THE': . 11,61142. ES OP , PE AZ:: TH' ,H ...R0315.3 OF WAR. PllO TOG RA ['BIC l' 0 R.TBAITS, Card si ze, on Ilristol Boat suitable for Albums I'L"bLiSfIED AN!) SOLD DV E.'ANTHONY, 501 Broadscay New Ly special arranglernent we publish in add don to other portraits ce.n.ra,.eq Collect well known both in Europe and America as #radg's Yational Ilidtograpitic Po! fruit Gallery: :Brady's collection of linperial Photographs isl jnstly consl'dercd, one ofthe of New York, and in the Photographic reproductions of.these every centre table Can now have an qddttional attraction itrA miniature Brady's G therY. Among our pdblichtions are: ...I.braham Lincoln, ' JMfcrson Davis, Hannibal Ilamlin, Lady Davis, Wm. 11. Seward, Alex. It Stephens, Salmon P.- Chase, Itobt. J. Toombs, Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb, , Houtg.nmery Blair, Henry A:lV:se; Edward hates, . John Tyler, Gideon -, Gen'l Balatregartl, - Cttleh.F. Smith, Genl Lee, Gen'l Scott, = John!ll. Floyd, Col. Ilobt., Anderson, Jacob Thompson, Major Slemm2r, I'. F. Thomas, ;Col. Ellsworth, , . John C. B:-eekinri e. Genl G3V. John Letcher, Gen'l :4E-Insfield; John 13:di, k 9 Cul. Fremont, John C C d ton: licr.ehell V. Johns,on, L. G. Wigft I ;.n Mc , Cullough, Lieut. Maury. Col. Lander, Stephen 'A. Douglas, Maj. Gm. John A. Dix, Maj, Gen • N. P. Ban;s. _lL:nu Ward Beecher; Myer Wendell lioltnps, Horace Greeley, Prof. M trse. N. P. Willi,.lltrnes Gordon Bennett, William C. Bryatit,Washington Irving, Henry Clay. An drew Jackson:CommutiorePerry,Dr.E K.Kane John .3. Audubon, Mrs. Sigo•arney, Mrs. Gull Gaines.Chas.Sumner,Gov.Andrew,J.J.Critten den, Prince of Wale , . Duke of 2% ea-castle Z!- chary Taylor,Georg.e 13 a nzroft, Lathrop L.Mot ley. Sun. Q Adams, Etnrson Eth tridge, An hew. Johnson, Parson Brownluw Brownlow's heroic daughter, to4ether with about 505 others, to' which additions are be: bag made daily. - elk/a/f.vaP on receipt of stump Parer. OF POirrastir.4 $3 Pk:a : Dozas. .be sent 1", nzzil. Itemittance.:s ma} 'be made in postage stamps. Also a large collection of Photographs distinguished European z, Emperors. King, Q teens; M trshals,oener.rls. DX:es. Lords. Ai t hors ' • Actors, Aetress..!s, Politicians and Cher gr. Price, 25 to 5 cents each, according t • maker an.l Utir otabijsfirn.2tit is also headqinarters foe piloTiy.,l2.ll'lllC both as agent of the best French inanu!'aeta Ter, and as manufacturer under a pat-nt of oar own We have a large assortment. vary in,; in - pripe from 90 eca:s to and from . 12 pnrtraits t, $l.; ,0. Also folding rase.; or morrocco'o7 eiOth f the p hold 2. 4 6,8; or 12 portraitS. Al , c) yari m= style-7 of framing ear,b .porraits, of e:trvoi wood, to tit. piper, comp:.ntiou, etc.. of ele gant and t tstefta designs. Our photographers now in tit: fiAd are sending 113 CANN' 5-:(TEN'ES OF THE PEESSNT WAR. and views ,of point; and thing; of irth'xiL3t both( card size, for a 'punt , . awl in stereoscopic form. - As for instanee, at einvroa —ln the Tye:wile their :tieals—The Grant tsts—The Delmonie is.;- . -I,nara. Keene's- G. , neral Stree Views of the Cann), etc. Also th;oliefly Hon n• and Camp seenes 00 1 seen :Ty thereab Also Harper . ; Ferry befm: and ,gfzer the scene. of destruction. Together w'th various L)t,11 , ., places Of note. Carl Sin 23 coats each, Ste-. ren4n.mie 33 cent;. Parties who would like a lot of these cam! ge , 4es to select from—;the 1) Ilan :e to b • re turrol hi good orler nt their owno•xp-0 , .• cud without dt•layL.—eaU he ttecominii.ttutio;. giviug proper New York, r•:f.•rence. s'IT,itEOStt()PESI AN!) VIEWS. Oar establisinnnt Isi the. great enyorinn for everything in the stt7eoscnirie lino awl 00. n4sortment is the most complete prolm hi: c. any to the c kvorld. Tht ster2toseop‘! is the nr)st. ist.erv , :f ot erl ain inj,: a not and exciiinjur [n.),l - ern inventions. None are too young, none too old, none too intelligent:, none too uneducated, to ae:inJW 1- /ettice it. , worth and beauty. No Loin iscotnplete Without and it and mast penetrate everywhere. It prt`ilqiiii to your view every- part of the world, in all the - relief, bol loess, per:pective and sharpness of detail, as if VOL were no the i , pot. \Va Lave :ta iiin.nense - variety of views : : ,:cenos in l'aris, Lon , bn, England, Scotland. yVples, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, T.he Rhine ? , Ve s:tiles, Sr.. Pontninblean, Judo, Turkey. E;ypt, Athens, the. Holy Lana. China, India. Crystal Palace ? also Croupy - • sing, marrine seenee, breakfast scenes, pic nics, ,stitnury, etc.. etc. An AFT/idle Im.y:wi nery' elf Interinrs of Palaces, Chur ches and Cathedral:, ot,' France, Italy, etd,etc The s e . ff,•ct of these illariuluated views is most remarkable. An , lon.;is Idantan,o3 Sterelcopic View are the latest Photographic wander. They are taken in - the fortieth pa'rt of a's.econd. and everything, no , matt , n. how rapidly it may in moving, is depicted assharply and . dktinctly ' its if it had been iterfetitly:tt Till , give-- an additional value, Grp to the beauties of in onmrtte nnture it ad,l.:the charm of life and motion. The process as a dist'overy of our own. and being nokniiwn in Europe, we re. ceive.large orders from', London and Paris for Anthony's Inqautnaeons Views of ..Itien lifeetnd scenery- • " gur Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any address on receipt of s s tamp Parties at a distanceisending $3.55.$ 10. $l3. $2O, or ' 7 ;21, call li,‘:e a good instrnment and such pictures as theymay request, sent by Express. V'ietes ailona: (without instru ment) cum be sent by n i ;gil. • E. Anthony) stll-4 roadway. New I (irk, (S doors south of St. Nicholas' Import r and .11Anlnict.ttrer of Ph.)to,graphie Niaterials,Storetiscolw'sgtml.Sterew , eopieViews Merch; , th.ts from. ereri• section of the counir.V rre respeetfully invited to make an examination of onr stock: - To'Photograpiters. Our Bulletin of Photo graphic Inrejition and Improvement will be sent to any address on appliati4. [Cut this out for future r+.frencel'ir MOTI1EIL:, tl KA D tot -a wing is an extract: froth a letter written by the pastor of n Baptist Chtiteh to the "Journal and Mes senger," Cincinnati. Ohio, and speaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned medieino„ 1 WISSLOW'S SOOTIUNG SYIWP FOR CHM THETHING : We see an-advertisement In your - columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a Word in favor of a patent medi eine•hefore id our life, but we feel compelled to Say to your readers, that this is no humbug wa HAVE AND 40:017 IT TO DF: ALi. IT CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most sue cei'sf DI medhAnes of the day, because it is one or the best.• :-And those l Of your readers who }lave babies. can't do better titan to lay to 1 , the obstructiops which make disenic. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob structs its natural functions. These, it t uot relieved, react upon themselves and; the surrounding or-ans,,pro during. genend aggravation, suffering, and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by tim deningeweids, take - Ayer's Pills. and see how directly they restore-the natural :triton of the system. and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and $U apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is oho true in ninny of the deep-seated and dangerous distmnpers. The same purmltive effect expels them. Canard by similar obstruc tions tout lierangements of the natural funetkins of the body; they are rapidly, and many of them surely, clued by the smut means. None who know the virtues of these al; will neglect to employ them when suffering from 6 disorders they cure. Itettiont4 from leading physicians in some of the prit ipal cities, and front oilier well known public per- SOUS.? Bola a nrteardhr.o 3kre7ant rj .3. Louis, Fib. 4, 1.853.. Da. Arca. Your Pills are the paragon of all that Is great in medicine: They have cured my little daughter. of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had primed incurable for years. Her mother huts been long giler ausls7 antlered with blotches and pimples en her skin - and in her hair. After our child was cmcd,•oho also tried your Pills, awl they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. As a Family Physic. From D. E. W. thrtwrighl, 44eip Orleans. Your Pins are the Prince of purges. Their excellent panties surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which wakes them invaluable to us ILI the daily treatment of difease... Ileadache,Sickilcadnelie,Fonli Stonuch. I•S•ita Dr. Reward Boyd, Baltimore. - Dnenltno. Axes': 1 cannot answer a•ou Watt complaints 1 have cared with your Plffs better than to say allthat tet •rev &edd with a pargatire medicine. I place great depen- Jet,e on au eff,etual cathartic in imy daily contest with' a n d believing as I. do that your Pills afford us the best we bare, lof course value them highly. • ; • Pirrsrama, Pa., May 1, 1855. Dn. 3. C. ATER. Sird 7 have been repeatedly cured of the worst' hmdacAn any body can hare by a date or two )f your Pills. it seems to arise Crum a foul stomach, a•LIcl t boy cleanse at once. . Yours with great respect, ET). W. PREELE, • Clert• V.Steamer Clarion Bilious Disorders—Liver Complaints. Front Dr. 27aGdore 17,11, qfVho .Thrk City Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their put ,use an an aperient, lint I find their beneficial effects upon :he Liver very marked indeed. They have in, my prac tice Proved more effectual for !ho cure of Micas corn vtdintx than any one remedy I call mentieil. I sincerely rejoice that we have at 1.211 Mil a purgative t which is wor thy the confidence of the inured:dun and t people.. , • Dt.PARTSIENT. OS THE Ix EISIOR, 'Washington, D. C., ith Fe ,1856. Sift: I hare used your Pills in my geuerut and hospital practice ever t.inclt yen 11111thl theta, and cam t hesitate to my they are the best cathartic we employ.) Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, muse• quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, 1 have seldom found a cats of •baiics disease so obitinate that it 'did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., rhytician of the Marine Hospital.. • Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. _Prom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. Your Pills have had along trial in my practice ' and I hold them in esteenins One of the best aperientsl have ever found. Their altitrative effect mmn the liver,makeS theM an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for &lulus tlyseilfrry and diarrhaa. Their sugar-cdaiing makes them very acceptable and convenient fur the use of %rumen and children. - Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom lice. J.l". Lf imes, lastor of Advent Church, BOSifYO Dn. Ann: I have used your Pills with extraordinary SUCCCS3 in my family and among those I am called to visit in distre,g. To regalate the organs of digestion and purify the blood. they are the very best remedy 1 . , have ever known, and .I. can confidently recommend them to any frieuq. Yours, .L V. FUMES. WAUSANT, Wyoming CO., N. Y., Oct. 24, .1655. DEAR: BM.: I am.using your Cathartic Pills In my pmc tic, and find then Can excellent purgative to cleanse the eyscem uud purify flue finiutains ,;1" the himet. JOIDZ U. MEACHAM, M.D. Congtlpntl on, Coat Irenegg, Suppress lOU, ithemontkut, Gout, 117eciralgia, Drop ay, Parnlysla, Fits, etc. Frr•m P. lintylin, Montrrel, Comula. Too much cannot be said of your rills fur the cure of cost‘ecnesr. If others of our fraternity.have found them as efficacious as I have, they FllOlll4 juin me in proclaim ing it fur the bonen t of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, whicli,illthough had enough in itself, is tlan progenitor of others that 'are worse. I believe coo tirincsf to originate in the liver but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and .flidwife, Poston. tind•anaor two large doses of your Pills, taken at the pr,por lime; ore excellent promotive: or the natural reeve tpo, hen wholly or partially suppressed, and also very_ effectual to c/onwe the stomach find rsTel worms. They are so much the Lest physic we have that I recommend no'other to toy patients. Ream. L'u; Rev. Dr. ITtwhes,nJthe Methodist rpis. Church. PULASNI Therm Savannah', On.. San. 6, 1856. tiisont:n sur. I shoal be ungrateful for the relief your has brought me If I 'lid not report my case to you. A cold e. 'tied in icy limbs and brought on excru ciating ncureigic ;sans% which ended in chronic rhettma itS4l. Notwithstanding I bad the bet of physicians, the disease grew wren and worse. until by the advice of your excellent meat In Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. J heir effects were slow, but sure. By perseterlng in tho use of them, I am non- entirely well. - sessrs Cussumn, Beton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 'l5 sb. Do. 'AYER: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that had afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. C'l3 Most of the 'llll9 in market contain Meicury, Which. although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse quences that eminently follow Its incautious use. Thew COu rain 110 mercury or mineral substance whatever ! Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes Prepared by Dr. T. C. AYER Zr.; CO., Lowell, Maaa. Sold by C. S f E. A. Jones, Coudersport Mann & Nichols, MilipOrt : N. J. 34114, Cole's burg •, Colwell & Lyman, : A. Corey & Suin, Ulysses; A B. Horton, Cus'aingvilip ; and by Dealers generally TUE POTTER JOURNAL w..14.1c - Alarney, Proprietor. $l , OO .PER YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE *„*Deroted to the cause of Republicanism, the interests of Agriculture, the advancement of Education, and . the best good of Potter county. Owning ao guide except that of Principle. it will endeaver to aid in the 'work of wore fully Freedomizin,g our Country. , , IA ncrP.7I.3EMENTS nserted at the following rites„gxeept where special bargains are made': I, Sprare [lO lines] linsertion, .- - - ' 50 I' 4 1 'it 3 it -- - $1 50 Eaeli subsequent insertionless than 13, - •25 t'Square three months, 2 50 . 1 ' six " - 400 . I , ~" nine. " • - :5 50 I. , .‘‘ one year,. 6 00 , I Clolanin six months, -,- - - .- - --, 20 00 i .; : .a c/ . a" 10 00 1- -[ " " " .. • . '.l 00 1 r " per year. 40 00 . . «ti 1 20 00 -141 inistrator's' or Executor's Notice, '2 00 • lluSiness Cards, 8 lines or less, per year 5 00 Special and Editorial Notices, per line, 10 f' All All tratisient advertisements must lie paid in advance, gild no notice ,will be taken of advertisements from a.distanee, unless they ire accompanied by the money or satisfaetor . reference. - , W . l3lanks, and Job Work of all kinds, at lotted to promptly and faithfully. • AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. " Are yon sick, • feeble, 'and complaining? Are you out of order, with your' system de ranged, and your feelings nu: comfortable? These quip. , tutus are often the prelnde to serious illness: some tit of sickness is creeping upon You, cud should be evened by a timely use of the right rem edy. Take Ayer's rills,' and demise out the disordered hu mors—purify the blood, and let: the fluids more on unob structed In health again. Thee stimulate the functions of the body into vigorous Wiry. purify the system from near Canfield's' Flouring Mill, a few rods cas of the AllegluOty Bridge, where the probrietor Would be pleased to re ceire calls froin his old customers and as ma ny new ones as feel disposed to FARMERS' PRODUCE Main above Third St., COUDERSPORT, PA. DI. W s • MANN, PROPRIETOR. BLANBOOKS; MAPS, GLOBES, KS-1 • • MEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOORS,, DIARIES, ' i PORTFOLios, . : HERBARIUMS, ' I LETTEtt-BOOKS k. • INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin,! French -and German Text- Books. ' All ,Schoril _Books used in the Count!, kept on hand, or immediately procured Cohen desired Magazines Or any PeriodiCals supplied when deired. A god assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inko. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing. Materials; Water Colors, kc. BIBLES TESTAMENTS, PRAYER k, HYMN BOOKS, of various kinds. , MUSIC-BOOKS AaO SHEET-MUSIC, Slates, Ruler;, Back-Gammon Boards Mess Men, &c., &c.i PRODUCE of all kinds taken iu exchange I,nrjßeeks, C. [ll-34] - E. Anthony`, N 0.501 Broadway, Rem York, is now publishing. in addition to other por traits, the ecielwated collection known in Eu rope and America as Brady's Natid,nal Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly tint] e prominent men of America, not excepting Jeff Davis, Gen Deaureglird, Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, $3,00 per dozen. Cab be sent by mail. Scenes' ofthe War for the Union, are published, card size, and in Stereocopic form: Also,l Stereoscopic views of scenes. in Paris, Lon don' and in other parts of England and France, in Scotland,' Ireland, Wales, Holland, Switzer. laud, Spoilt, en , the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt, Turkey, the 1 11Oly Land, China, India, Cuba, &c., dm., ad init./ i d:um. Our Instantaneous Stereoseople-Views are The Greatest Wonder of the Age. , These are faxen, in the fortieth' part of a second and the rushing of water,the moving of leavei. or the march', of an army, does not in th'e least affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3 per dozen. We have niso on harm and manufae+ - largest. assortment or Stereoscopes, graphic Albhms, and Photographic M in the United States, and perhaps in tl CatalogueS, containing lists of all traits, Views, Stereoscopes; &c., sent mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, jyly near St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. IIDILANKS of kinds for sale at this Office II Deeds, :Warrants, Executions, Summons,' Subpomns, Constable Sales, Township and School Orders, Notes of all kinds—kept on hard and printCd to order. JOB WORK at tended to prOmptly, and at prices to suit the times Giv,c nS a trial. The Robhester Straw-Cutter. lAISTED 4 . KELLY, Coudersport, hate If the exclusive agency for this celebrated machtne, thip county. It is covenient, du rable, and CHEAP. Dee. I, 1860.-12 ADVERTISE. - Vu - ITERTIpPIi in the JOURNAL ! It is the on ly paper in Potter county, and is a good medium through which to reach the people ofJ districta YOUR ATTENTION! FOR A MOMENT, IF YOU PLEASE. IM2===l ri!HE SUBSRIBER has just received a new ..11. stock Of ! DESIRABLE 1 4 (i) II S K_Y 5 Direct' Iron Nen- York, consisting of " , DRY GOODS, GROCE RIKS of nil kinds, HARDWARE, CROCK 1300TS 4; SHOES, BATS & CAPS, Ihtest styles.; READY .MADE . CLOTHING, DOVES TICS, such es SHEET- • IN S.. TICKS, BATTS, short,!all kinds of pods usually kep in a NO. 1 OOUNTRY STORE. All of which will be sold, very low for HEADY NI 0 ti ne shore-named stock of Goods is now open and for sale at the INew Brick Store IN COUDERSPORT, DEAL ViT4TH HINT. The market price paid for all kinds of in exannge for Merchandise.• t i Ztt , (V . , COLLINS SMITH Condersrort, Tan. 2, 1861.-15-Gmo. BNE STORE E DOCKETS LEDGBRS- , DAY-BOOKS - ItECEIPT-BOOKS TAE - HEROES OF PEACE AND THE HEROES OF WAR puritlea bustion in Hydrogen. j .Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities,'both in Europe and 'the United StaWs,and prescribed in their practice. The experience of; thOusands daily 'proves that: no , preparation i rOn can be' compared wide it. Impurities Of and blood, depression_ of vital energy; pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicatCs its neeessity in almost every Conceivable case.H Innoxious in all nialadiis in which it his been tried, it has proved absolutely curative, in each of the following complaints, viz : Nervons ....4ffeetsuns, Emaraciptions, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhcea, , Dysentery, Incipient Constimption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheuna,Wismenstruntion;Whites, Chlorosis i Liver Conzplaiiits, Chronic, Headaches, Rheuma tism; Intermittent Fertri, Pimples on the Face, j•c.: , • Incases of General Debility, whether the, result of acute disease, 'prof the continued di minution of nervous and muscular energy froni chronic complaintS,:cine trial of this res torative has proved stineessful . to an extent which no, description 'tor Iwitten attestation, would render credible. invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their otrn neighborhoods, have] ,suddenly re-iv :pearled in the busy world as? .if just rtturned frob protracted travel lin In; distrint land. T - Sorde very signal instances; of this kind are attested tp female Sullerers:,lemaciated victims of apparent marasmus,, sarignineous f•xhaus tion'y critical changes, and that.,complication of nervous and despeptie aversion ,to air and exercise for, which the physician has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds; and for reasons familiar to medical men, the mieration of this preparation of iron . ) - nustnecessarily be salutary, for unlike the old oxide, it is vig orously tonic without being exciting and overheating; and gently, rdgularly aperient even in the; most obstinate cases' of costive ness without ever being a gastric' purgattVe, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. I It is this latter prOpertY,, among others, which makes it so remarkable effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which 'it also appears to exert ft distinct and specific action, byllispersing the local tendency which forins lrem. • In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes a single box of these Chalyheate Pihs has of.: tent sufficed for the most habitual cases, in chiding the a ttendent Co,lireness. In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when advanced to Dysentery, confirmed,. emaciating; and ap parently malignant, the effects have, been eqUally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains.-loss-of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remitten t hectie,wh generally has Incipient•Gonsurnption, this remedy has allayed the elan:l'of friends find physicians, in several V,ery 'gratifying and in. terestiog instances. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect the most cautiously Inhanced preparations iodine, without any of their well known•lia hilities. ' ' • The attention of fern i ftles cannot be. too e - fidently incited to this remedy and restoraplie in the cases peculiarly-I : affecting them. • In RheMmitism, both'elironie and matory—in the ,latter i l howerer, more deci', - edly—it has; been inve.riably well reportell, bap] as alleriating .pain and -reducing tile swellings and stiffness; of the joints and mus cles. ;- •-• • • ' • In Intermittent Fevers it .must necessarily be a great reractly and energetic restorative, and its progress in the y new settlernerits ofthe West, will prolnibly tie one of high renown and uSefulneSs. - No reined has ever beep discovered in the whole history of imedicifie, which exerts such promPt, happy, and fully restorative effects.h- Good appetite, einuplete digestion, rap .d ac quiSition of strength, IViql 11n tmosnal disPo sil,ion for active tool' cheerful exercise, Milne diately.follow ii use. 1 .1 'Put Uprin neitti metal boxes: containing 50 pills, price 5 entd per 'box; ; for- sale by drug - gists and dealers.l .Will be sent . freelto any address pp receipt of the price. All let-, ters, orders, ete.,, should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & C 0.,; 'General Agents, .20_Cedar St., N. V. • • FURNITURE ! W. I EL OATS; . Having, enlarged and refitted his WARE ROOMS, at I ,• WELLSY,T-1.4i-/E, has now on hand anOvill keep constantly for sale r a larger, and better variety of Cabinet- Wiire and Chairs, than have ever been offered in this section of the Country. - His stock of common work had never been equalled. Having made extensive additions to his assortment of PARLOR. FURNITURE, hirhas now on hand Plain Mahogany & Mar ble top Bureaus,'Caid tables, Marble top aide and Centre tables, Fruit and, Toilet stands, Marble top Wash stands. !J COTTAGE • FRENCH BEADSTEADS. COUCHES, SOFAS, AND TETE-A-TETES, wand beautiful varieties. • Cane -eat, Mahogany, Itoe king Ana Easy 'Chain; &c., &fie _ Ipd ct everything in :the' of • NI -TITRE!' can be found his establishment. I,laing the be 4, facilitie s for manufacturing and Pur chasingthiß itoc for cash, • • He ' of be:Undersold. • 'rho • wishing to buy, will save at lOst twenty-five per cent, • by, calling on. W ,H. Coats. • , „ READY 'BADE COFFINS of all sizes kept constantly on band. ,per sonal attendance with hearse when requested. • - W. H. COATS , . Wellsville, Nov. I, 1860. - f• ' Admlnlstratoils Malec. 'ILITTIEREAS, letters of achhinistration on y , l' the estate of RUFUS THOliPSON,dec'd; late of Jackson Tp., Potter Co., have been granted to the subscriber in due form of law, notice ,is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indented to sald• estate, to Make immediate payment; and those havingclOms will present them duly authenticated forset dement. PIIIDELIA . THOMPSON, IY W. BENTON, iidminisers; February 28, 1861 • -Lew I 740F.FAT'S - - I . LFE PILLS'IAND PRCENIX AfITTERSe rrIEIESE ItiODICINES hare now been,;befo' the publii for a period of rtnittriCrEatts, and during that time have maintained* hie' character in 'almost every part of the' 'Grate, for.their eit4erdinarY and immediate power of 'restoring perfect health 'to persons suffering under nearlrfevery kind of disease ail whiCh the human fraine is ! •• i _l'he following are among the . distressing variety of hainan dis'eas'es in which the Vegetable 'Life 'Medicines : ' Alt well kn&wn to be infallible.- T; bYSPEPSlA,bytthormighly cleansing the. first,and second stomaChs and creating a fit* of pure healcitY bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, lleitlessneis, 111-1:01. Per, Anxiety,lLanguar, and Itlelanckoly which are the general symptOms of Dyspepita, frill vanish, as miuttural consequence-of its cure. k‘OSTIVENESS, by cleansing ,:thm whole length of thelintestines,with a solvent.process, and without ? violence ; altviolent purges leave the bowels costive withir two days. I , , FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood teiC regular Circulation, through ;the ?process pers,piratitM in• :such cases, and the flier otter; sojntiori of all intqtinal others. •i t • j. •••• 'The Life Medicines ;have been knOwn to mire RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks,, and GOUT in balf that. time - I by re moving inflammation from th,e.inuseles and ligaments of the joints. • * AIROPSIES of all kinds, by ;freeing and strengtbening•the kidneys and bladder; they operate most 'delightfully on these important organs, and lienre have ever been found a 'cer tain remedylfor the worst cases of GRAVEL.' I Also WORTS ; by diSlodging trim the turn innsl of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creattiros adhere: , • *' • 1 SCURVET, ULCERS, and L's/VETERATE SORES, by The perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and, all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COM PLEXIONS, 1)37 their alterative eflect upon the flUids that feed the skin, and the zuorhiditate of which occasions all eruptive ' complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com plexions. • ; The use nfthesOilis for a veiy short - lime, will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a strikin'g improvement - in Ile' clearness of the skin-, Cp3llloll COLDS and DCFLU- E.NZA will iiiways be wired by one 0.4 e, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of tbese Medicines. as cured of •Piles of, 35. Years standing, Isykthe'use of the LIFE,MEDICINES alone. FEVER! AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Westernitountry, these Medicines' will sound a safer . speedy, and certainremedy.-- other merliones leare the systein subject to a return of the disease—a cure 1:!'y these Med . _ tcznes permanent—TM' THEM, DESATLS£IED, I AND .BE Cntrt). . . BILIOUS:: FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.-+General Debility, Loss of Appe tite, and Diefises of Females—the MCdicines have been used with the most, benefifirl re sults in cases of this description :,—Kings Evil, and. S4orfula, m its worst formi. yields to the mild 'vet powerful actionlof tbese re marktible, M i e,dicines;f Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, .Nervous Complaints jof all kinds, Palpitation Of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCHRtAL DISEASES.—Persons whose eonstitutionr hare become impaired by; the injudicious ,ise of 'Menet-ay, Will find these Medicines aperfect cure, as they never fhil to eradicatelfrom the system; all the effects 'of Mercury, infinitely sooner than, the most pow erful preparlitions 'of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by W. B . : MOFFAT, l 335 1 BROADIVAT. NEIV-YOIIX. • Fog sale by all Druggists. . - 0 -F , Kr+ll-u , I ' ee.'" , r . . . . L DIRS. 1 - WINSLOW, ! Aji experieneed Mtrse and Female Physicir.n, presents tO the attention of moth,ers, her SOQTI-lIING FOR: CHILf/RIN.TEETLIINC t ,! which greatly facilitates the'ptocess!if teeth ing. by seitiening the gums, .reducing[ all in allay ALL PAN and spas intodit action. and is; ; • . . .. SURE 'TO 'REGULATE THE BOWELS.': . , Depend uplon it, Mothers, it will girC rest to. yourselves, and ' 1 RELIEF AND HEALTH TO' Wit nizims. , , We have put up ; and sold this artieie for over , ten years. and CAN SAT, IN 'CONFI DENCE AND TR.UTII of it, what We have never been 'able to say of any other medielne --NEVER HAS IT FAILED,• DT A - SINGLE INSTANCE; TO EFFECT S' CURE, when timely usedl Never did we knOw an 'instance of dissatisfaction' by any one who used it. , On' the contra-S . , all are delighted with its opera- tions, and, ,speak in terms of eimendation of its magicaVdtfects andl medical vi ties. ,We speak in this matter.' WHAT WE CKNOW,” after' ten veai•s' espriienee, AND PLEDGE. CURREPUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT OF WHAT:WE HERE bECLAPE. In almost : ever' instance where the infant is, suffering from and exhaustion, relief xvillihe found iii fifteen or' twenty minutes' aftei the syrup. is adininist6ed. ! . This voidable pri.naration is the prescrip tion of the most EXPERIENCED an STULL FUT, NURSES in New England; and!liaS been Used 'With NEVER, FAILING SUCCESS in ' 1 THOUSANDS OF OASES. " It not only relieves the child'fromimin, but invigomteethe stomach and bowels corrects . acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whol e system. IC will almost instantly re lievej , , ' GRIPING THE IOIVELS, ANT WIND COLIC - - - - and overcome convulsions, which, if'not spee dily remedied, end! in death. We believe .the BEST hand SOREST REMEDY.' IN THE WORLD. in ail crises of DYSENTERY and DIARREIGIA. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teethlug, or from any other cause. We ,woule sayl to every' mother who has a child Offering frOm any of the fotegoing complaints DCI . NOT. LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE IPREJCDICES OF OTHERS, stand be tween you - and your sufferinglehild. ad the relief that will be.SUßE—yes, ABSOLUTELY, 'SURE- -to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. 'Full directions !for using will accompany each. bottle. None gefitiine nit ' less the fae-simile; of CURTIS. L . PERKOIS, New York,' is on the outside wrapper. I Sold by Druggists throughoht the world. -! 'Principal Office, 13 ;Cedar; Si.,' Neir York... r • PRICE ONLY 2I CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold byC. S. SI E. A. J(PiES,`,'Couders- Ir,-.a_ . Pore, . .1 1. • I 6 ?Fyr ._.,,..-,,,.. - ._-. , ~..,, -• y.e. ~1.A,-.,- •,•, - - 5.,.._ -- 7 . 7" .. .... - : 4 '' itti*Haltitti"Cs'7';'4 S'C'. -: ''. e. --'1441k1? ? . . - 'NSQS'S ''' . ,- -.. . - 4.. A SUPERLATIVE ..,-IroN ic,p 'pa, rrie j - . --k ri i*stiEirovi :::,- - -„: . --: - ;(0.:--,-.'.• iliymmtlick-eggit, To the ettizeita 4: New Jersey and Penney/remis, Apothecaries. Druggists, Grocers end Private - Femilic , • , Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Maderia; Sherry and Port Wine: Wolfe's Pure Jamaica). and St. Croix Run t - Wolfe's Pure Scotch and lash Whisk, i ALL IN BOTTLES. 1 beg leaVe 19 call the attention of the chi, fzeias of the United States to the above Was s and Licouons, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is° familiar in every part of this country ifor the purity of his tele. brated SCIIIEDAM 'SCHNAPPS: Mr. Wolfe, is his letter to me; speaking of the purity of his Wines and Liquors,; says : " I will stake, n, reputation as a man my standing as a me t• chant of thirty year's' residence in the City et New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pare as imported, and of the best quality, and. can ha,retied upon br every piirehaser."- !Every bottle has the,pre. prietor's name on the wax; and a fac of his signathre on ti-e, certificate. The pub lic are respectfully invited to call and' exam ine for themselves. For sale nt Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. Cat o. H. ASHTON, No. 832 Market st. Phil. Bolie Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from ,the New 'fo r k Courier:. ENORMOUS BCS/NESS FOR ONE New Yons Mancitarr'—We are bap i py to inform our fel low-citizens that there is one place in our eity where the physician, apothecary, and country merchantman go and purchase' pure Wiuei. and Liquors, as pure as iimorted, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate clescriptian of this merchant's eli• tensive business, although 'it will repay any stranger or Citizen to visit Ildolplio Wolfe's extensive wareLhouse, Nos. 18. 20 and 22, Beaver street, and 'Nos. 17, 10 and 21, Mark etfield street.' „His stock of Schnapps on had ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, since ten thousand cases--Vintages of 1836 to 1850; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum,. some very old and equal to any in this country. Ile alto had three large cellars, filled Iwith Brandy, Wine, &c., in casks; under, Custom-House key, ready for bottling: Mr: Wolfe's sales of SC - ffisapps last yeariamounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two year he may be equally suc cessful tiriih his Brandies and Wines. • His business merlits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wiucs s i tu.] Liquors for medical use should send - their rders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every .Apotheicary in the land make up their minds to disc: rd the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure WineS and Liquors , We tinderstand Mr. Wolfe, for the accom modation of small dealers in the country, nuts up assorted' cases :of Wines' and 'Liquors.— Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op popents in the United 'States, who sell noth l ing but imitations ; 'ruinous alike to krilman bealth'and JJV lOU IV.AIIIVIIISIiERS'? . DO YOT.t WA*TWI.DSKERS? DO 1 . 017. WANT _AI MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGEIAMS' . - .CEILEBRATED STIMULATING' ONGUENT. For The Whiskers and Hain , The subieribers take tdett , ..ure in unnounc inr Citizens of the 'United States, that they havn, obtained the Agenny fort and are now enabled to oil& to the Americanpublie r the above. justly eeletire.ted and world-re nowned article. THE STIMULArrING GUEIIT Is prepared by D • C. P. BtLLINGHAM,4IO CM. inert physician of London; and is warranted to bring out a thick-set of Whiskers or a 13ffustache, in from. three to six weeks. This article is the only:one of tlif kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universarnse. It ! is a'beautiful,; economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon , the roots,. cansing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. IF a.p4lied‘to the scalp, it will cure DALDNES ' S, andicause to spring up in place ; of the bald spots d fine growth of new hair. Applied aceording!to directions, it will tura RED or tow)- hair DARK, and restore gni. heir to its original 'color, learinfr. it soft, sthooth • ; and flexible. The! "Wallin" js an indiS pensable ankle in every gentleman's *toilet. and after one week's use they would not for any coCsideratioto be without it. ' The subs'brihers are the :only Agents for the article in the United States, to whom all or ders must be addressed. "Price One Dollar a box--for sale by all. Druggisis and Dealers ; . or a box of On. guent (Warranted lo hare the desired died.) will be sent ,to any}who desire it, by mall (di rect);• securely, packed. on receipt of price and postage, $l.lB. Apply to or address. HORACE L. EIEGEMAN & CO, DRUGGISTS, &c.. 24 WiMani Street, Neir Fork aiittsZ ' gtol/ MAE undersigned tcould respectfully itfrorm the surroundingcommunity_that he bas taken the rooms formerly occupied by IJohn S. Mann, - where lie is prepared to do Al! kinds of Hs news' Work on the shortest notice. -.• -_- • 1 ' LONG STRAW COLL also kept constantly. on hand. These collars are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure their success. . Repairing .clone in gobs? style. Snrcingles, Martingale-rings, Hams; and Hame •straps, &c., kept constrthtly on band. The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing_elsewhere. S. P. MINAR. Co,:dersport Oct 16th, 1860., - NOTICE. B RADF O RD COUNTY PLOWS AND POINTS, l c will b foUncl herefter at the Stein of IL N.,KRBBINSt BRO. A large lot just received.. . - • . Coudersport, March 20; 1861. ADVERTISE in. the real. _ Only paper in the county. Jour