be infallible. • DYSPEPSIA, by. thoroughly- cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creatinga Bo* of pare healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATULENCY. Loss of Appetifei Heartburn, Headache, Her Hessness, Per, AsietY, Languni, and 31elancitoly, which are the ,general symptruiti Of Dyspepsia; aill vanish, as a natural - coniequene,e of its cure. COSTIVENESS, _by . .clearising the whole. length of the intestines witlyaselvent process; and ;without violence 3 all violent purges tiara theboivels costive wi t hin two days.' • ' FEVERSof all kinds, by restoring the hlo'od to a !regular circulation, , thrOugh the process of perspiration in , Such camp, :and the that- Cough splrition of all !latentinal obstruction in . Ohm. . • "I • The Lifft 'Medicines hare• been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by re moving .local Inflammation from -the. muscles and.lignments of the joints. DROPSIES ofall kinds; , by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they Operate most delightfully 'on these important organs, and hence have everbeen found a cer taiWremedy for the ,worst cases,af: GRAVEL. Also WORMS; by dislodging from the turn. ingS of the - bo - Wels the-slimymatter to - which these treatUresadhere. • . SCURVEY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE BORES, by the `perfect purity which these - LIFE-MEDICINES the blood, and all the :humors. SCORBUTIC' ERUPTIONS itrid.BAD COM PLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the!skin, and the morbid state Of.whicia- occasions -ail: eruptive compNnts, cloudy, and other disagreeable) com plexions. , • The use of these Pills for a yery short time, will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a_striking COMMON thettlearaes3 of the skin, COMMON COLDS and INFLI:- .ENT.A. will always be cured by; . otic -dose, or by two in the ivorst coks. - PILES!.—Tbe original !proprietor of these woO:cured of Piles of 35 years ;standing:, by tbe.use. of the LIFE MEDICINES Alone. - i 17EVEll. AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the'! Western conotry, theSe MediPfes will be 19and a safe, speedy, and -certain' remedy.— leare the system! subjCct to 4 return of the dlsease—A cure by these 3led ;icings- is permanent—TßY THEM, TIE SATISFIED, I ANT) TIE CUDED., I 1311,10 US FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.2-4-Geoeral Debility: Loss of :tope. Mite,and:DiSeases of Pemales—The Medicines Mave heen'ilsed:With the most henefieirl rte !suits in cases of this description:—Eingi Evil, and Scerftila. in its worst forms. :vieldi fto the mildyet pOwerful. action of these • rx- Marliable :Medicines. Night Sweats; Nervous Debility, Nervous 'Complaints of all kinds, • Palpitation of tie Ileart, Painters' Colic, are 'speedily cured. 3IERCURIALPISEASES: 7 -Persons whose ,eonstituilons have, become imp Aired by the injirdicions nse of'Mpacuns, , w 7 ill find , these Medielnes.h.pedeet cure, is they never fall in !eradicate from- the system, all the effects - or" IMercury, ittinitely sooner amp - the'most pow lerfnl prepitratiotis (If Sarsaparilla. • Prepared and by W. 13. MOFFAT, • 335 BitoAnwAi, NtiwiYmm. For sn ie Druggists. 7'8 " ; • - " , :07 MESS. WINSLOW, An esnericneeilNurse and Female Physii:i.m, prestnts to the attention of mothers : her SO(}T['IING SYRUP, . FOP CHILDREN I'EXTIIING, which greatly tbellitates the process of teeth ing-. by softettikf,T the gams, reducing all in-, flarnation- 7 will al!ay ALL PAIN and spas - - modic action. and is .• SURE TO !REGULATE THE BOWELS. • • • Depend upon 'it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF ANDHEALTH TfirYOTIII INFANTS. • .We have put up s and sold this • article for over ten Team and CAN SAY, IN CONFI DENCE 'AND TRUTH of it, What we hate never been alife to say of any other medicine —N-EVER HAS IT - FAILED, •IN A SINGLE INSTIL:WE, TO EFFECT A- ;wl4e timely used. Never did we know an fastened of dissatisfactiim by used 4. Oh -the-contrary, allure delighted with its opera tions, and. speak in terms uf cornendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO E'OW", after ten years' experience, - AND PIi . ED.GE OUR REFUTATION FOR THE-FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLAPE, fn almost every, instance where "the infant , is suffering from pa..n and exhaustion, relief will. be found in fifteen or 'twenty minutes after the:syrap is administered.. This valuable prepnration'is the presrerip tion of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILL FUL'NURSES in New England, and bas.been used with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS - i n THOUSANDS OF OASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates.the stomach and bowels, corrects 'acidity, and gives tone and energy- to the whole system. It will' almost instantly re liev GRIPING It THE BOWEL,' Aid) WIND • - - COLIC- ' ' • and overcome convulsions, which, if not spee dily remedied. 'end in death: ' We believe it the BEST` and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in. all cases of -DYSENTERY and- DIARRH CEA. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises fronftcethi4-or from any ether cause. 'We wont G say' - toevt Ty mother who has a child Buffering from any of the foregoing complaints —DO NOT LET YQUIt PREJUDICES,, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand .be tween you• and your suffering child. and the - relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE- -to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions , for using will accompany each bottle. - None genuine un less the fac-siinile CI7RTIS k PERICLIS, New_ York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold, by Druggists th•rciughorit the world. Principal Office, 13 Cedarl4.2 New York. PRICE ONLY 25,CRITESZER BOTTLE. Sold by O. S. it E. A. JONES, Coudem yort, Pa. , 1. • 15.-Iy.