THE HEROES OP PEACE c , AND 11., --.. THE HEli OES64IOF W.R. PHOTOGRA 'IIIC POPRTIZAITS, Card si ze,ontristal Board sable few Albums PULILISHED ANDS LD DY • E. ANTHONY, 50.1 Broadway; Now York., By special arrangement We publish in add ition to other portraits the cekbratia collection well known both in Europe and America as Brady's National Photographic Portrait Gaitertl• Brady's collection of Imperial Photographs is juttly considered One - of the .lions of .New York, and in the Photographio reproductions of these every centre table caki now have' an additional attraction in alniniature Bia.d3os Gallery. Among our publications are: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Hannibal Hamlin, , Lady Davis, Wm. H. Seward, Alex. H. Stephens, Salmon P. Chase, Bobt. J. Toombs, . b'imonTamerou, Howell Cobb, Montgomery Blair, Henry A. Wise; = Tdvrard Bates, John Tyler, Gideon Wells, Gen'l Beauregard, Caleb P. Smith, Gen'l Lee, Gen'l 'Scott, • John 13. Floyd, • Col. Robt. Anderson, Jacob Thompson,: Major Stemmer, P. F. Thomas, • • Eilsworth, John C. Breckinridge, Goal Butler, • Gov. John Letcher, Geril Mansfield, John Bell, Col. Fremont, John C. Calhoun, Ilerscliell V. Johnson, L. G. Wigfall, Ben Mc- Cullough, Lieut. Maury, Col. Lander, Stephen A. Douglas, Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks. ; Henry 'Ward Beecher, Oliver .7.rerrdeit Holth * ekllorate Greeley, Prof. Morse, - N. P. Willis, James Gordon Bennett, William C.,Bryant,Washington Irving, Henry Clay,An drew Jackson,CommodorePerry,Dr.E.K.Kane, Johrt J. Audubon, Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. Uen'l GaineoiChas.Sumner,Gov.Andrew,J.J.Critten den, Prince of Wales, Duke of .Newcastle ° Za chary Tayior,Geor , e Bancroft, Lathrop LAlot . ley, Sam. Houston, J. Q. Adams,Emerson Eth eridge, Andrew Johnson, Parson Brownlow, litrowntow's heroic daughter,ltog,ether with about 500 others, to which additions are be ing made daily. Catalogue on receiptlof stamp. PRICE Or PORTRAITS $3 PER DOZr.S. 'Can !be sent by mail. Remittances may be made iu postage clamps. - Also a large collection of .Photographs, of distinguished Europeans, Emperors, Kings, Queens, Marshals, Generals, Dukes., Lords,Au tilers' Actors, Actresses, Politicians and Cler gy. Price, 25 to 5'J - cents each, according to ' "- tt is also bead ilarters for APHIC ALBUMS best French manufactn teurer under a patent of a large itssortment, vary • ag- in pr. cents to $5O, and holding from 12 portraits up to 56J0. Also 'foldiny, cases of morrocco or cloth for the Pocket, to hold 2, 4 ;6, 8, or 12 portraits. Also , various styles of framing card portraits, of carved wood, metal, paper, composition, et6. l , of ele . put and tasteful designs. • Our photographers now in the Madre t 1 lily -- I ,sending us - CAMP SCENES OF THE PRESENT WAR and views of points -and things of ,Interest, both card size, for ti:bums. and in stereoscopic form. As ftir instance, , The Seventh Remimmt at Camp Cameron,--Ia the Trenches-Cooking their Meals-The Gymnasts—The J'unction— Delmenicu's4aura Keene's—General Street Views of the Camp, etc. Also-the Relay Home and camp scenes and scenery thereabout. Also Harpers Ferry beforeand after the scenes of destruction. - Together with various other places of note. Card size 23 cents each, Ste reoscopic 33 cents. ittirties who would likea lot of these camp EVelleS t.. 0 select from—the balance to be re turned in good order at - - their own expense, stud without delay—can be accommodated on giving proper New York rererence. • STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. Our establishment is._ the great emporium fOr cverythinm in the stereoscopic line, and Our assortment is most complete probably of any in the world. The stereoscope is the most instrective,inter esting, entertaining ; amusing -and exciting of mod orn.inventions. None are too young, none-too old, none too intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknow ltdge its; Worth and beauty. Nolioine is complete without it, and it will sad must penetrate everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the iii all the relief, boldness, perspective and sharpness of detail, as if you were on the spot., We have an immense variety of views of Scones in PariS, London, England, Scotland, Ir.ilau•l, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzer:and, Spain, The Rhine, Versailes, St Funtainbleau, Tuilldries, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Athens, the Holy. Land, China, India, Crystal Palace, also Groups Historical, amu ring, marriage scones, breakfast scenes, pic nics, statuary, etc., etc. An exquisite assort men! of Illuminated Inferiors of Palaces, Chur vbei and Cathedrals, of France, Italy, ete.cte. - The effect of these illuminated views is most remarkable. .41iii!isay's Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views are the latest Photographic wonder. They are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and everything, no tu4tter how rapidly it may be lgovi g," is depicted-as sharply and distinctly as if it had been perfectly at rest. This gives an'additional value, for to the beauties o in animate nature it adds the charm 9f life and Motion. The process is-a discovery of our .own, and being* unknown in Europe, we re ceive large orders from London and Paris for Antlionyla Instantaneous-Views of American . life Mid 'scenery. Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be • firwarded to any address on receipt of stamp Parties, at a distance sending us $3,55,510,1 $:l5, $2O - or $23, can have a good instrument snd such pictures as they may request, sent by Eipress.' Views alone (without ins'lru ment) can be sent by mail. • E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New; 'York, (3 - ddors south of Nicholas' Hotel,) ithporter•atid ManufaCturer of Photographic Material s,StercoscoPes and Stereoscopic Views • ltel_lierchants from every section of the country era respectfully invited to make au examination of oarstook -To Photographers.' Our Bulletin of Photo graphic Invention and Improvement will be sentanY address on application. • [Cut this out for future reference.] • aOTHER3, HEAD THIS.--1110 I . OHOWIDg is HD extract from a letter written by the pastor of aßaptist Church to .the "Journal and Mes # • senger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumeS id favor of that world-renowned medicine= ''Wtsstow's SOOTHeaI 'SYRUP POE CHU, DHEN TEETHING: " We see an advertisement in your columns ' of Dire. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we nmisaid a word in favor of a patent medi eine 'before in our life,'but we feettompelled to say to your readers; that this is no humbug WD-HAVE TRIED IT', AND KNOW IT TO DE ALL IT CirASSil. It is, probably, one of tho most sue- Meal medicines of the day, because it is one 414" tti-e best, And those of yonr.readers who blcvecbables caret do better than to lay In a 01.90 P-1) • QA.THARTIC PILLS. Are yolk sick, feeble, and complandite Are you onto! order, 'with -your system do.. rangc4, arid your feelings un comfortable? symp. toms are Often the prelude to melons illness. Some lit of, sickness is creeping upon you, lad skould :be averted by a timely use bf the right rem edy. Take yees Pillq, and cleanse out the disordered ha mors— purify Jim) blood, l and let the fluids more on unob dructed in licslth . 1 They' stlrau r ato the functions )f the- body into •Igorous act• Pity, purl y the system from • ; - - . the obstrtie,tions which make, disease. A cold settles somewhere in pie body, and ob structs its natural functions. These", if not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro (hieing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. While hi this condition, omiressed by, the derangements, take fityer'o•: Pills, and see how directly they-restoro the natural action of the system, and Witlid it the buoyant feeling of Width again. What is true and so apparent In this trivial ind common complaint, is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous distoupers. The same purgative chi expels them. Caused(,y similar obstruc tions and derangements of the naturl functions of the hotly, they aro rapidly, and many of them surely; cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, wilt neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they core. Statements from leading physicians in 801110 of the principal , cities, and front other well known public per cons. ; • , ' I - • Front ct.Fliricai . dia.g Merchant of S. Louis, Fhb. 4, 1856. great in medicine. They have cured my,little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her liands and feet that had - proved Incurable for years. liar mother has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and iin her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pap, and they have cured her. 3101iGRIDGE. As a Family Physic.. FS•ont Dr. E. W. Clalwright,licao Ofleo.t. Your Pub aro the prince or pates. Their excellent panties: surpass any cathartic we possess: - They aro mild, but dory certain nod effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us In the daily treatment Of disease. Headache Sackllenanche,roul Stomach. IrrOm. Dr. Ediyard Boyd,Dallintore. j•• DEAR BRO. Arm: I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that eve fro* treat zOilli a purilative medicine. I place great depen- . leire edam of cathartic in•rjty daily contest with iisease, and believing as I do that your fills afford us the best we have, I of cuurso value them highly. Prrrsouno, Pa., Nay 1, 1855. Drt..T.C.! ATER. Sir: I have been , repeatedly cared of i Lice wont hcachreliC any body Can have by a dese or two; at your !Pills:- It seems to arise, frum a foul stomach, 1 1 which they cleanse at once. ! ,1 Yours with great respect,' ;ED. W, PRETILTI, ! Clerk of Steamer Ciariort.;! Bilions Disorders —Liver ComplOints. From Dr. 171ealore Bell; of Alio York Not only are your Pills ailmirably, adapted to their Pnr pose rig an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon i the LiCer very rearlted indeed. They have in my prac- Lice proVed more effectual fur the care of bilious corn- plaints than auy ens remedy I can mention, I sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor- : thy the ,coutidence of the profeisiuti and the people. DEPARTSIENT OP 1551 INTERIOR, Washington, D. C., ith Feb., 1850. art.: I have used your Pills in my general and hospital; practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to my they aro the best cathartic we employ. Their regn-; latiug action on the liver is quick and decided, cowed quently they are an admirable reuledy for derangements; of that, organ.) Indeed, I have seldom found'a case of, Mous disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to; them. 1 Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, AI. D., • Physician qf the Bovine Hospital. Dysentew, Diarrhcea, Worms. FrMIL Dr. J. G. Green; Of Chicago. Your Pills Nave had a long trial in my practice, and I bold theM in esteem as one of tho' best aperients I have, over foetid. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious , dysentery and diarrTia.i Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient fur the use of women and children. Dyspepsia, Inipttrity of the Blood. FromPev. J. i s Einics,Pastor of Arent Church, Bostott Dn. Mita: I have used year Pills with extraordinary SUCCCO in my family and among those I am called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they aro the very best remedy I have over known, and I cau confidently recommend them td my friends. Yours' J. TIDIES ! WAItSiIY, Wyoming Co.; N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. i Dna Sin: I am using your Cathartic tills in my prod tice, and find' them an excellent • purgative to cleanse the system amlpurify the finadaitis qt the blond. • JOHN C. NEACILUI, JI.D. • ConStlpation, Costiveness, Suppression; Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drori By; Paralysis, Fits, etc. Front Dr. J. P. llkryltn, .Ilontreal, arneda. Too 'much cannot be said of yens Pills for the cure or costiveness. If others of our fraternity have fhinul them us efficacious as I have, they should join me In proclahre— ing it for the benefit of thp multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, alffibugh bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others .that are worse. I believe cos tiveness to originate in the liver, but your rills affect that orgart and cure the disease. Praia. Mrs. E. Sfuart, Pkisician and .11Eftife, Boston. I find otto or large doves of your Pills, taken at the proper time, era excellent promotives of the natural men tion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse. the stomach and opt/ warms. They ate so touch the best physic wb have that I recommend 110 other to my patients. Ron' the Ile`. Dr. linear; rf the ..Irdliodist F.liis. Cliurcli. I rCI.ASNI HOUSE, Savannah, Ca.. Jan. 6. 1556.! Ilexnarn 'Sin: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did f not report my case to you. A cold'settled in my limbs and brought on excru ciating lintralfzic puiiis, which ended in chronic Ammo atm.! :Notwithstandingl Lud the best of physicians, the disease grew worse And worse, until by the advice of your agent in Baltimore;Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills: Illicit effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, lam now entirely well. • I gt•NATE CIIAIIDER, Baton Bongo, La., 5 Dec. 19554 Dn. Area: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of EheOutic Gout—a painful disease that had afflicted the for years. t VINCENT ELIDELL.I „ez•=Most of the Pills' in Market contain Mercnry,f which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands,jisl dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conesH lqueuces that frequently follow its incautious use. TI:1#0 . Collt;iiil no mercury or mineral substance whatever. , Price, 25 cents per noir, or 5 Boxes for 51; '_.Propared by Dr. J. C. ATER. &CO., Lowell, Mails. Sold by C. S. & E. A. Jones,• Condersport ; Mann & Nichols, Millport • N. J. Mills, Coles burg; Cohvell & Lyman, "Roulet ; A. Carey* Son', Ulysses ; A. B. Horton Cusbingville ; and by Dealers generally., THE. POTTED JOURNAL ITUILISLIED EY W. DlCAlarney,' Proprietor $l.OO FEE YEA; INVAMAiLY IN ADVANCE. *„*Devoted to the cause of RepublicanisM, the , interests of Agriculture, the advancement of Education, and the best good of Potter county. Owning no guide except that ;of Principle, it will endeaver to aid in the work of more fully Freedomizing, our Country. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted; :It fife followibg rates, except-where special bargains are mace : 1 Square [lO lines) 1 insertion, - - 3 ci --- " Each subsequent' insertion less nap 13, 25 1 Spare three months, ' 2 150 1 ." ,six at- -- 7 4 ,0b 1. j it' n i ne • It 1 ' " one year, - - - ' G.OO Column, six months, , _20,`00 , " " " - - - 10:00 V " " " - -- - 700 " ' per year, . 40,00. ti tt It • a 20 00 Idministrator's or Executor's Notice, 2; 00 Business Cards, 8 lines or less, per year- 5 00 4ecial and Editorial Notices, per line,- 10 zer'All transient advertisement's must be paid in advance, and"no-notice be taken of } advertisements from a distance, unless Ain accompanied by the money or satisfactory reference. • !rafrßlanks, and Job Work of all kinds, tended to promptly and faithfully. ' 1 OUR ATTENTION! - rORIA MOMENT, IF YOU PLEASE: AYER'S irril • tIE SITBSCittIiER has just ieceived a new 'stock of . DVASIRABLE ~~o~s, Direct from New. York, consisting of ' • DRY GOODS, GROCE RIES of all kinds, HARDWARE, CROCK ERY, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, latest styles, READY-MADE CLOTHING, DOMES TICS, such as SHEET INGS, TICKS, BATTS, &c.—in short, all kinds of goods usually kep in a NO. 1 COUNTRY STORE. • 1 The abOve-narned stock of Goods is now open and for sale at the Newßrick Store near Canfield's Flouring Mill, a few rods eas of the Alleghany ;Bridge, • where the proprietor-would be pleged to re ceive calls from his old customers and as ma ny new ones as feel disposed to' FARMERS? PRODUCE ' I:-- ve. - - a , e a s th E- - 4 1 1 - ILI. Clark's Corners, ' WO miles North of Coudersport, Pa., WILL MANUFACTURE CANE, FLAG, and WINDSOR CHAIRS, CANE-SEAT BOSTON ROCKERS SEWING and TABLE CHAIRS, ; SMALL ROCKING CHAIRS, OFFICE and BAR-ROOM CHAIRS. t BUREAUS, SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, (Tables, 5 50 All of which will be sold rely low for READY fill. IN COIMERSPORT, DEAiI WITH HIM. The market-price paid for all kinds of in exchange for Merchandise q/tee4 feu(, COLLINS SMITH Coudersport, Jan, 2, 1863:.--15'7Gmo. -AND ALBERT RIANTARTIA Having taken the Shop formerly occupied by , P. D. CATLIN, AT all kinds of Chairs & Cabinet - Ware,. such as Wash 7 Stands, Lounges, Cribs, Cradles, Common and Cottage Bedsteads Repairing done on the shortest notice and in the most workmanlike manner. TURNING done immediately and to order. All orders promptly attended to. Please give me a call, and examine for yourself. ALBERT MANTANIA, March 26, 1860.-280. y. Niznufactm - er. I S7ORE IYEain above Third St COUDERSPORT, PA. W. MANN, PROPIUETOD. irt BOOKS, - MAPS, GLOBES, BLANKS DOCKETS- LEDGERS- DAY-BOOKS- RECEIPT-BOOKS; 11EMOTIANDV1IS, . PASS-BOOKS, . DIARIES, ORTFOLIOS, HERBARIUMS, LETTER-BOOKS & INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin, Fiend?, and German Text- Books. . All School Books used in the County kept On hand, or immediately procured when desired. Magazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired. A assortment of Paper; Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, &e. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER & HYMN BOOKS, of various kinds. MUSiC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC, Slates, Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards Chess Men, , &e., &e. PRODUCE of all kindS taken in exchange for Books, &c.. [ll-34] The Rochester Straw-Cutter. CiLILSTED KELLY, Coudersport, have the exclusive agency for t• is celebrated machlne, in this county. It i covenient, du rable, and CHEAP; I, 1860.-12 BLARKS of all kin .r sale at this Office Deeds, Warrants, Executions, Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, Township and School Or!lers, Notes' of all kinds—kept on hand and printed to avid. JOB WORK at tended to promptly, and at prices to suit the times, Give us a trial. An aperient and Sternachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen, and Carbon by com bustion in Hydrogen. Sitnctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. • . • The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron ! , can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, Pale and . ; otherwise sickly complexions indicates its necessity in almost • every conceivable case. Innoxiopsiri all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely Mir:Wye in each of the following complaints, vii : In • Delility, A - croons _Affect:tons, Entanciatiohs ; DiltPepsiai Constipation, Dfcirrlia , ,a, byCentery, Incipient :Consumption, Scrofulous Taberculosis, Salt IThatin, Hismenstruation; Whites;Chlprocisi Liver Complaints, Chronic headaches; Rlyiimaz tism, Intermittent Fevers,-Piinples . on Fade, .e. In eases of General Debility, wheth,er the restit of acute disease, or of the continued di- Minution :of nervous and muscular ,energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this reg . - torative has proved successful to an !extent which no'description nor .4 ritten attestation would render credible. invalids'solorig bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have . suddenly ; 're-aii7 peared in the busy worlens if. just ri:turned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some verrsignab instances of this, kind are attested to female Suffereis, emaciated victims of app cut inarasmus, sanguineous Sxhaus-. tibn, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and despeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and or reasons familiar to medical men, the operathon ,of this preparation of iron;' must 11;eeessitliy. be salutary, for unlike the Old mi.l6, it is vig orously tonic without being milting and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient even in the most Obstinate' cases of dostiv,e ness without ever being a 'gastricpurgative, or inflicting a disagreeable' sensation. ' It is this latter property, amoheothers, which makes it so remarkable effectual alnd permanent a remedy for riles, Upon which it also appears to exert a' distinct and spee'fic action ' ,by dispersing the local tendency wb cli forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its can ca a single box of these Chalybeate Pihs!lias of. ten sufficed for the most habitual eases, in eluding the attendent Costiveness. , In unchecked Diarrhoea, even i wlibri advance to Dysentery, confirmed, emaciating, and al; parentlk malignant, - the effects hav',e 14( equally decisive and astonishing. I .I In the local pains, loss of flesh and . stiengi debilitating cough, and remittent heetic,wli generally indicate Incipient Consumption, remedy has allayed the alarm of friends physicia'ns, in several very gratifying and! terestinginstances.• • this .0 , t ,06- In SciefulouS Tuberculosis, this medic. iron has had far more than the goOti.'ffec; the most cautiously hula:feed preparations iodine, Without any of their well tnown bilities. 1 The attention of females cannot!' fidently invited to this rent,edy and in the cases peculiarly affecting th In Rheumatism, both , chronic a. matory = in the latter, hoWever, r edly—it has been invariably wel both as' alleviating pain ,and re swellings and stiffness of the joint ties. In Intermittent FeVers it must! be a great remedy and energetic 1 and its progress in the riew.settleil WeSt, Nvill probably;be one of h and ululness. . No .r medy has ever been disc whole history ofmedicine, which prompt, happy, and fully restorati Good appetite, complete digestidh quisition of strength, with an uni ; sition for active and, cheerful exd 1 diatelr follow its Use. i Put - tip in neat flat metal boxes 50 pillS, price 50 cents per box; • ~ druggists and dealers.. Will bet any address on receipt of the prid tern, orders, etc., should be addrf : R. R. LOCKE & Co., General' kl—ly.' i 20 Cedar F;URNITU , 1 - W. H. CO,ATq lialinrr enlarged, and refitted . P ROOMS, at . 1 1 ICV E 1., 1...,'S VIL ! E , 1 has ndw on hand and will keep .onstrintly for sale, n 'larger and letter variety of Cabinet- Ware and Chairs, than have eve been oibred in thig section of the Country. • His !stock of common work has never I been. equalled. Having made - extensive additions to his l assortment of . PARLOR FURNITURE;: he bai now on hand Plain Mahogany & to side Mar.-: i t ble top ' ; Bureaus,lCard tables, Marble and Centre tables, Fruit and T ilet' s nds, Marble top Wash stands. - . . ' 1 : • COTTAGE : • ' ' i 1 ;AND _ ! - ! FRE4TEE i BEADSTEADS. : COUCHES,I ,SOFAS,, ! A... - NTi TETE-A-TETES; new and beautiful varieties. 1, , r 1 Cane Seat, IffahoganY, ,Hocking =4 Easy Chain{ &e., &c In fact-v- thini in fact-every thing . 17 - • FURNITUIRE can be found at his establishment.'. Having the best facilities for manufacturing,and par: chasing his stook - fdr cash, He not -be:llnsersold, These wishing to, buy, will- avd, leaSt twenty-five per cent,. by calling on W. Coats. • 4 READY MADE 00 FIATS of all sizes kept. eonstanfly on ha - nd. ; Per sonal attendance with hearse W en requested. - • W. . COATS.. , Nov. I, 1860. r - . • r - Administratiiiir's IATHEIWAS, letters ;of adni V V: the estate pf RUFUS THO late . ;of Jackson Tp., Dater 'C granted to the subscriber in du, notiee is hereby given to all pe themselves indebted to said e• immediate paynient and, those Will present them duly anthenti, tlement. , PI3IDELIA THO . D. W. BENTON,' February 28, 1801 • ' 1.6.•.'1 i;' t -:1' -114..OVE4T'S .4 . , LIFE ..I',ILLS_A.Np PIVENX. 17/2 7 2,',E2?* lIIIESOEDI ' ' TO hate. ztow' teen balite' Gil , '-''- ' ;the liirOlic foil iteriod of Timm/ tharti4 and during thatir e_lexe rtiftintaiiied_ a high 'character in,alniol4 every Ipart of _the Globe, far: their', eAlsordi ary and linniefliato postiep r i 'of restoiriperfee health Ifo persons suffering under n arty eve, kind of disease to which the human frantie liable =' ' I i I T I The fhllowing '' e aixtorig the diStressing, variety Of human ;, • iseases! in which the • ;, j '.Vegetabl e tire ;Medicines , 11 , Are' well knotin t ' be infallible. ' ' u " DYSPEPSIA; li . th oroisibly cleansinkthe first and second st trtechs; and creating a floW cif ;pure healthy hi e, instead of the stale _ ;and (acrid kind; FLAT .LENCY; Loss of -kppetite, y Heartburn, Head che; Restlessness, 111-Tem per, Aniiety, Languor, and Melancholy, whiCh are the general symptoins of Dyspepsia, will , • , I . vanish,,as , a _natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, byl cleansing the whole lerigth Of the inteltines with a solvent-process, and without violpee ;;all violent purges led i e the bowels costi've within two days. ' i ' FEVERS of all hint% liy restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of , ,perspirationlinl such cases, and the titer (nigh solution of all intestinal obstruction in others.; ~ 1 I : , ~ The Life Medihirtes , have been known to ettre I . 4IIEUMATISM I permanently in three weeks, and GOIOT in half l that time, by' re moving local inflammation from the muscles and lig,:aments of the joints.. . 1 , i•DROPSLES of all ,it , :inds, by freeing and strengthening th kidneys and bladder; they ii operate most del ghtfolly on these , important organs; and hen 6 haVe ever been found a cer tain remedy for', he worst cases of GRAVEL., ` , Also WORMS by dislodging frbm the turn igs otthe bolit : s thelslimy matter to which these creatures ildhco. ' SCURVEY, , pLcEts, and INVETERATE SORES, by theliierfeet purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and' a ll the humors. •1 • SCORBUTIGERUPTIONS and BAD COM PLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of whiCh occasions all eruptive complaints, sPllow; cloudy, and other disagreeable corn , pleAions. - I , , . • , The pse of th i tse Pills for a very short time, - will effect an - C tire cure of SALT -RHEUM, and a Strikinr , improvement in the clearness of the Skin. COMMON COLDS and INPUT ENZAI will altr#s bell cured by, ono 'dose, or by two in the worst cases. ' - • , • PILES.-:-Thel. original proprietor Of these 'Medicines, was , cure Of Piles of 35 years 'standing, by the, use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone.; I II FEVER AND[AGup.—For this: scourge of I the Western coantry, ithese Medicines will bet !-found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy --• I Other medicine leave the system subject to l a return of the diseas--a cure by these Med icines is permanent-lay' TEEEIf, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. , I . BIEIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER CO3l - Debility, Loss of Appe tite, and Diseaseit of Feniales=the Medicines have been used' with, the most beneficiff re-' sults in cases, of this description :. , --Kings Evil, and Scorftila, in its worst forms, yields to the !mild yet powerful action of these re markable Medici nes. I Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, New us Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of e Heart, Painters' COlic, are speedily cured. , , • , I , MERCERIA DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions Ilii-e become impaired by the injudiOious use! Of MEI - Lamy, will find these Medicines a perfeet cure, es they never fail to eradiate froth the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most pOw °dal preparations of Sarsanarilla. I Prepared nskii,sold by ,W. B. 31OFFAT, - 1 335 Buoanwar, New-:Yons. • 'Pori sale bY all -Druggists. ieh his d s, of lia- e too on ratora ive, •m:• d inft, m. ore debid repo ted, Eszq and lily I ire, the 08111 ERIE estora cots o di real the ucki: cred i exerts - e effecl 1, rapid ual d' r ! icise, . . PI „ SI WINSLOW, ' An qperiencedNurie and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, ; ' ! , FOll. lIILDREN TEETHING, whicfr'greatlY7. cilitates the procesi_ of teeth ing, by'softening the gums, reducing all lin fiamation—wAl allay ALL .PAIN and eyes mo di'e action, i and. is ! 1 SURE TO - ,REGULATE'. THE BOWELS. ;. , Depend upohl it, Mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and t . RELIEFPIREAITIT' TO YOUR INFANTS. -We have ' tit' up and 'sold this article for over ten AN 0, and CAN SAY, IN CONFI-. DENCE AN TRITITII. of it, what `we have never been able taay of any otheC, medicine —NEVER WAS TI FAILED, IN Al SINGLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT. A CURE,' when timely used. - .Never did we know an instance of diSsatisfac ion by anyone who used it. ; On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera tiono, and sp ak in:terms of comendation of its magical e ects and medical Virtues. :We speak in this "otter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten ye 'is' experience; AND:PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT OF \yrlAT'E HERE DECLARE. i In almost every instance - where the infant is suffering from pain andexhanstion, relief Will be foUnd in fifteen orenty minutes after!the syrup is administered. - . ; , This - Value le preparation is the prescrip- . tien tof the m it EXPERIENCED and SKILL FUL T 1 NURSE in New: ngland, and has been used with NEVER 'FAILING SUCCESS in .THOU t talp S OF CASES.' It :not on ly relieves the child front pain, but invigorates. 0 stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and enO•gy 'to ~the whole ey:ste . i,.i' It will almost instantly ie rf licve' GRIPING 1I THE BOWELS, „AND WLND : , :: 1 ! • il ICOLIC 1, • . i andlovercoMg;cmmilsions, Which, if not Spee dily remediedi end in death. We belieVe it the !BEST ilrid SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all. chsea of DYSENTERY! and DIARREECEAI EC CHILDREN, whether it arises fromteethitik; or 4om any Otheti cause. ! We would say t every ] mother whpiltas a child suffering fro: anylpf the foregoing complaints —DO NOV ET YOUR. PREJUDICES, NOR THEP - , ICES OF OTHERS, stand be tween you!' nd ydur suffering child, and the relief that W n be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to fellow thd use of this Medicine, if timely used. , Full , directions fer using will accompany . , Itch! bottle. ' None genuine -un less! the .fae i simild of CURTIS II PERKINS, New York.,lWou• the outside wrapper. SOld by Druggistss throughout the world. , l ncip i l PrlSt., . - i .- i 1j,.. New- Yerlci. i - -• ;: - PRICE OW 25 CENTS P.ER.??.OTTiE. Sold byi-!1. Si, Bap. A. ,JONES, Couiders pori,Pa, -l' : ' ' ; • i 16.4 1 . • , i :,• ! 1 ~ i -:,- ac conto for, sfq : sent fr, ning le by l ee to let- : - sed tol 'tgents l .7 N. El lEEE A in the line pf otAce. I ' l istration on h • SON,dect, .., 'hare been I form of lair, one knowing i 'ltate, to malfe axing clainits ated for sap ,EPSON, 11 : dmixiiars'6 1 .~~~~. ~~~ ,40, 1 301.. riavizze - -* - 4 tkV \- •QS 5q 6 ,610 sLi - pEßuerivz , TONIC DI UR ETIC e, 4111/11-/ DYSPE Isit‘v . ricoßgrtic, CORDIAL To thectrizens ofNew .rersig and Pennsylvania. Apothecaries. Druggists, Grocers and I Private , Families. • Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy: - - Wolfe's Pure lladeria, Sherry and Port Wine. • Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rtun. Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. - ALL IN BOTTLES. 1 beg leave lo call the attention, of the citi zens of the United States to the aboie WINES and Lagoons; imported by Udoipho Wolfe, of New York; whose name i familiar in every Part of this country tor the purity of his cele brated SCHICDAM SCHNAPPS.' Mr. Wolfe; his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says: "I will stake my reputation as a man my standing as a mer— chant of thirty yearsresidence in the City of. New York, that all the Grayly and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best qualit7, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." • Every bottle has ftm-kri prietor's . name on the wax, and a fac stair"' of his signature on the certificate. Ire pub J lie are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for thanselves. For sale at Retail by aft • Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. Geo. H. Am:l;lw ' No. 832 Market st. Phil. • Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Courier : _ ENORMOUS BUSINESS FOIrONE New YORK ' MERCHANt.a - -We are happy ti) . inform our fel- i low-eltrzenS that there is one place in our city Where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as iffil,6tted, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's. tensive bushiess, although it will repay any stranger Or citizen to visit Udol'Alra Wolfe's extensive "ware-house, Nos:. 18, 20 and .22, Beaver street, and Nos. 17, 10 and 21, Mark= etdeld street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shkpment could not have been' less than thirty tousa.nd cases , ; 'the Brandy, some ten thousand 'eases--Vintages of 1836 to 1856; ar.A ten thor.sancl cases of Madeira, Sherry • and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica, end St. Croix Rum; some, very old' and equal to any in this country. He also had three.large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, IT:, in casks, under Custom-House key, ready l'ot bottling. Mr: Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred' and eighty thousand dozen, and Fe hope in less than two years he may be equally sue cessful with his Brandies and Wines. His busthess•merits the patronage of every . lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders dircet to Mr. 'Wolfe,' until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure l Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accom modation.of small dealers in the country, puts . up assorted' cases of Wine's and Liquors.— Such a man,.and such a merchant, should be . sustained against - his - tens ofl.housands of op ponents in the United States; who sellinoth: , ing but imitations" ruinous alike to human health and happiness. [52-61n* D O YOU WA.tiT WHISKERS? -,. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM CELEBRATED STIIVIULATING ONGUENT. For, the Whiskers and Hair. The subscribers take plea=ure in announc ing to the Citizens of the 4.Tnited States, that, they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled . to offer to the American public, the above justly Acelebrated and world-re nowned article. THE STU:MATING ON GHENT Is prepared hy D . C. P. BELLINGHAM, an em inent physician of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick set of • Whiskers or a rffuStacb.e, in from three to six weeks. This article is the only one of the kind used by the French, and in LOndon and Paris it is in universal use. - It is a beautiful, economical; soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic' • upon the.roots,- causing a: beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to . the scalp, it will .; cure BALDNESS, and cause to spring up in place " of the bald spots a fine• growth of new hair. Applied according•to directions, it will tarn RED or towy hair DARK, and restore gray hair to its original 'color, leaving it soft, smooth and flexible. The ONGUENT "is an indis pensable article in every gentleman's 'toilet, and after one week's use they would not for any consideration be without it. The subscribers are , the only Agents for the article in the 'United ;States, to whom all or ders must be addressed. Price: One Dollar a box--.-for sale by all Druggisis and Dealers ; or a box of We - "Org . guent . " (warranted to have the. desired will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (di 'rect), securely packed., on receipt of price and' postage, $l.lB. Apply to or address - HOR.ACE L. HEGENAN tic CO - .; DRUGGISTS, C..• 24 William Street, New fr;ili `Stfax. Pa . ritts,slll THE, undersigned NI - ould respectfully inform: the surrounding community that; hi has. taken. the rooms formerly oc'cupied:by'A. Olmsted, where heqs prepared,to -do All kinds of Harness Work on the' shbrtest notice. . LONG STRAW COLLARS. also kept,constantly on hand. - These cellars' are a superior article, and neeebut a trial to insure their succeSs.. ' , • Repairing done in good style. . • Surcirigles, - Ma rtingale-iinis,'..Rames and Hame•straps, Fcc., kept coneantly on hand. The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. S. P.M:DIAL Coudersport Oct. 16th. 1860. - N 0 TICE.i , BRADFORD' COUNTY . PLOWS : - AM) . FOOTS, ' -.- • will be found hereafter at the store of'.' •' . ' B. N. STERI3INSUtRO. xpar ...A large lot just received. , -: .- Coudersport, 31arck20, 1 861. • A DVERTISE the Jour -11. pray paper the conaty.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers