The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 21, 1861, Image 3
s==E2== POTTER - COUNTY JOURNAL tithe only "paper Potter.entinfyi - . -ttreelates among'sir intelligent ',Osseo( pew. IA and is - thulium excellent medium teiflio r ti cityend Transient Adverthiements and those troll e. distance must be Cash or hail) responsible re ference. - All communietitions,tte• receive attention, mast be , -directed to the 13iditor, and contain bf the writer. No attention paid to artonyrdenscenntsiations.2 , . ItitllSl—One.cophorie Year, $1; Six copies $5 ; Twelie copies, sio; ,Twenty copies, $lB, with one to the persoln_sraising the Club. The money must accompauy ,the names., Cd u deliport,WednesdayEvntra,Pigast 21, 1861 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL siirS tibscribe_for . the Jouarrare-rpnot only for the County News bat for:the news from the Seat , of War. i It is only ONE DOLLIR:,aTear, you scan all afford that..'! Try tf for a year. , The Cash mast accompany the ordOr. Da.,See New Advertisements . :' Lost; Administrator's Notice, aide Sewing chine Company, List of Letters, &e_.,_ 44-Circus in own on - Monday. See •notice.. There, will an oppOrtunity , for all to "laugh and grow fat." lta„Godcy .0(1 l'Oenir,, for Septem ber, have been reeeive4;.,,hoth replete with all that the ladies ean'desire. 4:Z.-We learn that a son• of Samne Barr, of Roulet, ha& one of his legs' bro ken one day this week. VrA couple heads of oats have been sent us from the farm of C.W. JoHNsbx, of_4lonlet. -One head is a foot long and bears over three hundred grains. Who can beat that.? . SEir Hon. C. B. CURTIS, of Warren, is announced as a candidate fat President Judge of this District. • COLLINS Slant; of Coudersport, as candidate for Associate Judge. =1 'The Hebron Invineiblea parade on nest Monday. The late call o , the!Se cretary of War may soon take theai to the Field, and it might be well for 'our citizens to encourage them by being pre sent. B. MANN, Dep P. M., will le -4,Ceive subscriptions for the Tribunc,Tiwes, Herald, and all the N. Y. Dailies. Frank Leslie's and the New York Illustr4tcd News; all the American and ..Foreign Pa pers and Magazines, at publisher's price, without postage. 'Give him a call. I/ We learn that claite a number of horses have been stolen from this and the adjoining counties. A horse of James Nelson, of this county, was taken b . 3, a man who gave his !name as David Smith, farmer, dourtland bo., N. Y. represent jag himself to be a drover. Farmers should be cautious ; the increased demand for horses, created by the acceptance of so much artillery and cavalry by the Gov ernment, has tuad'e horse thieves more than usuallyboldi Camp CunTIN, Aug. 11, 1861. Ma. MOALARNEY.— , Dear Sir : Ae cording to promise I write to inform you how I like'Camp life. lam happily in regard to the hardships that soldiers have to undergo. ' I had forined an idea that to camp at Curtin a Man would have to possess a constitution like Sampson. But we have good quarters, good blankets and plenty to eat There is, no other. Regiment in -Camp but ,ours; we have the whole grotind to ourselves lad a good time we are having of have been appointed 'Orderly: S'etilant and have all I can attend -t0...' ThiS is Sunday and we do not drill. We staid at Lock Riven one week. The Camp l was some better than this one.. When we left Lock Haven the ladies : furnished us with , cakes, pies, bread and butter, imeat, &a., which kve had for a. lunch on ,the cars. We were received along j the road with. cheers, waiving of, handker -chiefs, Sm. When we arrived .at this place, we marched immediatelyinto camp. -We will be sworn in to-morrow, if we are examined and pass. MA:ll*. There has been a fire at Sonora, Cal., which destroyed about $85,000 worth of property. \ Col. Thos. A.,Meagher has been offer. ed a position in Gen. Fremont's staff A secession paper in Bangor, Me., was destroyed by the Union people, The .leffersonian Weit Chester, Pa., Sentinel Easton, Pa., and a paper atl' Haverhill, Mass., were also destroyed. Sure ndi cations that southern sympathizers 7111 _ have to , keep their sympathy to them. •selves or abide the' consequtnees. It-is reported ,that the pirate SnMter was captured by, Vie U i S. Frigate Na , . The oeeretary, of war has issued an order atitroops,.ithather! C . or not, to _much i st: ,mmedt te '.a s h= i ng t on ; • qraiutibtra's 073 ilui 3 i4den in the-Army, it bebfifitiT•Oolor qf the. Rebel iniforths. j.• - Mai _:Gen. It_tenaont;has taken $ 58,000 from` thaßaalr 'of Gene'viere, which - vas . intended 'lor the! use of the Rebels. • • 1 About $200,000 scut frobit En'glutid , for the use of the 'Rebels - ,was. seized by the Governments Why was John Brown Rang, We have looked over the ; trial , agile, and we find that John Brown was hang because he vas in arms agabisi the ROted Statea—because the Courts and the. Gev ernment prempuneed him a traitor. , The whole Nerth was, denounced for the act of Brown, and his squad of twen-, ty Men. The Senate investigated it Prominent Repurcans from Massachtt setts- to_Xansas ere hauled--.up before; the patriot, Senator Masen, l and an at tempt-.was. made to implicate them in the', treason. Men of decided ; Anti•Slaveryl principles were publicly mobbed - and pri. vately jeered at as aidere - arid:abettors of treason. These thingi haplieriaa short .time ago. The Government called out its seldiers to capture John Brown; the guarded the Court-House during the trial] they protected the execution; field on the day of the hanging. For what was John Brown - hang ? For treason.) Gen. McClellan - has recently 'captured a thousand priioners, ten of Wham are oft ficers. Government has ordered ,him to release them on their taking the , oath'. -Why Was art john Brown: allowd to take the oath!? ! ' Suppose Massachusetts had seceded instead of South 'Carolina, and Wm. Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips had been thd leaders of the rebellion. Everybody knows that nothing would have been said about taking the oath in such a case. The capture Abolitionists , would have beep hung instanter. 1 MORAL —Fighting for Slavery is jus- tifiable , fighting for Freedom is treason. Conservative.. $25! EMPLOYMENT $75! AGENTS WANTED. We will pay frOm $25 to $75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents,`or'givela commission: Particulars sent free. AdJrqs Balt &WINO MadulNE COIIPANY, R. JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio, aoll lly ' • DIED.. . _ ' In this village, onWednesday.the 19th inst.., ALVAH G. TAGGART,: in his 35th' year. • _ In the death of Xr. Taggart, the communi ty; iu which he passed the _whole aids short but useful life, haS sustained an irreparable loss. As a man of business', he merited by the honesty and integrity of his ~character, the onVence of his friends, and filled with honor, offices of public trust. In all the endearing relations of life, lad, was most kind and Consid erate; a dutiful son; a loving husband, a ten der father. For Wife and children his toiling hand never wearied in well-doing, and, though. it is at rest for ever,.there is a power that. "tempers the wind to tue shorn lamb.": Dun, ing a long illftss, he songht the comforting peace of religion.! A 9 he approached the in visible world, he gave cheerful evidence tool is family and.friends, that he hehUd with a tuft, spiritual understanding, these i words of cin couragement to the suffering and earth-weary —"Fear thou not, for I am with thee ; be iib,t dismayed, for I am thy God." Coat] . . 5 . ' LOST. • . , (AN Wednesday, last, a CAMEO BREAST '4..../ PIN. The finder, on returning to JNo M. IlAmit,Tom, will be suitably rewarded. Coud,ersport, Aug. 20, 18C1 i , Newspaper, Depot. ! • 118. MANN, General Agent for the , sale of the New York Dailies, Weeklies, the American Monthlies and Quarterlies, and all the Foreign Periodicals. Terms to suit the times. Aar The Tribune for sale, every evening: HEBROWINVINCIBLEE WILL have a General Parade at Nelson Clarks, on Monday, August 26, 1861. The friends of the Volunteers, and the public, are invited to attend, as this Nvill4robably be the last Parade before they,do to the Seat of War. Capt. WM. D. WIDGER. ULYSSES J ACADEIRY, Ulysses, Potter county Pa., E. R. CAMPBELL, Principal. M. 0. CROSBY, Ancient Languages. ' Miss H. M. JONES, English - Department. MissS.HORTON;VocaI and InstrumentalMusiC Miss L. M.. COREY, Drawing. . , • • The Ulysses Academy offers 'superior &bib. 41es for obtaining a solid,. practical, and com plete education. The instruction is thorough and systematic. ,Physieal,'social, and moral culture receive due attention. Teachers enjoy the use of a Teacher's Li brary. -During the past year the Normal Class has received more than fifty lectureS on the "Science and Art of Teaching?' from Prof. C. W. Sander's .of New York, S. 'P. Bates, B r ept. State Supt., S. Lewis, Co. Supt„ Rev:DlNut ten and others. Prof. Sanders remained two weeks and conducted an Institute. There are two services and a Sunday School in the, church every Sunday. r (I The weekly prayer meeting is well attended by members of the school. I* f AN rtiATITTITE, by Charles pules, L.L.p., As a part of the Term. Cominence, Septcm:- , ber'29; close October 12. I • FAIL TERM opens Aug.-2T; closes 107.26,'61 - Tui i tion Per", Term: English Branches ,$5 Oo Languages and Higher Mathematics 600 Instrumental Music 5 00 Drawing 100 , Igirs6.oo pays for instruction in all Eng lish branches—including - Vocal Mnsic, Draw ing,-Sketching, the . use of :three . good Libra ries, and a Reading Room, containing some of the best American and EoreignPeriodicals. ' Boarkin private families, ;light, fuel, ;dm:, $1.50--$1.76 per week. Booms for self-boarding, $2.00—54.00 per Term.-r-Angust fi t ISO. =I !CURRENT. - , " • porie4ed'exerYlVednesd4 BIAS &.-MRo. ll tf-Wholesale .- 2 , and :Retail • SeulecaiuGioceries;and t ; Applere - eri f 'll isyo23 du dried; " 11 Beens 7 -••• • Be4slritaal • '2O: 25'. • ."' 4 5: 12errle§; dried, `l4; traftL - • - . • - • 0 '2:l I Buckwheat, bushi i rte J •' 44 . _l5Ol Buttei,l' lb., • 101 - 'l2l Cheese, ; 7 • -110, Corn, V liush,, '75 , Corn-Meal, per cw - t, .• 1 "`l, 50 2;00, Eggs, doff , 1* 1 10 ,-, bbl, - 6.50 7:00; do. ;superfine„, _ 5 50, 600,., Ha u ras,lV lb, 123 ;15 • Hay, V ton, ' 550 1 6 100 Honey, per lb., 10 123 Lard, I r " 12 ,15, Maple Sugar, per, lb., 8 ;12 dats,ll bush., • '3O ;35 Onion, • " :I 75 1:00: Pork, V, bbl., , ' 21 00'23`00 do lb., 10 13 . . do in whole hog, ' , V lb., 6'71 Potatoes,,per bush., , 37i . Peaqhes,,dried, V lb., .25, Pouly7,,V lb., - 5 • I Eye, per bush., 63 . ,75 Salt, V bbl., • 2 75 , 3'50 do V lack, 20 Trout,;per bbl., 450 5,00 Wheat, V bush., . 100 L 124, Whiteyieh, V 3 bbl., 450 6 00, :; 'Divorce Notice. HANNAH S. BILLINGS, 1 No. 71, Februaiy by her' next friend Term, 1861.1 In IL 0. PERRY, the Common Pleas vs. of Potter county. HARVEY BILLINGS. Libel in Divprcp. 'A subPcena and' alias subpoena having been issued in this case and returned 11 7 11til, the said Harvey Billings, the respondent aboVe named, is hereby notified and required to be and appear in our Court of Common Pleas,. at the next Term of said Court at Coudersport, in the county of Potter, to answer the com plaint of the libellant. WM. F. BURT, Shff. • Coudersport, Aug.„l2, 1861 - ' Abbott TOwnship--„'; i TIIREE TEACHERS WANTED. , . i ti l e School-Term begins on the first of 06tober., Applications , requested to be sent in as soon as possible. M. BASE:INGER, Aug. 1, [pd] Sec. B. S. DJ 1 A Z _ w -- P 4 Pi • .....thst r- , z . A -.4 kw; .y./ :c4 15— rk • tl • 5 t gi .; :'''':•(;:..-4z,: , 1 W 1 P-i : 1 4: , ,- .: 4 ' * . 144- ti O L '--- ',,, ;- › . 4 ' r t i. " , 5 , ? ' :- J• ..- - .... 4 ••:t'. 1. *, ~....,:„1 1 1 ...:!:1•Y 4 '1,4' : ' 'l, - P ' .- 7 •.;:.7=----'-:- ,". ' '.. 2 - - ..- --- -- - - .-- 7::--- -!-.. . • 11.11.11."'"W-'-*-- - - • I i THE GREAT SHOW & CIRCUS Will exhibit at Ulysses, Aug 25, at COUDDR PORT, Monday, Aug. 26, Mad at Port le i gany, Aug. 27: • The Brilliant Cortege Preceeded by Wisner's Superb Military Band, Horses, Wagons. &c., will enter town about 10 o'clock, A. If., on•the, morning of the exhi bition, and after making a procession throur , b the principal streets in town will adjournrto the Spacious Pavillion which at night will* brilliantly illuminated. \ • This exhibition concentrates all the attrdc tions and beautiful features of the Drania, Opera, Ballet Comedy, Pantomimes, Farce, Minstrels, Song,.Dance, &c., is the noneer of an entirely new class of entertainments • ever exhibited outside the great American Metro polis. • Dr. JIM THAYER and his Educated Mules. The accomplished Vocalist and Dinsense, • M!dsllcs . ISADORE and Vierortre. The world-renoWned MOTLEY BROTHERS, Messrs. PEPPERS, KEEFE, and HOGLE, - Frank Phelps' Troupe of Acrobats, I 1 Masters, CHARLEY, HENRY, ' I JOHNNY, and EUGENE. The best Band of Negro Minstrels Au the ; country, under the direction of ! rift AN lEi PELL. Doors open at 2 and 7 1-2 P.-M. Perform once will commence half an hour'afterWard. L IST OF LETTERS remaining in the: Yost IA Office at Coudersport, .Aug. 15, 1861 : .Wilbur Buchanan, T. Butterworth, Luther Baker, Jane lennett.2, C 11.Curtis,Mrs Janies Crouch, Miss Delila Chase, Henry Dike,:Miss Juliette Earl,Frederick Frekel,Reuben Frebch, Estella Felt, E Fisher, Miss Helen Gridley, David Hall, Benjamin Rosie . ' GeoW Johnson, Titus Locey, Amos Moore, Lymae Nelson, S C Phelps, Miss Salle Rossman, Martha or Sophia Riley 2, _Manson C Stephens, Durrett J Smith in haste, John Van , Pauten, Susan A Witter, Francis N White, G. Wagoner. L. MANN, P i M. Notice. ! WHEREAS, letters of Administratien the estate of ALVAH C. TAGGART, late of the county of Potter, deceased, : bare been granted to the r all persons indebted to said. estate sire requested • to.uutke' immediate payment, - and those having . claims against the same, will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. POLLY ANN TAGGART, JOHN P. TAGGART; Aug. 21, 1861 AdministratOrs. BLANK DEEDS for sale at this Office , EMNI - ' -a c -I , 4 t ••3 Admission 25 Cents ' U EffEZI, Itotice.c:.', ,,- , - I :..,- - ~.,-;•-'4 ,.1 . :4 , ;... ~,, 1 iy ii.liliii" #l6 - tin, .irtat.edildro cl 't :,Ciluntit - it . 0 of tite.-841 of : - 'i iifil , Whk* - 1'; `..," a; 119;*11 at i l .i ifaent, o4ltille .1 6 Fdiiipint r j On 8 , a ;;Ikli - ,atib'ci i licrebenatifi. 1 I.lS'i'libi _kiiat , .". - .. ...- i I. -,.. ~ li ;.- Auditor' .:1 NTOTICE . :6114614 ,signed.;kuditOr; of thirtnnon Pleas: of distribution Of Met 'pro estitte iu the visa Of fl ' 31cDonald,, of Sept: Ter , -to the antics ; of his ap of tha Protb onotarir in )„ day, the 31stday Of ; Au;: P. 2f. TliosOlintereste attend:'ll4. i 'Auk- 1 1 18 G 1- 1 ••••--... . - , . f If - A ; '4 4 ' ''':',...... ] I tZI 3 S4 •' ' ''' , •'' .' , ' i ' ,( .. '.j • ' 4 :',.. ' '.' I S ' .B 1: l ' I l l' '.6" 111 I .ar,ai .1 -)E I FOB, PIIRLETO g THE BLOOD. And for the speedy] 'moo c.O .0 following following,m a mplainfist scrofula, and Sorel , ;Ai Afireetionn t il;nells as Tumors, 11:11cer i a l illoress, .ForaptiOni, Pimples ;.P ,issicillo ' Blotches, IEIOO4 /Mains,' and all 8 . Ellseasea.r I I 1 ' Oisol v. 'lnd. 6th June, 1850 J. C. Arm ll: Co. I Gents i feel It ray .du to ito t to { knowledge what your S. .....1. Ila has don for met'' flaring inherited a Scrofulok 4 nfection,]l hay mitread from it inivarleua ways for . A Semolina It Ibmst out in Ulcers] on my bans , di arms; too etiMe* it turned inward and distre i.. eat the s I Two years ago it broktkont moray ad and covered *scalp ' arid, ears with one sore, whicgt , as painful an dloa thsome beyond description. II tried ..; ` y medkines Mid several , i physicians, but without now ' . • lief from any thing. ' ltil fact, the disorder grew aro , At length I was xis/joked to read in the Gospel Mamma Gat you had ;prepared an alterative (Saraparilia),k knew from Jima repulse; tion that any Ming yonlm .- inushbe'good. ' I motto Cincinuldiandga it, an us t till it cured me. I took it, as yon advise, in small of a teaspoonful over a month, anti used almhst th. °tiles. New and healthy rc lif skin soon begin to :form u .. the seab, *bleb After a while felloff. ~My skin Is n A. doss, and I know by my feelings that the' disease bas .. eTrum oly isysfam.l :Eon can well believe thatl feel a‘, I stn saying when I tell you, that I hold you to tie on f the apostles of the age, and remain over gratefully. jI A Yours, J I .. A 1 LIMED 8. , ; TALLEY. I "St. Anthony's Vire , 'se:or Erysipelas, Tetter and Salt -"um Scald BLeaid., Ringworm, Sore . es,, , Dropsy. 1 Mr. Itobeit M ! "'retie eel '. front Salem, M. Y,, 12th Sept., MO, that he has en . an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened Vo erminato fatally, by the , persevering use of our &freak].,, lia, ] and also a dangerous ] Malignant Erysipelas bai In . .; doses of the aama • says he cures the common Erupt ;"' Iry,it constantly. r Broncitocele;',Gol i v or 'Swelled Neck. Echelon Slosnpf ' P rospect xasi writes: "Three bob ties of your Sarsaparilla burl hie from a Goitre—n hid. eons swelling oil tho neck,t latch.' I had' suffered from over two yeam."4. .; lir I 1 Leueorrficea of WM 0, ilvarlinTurnitir, , lJterina Uleeratio , Female Diseases.: Dr. J. B. S. Channing,hf ow Ybrk CitY,lwrites g''°l most cheerfully comply with th o request of your agent In saying I have found your !lei saparil la a West excellent alterative in the Minarets ii i omplaints for width lve employ such a' remedy, but tra. Lally in Flinnt i i i Diseases of theiScrofulotts diatheels. 4 ;have cured ma 'meter]. ate casks of Leucorrlicea by land Some whet the com plaint was Caused byinlarat of the uterssiTel ulcers ation itself was coon kured. othlitg within, y knowl edge equals it for these fems ideratigements." 1 - Edward S. Marrow, of INe my, Ala., writes , "A dim ). prone ovarian . tumor . on on . the females in my familyi which had defied all the dies Wo could,e yloy, has at length been completely c lyd by your Est tof Ser if saparilla. par physician X twin 'nothing b t extirpa. Uon,could afford relief, hat lad nicked the trial of your Sarsaparilla as I the deal relleyt before cutting, and it proved effectual: After ink your ramedVerghtlweeks no symptom of the disease ?ins." ' Iv Syphilis and !Al " urial Disease.: ' ' ! ' I fllati - Olt ' ANSI 25th 4:twist, 1859. 1 Da. J. O. Aria: Sir, I cite fully-comply with tbei re • pest of your agent, and rend to you some , of Ithe]efteete I have realized with your Sd ] parllla. 'I . 1 I 1 ' I have cured with it, in ni ractice, most of the come plaints for which it Is recall: ended, and have found Its streets truly wonderful In Wel] ro of renereal and Mar t i s :nth! Disease: (One of my pi Le nts had Slphilitio takers .31 his throat, which were ai ming his pale and the top of his mouth. IYour parilia, steadily (taken, :aced him in five weeks; ' thee was have ed by aec =dory symptoms in his n , and the nice Hen had eaten away a considerable ph n and Math .of it , so that I lien:lQ° disorderwould soon keen"' I But it 1 irai -yielded to my administrati ' of your Saran lia ti the ulcers healed, and he Is Fell in, not of atom o Without some disfiguration td. his fiteA woman Who] had been treated for the hamerdisord by mercury was suffering fromla this poison In her bone They haddatums So sett -1 i chive to the weatherlthot oni damp day she suffered ex. =miming pain in tier :join and: bones. , ; She, too, was :ured entirely by your IS ills in ale, weeks. I know from, , Its formula, whiin your agent :gar me, that this Preparation from your 1 boratory meet be a great remedy; consequently, thes truly remarks le results with It have not surprised m , I• I I ' Fraternally - yours, G. V. LARI.MER, M. D. • 1 i 1 i Rheumatisin, put ' Liver Complaint. IssnErrnimcci, Preston C0.,,Va., eth July, 1859. Dn. J. C. Area: Sir, lttera beeri aftlicted ] with IL *IA- N! chronic ITheinnatiam f or a long time, which balled the ;kill of physicians, and tuck. to; me In spite of all the remedies I could " find; until I t ied your Sarsaparilla. One bottle cured me in two weeksr and restored my general wealth so much that ,I am far better than before Ilolo! attacked. I think it a wonderful ntediclne.]AJ r imam _ ., Jules Y. Getchell, Of St. Loids, writes: an hare teen afflicted for years with lan ajjedion of the: , liver 4 which health. I-I tried every thing, and every thing railed to relieve tee; and I have been a lookerealown Man for some years from no !other cause than denouement of the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, because !to said he knew you, and any thing you machines - worth trying. ]: By the Mess. hog of God It has cured me, and has so purified my blood ato make a new man of me. I feel young' again. :The best that can lie said of you is not half good enough.e ] I I fichirrus,Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and , Exfoliation: of the Bones. E i 1 . A great variety of cases have been reported to =where cures of these formidable complaints, have 'resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. Seine 'of them may be found in our American Almanac, which the' agents below', named are pleased to furnish grails to all irk:, call for them. . ' ; ; kilyspepala; he art Disease, Pits, EpLlep.• sy, IdelauCholy, Neuralgia. 1 1 ' . Many remarkable cures of those affections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which] would be supposed beyond its teach. ^Such aremedy has long been required bythe ma :milks of the people, and we are Confident that thisravill lo for them all that medicine can do. ~ I I - Ayers - Pe ct or al,Cherry ; • , • ran tnsf RAPID CURB OE ' 1 Coughs, Cgildi, Influenza, Pi:torte*eta, Croup,Prouchitis, Pic!pieta Conn sumptioti, and for the .belief of Consulnptive PalleMa - , . rin advanced' Stage*. I i • of the placate.. , This is a remedy so universally known to surpessi any other forthe cure of throat and lung complaints,] that it Is useless hero to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs' and colds; and its truly 'wonderful curet -of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. -Few aro the communities, or even ifamilies, amont them who have not some personal experience of its etfects some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of ,the throat and lungs. Ai all know the dreadful fatality Of these 'disOrders; and es they know, toe, the effects of this remedy, we need not ,30 nioro than to assure them that it has now] all the yip Ines that It did have when making . the Mires - which bare Won so strongly upon the confidence of manklud.l Prepared by Dr. 7. C. ATEB Er; CO., Leviall,irdhats. Sold by C. S. &E. A. Jones,- Cenderspok Mann & Nichols, Miliport; N. J. Mills, Doles burg ; & Lyman, Rbulet ; Corey & Son, Ulysses; .L. -8.. Roam!, ; and by Dealers generally, ; ,1 I tRIEW' Tho undersigned I . _hav,ing lust received a: largn and well selected stoeldof CLOCKS . WATCHES .8c JEWELRY, - offers them for sale at prices' that nlill I com pare favorablY.With those of any city or town within 100 miles. , ..Every,article , 'of jewelry and every 'style of Watches an& Clobks 'Usu ally found. in retail ptares kept consMntlY on hand, and'Warranted to be as repreSen'.ed.—t• Also, BealtiPaientl Revolvers kept i n hin d . and sold.ehenp. .Repairing done-on short r,nOtice,l in good style, add fair, rates. ;, • :Call arid see met the sign of the . " Watch." : C. E. WARIIINER. • onders ort, , Jan. 1. 1861`.. ; fhICORDSI ofliVooo l ,:,,winied at tne: JOURNAL . ORice; inataediately, - ,for whic the , highest rket! Ptice. will be paid in Sub,icruAionn . find .1 .Advertieing: 1 MI I , -a I=RMI , 3:40-17,1§:01 'filag Ds of V tGo9 , YV% bleAk 0, al. el ..._4 • a a larg • , nar...A24 11111 itap,tuski ;WIZ, , - pyityv 80 • : [cr finis, dd ;15 e. 10ce , ODS • -. ••..• ''',... Li. i ' .? itIlliOOP'riVEAP kl t '.biITIO.E4tY 7' ~ . I , t ...,...,i" :',. . t.. ' such a!s;- "--i - ' 0,' . . 3:4, - .:•; r 8 Y •1;--_,76wA ! , ' .17 t . :): , ';' , :.;:(,- ,:. i - - Zpitia-7),..'rribt,s - ' • , L s. --,:-, ••,‘ ,4 , •, • - It•t. ' Ize. : _r - ‘• --,- -,„ , ' ---1 fact,* ° • 1 el"- .. id .ihape, an d r -•1. ''. 1, 1 1 ' i Bitting) PrinK t for Wearing, ONS MI P E4ryth form, th lilft, 4illl I ' Irpm, 1 ' I .tisil r e Loon, Looking' at, ear'Smellirig i highest prim for Wal,Sitill clia*, part CAOII if noMisa- I,:)r Cl ol:id Shil' i‘ grei;;4l - shalt - 4c ' . I •-... ' 30 qtzi., or more if Wool should .., goads as; Mil' as 'cirri' be . , .1 s-, _. L,- conntry.--4uly 17;6 - i: . l'; ping 1 , ay th , pay gle t e, r 9 . 1, iv for too' EEC adfrailb bought • . • ; •• sudAR; DEAL LAWN DIMS - ' - • IVES, and so forth, and 'elong to a country Store, inclu- till thin ding 4 3:13 ; ABIES , alp" some 31.09P-SURTS, °TEES: rro - A ana ao 8, (formerly Ciat3hingville.) I . I !okli 11861 n 13r, lane, • , 4 . . . ()LiIIBTED s4* KELLY'S ' 'Q' n TORE eau sin-Ilya !in founa the best of ►'iCo king, Box and Parlop ` Also, UN and:SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTL S, SPIDERS,I SCOTCH BOWLS, ritylisi •-PAIs I TS; SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. I Also; - • ; • • Agricultural Iniplenients, such. PLOWS, - SCRAPERS, ,CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, '' • ' • I' p'isrdll made a.nd the paterial good.' Good and , substail i tial EAVESNPROUGHS put lip in any pert of he County Terms easy.. Ready Pay Of all lands, including Cash, seldom refused. Store{ on Main Street:opposite the Old Court tense, Coudersport. ' Aug.' 1; 1859.-5.0 MANHOOD QW LOST, HOT TLESTORED. . . i list published, v a sealed envelope: 'o44' ins N AT CRE, TREAVIENT, AND RADICAL CURE 6'o Sec libLATO&BliceA ;or Sein anal Weaknesi,B3x inil -Dility,l -Nervousness and • involuntary 4iniesi Ws, inducing 'impotency and Mental and Elaysic 1 inctipacity. '. ib , I , BY SULIT. 5. CIII9EDWEI.I6, Si. D. • !p i :Theimporiant fact that the awful• conse- _ . ence of self-abuse Maybe effectually cured without internal Meditings ori the dangerous APplications of caustics, instruments, medica ted hot gies, and Other empirical devises, is bele clearly 4iamonstrated, and the entirely new and highly succesiturtreatinent,-assdop fed by the 'celebrated author fully explained, lii means oftwhiCh every on 6 is enabled to enre hi6self Perfectly, and at the least possi ble 'co4, thereby avoiding all the'. dvertis'ed ;nostrums of the day. :This 'lecture will prove :a7boonito thOusa.nds and thouiands. I ' , :Sentunder seal, in a plain envblope,to any addres ,pdat [paid, on the receipt of two post ;age strdnps, by addressing - • '• ~ 1 i 'Dr. 'C .I. C. KLINE, 127130tvery,INew York. - P. 0. box 4,586. SOMETHING FOI3, THE TIMES ! ! I A NECESSITY IN EyEßY.lipllSEliola) 1 t 1 JOHNS & °ROBLEY'S ,Ameridab. .Cemeht (Rue,. . Vie strangest Glue in: the: World For Oemeating , Mod, lweat.lser, - Glass,' ivory, Cllsina, lifarble,:Porcelain, : 11, Alabaster, Bone; Coral, , etc.. ' The oily article of.the kind ever prodne [ • e which ,will withstand: :Water. .. J EXTAACT:9 : : ' ' ' 1 "Pt.housekeeper should have a supply_ of Joh s . 1 / 4 CDsley's American Cement Glue." i ry ,Yew York , irnes. ,i I , qt i so .eionvenieni 'to hate In the house." -'-...111iw Yerk" - Erpress. ! !!!!' '-' ,! "It $ always - .ready ;:this. commends it- to, i eVeryb dy."—N. Y. Independent.' ' . ' - - •!! "We have triedlit, and fiuitit,as ,useful is 'OW. house as water."-WiticeiSpirit of the Times iii;. ; Price ?.5 Cents. per, Bottle. 'Very liberal reductiona to W holesale Deitlers. TERMS CASH: IFor,j sale by all Druggists and Store getetally througbout,the country. JOHNS & OROSI4EYt (Sotoliartufbetitrers,) , id William, Street, Neip York. of Liberty Street. jy9ly ;keeper• Come .AGENTS' WANTED,' - • In all Parts Of the Country' • ... To roitain Subscribers: for tg'4 Plictorlal Field-Book i 1 Mho :ERICAN REVOLUTION. , , Volumes llojral . Octavo,' Containing 1:. 1 upward of . F. . ' il 1500 ages:and 1100 Beautiful Illustrations. This work will be sold exelusivelzby Agts. to sae of whom a special; DiStrint will be • t given. Rare inducements offered. , Applicants should natne 'the CountieS their liould prefer. i ; - : Age is -wanted 'also `for other works appro. &late o the times 1. . . ~, • • 1. , i ! - ' -lirays of the Beat of War i. , 0 - lag - velopes and Paper; Niraillaneassa Books, itC,SU " lied. l Addresal --- - , i •:, i. • ; - " I -• ' GEO. W. ELTIOT,T, ,'';Harp r's B tiding, Franklin qnjtro,N. Y. R. :AY. ' Loss c AD In Tw JAYNE'S FAISILY le at of WOO t ivvraoted immediately •••• STEIMINg. ' LBS. t ooo ] TEATISE. • E in the ffounsAL 11 It is tbe on , . in Potter county, an. 4 is a,good gh :which to rea,,eli the people of ,• • ; r' I • '4' 1 RTI" p ape r . thro icte. ly ii edin all die 7 .• , -.4 ,t,to QINES for STEIMANp 41c.8E1.0 IW:fineßigel SNP keui: Oki *ea :7'4p:tyros?' - ' • ~'"7-7-",":A!,4!-.: ThROAT "`p,(7,411qi- MEM •OPOIfq O 4 ' 9MPTA I P4. PQ9kPOli*Wir.l.,o4S+ GOOD FQI46BrAO GOOp Fba co*stwpTn---i Giirrlxatrai cuitre_, SPALt#ING'S -, THROAT 'LATIII9 ARE DICLIGIITIID vita SPAIDDIA'S - CdSEECT Crr FOR sPulaxG'§ ,`,TintoAT,l Theyrelleca - a Cough' haitAtßuf-q They aleat the Throat.- They.gireatttagth and volunte - ta - -1.; - !.i. , TheYitamila4elicious aroma to tb They ate delig t it u l ko 'the tisia, They aral:eade•ofsim)4:her):raanrl I advise every.onewho has a CP Mushy Voice 'or a Bad Breath, or n:ri: ty Oftbothiehtitetet Packege . of T CoUfections, they Will yelieve you .and you will agree; with me that t,y to t'he - 5p0nt... 1 .! T0u,1911 find therra --T.. and pleasant whiie trayeling or attenA'.. meetings for itillinglour Coed ing your throat. you try ;on safe in saying thit you wrilrever,...;,',c.. "consider them indispensible. -- •Vorr. hem at the Druggists and Dealc rs ".`,i-- PRICE TWENTY-FIVE ,CEN; My signature is on each package. are counterfeit. A. Package will be sent by mail, on receipt of Thirty .Cents. Address, HENRY N 0.48 Cedar street, St == CEPHILIC:-._ P i • our SICK HEA.DACI-I,E, CURE NI RVOUS CURE ALL Kr 11714 07i By4h e 'use ofthese Pills the of Nerimue or Sick Headache `ad; and if taken at the comm ,, :“.cal•L•r, attack immediate relief from'. pa::. co!: ness ivill be obtained. - :They - seklotafail in remorid<• and Headache to islich femaki-, arc They adt geintly upon fhe ing CostivCncas. For Literary Men, Students, D :_;zr. males, and-all personscrf-aedeptar,.: are valuable as a Lerzative, petite, giving tone anti,eigor to tc g;ins, and.restoring the natural' eh slici strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC NLLS tiry long Investigation and carefullyr. perimeets„ having be4.te,.use ina3;,- .dtiring which time-they 'rave prsytm relieved a va6t amount of pain and .4i, from Headache, whether T.:miens:ULT.' nekwus . eystena oarom a deranged,,!..-Itt, slomath. They are entirely vegetable " sition, arid may stiken - a% all feet safety with 'ut tusking any c,i'rki !.7 at, and the able -cc of a 4 offsagrcea;::::, ders fl easy to ad 'iinister them to - 'DEWAR_ OF COITSTERI - 1-:[T;.- The genuine have five siguaturti cf !• -- Spalding on each 'Box. Sold by Druggists (ma all othc: D , . Medicines. A Box wRI be sent by mail prip:, id ceipt of the PRICE .25,CENTs All orders should be, address i :o ,lIENItt C. SP.A 48 Cedar Street, Nt!,;% , ;- ".1" THE FOLLOWING- ENHOIISE_TVIT s.PAL DING'S CE Pll ALIC WILL CONVINCE. ALL WHO sr :..' HE kaI:C..II E . THAT A SPEEDY AND 811. T" IS WITHIN THEIR A.Siogle bottle-of SPAT-DIN PARED MATE its cost . . SFALDDTG'S PREPARED CA SPALDDM'S PREPARED r_,f, 4 2, , DM'S PREPARED c.a.': SAVE THE PIECE:';I -, ECONOMY Aer."A. STITCH IN TDIS SATEh' As acdid ents;will awl ,e 12 11 re nlated families, It . , is - veiy some cheap ant convenient Fqiniture; Toys,`Crockery, 4.c. ,PALDING'S meets all such emergencies. arA e can - be withont it. readi, and up .to• the sticking, • "ITSEFIII, IN EVERY Brrish.;acconipanic-,. ea ..t, Price,'. 25 cents. 'Address, HENRY' G. 'Sl'.?,r_ f CEDAR Street, .14-v CAUTION As airtalaMtpriticipleOp' ti lo n g to, palm off the; iiticu , s•vo: 1.,74 ; - : imitationi.Ofii-PIOARiP't 4I :' .1 k captiMi all pirsons if to a p bag, `aill see that the 611 trout,;? PREI"A'ffEil• is on .outside dlingt cititters' KJ BLS EMI =