The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 14, 1861, Image 1
IVOLIIIIE XIII.- - -NIIMBER 34. Origiaal. SYMPATHY. irilen ye were children ; ye would fill your hands With wild flowers in the wood, And, comforted for all your sorrowings, Ye said that "God is good.'.' But all your blossoms faded, when the light • Died from your childhood's slopes, And manhood's dreary heart is made an urn, Full of dead Loves and Hopes. Now, at the darkened windows of your souls; Val:4 must Beauty plead, The voices singing by the bolted doors, Ye neither hear or heed. • Ye strew white flowers, where your beloved As if that those below [sleep ; Had any care how, in this world of sin, Birds sing, or blossoms grow I Tie think how they that entered thatdark house Through the low, narrow door, In all the . golden summers, -will not pass The grassy threshold o'er. What right have I to cry "be comforted I" • 'Who have not suffered so ? What right to say "God willeth," when my lips • Touched not your eup of woe? Your grief is sacred, yet rebuke one not, If, faint with:pain; I stand, Not daring to look up to - one of ye, And offer you my hand. Tearful, I pray for all earth's Veari e d ones : That watch alone , to-night, . , 'OpCn, 0 Christ! the golden gates of Morn I Ilest them behold the lightfi ' tter Cd.., July 25 1/361. 1 Parted by a fla i r's Breadth. My lady Paterdailc sits in the large drawing-room of her place down in Blank shire, and listens to the .fain which falls ' drip, drip, u - r ion theistone terrrce without. My lady is not there from cligice, but by reason of her medical tyrants. In her listless hand is a novel which she does not read. Now and then she glances at the fire, which is there not because it •is cold, but because thp[plac& in Blankshire is dreary; a dampness hangs about it and a chill—a queer sort of creeping, as tho'. the dead Sir Oliver still lay in - state on the hearse-like bed of .crimson velvet in the western chamber. 'My lady's own companion sits behiEd her, occupied in a mysterious fancy-work called tatting; but it is not upon her that those wandering glances fall as they leave the fire ; upon two figures at the other end of the room—so far away dint in the dim light they can rather be it'll agined than seen, and their 'voiceS are in audible. These are the daughter and. the nephew of my ladyiPaterdaile. Ey and by the conversation is finished and they come up and, stand together op. polite my lady's great chair On the hearth. " George Haughton," said her ladyship, "why, arc you locking like a caged lion?" "Twelve mouths ago,"replied the :Vollllo' man, "my cousin bade me wait patiently a yeara whole long year. It exPirs today, and I am here to know my fatq." "Speak lower, George Ilaughton." 'She tells me," he went on with a '' , es- Lure of impatience, " that she can nOtfet ter herself yet; that . I. am still a boy and must serve yet another year for her," t "To which youlhave agreed," interpost• ed a softer voice, while a little white band touched his. arm. "To which I have agreed. It is no boy's love I have given you, Catharine, but my whole life. "You must not think I da not know you ; f it is because you love admiration—because - you would be acconn ted free to exercise your fascination over .otbers—that you hold back fro keeping your promise. I can wait; but do not try me too long. You are mine and I aui yours forlappiness or misery, and the one shall not Stiffer without the other." , My lady Paterdaile bent her false eye 'raws into a frown as he finished. "These are:strange words - fur aloFer, young Haughton!!- Then the haughty face softened with a sudden gleam of tenderness, and he tea both the hands of his betrothed in his own strong, earnest grasp. "Catharine knows," he said that I Jou her aS my own soul." He was gone. My lady's book slippld slowly down to the stool at her feet, for she was watchingher daughter. strange look came into the eyes of .tho young girl as she pressed her.clasped hands together and felt the touch of George Haughton's ring. / "'fora are wise, Catharine," said her ladyship. -"When we go back to town you will have many a better, at your hot." - I ‘,That le not it," exclaimed Catharine, scornfully. "And the Iran does not live whom I should think worthy to compare with him." • My lady le.ntler uncertain old eyes to look into her daughter's fade. "Yon are -endowed with a singular, power of fascination," she said . ; s'Ynu' would flirt, my daughter, in your shroud." A shudder passed over the beautiful crouching figure, and the poor Companion made a false move in her tatting. "But do not trust to it, Kate . ; with youth and beauty it passes away';—ah, so quickly !" . Then my lady rang for lights, and be gan to reckon up the days and weeks which must elapse before she Would dare to go back to town and gayety, from the dreary place in Blankshire. So that year also went by, and then an other, and another, leaving the promise unfulfilled; and still George i Naughton repeated as firmly as ever, "I can wait ;" while the hope that had ripened his youth was withering away manhood'. f I Four years more bad he servedifor her; this was the fifth. And my lady Was back again at her place in Blank - ship', but no longer alone with her unread notel. She had filled the house; with fashion and youth• and 'beauty. There were daughters and sons to be merry,landma• trons to gather round the card ;table, of Lady Patterdaile, and to squabble bver the cards which she touched ;lovingly with her trembling old fingers; whiled the dancing, went on around her.. ; On such an evening it was that Gelarge Houghton 'again entered the lage draw -^rn o the plan- Blaullshi Hr idg-room of the place in lan ,s ire.; He stood in the •doorway watching ;thelight clouds of gauzy blue, and pink!atid white, with the black coats thatrciieded them. George Haughton's head ts , shigher Than any there; he leaned, in his laiy strength, against the wall, watching, with a smile to which yenrs of disappointed hopes; had given a sort of despairing bitteidess,While his cousin drew near, and s_topppd w-th a gesture of surprise. George initde her a low bow, and then offered her ;lti's tinLlov ., ed hand. - "Hare you forgotten the day of . the month T" I "Let me speak to you a moment,i" lie said, taking her apart from the ,"rest4 IRE Wilco they conic back 'she was looking up at him laughingly. . "When will you- give me up, Geor o oe Haugbton ?" "When that beautiful_ blael; head .is streaked with silver," retorted ;George ' She heard a new sound in ;his .voice, and shrank from it ; but the' nest; int). went all her gayety came back, fo• She said to herself, imperiously. "He knows not my power; he can not forsake MC. "One word more," said George. "You call that young lady who left you just now your friend, do you not," "Oh, yes—lily dearest friend." 1 "Well, and the fair-haired young fellow leaning over the prie-deau is stranger to you ?" ; I "He was till this evening." 1 "But not to me. When I came in, you were flirting with him. When I tell you that he is engaged to your 'dearest Mewl,' will you spare him_?" - With, a laugh, she broke from the light restraint of his hand. He looked ! after her, and smiled' at the folly of asking such a question. He drew himself urs and pressed his knuckles together, and he mattered to himself fiercely, 4 .1 - wall ; I. swear it !" ,I So this year Oeorge HaUghten did not take himself and his answer awdy as Usual, but he staid on day after day, patient and watchful, amongst the other auestslof his aunt. • One evening the poor companion knock ed, with her tatting in .her 14nd, at the door of Catharine's dressing romp and entered, trembling at her own, boldness. "My dear," said the poor lady, and-all the rows of curls on he forehead quiver ed with agitation, "forgive :me, put I ould not hlp it." "Help what ?" asked Catharine, gently. "My dear, my dear, an old maid's life is not always a happy one. IdO net say that mine is unhappy, but others instance' dif ferently constituted—yourself,for if such a thing were to happen. ' A laugh interrupted her; but clasping her hands, with one point of the tatting, needle running into them, she went on most earnestly : "Alas I alas ! you would be so misera ble! Smile at me if you will for taking such a theme on my old lips but I know what it is to trifle with a man's heart, and —Heaven help me !—to The Last words were but it.faint mur mur, and the old lady was gonp. "An old maid !" 6tharine laughed again; she sprang up lightly' and stood before the glass, radiant: and beautiful, repeating the words scornfully. k Look once more. The laugh of the fair cousin has ended in a little cry of ; a look of horror has cliasedl away the radiant smile. , What is it? I Only that she has seen reflected there a Jwhite hair—only one, but startlingly white, gleaming like a silver trail down the black' locks. She turned away, but still'She saw-it ; everywhere she, saw it--dovra the walls, on the gilt frames of the pictures, on the 4001", pleryirliete. It lay along the dark green of the Venetian- bland; and when , - she raised - that impatiently ) it (nit in two • ileb;oteD to tiia 2kirteipies , of Rtio Deitioehey, 41 . 10 issoltiirmtioq of 4j" COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, P t lt., WEDNESDA',.&UUST 14 the prospect from the window. Then she threw herself on a couch and covered her face. There seemed to be before, her, then, herself, yet not herself, bearing, a shadowy resemblance, but horrible to he hold ; a' gaunt figure, a lonely, desolate woinan, unloving; with nothing but the bitter remembrance -of past pleasures to fill up the yearning in her heart; with none to live for, no voice to easWer hors, no lips to smile for her ; alone with the .phantoms of the'past, which mocked her wretchedness. Then the picture changed. Earnest eyes were looking into her own; a loving hand clasped hers ; whispers of tenderness filled the air around her, and tears came stealing through the hands clasped over her face. That evening George Hauglifon saw that his cousin was more beautiful than ever; that there was a new' grace about her, a something almost akin to humility; that she was strangely quiet and reserved. But he only smiled bitterly as he saw it, and thought of his vow. Once only she addressed him—when he was' passing her to leave the room; Never looking at him or even turning to. ward him, she vonturned to ask why he was going away so soon. lie had letters to write, he said; he was going to the library. But he did not write them. He stood od the rug, leaning his elbow 'on the mantelpiecm; he seemed to be weaving pictures out of the dull glimmer : ;of the: firs; but they could not have been pleas ant ones, his face was so stern and bitter. He looked up impatiently as the door opened, but 'it was the figure of his cousin which stood there to interrupt him. For a moment the old, long-cherished lore clamored at the door of George's heart, and cried out with piteous plead 'ing to be taken in; but the keeper of that' door answered; sorrowfully, "Too late!' She was near him now—downcast, but resolute. "The time has arrived, George Hough ton. I come to give you back your bond ; to set you free.' Georg&looked at her earnestly. "Is this all your pride can say to me, Catharine'," All I OF h, no 1 it needel a wort from him to call forth the whisper of a better and a happier love than she, had ever before known, but that word would never cone. Looking into his face, she choked back the half-uttered "Forgive me." "I remind you of your own deelaration, whether it was jest or earnest 'The sil ver streak- has come; look here, George Ilaughton." He saw it at once as she bent her head before him—the one white hair, glisten ing, on the black locks. 'He said to her, as calmly as he could, almost ldokin,g, down upon her, as She stood there. "This, then, has gained a victory which seven years of devotion could not gain.! Give it to me. Catha rine, I told you once that it was not my love I offered you, but my own life. You accepted it; you took and offered it up to vanity and frivolity. Think what it is to have withered a man's life up." • "Forgive .me," murmured Catharine. "I do.' I accept Iry release at your hands. Catharine, when I' came here four days .ago, my heart was full of the Again you put me off, as the' I were, indeed, no better than a play thing. Then I swore that I would free myself; bat no effort was needed. I was free; your voice had no power to move me, nor „your touch; you. bad withered up all I gave to you, and nothing remain ed but bitterness—nothing. 'The past is like a dream, which I can remember with out being able to bring back the emotions which filled it. They will never come to me again. These two, the saddesewords a man's tongue can utter, are all that come to, me as I look at you, and think of what might have been—goo late.' " He paused, but there was no reply. Then a sign and a trophy, he holds it up --the long, white hair. "This, then, brought you to me too late. Catharine, good-bye ; for if ever we meet - again, it l will rise up as a ghost between us, and we - shall be strangers !" 1 ' False Pretences. A law against obtaining hnibands der false pretences, passed by the English Parliament in, 1770, enacts,--"That all women, of whatever age, rank, profession or degree, who shall, after this act, im pose upon, seduce, and betray into-Matri mony any of his Majesty's subjects by vir, tee 'of scents, paints, cosmetic washes, artificial teeth, false hair, iron stays, bol, atered hips, of high-heeled shoes, shall incur the penalty of, the law now in force against witchcraft and like misdemeanors; and the marriage, under such circum stances, upon conviction of the 'offending , parties, shall he null and void." Men of some vocations are usually un dersized: The most strapping fellows in ,c) commuuity•Qre the eoliool-masters: Pay . as Yo i Go: I i I "Pay as you go." This is one of Frank: Tin's rules. His practicfil wisdon was the advantages to be derived from; followinc , r> 1 i 'it in the early days of tie Republic; and, the justness and benefitiorits obserVanee I are no less now, when the liberty and in= 1; te,grity of the Nation A're to be Imestab-, ,lished. As a general rte it is applicable 'and ,obligatory at all times and Under all circumstances.: The spirit of; ibis pre-, ,cept is essential to the !honesty and' hoti r or, and to the true' greptness and I inde pendence of States andpf singleiclizerial. Doubtless there may be asesan w ich a. departure from the st r ilict, lett r Of the rule is admissible. BO the ex eption is 1 too often wretchedly 4 - bused -I By what right do we tax; and bgrden ii r future energies and abilities beyond ,the rims- 1 sities whieh,the future preSent ?If it be not wrong to the 'redittir- is' it net cruel self-injustice to th6kiebtor ? ' "Suf ficient to the day - is the t liability "'ler& of." 1 " Owe no man anythin( •is 0,16 1 divine. injunction- 7 41M itrue philoSophY. buy what you can pay,lfer, and Iwhat you can't, do without.: This would save mon ey. For the 'man wI4 sells on! trust, needs, additionly, the I interest on the 4 i ready-pay price, togetli , with:coMpensa tion' for any contingent liability to 'allure of payment, and for theibad debts of oth ers. But beside being heaper and more economical, it would alse avoid much per plexity and disappointment, and! litiga tion and despondency.' It Would save much confidence and 1 reputatio'and friendship. •It would contribute largely i to cheerfulnes, health arid enjOym nt. It would • prevent financi4 revillsions, and I bankruptcies and repudiation's. But pecuniary 'obligations are not the only ones to be. met with the promptness of the p.^-'y down plan. f That man with recognizes no other 13 . .4. a mew , valua tion—who supplies aIV his_ needs with cash, and who strictly:, and ri!, dis charges all such debts, And snob Alehe,,is but a Shylock who knows little of the worth of the higher, better estate within his reach. He is a more pilble bank rupt than ordinary insolvency ver made, by so much as matter isinferior to mind. He who lets his wealthor , li j s Idignity excuse him,from perfortuing his qbare of the offices, and of the, active • 14bers inei deka to life ' has, gone 'down below the loWest level of huninnity„ It; IMs been Wisely ordained that min shaltowe him self, first; to cultivate' his garden or his field, as Adana did his .Eden!; 'elf to pur sue some other mode• ofuseftill, healthful industry. Next, to improve the talent he possesses. He may not, ash dill one of old, hide it by digging in the; earth, or by other sordid means. ge owes' hiS fellow man to be to him a brOther. , He owes his country to uphold ber in Ithe ri,.,(ilit. All these duties he owes to Deity; and he must pay them as he gots. "Twill never do to put off till no-inrow what mild l and should be done to- ay. , q'lie habit, c if it does no more, will fill the tissue of existence with' expectation urealized-- with " hope ileferred."l ' 1 , ' Individuals compose cmmtrin ides, and communities make up States a d Nations. As are the people, so i the' ullic. It is the duty of every commonwealth, by a judicious system 'of educlation, to train up itiyouth sous thus to become payingcit izens. Fcr the citizen that pa $ the best is the one that shall thus pay best as be : goes. And when traitors, wh had not, or who heeded not such training, insist on taking all Nrthin , their ioich i lof the assetts of our governmental, partnership, and going out, it. is Well tb suggest to them the ipropriety ofthe principle—Pay as you 0.1 When England said to Ader .l ica, " YOU must submit to our taxes and obey our laws, , represented or no rePre dented," America said to England, "The' plan is wrong; you must give !the equiv. alent for our allegiance,you must pa.y;fis you go." And she establighed her right. And when it. is urged, that the priceless heritage of freedom which our fathers bequeathed to us, shall be transmitted to our children, encumbered and involved, with its title, l if not imPaired, yet disput ed and defied, 'let . us say " we'll adjust the dispute and souare up the aceoutik— we will-pay as we go," . j w And when, as new, jai repudiaticin on the one hand and w th_ piracy on the other, we are summons to iclivjde that heritage, so as to ". spoi the' Whole," and to the end that; over ne p,cirtiim of it shall be made more pr mirient and ,dis tinctive that system w ich ,reverses our Motto—the system of u paid labor—with one voice let us join the mighty response, "pay as you go." The only government that pays is one that ea and .will thus, . in all respects, pay as it goeS. l And finally, the . only ay' tp make life pay•—to make it an' ea est and satisfac tory reality—is ; in all t lags, well to r ob- i Serve the rule, pay 'as y u go —lndepen- 1 dent Republican. , . 1 . : i „Wo men should set giod eamp i tlieiaen are always folio- •initheiwomen. It seems hard that, when a man ales, his better half is entitleArto only one third. i;4lii . y, .iti.:lkliti,.4lla 1i (vs.' il ,: I ' Aug - list. 'I , 1 i The ! dog sear rages, and, every living thing syieltere, in the Summer heat. Cat tle seek Ithe shade; or plungirig, , into the coolin g ! 'stream, stand knee, 'deep in the water,l3' .b'ushi'ng their sides with' moisten ed taili. Thus they hold ,the elouds i of [ i moscput es and flies at• bay, and guard themser esagainst their ,tormentors : + l Sivine;l 01l I zily in , the mud; coating i every 1, istle with the thick' ooze, and smotherin , * c another raoe of ;inlepts quite as terriblete them. Fowls lie :leisurely in theilhade,l throwing dust ' oiler every feather land 'shaking it down over every part of.': Ain. Ducks' and geese 'sit upon thp river's Mink, indristrionslfr rill ping their oily bills over every part of the body, Makin. , the feathers proof against the eggs of insects, as . well as agaii3st rain. , Every animal and plant has its parasi4 and the parasitiC races, andiall j the tribes f insects are`' now in their prime. 1 Life, would be too! dull • these hot calm Summer days, were it not for these tnutef creatures filling:the Air with the hti of their varied music. '• 1 Thelmeadows are mainly stripped; c the burden of grass that Covered theiio fov days,age, and you notice, the tra of 'the inower and, the width of his sw He ha: of inse of the tor, as, ished a with th the sOel , of the swarm stubbl, , funit and im want 'a ... formidable obstacles with ivhf‘ch the bandmiin has to contend. The arra, mentsi of Nature have been kited with in the !advance of eivilization, _ 'the halrmony once, existing between in sects and other tribes pf living things, has been destroyed. But even the meal de structi e of these races has its use, land the we Id chuld not I get ,on without its! labors:, We need toi direct these labors,' e l rather M than Ito exterminate the o l ers! If ma did not interfere with th ar rangements ,Of Providence, they woul all be kePt in harmonious balance, and every tribe' 4 living things would ho seen t 6 ac complish more of good than of evil in its labors! Man" has disturbed this balance in various ways. The trees and shiubs which' were designed as ;,the food (1' in sects; have been cleared aWay ifathe march of civilization, so,that not ,a tenth pail, of the original i i i pasture ground of, their sect tribes f is left in the older States. I Foi'ests have been cut down, and swamps drained,' and'' i n e tint inhabitants! that once Hung and s orted in the. unbroken 4 wildenieEs, arli fo ced to'seek their living' in raie 1 fields d Meadows. I MI the same re,' the nA ural eilemies of the insects', w rich I were designed to keep them in check, nave been I almost exterminated.. ; IThe wild's'imalS that derived it large part of their 0 bsistence from insects, have Main ly qii ppedred with the forests, 'The birda lso, Which are our best safegharcl, ao e ,ains their undue multiplication,i are consid red lawful - game by every vaga bond hat can carry a gun, and by eery cat th'nt ought to catch Mice and rats. WA line; toot not only the insect' na• tine ko our forests, : but those of qtlier ,i. lands; introduced by commerce. .These 'have ome in grain Sacks, sometimes in straw or mainin seeds, 'and upon plants broug t hither for ;cultivation., Pfovi derma has furnished }abundant 'cheeks to the •Mitltinlication of these - creatures, and we have only to study their habits, to learni hew to keep! them Within due bound.. J i 1 As;vet, the adenine 'of entoinologyi has but fay' admirers in this country... There, are iefry few; who have had thp timel an d . patience to follow these creatures tbriingh their Variolis change's, to Andy , the times and 'Methods of their reproduction, ;and st means of circumventing them is beginning to be felt, however, a - f this'knowledge as indicated in the UB inquiries in :ear a,grieuliural rticultural journals. Close ohierv iD n they farm are learning bow to have 4reals from their depredations, 1 and lbo b istd :are pablishin A a their middies +e rasf i,. insects , ages of among their There is great need of a wider of observation, and a larier claps of is win) shall closely' investigatil the . of ilie insect, tribes. :This is )11 in w4ch our young, readth:s, eayee be boa's, might engage with great 'to themselvss,and with a fair Dru id' I:tininess td the conatinniti 'Aloe ' of speciinens is indispensable prci3etution - of tile , study Onto aad these every, student Might y ally gather, for himself. ,:If, for in ., we, bad a few eggil of the Worm, Igroxvin specimen :Ss be feeds ripen ves df the Mulberry, a cocoon t,ipon And' ,IWbere it; wet, sptiP,.lnd,npair, lers s the should have befoie "us; at 'a i . • , , IN uncovered the homes of myrij is quite as beautiful, quite as I wisdom and goodness of the CI the grasses and ftowerS that El, hove tpem. Now the air is pie!? ie shrpl note of the locust, and a Llg of the grasshopper and the el crieiet on the ear. Ti an countless multitndei among andlevery advancingistep drl ire host before you. 6omplain of the insects as enern their present number, and our f skill, they are among the TERMS;--$l.OO PER . - . . glance, a"pretty correct view of the insect'. Every worm, bug; and •buttertly, pith i , which we cotne , t .iti daily contact, I:i4. Ti similar history worthy of our investigai tion. It would not lake a very large cali l inet to make us familiar with thifse which .prey most upon our lahors.i..Speoimenk of insects are much more easily preserved than thoseof birds and the larger anitliils.i. andthe expense 'for the meterial o2re, serving them, would be 'within the clr of most farmer's sons. • The habits of careful - observation.fostered by such a: study, would be invaluable to the" boy, whatever might be his future calling. • . One of the . best methßtla 01 kpepWiio-: 'sects in 'cheek upon the meadow,' an 4 which is appropriate to the season, is lib l eral top-dressing with compost or stable . manure.' .As soon after the mowing as is convenient, compost is spread at the rate: of twenty loads or more to the acre. those who adopt this course, give as thei res.. sons, that awl - main: is offensive to in eels; and they are much less liable, to d posit their eggs in a recently matiured tri l adow than in a clean stubble; and that the ma.' nure makes stouter plants and mire of them, so that the traces of the eating of worms are seldom seen in rich' meadows.: 'nets generallY prove the theory: i Others have great faith in the plow as ; ,a destroyer of grubs. .All their lands' 'destined for hoed crops arc plowed late in, the Fall and the burrows of a muqitude of insects and their eggs, are thus turned, up to the Winter frosts. But they most. efficient helpers in this warfare are the, birds. Some of theatfiud their priticipal food in bugs and worms, and were they. 1 protected by the farmer, and alto ed to multiply, they .would guard his cr ps ef fectually from insect ravages. They` should be welcomed to his orchar s and. meadows, and copses of evergre us be. planted to shelter them,. where the have, ir not stifficient protection. They soon, learn their friends, and congregate in the, I t i places i 'vill re. no robber molests,, a id• no, gun make them afraid ? —Amerk n Ag xiculturis .. - 1 us ige. red ittd liv , .-1 .n.i l • -'' rano 1 ern on Sons ttly., _, Fanny Fern, (Mrs. Parton,) havinLts ' lost her eldest daughter in marria,,,e, a • makes th i e following reflection, by her:. rather sinnificant. When she Penned, them - - "boesticks " plr. ThomPson,). had probably just declared his interitions f; 7 . "How any young fellow ci.n hiiie the face td, walk into, your family, one-1(1'043 7 , ,errtely ask for one of your daughtera,". surprises me.l That it is dine every day, does not lessen my astonishment at the. sublime . impUdence of the thing. There, you have been, eighteen or twenty years. of her life, combing her hair and washing, 'here face for l —hins ! ..It is lucky the. thoughOnever strikes you when yen are doing it, thau this is' to belle endof all., What if you mere married yourself? that, is no reason why she should be witched. away into a separate establishment just as: you begin to lean upon her,end feel proud; of her; ..or, at least, it stands to Ireasou, that after yeti have worried her through the, measles, the chicken-pox, scalet le- • ver and whooping cough, and h d her, properly baptized and vaccinate , • this . i young man might give you a short reath- .1 ing time befOre she goes. He seems to. be of a, different opinion i ; he not only in-. sists upon taking / her,/ but upon taking' her immediately, if not sooter. He talks, well about it—very well ; you have- no'. objection to him, not, the least 4. 11, tbei world, except that when the world is full, Of girlsovhy couldn't he fixed his• eye on, the daughter; of somebody else 7 f There are some parents' who aro glad to be rid. of their daughters. Blue eyes are as, plentifuhis berries; why need it be t this particular pair? Isn't she happy cionn.b as she is ? • Don't she• have meat, and • breadl, and clothes enough, to say nothing oflove? What is the use of' leaving a,; . _ ' certainty for an 13 neartainty, whe.o that : ..certainty, is amother, and you can! newt.. have but one'?" You put, all these gees-, nom to her, and she has the sauciness to, ask if that is the way you reasoned whew, father came for you. You disdain to answer, of eciurse; it is a mean dpdging of the question..- But she gets round you, fer all.that ; and so does he, tot., though; you try your best net - to-like hilia.; - arid . ; with A 4 We'll, if I must,l must,' you'. , I just order her Wedding clothes, mutter?, ing to yourself the, while„ , Thaii dean ? , what sort of, a fist" will that Child ine.k.e . ar, the head 'era house ?How will she over . know what to do' in this, that, or the oth er, emergency !-she who is calling on 'mother' fifty times a day, to settle evn y trifling question I what folly for her to set - _ up house for herself l'' How many moth'-. ers have 'had these foreboding thoughts _ over a daughter ! And yet, that, daugh- . ter has met life, and its unexpected re-. ; `verses, with a heroism and courage as undaunted as if every. 'girlish tear bad : ' not been, kissed away by 'lips that, As 2,',. may be dust when the baptism al Woman-, hood comes upon her." _ ._. . , , A. man is most to fall down uppcv„. ice when te Tentures upon it dip'6lwai- II