The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 25, 1861, Image 4

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1 1 110 OF PtACZ
~trdsize,on Brkstol Bojir,(l.i uitable for Albums
AkL) StMT) fly
Y. . -
43r special arran . geMent we;publish in add
tbin to other portraits'. the eekbratedealleathr,
ncll knoWn botlpintlilurope -and Americaits
9ratly,.7 ..)„; - 4tionalehotogruphic Portrait Gallery:
Bra dy''4 collection:of ;inpeeinl Photographs
13 justly considered ";One' pf the 'lions 'Or Nett?
York, attl'ln ;the Phote,grhphic•repro'doctions
of these every centre table can now hate ten
additional attraction in n tyiniature Hrady•'.
Among c:ur publitations are': ~ •
Abraham Lineoln, I Jefferson Devi
.. Hannibal Hamlin, •;„ Lady Davis,
W„ Seward', Ales. 11. Stephens,
`Salition P. Chas.-e, ' Ttolt t. 'J. 'fop rubs,
biwon Catneron, Howell Cobb,
--Xontgatnery.Blair, Henry A. Wlse,
••Ildwaid dbiteS, - John Tyler, - •
,Gideon Wells Gen'l B:auregard,
Caleb F. Stnifli, GenTLee,
Gen.'l Scott, Johd;B:'•Floy - d, • •
Anderson, J.acob Thompson, •
P. F. Thomas, -
Col. 7 John C. Bl'eolcinri!lge,
Gent iiintter, ';'• Giiv. ,tohn Leteiter,
cGentl - .3L'anstield,i • Jolta Heil; ;
Col: Fremont,: TJohn„(.;- Calhoun,
Her.chell V. Johnson, L. G. Wigf.tll, Lien Me,
; Lima: Mtitt ry; ;Cob . Lander, Stephen
.A.Don lLes, Mai: Gen. John.A.Dis, Maj. Gen
N. P: Mks. Henry Wo'rd l3ttei.Mpr, Oarer
`Wendell Holmes, Horace CV:eelay, Prof. Morse.
43:Bryant,Waskingtun Irvirtg, henry Clay,Au
;Arew Jackson,CommodurcPerry,Dr.E K. Kane.
John ndul)011, Mrs. :igoitracy, Mrs.
CrakiCs,C4as Suinnei-,Gor.An•lrov,l.J..Crittet ,
"itetl; - Piitite of Wales, Dime of elveiistlit, ?Jai
'thary•Ttiytor,George, Bancroft; Lathrop ',Mot:.
Houston, .J: Adarns,.litoerson Eta..; I
Ari.lreu• Julingon, Pu:rsou Brownlow
, . •
tironlow s heroic daughter, tog:tue
• abont 500 otters, to which additions are be-1
ing made' daily. attar:w/o: On receipt gfeto Pup
= PRICE of Za PER DOZES: Coo,:
4 , e sent by Remittances may be made ;
'postage stattys. ;
Also a terse collection of Photographs; talll
iiistinguished European-t, Eniper:lrs,
• - c, , tettn, Marshals, Genera's. Dalii;s.
thoes-Atttors, Actresses, Politicians and Cler
gy. '25 to cO:JCS each, according L.,
Our establishment is also itc , :ol quarters furl
?milt as agent of the best French maait,'atun
rer,.and as. inauurtefurer tinder a patent of:
our own hare a large as,tortment. vary
Iv., in price ;Toni . eoms to S'Zio, and holdiMr.
I from 73 p wtr tits fip to Also f o tdi ng
case; of too:Tot:co 'or cloth f,r the pocket. to
:hold 2, 4 ti. :1, or 12 portraits. Also vari•ta
i s styles of framing - card portraits, of carved
wood, n'mt ii, paper, compJsition, ete., of ele
'dant tqt" , ful
Our photoJaphe'rs now in the fi _hl are coil r
sending; ns
OP THE Pitli',3[''S 1' WAR
nod _views of nl,l thinqs, of inters: t•
Vith card tri7;2, for: ham;. and in stereoscopic
rural. insto,nce,
ul C:iny C 1..0-:roti—ro the 'Preach
DA111'.1111C%1 . ..4-TA:11%I. (I, , neral StreLo . :
Vie.v;,. or Catup,Wo. Also the liedly 110,u
ada .:3eenes turf sc-;nery thyruabo'Llt.'
also Ferry-before:rand .titer the se.ellea
•9f destractiOn. Togeth!. , r w'th - various other
:,:places of note. Card 1.2.11 , ..2 23 cents each, ,Ste.
icoAcopit: 33 cents. •
. Parties wh.) w•olild like a ;of of Oa `se cario
• scenes to - select, 'fr.ins—the b-Ilance to be rej.
turned. iu go order at their own expe:v4e;
au l Withoar&l.ty 7 4eln be accounnotixte.loa
giving proner•New York reference.
Our • est l'olishme»t is the great cup
_for eversthiog in the stereoscopic line and 64
ii=sortin tut complete prolmh!y• el
um . ;n the world.
The is the most
.erne, rive nt ions.
one ate too young, none tno old, none ton
int:ellienr, none too unedtwated, to acknowi.
ledge its ...yard) and beauty.
ho,n - complete without i - , :tad it will
an' mnit p.lnetrate everywhere.
It itient:.; to v every part of the
world, in :11l tide r4hef, botiacs rt...rsneetiV(
and slotrp.ll..BB of iktnil, tu: ifpou Were on tin.
iltot We 11:1Veah aUnen , .;e ‘ariety of vievi ,
of ,an.nos in P.Lris, London, Enghltd, ;
W.des, Pr.thee, 11:Uinat,
!,,Spain, The altine,,,Ve wiles, Wit;.
Tuillevies, Italy, Tark,:,, I
.Ati,uw.„ the Holy Lana. Chinn.
Cr , y,..4:fillialAai,.a.lso'llruitps Historical, narl-,1
sing; ialivi:Lge breatifit..“.
CLC.. etc. An expi.dle ox•Pvti-:
911 ,, tit'off,'Irm;insled 1 iLricrs of 1 ;Ices, Chili:,
4 AL.:, and C ttliedrals, o Fe. nee, ete.eze
'['he e:l' , 2ecur these illuminated views is must
rein irk-06
zlntlynjj ''iterepscoiie Views
are latest'-intoteigriajAiie Nvowlei.. They
thelortie . th r part ()fa second. awl
— 6l'erytbitig; uo tuatterilowrapicily it m.ty In
znoving,,io cippict.e( n. , ; ; slorp)y.;tuti 4kti:letll
as if it itzitl been 'perfiretly3i.t re-L. 'llli.::rive•
an value. thr to_ the be tulles of-iw
anint tte nature it'lid..l; tire (Alarm of life and
:atiati„rut.., Time- proerss is a discovery. of our
\VII. mil iiaktown in Europe, we re-
Lbatlon nod Paris for
lustantatieo(is Viell'S of Ainerican
`il'r `staid scenery`..
Otir C,ittingee of Att!:jacts and prices, will be
forwarded.. to any r adaress on receipt of st mitt
Parties at .a- distanee - smding $3.:35-i:' , 1 1 ).
• Si.s $23; or V.:l, can 11.tvc a goad instrument
and,such pltaut:es,as they. may request, sent
tey Expre:ts. '"-View.4 - alone cwit'pat instru
ment) eau he sent by at
o.o]. 'Broadway. Neat 1' ork,
' (3`..aloorsouth f St. Nicht:Has' hotel,)
..IMitorter - 41,4 :mufteturer of' Pb ito . ;raphic
Itqltirials,Stere 'copes - and StereweopieView,ii
rda.3lerchan s- froin. every I..eytion or time
conntry,ere - resi ectfully invited to, mike nit
t.examinalitin of tur stock. •
To 'PhotoAra hers, .Our Bulletin of Photo
ranhic, Invent' n and ImproVentaut -will be
aent..t,ojtny add •ess on application. •
[Out this tut for future reference. ; •
Mornsasi-as ri Tuts.—the following is an
• estract from a atter writes by the pastor of
:11. 'Baptist Ohm h to the "Journal and Me -
, senger," Cinein ati, Ohio, and speaks volume's
in favor of th a . -Trorld-renowned medic ine--
Mis:;:cl i tsst.ow% Soarmso -SYkUP-FOlc CHILI
. -"We see en tidestisement_in your columns
- of-Mes:•W..inslow's ' othin,g Syrup: .Now we
. never said a word ' favor of a7patent.rne,di-;
:-.oine.before in our lit but yce feel compelled
- to:say totur readers, at this is no h snub og
ItiIDLAISIAH.. s . rj:t is; probably, one of the most sue
,Aessful Artedieines of the day, becaust if is one
,tbe best. 'A ad . y:ou'r readers who
• ; have bables•ean't do lietter.than to lay
. . .
7 --- - , -
' Si:tr 7 , l T - t:t7W-f ,- -- •-:-- A "7-E 'VS .
-te,,-"hf;';'.L4-43;=:...-- ' '—.• . -.-- .
:* t‘s., r?. 0 , 4 4- , .- e;:-.'.:7."-'s/. - , 0-i'v' f 1 , • : Tin
7 XF-0 .• . Illi , A 1 . 5. ..,
-1 '1:032fitzg . .." 7-,, ..% Are you siel.;fp x l e. and
•07..z.,_-,....., complaimor,l :Aro you out of
i........ ... i ...,r; '. orfiori - i with your sy,tem de
. '4 E I t ei:?'; '. l:44.• c rr o u tff ' o ' rtn a lTe l,Y l : ll f e ev si l s ings y: n p- 1-
... MI LAVAU K 1 r :,.".; ;5 , 7 . totni are oftin•fbe . ivrelu g de n i,o
. 1 '., , ..... yeiii.„ `...: -.......... .F!trions 'illness. some lit o f
~, .. 7 ..__•1: . , 151 , 101eSS IA creeping; upon you,
- _ .e. ,
~,,.. ,
_A/7. and obould tu. aretied- 1;) , in
~. 7 ( . 0 - i.:,.., -...„.... ; i.1 , ,,j, - , timely nvo. of tlio,rililit."retn
: ~ 6 4. _ . - 1it. ., TA1 , '",- . 114, -0 . ., , k i, olly. -- 7111;e ; Ayer's Pill.; tool
CH , 7-..... ?...ti :24 .
~ ,,, ..,3 ,4 ; t 4 cleanse nrttilie
t li-iott l ierell hi
., Eq t :.; ;-;,.. :.,,„', 4 -- it:: let the mars—pur ify
lnid more :on •I'tnar'lle
_ke:., , ,t.l'. ' " ; ., V"'W . ~twat, 'B . , I in •
,I . i)" - : 4 ,104:10 , -,.- . , (A, health aguin.
. :J .,. , 4 ,... „ ,.._, , x , -;-:, - , of Ow body into viuorotti ne
.,--:---,,,....bri" :,.-,-=-,-- -'--."-• tivity, purify Like , Sy ' stelti fVoln
the 01,4cm:time: uhich make
disease. A cold t'ettlei somewhere la the Lolly; and ob.
struels its natural functions. Thee. if not relieved,
react upon themselves and the eiwromilling organs, pro
ducing general ngerarntioa, 'suffering, mind! disease.
White in ON cmulitian, oppressed by the, derarigements„
lake Ayer's Pills, and me how directly they
rektor° the
natural action of the sph•nt, and with it the, Lnoyant
feeling of health again. What- is true :mil so apparent, In
till; trivial common complaint, is :Ilse true in many
of the deep-sealed must dangerous distempers. The 551110
'purgative effect expels them. Caused by situfh4 obstruc
tions and derangements of the nattirul functions of the
body, they ore rapidly, :mil muny of them surely, cured
by the some moans. 'Ntll/0 who know the virtues of these
neglect to employ them wheu suffering from
the ilkorde'rs they cure. '
Statements from leading physlaan3 in some 'of the
printed cities, and front other well known public per
R Fi r, I
OM a Firm - wiling ferclanzi if St. Louis, Feb. 4, ififle.
Da. Aria, rode 1.111-; Lira Vic parag.,it of all that is
gram, in Thoy hors/. cured uec tittle daughter
of ddee,,,,, Sorez; non her hands and r„ 4 th a t hied pr o v e d
ineurable for ller 'another Ire, long griv. - -
au,ly 8111iotor with I,l,+tclze,:teirl psnti,lrs on her,Bl:in and
in' lug hair. After our wao cured, oho tried
your - I'lll3, and they hare cured h.q..t .
. . . : ASA. 31011G111DGE.,
'Am a rainiry, Physic.
Ftnne De. E. 11. thrttcriold, 11" cm Orkaizs. ,
Your Pins aro Om priare of 'purges. Mehl- excellent
walitles surpass any cathartic wt.: pasaess. :They are
mild. hilt vi.ry elP•ettial it: their aldion on the
boivi•ls, wide!: inalces them Invaluable to the daily
treAtlnenfor dii,as, • •
Headache,SielLll(;nelnebe,T3'oul Stomach.
I' fl Dr. Ed?o , rd Boyd, 11,111,,,,r,
DF:UL It'lO. A VI:It : I canted answer eon whirl complaints
I have care r situ pow Pills Art for titan to Fay all thrd we
!rer tre.d. trill, ~,p,rooke nice 7 it-iir!. 1 tiht , o g.-:.- &
Beat pal
let. -a otk lid car,-at nal r ativir tie in my daily contest with
litte r-a, ant: lettering aa Ido that, your Pills afford us the
best we hare; lof course: rattle them highly. :
i Prrtsacca, In.. ITaW 1,1,815.
Dn. J. C. 41!re:n. Sir: T lute, boon repeatedly enrol of
the worst &lit/ad/44 any hotly not bare by a Jose or two
St your Pith It settats to arias from a foul stomach,
which they r onme nr mote.
Tome vit Ir great e espect, P.D. W. PIIIIBLII,
MO.' ff Steamer Clarim.
Bilious Diaorders—Liver Complaints.
reont D. n:nclo re a 11, ri rid* qt,'
' Not only nee y,ur fife admit:ado adapted to their-mu , '
„TM* as on aperient. hat I find their betoqiehil I.fT4 CIF 1111011
Liver very mat :ed l indeed. Th ey have l it my prac
tice proved tote eireetunl for the clue of kitions cent
ninints Than tilt ,one remedy I enn zdneerely
rejoice tint we hale at ienwth a f,argative whihit is wor
thy thin con&letiee of the innli,,iun and the
IVIVAIiIIO.)ii, D. (2:, 7th Felb,ilSstl.
Stitt I have used your rill , in my ;.!illientl and hospital
practice erer mire you made tlicto,and catilloit'lleSitate to
say they are the .best eitthartic wu employ. Their regu
lating action on .the liver is quirk and devilled, cense
tineutly they are an infulls able remedy for det i angements
of that org:m.• Indeed, I have seldom Mond a case of
cticiaisc so ObAllitatO that it did not readily yield to
them Fraternally :you's, ALONZO I:ALL, 31. D.,
I:Vsiciall rJ Ilse ~114,riliC
Dysentery, Dlerrlkten, Relax, •Worms.
• ,
• .1.,)011i V. •J. Gict I , rif Chi cos,.
Your Pills-havo had n. long trial 'in my prartlce ' and I
hold thou eztk.ent one of the best aperientsl have
ever found. Their alterative effect tipon the liver makes
them an excellent remedy. when given its small doses for
bilions dysentery and ttiorrhan. Their. sugar-renting
makes them very acceptable and, convenient .Ibr tlm use
of wouten and children.
Dyspepsia, Ignintrity of the Blood.
I 'From Et ftf Atirent Boston.
DR. Arco 1 have used your Pills with extraordinary
eurctes in tny fandly and anion,: tin, se lUM celled vimt
;in distro.. ro gula 11113 orp,asm of flEresthoil lurid
l'utifY the 1 . 1 0 1111 . they alo the veer !A.A. trnle,ty I have
ever itunnli, and 1 can co:sink:1111y reconniesnl IlJern to
tuy friends. Yours, V; 11IJlli3. .
)r.trts UV, Wyoming Cs., N. , W,; Oct; 24, 1855.
Tina SIT:: I ant using . your Catharlie Pills )1i toy pray
; CD:, and find thew :111 excellent purgative nicleause the
e;yntenkand ptirify due fumuulqilis I : I the /1 ,13
lolls O. 31EACII4 D.
Constipation, Costiveness, Snppresslon,
Itheranatisni, Clout, Neuralgia, Drop-
Sy, Paralysis, pits, etc.
Prom 11r. J. I'. litiro!,),
Tan much cannot be Fait: of your Pill, fur`, the cute of.
c6nr,,,,,5. If othel sof our ft itternit v liavelontni them
ay efficacious IN 1 hare, they timid,/ joie me in proclaim
ing it for the 6enrlit of the iniiitktudes whosufTer ft coil
that complaint, trbic•h. althoip4h had enough in irself. is
the progenitnr of other: , that itiv V believe vq-
Unnicss to grigitmle in the lirep but your VIL6 affect that
organ anti cute the titeCaett.
,Fr'nnt .1717. E. Slum', Ph:nth:ion and 3fidlnift, Rnstnn
11 tt.l non 01.• Itr,r la r 1 :0 angel of your Pills. taken at the
proper tin4e,:it.eeNeelleht pr avert i era of the r ulro nl Seere
ti.,l partially Slilllfi•,,ell, a I:1 31'10 Very
a n'rrrogr tl, s:/thoicit and extol rn ib s . They
me so much. :no nest physic hove that r reconauiend
no other t toy p:(lients.
Moat Mc 12. m. Pr. If the F;pis.Chpiref t .
Go. ni. 6, Ig:,ft.
, liosortro Sin: I iltiOiht he Iniaritteful for the relief
, .„
y1 , 1%1* Ihas to ought nue if I lid not relue't thy case to
y. If. .t ruld..vetticd In Illy NM 641111.1 1 / I . ollgilt on excru
ciating; Viilll . ll ruled ill Chlilliii7l.llMinia
ti::lll. • Notwithstanding. 1 lint the 1 , 04 of plipnirinus , the
di-ease grew worse :Ind WOrSO. 1111! Ity'the atlvore of your
ex, ellent runt in lialtinviro. Dr. Mueltenaie t I tried your
i.e. , . 'I heir offects were tlow. but sure. fly' persevering
its the use of thou, I urn now entirely well.:
Cueuuen, Paton Rouge, Lc., 5 Dee. ICIiD.
Dle.. AYER: T linyo been entirely c cc li, by!yoar Pills, of
Micitni.lic Gout —a paialut that. teal afflicted coo
L1; - • Most of the Pills in marl:et ceumfn Mercury,
whirit, although a valuable remedy in Fhilful honrl3. is
clongertom in a public pill, from the' dreadful' conse
quences that frequently tdl •w its Incautious nee. These
:oeutain no mercury c,rlninenti totb,toure whatever.
Price, 25 coats ier Box, or 5 Boxes for
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER &, CO., Lowell, Mails
.); 7 s 1%. A. Jones, Crinflersport
; N. J. M!Ils. Coles
; Gdsvell f.,.yzno.n, Roulet.; A. Cores S
`S')u, I..Tlpse3; A B. .Horton, Cdphingvilie.;
an,l by generally.
M.. W. 31cAlariley, Pro,Oriet or
~ .*Deoted to the cause.of IlerotWicanisni.
the' interests of Agriculture. the iidcituceittent
of Education, and the boit grio4 of Potter
couray. . Owning no guide except that of
Principle. it' will endeav , r to :Lid in the work
of Clore fully FiTedomizing our eciuotry,
w the',
rates, except here special bargains are made :
1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, '- - 00
- -•SI 50
Earl subsequent insertionless timlo3,' 25
I Square three month.i?,, - • - - - 250
1 " six "
1 " nine " 550
a one year, ----- - 600
1 Column six months, - - - - 20 00
" .10 00
I. 12 11 4 ---- - ; 7 00
" per year. --- - - - - 40 00
- - - - - •• 20 On
kdrninistratoes or Executor's Not:ice, 2 ein
Business Cards, 8 lines or less., iieryear 5 00
SpeCial and Etlitoriul Notices, pa. line, li•
' tmnsient advertisenienis must hi
paid in advance, and no notice be take
advertis..ements from a clisiani:e unless the
Are neconynnied by the money orsatis.factor
, eferener.. .
.1 Blank;, and Job Work of all kinds, at
tended to promptly and faithfnlly;.
FUER S;CrI.34IIII3ER received
`stock of ' - -
- ' 1
Direct from .N--Tork, ronAstiog of
T . '
GOODS, G'IIOCK- - ' . -
HI :S .- of a.l kinds", .:
- . II: RDWARE: CnOCK- - . 1 -
. 'UT :3S CAPS`., Intest.:
;•. - sfyks. fIEADY MADE .
TICS, such as SHEET-
sltorti ell kinds of
,goods usually kept
ill a. • •
All of which will be sold very low for
ti4L 4. lt ij j
• 1 -0-- ' .
The :al\ ove-nntned stock of Goods is now
open and fori sale at the
. i
i •• .
Neivißirie li Store
near Coafieltrs.Flooring Mill, a few rods east
of the Altegliany Bridge,
where tlie Konrictor would be plea-ed to re
ceive calls from hi , old customers and as ma
ny new ones as feel disposed to
DEAL vier a Erza.
The market price paid for all kinds of
, in exchairze fur 31ercbanejse. '
Condersrort, Jan. 2, 18n1.-15-6rno.
B ,s 3 8 el E 11:- 1,6 1
Main above Third. St.
1 - 3
ljdoxs, MArs, GLOBES
• .
-Creek, Latin, French nod German Test-
All 'Sr./too/ Books use(r - in
I f ipt Op hand, or immediately procured
when desired '
Magazine's or any Periouicnis sup . ed when
A good assortment of Paper, Envelopes.
Pens and Inks. Also, of Iv - 811-Papers,: Draw
ing Materi;tls, Writer Color,,i, ate.
PRAYER. & VAIN BOOKS, of variousliinds.
Slates, Rulers, Threk-Gammonl:ohrils Chess
Men. Sic., &C. PRODUCE of all kinds takes
in exchange fur Bm . ilcs, ' t
AND ' •
-.- E. Anthony, No. 501 Broadway, New York,,
is now publishing, in addition to other por
traits, the celeinited collection known in Eu
rope and America as
Brady's Natirmal i';iittvraphic Po-.trail Gallrry,
in-whith is included Portraits of nearly all the
prominent men of America..rult exceyting Jeri
Davis, Gen' Ben megard, Floyfr: ; and a host
ether confederates. Price of Pkn•q•alts, s3,ou
i,er dozen. Can be sent by mail.
'Scenes of the War for tlit4nion
are publishal, card size, and to Stcreocopic
Mrm. Also,
Stereoscopic views of scenes in' ='aris, ton
don, an d in other parts of linglanil and France.
in Scotland, Ireland. Wales. Holland, Switzer
land, Spain, on,the Paine, in. Athens, Et:y . ln.
Turkey, the 1161 y. Land, China, India, Cuba.
&c., ad ityinitat.
Our,lnf,tantawmis Stereoscopic/Views arc
The Greatest Wonder of the Age:
Thes:e:ure taken m tha fortieth part °la second
and the rushing of water,the moving of leaves..
or the march of an army. does not in the least
:Affect: the taking of these views. They the
sold tbr $3 per dozen. • .
We. hai, - e also on hand and manufacture the
largest assortment of Stereoscopes, Photo
,,rraphic Albums, and Photographic Materiels
;n the United Stales. and perhaps in the world
Cat . tilogoes.-c r oaataining lists of all our Por
traits, Views. Stervoseopos, &c., sent tree Ly
nail, on receipt of a stamp.
. E. ANTIIONY. 501 Broadway,
jyly near St..Nieholas H del, New York.
itti LANES a all kinds for . sale at thispirtee
Deeds, Warrants, Executions, Summons.
.• , :itlipeenas, Constable Sales, Township and .
School Orders, Notes of all kinds—kept on
}Lir d and printed to order. JOB WORK at
cnded to pizatiptly, and at prices to suit the
times Give us a trial. .
The ;Rochester Straw-Cutter.,
4 k I.3ISTED Sr. KELLY, Coudersport. have
'the exclusive agency for this celebrated
thLs county. It is corenient.
and 011E11) Dec. 1. 181;0.-12
DVERTISE in the JOURNAL ! is the of'.
ly paper in Potter county, ami•is n good
o.edium through - feach thcpeople of
JO district.
bustion in Hydro!,_,. .
highest 7.1e-dieel A uthOrities ;both lift, Eiirope.
and ,
the United Sfetes , iind preaerited in Filet:
practice:• : ' -• ' :r. ' '
Ti;• If ai:,
_ice experience .;)f _lily: 'Pt ,
-that DO preparation ofjrorican be conifiared
with it.. Impurities ofithe Itlood.,klepretsiOn
of, tiital 'enorgr,• paleMand btherivise rick)}'
coutplexioini i icates*s alina 4
every conceivable: easel •i
liinekions in all - Maladies in wilielt iti has
becti tried, it has proved altsolutelS•!eurittiVe
in each of the followim4 cornplaints, xiz
Debility, INCrvetz.4 :411:rettoits, Eppvieiutiwis,
DyAprpsid, C,'cißtipatio* Diairliczyx,; IJysr> terN,
1;10:view Coalunti f tion,.croAloqs Tirberczeosis,
Salt !Rheum, ili,eiri-tt,sts'it4lion,ilThits, `chtoros6',
Lit . errtliic
1-ealfent ,
611 .rfte , face,
In cases of:General iDebility, vaitithen the
result of acute tlisease,ltir of:the ecibt:in int:l
niinution' of nervous aad musctilar
froM chronic cotnplairits, one trial'of: 014 res
torative has proved: successful toi an el.t tent
which no description, zor mritteir! artespitien
would rmiler creeliblci[ Inviilitis so lord boil
ridden as to ha ve , , heeoine :foreottgn'initltitir I
own neighborhoods, ;have' rp=ap-
, .
Reared in the btli , :y if jitst rttiirntql
from protracted tnireOtt a .distSnt /Ad. ;
i•eyy eilnal, inst4ices 'of this litia me ftinnleStitleicri , ..Onactilted victims
of apparent marasnms; saM!nitiedp.s exi.tati
,titto, critical changes,! and that cuipliclation
of 1 1 ,errous.amitlespelifir: ni : ersiori to air and
exercise for which th,.'physi,cian his no name.
In Nitrous Alfectioh!s of all-kinds, add for
reasons familia, io ine'dical rue:k, : the opeiatihn
of this prepare lion of, !iron ;mast i neer'7,: . -I.rily
he salutary. for , . , 14.1 oxilds, its ritr
ordusly tonic without behig ex,itinii 'and
overheating; and e : eMly, regularly apprint
even in the most. obstinate .cases '.oi . c,rvive
nesis %Calmat ever being a gas!rie puttttive,
or inflicting a disiagye - eable Sensation, 1
It is this latter .I.ropertv, aratm4 others,
which makes it yo .retastrha)le eirvcftnal and
pcillianc•nt a rill: i'lli.., tiia ? a . which it
also , appears to exert .ti disti it anti sjfecilic
action. by dispersing the loctil tendency vnielt
forms them . : ji ; i
In Dyspepsia, irPl.iniaprald as are Its clatiscs .
a single ho.r• of these ,(..lhalyileate l'ilis hps of
tett sufficed for the nicjst hafrAtnal 'case4, W
el:tiling the attentlent '1,...u.5..!ietwe5.T.... -: I
1,, unch(Tked Di.tryla, e..4n Wilk!: ad viineed
to Dyst.ntery, coiaffinir_id. e:riaeiating.-. atid atp
par,4lll3--!rnalignant, the filfects: have! beta
equally decisive and ilston.i.i.hing..,
I n the local pains, hits of ilesli and strtpig,t it:
t'elalitating cough, an:d remittent hedtic.which
generally itid'eaK ludiPientiCons4,i,ptioi,, thin
!Tim dy has alloyi4l the ;,hii.ropf: frientls and
physicians, in several very p4ratifYing.aid in
teresting instances. - 1 i!
'ln ,Scrolithins ;I:tiberculepis, this 'medicated
iron has inid Mr,innre 'tliatithe goo.d efil..cti -
the ino . st e:tutiou,ly preparnti - Juti of
without any - ch;" tinlir well knowin .
'The :it ieufion'of fenialel cannot be to l l, entt
fidently invited cc, t./J4 re 4 ,, / ,/ arta , • , :, , ,t4-acire,
in Abe ea-es ar/ti;tiwz fhent..
-jlv itheilmatisin, both elitonie;Tt!l itifinut. -
1111tory—ir, I,,,Wever, ntorel,
ha been we!.l rc t jtnucd t
both as rlleviclin ift,kl l ,s
swellings uud sulfites of 'the nuts
In littermittent Fevers it
be a qi . eat remedy mid rQsto •ative :
ond its progTe-s ia the laitw6oltl;.. , o3ots of - OW
Olie of i`nown
No r , :nedy l'ea:s•.eve;r l ,lthe
ildwield , d , ary of incalfo-ink-. : o - stitch
prompt ; imppy,'llo fiullytiont!it t t ethl•e;4
G mp . ood appetite,, co:ket,!:•,zet - -tiao, raiLd [at.-
urso:c•irgih;Witf an turi,L , lol. !dipo
,itiori 1 . 9 r active and eliekirlul e.xircis•, borne
djately litllun it.s tis ! • 1,
Put up in neat:llat•Tnetill contkinin ,-
50 pins. price 50,cent3 brix::, fur. ir.h.l,.by
druggists.nud d'eltlerSj . Will 1t sent:•free u
any address on receipt of the
ters, orders; etc..;shotOd In,'d
I. B. LO ; ;21:1.; . ..S: Co.. Grueral Agenlit,
1 1 20 r e ,. .hit! St, Y.
l*TiN l- 1) TN I
1 4 0 1 4' .
VT; Ill! ,S, t t •
Tiaving enlargiid rdiittvd' hisI'TARE
ROOMS. at ' ' . ; •
` F SV(II1.,ILI,
has now on hand andj ir i florvtantly for
sAle, a. larger awl better vlariet:,l i t, - Ciibliiet-
W;lre and thi4i haVe ever been 'offered'
id this secit ion tithe Coutitry.
Ills stockof eduinton: work haf; neyeir been
. Havin r g ni::ide @sterdvs adOitions
to hisae-sortmeiti of ,
• 1
1 : 1 ) , Ft! rc PIT RF„
he has now on blind:Phiiii!3,lalio'gany,,,t Mar
ble top litireno43ar4l, tb side
and Centke tablietz, }mit and Toilet cbtands.
Marble top Wasli . stntts.
• •
• A;ND •
' BEADSTEADS: (7.01 7 (1 . 1E..•.y
AN lEl' E :A-TETES '
tli'W beautirul vaoeties.
Cane Sear,'Zlahogeny, Bucking anil Easy, Chairs,
-•. . i
In fact every , C E lling 'HO line
. . .
con TR , found a; his' estal?h , linent 1 laving
:he h , ... , :t fileilitio- for tuatilittetuing and pur
ehasing hi , stA for k•iv.Slvt'. I: ~ • ' , ;
..' %
He wi.l 'd.of Ile - junclersold: .'
Those wishin:i to' buy, :Ivill save it least
twenty-five per', 'eeirit,l by [calling-. on IW. H.
Goats. . I I t ' . : i
of all sizes keriti con.tantl'y -on lawndi. Per:
sonal atteutlant whenrecnested;
1 . 1.. 'l , NV. 1 11.- C01.1.'17S
Wpllsrllle. NO% 1. 331 Q.
:it the estate pc RI:
Ike of• JneksO4 Tp.
trranted to the shbser
notice is lierehylvel
t r Emnselves intlibleat
immediate payment 7,
present thein duel
February 28, I§6/1
tor's Aolice.
.s of loirntOistraiion oo
:IT THO),IPSON,dec't);.
.1, Potter Co:; have been
iiber in doe form , l of,bivr.
per sorts knowing
to i liattl •eStute! to mai,
an ?those baring claim:-
iiltbenticated 'pr. set
113ESTON, Adruitilst'rs,
t`z /:•Gwr;
F - '4l HEST; fIIIIbIC,INE'S have now :heen"beftiro
thellhblic . ftir it Period af'llturiTY..Eatis!,
;~id;dnrin that littVe maintained a
character,ln aynost every part:of; the' Globe,
'heir tilt.4ailiziary arta IminePiate i)ower
oirestorihg,perfect health to persons sutrerink,
. antler nearly every bind of tlisktaii
he human frame is,liable• t
, .
; The - COM:owing itre among the; i distressing
variety af;linittnit diseases in Whinit - tbe
;_ Vii , gpthblo Life - 11te'diefOres i
Are well'-knitivn to he-itifitllible: t !„ • :
J...)1:81*, 'SEA, by tlioron,ghly. clean'sing•:the
......3t ~-..„ ~.....hd stonmelts, anircreatingn flow
orpnrc hea liy . hile; instead of !the stnic and
acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Lpssof Appetite,
Heartburn.. Headache, itestlessiiqs, ll,l'rent-.
pCr, - Anxiti t if, Languor, and MelatlOoiy,whieli
•are the geneial symptoms of Dyspepsia, will
vanish, iis a• natural conSequeneelof its; cure.
.COSTIVE.NE§'S,"!bY• clean Sing thC Ivliclie
length otthe int estines with a coil - cm t piocesS,
and :witiUut vinbenee ; all vioientvirges leave
the how'ids costive - within two days. ;. !, • •!. i,
TEVEIbS. °rap Mks. by restoring the blood
to : tiregillat circulation, through the. pt.occOs
- ofperspiration in spelt eaks,,• and the thor
ough solution of all ilteiinal obiitrpcti•Ni:4l
others:! :'j
... . ,
. , .
The Life; Medicines hare been knotrn to
dire RIOLIMATIM !permanently iin: three
weeks, and GOI3T in lialt - that :time, by re
inpving,l:bical 11111,1MM:diem from; the muscles!
and ligaments of the joints. ' '
D1101:431ES of all kinds, by freeing and
the kidneys and bladder; they
operate fittostideiightfolly on these important
organs, nnd benne hire ever been found a cer.
taiu reniedv for the wort cases of GMAVEG.
ds d
Also't 7 t.)lol..:Sy by iliMotlging fimwthe turh
higs of the liPwcls the slimy matter to !which
these micro - sixes Pilliere.
'SCU4VEI7.- I.7l.ClittS, and INVETERATE
SOIZESI by the: perfett purity !which,' these
LIFE ltltl/ICI.);ES give to the 1;:ootl i aid all
. . .
;lie hunini.,:.
.SCORB UTIC ' EFT PTIGNS nail 1.111.Q.e0.111.-
PLEXIONI-' , , 1.)%'• ';their. alter:lli - e:efiect upon the
fluid:: Ora t fef.l the ~kin, :and; thii luorbill -state.
of which occa.4i . ons all ernl - 4;s - 6 eiimPlnitits.
§allow.(.7.loucly- ! and other e : isa. , eeaibk cow
. •
rise of th.ies P a ills for very short time,
will'elrect entire cure of!S-14.TAZIIELTM.
and a siriking i iinprpvetnent in ihe'cledrness
of the Firin.l CWI ON COLDS lint] INFLU
ENZA . i.ll-:llWays he cured by one dose, or
IT two itt titt.
PILES.HThe original proprietor of Mese
Medicines. wa's: (lire& of Piles; ifr:ls yesr ,
:itanding,.)l4 the trse of the.LIFE MEDICINES .
alone. ..;
FEVE4 .4.N1? AGUE.—For this iconi . of
the \\ - (!terti,coutiny, thf2se Medicine, will be
tound aey :Intl certain retnetly.— ;
Other ntelitines I, ave the systein §iatject 'to
a return of the:diseitse—a cure by these Men -1
icutes i iiitISVIED,
1311..101:3 FEI — r:T . E.! AN-T.) CUM
fie-is; of .Appe.
lite, arid Dise.,l , s of Feinales—the
h:ict re n used with tlic u.osta , cticfcirl re
ilts its of. this
to the mild yet'powerful action of these Te.- Nervpw ,
Cemplitints 'of all hinds.
I Ipitatton of the lienit, I'.s!ntyr;'•Cotic, our
:IfErfCt.:IZIA.L. DISEASES:— rers(:as
eonstitjttions bare •bq:ol:ic ))y . the
ipj)llit'loz:ls'i:s'il . of Ml:izrisity, teill find the c.
Medirihe3 perfec, et OP. tin . :* never f:/ I! to
ti.a,die4te frarri'r. the syi.;:•111,1til the e:iee:s of
tha'll tile MOSE PO W 7
ijj . fll . l d/rUpirati , jn: ,)f _
:cud by IV. 11. MOTTAT,
r BuoADwAy.i'N'uw-Yonx.
For ;sltle by ito -
: ,- - .5 • 25 .
• •
• -7- -----11-44;:4
expeOctictql Ntirst::lo rounle PhrFiciap, thC fitt(•litiori of inotherS. her .
S..(jr( [I !NG ,c . -31rF3_1 . 1),
Cite proceis
stifiening the I-v . :l:whir. :ill 'in,.
allay..A LI. PAIN nod
and is .
. .
t 'tipon it, mothers,' it will give rest to
yourselves and '
I We:.119.1e. jiut hp and sold this article for
Lover ivars, and GAN SAY, IN cIoNFT_
OIi2siGE.AND TfaiTli of it, 'tvinit, wel hav'e
pever.;been able to say cif' any 'ott.;r medicine
Never din wr know an instant
dik:‘ll.ll.4acti.On an. one who uteri it... On
the en e ntt-a"y, all tire delightedwittf its opera
tions, allti speak in comendatioii of
its miigkal efreets : an.l virtues. We
sj)eakin,tliis /natter WDAT'WE DO KNOW::
' ten years' -experience ; ANl) PLEDGE'
OF WIiIAT,WE 111.111.; DEOLAP E. In aimost
icverylinstithee where the, infant is suffering 1
from .pwn and exhaustion, relief he'found
in lifte'en i,r twenty minutes after tine syrup!
. .
1 '
This, Valuable preparation i the' preFerlp
tion Othe l inost,EXPERIENGED,and SKILL
FUL N,U,IISE:4 is NeNV England, and haFfbeen
used ItN:ith FAILING SUCCESS in.
• It Mit ionly relieves 'the child from ital.; but
iuvtginates tho stomach and bowels, corrects
AteklitY, ;gives tone and I energy to the
?wholeal It will "almo4t instantly 're
. • ,
nild overcome . convulsion's. winch, W not'spe . e •
lily reniOietl. end in death. We believe it
WORLD. I in all 'cases of DI!SENTERY and
DlAfirtrfailA IN CHILDREN, k‘ bother it arise,
;fromteethiog. or. froM am,' other eause. W 9.
4.4 to evt ry mother twlio . has child
..E.ittre-Ot.:Tirom ny of the foregoing complaints
tween you and your suffering child. and iht
relief Wag will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY
SURR- ,440 folioO tin; use of this medicine; if
timely. Oded.l Gull directio4 fog uging . Hill
accompany cinch bottle. 'lone genuine an--
l e s s the' thc4inille of CURTIS & PERKINS,
New TOIL is 'on the outside wral;per.
Sold 4 DtMggists throughout 1,13 e world.
I,'lrlodipal Office, 13 Cedar SI..
: New York. '
soi,Chy C. S. & E. A. JONES,: Cotiders
port, Pa'. t 1 I • ;".16.--ly.
' 1: ( 1 1 . In S. IT .7t: Leiv,
'4.4.t . tre, : ...
. - .t . :
o - - ---- , - 1 - 3.10- xa
14414 PERLAVVE" - - t:.
'TO ' N :(62 DIUREinil:
e_ i
iscAll -
:Tfrthc - citizi.m‘ qt'Srle'dereq , y and Peniivlicznia.
Apothecaries. Draggists, Grocers and •
.• - - -
Wolfe's Pure Cognac BraUdy: , • •
Wolfe's Pure me . , - 4ria, Sherry and Port Via
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Bum.
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irtah Whisky: • •
1 beg leave lo:call the: attention• of the eitis
zone of the United Staten to the above Ru esand j r 4Qt:oll9, imported by .Udolplio Wolfe,
New York, whose flume is fatniiiar. in e very
part of th i s, country for the purity of his cele,
b t r : t6l
SCux4res. Mr. Wolfe; in
his letter of the purity Olds
Wines rind.prittors, sayS: " I will stake p l y
reputaticru icinan my, standing as a re ec ..
chant of thirty years' residence in the City e r
Nov York, that all tlie Brandy and 'Mites
which I hot:le are pure as imported, and of
the best quality, and„ can be relied upon bi
purchaser.” . Every :bottle has the pr e .
prietor's inme: an the was, and a fae shuffle
of his signat , iye"on -C e certifiCate. The pub
lic' are respectfOly invited to 'thin and exam.
ine for themselvys. For sale 'at Retail by all
Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia.
GEO.. ilh. 45.117 . 0:(,` No. 8321Mayka
• Sale agent far Phi/ode/Aid.
Read the 'following from ;the l'iew TDrk
. ,
ENoniiotrs pirsixEss Fon ONE NEIr Vizi
1 3FERCILiNT.—AVO are happy to/inf.-Tin our fd
low-citizens that there'is oneplace iu ourcitv
I whet e - the physician, apothecary, and coot try
i merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines
land LiqUors, as pure its inn eked, and of ttle.
best quality. AVe do not inttind to give ta g
I elaborate description of this" linerchiturs tx.
1 tensive,liusiness, altheingli• it will repay ey
stranger or eitiinn to visit Ildnlpho Wolre's
eNtensive ware-'.l.onse, Nos: 8. 20 and 122,
Beaver stret t, mat tics. 17. 1.1 and 21, Mrk..
etfield street. ills stud,: of Schnapps nubm ready for shipment could not have 'been esq
I tulan thirty I honsand eases ; the Brandy, s4to
ten - thousandceases—Vintage; of 18.311 to 1ti.56;
and ten t,<lnit!-ni:ol cases of Nadeira, Shi rty,
and Port rVinc, Scotch and IL,II Whi Shirty,
;.larnakcit and St. Croix. Rum, 'some tiery eltl
and equal to any in this country. IleLst,'
had three large etliars.! filled with Brandt, ji
i Wine. Sc., in -tt1,1 , ?::, under Cl:stain-Bon:7e ley,
ready fur ' bottlirg.. Mr. Woice l s sales' of
'Schnapps lust year a rtIO/Intcci to n d re d ,
and eighty Thom - and dozen, and. We leek in
less than two : - tars he may be enpally in e .,
cessful with his Brandies and . Wines. -.
liis ht,iness- trierit': tines ni patronage of e cry
.loser of his' species.: PI - irate families Fiat
wish pure WineS anti Liquors for medical use
should s:Mtil their °niers dirt et to Mr. Wjulfe,
until every Apothecary in the land makb up
.their Minds to di:-eard the-poisonous stufffront
their Nl:Jvc:s. and replace it with Wolfe's ure
Wines and Liquors.
We ti ntlerst:lnd Mr. Wiii fe, for the an oln
modation of iqoali dealer; in the epuntry,intits .
up assorted case; of Wines and LiqUots.—
iiitch a man. and :melt a merchant, should be
sustained against his tens of thousands °lop ,
orevit --, in the United Sliites, who sell alb
j.ti!,: 1,•:• t u t , ti,tii.. ruinous alike to htimati
,health and happiness. , • [b'2—Genl
J V trio , :,..\ i. II litbAliiit.? .
STIMITLATING ' ONGIJEST, > [se Wkisikers until EL9r.
-The :iul,sci.:l.n.i.i take plea urn in :immune
.rin:r to tl.e Ckizens of the United States) that
ropy. 1:fi , ,,...-, 6 lit::i II ed the A gult:y for, ant art
now t.n.l , :ed
.. to-nil;nr' to the ..American p• blir,
the above-jm,-113 - , celebreted and world-re..
1101VI:011 P.l'l; ' l:ii% .
.E......... 1 i.... I- 46, , - .64
L- llrep"::0(1 ,y,}) C. P. .lint.mstm_km, a$ cm
'iamit pl;.oiMan,.of London, and is warre.ted
ont et of
his4ers or a Teustach ,
in from three to six weeks. This arti ,
The otilywie the kind, used by tke
Ind iir I;on.lon,and Paris it i in i)it-ers-r.a'
it is a beautiful, economical, soothiul ' , yet
stiinm:ating• cempOnzul. acting as Irby t i nteic
upon, the roots, causing a beautiful groVltof
:luxuriant hair. VappliCd to the scalp,t i t Ain
I cure naLmuss, and cause to spring a p in Iplace
of the bald stints a fine growth 'of new hair,
I- - - , leeordirl" to dileetiOnS, it Will tam
nan , or to we ha tr UMW, and restprelgrayi heir
Ito its orlgiuttl color, leiiving it,l , oft,'Erpooth
and flexilde. The "" ONnt - Exr " is an.iindis
-I.pensat,l4,article in every gentleman's collet,
l and after one week's use - they woull !apt for
anv.corsideration be without it. •
' The subscribers afe`the only Agents fOr the.
article in the. United 1 - all or
hers mist he rildresSell.
Price One . I.Lnltnr a box—for sale lir all
I Druggists' and Dealers ; or' a box of the F' Ott-
;;neat" (warranted to have the desired effect)
will be sent to tiny who desire it, by omit
rect), securely packed.. on receipt ofpricp acid
-floatage, $1;18. :apply to or address I
24 TV:iiiirim St?ect. Nt4-
Rau A 2 a titf - gip
IIIE undersigned ould respectfully .1
the surro and s ing_comtnuoity that.hl
taker the rooms formerly occupied by.:
Olmsted, where he is prepared for do
All .kiiid E of, Harness Wo
nn the shortest notice. . _
310 ktlit e9riz.tantly'on. band. Th e se ei
are a. superior article, and need hilt a trl
insure their success.
. ,I?cpail'ing done in.good style .
Sureingles, Martingale-rings, Home:
flame straps, &c., kept consta, tly on b,
The public are invited to call andel:
itefore purchasing elsewhere. -
Co : dersport Oct. 10th. 1800
will be founi. hereafter at the of
• • i rs&t•A large lot just received. -
Coudersport; March-20,
A i) V EitTISE in the
n 41 .1 Uray paper in the county ,
al to